/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2018, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ 'use strict'; ( function() { CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'link', { requires: 'dialog,fakeobjects', // jscs:disable maximumLineLength lang: 'af,ar,az,bg,bn,bs,ca,cs,cy,da,de,de-ch,el,en,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,eo,es,es-mx,et,eu,fa,fi,fo,fr,fr-ca,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,id,is,it,ja,ka,km,ko,ku,lt,lv,mk,mn,ms,nb,nl,no,oc,pl,pt,pt-br,ro,ru,si,sk,sl,sq,sr,sr-latn,sv,th,tr,tt,ug,uk,vi,zh,zh-cn', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE% // jscs:enable maximumLineLength icons: 'anchor,anchor-rtl,link,unlink', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE% hidpi: true, // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE% onLoad: function() { // Add the CSS styles for anchor placeholders. var iconPath = CKEDITOR.getUrl( this.path + 'images' + ( CKEDITOR.env.hidpi ? '/hidpi' : '' ) + '/anchor.png' ), baseStyle = 'background:url(' + iconPath + ') no-repeat %1 center;border:1px dotted #00f;background-size:16px;'; var template = '.%2 a.cke_anchor,' + '.%2 a.cke_anchor_empty' + ',.cke_editable.%2 a[name]' + ',.cke_editable.%2 a[data-cke-saved-name]' + '{' + baseStyle + 'padding-%1:18px;' + // Show the arrow cursor for the anchor image (FF at least). 'cursor:auto;' + '}' + '.%2 img.cke_anchor' + '{' + baseStyle + 'width:16px;' + 'min-height:15px;' + // The default line-height on IE. 'height:1.15em;' + // Opera works better with "middle" (even if not perfect) 'vertical-align:text-bottom;' + '}'; // Styles with contents direction awareness. function cssWithDir( dir ) { return template.replace( /%1/g, dir == 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left' ).replace( /%2/g, 'cke_contents_' + dir ); } CKEDITOR.addCss( cssWithDir( 'ltr' ) + cssWithDir( 'rtl' ) ); }, init: function( editor ) { var allowed = 'a[!href]', required = 'a[href]'; if ( CKEDITOR.dialog.isTabEnabled( editor, 'link', 'advanced' ) ) allowed = allowed.replace( ']', ',accesskey,charset,dir,id,lang,name,rel,tabindex,title,type,download]{*}(*)' ); if ( CKEDITOR.dialog.isTabEnabled( editor, 'link', 'target' ) ) allowed = allowed.replace( ']', ',target,onclick]' ); // Add the link and unlink buttons. editor.addCommand( 'link', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'link', { allowedContent: allowed, requiredContent: required } ) ); editor.addCommand( 'anchor', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'anchor', { allowedContent: 'a[!name,id]', requiredContent: 'a[name]' } ) ); editor.addCommand( 'unlink', new CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand() ); editor.addCommand( 'removeAnchor', new CKEDITOR.removeAnchorCommand() ); editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.CTRL + 76 /*L*/, 'link' ); if ( editor.ui.addButton ) { editor.ui.addButton( 'Link', { label: editor.lang.link.toolbar, command: 'link', toolbar: 'links,10' } ); editor.ui.addButton( 'Unlink', { label: editor.lang.link.unlink, command: 'unlink', toolbar: 'links,20' } ); editor.ui.addButton( 'Anchor', { label: editor.lang.link.anchor.toolbar, command: 'anchor', toolbar: 'links,30' } ); } CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'link', this.path + 'dialogs/link.js' ); CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'anchor', this.path + 'dialogs/anchor.js' ); editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) { // If the link has descendants and the last part of it is also a part of a word partially // unlinked, clicked element may be a descendant of the link, not the link itself (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11956). // The evt.data.element.getAscendant( 'img', 1 ) condition allows opening anchor dialog if the anchor is empty (#501). var element = evt.data.element.getAscendant( { a: 1, img: 1 }, true ); if ( element && !element.isReadOnly() ) { if ( element.is( 'a' ) ) { evt.data.dialog = ( element.getAttribute( 'name' ) && ( !element.getAttribute( 'href' ) || !element.getChildCount() ) ) ? 