# LDAP Account Manager
# Slavko <linux@slavino.sk>, 2011, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LAM 0.5\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: post@rolandgruber.de \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-01-14 17:45+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-15 16:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Slavko <linux@slavino.sk>\n"
"Language-Team: slovenčina <debian-l10n-slovak@lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: podstrome uid objectClass Asterix CRYPT pixely\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: spolocnost podstromu SID vasaspolocnost domena\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: memberUID TLS homes cfg vasadomena home aliasy UID\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: SSHA aliasov ucty LM Asterisk neaktivity ldaps\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: memberUid config ldap SMD5 ferko lam Account shell\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: MD5 LDAPS IP dc Lamdaemon Nedoporučujeme SHA GID\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Gecos NIS PDF RDN ID DHCP LAM People profiles\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: lamdaemon sk Syslog Manager SSH LDAP LDIF Pro Kolab\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: localhost inadomena ín Aliasy Service jhrasko Quota\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: skupina2 skupina1 RTP Karakas Buenos Hraško yes\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: vypršanom NOPASSWD group Islamabád Zarafa add tj\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: NAT RID automontu dn VašaSpoločnosť URN URI\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: sambaPwdLastSet ACL POP3 priklad DynDNS rdn\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: FreeRadius OID Authorized sambaAlgorithmicRidBase\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: podpoložky fileuploads Winbind Autentifikačná\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: aliasu Administrators Postfix Aires NoOp Aliasovaná\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: NetBIOS kalkulátore kodeky host mojadomena CSV IMAP\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Azora podržaného WINS voicemail sambaSID INI\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Message delete inody newsuperier replace peer\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: pouziv02 false skupina01 Karáči automount skupina02\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: CSS Automated deleteoldrdn maxUID Stredoatlantický\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: štruktúrovanie PDU pc02 pc01 UNC DNS Bagdád grace\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: sendvoicemail account local mv NBNS EDU pouziv inodov\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: sudo uidNumber CVS phpGroupware ini conf stroj1\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: stroj2 mojaskupina 0x08 atribúta kodekov 0x04\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: H-Nodes pagera 0x01 0x02 newrdn deaktivovaný Shadow\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: NSS backupRootFileSystem asterisk IT pouziv03 realm\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: pouziv01 Abú pouziv2 pouziv1 phpGroupWare VCARD\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: person Accounting Dháka Dhabí prehrávaná\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: zlyhaným všesmerového Broadcast true samobslužné\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: všesmerové landeamon popisovačov odregistruje\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Auckland Jakarta ssh-dss Magadan Kapverdy Pert Mixed\n"
"X-POFile-SpellExtra: test-start Pager Midway cache\n"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:85 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:88
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:91 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:102
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:87 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:90
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:93 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:117
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:129 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:132
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:135 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:191
msgid "\"Send as\" attribute"
msgstr "Atribút „Poslať ako”"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:69 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:124
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:147 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:159
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:196 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:323
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:543 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:83
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:111 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:164
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:178 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:194
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:233 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:379
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:631 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:89
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:172 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:215
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:374 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:401
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:420 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:464
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:840 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1336
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1532
msgid "\"Send as\" privileges"
msgstr "Práva „Poslať ako”"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:384
msgid ""
"$user and $group will be replaced with user name and primary group name."
msgstr ""
"$user a $group sú nahradené používateľským menom a menom primárnej skupiny."

#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:124
msgid "(host1,user1,example.com);(host2,user2,example.com)"
msgstr "(stroj1,pouziv1,priklad.sk);(stroj2,pouziv2,priklad.sk)"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:231
msgid "/home/smiller"
msgstr "/home/jhrasko"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:411
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:177
msgid "123-123-1234"
msgstr "123-123-1234"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:427
msgid "123-123-1235"
msgstr "123-123-1235"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:435
msgid "123-123-1236"
msgstr "123-123-1236"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:419
msgid "123-124-1234"
msgstr "123-124-1234"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:403
msgid "12345"
msgstr "12345"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:153
msgid ""
"<b>B-Node (0x01): Broadcast.</b><br/>The client tries to find other "
"workstations via broadcasting\n"
"(works only inside the same collision domain, viz. the same subnet).<br/><br/"
"<b>P-Node (0x02): Point-To-Point</b><br />\n"
"The client contacts a Netbios name server (NBNS) from Microsoft Windows Name "
"Service (WINS) for name resolution.<br/><br/>\n"
"<b>M-Node (0x04): Mixed</b><br />\n"
"The node tries broadcasting first. If that fails then it tries WINS.<br/><br/"
"<b>H-Node (0x08): Hybrid</b><br />\n"
"The node tries WINS first. If that fails it tries broadcasting.<br/><br/>\n"
"By default, the nodes are configured as H-Nodes which fits for small "
"networks. In large networks Point-to-Point (0x02) should be used."
msgstr ""
"<b>B-Node (0x01): Broadcast.</b><br/>Klient sa ostatné pracovné stanice "
"pokúša nájsť pomocou všesmerového vysielania\n"
"(pracuje len vrámci kolíznej domény, tj. v rovnakej podsieti).<br/><br/>\n"
"<b>P-Node (0x02): Point-To-Point</b><br />\n"
"Klient na preklad mena kontaktuje menný server NetBIOS (NBNS) z Microsoft "
"Windows Name Service (WINS).<br/><br/>\n"
"<b>M-Node (0x04): Mixed</b><br />\n"
"Uzol sa najprv pokúša o všesmerové vysielanie. Ak zlyhá, použije WINS.<br/"
"<b>H-Node (0x08): Hybrid</b><br />\n"
"Uzol najprv skúša WINS. Ak zlyhá, použije všesmerové vysielanie.<br/><br/>\n"
"Predvolene sú uzly nastavené ako H-Nodes, čo stačí pre malé siete. Vo "
"veľkých sieťach by ste mali použiť Point-to-Point (0x02)."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:145
#, php-format
msgid "<b>Maximum length:</b> %s characters"
msgstr "<b>Maximálna dĺžka:</b> %s znakov"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:1179
msgid ""
"A confirmation mail was sent. Please click on the link in the mail to "
msgstr ""
"Potvrdzovací email bol odoslaný. Prosím, kliknite na odkaz v emaili na "

#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:75
msgid "A description for this device."
msgstr "Popis tohoto zariadenia."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:159
msgid "A list of attributes to display in the results (comma-separated)"
msgstr "Zoznam atribútov, zobrazených vo výsledkoch (oddelené čiarkou)"

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:84 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:113
msgid "A list of options (e.g. NOPASSWD)."
msgstr "Zoznam volieb (napr. NOPASSWD)."

#: ../templates/massBuildAccounts.php:118
msgid "A required column is missing in your CSV file."
msgstr "Vo vašom súbore CVS chýba povinný stĺpec."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:132
msgid ""
"A user may define who is allowed to act on behalf of herself. This property "
"is checked when using the Kolab smtp daemon (Postfix) to send emails."
msgstr ""
"Používateľ môže definovať, kto má právo jednať v jeho zastúpení. Táto "
"vlastnosť je kontrolovaná pri odosielaní emailov pomocou SMTP démona Kolab "

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:593
msgid "A valid deleteoldrdn attribute should be specified"
msgstr "Musí byť zadaný platný atribút deleteoldrdn"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:237
msgid "A valid dn line is required"
msgstr "Je vyžadovaný platný DN"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:596
msgid "A valid newrdn attribute should be specified"
msgstr "Musí byť zadaný platný atribút newrdn"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:587
msgid "A valid newsuperior attribute should be specified"
msgstr "Musí byť zadaný platný atribút newsuperior"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:122
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:251
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:333
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:409
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:701
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1197
msgid "AMA flags"
msgstr "Príznaky AMA"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:340
msgid "Abandon"
msgstr "Opustiť"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:587
msgid "Aborted password change."
msgstr "Zmena hesla zrušená."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:543
msgid "Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku"
msgstr "Abú Dhabí, Maskat, Baku"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:250 ../help/help.inc:103
msgid "Access level"
msgstr "Prístupová úroveň"

#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:58
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Účet"

#: ../templates/massBuildAccounts.php:174
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:171
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:173
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:175
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:177
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:178
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:179 ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:109
#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:110 ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:620
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:623
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:626
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:629
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:631
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:633
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:635
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:637
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:639 ../lib/modules/account.inc:118
#: ../lib/modules/ieee802device.inc:89 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:158
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:160 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:161
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:162 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:163
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:492 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:496
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:497 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:188
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:190 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:191
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:192 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:193
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:195 ../lib/modules/device.inc:127
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:128 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:286
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:288 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:290
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:292 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:294
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:295 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:297
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:299 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:304
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:305 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:216
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:218 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:220
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:222 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:223
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:224 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:225
#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:51 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:53
#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:55 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:57
#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:59 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:61
#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:62 ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:145
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:146
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:147
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:88 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:91
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:94 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:96
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:97 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:98
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:99
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:100
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:102
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:103
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:104
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:105
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:106
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:107
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:108
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:110
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:111 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:81 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:85
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:93 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:94
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:95 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:96
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:97 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:98
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:100 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:101
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:102 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:104
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:410 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:412
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:414 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:415
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:417 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:419
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:421 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:422
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:423 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:424
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:425 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:426
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:427 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:428
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:86 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:230
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:232 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:234
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:236 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:238
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:240 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:242
#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:158 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:117
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:441
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:442
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:58 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:60
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:62 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:64
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:66 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:67
#: ../lib/modules/automount.inc:105 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:202
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:204 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:206
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:208 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:210
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:212 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:49
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:51 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:53
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:55 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:57
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:59 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:61
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:63 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:65
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:67 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:69
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:71 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:73
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:75 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:77
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:78 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:79
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:82 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:91
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:93 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:95
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:97 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:99
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:101 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:103
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:242 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:244
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:246 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:248
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:250 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:252
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:224 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:226
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:228 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:230
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:232 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:234
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:121 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:123
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:125 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:126
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:206
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:212
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:214
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:124
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:126
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:128
#: ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:79
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:115
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:174
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:175
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:176
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:178
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:180 ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:107
#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:109 ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:104
#, php-format
msgid "Account %s:"
msgstr "Účet %s:"

#: ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:95 ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:153
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:102
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:317
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:329
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:373
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:671
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1189
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:90
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:121
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:128
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:144
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:298
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:793
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:82
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:118
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:128
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:142
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:244
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:394
msgid "Account context"
msgstr "Kontext účtu"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:118
msgid "Account creation via file upload"
msgstr "Vytvorenie účtov pomocou nahrania súboru"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:391
msgid "Account deactivated"
msgstr "Účet deaktivovaný"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:197
msgid "Account details"
msgstr "Podrobnosti účtu"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:104 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:323
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:438
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1136
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1383
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1523
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:121 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:184
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:224 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:341
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:426 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:484
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:72
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:122
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:154
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:247
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:347
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:484
msgid "Account expiration date"
msgstr "Dátum vypršania platnosti účtu"

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:162
msgid "Account inactive"
msgstr "Neaktívny účet"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:263
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:269
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:430
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1104
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1519
msgid "Account is deactivated"
msgstr "Účet je deaktivovaný"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:266
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1110
msgid "Account is locked"
msgstr "Účet je zamknutý"

#: ../templates/delete.php:86
msgid "Account name:"
msgstr "Meno účtu:"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:132 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfdelete.php:85
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:110
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:318
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:331
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:393
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:679
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1191
msgid "Account type"
msgstr "Typ účtu"

#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:159
#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:196
#: ../templates/config/moduleSettings.php:158
#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:177
msgid "Account types"
msgstr "Typy účtov"

#: ../help/help.inc:105
msgid "Account types and modules"
msgstr "Typy účtov a moduly"

#: ../help/help.inc:107
msgid ""
"Account types define which sorts of LDAP entries (e.g. users and groups) "
"should be managed. The account modules define which properties (e.g. Unix "
"and Samba) can be edited."
msgstr ""
"Typy účtov udávajú, ktoré typy položiek LDAP (napr. používatelia a skupiny) "
"majú byť spravované. Moduly účtov definujú, ktoré vlastnosti (napr. Unix a "
"Samba) možno upravovať."

#: ../lib/modules.inc:1212
msgid "Account was created successfully."
msgstr "Účet bol úspešne vytvorený."

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:619 ../lib/modules.inc:1215
msgid "Account was modified successfully."
msgstr "Účet bol úspešne upravený."

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:128
msgid "Action type"
msgstr "Typ akcie"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:87 ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:352
msgid "Activate DynDNS"
msgstr "Aktivovať DynDNS"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:230
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:365
msgid "Activate TLS"
msgstr "Aktivovať TLS"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:330
msgid "Activate this checkbox to allow this user to use the terminal service."
msgstr ""
"Aktivácia tohoto zaškrtávacieho poľa umožní tomuto používateľovi použiť "
"terminálovú službu."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:351
msgid "Activate this checkbox to connect drives from the client machine."
msgstr ""
"Aktivácia tohoto zaškrtávacieho poľa umožní pripojiť zariadenia klientského "

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:354
msgid "Activate this checkbox to connect printers from the client machine."
msgstr ""
"Aktivácia tohoto zaškrtávacieho poľa umožní pripojiť tlačiarne klientského "

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:339
msgid ""
"Activate this checkbox to inherit the initial program and working directory "
"from the client machine."
msgstr ""
"Aktivácia tohoto zaškrtávacieho poľa umožní zdediť počiatočný pracovný a "
"programový adresár klientského stroja."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:357
msgid "Activate this checkbox to set the client's printer as default printer."
msgstr ""
"Aktivácia tohoto zaškrtávacieho poľa umožní nastaviť tlačiareň klienta ako "
"predvolenú tlačiareň."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:363
msgid "Activating this checkbox will remove the user's home directory."
msgstr ""
"Aktivácia tohoto zaškrtávacieho poľa odstráni domovský adresár používateľa."

#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:92
#: ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:133
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:156
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:255
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:469
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:65 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:130
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:224 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:79
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:154 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:172
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:270 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:641
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:64
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:109
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:131
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:197
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:330 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:69
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:180 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:274
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:595
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktívne"

#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:223
msgid "Active account types"
msgstr "Aktívne typy účtov"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:305 ../templates/serverInfo.php:382
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:233
#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:286
#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:214
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:210
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:543 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:553
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:563 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:577
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1206
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1210
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:78
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:121
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:358 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:414
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:250 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:875
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1530 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1558
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:876 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:910
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:272 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1841
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:269 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:296
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:323 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:350
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:377 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:404
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:272 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:384
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Pridať"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:968
msgid "Add Asterisk account"
msgstr "Pridať účet Asterisk"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:288
msgid "Add Asterisk voicemail extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie Asterisk voicemail"

#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:181
msgid "Add Authorized Service extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie Authorized Service"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:398
msgid "Add EDU person extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie EDU person"

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:344
msgid "Add FreeRadius extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie FreeRadius"

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:181
msgid "Add IP address extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie IP adresy"

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:271
msgid "Add Kerberos extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie Kerberos"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:398
msgid "Add Kolab extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie Kolab"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1247
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:293
msgid "Add Samba 3 extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie Samba 3"

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:369
msgid "Add Shadow account extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie Shadow account"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:110 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:174
msgid "Add Zarafa contact extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie Zarafa kontakt"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:280 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:152
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:153 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:198
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:439 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:176
msgid "Add Zarafa extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie Zarafa"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/modify_member_form.php:143
msgid "Add all"
msgstr "Pridať všetko"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2073
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2074
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2077
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2091
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2092
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2095
msgid "Add an additional value to attribute"
msgstr "Pridá atribútu ďalšiu hodnotu"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:342
msgid "Add another rule"
msgstr "Pridať iné pravidlo"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1876
msgid "Add entries"
msgstr "Pridať položky"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:397 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:453
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:293 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:914
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:315 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:427
msgid "Add entries of this type:"
msgstr "Pridať položky tohoto typu:"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:353
msgid "Add fix IP addresses to DNS"
msgstr "Pridať do DNS statické IP adresy"

#: ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:162
msgid "Add host extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie host"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:471 ../help/help.inc:188
msgid "Add input field"
msgstr "Pridať vstupné pole"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:37
#, php-format
msgid "Add new <b>%s</b> value to <b>%s</b>"
msgstr "Pridať novú hodnotu <b>%s</b> do <b>%s</b>"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1208
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1211
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:29
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:48
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:166
msgid "Add new attribute"
msgstr "Pridať nový atribút"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1207
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1211
msgid "Add new attribute to this object"
msgstr "Pridá touto objektu nový atribút"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:89
msgid "Add new binary attribute"
msgstr "Pridať nový binárny atribút"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:463 ../help/help.inc:186
msgid "Add new group"
msgstr "Pridať novú skupinu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:117
msgid "Add new object class"
msgstr "Pridať novú triedu objektu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:60
#, php-format
msgid "Add new object class to <b>%s</b>"
msgstr "Pridať novú triedu objektu do <b>%s</b>"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:94
msgid "Add object class and attributes"
msgstr "Pridať novú triedu objektu a atribúty"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:245
msgid "Add password self reset extension"
msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie obnovenia hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:709 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1763
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1800 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2641
msgid "Add photo"
msgstr "Pridať fotografiu"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:221
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:234
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:203
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:211 ../help/help.inc:124
msgid "Add profile"
msgstr "Pridať profil"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/modify_member_form.php:143
msgid "Add selected"
msgstr "Pridať vybrané"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:149
msgid "Add value"
msgstr "Pridať hodnotu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:28
msgid "Adding"
msgstr "Pridávanie"

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:108
msgid "Adding the range failed because errors occured."
msgstr "Pridanie rozsahu zlyhalo, pretože nastala chyba."

