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<chapter id="a_installation">

  <section id="a_install">
    <title>New installation</title>


      <para>LAM has the following requirements to run:</para>

          <para>Apache/Nginx webserver (SSL recommended) with PHP module (PHP
          (&gt;= 5.6.0) with ldap, gettext, xml, openssl and optional

          <para>Some LAM plugins may require additional PHP extensions (you
          will get a note on the login page if something is missing)</para>

          <para>Perl (optional, needed only for <link

          <para>Any standard LDAP server (e.g. OpenLDAP, Active Directory,
          Samba 4, OpenDJ, 389 Directory Server, Apache DS, ...)</para>

          <para>A recent web browser that supports CSS2 and JavaScript, at

                <para>Firefox (max. 2 years old)</para>

                <para>Internet Explorer 11 <emphasis
                role="bold">(compatibility mode turned off)</emphasis></para>

                <para>Opera (max. 2 years old)</para>

                <para>Chrome (max. 2 years old)</para>

      <para>OpenSSL will be used to store your LDAP password encrypted in the
      session file.</para>

      <para>Please note that LAM does not ship with a selinux policy. Please
      disable selinux or <link linkend="selinux">create your own

      <para>See <link linkend="a_schema">LDAP schema fles</link> for
      information about used LDAP schema files.</para>

      <title>Prepackaged releases</title>

      <para>LAM is available as prepackaged version for various


        <informaltable frame="none" tabstyle="noborder">
          <tgroup cols="2">
                      <imagedata fileref="images/debian.png"/>

                <entry>LAM is part of the official Debian repository. New
                releases are uploaded to unstable and will be available
                automatically in testing and the stable releases. You can
                run<literal> </literal><para><emphasis role="bold">apt-get
                install ldap-account-manager</emphasis></para>to install LAM
                on your server. Additionally, you may download the latest LAM
                Debian packages from the <ulink type=""
                homepage</ulink> or the <ulink
                package homepage</ulink>.<para><emphasis
                role="bold">Installation of the latest packages on
                      <para>Install the LAM package</para>

                      <para>dpkg -i ldap-account-manager_*.deb</para>

                      <para>If you get any messages about missing dependencies
                      run now: apt-get -f install</para>

                      <para>Install the lamdaemon package (optional)</para>

                      <para>dpkg -i


        <informaltable frame="none">
          <tgroup cols="2">
                      <imagedata fileref="images/suse.png"/>
                      <imagedata fileref="images/fedora.png"/>

                <entry>There are RPM packages available on the <ulink type=""
                homepage</ulink>. The packages can be installed with these
                commands:<para><emphasis role="bold">rpm -e
                ldap-account-manager ldap-account-manager-lamdaemon</emphasis>
                (if an older version is installed)</para><para><emphasis
                role="bold">rpm -i &lt;path to LAM
</literallayout><para><emphasis role="bold">Note:</emphasis> The RPM packages
                for Fedora/CentOS do not contain a dependency to PHP due to
                the various package names for it. Please make sure that you
                install Apache/Nginx with PHP.</para></entry>

        <title>Other RPM based distributions</title>

        <para>The RPM packages for Suse/Fedora are very generic and should be
        installable on other RPM-based distributions, too. The Fedora packages
        use apache:apache as file owner and the Suse ones use


        <informaltable frame="none">
          <tgroup cols="2">
                      <imagedata fileref="images/freebsd.png"/>

                <entry>LAM is part of the official FreeBSD ports tree. For
                more details see these pages:<para>FreeBSD-SVN: <ulink

      <title>Installing the tar.bz2</title>

        <title>Extract the archive</title>

        <para>Please extract the archive with the following command:</para>

        <para>tar xjf ldap-account-manager-&lt;version&gt;.tar.bz2</para>

        <title>Install the files</title>

          <title>Manual copy</title>

          <para>Copy the files into the html-file scope of the web server. For
          example /apache/htdocs or /var/www/html.</para>

          <para>Then set the appropriate file permissions inside the LAM

              <para>sess: write permission for apache/nginx user</para>

              <para>tmp: write permission for apache/nginx user</para>

              <para>tmp/internal: write permission for apache/nginx

              <para>config (with subdirectories): write permission for
              apache/nginx user</para>