'anchor' : 'link'; // Pass the link to be selected along with event data. evt.data.link = element; } else if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, element ) ) { evt.data.dialog = 'anchor'; } } }, null, null, 0 ); // If event was cancelled, link passed in event data will not be selected. editor.on( 'doubleclick', function( evt ) { // Make sure both links and anchors are selected (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11822). if ( evt.data.dialog in { link: 1, anchor: 1 } && evt.data.link ) editor.getSelection().selectElement( evt.data.link ); }, null, null, 20 ); // If the "menu" plugin is loaded, register the menu items. if ( editor.addMenuItems ) { editor.addMenuItems( { anchor: { label: editor.lang.link.anchor.menu, command: 'anchor', group: 'anchor', order: 1 }, removeAnchor: { label: editor.lang.link.anchor.remove, command: 'removeAnchor', group: 'anchor', order: 5 }, link: { label: editor.lang.link.menu, command: 'link', group: 'link', order: 1 }, unlink: { label: editor.lang.link.unlink, command: 'unlink', group: 'link', order: 5 } } ); } // If the "contextmenu" plugin is loaded, register the listeners. if ( editor.contextMenu ) { editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element ) { if ( !element || element.isReadOnly() ) return null; var anchor = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, element ); if ( !anchor && !( anchor = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor ) ) ) return null; var menu = {}; if ( anchor.getAttribute( 'href' ) && anchor.getChildCount() ) menu = { link: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF, unlink: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF }; if ( anchor && anchor.hasAttribute( 'name' ) ) menu.anchor = menu.removeAnchor = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF; return menu; } ); } this.compiledProtectionFunction = getCompiledProtectionFunction( editor ); }, afterInit: function( editor ) { // Empty anchors upcasting to fake objects. editor.dataProcessor.dataFilter.addRules( { elements: { a: function( element ) { if ( !element.attributes.name ) return null; if ( !element.children.length ) return editor.createFakeParserElement( element, 'cke_anchor', 'anchor' ); return null; } } } ); var pathFilters = editor._.elementsPath && editor._.elementsPath.filters; if ( pathFilters ) { pathFilters.push( function( element, name ) { if ( name == 'a' ) { if ( CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, element ) || ( element.getAttribute( 'name' ) && ( !element.getAttribute( 'href' ) || !element.getChildCount() ) ) ) return 'anchor'; } } ); } } } ); // Loads the parameters in a selected link to the link dialog fields. var javascriptProtocolRegex = /^javascript:/, emailRegex = /^mailto:([^?]+)(?:\?(.+))?$/, emailSubjectRegex = /subject=([^;?:@&=$,\/]*)/i, emailBodyRegex = /body=([^;?:@&=$,\/]*)/i, anchorRegex = /^#(.*)$/, urlRegex = /^((?:http|https|ftp|news):\/\/)?(.*)$/, selectableTargets = /^(_(?:self|top|parent|blank))$/, encodedEmailLinkRegex = /^javascript:void\(location\.href='mailto:'\+String\.fromCharCode\(([^)]+)\)(?:\+'(.*)')?\)$/, functionCallProtectedEmailLinkRegex = /^javascript:([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)$/, popupRegex = /\s*window.open\(\s*this\.href\s*,\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\s*,\s*'([^']*)'\s*\)\s*;\s*return\s*false;*\s*/, popupFeaturesRegex = /(?:^|,)([^=]+)=(\d+|yes|no)/gi; var advAttrNames = { id: 'advId', dir: 'advLangDir', accessKey: 'advAccessKey', // 'data-cke-saved-name': 'advName', name: 'advName', lang: 'advLangCode', tabindex: 'advTabIndex', title: 'advTitle', type: 'advContentType', 'class': 'advCSSClasses', charset: 'advCharset', style: 'advStyles', rel: 'advRel' }; function unescapeSingleQuote( str ) { return str.replace( /\\'/g, '\'' ); } function escapeSingleQuote( str ) { return str.replace( /'/g, '\\$&' ); } function protectEmailAddressAsEncodedString( address ) { var charCode, length = address.length, encodedChars = []; for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { charCode = address.charCodeAt( i ); encodedChars.push( charCode ); } return 'String.fromCharCode(' + encodedChars.join( ',' ) + ')'; } function protectEmailLinkAsFunction( editor, email ) { var plugin = editor.plugins.link, name = plugin.compiledProtectionFunction.name, params = plugin.compiledProtectionFunction.params, paramName, paramValue, retval; retval = [ name, '(' ]; for ( var i = 0; i < params.length; i++ ) { paramName = params[ i ].toLowerCase(); paramValue = email[ paramName ]; i > 0 && retval.push( ',' ); retval.push( '\'', paramValue ? escapeSingleQuote( encodeURIComponent( email[ paramName ] ) ) : '', '\'' ); } retval.push( ')' ); return retval.join( '' ); } function