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:412 ../help/help.inc:192
msgid "Additional CSS links"
msgstr "Ďalšie pripojené CSS"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:65
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:69 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:64
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:68
msgid "Additional email addresses for this entry."
msgstr "Ďalšie emailové adresy tejto položky."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:223 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:318
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:354 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:399
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1112 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1369
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1472
msgid "Additional groups"
msgstr "Ďalšie skupiny"

#: ../templates/massDoUpload.php:128
msgid "Additional tasks for module:"
msgstr "Ďalšie úlohy pre modul:"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1270
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"

#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:138
#, php-format
msgid "Address list count: %s"
msgstr "Počet zoznamov adries: %s"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:70
msgid "Address of IMAP server (e.g. mail.example.org)."
msgstr "Adresa servera IMAP (napr. mail.priklad.sk)."

#: ../help/help.inc:187
msgid ""
"Adds a new group element to the list of self service options. Use this to "
"structure the input fields."
msgstr ""
"Pridáva do zoznamu samoobslužných volieb novú skupinu prvkov. Použite na "
"štruktúrovanie vstupných polí."

#: ../help/help.inc:189
msgid "Adds a new self service option to the selected group element."
msgstr "Do zvolenej skupiny prvkov pridá novú samoobslužnú voľbu."

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:95
msgid "Adds input fields for a new IP range."
msgstr "Pridáva vstupné polia pre nový rozsah IP adries."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:93 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:301
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:359 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:604
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1318
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administrátor"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:85
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:173
msgid "Admin DN"
msgstr "DN administrátora"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:89
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:177
msgid "Admin password"
msgstr "Heslo administrátora"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:363 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:467
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administrácia"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:389 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:112
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:101
msgid "Administrators group"
msgstr "Skupina Administrators"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:92 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:96
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:160 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:198
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:287 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:677
msgid "Affiliations"
msgstr "Vzťahy"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:530
msgid "Alaska"
msgstr "Aljaška"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:211 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:212
msgid "Algorithmic RID base is not a number!"
msgstr "Základ algoritmického RID nie je číslo!"

#: ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:38
msgid "Alias"
msgstr "Alias"

#: ../lib/types/mailAlias.inc:135 ../lib/types/alias.inc:135
#, php-format
msgid "Alias count: %s"
msgstr "Počet aliasov: %s"

#: ../lib/types/alias.inc:62
msgid "Alias entries"
msgstr "Položky aliasov"

#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:106 ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:107
msgid "Alias is empty or invalid!"
msgstr "Alias je neplatný alebo prázdny!"

#: ../lib/types/mailAlias.inc:91 ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:67
#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:82 ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:96
#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:144 ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:287
msgid "Alias name"
msgstr "Meno aliasu"

#: ../lib/types/alias.inc:92 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:45
#: ../lib/modules/uidObject.inc:52 ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:54
#: ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:62 ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:70
#: ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:91 ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:100
#: ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:229
msgid "Aliased entry"
msgstr "Aliasovaná položka"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:224 ../lib/types/alias.inc:53
msgid "Aliases"
msgstr "Aliasy"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:633
#, php-format
msgid "All accounts (%s)"
msgstr "Všetky účty (%s)"

#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceMain.php:310
#: ../templates/initsuff.php:157
msgid "All changes were successful."
msgstr "Všetky zmeny boli úspešné."

#: ../lib/lists.inc:632
#, php-format
msgid "All selected accounts (%s)"
msgstr "Všetky zvolené účty (%s)"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:110 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:187
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:301 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:671
msgid "Allow machine password changes"
msgstr "Povoliť zmeny hesiel strojov"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:90 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:124
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:147 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:286
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:497
msgid "Allow password change"
msgstr "Povoliť zmenu hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:211
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:329
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1429
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1715
msgid "Allow terminal server login"
msgstr "Povoliť prihlásenie k terminálovému serveru"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:194
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:287
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:351
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:541
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:878
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1251
msgid "Allowed codec"
msgstr "Povolené kodeky"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:194 ../lib/types/user.inc:95
#: ../help/help.inc:146
msgid "Allowed hosts"
msgstr "Povolené stroje"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1273
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1274
msgid "Allowed workstations"
msgstr "Povolené pracovné stanice"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:545
msgid "Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo"
msgstr "Alma-ata, Dháka, Kolombo"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:50
msgid "Always accept"
msgstr "Vždy prijať"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:51
msgid "Always reject"
msgstr "Vždy odmietnuť"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1018
#, php-format
msgid "An attribute (%s) was modified and is highlighted below."
msgstr "Atribút (%s) bol zmenený a je zvýraznený nižšie."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:222
msgid "An sudo role with this name already exists. Please choose another name."
msgstr "Rola sudo s týmto menom už existuje. Prosím, zvoľte iné meno."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:69
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:144
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:152
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:223
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:265
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:372
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:516
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:789
msgid "Answer"
msgstr "Odpoveď"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:334 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:795
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:897
msgid "Anyone"
msgstr "Všetci"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:102
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:157
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:358
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:809
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Aplikácia"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:86
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:164
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:366
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:810
msgid "Application data"
msgstr "Dáta aplikácie"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:144 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:148
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:188 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:334
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:398 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:555
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:958 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1366
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1391
msgid "Archive servers"
msgstr "Archívne servery"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:553
msgid "Archiving"
msgstr "Archivovanie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:53
msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete these objects?"
msgstr "Naozaj chcete trvalo odstrániť tieto objekty?"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:107
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:51
msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this object?"
msgstr "Naozaj chcete trvalo odstrániť tento objekt?"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:114
msgid "Ask"
msgstr "Spýtať sa"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:66
msgid "Asterisk"
msgstr "Asterisk"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:123
msgid "Asterisk AMA (Automated Message Accounting) flags."
msgstr "Príznaky Asterisk AMA (Automated Message Accounting)."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:71
msgid "Asterisk extension"
msgstr "Rozšírenie Asterisk"

#: ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:56
msgid "Asterisk extensions"
msgstr "Rozšírenia Asterisk"

#: ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:65
msgid "Asterisk extensions entries"
msgstr "Položky rozšírení Asterix"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:114
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:241
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:311
msgid "Asterisk realm"
msgstr "Autentifikačná doména Asterisk"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:64
msgid "Asterisk voicemail"
msgstr "Asterisk voicemail"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:111
msgid "Asterisk voicemail context."
msgstr "kontext Asterisk voicemail."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:535
msgid "Atlantic time (Canada), Caracas"
msgstr "Atlantický čas (Kanada), Karakas"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:455
msgid "Attempting to delete a non existent attribute"
msgstr "Pokúšate sa odstrániť neexistujúci atribút"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:466
msgid "Attempting to replace a non existant attribute"
msgstr "Pokúšate sa nahradiť neexistujúci atribút"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:55
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:81
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Atribút"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_update.php:137
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:72
msgid "Attribute doesn't exist"
msgstr "Atribút neexistuje"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_edit.php:117
msgid "Attribute not available"
msgstr "Atribút nie je dostupný"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:535
msgid "Attribute not valid"
msgstr "Atribút nie je platný"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:67 ../templates/schema/schema.php:68
msgid "Attribute types"
msgstr "Typy atribútov"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:551
msgid "Auckland, Fiji, Kamchatka"
msgstr "Auckland, Fidži, Kamčatka"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:115
msgid ""
"Authentication realm for Asterisk server (default: asterisk). This value set "
"in sip.conf (option: \"realm\")."
msgstr ""
"Autentifikačná doména (realm) pre server Asterisk (predvolené: asterisk). "
"Táto hodnota sa nastavuje v sip.conf (voľba: „realm”)."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:223
msgid "Authentication user for outbound proxies."
msgstr "Overenie používateľa pre odchádzajúce proxy."

#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:64
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:74
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:78
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:90
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:97
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:101
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:155
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:278
msgid "Authorized Services"
msgstr "Autorizované služby"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:77 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:560
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:129 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:134
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:147
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:377 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:121
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1377 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:99
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:188
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:82
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:102
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:128 ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:94
msgid "Automatically add this extension"
msgstr "Automaticky pridať toto rozšírenie"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:39 ../lib/types/automountType.inc:48
msgid "Automount entries"
msgstr "Položky automount"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:78 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:40
#: ../lib/modules/automount.inc:58 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:78
#: ../lib/modules/automount.inc:94 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:104
#: ../lib/modules/automount.inc:124 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:191
msgid "Automount entry"
msgstr "Položka automount"

#: ../lib/modules/automount.inc:104 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:105
msgid ""
"Automount entry contains invalid characters. Only ASCII characters are "
msgstr ""
"Položka automount obsahuje neplatné znaky. Povolené sú len znaky ASCII."

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:175
#, php-format
msgid "Automount entry count: %s"
msgstr "Počet položiek automount: %s"

#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:206 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:54
msgid "Available account types"
msgstr "Dostupné typy účtov"

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:55 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:67
msgid "Available actions"
msgstr "Dostupné akcie"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1207 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1237
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:376
msgid "Available groups"
msgstr "Dostupné skupiny"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/modify_member_form.php:93
msgid "Available members"
msgstr "Dostupní členovia"

#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:295
msgid "Available modules"
msgstr "Dostupné moduly"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:253 ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:448
msgid "Available users"
msgstr "Dostupní používatelia"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1276
msgid "Available workstations"
msgstr "Dostupné pracovné stanice"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:538
msgid "Azores, Cape Verde Islands"
msgstr "Azora, Kapverdy"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:87
msgid "B-Node (0x01)"
msgstr "B-Node (0x01)"

#: ../templates/massBuildAccounts.php:250 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:404
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:277 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:460
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:300 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1293
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1275 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1348
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:921 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:970
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:390 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1801
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1877 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:322
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:434
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Späť"

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:47
msgid "Back to DHCP list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam DHCP"

#: ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:30
msgid "Back to NIS object list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam objektov NIS"

#: ../lib/baseType.inc:46
msgid "Back to account list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam účtov"

#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:44
msgid "Back to address list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam adries"

#: ../lib/types/mailAlias.inc:44 ../lib/types/alias.inc:44
msgid "Back to alias list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam aliasov"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:30
msgid "Back to automount list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam automount"

#: ../lib/types/smbDomain.inc:44
msgid "Back to domain list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam domén"

#: ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:47
msgid "Back to extensions list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam rozšírení"

#: ../templates/lists/userlink.php:63 ../lib/types/gon.inc:44
#: ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:44 ../lib/types/group.inc:45
#: ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:44
msgid "Back to group list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam skupín"

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:44
msgid "Back to host list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam strojov"

#: ../templates/delete.php:269
msgid "Back to list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:155 ../templates/config/index.php:71
#: ../templates/config/conflogin.php:109 ../templates/config/mainlogin.php:114
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceSP.php:96
#: ../templates/selfService/adminLogin.php:109
msgid "Back to login"
msgstr "Späť na prihlásenie"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:30
msgid "Back to policy list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam politík"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:159
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:136
msgid "Back to profile login"
msgstr "Späť na prihlásenie k profilom"

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:30
msgid "Back to sudo role list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam rolí sudo"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:44
msgid "Back to user list"
msgstr "Späť na zoznam používateľov"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/entry_chooser.php:64
msgid "Back up"
msgstr "Späť hore"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:161
msgid "Backends"
msgstr "Backendy"

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:130
msgid "Backup script"
msgstr "Zálohovací skript"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:542
msgid "Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow"
msgstr "Bagdád, Rijád, Moskva"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:546
msgid "Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta"
msgstr "Bangkok, Hanoj, Jakarta"

#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:93
#: ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:94
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:80
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:90
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:141
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:159
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:172
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:205
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:454
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:68
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:78
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:117
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:133
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:144
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:173
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:320
msgid "Base"
msgstr "Základ"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:142
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:31
msgid "Base (base dn only)"
msgstr "Základ (len základný dn)"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:121
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:506
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:59
msgid "Base DN"
msgstr "Základný DN"

#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:203 ../help/help.inc:138
msgid "Base module"
msgstr "Základný modul"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:434
msgid "Beginning"
msgstr "Začínanie"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:547
msgid "Beijing, Perth, Singapore"
msgstr "Peking, Pert, Singapur"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:644
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:648
msgid "Binary value"
msgstr "Binárna hodnota"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:284 ../templates/serverInfo.php:373
msgid "Bind"
msgstr "Zviazať"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:368
msgid "Bind password"
msgstr "Heslo väzby (bind)"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:366
msgid "Bind user"
msgstr "Používateľ väzby (bind)"

#: ../help/help.inc:122
msgid "Bind user and password"
msgstr "Používateľ a heslo väzby (bind)"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:52 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:94
msgid "Block hard quota"
msgstr "Pevná kvóta blokov"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:52 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:53
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:94 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:95
msgid ""
"Block hard quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are "
msgstr ""
"Pevná kvóta blokov obsahuje neplatné znaky. Dovolené sú len prirodzené čísla."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:58 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:100
msgid "Block quota"
msgstr "Kvóta blokov"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:50 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:92
msgid "Block soft quota"
msgstr "Mäkká kvóta blokov"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:50 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:51
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:92 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:93
msgid ""
"Block soft quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are "
msgstr ""
"Mäkká kvóta blokov obsahuje neplatné znaky. Dovolené sú len prirodzené čísla."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:58 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:59
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:100 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:101
msgid "Block soft quota must be smaller than block hard quota."
msgstr "Mäkká kvóta blokov musí byť menšia ako pevná kvóta blokov."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:536
msgid "Brazil, Buenos Aires"
msgstr "Brazília, Buenos Aires"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:53
msgid "Building snapshot of tree to copy"
msgstr "Zostavovanie snímky stromu na kopírovanie"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:73
msgid "Builtin group"
msgstr "Zabudovaná skupiny"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_edit.php:63
msgid "Bulk edit the following DNs"
msgstr "Hromadná úprava nasledujúcich DN"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_update.php:48
msgid "Bulk update the following DNs"
msgstr "Hromadná aktualizácia nasledujúcich DN"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:81 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:127
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:268 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:361
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:573 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:725
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1662 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2038
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2619
msgid "Business category"
msgstr "Obchodná kategória"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:726
msgid "Business category (e.g. Administration, IT-Services, Manangement, ...)"
msgstr "Obchodná kategória (napr. Administrácia, Služby IT, Manažment, ...)"

