' |
echo _('Mass Creation');
echo ' |
echo _('Please provide a csv-file with the following syntax. Values with * are required:');
echo ' |
echo _('Surname*,Givenname*,Username*,PrimaryGroup,Title,Mail,telephonenumber,');
echo ' |
echo _('mobileTelephoneNumber,facsimileNumber,street,postalCode,postalAddress,');
echo ' |
echo _('employeeType. If Primary group is not given it\'ll used from profile.');
echo ' |
echo _('If PrimaryGroup does not exist it will be created.');
echo ' |
echo _('Select Profile:');
echo ' | '.
' |
echo _('Suffix'); echo ' | | '."\n".''._('Help').''.
' |
echo _('Select file:');
echo ' | |
' |
echo '