new_rand(); // hash password with algorithm from config file $hash = ""; switch ($_SESSION['config']->get_pwdhash()) { case 'CRYPT': $hash = "{CRYPT}" . crypt($password); break; case 'MD5': $hash = "{MD5}" . base64_encode(hex2bin(md5($password))); break; case 'SMD5': $salt0 = substr(pack("h*", md5($_SESSION['ldap']->rand)), 0, 8); $salt = substr(pack("H*", md5($salt0 . $password)), 0, 4); $hash = "{SMD5}" . base64_encode(hex2bin(md5($password . $salt)) . $salt); break; case 'SHA': // PHP 4.3+ can use sha1() function if (function_exists(sha1)) { $hash = "{SHA}" . base64_encode(hex2bin(sha1($password))); } // otherwise use MHash elseif (function_exists(mHash)) { $hash = "{SHA}" . base64_encode(mHash(MHASH_SHA1, $password)); } // if SHA1 is not possible use crypt() else { $hash = "{CRYPT}" . crypt($password); } break; case 'SSHA': // PHP 4.3+ can use sha1() function if (function_exists(sha1)) { $salt0 = substr(pack("h*", md5($_SESSION['ldap']->rand)), 0, 8); $salt = substr(pack("H*", sha1($salt0 . $password)), 0, 4); $hash = "{SSHA}" . base64_encode(hex2bin(sha1($password . $salt)) . $salt); } // otherwise use MHash elseif (function_exists(mHash)) { $salt = mhash_keygen_s2k(MHASH_SHA1, $password, substr(pack("h*", md5($_SESSION['ldap']->rand)), 0, 8), 4); $hash = base64_encode(mHash(MHASH_SHA1, $password . $salt) . $salt); $hash = "{SSHA}" . $hash; } // if SSHA is not possible use crypt() else { $hash = "{CRYPT}" . crypt($password); } break; case 'PLAIN': $hash = $password; break; // use SSHA if the setting is invalid default: // PHP 4.3+ can use sha1() function if (function_exists(sha1)) { $salt0 = substr(pack("h*", md5($_SESSION['ldap']->rand)), 0, 8); $salt = substr(pack("H*", sha1($salt0 . $password)), 0, 4); $hash = "{SSHA}" . base64_encode(hex2bin(sha1($password . $salt)) . $salt); } // otherwise use MHash elseif (function_exists(mHash)) { $salt = mhash_keygen_s2k(MHASH_SHA1, $password, substr(pack("h*", md5($_SESSION['ldap']->rand)), 0, 8), 4); $hash = base64_encode(mHash(MHASH_SHA1, $password . $salt) . $salt); $hash = "{SSHA}" . $hash; } // if SSHA is not possible use crypt() else { $hash = "{CRYPT}" . crypt($password); } break; } // enable/disable password if (! $enabled) return pwd_disable($hash); else return $hash; } /** * Marks an password hash as enabled and returns the new hash string * * @param string $hash hash value to enable * @return string enabled password hash */ function pwd_enable($hash) { // check if password is disabled (old wrong LAM method) if ((substr($hash, 0, 2) == "!{") || ((substr($hash, 0, 2) == "*{"))) { return substr($hash, 1, strlen($hash)); } // check for "!" or "*" at beginning of password hash else { if (substr($hash, 0, 1) == "{") { $pos = strpos($hash, "}"); if ((substr($hash, $pos + 1, 1) == "!") || (substr($hash, $pos + 1, 1) == "*")) { // enable hash return substr($hash, 0, $pos + 1) . substr($hash, $pos + 2, strlen($hash)); } else return $hash; // not disabled } else return $hash; // password is plain text } } /** * Marks an password hash as disabled and returns the new hash string * * @param string $hash hash value to disable * @return string disabled hash value */ function pwd_disable($hash) { // check if password is disabled (old wrong LAM method) if ((substr($hash, 0, 2) == "!{") || ((substr($hash, 0, 2) == "*{"))) { return $hash; } // check for "!" or "*" at beginning of password hash else { if (substr($hash, 0, 1) == "{") { $pos = strpos($hash, "}"); if ((substr($hash, $pos + 1, 1) == "!") || (substr($hash, $pos + 1, 1) == "*")) { // hash already disabled return $hash; } else return substr($hash, 0, $pos + 1) . "!" . substr($hash, $pos + 1, strlen($hash)); // not disabled } else return $hash; // password is plain text } } /** * Checks if a password hash is enabled/disabled * * @param string $hash password hash to check * @return boolean true if the password is marked as enabled */ function pwd_is_enabled($hash) { // disabled passwords have a "!" or "*" at the beginning (old wrong LAM method) if ((substr($hash, 0, 2) == "!