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:81
msgid ""
"By default, LAM will show the executed command along with any output of it. "
"If you want to hide the command and only show the output then activate this "
msgstr ""
"LAM bude predvolene bude ukazovať vykonávané príkazy spolu s ich celým "
"výstupom. Ak chcete skryť príkazy a zobraziť len ich výstup, aktivujte túto "

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:251 ../templates/serverInfo.php:257
msgid "Bytes sent"
msgstr "odoslaných bajtov"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:241
msgid "CSV file"
msgstr "Súbor CVS"

#: ../help/help.inc:101
msgid "Cache timeout"
msgstr "Časový limit cache"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:126
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:253
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:334
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:417
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:710
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1200
msgid "Call groups"
msgstr "Skupiny volajúcich"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:94
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:328
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:366
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:655
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1188
msgid "Caller ID"
msgstr "ID volajúceho"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:284
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:287
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:290
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:296 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:400
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:369
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:169 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:173
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:177 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:181
msgid "Can be left empty."
msgstr "Možno ponechať prázdne."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:214
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:297
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:356
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:577
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:927
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1266
msgid "Can call forward"
msgstr "Môže presmerovať hovory"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:248
#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:277 ../templates/ou_edit.php:119
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:235
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:247
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:256
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:273
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:284
#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:253
#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:218
#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:394
#: ../templates/config/moduleSettings.php:229
#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:280
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:212
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:228
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:241
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:569
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfdelete.php:96 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:585
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:158 ../templates/delete.php:108
#: ../templates/profedit/profiledelete.php:92
#: ../templates/profedit/profilepage.php:230
#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:157
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:197
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:83
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:136
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:121
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:119
#: ../templates/initsuff.php:189 ../lib/types/automountType.inc:199
#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:234 ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:277
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:359 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:415
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:251 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1368
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1411
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1497 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:876
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:567 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:445
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:480 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1842
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:477 ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:140
#: ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:160 ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:403
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:273 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:385
#: ../lib/lists.inc:642 ../lib/lists.inc:714 ../lib/modules.inc:1109
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zrušiť"

#: ../templates/login.php:484 ../templates/login.php:542
#: ../templates/login.php:547 ../templates/selfService/selfServiceLogin.php:90
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceLogin.php:126
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceLogin.php:131
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceMain.php:139
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceMain.php:153
msgid "Cannot connect to specified LDAP server. Please try again."
msgstr "Nemožno sa pripojiť k zadanému serveru LDAP. Prosím, skúste znova."

#: ../templates/login.php:247 ../lib/config.inc:1357
msgid "Cannot open config file!"
msgstr "Nemožno otvoriť konfiguračný súbor!"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:161
msgid "Cannot update quota."
msgstr "Nemožno zmeniť kvótu."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:105 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:178
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:266 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:383
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:416 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:546
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1301
msgid "Capacity"
msgstr "kapacita"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:413
msgid "Captions and labels"
msgstr "Nadpisy a menovky"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:126 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:264
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:497 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:567
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:745 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1647
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2040 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2605
msgid "Car license"
msgstr "Vodičský preukaz"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:540
msgid "Central Europe Time, Paris, Berlin"
msgstr "Stredoeurópsky čas, Paríž, Berlín"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:533
msgid "Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City"
msgstr "Centrálny čas (USA & Kanada), Mexiko"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:430
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:484 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:493
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:199 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:236
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:180 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1139
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1407 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:467
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:558 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:344
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:441 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1719
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:333 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:473
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:228 ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:271
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:250
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:261
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:399 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:181
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:199
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Zmeniť"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:217 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:428
msgid "Change GID number of users and hosts"
msgstr "Zmeniť číslo GID používateľov a strojov"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:280
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:283 ../help/help.inc:132
msgid "Change default profile"
msgstr "Zmeniť predvolený profil"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:234 ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:277
#: ../lib/lists.inc:714
msgid "Change list settings"
msgstr "Zmeniť nastavenia zoznamu"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:245 ../help/help.inc:134
msgid "Change master password"
msgstr "Zmeniť hlavné heslo"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:180
#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:245
#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:247
#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:274
#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:276 ../lib/types/user.inc:326
#: ../help/help.inc:99
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Zmeniť heslo"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:187
#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:188
msgid "Change password now?"
msgstr "Zmeniť heslo teraz?"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:247
msgid "Change passwords"
msgstr "Zmeniť heslá"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:235 ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:278
#: ../lib/lists.inc:715
msgid "Change settings"
msgstr "Zmeniť nastavenia"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:909
msgid "Changed value because only ASCII characters are allowed."
msgstr "Hodnota mzenená, pretože sú poovolené len znaky ASCII."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:146
msgid "Charlie"
msgstr "Janko"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1142
msgid "Check home directories"
msgstr "Skontrolovať domovské adresáre"

#: ../templates/tests/index.php:52 ../lib/tools/tests.inc:112
msgid "Check if quotas and homedirectories can be managed."
msgstr "Skontrolovať, či možno spravovať kvóty a domovské adresáre."

#: ../templates/tests/index.php:58 ../lib/tools/tests.inc:118
msgid ""
"Check if the LDAP schema fits the requirements of the selected account "
msgstr "Skontrolovať, či schéma LDAP spĺňa požiadavky na zvolené moduly účtu."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2401
msgid "Check password"
msgstr "Skontrolvoať heslo"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:85
msgid "Check quotas"
msgstr "Skontrolovať kvóty"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:235
msgid ""
"Check your input carefully. LAM will only do some basic checks on the upload "
msgstr ""
"Skontrolujte pozorne svoj vstup. LAM bude robiť len základné kontroly "
"nahrávaných dát."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1224
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1229
msgid "Children"
msgstr "Potomkovia"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/entry_chooser.php:23
msgid "Choose entry"
msgstr "Zvoľte položku"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:82
msgid ""
"Choose the way how to provide the IMAP admin password. You can use the same "
"password as for the LAM login or LAM will ask you for a password when it is "
msgstr ""
"Vyberte spôsob, akým poskytnúť heslo administrátora IMAP. Môžete použiť "
"rovnaké heslo ako pre prihlásenie do LAM alebo si LAM heslo vyžiada, keď to "
"bude potrebné."

#: ../lib/config.inc:158
msgid "Click here if you are not directed to the next page."
msgstr "Kliknite tu, ak ste neboli presmerovaný na nasledujúcu stránku."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2349
msgid "Click to popup a dialog to select a date graphically"
msgstr "Kliknite a vo vyskakovacom kone vyberte dáta graficky"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:2293
msgid "Click to popup a dialog to select an entry (DN) graphically"
msgstr "Kliknite a vo vyskakovacom kone vyberte položku (DN) graficky"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:280
msgid "Click to switch between thumbnail and original size."
msgstr "Kliknite na prepnutie medzi miniatúrou a originálnou veľkosťou."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:223
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:356
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1465
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1743
msgid "Client printer is default"
msgstr "Tlačiareň klienta je predvolená"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:197
msgid "Collective"
msgstr "Spoločný"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:270
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Stĺpce"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:296
msgid ""
"Comma separated list of Samba workstations the user is allowed to login. "
"Empty means every workstation."
msgstr ""
"Čiarkou oddelený zoznam pracovných staníc Samba, ku ktorým má používateľ "
"dovolené prihlásiť sa. Prázdne znamneá všetky stanice."

#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:79
msgid "Comma separated list of services (e.g. sshd, imap, ftp)."
msgstr "Čiarkou oddelený zoznam služieb (napr. sshd,imap,ftp)."

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:80 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:129
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Príkaz"

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:71 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:97
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:146 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:175
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:184 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:318
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:693
msgid "Commands"
msgstr "Príkazy"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:117
msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Odoslať"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:103 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:148
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:204 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:321
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:403 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:425
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1092 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1467
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:2098 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:74
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:595 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:701
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1233 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2036
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2163
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:110
msgid "Common name"
msgstr "Bežné meno"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:111
msgid "Common name of the Asterisk extension."
msgstr "Bežné meno rozšírenia Asterisk."

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:333 ../templates/serverInfo.php:394
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1168
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1172
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare_form.php:33
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare_form.php:60
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/password_checker.php:39
msgid "Compare"
msgstr "Porovnať"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare_form.php:28
#, php-format
msgid "Compare another DN with <b>%s</b>"
msgstr "Porovnať iný DN s <b>%s</b>"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1169
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1173
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare_form.php:49
msgid "Compare this DN with another"
msgstr "Porovnať túto položku DN a inou"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1170
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1173
msgid "Compare with another entry"
msgstr "Porovnať s inou položkou"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare.php:42
msgid "Comparing the following DNs"
msgstr "provnávanie nasledujúcich DN"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:282 ../templates/serverInfo.php:369
msgid "Completed"
msgstr "Dokončené"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:112
msgid "Config suffix"
msgstr "Prípona nastavení"

#: ../templates/config/index.php:50
msgid "Configuration overview"
msgstr "Prehľad nastavení"

#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:375
msgid "Conflicting module:"
msgstr "Konfliktný modul:"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:221
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:350
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1461
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1733
msgid "Connect client drives"
msgstr "Pripojiť disky klienta"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:222
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:353
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1463
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1738
msgid "Connect client printers"
msgstr "Pripojiť tlačiarne klienta"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:228
msgid "Connection statistics"
msgstr "Štatistiky pripojenia"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:218
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1449
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1726
msgid "Connection time limit"
msgstr "Časový limit pripojenia"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1473
msgid "Contact data"
msgstr "Údaje kontaktu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:721
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1301
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:54
msgid "Container"
msgstr "Kontajner"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1458
msgid "Container and object classes"
msgstr "Kontajner a triedy objektov"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:27
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:88
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:108
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopírovať"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:32
#, php-format
msgid "Copy <b>%s</b> to a new object."
msgstr "Kopírovať <b>%s</b> do nového objektu."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1098
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1099
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1102
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1103
msgid "Copy or move this entry"
msgstr "Kopírovať alebo presunúť túto položku"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:130
#, php-format
msgid "Copy successful. DN <b>%s</b> has been created."
msgstr "Kopírovanie úspešné. DN <b>%s</b> bol vytvorený."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:48
msgid "Copying"
msgstr "Kopírovanie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:37
msgid "Could not add object"
msgstr "Nemožno pridať objekt"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:370
msgid "Could not add the object to the LDAP server."
msgstr "Nemožno pridať objekt do servera LDAP."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_attr.php:30
msgid "Could not delete attribute value."
msgstr "Nemožno odstrániť hodnotu atribútu."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:38
msgid "Could not delete object"
msgstr "Nemožno odstrániť objekt"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete.php:37
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:47
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:73
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:90
msgid "Could not delete the entry."
msgstr "Nemožno zmazať položku."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/download_binary_attr.php:37
#, php-format
msgid "Could not fetch binary data from LDAP server for attribute [%s]."
msgstr "Nemožno získať binárne dáta atribútu [%s] zo servera LDAP."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:1946
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/view_jpeg_photo.php:60
#, php-format
msgid "Could not fetch jpeg data from LDAP server for attribute [%s]."
msgstr "Nemožno získať dáta JPEG atribútu [%s] zo servera LDAP."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:41
msgid "Could not modify object"
msgstr "Nemožno zmeniť objekt"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:528
msgid "Could not perform ldap_modify operation."
msgstr "Nemožno vykonať operáciu ldap_modify."

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:94
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:74
msgid "Could not rename file!"
msgstr "Nemožno premenovať súbor!"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:39
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:40
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rename.php:60
msgid "Could not rename the entry."
msgstr "Nemožno premenovať položku."

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:99
msgid "Could not save PDF structure, access denied."
msgstr "Nemožno uložiť štruktúru PDF, prístup odmietnutý."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:86 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:147
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:176 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:215
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:285 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:771
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Krajina"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:233 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:234
msgid "Country name is invalid!"
msgstr "Meno krajiny nie je platné!"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:137
#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:131
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1185
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1189
#: ../templates/initsuff.php:188 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1327
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Vytvoriť"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:431 ../lib/lists.inc:617 ../lib/modules.inc:1243
#: ../help/help.inc:164
msgid "Create PDF file"
msgstr "Vytvoriť súbor PDF"

#: ../templates/massDoUpload.php:170 ../templates/masscreate.php:252
msgid "Create PDF files"
msgstr "Vytvoriť súbory PDF"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1186
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1187
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1190
msgid "Create a child entry"
msgstr "Vytvoriť podriadenú položku"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:130
msgid "Create a new PDF structure"
msgstr "Vytvoriť novú štruktúru PDF"

#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:119
msgid "Create a new profile"
msgstr "Vytvoriť nový profil"

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:46
msgid "Create another DHCP entry"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalšiu položku DHCP"

#: ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:29
msgid "Create another NIS object"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalší objekt NIS"

#: ../lib/baseType.inc:45
msgid "Create another account"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalší účet"

#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:43
msgid "Create another address list"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalší zoznam adries"

#: ../lib/types/mailAlias.inc:43 ../lib/types/alias.inc:43
msgid "Create another alias"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalší alias"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:29
msgid "Create another automount entry"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalšiu položku automount"

#: ../lib/types/smbDomain.inc:43
msgid "Create another domain"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalšiu doménu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create.php:100
msgid "Create another entry"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalší položku"

#: ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:46
msgid "Create another extension"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalšie rozšírenie"

#: ../lib/types/gon.inc:43 ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:43
#: ../lib/types/group.inc:44 ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:43
msgid "Create another group"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalšiu skupinu"

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:43
msgid "Create another host"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalší stroj"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:29
msgid "Create another policy"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalšiu politiku"

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:29
msgid "Create another sudo role"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalšiu rolu sudo"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:43
msgid "Create another user"
msgstr "Vytvoriť ďalšieho používateľa"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:622
msgid "Create for"
msgstr "Vytvoriť pre"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:236 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1128
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1392
msgid "Create home directory"
msgstr "Vytvoriť domovský adresár"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:237
msgid "Create mailbox"
msgstr "Vytvoriť poštovú schránku"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/AJAXTree.php:278
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/AJAXTree.php:281
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/AJAXTree.php:283
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:506
msgid "Create new entry here"
msgstr "Vytvoriť tu novú položku"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:698
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1541
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create.php:84
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:52
msgid "Create object"
msgstr "Vytvoriť objekt"

#: ../lib/modules/generalInformation.inc:69
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Vytvorili"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:275
msgid "Created new automount map."
msgstr "vytvorená nová mapa automount."

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:75
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:55
msgid "Created new profile."
msgstr "Vytvorený nový profil."

#: ../lib/tools/fileUpload.inc:53
msgid "Creates accounts by uploading a CSV formated file."
msgstr "Vytvára účty nahraním súboru vo formáte CSV."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create.php:77
#, php-format
msgid "Creation successful. DN <b>%s</b> has been created."
msgstr "Vytvorenie úspešné. DN <b>%s</b> bolo vytvorené."

#: ../lib/modules/generalInformation.inc:73
msgid "Creation time"
msgstr "Dátum vytvorenia"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:230 ../templates/serverInfo.php:235
msgid "Current connections"
msgstr "Aktuálne pripojenia"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:65
#, php-format
msgid "Current list of <b>%s</b> values for attribute <b>%s</b>:"
msgstr "Aktuálny zoznam <b>%s</b> hodnôt pre atribút <b>%s</b>:"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:290
msgid "Current usage (kB)"
msgstr "Aktuálne využitie (kB)"

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:41 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:52
#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:65 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:86
#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:95
msgid "Custom scripts"
msgstr "Vlastné skripty"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1097
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1101
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Vystrihnúť"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:69
msgid "DDNS"
msgstr "DDNS"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:362
msgid ""
"DDNS ist not activated. You can activate it in the DHCP settings (DDNS)."
msgstr ""
"DDNS nie ja aktivovaný. Môžete ho aktivovať v nastaveniach DHCP (DDNS)."

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:56
msgid "DHCP"
msgstr "DHCP"

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:65
msgid "DHCP administration"
msgstr "Správa DHCP"

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:159
#, php-format
msgid "DHCP count: %s"
msgstr "Počet DHCP %s"

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:162 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:106
msgid "DHCP settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia DHCP"

#: ../templates/delete.php:87
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:734
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:110
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare.php:52
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare.php:58
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create.php:92
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:35
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:112
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:57 ../lib/modules.inc:382
#: ../lib/modules.inc:1788
msgid "DN"
msgstr "DN"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:210
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:222
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1866
msgid "DN does not exist"
msgstr "DN neexistuje"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:274
msgid "DN settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia DN"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:303 ../help/help.inc:158
msgid "DN suffix"
msgstr "Prípona DN"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:186 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:200
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:239 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:545
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:632
msgid "DNS"
msgstr "DNS"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:140
msgid "DNS (Domain Name System)"
msgstr "DNS (Domain Name System)"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:107
msgid "DNs of the extension owners"
msgstr "DN vlastníkov rozšírení"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/export_functions.php:343
msgid "DSML V.1 Export"
msgstr "Export DSML V.1"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:255
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:335
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:424
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:723
msgid "DTFM flags"
msgstr "Príznaky DTFM"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:130
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1203
msgid "DTMF mode"
msgstr "Režim DTMF"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:131
msgid "DTMF mode for SIP client configuration."
msgstr "Nastavenie režimu DTMF klienta SIP."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:103
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dáta"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:276
msgid "Date after the user is able to change his password."
msgstr "Dátum, po ktorom si používateľ môže zmeniť svoje heslo."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:278
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:77
msgid "Date after the user must change his password."
msgstr "Dátum, po ktorom si používateľ musí zmeniť svoje heslo."