              <para>lib/lamdaemon.pl: set executable</para>

          <title>With configure script</title>

          <para>Instead of manually copying files you can also use the
          included configure script to install LAM. Just run these commands in
          the extracted directory:</para>


              <para>make install</para>

          <para>Options for "./configure":</para>

              <para>--with-httpd-user=USER USER is the name of your
              Apache/Nginx user account (default httpd)</para>

              <para>--with-httpd-group=GROUP GROUP is the name of your
              Apache/Nginx group (default httpd)</para>

              <para>--with-web-root=DIRECTORY DIRECTORY is the name where LAM
              should be installed (default /usr/local/lam)</para>

        <title>Configuration files</title>

        <para>Copy config/config.cfg.sample to config/config.cfg. Open the
        index.html in your web browser:</para>

            <para>Follow the link "LAM configuration" from the start page to
            <link linkend="a_configuration">configure LAM</link>.</para>

            <para>Select "Edit general settings" to setup global settings and
            to change the <link linkend="a_configPasswords">master
            configuration password</link> (default is "lam").</para>

            <para>Select "Edit server profiles" to setup a server

        <title>Webserver configuration</title>

        <para>Please see the <link linkend="apache">Apache</link> or <link
        linkend="nginx">Nginx</link> chapter.</para>

      <title>System configuration</title>


        <para>LAM runs with PHP5 (&gt;= 5.2.4). Needed changes in your

        <para>memory_limit = 64M</para>

        <para>For large installations (&gt;10000 LDAP entries) you may need to
        increase the memory limit to 256M.</para>

        <para>If you run PHP with activated <ulink
        extension please check your logs for alerts. E.g. LAM requires that
        "suhosin.post.max_name_length" and
        "suhosin.request.max_varname_length" are increased (e.g. to

        <title>Locales for non-English translation</title>

        <para>If you want to use a translated version of LAM be sure to
        install the needed locales. The following table shows the needed
        locales for the different languages.</para>


          <tgroup cols="2">
                <entry><emphasis role="bold">Language</emphasis></entry>

                <entry><emphasis role="bold">Locale</emphasis></entry>



                <entry>Chinese (Simplified)</entry>


                <entry>Chinese (Traditional)</entry>






                <entry>English - Great Britain</entry>

                <entry>no extra locale needed</entry>

                <entry>English - USA</entry>


























        <para>You can get a list of all installed locales on your system by

        <para>locale -a</para>

        <para>Debian users can add locales with "dpkg-reconfigure

    <title>Upgrading LAM or migrate from LAM to LAM Pro</title>

    <para>Upgrading from LAM to LAM Pro is like installing a new LAM version.
    Simply install the LAM Pro packages/tar.bz2 instead of the LAM

      <title>Upgrade LAM</title>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Backup configuration files</emphasis></para>

      <para>Configuration files need only to be backed up for .tar.bz2
      installations. DEB/RPM installations do not require this step.</para>

      <para>LAM stores all configuration files in the "config" folder. Please
      backup the following files and copy them after the new version is





      <para>LAM Pro only:</para>


      <para><emphasis role="bold">Uninstall current LAM (Pro)

      <para>If you used the RPM installation packages then remove the
      ldap-account-manager and ldap-account-manager-lamdaemon packages by
      calling "rpm -e ldap-account-manager

      <para>Debian needs no removal of old packages.</para>

      <para>For tar.bz2 please remove the folder where you installed LAM via
      configure or by copying the files.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Install new LAM (Pro)

      <para>Please <link linkend="a_install">install</link> the new LAM (Pro)
      release. Skip the part about setting up LAM configuration files.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Restore configuration


      <para>Please check if there are any files ending with ".rpmsave" in
      /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config. In this case you need to manually
      remove the .rpmsave extension by overwriting the package file. E.g.
      rename default.user.rpmsave to default.user.</para>


      <para>Nothing needs to be restored.</para>


      <para>Please restore your configuration files from the backup. Copy all
      files from the backup folder to the config folder in your LAM Pro
      installation. Do not simply replace the folder because the new LAM (Pro)
      release might include additional files in this folder. Overwrite any
      existing files with your backup files.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Final steps</emphasis></para>

      <para>Now open your webbrowser and point it to the LAM login page. All
      your settings should be migrated.</para>