getCompiledProtectionFunction( editor ) { var emailProtection = editor.config.emailProtection || '', compiledProtectionFunction; // Compile the protection function pattern. if ( emailProtection && emailProtection != 'encode' ) { compiledProtectionFunction = {}; emailProtection.replace( /^([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)$/, function( match, funcName, params ) { compiledProtectionFunction.name = funcName; compiledProtectionFunction.params = []; params.replace( /[^,\s]+/g, function( param ) { compiledProtectionFunction.params.push( param ); } ); } ); } return compiledProtectionFunction; } /** * Set of Link plugin helpers. * * @class * @singleton */ CKEDITOR.plugins.link = { /** * Get the surrounding link element of the current selection. * * CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor ); * * // The following selections will all return the link element. * * <a href="#">li^nk</a> * <a href="#">[link]</a> * text[<a href="#">link]</a> * <a href="#">li[nk</a>] * [<b><a href="#">li]nk</a></b>] * [<a href="#"><b>li]nk</b></a> * * @since 3.2.1 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor * @param {Boolean} [returnMultiple=false] Indicates whether the function should return only the first selected link or all of them. * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element/CKEDITOR.dom.element[]/null} A single link element or an array of link * elements relevant to the current selection. */ getSelectedLink: function( editor, returnMultiple ) { var selection = editor.getSelection(), selectedElement = selection.getSelectedElement(), ranges = selection.getRanges(), links = [], link, range, i; if ( !returnMultiple && selectedElement && selectedElement.is( 'a' ) ) { return selectedElement; } for ( i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++ ) { range = selection.getRanges()[ i ]; // Skip bogus to cover cases of multiple selection inside tables (#tp2245). // Shrink to element to prevent losing anchor (#859). range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT, true, { skipBogus: true } ); link = editor.elementPath( range.getCommonAncestor() ).contains( 'a', 1 ); if ( link && returnMultiple ) { links.push( link ); } else if ( link ) { return link; } } return returnMultiple ? links : null; }, /** * Collects anchors available in the editor (i.e. used by the Link plugin). * Note that the scope of search is different for inline (the "global" document) and * classic (`iframe`-based) editors (the "inner" document). * * @since 4.3.3 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element[]} An array of anchor elements. */ getEditorAnchors: function( editor ) { var editable = editor.editable(), // The scope of search for anchors is the entire document for inline editors // and editor's editable for classic editor/divarea (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11359). scope = ( editable.isInline() && !editor.plugins.divarea ) ? editor.document : editable, links = scope.getElementsByTag( 'a' ), imgs = scope.getElementsByTag( 'img' ), anchors = [], i = 0, item; // Retrieve all anchors within the scope. while ( ( item = links.getItem( i++ ) ) ) { if ( item.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || item.hasAttribute( 'name' ) ) { anchors.push( { name: item.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || item.getAttribute( 'name' ), id: item.getAttribute( 'id' ) } ); } } // Retrieve all "fake anchors" within the scope. i = 0; while ( ( item = imgs.getItem( i++ ) ) ) { if ( ( item = this.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, item ) ) ) { anchors.push( { name: item.getAttribute( 'name' ), id: item.getAttribute( 'id' ) } ); } } return anchors; }, /** * Opera and WebKit do not make it possible to select empty anchors. Fake * elements must be used for them. * * @readonly * @deprecated 4.3.3 It is set to `true` in every browser. * @property {Boolean} */ fakeAnchor: true, /** * For browsers that do not support CSS3 `a[name]:empty()`. Note that IE9 is included because of https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/7783. * * @readonly * @deprecated 4.3.3 It is set to `false` in every browser. * @property {Boolean} synAnchorSelector */ /** * For browsers that have editing issues with an empty anchor. * * @readonly * @deprecated 4.3.3 It is set to `false` in every browser. * @property {Boolean} emptyAnchorFix */ /** * Returns an element representing a real anchor restored from a fake anchor. * * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} Restored anchor element or nothing if the * passed element was not a fake anchor. */ tryRestoreFakeAnchor: function( editor, element ) { if ( element && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) && element.data( 'cke-real-element-type' ) == 'anchor' ) { var link = editor.restoreRealElement( element ); if ( link.