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:169
msgid ""
"Days before password is to expire that user is warned of pending password "
"expiration. If set value must be >0."
msgstr ""
"Počet dní pred vypršaním hesla, kedy je používateľ upozornený na nastávajúce "
"vypršanie hesla. Ak je nastavené, hodnota musí byť väčšia ako 0."

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:215
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "Ladenie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:592
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:725
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predvolený"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:144 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:187
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:201 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:245
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:547 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:633
msgid "Default gateway"
msgstr "Predvolená brána"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:272 ../help/help.inc:95
msgid "Default language"
msgstr "Predvolený jazyk"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:222
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:301
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:358
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:592
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:945
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1272
msgid "Default user"
msgstr "Predvolený používateľ"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:292 ../templates/masscreate.php:367
msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Predvolená hodnota"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:111
msgid "Defines if workstations may change their passwords."
msgstr "Udáva, či pracovné satnice môžu zmeniť svoje heslá."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:151
msgid ""
"Defines the mailbox to check for message waiting indication (MWI) for this "
msgstr ""
"Definuje poštovú schránku, v ktorej kontroluje indikáciu čakajúcej správy "
"(message waiting indication –MWI) tohoto partnera."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:117 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:131
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:135 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:195
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:218 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:374
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:809 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:877
msgid "Delegates"
msgstr "Delegáti"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:319 ../templates/serverInfo.php:388
#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:118 ../templates/config/profmanage.php:254
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:239
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfdelete.php:95 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:157
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:158 ../templates/delete.php:107
#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:156
#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:157
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:33
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:124
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1320 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1506
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1552 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:873
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:243 ../lib/lists.inc:425
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Odstrániť"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete.php:31
msgid "Delete DN"
msgstr "Odstrániť DN"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:30
msgid "Delete LDAP entries"
msgstr "Odstrániť položky LDAP"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:77
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:84
msgid "Delete after copy (move):"
msgstr "Odstrániť po kopírovaní (presune):"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:72
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:110
#, php-format
msgid "Delete all %s objects"
msgstr "Odstrániť všetky %s objekty"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1177
msgid "Delete home directory"
msgstr "Odstrániť domovský adresár"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:230
msgid "Delete mailbox"
msgstr "Odstrániť poštovú schránku"

#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:192 ../help/help.inc:213
msgid "Delete organisational unit"
msgstr "Odstrániť organizačnú jednotku"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:2014
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1766
msgid "Delete photo"
msgstr "Odstrániť fotografiu"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:252
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:255
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:233
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:240 ../help/help.inc:128
msgid "Delete profile"
msgstr "Odstrániť profil"

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:91 ../lib/modules/range.inc:109
#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:435
msgid "Delete range"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozsah"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:308
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:331
msgid "Delete rule"
msgstr "Odstrániť pravidlo"

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:163
msgid "Delete selected DHCP entries"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené položky DHCP"

#: ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:147
msgid "Delete selected NIS objects"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené objekty NIS"

#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:141
msgid "Delete selected address lists"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené zoznamy adries"

#: ../lib/types/mailAlias.inc:138 ../lib/types/alias.inc:138
msgid "Delete selected aliases"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené aliasy"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:178
msgid "Delete selected automount entries"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené položky automount"

#: ../lib/types/smbDomain.inc:159
msgid "Delete selected domains"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené domény"

#: ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:141
msgid "Delete selected extensions"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené rozšírenia"

#: ../lib/types/gon.inc:164 ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:157
#: ../lib/types/group.inc:177 ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:161
msgid "Delete selected groups"
msgstr "Zvolené zvolené skupiny"

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:164
msgid "Delete selected hosts"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené stroje"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:109
msgid "Delete selected objects"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené objekty"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:146
msgid "Delete selected policies"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené politiky"

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:151
msgid "Delete selected sudo roles"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené role sudo"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:200
msgid "Delete selected users"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolených používateľov"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:146
#, php-format
msgid "Delete successful: %s"
msgstr "Odstránenie úspešné: %s"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1137
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1140
msgid "Delete this entry"
msgstr "Odstrániť túto položku"

#: ../templates/delete.php:253
#, php-format
msgid "Deleted DN: %s"
msgstr "Odstránený DN: %s"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:84
msgid "Deleted PDF structure."
msgstr "Odstránená štruktúra PDF."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:74
msgid "Deleted account"
msgstr "Odstránený účet"

#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:94
msgid "Deleted profile."
msgstr "Odstránený profil."

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:92
msgid "Deletes an IP range."
msgstr "Odstráni rozsah IP adries."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:29
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:65
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:82
msgid "Deleting"
msgstr "Odstraňovanie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:73
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:125
msgid "Deleting objects"
msgstr "Odstraňovanie objektov"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:922
msgid "Deletion was successful."
msgstr "Odstránenie úspešné."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:158
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:269
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:342
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:476
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:794
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1224
msgid "Deny"
msgstr "Odmietnuť"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:128 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:165
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:270 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:465
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:576 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:753
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:757 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1672
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2050 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2651
msgid "Department"
msgstr "Oddelenie"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:87 ../templates/schema/schema.php:141
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:344
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:1898
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:1902
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:139
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:101
#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:79 ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:80
#: ../lib/types/user.inc:101 ../lib/types/sudo.inc:84 ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:96
#: ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:92 ../lib/modules/account.inc:75
#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:88 ../lib/modules/account.inc:98
#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:106 ../lib/modules/account.inc:221
#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:232 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:196
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:348 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:400
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:467 ../lib/modules/device.inc:74
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:107 ../lib/modules/device.inc:117
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:163 ../lib/modules/device.inc:448
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:176 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:192
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:272 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:579
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:638 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:421
#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:66 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:96
#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:107 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:148
#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:213 ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:325
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:394 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:62
#: ../lib/modules/automount.inc:85 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:95
#: ../lib/modules/automount.inc:130 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:192
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:77 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:130
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:189 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:574
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:232 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:321
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:516 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:601
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1246 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2020
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:59 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:128
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:172 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:253
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:684 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:64
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:99 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:130
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:178 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:532
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare_form.php:49
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:48
msgid "Destination DN"
msgstr "Cieľové DN"

#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:38
msgid "Device"
msgstr "Zariadenie"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:371
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:559
msgid "Disable LM hashes"
msgstr "Vypnúť odtlačky LM"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:95 ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:354
msgid "Disable client updates"
msgstr "Vypnúť aktulizácie klienta"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:96
msgid "Disables the client to update DNS entries."
msgstr "Vypína aktulizáciu položiek DNS klienta."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:190
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:285
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:350
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:534
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:869
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1248
msgid "Disallowed codec"
msgstr "Zakázaný kodek"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:106 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:186
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:292 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:666
msgid "Disconnect users outside logon hours"
msgstr "Odpojiť používateľa mimo prihlasovacích hodín"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:219
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1453
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1727
msgid "Disconnection time limit"
msgstr "Časový limit odpojenia"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:107
msgid "Disconnects users if they are logged in outside logon hours."
msgstr "Odpája použvateľov, ak sú prihlásení mimo prihlasovacích hodín."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:95
msgid "Display format"
msgstr "Formát zobrazenia"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:101
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:191
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:236
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:394
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1095
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1684
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:263
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:323
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:356
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:392
msgid "Display name"
msgstr "Zobrazené meno"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:239
msgid "Display on screen"
msgstr "Zobraziť na obrazovke"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create.php:97
msgid "Display the created entry"
msgstr "Zobraziť vytvorenú položku"

#: ../lib/modules.inc:475
msgid ""
"Displayed account numbers start at \"0\". Add 2 to get the row in your "
msgstr ""
"Zobrazené čísla účtov začínajú od „0”. Pripočítajte „2” a dostanete číslo "
"riadku vo svojom tabuľkovom kalkulátore."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:121
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:214
msgid "Do not ask security question"
msgstr "Neklásť bezpečnostnú otázku"

#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:110
msgid "Do you really want to delete this OU?"
msgstr "Naouaj chcete odstrániť toto OU?"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfdelete.php:81 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:172
msgid "Do you really want to delete this PDF structure?"
msgstr "Naozaj chete odstrániť túto štruktúru PDF?"

#: ../templates/profedit/profiledelete.php:81
#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:172
msgid "Do you really want to delete this profile?"
msgstr "Naozaj chcete odstrániť tento profil?"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:562
msgid "Do you really want to mark this account for deletion?"
msgstr "Naozaj chcete označiť tento účet na odstránenie?"

#: ../templates/delete.php:81
msgid "Do you really want to remove the following accounts?"
msgstr "Naozaj chcete odstrániť nasledujúce účty?"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:59
msgid "Do you want to create this entry?"
msgstr "Chcete vytvoriť túto položku?"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:36
msgid "Do you want to make these changes?"
msgstr "Chcete urobiť tieto zmeny?"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:192
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:314
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:387
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:511
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1216
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1558
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1580
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1702
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:71
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:290
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:368
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:414 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:213
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:584
msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Doména"

#: ../lib/types/smbDomain.inc:91 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:74
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:144 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:178
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:249 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:254
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:638
msgid "Domain SID"
msgstr "SID domény"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:335
msgid "Domain administrators"
msgstr "Doménoví administrátori"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:74
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:58
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:341
msgid "Domain admins"
msgstr "Doménoví adminsitrátori"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:75
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:63
msgid "Domain certificate admins"
msgstr "Doménoví adninistrátori certifikátov"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:75
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:779
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:61
msgid "Domain computers"
msgstr "Doménové počítače"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:75
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:62
msgid "Domain controllers"
msgstr "Doménové radiče"

#: ../lib/types/smbDomain.inc:156
#, php-format
msgid "Domain count: %s"
msgstr "Počet domén: %s"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:65
msgid "Domain enterprise admins"
msgstr "Doménoví podnikoví administrátori"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:70
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:281
msgid "Domain group"
msgstr "Doménová skupina"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:74
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:60
msgid "Domain guests"
msgstr "Doménoví hostia"

#: ../lib/types/smbDomain.inc:92 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:124
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:183 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:197
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:221 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:535
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:629 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:144
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:70 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:137
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:177 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:234
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:239 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:635
msgid "Domain name"
msgstr "Meno domény"

#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:144 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:201
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:202
msgid "Domain name is invalid!"
msgstr "Neplatné doménové meno!"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:66
msgid "Domain policy admins"
msgstr "Doménoví administrátori politík"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:64
msgid "Domain schema admins"
msgstr "Doménoví administrátori schém"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:74
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:2008
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:59
msgid "Domain users"
msgstr "Doménoví používatelia"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import_form.php:43
msgid "Don't stop on errors"
msgstr "Nezastaviť pri chybe"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:459
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Dole"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:244
msgid "Download sample CSV file"
msgstr "Stiahnuť vzorový súbor CSV"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:122
msgid "Dynamic subtrees"
msgstr "Dynamické podstromy"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:64
msgid "EDU person"
msgstr "EDU person"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:549
msgid "East Australian Standard, Guam"
msgstr "Východoaustrálsky štandardný, Guam"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:541
msgid "Eastern Europe Time, South Africa"
msgstr "Východoeurópsky čas, Južná Afrika"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:534
msgid "Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota"
msgstr "Východný čas (USA a Kanada), Bogota"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:154
#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:153
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1221
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1226 ../lib/lists.inc:419
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Upraviť"

#: ../lib/modules.inc:1251
msgid "Edit again"
msgstr "Znova upraviť"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:134 ../templates/config/index.php:91
msgid "Edit general settings"
msgstr "Upraviť všeobecné nastavenia"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1113
msgid "Edit groups"
msgstr "Upraviť skupiny"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:200
msgid "Edit members"
msgstr "Upraviť členov"

#: ../templates/config/index.php:117
msgid "Edit self service"
msgstr "Upraviť samoobslužnú služnu"

#: ../templates/config/index.php:103
msgid "Edit server profiles"
msgstr "Upraviť profily servera"

#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:198
msgid "Edit subgroups"
msgstr "Upraviť podskupiny"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1177
msgid "Edit workstations"
msgstr "Upraviť pracovné stanice"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1872
#: ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:92 ../lib/types/user.inc:100
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:217
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:222
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:206 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:212
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:205
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:60
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:61
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:113
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:155
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:174
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:449 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:59
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:60 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:126
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:171 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:187
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:621 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:60
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:123 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:159
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:260 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:441
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:558 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:685
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:689 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1588
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2035 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2507
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:98
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:131
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:169
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:261
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:410 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:206
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:672
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:779
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Emailové adresy"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:99
msgid "Email address for this voicemail account."
msgstr "Emailové adresy tohoto hlasového účtu."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:73 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:109
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:139
msgid "Email alias"
msgstr "Emailový alias"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:74 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:110
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:140
msgid "Email alias for this account."
msgstr "Emailový alias tohoto účtu."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:157 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:158
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:418 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:419
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:231
msgid "Email alias is invalid!"
msgstr "Emailový alias je neplatný!"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:143
msgid "Email alias list"
msgstr "Zoznam emailových aliasov"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:232
msgid "Email alias list has invalid format!"
msgstr "Zoznam emailových aliasov má neplatný formát!"

#: ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:97
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:64
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:68
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:119
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:158
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:232
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:464
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:118 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:148
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:178 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:549
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:63 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:67
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:132 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:174
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:222 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:626
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:182 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:207
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:389 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:401
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:444 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1342
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1560 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:189
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:217 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:354
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:805
msgid "Email aliases"
msgstr "Emailové aliasy"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:276 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:337
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:585 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:777
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1652 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2045
msgid "Employee number"
msgstr "Číslo zamestnanca"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:72 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:174
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:266 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:345
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:570 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:617
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1657 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2024
msgid "Employee type"
msgstr "Druh prac. vzťahu"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:618
msgid "Employee type: Contractor, Employee, Intern, Temp, External, ..."
msgstr ""
"Druh pracovného vzťahu: dodávateľ, zamestnanec, interný, dočasný, "
"externý, ..."

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:331
#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:338 ../templates/login.php:458
msgid "Empty password submitted. Please try again."
msgstr "Zadané prázdne heslo. Prosím, skúste znova."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:77
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:161
msgid "Enable password self reset link"
msgstr "Zapnúť odkaz na obnovenie hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:89
msgid ""
"Enables quality checking (e.g. password length) of passwords. If set to "
"\"force\" then you need to disable password hashing in your LAM server "
"profile to change passwords with LAM."
msgstr ""
"Zapína kontrolu kvality (tj. dĺžku hesla) hesiel. Ak je nastavené na "
"„vynútiť”, budete potrebovať vpynúť odtlačky hesiel vo svojom profile "
"servera LAM (zmena hesiel)."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/export_functions.php:160
msgid "Encountered an error while performing search."
msgstr "Nastala chyba pri vykonávaní hľadania."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:72 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:107
msgid "Encryption protocol"
msgstr "Šifrovací protokol"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:73
msgid ""
"Encryption protocol for connecting to IMAP server. LAM requires an encrypted "
msgstr ""
"Šifrovací protokol na spojenie so serverom IMAP. LAM vyžaduje šifrované "

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:527
msgid "Eniwetok, Kwajalein"
msgstr "Eniwetok, Kwajalein"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:91
msgid "Enter the values you would like to add:"
msgstr "Zadajte hodnoty, ktoré chcete pridať:"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:105 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:109
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:173 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:204
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:335 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:681
msgid "Entitlements"
msgstr "Oprávnenia"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:471
msgid "Entries found"
msgstr "Nájdené položky"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:267
msgid "Entries sent"
msgstr "Odoslané položky"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/export_functions.php:473
msgid "Entry"
msgstr "Položka"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:43
#, php-format
msgid "Entry %s and sub-tree deleted successfully."
msgstr "Položka %s a podstrom úspešne odstránené."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create.php:90
msgid "Entry created"
msgstr "Položka vytvorená"

#: ../templates/delete.php:309
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_update.php:26
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:26
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_edit.php:27
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:24
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:56
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:33
msgid "Entry does not exist"
msgstr "Položka neexistuje"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:164
msgid "Equality"
msgstr "Zhoda"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:530 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1293
msgid "Equipment"
msgstr "Vybavenie"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:215
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:430
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:473
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:517
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:511
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:513
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/ds_myldap.php:217
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:79
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:1897
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:1901
msgid "Error number"
msgstr "Číslo chyby"

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:792
msgid "Error while changing Kerberos password."
msgstr "Chyba pri zmene hesla Kerberos."