      <para>Please check also the <link linkend="a_versUpgrade">version
      specific instructions</link>. They might include additional

    <section id="a_versUpgrade">
      <title>Version specific upgrade instructions</title>

      <para>You need to follow all steps from your current version to the new
      version. Unless explicitly noticed there is no need to install an
      intermediate release.</para>

        <title>6.3 -&gt; 6.4</title>

        <para>No actions needed.</para>

        <title>6.2 -&gt; 6.3</title>

        <para>Unix: Options in server profile for Unix users and groups need
        to be reconfigured. Several settings (e.g. id generation) are now
        specific to subaccount type.</para>

        <para>Self Service: If you use a captcha for user self registration
        this needs to be reconfigured. On tab General settings please activate
        Google reCAPTCHA (the checkbox to secure login is optional). On tab
        Module settings please tick the captcha checkbox at self registration

        <title>6.1 -&gt; 6.2</title>

        <para>No actions required.</para>

        <title>6.0 -&gt; 6.1</title>

        <para>DEB+RPM configuration for nginx uses PHP 7 by default. Please
        see /etc/ldap-account-manager/nginx.conf if you use PHP 5.</para>

        <title>5.7 -&gt; 6.0</title>

        <para>No actions needed.</para>

        <title>5.6 -&gt; 5.7</title>

        <para>Windows: The department attribute was changed from
        "departmentNumber" to "department" to match Windows user manager. The
        attribute "departmentNumber" is no more supported by the Windows
        module. You will need to reactivate the department option in your
        server profile on module settings tab.</para>

        <title>5.5 -&gt; 5.6</title>

        <para>Mail routing: No longer added by default. Use profile editor to
        activate by default for new users/groups.</para>

        <para>Personal/Unix/Windows: no more replacement of e.g. $user/$group
        on user upload</para>

        <title>5.4 -&gt; 5.5</title>

        <para>LAM Pro requires a license key. You can find it in your <ulink

        <title>5.1 -&gt; 5.4</title>

        <para>No special actions needed.</para>

        <title>5.0 -&gt; 5.1</title>

        <para>Self Service: There were large changes to provide a responsive
        design that works for desktop and mobile. If you use custom CSS to
        style Self Service then this must be updated.</para>

        <title>4.9 -&gt; 5.0</title>

        <para>Samba 3: If you used logon hours then you need to set the
        correct time zone on tab "Generel settings" in server profile.</para>

        <title>4.5 -&gt; 4.9</title>

        <para>No special actions needed.</para>

        <title>4.4 -&gt; 4.5</title>

        <para>LAM will no longer follow referrals by default. This is ok for
        most installations. If you use LDAP referrals please activate referral
        following for your server profile (tab General settings -&gt; Server
        settings -&gt; Advanced options).</para>

        <para>The self service pages now have an own option for allowed IPs.
        If your LAM installation uses IP restrictions please update the LAM
        main configuration.</para>

        <para>Password self reset (LAM Pro) allows to set a backup email
        address. You need to <link
        linkend="passwordSelfResetSchema_update">update</link> the LDAP schema
        if you want to use this feature.</para>

        <title>4.3 -&gt; 4.4</title>

        <para>Apache configuration: LAM supports Apache 2.2 and 2.4. This
        requires that your Apache server has enabled the "version" module. For
        Debian and Fedora this is the default setup. The Suse RPM will try to
        enable the version module during installation.</para>

        <para>Kolab: User accounts get the object class "mailrecipient" by
        default. You can change this behaviour in the module settings section
        of your LAM server profile.</para>

        <para>Windows: sAMAccountName is no longer set by default. Enable it
        in server profile if needed. The possible domains for the user name
        can also be set in server profile.</para>

        <title>4.2.1 -&gt; 4.3</title>

        <para>LAM is no more shipped as tar.gz package but as tar.bz2 which
        allows smaller file sizes.</para>

        <title>4.1 -&gt; 4.2/4.2.1</title>

        <para>Zarafa users: The default attribute for mail aliases is now
        "dn". If you use "uid" and did not change the server profile for a
        long time please check your LAM server profile for this setting and
        save it.</para>

        <title>4.0 -&gt; 4.1</title>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Unix:</emphasis> The list of valid login
        shells is no longer configured in "config/shells" but in the
        server/self service profiles (Unix settings). LAM will use the
        following shells by default: /bin/bash, /bin/csh, /bin/dash,
        /bin/false, /bin/ksh, /bin/sh.</para>