{") || ((substr($hash, 0, 2) == "*{"))) return false; if (substr($hash, 0, 1) == "{") { $pos = strrpos($hash, "}"); // check if hash starts with "!" or "*" if ((substr($hash, $pos + 1, 1) == "!") || (substr($hash, $pos + 1, 1) == "*")) return false; else return true; } else return true; } /** * Ldap manages connection to LDAP and includes several helper functions. * * @package LDAP */ class Ldap{ /** Object of Config to access preferences */ var $conf; /** Server handle */ var $server; /** LDAP username used for bind */ var $username; /** LDAP password used for bind */ var $password; /** Array with all objectClass strings from the LDAP server */ var $objectClasses; // Capabilities of the LDAP server /** Host attribute in inetOrgPerson */ var $supports_unix_hosts = false; /** ObjectClass sambaAccount */ var $supports_samba2_schema = false; /** ObjectClass sambaSamAccount */ var $supports_samba3_schema = false; /** Random number (changes on every page request) */ var $rand; /** * @param object $config an object of class Config */ function Ldap($config) { setlanguage(); if (is_object($config)) $this->conf = $config; else return false; mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $this->rand = mt_rand(); return true; } /** * Connects to the server using the given username and password * * @param string $user user name * @param string $passwd password * @return mixed if connect succeeds the server handle is returned, else false */ function connect($user, $passwd) { // close any prior connection @$this->close(); // do not allow anonymous bind if ((!$user)||($user == "")||(!$passwd)) { return false; } // save password und username encrypted $this->encrypt_login($user, $passwd); $this->server = @ldap_connect($this->conf->get_ServerURL()); if ($this->server) { // use LDAPv3 ldap_set_option($this->server, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); // start TLS if possible if (function_exists('ldap_start_tls')) { @ldap_start_tls($this->server); // connect without TLS if it failed if (ldap_errno($this->server) != 0) { @ldap_close($this->server); $this->server = @ldap_connect($this->conf->get_ServerURL()); ldap_set_option($this->server, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); } } $bind = @ldap_bind($this->server, $user, $passwd); if ($bind) { // read objectClasses from server and update capabilities if needed if (! $this->objectClasses) { $this->updateClasses(); $this->updateCapabilities(); } // return success number return ldap_errno($this->server); } // return error number else return ldap_errno($this->server); } else return false; } /** Closes connection to server */ function close() { @ldap_close($this->server); } /** * Searches LDAP for a specific user name and returns its DN entry * * @param string $name user name * @return string DN */ function search_username($name) { $filter = "(uid=$name)"; $attrs = array(); $sr = @ldap_search($this->server, $this->conf->get_UserSuffix(), $filter, $attrs); if ($sr) { $info = ldap_get_entries($this->server, $sr); // return only first DN entry $ret = $info[0]["dn"]; ldap_free_result($sr); return $ret; } } /** * Returns an array with all organizational units under the given suffix * * @param string $suffix search suffix * @return array DNs of organizational units */ function search_units($suffix) { $ret = array(); $sr = @ldap_search($this->server(), $suffix, "objectClass=organizationalunit", array("DN")); if ($sr) { $units = ldap_get_entries($this->server, $sr); // extract Dns for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($units); $i++) { if ($units[$i]['dn']) $ret[] = $units[$i]['dn']; } } // add root suffix if needed $found = false; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ret); $i++) { // search suffix case-intensitive if (strtolower($suffix) == strtolower($ret[$i])) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $ret[] = $suffix; } usort($ret, array($this,"cmp_array")); return $ret; } /** * Returns an array with all Samba 3 domain entries under the given suffix * * @param string $suffix search suffix * @return array list of samba3domain objects */ function search_domains($suffix) { $ret = array(); $attr = array("DN", "sambaDomainName", "sambaSID", "sambaNextRid", "sambaNextGroupRid", "sambaNextUserRid", "sambaAlgorithmicRidBase"); $sr = @ldap_search($this->server(), $suffix, "objectClass=sambaDomain", $attr); if ($sr) { $units = ldap_get_entries($this->server, $sr); // delete count entry array_shift($units); // extract attributes for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($units); $i++) { $ret[$i] = new samba3domain(); $ret[$i]->dn = $units[$i]['dn']; $ret[$i]->name = $units[$i]['sambadomainname'][0]; $ret[$i]->SID = $units[$i]['sambasid'][0]; $ret[$i]->nextRID = $units[$i]['sambanextrid'][0]; $ret[$i]->nextGroupRID = $units[$i]['sambanextgrouprid'][0]; $ret[$i]->nextUserRID = $units[$i]['sambanextuserrid'][0]; if (isset($units[$i]['sambaalgorithmicridbase'][0])) $ret[$i]->RIDbase = $units[$i]['sambaalgorithmicridbase'][0]; } // sort array by domain name usort($ret, array($this,"cmp_domain")); } return $ret; } /** Reads the array of objectClasses from the LDAP server */ function updateClasses() { // read from default cn $sr = @ldap_read($this->server, 'cn=subschema', '(objectClass=*)', array('objectclasses')); // if default was not correct check different cn if (!$sr) $sr = @ldap_read($this->server, 'cn=schema', '(objectClass=*)', array('objectclasses')); if ($sr) { // get search result and save it $info = @ldap_get_entries($this->server,$sr); if ($info) { $this->objectClasses = $info[0]['objectclasses']; array_shift($this->objectClasses); return true; } } // if search failed save empty result $this->objectClasses = array(); } /** Updates the capabilities values (var $supports_*) */ function updateCapabilities() { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->objectClasses); $i++) { $line = $this->objectClasses[$i]; // search keywords if (strpos($line, "NAME 'inetOrgPerson'") && strpos($line, " host ")) $this->supports_unix_hosts = true; if (strpos($line, "NAME 'sambaAccount'")) $this->supports_samba2_schema = true; if (strpos($line, "NAME 'sambaSamAccount'")) $this->supports_samba3_schema = true; } } /** * Returns the LDAP connection handle * * @return object connection handle */ function server() { return $this->server; } /** Closes connection to LDAP server before serialization */ function __sleep() { $this->close(); // define which attributes to save return array("conf", "username", "password", "ldapUserAttributes", "ldapGroupAttributes", "ldapHostAttributes", "objectClasses", "supports_unix_hosts", "supports_samba2_schema", "supports_samba3_schema", "rand"); } /** Reconnects to LDAP server when deserialized */ function __wakeup() { $data = $this->decrypt_login(); $this->connect($data[0], $data[1]); // change random number mt_srand($this->rand + (microtime() * 1000000)); $this->rand = mt_rand(); // delete PDF files which are older than 10 min if (isset($_SESSION['lampath'])) { $relpath = $_SESSION['lampath'] . 