#: ../templates/delete.php:261
#, php-format
msgid "Error while deleting DN: %s"
msgstr "Chyba pri odstraňovaní DN: %s"

#: ../help/help.inc:139
msgid ""
"Every account type needs exactly one base module. This module provides a "
"structural object class."
msgstr ""
"Každý typ účtu vyžaduje práve jeden základný modul. Tento modul poskytuje "
"triedu štrukturálnych objektov."

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:60 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:72
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:87 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:89
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:532 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:131
#: ../help/help.inc:74 ../help/help.inc:80 ../help/help.inc:86
#: ../help/help.inc:91 ../help/help.inc:111
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Príklad"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:288 ../templates/masscreate.php:363
msgid "Example value"
msgstr "Ukážková hodnota"

#: ../help/help.inc:62
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Príklady"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:294
msgid "Execute"
msgstr "Spustiť"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:261
msgid "Execute lamdaemon"
msgstr "Spustiť lamdaemon"

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:96 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:122
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:201 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:229
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:431 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:628
msgid "Expiration date"
msgstr "Dátum vypršania"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:202
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:291
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:353
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:556
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:896
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1257
msgid "Expiration timestamp"
msgstr "Čas vypršania"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:203
msgid "Expiration timestamp (\"regseconds\" option)."
msgstr "Čas vypršania (voľba \"regseconds\")."

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:86 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:108
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:140 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:166
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:206 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:481
msgid "Expire warning"
msgstr "Upozornenie na vypršanie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1081
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1082
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1084
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1085
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:305
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:37
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:53
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportovať"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:105
msgid "Export format"
msgstr "Formát exportu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1245
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1248
msgid "Export subtree"
msgstr "Exportovať podstrom"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:347
msgid "Extended"
msgstr "Rozšírené"

#: ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:138
#, php-format
msgid "Extension count: %s"
msgstr "Počet rozšírení: %s"

#: ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:94 ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:153
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:94
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:129
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:137
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:281
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:285
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:796
msgid "Extension name"
msgstr "Meno rozšírenia"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:106
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:130
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:151
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:225
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:466
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:799
msgid "Extension owners"
msgstr "Vlastníci rozšírení"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:182
msgid "Extension with this name is already exists."
msgstr "Rozšírenie s týmto menom už existuje."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:66
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Zlyhalo"

#: ../templates/initsuff.php:151
msgid "Failed to create entry!"
msgstr "Zlyhalo vytvorenie položky!"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:85 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:104
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:145 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:165
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:272 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:480
msgid "Failure count interval"
msgstr "Interval počítania zlyhaní"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:58 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:124
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:156 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:258
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:433 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:555
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:677 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:681
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1562 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2034
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2542
msgid "Fax number"
msgstr "Číslo faxu"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:140 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:186
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:395 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:639
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1356 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1401
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:219
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:533
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/tools/unserialize.php:14
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:48
msgid "File"
msgstr "Súbor"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:290
msgid ""
"File name and path relative to netlogon-share which should be executed on "
"logon. $user and $group are replaced with user and group name."
msgstr ""
"Meno súboru (a cesta, relatívna k zdieľaniu netlogon), ktorý má byť spustený "
"pri prihlásení. $user a $group sú nahradené menom používazeľa a jeho skupiny."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:69 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:110 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:124
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:158 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:324
msgid "File path"
msgstr "Cesta súboru"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:231 ../lib/tools/fileUpload.inc:44
#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:197 ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:242
#: ../lib/lists.inc:685
msgid "File upload"
msgstr "Nahrať súbor"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:71
#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:94
#: ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:95
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:84
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:147
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:160
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:213
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:459
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:81 ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:72
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:123
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:134
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:181
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:325 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:125
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:94 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:467
#: ../lib/lists.inc:344 ../help/help.inc:150
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filter"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:509
msgid "Filter performed"
msgstr "Použitý filter"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:96 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:48
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:122 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:298
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:512 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:609
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1219 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2022
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2493
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Krstné meno"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:48 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:49
msgid "First name contains invalid characters!"
msgstr "Krstné meno obsahuje neplatné znaky!"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:610
msgid "First name of user. Only letters, - and spaces are allowed."
msgstr "Krstné meno používateľa. Dovolené sú len písmená a medzery."

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:91
msgid "Fix IP addresses"
msgstr "Staická IP adresa"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:345
msgid "Fixed list"
msgstr "Statický zoznam"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:124
msgid "For automatic invitation handling."
msgstr "Na obsluhu automatických pozvaní."

#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:91
msgid ""
"For the upload please specify the entries in the format \"(HOST,USER,"
"DOMAIN)\". Multiple entries are separated by semicolon."
msgstr ""
"Položky na nahranie, prosím, zadajte vo formáte „(STROJ,POUŽÍVATEĽ,"
"DOMÉNA)\". Viac položiek možno oddeliť bodkočiarkou."

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:171
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:358 ../lib/modules.inc:998
#: ../help/help.inc:170
msgid "Force password change"
msgstr "Vynútiť zmenu hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:615
msgid "Forgot password?"
msgstr "Zabudnuté heslo?"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:484 ../help/help.inc:202
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formát"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:87 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:116
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:155 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:201
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:219 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:314
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:783 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:839
msgid "Free/Busy interval"
msgstr "Interval Voľný/Obsadený"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:239 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:240
msgid "Free/Busy interval must be a number!"
msgstr "Interval Vošný/Obsadený musí byť číslo!"

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:66
msgid "FreeRadius"
msgstr "FreeRadius"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1312
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Piatok"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:318
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:97
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:190
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:206 ../help/help.inc:196
msgid "From address"
msgstr "Adresa odosielateľa"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:437
msgid "From address for password mails is invalid."
msgstr "Neplatný odosielateľ emailov s heslami."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:138
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:259
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:337
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:439
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:741
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1209
msgid "From domain"
msgstr "Doména odosielateľa"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:139
msgid "From domain setting for this account."
msgstr "Nastavenie domény odosielateľa pre tento účtu."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:134
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:257
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:336
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:432
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:732
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1206
msgid "From user"
msgstr "Odosielateľ"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:135
msgid "From user setting for this account."
msgstr "nastavenie odosielateľa pre tento účet."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:142
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:261
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:338
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:446
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:750
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1212
msgid "Full contact"
msgstr "Celý kontakt"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:203
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:94
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:130
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:163
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:255
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:398
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "Celé meno"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:95
msgid "Full name for Asterisk voicemail mailbox."
msgstr "Celé meno pre halsovú schránku Asterisk."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:537
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/tools/unserialize.php:17
msgid "Function"
msgstr "Funkcia"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:379
msgid "GB-12345"
msgstr "123 45"

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:96 ../lib/types/group.inc:93 ../lib/types/user.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:186 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:341
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:354 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:396
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:416 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:465
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:485 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:99
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:315 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1469
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:321
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:390
msgid "GID number"
msgstr "Číslo GID"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:485
msgid ""
"GID number has changed. Please select checkbox to change GID number of users "
"and hosts."
msgstr ""
"Číslo GID bolo zmenené. Prosím použite zaškrtávacie pole na zmenu čísla GID "
"používateľov a strojov."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:99
#, php-format
msgid ""
"GID number has changed. To keep file ownership you have to run the following "
"command as root: 'find / -gid %s -uid %s -exec chgrp %s {} \\;'"
msgstr ""
"Číslo GID bolo zmenené. Na zachovanie vlastníctva musíte ako root sputiť "
"tent príkaz: „find / -gid %s -uid %s -exec chgrp %s {} \\;”"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:492
msgid "GID number has to be a numeric value!"
msgstr "Číslo GID musí byť číselná hodnota!"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:265 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:305
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:316 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:375
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:413 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1101
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1470
msgid "Gecos"
msgstr "Gecos"

#: ../lib/modules/generalInformation.inc:51
msgid "General information"
msgstr "Všeobecné informácie"

#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:155
#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:192
#: ../templates/config/moduleSettings.php:154
#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:173
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:348
#: ../templates/profedit/profilepage.php:204
msgid "General settings"
msgstr "Všeobecné nastavenia"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:230 ../help/help.inc:194
msgid "Generate random password"
msgstr "Generovať náhodné heslo"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:63
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:595
msgid "Generic Error"
msgstr "Neošetrená chyba"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:178
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Nemecko"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:126 ../templates/schema/schema.php:263
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:294 ../templates/schema/schema.php:319
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Ísť"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:213
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:215
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:137
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:139
msgid "Go back"
msgstr "Ísť späť"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1864
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "ísť na"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:82 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:92
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:141 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:162
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:214 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:477
msgid "Grace authentication limit"
msgstr "Tolerovaný limit overenia"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:117 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:393
msgid "Grace block period"
msgstr "Tolerovaná doba blokov"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:118
msgid ""
"Grace block period. Most filesystems use a fixed maximum value of 7 days."
msgstr ""
"Tolerovaná (grace) doba blokov. Väčšina súborových systémov používa pevnú "
"maximálnu hodnotu 7 dní."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:140
msgid ""
"Grace inode (files) period. Most filesystems use a fixed maximum value of 7 "
msgstr ""
"Tolerovaná (grace) doba inodov (súborov). Väčšina súborových systémov "
"používa pevnú maximálnu hodnotu 7 dní."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:139 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:397
msgid "Grace inode period"
msgstr "Tolerovaná doba inodov"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:299
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:501
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Skupina"

#: ../lib/types/group.inc:63
msgid "Group accounts (e.g. Unix and Samba)"
msgstr "Účty skupín (napr. Unix a Samba)"

#: ../lib/types/gon.inc:161 ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:154
#: ../lib/types/group.inc:174 ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:158
#, php-format
msgid "Group count: %s"
msgstr "Počet skupín: %s"

#: ../lib/types/group.inc:96 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:387
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:110
msgid "Group description"
msgstr "Popis skupiny"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:401
msgid "Group description. If left empty group name will be used."
msgstr "Popis skupiny. Ak necháte prázdne, bude použité meno skupiny."

#: ../lib/types/gon.inc:92 ../lib/types/gon.inc:93 ../lib/types/group.inc:95
msgid "Group member DNs"
msgstr "DN členov skupiny"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/modify_member_form.php:94
#: ../lib/types/group.inc:94 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:199
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:249 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:342
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:360 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:404
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:408 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:466
msgid "Group members"
msgstr "Členovia skupiny"

#: ../lib/types/gon.inc:91 ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:91
#: ../lib/types/group.inc:92 ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:91
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:56
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:105
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:154
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:169
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:170
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:194
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:444 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:176
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:345 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:375
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:424 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:464
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:493 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:494
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:495 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:73
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:102 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:129
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:141 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:183
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:572 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:60
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:92 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:129
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:528
msgid "Group name"
msgstr "Meno skupiny"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:169
msgid "Group name already in use."
msgstr "Meno skupiny je už použité."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:170
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:171 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:495
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:496 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:141
msgid ""
"Group name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 "
"and .-_ !"
msgstr ""
"Meno skupiny obsahuje neplatné znaky. Platné znaky sú: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 a .-_ !"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:494
msgid "Group name in use. Selected next free group name."
msgstr "Meno skupiny je už použité. Vybrané nasledujúce voľné meno skupiny."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:57
msgid ""
"Group name of the group which should be created. Valid characters are: a-z, "
"A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ ."
msgstr ""
"Meno skupiny, ktorá má byť vytvorená. Platné znaky sú: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 a .-_ ."

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:425
msgid ""
"Group name of the group which should be created. Valid characters are: a-z, "
"A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ . If group name is already used group name will be expanded "
"with a number. The next free number will be used."
msgstr ""
"Meno skupiny, ktorá má byť vytvorená. Platné znaky sú: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 a .-_ . "
"Ak už meno skupiny existuje, bude rozšírené číslom, pričom bude použité "
"nasledujúce voľné číslo."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:88 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:92
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:120 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:146
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:177 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:226
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:280 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:625
msgid "Group names"
msgstr "Mená skupín"

#: ../lib/types/gon.inc:53 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:273
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:325 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1234
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1380 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1484
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:44
msgid "Group of names"
msgstr "Mená skupín"

#: ../lib/types/gon.inc:62
msgid "Group of names accounts"
msgstr "Skupina mien účtov"

#: ../lib/modules/groupOfUniqueNames.inc:42
msgid "Group of unique names"
msgstr "Skupina jedinečných mien"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:366 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:412
msgid "Group password"
msgstr "Heslo skupiny"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:286
msgid "Group type"
msgstr "Typ skupiny"

#: ../lib/types/group.inc:54 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:313
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:105
#: ../lib/modules/generalInformation.inc:103
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Skupiny"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:90
msgid "H-Node (0x08)"
msgstr "H-Node (0x08)"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:331
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:194
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:210 ../help/help.inc:205
msgid "HTML format"
msgstr "Formát HTML"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:372
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:380 ../help/help.inc:120
msgid "HTTP authentication"
msgstr "Overenie HTTP"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:61 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:81
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:108 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:120
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:142 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:314
msgid "HTTP port"
msgstr "Port HTTP"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:624 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:377
msgid "Hard block"
msgstr "Pevný blok"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:111 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:112
#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:392 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:497
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:119
msgid "Hard block limit"
msgstr "Pevný limit blokov"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:626 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:379
msgid "Hard inode"
msgstr "Pevný inodov"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:134
msgid "Hard inode (files) limit"
msgstr "Pevný limit inodov (súborov)"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:133 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:396
#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:499 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:123
msgid "Hard inode limit"
msgstr "Pevný limit inodov"

#: ../lib/modules/generalInformation.inc:97
msgid "Has subentries"
msgstr "Má podpoložky"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:529
msgid "Hawaii"
msgstr "Havaj"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:445 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:538
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:545
msgid "Headline"
msgstr "Hlavička"

#: ../templates/main_header.php:125 ../lib/modules.inc:622
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomocník"

#: ../lib/tools/schemaBrowser.inc:53
msgid "Here you can browse LDAP object classes and attributes."
msgstr "Tu môžete prechádzať triedy objektov a atribútov LDAP."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:369
msgid "Here you can change the settings for the terminal server access."
msgstr "Tu môžete zmeniť nastavenia prístupu k terminálovému serveru."

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:123
msgid "Here you can create multiple accounts by providing a CSV file."
msgstr "Tu môžete vytvoriť viacero účtov nahraním súboru CSV."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:177
msgid "Here you can enter a description for this DHCP entry."
msgstr "Tu môžete zadať popis tejto položky DHCP."

#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:78 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:65
msgid "Here you can enter a description for this group."
msgstr "Tu môžete zadať popis tejto skupiny."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:60
msgid "Here you can enter a description for this role."
msgstr "Tu môžete zadať popis tejto roly."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:82 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:126
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:95
msgid ""
"Here you can enter a filter value. Only entries which contain the filter "
"text will be shown."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete zadať hodnotu filtra. Zobrazené budú len položky, ktoré obsahujú "
"filtrovaný text."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:355
msgid ""
"Here you can enter a list of additional group memberships. The group names "
"are separated by commas."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete zadať zoznam dodatočných skupín, ktorých je členom. Mená skupín sú "
"oddelené čiarkami."

#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:59
msgid "Here you can enter a serial number for this device."
msgstr "Tu môžete zadať sériové číslo tohoto zariadenia."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:754 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:758
msgid "Here you can enter the user's department."
msgstr "Tu môžete zadať oddelenie používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:141
msgid "Here you can explicitly enable and disable Zarafa features."
msgstr "Tu môžete výslovne povoliť a zakázať vlastnosti Zarafa."

#: ../help/help.inc:151
msgid ""
"Here you can input simple filter expressions (e.g. 'value' or 'v*'). The "
"filter is case-sensitive."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete zadať jednoduché výrazy filtra (napr. 'hodnota' alebo 'h*'). "
"Filter rozlišuje veľkosť písmen."

#: ../help/help.inc:163
msgid ""
"Here you can load an account profile to set default settings for your "
"account. The \"default\" profile is automatically loaded for new accounts."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete načítať profil účtu a tým nastaviť predvolené hodnoty svojho účtu. "
"„Predvolený” profil je pri nových účtoch načítaný automaticky."

#: ../lib/tools/profileEditor.inc:53
msgid "Here you can manage your account profiles."
msgstr "Tu môžete spravovať svoje profily účtov."

#: ../help/help.inc:165
msgid ""
"Here you can select a PDF structure and export the account to a PDF file."
msgstr "Tu môžete vybrať štruktúru PDF a exportovať účet do súboru PDF."