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) ) return link; } }, /** * Parses attributes of the link element and returns an object representing * the current state (data) of the link. This data format is a plain object accepted * e.g. by the Link dialog window and {@link #getLinkAttributes}. * * **Note:** Data model format produced by the parser must be compatible with the Link * plugin dialog because it is passed directly to {@link CKEDITOR.dialog#setupContent}. * * @since 4.4 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element * @returns {Object} An object of link data. */ parseLinkAttributes: function( editor, element ) { var href = ( element && ( element.data( 'cke-saved-href' ) || element.getAttribute( 'href' ) ) ) || '', compiledProtectionFunction = editor.plugins.link.compiledProtectionFunction, emailProtection = editor.config.emailProtection, javascriptMatch, emailMatch, anchorMatch, urlMatch, retval = {}; if ( ( javascriptMatch = href.match( javascriptProtocolRegex ) ) ) { if ( emailProtection == 'encode' ) { href = href.replace( encodedEmailLinkRegex, function( match, protectedAddress, rest ) { // Without it 'undefined' is appended to e-mails without subject and body (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/9192). rest = rest || ''; return 'mailto:' + String.fromCharCode.apply( String, protectedAddress.split( ',' ) ) + unescapeSingleQuote( rest ); } ); } // Protected email link as function call. else if ( emailProtection ) { href.replace( functionCallProtectedEmailLinkRegex, function( match, funcName, funcArgs ) { if ( funcName == compiledProtectionFunction.name ) { retval.type = 'email'; var email = retval.email = {}; var paramRegex = /[^,\s]+/g, paramQuoteRegex = /(^')|('$)/g, paramsMatch = funcArgs.match( paramRegex ), paramsMatchLength = paramsMatch.length, paramName, paramVal; for ( var i = 0; i < paramsMatchLength; i++ ) { paramVal = decodeURIComponent( unescapeSingleQuote( paramsMatch[ i ].replace( paramQuoteRegex, '' ) ) ); paramName = compiledProtectionFunction.params[ i ].toLowerCase(); email[ paramName ] = paramVal; } email.address = [ email.name, email.domain ].join( '@' ); } } ); } } if ( !retval.type ) { if ( ( anchorMatch = href.match( anchorRegex ) ) ) { retval.type = 'anchor'; retval.anchor = {}; retval.anchor.name = retval.anchor.id = anchorMatch[ 1 ]; } // Protected email link as encoded string. else if ( ( emailMatch = href.match( emailRegex ) ) ) { var subjectMatch = href.match( emailSubjectRegex ), bodyMatch = href.match( emailBodyRegex ); retval.type = 'email'; var email = ( retval.email = {} ); email.address = emailMatch[ 1 ]; subjectMatch && ( email.subject = decodeURIComponent( subjectMatch[ 1 ] ) ); bodyMatch && ( email.body = decodeURIComponent( bodyMatch[ 1 ] ) ); } // urlRegex matches empty strings, so need to check for href as well. else if ( href && ( urlMatch = href.match( urlRegex ) ) ) { retval.type = 'url'; retval.url = {}; retval.url.protocol = urlMatch[ 1 ]; retval.url.url = urlMatch[ 2 ]; } } // Load target and popup settings. if ( element ) { var target = element.getAttribute( 'target' ); // IE BUG: target attribute is an empty string instead of null in IE if it's not set. if ( !target ) { var onclick = element.data( 'cke-pa-onclick' ) || element.getAttribute( 'onclick' ), onclickMatch = onclick && onclick.match( popupRegex ); if ( onclickMatch ) { retval.target = { type: 'popup', name: onclickMatch[ 1 ] }; var featureMatch; while ( ( featureMatch = popupFeaturesRegex.exec( onclickMatch[ 2 ] ) ) ) { // Some values should remain numbers (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/7300) if ( ( featureMatch[ 2 ] == 'yes' || featureMatch[ 2 ] == '1' ) && !( featureMatch[ 1 ] in { height: 1, width: 1, top: 1, left: 1 } ) ) retval.target[ featureMatch[ 1 ] ] = true; else if ( isFinite( featureMatch[ 2 ] ) ) retval.target[ featureMatch[ 1 ] ] = featureMatch[ 2 ]; } } } else { retval.target = { type: target.match( selectableTargets ) ? target : 'frame', name: target }; } var download = element.getAttribute( 'download' ); if ( download !