'tmp/'; $time = time(); $dir = @opendir($relpath); while ($file = @readdir($dir)) { if (substr($file, -4) == '.pdf') { $path = $relpath . $file; if ($time - filemtime($path) > 600) { @unlink($path); } } } @closedir($h); } } /** Calculates a new value for rand */ function new_rand() { // change random number mt_srand($this->rand + (microtime() * 1000000)); $this->rand = mt_rand(); } /** * Encrypts a string * * @param string $data string to encrypt * @return object encrypted string */ function encrypt($data) { // use MCrypt if available if (function_exists(mcrypt_create_iv)) { // read key and iv from cookie $iv = base64_decode($_COOKIE["IV"]); $key = base64_decode($_COOKIE["Key"]); // encrypt string return mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $data, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv); } // use Blowfish if MCrypt is not available else { // read key and iv from cookie $iv = base64_decode($_COOKIE["IV"]); $key = base64_decode($_COOKIE["Key"]); $b_key = $iv . $key; // encrypt string $b_fish = new Cipher_blowfish(); return $b_fish->encrypt($data, $b_key); } } /** * Decrypts a string * * @param object $data string to decrypt * @return string decrypted string */ function decrypt($data) { // use MCrypt if available if (function_exists(mcrypt_create_iv)) { // read key and iv from cookie $iv = base64_decode($_COOKIE["IV"]); $key = base64_decode($_COOKIE["Key"]); // decrypt string $ret = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $data, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv); $ret = str_replace(chr(00), "", $ret); return $ret; } // use Blowfish if MCrypt is not available else { // read key and iv from cookie $iv = base64_decode($_COOKIE["IV"]); $key = base64_decode($_COOKIE["Key"]); $b_key = $iv . $key; // decrypt string $b_fish = new Cipher_blowfish(); return $b_fish->decrypt($data, $b_key); } } /** * Encrypts username and password * * @param string $username LDAP user name * @param string $password LDAP password */ function encrypt_login($username, $password) { // encrypt username and password $this->username = base64_encode($this->encrypt($username)); $this->password = base64_encode($this->encrypt($password)); } /** * Decrypts username and password * * @return array array(user name, password) */ function decrypt_login() { // decrypt username and password $username = $this->decrypt(base64_decode($this->username)); $password = $this->decrypt(base64_decode($this->password)); $ret = array($username, $password); return $ret; } /** Closes connection to LDAP server and deletes encrypted username/password */ function destroy() { $this->close(); $this->username="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; $this->password="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; } /** * Helper function to sort the unit DNs * * @param string $a first argument to compare * @param string $b second argument to compare * @return integer 0 if equal, 1 if $a is greater, -1 if $b is greater */ function cmp_array($a, $b) { // split DNs $array_a = explode(",", $a); $array_b = explode(",", $b); $len_a = sizeof($array_a); $len_b = sizeof($array_b); // check how many parts to compare $len = min($len_a, $len_b); // compare from last part on for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { // get parts to compare $part_a = strtolower($array_a[$len_a - $i - 1]); $part_b = strtolower($array_b[$len_b - $i - 1]); // compare parts if ($part_a == $part_b) { // part is identical if ($i == ($len - 1)) { if ($len_a > $len_b) return 1; elseif ($len_a < $len_b) return -1; else return 0; // DNs are identical } } elseif ($part_a == max($part_a, $part_b)) return 1; else return -1; } } /** * Helper function to sort the domains * * @param string $a first argument to compare * @param string $b second argument to compare * @return integer 0 if equal, 1 if $a is greater, -1 if $b is greater */ function cmp_domain($a, $b) { if ($a->name == $b->name) return 0; elseif ($a->name == max($a->name, $b->name)) return 1; else return -1; } } /** * Represents a Samba 3 domain entry * * @package LDAP */ class samba3domain { /** DN */ var $dn; /** Domain name */ var $name; /** Domain SID */ var $SID; /** Next RID */ var $nextRID; /** Next user RID */ var $nextUserRID; /** Next group RID */ var $nextGroupRID; /** RID base to calculate RIDs, default 1000 */ var $RIDbase = 1000; } ?>