#: ../help/help.inc:145
msgid ""
"Here you can select where LAM should save its log messages. System logging "
"will go to Syslog on Unix systems and event log on Windows. You can also "
"select an extra file."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete vybrať, kde má LAM ukladať svoj záznam. Systémový záznam pôjde na "
"Unixových systémoch do Syslog a na Windows do záznamu udalostí. Môžete si "
"zvoliť aj samostatný súbor."

#: ../help/help.inc:106
msgid ""
"Here you can select which plugins you want to use for account management."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete vybrať, ktoré zásuvné moduly chcete používať na správu účtov."

#: ../help/help.inc:119
msgid ""
"Here you can set a limit for LDAP searches. This will restrict the number of "
"results for LDAP searches. Please use this if LAM's LDAP queries produce too "
"much load."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete nastaviť limit pre hľadania v LDAP. Tento limit obmedzí počet "
"nájdených výsledkov hľadaní LDAP. Prosím, použite tento limit, ak požiadavky "
"LDAP od LAM produkujú veľkú záťaž."

#: ../help/help.inc:193
msgid ""
"Here you can specify additional CSS links to change the layout of the self "
"service pages. This is useful to adapt them to your corporate design. Please "
"enter one link per line."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete zadať dodatočné odkazy CSS, na zmenu vzhľadu samoobslužných "
"stránok. Je to užitočné na ich prispôsobenie firemnému dizajnu. Prosím, "
"zadajte jeden odkaz na riadok."

#: ../help/help.inc:149
msgid ""
"Here you can specify minimum requirements for passwords. The character "
"classes are: lowercase, uppercase, numeric and symbols."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete zadať minimálne požiadavky na heslá. Druhy znakov sú: malé "
"písmená, veľké písmená, číslice a špeciálne znaky."

#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:82
msgid ""
"Here you can specify subgroups which are included in this NIS netgroup. All "
"members of the subgroups will be treated as members of this group."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete zadať podskupiny, ktoré sú zahrnuté v tejto sieťovej skupine NIS. "
"Všetci členovia podskupín budú považovaní aj za členov tejto skupiny."

#: ../help/help.inc:123
msgid ""
"Here you can specify the DN and password of the bind user that will be used "
"for the LDAP search. This is required if your LDAP server does not allow "
"anonymous access."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete zadať DN a heslo používateľa väzby (bind), ktoré budú použité na "
"hľadania v LDAP. Toto nastavenie je vyžadované, ak váš server LDAP "
"nepovoľuje anonymný prístup."

#: ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:73
msgid ""
"Here you can specify the list of host names where this account has login "
"privileges. The wildcard \"*\" represents all hosts. You may also use \"!\" "
"in front of a host name to deny access to a host."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete zadať zoznam mien strojov, kde sa môže používateľ prihlásiť. "
"Zástupný znak „*” reprezentuje všetky stroje. Môžete použiť aj znak „!” pred "
"menom stroja, čím zakážete prístup k tomuto stroju."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:95
msgid ""
"Here you can specify the minimum number of characters for a user password."
msgstr "Tu môžete zadať minimálny počet znakov používateľských hesiel."

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:258
msgid "Here you can specify the new password yourself."
msgstr "Tu môžete sami zadať svoje nové heslo."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:360
msgid "Here you can specify the shadowing mode."
msgstr "Tu môžete zadať tieňový režim."

#: ../lib/tools/tests.inc:53
msgid "Here you can test if certain LAM features work on your installation."
msgstr ""
"Tu môžete skontrolovať, či  vo vašej inštalácii fungujú niektoré vlastnosti "

#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:95
#: ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:96
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:72
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:125
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:157
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:247
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:474
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:61 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:138
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:146 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:217
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:537 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:75
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:146 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:173
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:262 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:646
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:60
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:101
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:132
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:189
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:335 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:65
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:309 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:358
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:386 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:578
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1330
msgid "Hidden"
msgstr "Skryté"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:234
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:245 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:98
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:107 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:374
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:564 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:117
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:160 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:228
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:761 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:104
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:110
msgid "Hidden options"
msgstr "Skryté voľby"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1115
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Skryť"

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:80 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:90
#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:99
msgid "Hide command in messages"
msgstr "Skryť príkaz v správach"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1116
msgid "Hide internal attributes"
msgstr "Skryť interné atribúty"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/page.php:407
msgid "Hide/Unhide the tree"
msgstr "Skryť/Zobraziť strom"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:58
msgid "Hint"
msgstr "Tip"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:237
msgid ""
"Hint: Format all cells as text in your spreadsheet program and turn off auto "
msgstr ""
"Tip: Vo svojom tabuľkovom kalkulátore naformátujte všetky polia ako text a "
"vypnite automatické opravy."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1005
msgid "Hint: To delete an attribute, empty the text field and click save."
msgstr ""
"Tip: Na odstránenie atribútu, vyprázdnite textové pole a kliknite na Uložiť."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1342
msgid ""
"Hint: You must choose exactly one structural object class (shown in bold "
msgstr ""
"Tip: Musíte zvoliť práve jednu štrukturálnu triedu objektu (zobrazená vyššie "

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:400
msgid "Hold the CTRL-key to (de)select multiple groups."
msgstr "Stlačte kláves CTRL na výber/zrušenie viacerých skupín."

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:98 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:212
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:332
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1431
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1716 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:74
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:75 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:77
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:229 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:319
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:358 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:362
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:366 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:383
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:886 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1116
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1287 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1387
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1473
msgid "Home directory"
msgstr "Domovský adresár"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:77
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Home directory changed. To keep home directory you have to run the following "
"command as root: 'mv %s %s'"
msgstr ""
"Domovský adresár zmenený. Na jeho zachovanie musíte spustiť ako root "
"nasledujúci príkaz: „mv %s %s”"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:196
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:213
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:280
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:461
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:569
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1150
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1439
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1534
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1690
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1717
msgid "Home drive"
msgstr "Domovský disk"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:86 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:87
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:199
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:283
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:469
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:571
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1158
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1538
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1687
msgid "Home path"
msgstr "Domovská cesta"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:86 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:88
msgid "Home path is invalid."
msgstr "Neplatná domovská cesta."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:114
msgid "Home server for the user."
msgstr "Domovský server používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:54 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:126
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:254 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:417
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:549 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:713
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:717 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1510
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2032 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2528
msgid "Home telephone number"
msgstr "Číslo telefónu domov"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:74 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:76
msgid "Homedirectory contains invalid characters."
msgstr "Domovský adresár obsahuje neplatné znaky."

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:79 ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:98
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:316
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:330
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:380
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:663
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1190 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:207
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:582 ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:143
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Stroj"

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:62
msgid "Host accounts (e.g. Samba)"
msgstr "Účty strojov (napr. Samba)"

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:161
#, php-format
msgid "Host count: %s"
msgstr "Počet strojov: %s"

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:94
msgid "Host description"
msgstr "Popis stroja"

#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:89 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:414
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:422
msgid "Host description. If left empty host name will be used."
msgstr ""
"Popis stroja. Ak ponecháte toto pole prázdne, bude použité meno stroja."

#: ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:84 ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:91
#: ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:256
msgid "Host list"
msgstr "Zoznam strojov"

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:91 ../lib/types/host.inc:92
#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:84 ../lib/modules/account.inc:209
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:89 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:90
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:92 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:284
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:409 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:143
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:471
msgid "Host name"
msgstr "Meno stroja"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:96
msgid "Host name already exists!"
msgstr "meno stroja už existuje!"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:90 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:94
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:143
msgid ""
"Host name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 "
"and .-_ !"
msgstr ""
"Meno stroja obsahuje neplatné znaky. Platné znaky sú: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 a .-_ !"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:92
msgid "Host name in use. Selected next free host name."
msgstr "Meno stroja je už použité. Vybrané nasledujúce voľné meno stroja."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1050
msgid "Host name must end with $!"
msgstr "Meno stroja musí končiť na $!"

#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:85 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:410
msgid ""
"Host name of the host which should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,A-"
"Z,0-9, .-_$. Host names are always ending with $. If last character is not $ "
"it will be added. If host name is already used host name will be expanded "
"with a number. The next free number will be used."
msgstr ""
"Meno stroja, ktorý má byť vytvorený. Platné znaky sú: a-z,A-Z,0-9, .-_$. "
"Mená strojov musia vždy končiť na $. Ak posledný znak nie je $, bude "
"pridaný. Ak už je meno stroja použité, bude k nemu pridané najbližšie voľné "

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:53 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:69
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:70 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:72
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:175 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:67
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:92 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:140
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:174 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:183
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:291 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:690
#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:69 ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:62
#: ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:72
msgid "Hosts"
msgstr "Stroje"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:488 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:80
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:824
msgid "ID is already in use"
msgstr "ID je už použité"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:486 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:487
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:488 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:586
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:78 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:79
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:80 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:822
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:824
msgid "ID-Number"
msgstr "Číslo ID"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:318 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:643
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1405
msgid "IMAP"
msgstr "IMAP"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:78 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:111
msgid "IMAP admin user"
msgstr "Administrátor IMAP"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:81 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:114
msgid "IMAP password input"
msgstr "Zadanie hesla IMAP"

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:96 ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:48
#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:58 ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:127
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:218
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:299
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:357
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:584
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:936
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1269 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:114 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:185
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:217 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:304
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:616 ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:342 ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:522
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "IP adresa"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:104 ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:118
#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:127 ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:366
#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:409
msgid "IP address of the DNS server"
msgstr "IP adresa servera DNS"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:219
msgid "IP address of the peer. Valid only for realtime peers."
msgstr "IP adresa partnera (peer). Platné len pre partnerov v reálnom čase."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:227
msgid "IP address or domain name of the registration server."
msgstr "IP adresa alebo doménové meno registračného servera."

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:62 ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:77
#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:97 ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:309
msgid "IP addresses"
msgstr "IP adresa"

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:97
msgid "IP list"
msgstr "Zoznam IP"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:284 ../templates/masscreate.php:359
msgid "Identifier"
msgstr "Identifikátor"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:220
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1457
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1728
msgid "Idle time limit"
msgstr "Limit doby nečinnosti"

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:100 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:124
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:149 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:209
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:232 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:320
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:631
msgid "Idle timeout"
msgstr "Časový limit nečinnosti"

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:53
msgid ""
"If activated then the user is forced to change his password at the next "
msgstr ""
"Ak je zaškrtnuté, potom používateľ musí pri najbližšom prihlásení zmeniť "

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:246
msgid "If checked Unix password will also be used as Samba password."
msgstr "Ak je zaškrtnuté, bude Unixové heslo použité aj ako heslo Samba."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:392
msgid ""
"If checked account will be deactivated by putting a \"!\" before the "
"encrypted password."
msgstr ""
"Ak je zaškrtnuté, bude účet deaktivovaný pridaním znaku „!” pred šifrované "

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:252
msgid "If checked no password will be used."
msgstr "Ak je zaškrtnuté, nebude použité heslo."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:258
msgid "If checked password does not expire. (Setting X-Flag)"
msgstr "Ak je zaškrtnuté, bude heslo vždy platné. (Nastavenie príznaku X)"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:264
msgid "If checked then the account will be deactivated. (Setting D-Flag)"
msgstr "Ak je zaškrtnuté, bude účet deaktivovaný. (Nastavenie príznaku D)"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:267
msgid ""
"If checked then the account will be locked (setting L-Flag). You usually "
"want to use this setting to unlock user accounts which were locked because "
"of failed login attempts."
msgstr ""
"Ak je zaškrtnuté, bude účet zamknutý (nastavenie príznaku L). Zvyčajne "
"budete chcieť toto nastavenie použiť na odomknutie používateľského účtu, "
"ktorý bol predtým zamknutý kvôli zlyhaným pokusom o prihlásenie."

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:397
msgid ""
"If empty GID number will be generated automaticly depending on your "
"configuration settings."
msgstr ""
"Ak je prázdne, bude číslo GID vygenerované automaticky, na základe vašich "

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:347
msgid "If empty UID number will be generated automaticly."
msgstr "Ak je prázdne, bude číslo UID vygenerované automaticky."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:117
msgid ""
"If enabled the user will not be allowed to login after there have been a "
"specified number of consecutive failed login attempts."
msgstr ""
"Ak je zapnuté, používateľovi nebude dovolené prihlásenie po zadanom počte po "
"sebe nasledujúcich neúspešných pokusov o prihlásenie."

#: ../help/help.inc:121
msgid ""
"If enabled then LAM will use user and password that is provided by the web "
"server via HTTP authentication."
msgstr ""
"Ak je zapnuté, bude LAM používať používateľa a heslo, ktoré je poskytnuté "
"webovým serverom cez autentifikáciu HTTP."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:121
msgid ""
"If enabled users must change their passwords when they first login after a "
"password is set or reset by the administrator."
msgstr ""
"Ak je zapnuté, musia používatelia zmeniť svoje heslá pri prvom prihlásené po "
"nastavení alebo vymazaní hesla administrátorom."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:207
msgid ""
"If registration context is specified, Asterisk will dynamically create and "
"destroy a NoOp priority 1 extension for a given peer who registers or "
"unregisters with Asterisk."
msgstr ""
"Ak je zadaný kontext registrácie, bude Asterisk dynamicky vytvárať a rušiť "
"rozšírenie NoOp priority 1 daného partnera, ktorý sa registruje alebo "
"odregistruje pomocou Asterisk."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:103
msgid "If set then users need to login to change their password."
msgstr ""
"Ak je nastavené, musia sa používatelia prihlásiť, aby mohli zmeniť heslo."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:249
msgid "If set to \"true\" Unix password will also be used as Samba password."
msgstr ""
"Ak je nastavené na „pravda”, bude Unixové heslo použité aj ako heslo Samba."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:270
msgid "If set to \"true\" account will be deactivated. (Setting D-Flag)"
msgstr ""
"Ak je nastavené na „pravda”, bude účet deaktivovaný. (Nastavenie príznaku D)"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:255
msgid "If set to \"true\" no password will be used."
msgstr "Ak je nastavené na „pravda”, nebude použité heslo."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:261
msgid "If set to \"true\" password does not expire. (Setting X-Flag)"
msgstr ""
"Ak je nastavené na „pravda”, platnosť hesla nevyprší. (Nastavenie príznaku X)"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:82
msgid ""
"If the mailbox size reaches the soft quota limit, the user will not be able "
"to send email until the size of the mailbox is reduced."
msgstr ""
"Keď veľkosť poštovej schránky dosiahne mäkký limit kvóty, používateľ nebude "
"môcť posielať emaily, kým nezmenší veľkosť poštovej schránky."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:309
msgid ""
"If you leave this empty LAM will use: uidNumber*2 + sambaAlgorithmicRidBase."
msgstr ""
"Ak ponecháte toto pole prázdne, LAM použije: uidNumber*2 + "

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:122
msgid ""
"If you select this option then the user is only authenticated by his email "
"address. LAM Pro will not ask for the answer to the security question. "
"Please handle with care."
msgstr ""
"Ak si vyberiete túto voľbu, potom bude používateľ autentifikovaný len "
"pomocou svojej emailovej adresy. LAM Pro nebude klásť bezpečnostné otázky. "
"Prosím, používajte opatrne."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:273 ../help/help.inc:171
msgid ""
"If you set this option then the user has to change his password at the next "
msgstr ""
"Ak nastavíte túto voľbu, bude musieť používateľ zmeniť svoje heslo pri "
"nasledujúcom prihlásení."

#: ../help/help.inc:100
msgid ""
"If you want to change the current preferences password, please enter it here."
msgstr "Ak chcete zmeniť aktuálne heslo do nastavení, prosím, zadajte ho tu."

#: ../help/help.inc:135
msgid ""
"If you want to change your master configuration password, please enter it "
msgstr ""
"Ak chcete zmeniť svoje hlavné heslo do nastavenia, zadajte ho, prosím, tu."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:361
msgid "If you want to use a well known RID you can select a well known group."
msgstr ""
"Ak chcete použiť všeobecne známe RID, môžete použiť všeobecne známu skupinu."