        <para>Please update your server/self service profile if you would like
        to change the list of valid login shells.</para>

        <title>3.9 -&gt; 4.0</title>

        <para>The account profiles and PDF structures are now separated by
        server profile. This means that if you edit e.g. an account profile in
        server profile A then this change will not affect the account profiles
        in server profile B.</para>

        <para>LAM will automatically migrate your existing files as soon as
        the login page is loaded.</para>

        <para>Special install instructions:</para>

            <para>Debian: none, config files will be migrated when opening
            LAM's login page</para>

            <para>Suse/Fedora RPM:</para>

                <para>Run "rpm -e ldap-account-manager

                <para>You may get warnings like "warning:
                saved as

                <para>Please rename all files "*.rpmsave" and remove the file
                extension ".rpmsave". E.g. "default.user.rpmsave" needs to be
                renamed to "default.user".</para>

                <para>Install the LAM packages with "rpm -i". E.g. "rpm -i

                <para>Open LAM's login page in your browser to complete the

            <para>tar.gz: standard upgrade steps, config files will be
            migrated when opening LAM's login page</para>

        <title>3.7 -&gt; 3.9</title>

        <para>No changes.</para>

        <title>3.6 -&gt; 3.7</title>

        <para>Asterisk extensions: The extension entries are now grouped by
        extension name and account context. LAM will automatically assign
        priorities and set same owners for all entries.</para>

        <title>3.5.0 -&gt; 3.6</title>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Debian users:</emphasis> LAM 3.6 requires
        to install FPDF 1.7. You can download the package <ulink
        If you use Debian Stable (Squeeze) please use the package from Testing

        <title>3.4.0 -&gt; 3.5.0</title>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">LAM Pro:</emphasis> The global
        config/passwordMailTemplate.txt is no longer supported. You can setup
        the mail settings now for each LAM server profile which provides more

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Suse/Fedora RPM installations:</emphasis>
        LAM is now installed to /usr/share/ldap-account-manager and

        <para>Please note that configuration files are not migrated
        automatically. Please move the files from /srv/www/htdocs/lam/config
        (Suse) or /var/www/html/lam/config (Fedora) to

        <title>3.3.0 -&gt; 3.4.0</title>

        <para>No changes.</para>

        <title>3.2.0 -&gt; 3.3.0</title>

        <para>If you use custom images for the PDF export then these images
        need to be 5 times bigger than before (e.g. 250x250px instead of
        50x50px). This allows to use images with higher resolution.</para>

        <title>3.1.0 -&gt; 3.2.0</title>

        <para>No changes.</para>

        <title>3.0.0 -&gt; 3.1.0</title>

        <para>LAM supported to set a list of valid workstations on the
        "Personal" page. This required to change the LDAP schema. Since 3.1.0
        this is replaced by the new "Hosts" module for users.</para>

        <para>Lamdaemon: The sudo entry needs to be changed to
        ".../lamdaemon.pl *".</para>

        <title>2.3.0 -&gt; 3.0.0</title>

        <para>No changes.</para>

        <title>2.2.0 -&gt; 2.3.0</title>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">LAM Pro:</emphasis> There is now a
        separate account type for group of (unique) names. Please edit your
        server profiles to activate the new account type.</para>

        <title>1.1.0 -&gt; 2.2.0</title>

        <para>No changes.</para>

  <section id="a_uninstall">
    <title>Uninstallation of LAM (Pro)</title>

    <para>If you used the prepackaged installation packages then remove the
    ldap-account-manager and ldap-account-manager-lamdaemon packages.</para>

    <para>Otherwise, remove the folder where you installed LAM via configure
    or by copying the files.</para>

    <title>Migration to a new server</title>

    <para>To move LAM (Pro) from one server to another please follow these

        <para>Install LAM (Pro) on your new server</para>

        <para>Copy the following files from the old server to the new one
        (base directory for RPM/DEB is





            <para>config/selfService/*.* (needed for LAM Pro only)</para>

        <para>The files must be writable for the webserver user.</para>

        <para>Open LAM (Pro) login page on new server and verify

        <para>Uninstall LAM (Pro) on old server.</para>