== null ) { retval.download = true; } var advanced = {}; for ( var a in advAttrNames ) { var val = element.getAttribute( a ); if ( val ) advanced[ advAttrNames[ a ] ] = val; } var advName = element.data( 'cke-saved-name' ) || advanced.advName; if ( advName ) advanced.advName = advName; if ( !CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty( advanced ) ) retval.advanced = advanced; } return retval; }, /** * Converts link data produced by {@link #parseLinkAttributes} into an object which consists * of attributes to be set (with their values) and an array of attributes to be removed. * This method can be used to compose or to update any link element with the given data. * * @since 4.4 * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor * @param {Object} data Data in {@link #parseLinkAttributes} format. * @returns {Object} An object consisting of two keys, i.e.: * * { * // Attributes to be set. * set: { * href: 'http://foo.bar', * target: 'bang' * }, * // Attributes to be removed. * removed: [ * 'id', 'style' * ] * } * */ getLinkAttributes: function( editor, data ) { var emailProtection = editor.config.emailProtection || '', set = {}; // Compose the URL. switch ( data.type ) { case 'url': var protocol = ( data.url && data.url.protocol !== undefined ) ? data.url.protocol : 'http://', url = ( data.url && CKEDITOR.tools.trim( data.url.url ) ) || ''; set[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = ( url.indexOf( '/' ) === 0 ) ? url : protocol + url; break; case 'anchor': var name = ( data.anchor && data.anchor.name ), id = ( data.anchor && data.anchor.id ); set[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = '#' + ( name || id || '' ); break; case 'email': var email = data.email, address = email.address, linkHref; switch ( emailProtection ) { case '': case 'encode': var subject = encodeURIComponent( email.subject || '' ), body = encodeURIComponent( email.body || '' ), argList = []; // Build the e-mail parameters first. subject && argList.push( 'subject=' + subject ); body && argList.push( 'body=' + body ); argList = argList.length ? '?' + argList.join( '&' ) : ''; if ( emailProtection == 'encode' ) { linkHref = [ 'javascript:void(location.href=\'mailto:\'+', // jshint ignore:line protectEmailAddressAsEncodedString( address ) ]; // parameters are optional. argList && linkHref.push( '+\'', escapeSingleQuote( argList ), '\'' ); linkHref.push( ')' ); } else { linkHref = [ 'mailto:', address, argList ]; } break; default: // Separating name and domain. var nameAndDomain = address.split( '@', 2 ); email.name = nameAndDomain[ 0 ]; email.domain = nameAndDomain[ 1 ]; linkHref = [ 'javascript:', protectEmailLinkAsFunction( editor, email ) ]; // jshint ignore:line } set[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] = linkHref.join( '' ); break; } // Popups and target. if ( data.target ) { if ( data.target.type == 'popup' ) { var onclickList = [ 'window.open(this.href, \'', data.target.name || '', '\', \'' ], featureList = [ 'resizable', 'status', 'location', 'toolbar', 'menubar', 'fullscreen', 'scrollbars', 'dependent' ], featureLength = featureList.length, addFeature = function( featureName ) { if ( data.target[ featureName ] ) featureList.push( featureName + '=' + data.target[ featureName ] ); }; for ( var i = 0; i < featureLength; i++ ) featureList[ i ] = featureList[ i ] + ( data.target[ featureList[ i ] ] ? '=yes' : '=no' ); addFeature( 'width' ); addFeature( 'left' ); addFeature( 'height' ); addFeature( 'top' ); onclickList.push( featureList.join( ',' ), '\'); return false;' ); set[ 'data-cke-pa-onclick' ] = onclickList.join( '' ); } else if ( data.target.type != 'notSet' && data.target.name ) { set.target = data.target.name; } } // Force download attribute. if ( data.download ) { set.download = ''; } // Advanced attributes. if ( data.advanced ) { for ( var a in advAttrNames ) { var val = data.advanced[ advAttrNames[ a ] ]; if ( val ) set[ a ] = val; } if ( set.name ) set[ 'data-cke-saved-name' ] = set.name; } // Browser need the "href" fro copy/paste link to work. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/6641) if ( set[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ] ) set.href = set[ 'data-cke-saved-href' ]; var removed = { target: 1, onclick: 1, 'data-cke-pa-onclick': 1, 'data-cke-saved-name': 1, 'download': 1 }; if ( data.advanced ) CKEDITOR.tools.extend( removed, advAttrNames ); // Remove all attributes which are not currently set. for ( var s in set ) delete removed[ s ]; return { set: set, removed: CKEDITOR.tools.objectKeys( removed ) }; }, /** * Determines whether an element should have a "Display Text" field in the Link dialog. * * @since 4.5.11 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element/null} element Selected element, `null` if none selected or if a ranged selection * is made. * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor The editor instance for which the check is performed. * @returns {Boolean} */ showDisplayTextForElement: function( element, editor ) { var undesiredElements = { img: 1, table: 1, tbody: 1, thead: 1, tfoot: 1, input: 1, select: 1, textarea: 1 }, selection = editor.getSelection(); // Widget duck typing, we don't want to show display text for widgets. if ( editor.widgets && editor.widgets.focused ) { return false; } if ( selection && selection.getRanges().length > 1 ) { return false; } return !element || !element.getName || !element.is( undesiredElements ); } }; // TODO Much probably there's no need to expose these as public objects. CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand = function() {}; CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand.prototype = { exec: function( editor ) { // IE/Edge removes link from selection while executing "unlink" command when cursor // is right before/after link's text. Therefore whole link must be selected and the // position of cursor must be restored to its initial state after unlinking. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/13062) if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) { var range = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[ 0 ], link = ( range.getPreviousEditableNode() && range.getPreviousEditableNode().getAscendant( 'a', true ) ) || ( range.getNextEditableNode() && range.getNextEditableNode().getAscendant( 'a', true ) ), bookmark; if ( range.collapsed && link ) { bookmark = range.createBookmark(); range.selectNodeContents( link ); range.select(); } } var style = new CKEDITOR.style( { element: 'a', type: CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE, alwaysRemoveElement: 1 } ); editor.removeStyle( style ); if ( bookmark ) { range.moveToBookmark( bookmark ); range.select(); } }, refresh: function( editor, path ) { // Despite our initial hope, document.queryCommandEnabled() does not work // for this in Firefox. So we must detect the state by element paths. var element = path.lastElement && path.lastElement.getAscendant( 'a', true ); if ( element && element.getName() == 'a' && element.getAttribute( 'href' ) && element.getChildCount() ) this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ); else this.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ); }, contextSensitive: 1, startDisabled: 1, requiredContent: 'a[href]', editorFocus: 1 }; CKEDITOR.removeAnchorCommand = function() {}; CKEDITOR.removeAnchorCommand.prototype = { exec: function( editor ) { var sel = editor.getSelection(), bms = sel.createBookmarks(), anchor; if ( sel && ( anchor = sel.getSelectedElement() ) && ( !anchor.getChildCount() ? CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor( editor, anchor ) : anchor.is( 'a' ) ) ) anchor.remove( 1 ); else { if ( ( anchor = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink( editor ) ) ) { if ( anchor.hasAttribute( 'href' ) ) { anchor.removeAttributes( { name: 1, 'data-cke-saved-name': 1 } ); anchor.removeClass( 'cke_anchor' ); } else { anchor.remove( 1 ); } } } sel.selectBookmarks( bms ); }, requiredContent: 'a[name]' }; CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.config, { /** * Whether to show the Advanced tab in the Link dialog window. * * @cfg {Boolean} [linkShowAdvancedTab=true] * @member CKEDITOR.config */ linkShowAdvancedTab: true, /** * Whether to show the Target tab in the Link dialog window. * * @cfg {Boolean} [linkShowTargetTab=true] * @member CKEDITOR.config */ linkShowTargetTab: true /** * Whether JavaScript code is allowed as a `href` attribute in an anchor tag. * With this option enabled it is possible to create links like: * * <a href="javascript:alert('Hello world!')">hello world</a> * * By default JavaScript links are not allowed and will not pass * the Link dialog window validation. * * @since 4.4.1 * @cfg {Boolean} [linkJavaScriptLinksAllowed=false] * @member CKEDITOR.config */ } ); } )();