#: ../help/help.inc:110
msgid ""
"If your server runs on another port then add a comma and the port number "
"after the server."
msgstr ""
"Ak váš server beží na inom porte, pridajte za server čiarku a číslo portu."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/view_jpeg_photo.php:49
msgid "Image not available"
msgstr "Obrázok nie je dostupný"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:292
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:45
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import_form.php:19
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importovať"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:87
msgid "Include system attributes"
msgstr "Zahrnúť systémové atribúty"

#: ../lib/tools/serverInfo.inc:53
msgid "Information about the LDAP server."
msgstr "Informácie o serveri LDAP."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:215
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:338
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1443
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1723
msgid "Inherit client startup configuration"
msgstr "Zdediť nastavenie spustenia klienta"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:394 ../templates/schema/schema.php:415
msgid "Inherited from"
msgstr "Zdediť od"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:155 ../templates/schema/schema.php:351
msgid "Inherits from"
msgstr "Dedí od"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:216
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:341
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1445
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1724
msgid "Initial program"
msgstr "Východzí program"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:128 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:278
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:313 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:588
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:781 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1228
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2046 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2658
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Iniciály"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:280 ../templates/serverInfo.php:366
msgid "Initiated"
msgstr "Inicializované"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:56 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:98
msgid "Inode hard quota"
msgstr "Pevná kvóta inodov"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:56 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:57
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:98 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:99
msgid ""
"Inode hard quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are "
msgstr ""
"Pevná kvóta inodov obsahuje neplatné znaky. Dovolené sú len prirodzené čísla."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:60 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:102
msgid "Inode quota"
msgstr "Kvóta inodov"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:54 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:96
msgid "Inode soft quota"
msgstr "Mäkka kvóta inodov"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:54 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:55
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:96 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:97
msgid ""
"Inode soft quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are "
msgstr ""
"Mäkka kvóta inodov obsahuje neplatné znaky. Dovolené sú len prirodzené čísla."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:60 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:61
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:102 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:103
msgid "Inode soft quota must be smaller than inode hard quota."
msgstr "Mäkka kvóta inodov musí byť menšia ako pevná kvóta inodov."

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:516
msgid "Input fields"
msgstr "Vstupné polia"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:146
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:263
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:339
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:453
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:763
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1215
msgid "Insecure"
msgstr "nebezpečné"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:87
msgid "Inserted user or group name in home path."
msgstr ""
"Meno používateľa alebo skupiny bolo pridané do cesty domovského adresára."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:93
msgid "Inserted user or group name in logon script."
msgstr ""
"Meno používateľa alebo skupiny bolo pridané do prihlasovacieho skriptu."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:90
msgid "Inserted user or group name in profile path."
msgstr "Meno používateľa alebo skupiny bolo pridané do cesty profilu."

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:379
msgid "Invalid MAC address."
msgstr "Neplatná adresa MAC."

#: ../templates/massBuildAccounts.php:174
msgid "Invalid RDN attribute!"
msgstr "Neplatný atribút RDN!"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rename.php:42
msgid "Invalid RDN value"
msgstr "Neplatná hodnota RDN"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:75
msgid "Invalid account"
msgstr "Neplatný účet"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:560
msgid "Invalid entry"
msgstr "Neplatná položky"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:159
msgid "Invalid password for IMAP admin or other problem occured."
msgstr "Neplatné heslo administrátora IMAP alebo nastal iný problém."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:118 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:123
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:170 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:214
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:319 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:795
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:911
msgid "Invitation policy"
msgstr "Politika pozvaní"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:127
msgid "Invitation policy list"
msgstr "Zoznam politík pozvaní"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:544
msgid "Islamabad, Karachi"
msgstr "Islamabád, Karáči"

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:109
msgid "It is not possible to delete all ranges."
msgstr "Nie je možné odstrániť všetky rozsahy."

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:486 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:79
msgid ""
"It is possible that this ID-number is reused. This can cause several "
"problems because files with old permissions might still exist. To avoid this "
"warning set maxUID to a higher value."
msgstr ""
"Je možné, že toto číslo ID je použité znova. Môže to spôsobiť viacero "
"problémov, pretože stále môžu existovať súbory so starými právami. Aby ste "
"sa vyhli tomuto upozorneniu, nastavte maxUID na vyššiu hodnotu."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:70 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:128
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:171 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:262
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:329 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:564
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:605 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1642
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2021 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2665
msgid "Job title"
msgstr "Pracovné zaradenie"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:606
msgid "Job title of user: President, department manager, ..."
msgstr "Pracovné zaradenie používateľa: Prezident, vedúci oddelenia, ..."

#: ../lib/lists.inc:281
msgid "Jump 10 pages backward"
msgstr "Prejsť o 10 strán späť"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:301
msgid "Jump 10 pages forward"
msgstr "Prejsť o 10 strán vpred"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:253
msgid "Jump to a matching rule"
msgstr "Prejsť na vyhovujúce pravidlo"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:112
msgid "Jump to an attribute type"
msgstr "Prejsť na typ atribútu"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:306 ../templates/schema/schema.php:356
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:371
msgid "Jump to an object class"
msgstr "Prejsť na triedu objektu"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:276
msgid "Jump to first page"
msgstr "Prejsť na prvú stranu"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:306
msgid "Jump to last page"
msgstr "Prejsť na poslednú stranu"

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:51
msgid "Kerberos"
msgstr "Kerberos"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:73
msgid "Kolab"
msgstr "Kolab"

#: ../templates/login.php:207 ../templates/config/index.php:77
msgid "LAM configuration"
msgstr "Nastavenie LAM"

#: ../templates/massBuildAccounts.php:211
msgid "LAM has checked your input and is now ready to create the accounts."
msgstr "LAM skontroloval váš vstup a je teraz pripravený vytvoriť účty."

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:421 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:343
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:766
msgid ""
"LAM supports CRYPT, SHA, SSHA, MD5 and SMD5 to generate the hash value of "
"passwords. SSHA and CRYPT are the most common but CRYPT does not support "
"passwords greater than 8 letters. We do not recommend to use plain text "
msgstr ""
"LAM podporuje na generovanie odtlačku hesiel CRYPT, SHA, SSHA, MD5 a SMD5. "
"SSHA a CRYPT sú používané najčastejšie, ale CRYPT nepodporuje heslá dlhšie "
"ako 8 znakov. Nedoporučujeme používať heslá v prostom texte (nešifrované)."

#: ../templates/tests/index.php:48
msgid "LAM tests"
msgstr "Testy LAM"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:114
msgid "LAM user password"
msgstr "Heslo používateľa LAM"

#: ../templates/massDoUpload.php:101
#, php-format
msgid "LAM was unable to create account %s! An LDAP error occured."
msgstr "LAM nemohol vytvoriť účet %s! Nastala chyba LDAP."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:441
msgid "LAM was unable to find a Samba 3 domain with this name!"
msgstr "LAM nemohol nájsť doménu Samba 3 s týmto menom!"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:108
msgid "LAM was unable to find a domain with this name!"
msgstr "LAM nemohol nájsť doménu s týmto menom!"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:97
msgid "LAM was unable to find a group with this name!"
msgstr "LAM nemohol nájsť skupinu s týmto menom!"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1922 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1983
#, php-format
msgid "LAM was unable to modify group memberships for group: %s"
msgstr "LAM nemohol zmeniť členstvo v skupine: %s"

#: ../help/help.inc:175
msgid "LAM will search for accounts in this part of the LDAP tree."
msgstr "LAM bude hľadať účty v tejto časti stromu LDAP."

#: ../help/help.inc:177
msgid ""
"LAM will use this LDAP DN and password to search for accounts. It is "
"sufficient to specify an account with read rights. If nothing is inserted "
"then LAM will try to connect anonymously."
msgstr ""
"LAM použije na hľadanie účtov toto DN a heslo LDAP. Stačí zadať účet s "
"právom na čítanie. Ak nie je nič zadané, LAM sa pokúsi pripojiť anonymne."

#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:97 ../templates/config/confmain.php:126
#: ../templates/config/moduleSettings.php:96
#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:115
msgid "LDAP Account Manager Configuration"
msgstr "Nastavenie LDAP Account Manager"

#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:325
msgid "LDAP Suffix is invalid!"
msgstr "Neplatná prípona LDAP!"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:180
msgid "LDAP entries"
msgstr "Položky LDAP"

#: ../templates/login.php:557
msgid "LDAP error, server says:"
msgstr "Chyba LDAP, server odpovedal:"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:362
msgid "LDAP filter"
msgstr "Filter LDAP"

#: ../lib/modules.inc:1233
msgid "LDAP operation successful."
msgstr "Operácia LDAP úspešná."

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:373
msgid "LDAP password"
msgstr "Heslo LDAP"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:1894
msgid "LDAP said"
msgstr "LDAP odpovedal"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:346 ../help/help.inc:116
msgid "LDAP search"
msgstr "Hľadanie LDAP"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:378 ../help/help.inc:178
msgid "LDAP search attribute"
msgstr "Hľadaný atribút LDAP"

#: ../lib/account.inc:684
msgid "LDAP search failed! Please check your preferences."
msgstr "Hľadanie LDAP zlyhalo! Prosím, skontrolujte svoje nastavenia."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:240 ../help/help.inc:118
msgid "LDAP search limit"
msgstr "Limit hľadania LDAP"

#: ../templates/login.php:373
msgid "LDAP server"
msgstr "Server LDAP"

#: ../lib/account.inc:675
msgid "LDAP sizelimit exceeded, not all entries are shown."
msgstr "Bol dosiahnutý limit veľkosti LDAP, nebudú zobrazené všetky položky."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:358 ../templates/config/conftypes.php:234
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:367
#: ../templates/profedit/profilepage.php:191 ../help/help.inc:71
#: ../help/help.inc:174
msgid "LDAP suffix"
msgstr "Prípona LDAP"

#: ../templates/massDoUpload.php:71
msgid "LDAP upload in progress. Please wait."
msgstr "Prebieha nahrávanie LDAP. Prosím počkajte."

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:371
msgid "LDAP user"
msgstr "Používateľ LDAP"

#: ../help/help.inc:176
msgid "LDAP user and password"
msgstr "Používateľ a heslo LDAP"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:107
msgid "LDAP version"
msgstr "Verzia LDAP"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/export_functions.php:442
msgid "LDIF Export"
msgstr "Export LDIF"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:149
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:71
msgid "LDIF import"
msgstr "Import LDIF"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:170
msgid "LDIF import only supports version 1"
msgstr "Import LDIF podporuje len verziu 1"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:183
msgid "Lamdaemon server and path"
msgstr "Server a cesta landeamon"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:309
msgid "Lamdaemon settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia landeamon"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:133
msgid "Lamdaemon successfully run."
msgstr "Lamdaemon úspešne spustený."

#: ../templates/tests/index.php:50 ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:50
#: ../lib/tools/tests.inc:110
msgid "Lamdaemon test"
msgstr "Test landeamon"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:283
msgid "Lamdaemon test finished."
msgstr "Test landeamon skončený."

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:265
msgid "Lamdaemon version"
msgstr "Verzia landeamon"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:275
msgid "Lamdaemon: Quota module installed"
msgstr "Lamdaemon: modul Quota nainštalovaný"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:271
msgid "Lamdaemon: check NSS LDAP"
msgstr "Lamdaemon: kontrola NSS LDAP"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:278
msgid "Lamdaemon: read quotas"
msgstr "Lamdaemon: číta kvóty"

#: ../templates/login.php:318
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jazyk"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:478
msgid "Language is not defined!"
msgstr "Jazyk nie je definovaný!"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:279
msgid "Language settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia jazyka"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:97 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:50
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:122 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:304
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:513 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:613
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1222 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2023
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2500
msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Priezvisko"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:50 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:51
msgid "Last name contains invalid characters or is empty!"
msgstr "Priezvisko je prázdne alebo obsahuje neplatné znaky!"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:614
msgid "Last name of user. Only letters, - and spaces are allowed."
msgstr "Priezvisko používateľa. Povolené sú len písmená a medzery."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:125 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:160
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:192 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:354
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:481
msgid "Last password change"
msgstr "Posledná zmena hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:230
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:305
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:360
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:606
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:963
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1278
msgid "Last qualify milliseconds"
msgstr "Počet milisekúnd poslednej kontroly"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:132 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:184
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:198 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:227
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:537 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:630
msgid "Lease time"
msgstr "Doba výpožičky"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:102
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Riadok"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:121
msgid "Line ends"
msgstr "Konce riadkov"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:81
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:171
msgid "Link text"
msgstr "Text odkazu"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:313
msgid "Link to self service login page for your users"
msgstr "Odkaz na samoobslužnej služby pre používateľov"

#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:249 ../help/help.inc:83
msgid "List attributes"
msgstr "Zoznam atribútov"

#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:332
msgid "List attributes are invalid!"
msgstr "Zoznam neplatných atribútov!"

#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:91
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:56
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:130
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:143
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:162
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:315
msgid "List name"
msgstr "Meno zoznamu"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:143
msgid "List name already in use."
msgstr "Meno zoznamu je už použité."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:293
msgid ""
"List of Samba workstations the user is allowed to login. Empty means every "
msgstr ""
"Zoznam pracovných staníc Samby, na ktoré sa používateľ môže prihlásiť. "
"Prázdne znamená každá pracovná stanica."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:472
msgid "List of admin users is empty or invalid!"
msgstr "Zoznam administrátorov je prázdny alebo neplatný!"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:195
msgid "List of allowed codecs."
msgstr "Zoznam dovolených kodekov."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:191
msgid "List of disallowed codecs."
msgstr "Zoznam nedovolených kodekov."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:94
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:88
msgid "List of entries to be deleted:"
msgstr "Zoznam položiek na odstránenie:"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:354
msgid "List of valid users"
msgstr "Zoznam platných používateľov"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:150
msgid "Listeners"
msgstr "Prijímanie na portoch"

#: ../lib/modules.inc:1126 ../help/help.inc:162
msgid "Load profile"
msgstr "Načítať profil"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/AJAXTree.php:279
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1082
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1099
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1137
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1153
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1170
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1187
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1226
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1245
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Načítanie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:303
msgid "Loading export"
msgstr "Načítanie exportu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:290
msgid "Loading import"
msgstr "Načítanie importu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:497
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:233
msgid "Loading search"
msgstr "Načítanie hľadania"

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:65
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:150
msgid "Local address"
msgstr "Lokálna adresa"

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:69
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:99
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:113
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:303
msgid "Local address list"
msgstr "Zoznam lokálnych adries"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:72
msgid "Local group"
msgstr "Lokálna skupina"

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:66 ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:84
#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:98 ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:149
#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:312 ../lib/modules/device.inc:70
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:101 ../lib/modules/device.inc:116
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:177 ../lib/modules/device.inc:436
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:127 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:141
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:240 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:481
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:528 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:729
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:733 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1359
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2041 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2591
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Umiestnenie"

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:139
msgid "Lock account"
msgstr "Zamknúť účet"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:207 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:257
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1156 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1741
msgid "Lock password"
msgstr "Zamknúť heslo"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:83 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:96
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:143 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:163
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:256 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:478
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:126 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:191
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:216 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:333
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:683
msgid "Lockout duration"
msgstr "Trvanie uzamknutia"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:216
msgid "Lockout duration must be are natural number."
msgstr "Trvanie uzamknutia musí byť prirodzené číslo."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:131
msgid "Lockout time"
msgstr "Čas uzamknutia"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:88 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:116
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:142 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:250
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:487
msgid "Lockout users"
msgstr "Uzamknutí používatelia"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:114 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:188
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:218 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:309
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:674
msgid "Lockout users after bad logon attempts"
msgstr "Odomknutie používateľov po neúspešných pokusoch o prihlásenie"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:218
msgid "Lockout users after bad logon attempts must be between 0 and 999."
msgstr ""
"Odomknutie používateľov po neúspešných pokusoch o prihlásenie musí byť medzi "
"0 a 999."

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:230 ../help/help.inc:144
msgid "Log destination"
msgstr "Cieľ záznamu"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:216 ../help/help.inc:142
msgid "Log level"
msgstr "Úroveň záznamov"

#: ../templates/main_header.php:113
#, php-format
msgid "Logged in as: %s"
msgstr "Prihlásený ako: %s"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:233
msgid "Logging"
msgstr "Zaznamenávanie"

#: ../templates/login.php:344 ../templates/config/conflogin.php:62
#: ../templates/config/mainlogin.php:70
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceLogin.php:163
#: ../templates/selfService/adminLogin.php:64
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:530 ../help/help.inc:56
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Prihlásiť"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:389 ../help/help.inc:180
msgid "Login attribute label"
msgstr "Menovka atribútu prihlásenia"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:394 ../help/help.inc:182
msgid "Login caption"
msgstr "Nadpis prihlásenia"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:348 ../help/help.inc:114
msgid "Login method"
msgstr "Metóda prihlásenia"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:99 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:148
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:243 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:320
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:395 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1149
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1389 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1474
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:2106
msgid "Login shell"
msgstr "Prihlasovací shell"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:446
msgid "Logo"
msgstr "Logo"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:102 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:185
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:283 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:661
msgid "Logon for password change"
msgstr "Prihlásenie na zmenu hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:109
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:317
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:320
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:501
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:579
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1220
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1570
msgid "Logon hours"
msgstr "Prihlasovacie hodiny"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:92 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:205
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:289
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:485
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:575
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1173
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1546
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1693
msgid "Logon script"
msgstr "Prihlasovací skript"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:92 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:94
msgid "Logon script is invalid!"
msgstr "Neplatný prihlasovací skript!"

#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceMain.php:53
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceMain.php:352
#: ../templates/main_header.php:120
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Odhlásiť"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:89
msgid "M-Node (0x04)"
msgstr "M-Node (0x04)"

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:96 ../lib/modules/ieee802device.inc:51
#: ../lib/modules/ieee802device.inc:61 ../lib/modules/ieee802device.inc:72
#: ../lib/modules/ieee802device.inc:104 ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:90
#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:338 ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:522
msgid "MAC address"
msgstr "Adresa MAC"

#: ../lib/modules/ieee802device.inc:65
msgid "MAC address list"
msgstr "Zoznam adries MAC"

#: ../lib/modules/ieee802device.inc:79 ../lib/modules/ieee802device.inc:206
msgid "MAC addresses"
msgstr "Adresa MAC"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:550
msgid "Magadan, Solomon Islands"
msgstr "Magadan, Šalamúnove ostrovy"

#: ../lib/types/mailAlias.inc:53 ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:55
msgid "Mail aliases"
msgstr "Emailové aliasy"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:90 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:118
msgid "Mail domains"
msgstr "Emailové domény"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:88 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:159
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:207 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:220
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:306 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:779
msgid "Mail quota"
msgstr "Kvóta emailov"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:241 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:242
msgid "Mail quota must be a number!"
msgstr "Kvóta emailov musí byť číslo!"

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:51
msgid "Mail routing"
msgstr "Smerovanie pošty"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:1142
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:1183
msgid "Mail sending failed."
msgstr "Odoslanie emailu zlyhalo."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:85
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:73
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:78
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:105
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:114
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:145
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:306
msgid "Mail server"
msgstr "Poštový server"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:453
#, php-format
msgid "Mail successfully sent to %s."
msgstr "Email úspešne odoslaný adresátovi %s."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:150
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:265
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:340
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:461
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:772
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1218
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:86
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:129
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:149
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:236
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:390 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:55
#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:96 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:217
msgid "Mailbox"
msgstr "Emailová schránka"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:226
msgid "Mailbox already exists on IMAP server."
msgstr "Emailová schránka už na serveri IMAP existuje."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:233
msgid "Mailbox does not exist on IMAP server."
msgstr "Emailová schránka na serveri IMAP neexistuje."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:151 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:182
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:216 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:292
#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:297 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:775
msgid "Mailbox home server"
msgstr "Domovský server emailovej schránky"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:237
msgid "Mailbox home server name is empty!"
msgstr "Meno domovského servera emailovej schránky je prázdne!"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:235 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:236
msgid "Mailbox home server name is invalid!"
msgstr "Meno domovského servera emailovej schránky nie je platné!"

#: ../lib/types/mailAlias.inc:62
msgid "Mailing aliases (e.g. NIS mail aliases)"
msgstr "Emailové aliasy (napr. emailové aliasy NIS)"

#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:68
msgid "Mails to this name are forwarded to the recipients."
msgstr "Emaily tomuto adresátovi sú presmerované príjemcom."

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:360 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:615
msgid "Main"
msgstr "Hlavná"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:400 ../help/help.inc:184
msgid "Main page caption"
msgstr "Nadpis hlavnej stránky"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:79
msgid "Make sure your filter (above) will select all child records."
msgstr "Skontrolujte, že váš filter (nižšie) vyberie všetky záznamy potomkov."

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:142
msgid "Manage existing PDF structures"
msgstr "Spravovať existujúce štruktúry PDF"

#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:137
msgid "Manage existing profiles"
msgstr "Spravovať existujúce profily"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminLogin.php:164
msgid "Manage self service profiles"
msgstr "Spravovať samobslužné profily"

#: ../templates/config/conflogin.php:171
msgid "Manage server profiles"
msgstr "Spravovať profily servera"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:103
msgid "Managed suffixes"
msgstr "Spravované prípony"

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:70 ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:90
#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:99 ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:170
#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:315 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:272
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:353 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:579
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:621 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:625
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1718 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2025
msgid "Manager"
msgstr "Manažér"

#: ../lib/tools/ouEditor.inc:53
msgid "Manages OU objects in your LDAP tree."
msgstr "Spravuje objekty OU vo vašom strome LDAP."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:52
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manuálne"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:54
msgid "Manual if conflicts"
msgstr "Manuálne, ak nastane konflikt"

#: ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:78 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:58
#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:89 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:105
#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:116 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:142
#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:211
msgid "Mapping entry"
msgstr "Položka mapovania"

#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:116 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:117
msgid ""
"Mapping entry contains invalid characters. Only ASCII characters are allowed."
msgstr ""
"Položka mapovania obsahuje neplatné znaky. Povolené sú len znaky ASCII."

#: ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:79 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:62
#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:82 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:106
#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:136 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:212
msgid "Mapping name"
msgstr "Názov mapovania"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:392 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:566
msgid "Mark account for deletion"
msgstr "Označiť účet na odstránenie"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:163
msgid "Mark for deletion"
msgstr "Označiť na odstránenie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:44
msgid "Mass delete"
msgstr "Hromadné odstránenie"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:203
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:163 ../help/help.inc:136
msgid "Master password"
msgstr "Hlavné heslo"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:52
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:40
msgid "Master password is wrong!"
msgstr "Hlavné heslo je zlé!"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:77
msgid "Master passwords are different or empty!"
msgstr "Hlavné heslá sa nezhodujú alebo sú prázdne!"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:266
msgid "Matching rule OID"
msgstr "Vyhovujúce pravidlá OID"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:75 ../templates/schema/schema.php:76
msgid "Matching rules"
msgstr "Vyhovujúce pravidlá"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:171
msgid "Max. file descriptors"
msgstr "Max. popisovačov súborov"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:317 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:490
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:491
msgid "Maximum GID number"
msgstr "Maximálne číslo GID"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:490
msgid "Maximum GID number is invalid or empty!"
msgstr "Neplatné alebo prázdne maximálne číslo GID!"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:491
msgid "Maximum GID number must be greater than minimum GID number!"
msgstr "Maximálne číslo GID musí byť väčšie ako minimálne číslo GID!"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:68 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:70
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:71 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:72
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:170 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:179
msgid "Maximum UID number"
msgstr "Maximálne číslo UID"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:68 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:70
msgid "Maximum UID number is invalid!"
msgstr "Neplatné maximálne číslo UID!"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:71 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:72
msgid "Maximum UID number must be greater than minimum UID number!"
msgstr "Maximálne číslo UID musí byť väčšie ako minimálne číslo UID!"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:84 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:100
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:144 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:164
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:264 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:479
msgid "Maximum failure count"
msgstr "Maximálny počet zlyhaní"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:128
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import_form.php:36
msgid "Maximum file size"
msgstr "Maximálna veľkosť súboru"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:136 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:185
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:199 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:233
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:541 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:631
msgid "Maximum lease time"
msgstr "maximálna doba výpožičky"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:212
msgid "Maximum length"
msgstr "Maximálna dĺžka"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:864 ../help/help.inc:93
msgid "Maximum list entries"
msgstr "Maximálny počet položiek zoznamu"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:187
msgid ""
"Maximum number of seconds of inactivity before terminating a call on hold."
msgstr "Maximálny počet sekúnd neaktivity pred ukončením podržaného volania."

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:79 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:59
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:65 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:116
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:180 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:218
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:329 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:486
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:80 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:136
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:159 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:160
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:198 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:465
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:122 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:190
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:213 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:215
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:325 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:680
msgid "Maximum password age"
msgstr "Maximálny vek hesla"

#: ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:94 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:85
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:89 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:122
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:132 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:276
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:580 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:80 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:113
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:121 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:132
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:198 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:553
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Členovia"

#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:84 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:136
msgid "Members are optional"
msgstr "Členovia sú voliteľní"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:537
msgid "Mid-Atlantic"
msgstr "Stredoatlantický čas"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:528
msgid "Midway Island, Samoa"
msgstr "Ostrov Midway, Samoa"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:306
msgid "Miller"
msgstr "Hraško"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:94 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:183
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:269 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:653
msgid "Minimal password length"
msgstr "Minimálna dĺžka hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:314 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:489
msgid "Minimum GID number"
msgstr "Minimálne číslo GID"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:489
msgid "Minimum GID number is invalid or empty!"
msgstr "Neplatné alebo prázdne minimálne číslo GID!"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:67 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:69
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:167 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:176
msgid "Minimum UID number"
msgstr "Minimálne číslo UID"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:67 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:69
msgid "Minimum UID number is invalid!"
msgstr "Neplatné minimálne číslo UID!"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:73
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:169
msgid "Minimum answer length"
msgstr "Minimálna dĺžka odpovede"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:208
msgid "Minimum character classes"
msgstr "Minimálny počet druhov znakov"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:204
msgid "Minimum lowercase characters"
msgstr "Minimálny počet malých písmen"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:206
msgid "Minimum numeric characters"
msgstr "Minimálny počet číslic"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:78 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:57
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:111 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:176
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:212 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:321
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:485 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:135 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:158
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:190 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:464
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:118 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:189
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:214 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:317
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:677
msgid "Minimum password age"
msgstr "Minimálny vek hesla"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:203 ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:87
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:112 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:139
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:167 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:242
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:482
msgid "Minimum password length"
msgstr "Minimálna dĺžka hesla"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:207
msgid "Minimum symbolic characters"
msgstr "Minimálny počet špeciálnych znakov"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:205
msgid "Minimum uppercase characters"
msgstr "Minimálny počet veľkých písmen"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:429
msgid "Missing attributes for"
msgstr "Chýbajúce atribúty pre"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:443
msgid "Missing modify command add, delete or replace"
msgstr "Chýba príkaz modifikácie add, delete alebo replace"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:160 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:56
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:123 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:256
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:425 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:552
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:669 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:673
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1536 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2033
msgid "Mobile number"
msgstr "Číslo mobilu"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2535
msgid "Mobile telephone number"
msgstr "Číslo mobilného telefónu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_update.php:61
msgid "Modification not successful!"
msgstr "Zmena neúspešná!"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_update.php:59
msgid "Modification successful!"
msgstr "Zmena úspešná!"

#: ../lib/modules/generalInformation.inc:85
msgid "Modification time"
msgstr "Čas zmeny"

#: ../lib/modules/generalInformation.inc:81
msgid "Modified by"
msgstr "Zmenil"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:312 ../templates/serverInfo.php:385
msgid "Modify"
msgstr "Zmeniť"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:326 ../templates/serverInfo.php:391
msgid "Modify RDN"
msgstr "Zmeniť RDN"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/modify_member_form.php:57
msgid "Modify group"
msgstr "Zmeniť skupinu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2110
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2111
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2114
msgid "Modify group members"
msgstr "Zmeniť členov skupiny"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:32
msgid "Modifying"
msgstr "Zápis zmien"

#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:167
#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:204
#: ../templates/config/moduleSettings.php:166
#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:185
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:350
msgid "Module settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia modulu"

#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:163
#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:200
#: ../templates/config/moduleSettings.php:162
#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:181
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "Moduly"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1311
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Pondelok"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:532
msgid "Mountain Time (US & Canada)"
msgstr "Horský čas (USA a Kanada)"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:97 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:389
#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:495 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:622
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:90 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:115
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:375
msgid "Mountpoint"
msgstr "Prípojný bod"

#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:90 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:91
msgid "Mountpoint contains invalid characters."
msgstr "Prípojný bod obsahuje neplatné znaky."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:98
msgid "Mountpoint of device with enabled quotas."
msgstr "Prípojný bod na zariadení so zapnutými kvótami."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:69 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:68
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:98 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:110
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:126 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:149
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:89 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:94
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:99 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:104
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:109 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:114
msgid "Multiple values are separated by comma."
msgstr "Viaceré hodnoty sú oddelené čiarkami."

#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:67 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:626
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:634 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:642
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:650 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:666
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:674 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:682
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:690 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:698
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:718 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:734
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:742 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:758
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:774 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:782
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:63 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:73
msgid "Multiple values are separated by semicolon."
msgstr "Viaceré hodnoty sú oddelené bodkočiarkami."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:198
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:289
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:352
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:548
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:887
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1254
msgid "Music on hold"
msgstr "Hudba pri podržaní"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:199
msgid "Music to play on hold."
msgstr "Hudba, ktorá bude prehrávaná pri podržaní hovoru."

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:86 ../lib/modules/device.inc:103
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:483
msgid "MyCity"
msgstr "Moje mesto"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:387 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:395
msgid "Mycity"
msgstr "Moje mesto"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:371
msgid "Mystreetname 42"
msgstr "Moja ulica 42"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:154
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:267
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:341
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:468
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:785
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1221
msgid "NAT"
msgstr "NAT"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:155
msgid "NAT setting for this account."
msgstr "Nastavenia NAT tohoto účtu."

#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:57
msgid "NIS net group"
msgstr "Sieťová skupina NIS"

#: ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:62
msgid "NIS netgroup entries"
msgstr "Položky sieťových skupín NIS"

#: ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:53
msgid "NIS netgroups"
msgstr "Sieťové skupiny NIS"

#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:40
msgid "NIS object"
msgstr "Objekt NIS"

#: ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:144
#, php-format
msgid "NIS object count: %s"
msgstr "Počet objektov NIS: %s"

#: ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:48
msgid "NIS object entries"
msgstr "Položky objektu NIS"

#: ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:39
msgid "NIS objects"
msgstr "Objekty NIS"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:145 ../templates/masscreate.php:280
#: ../templates/masscreate.php:355 ../templates/schema/schema.php:266
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfdelete.php:88 ../lib/types/automountType.inc:77
#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:251 ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:77
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:54 ../lib/modules/device.inc:82
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:113 ../lib/modules/device.inc:155
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:423 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:54
#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:74 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:104
#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:130 ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:210
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:72 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:134
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:157 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:182
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:463 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:54
#: ../lib/modules/automount.inc:70 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/automount.inc:118 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:190
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:808
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:170
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Meno"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:57
msgid "Name of the address list which should be created."
msgstr "Meno zoznamu adries, ktorý má byť vytvorený."

#: ../help/help.inc:157
msgid ""
"Name under which the profile will be saved. If a profile with the same name "
"exists, it will be overwritten."
msgstr ""
"Meno, pod ktorým bude profil uložený. Ak už profil s rovnakým menom "
"existuje, bude prepísaný."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:172 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:191
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:569 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:637
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:80 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:116
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:130 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:193
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:220 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:312
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:619
msgid "Net mask"
msgstr "Sieťová maska"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:148 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:188
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:202 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:251
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:549 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:634
msgid "Netbios name servers"
msgstr "Menné servery NetBIOS"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:152 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:189
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:204 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:257
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:559 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:635
msgid "Netbios node type"
msgstr "Typ uzla NetBIOS"

#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:167
msgid "New Authorized Service"
msgstr "Nová autorizovaná služba"

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:108 ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:161
msgid "New DHCP"
msgstr "Nové DHCP"

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:139
msgid "New IP address"
msgstr "Nová adresa IP"

#: ../lib/modules/ieee802device.inc:114
msgid "New MAC address"
msgstr "Nová adresa MAC"

#: ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:92 ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:146
msgid "New NIS object"
msgstr "Nový objekt NIS"

#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:75
msgid "New OU created successfully."
msgstr "Nové OU úspešne vytvorené."

#: ../lib/modules/ldapPublicKey.inc:108
msgid "New SSH public key"
msgstr "Nový verejný kľúč SSH"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:491
msgid "New York"
msgstr "Kežmarok"

#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:107
#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:140
msgid "New address list"
msgstr "Nový zoznam adries"

#: ../lib/types/mailAlias.inc:104 ../lib/types/mailAlias.inc:137
#: ../lib/types/alias.inc:104 ../lib/types/alias.inc:137
msgid "New alias"
msgstr "Nový alias"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:91 ../lib/types/automountType.inc:177
msgid "New automount entry"
msgstr "Nová položka automount"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:199 ../lib/types/automountType.inc:200
msgid "New automount map"
msgstr "Nová mapa automount"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:127
msgid "New default profile set successfully."
msgstr "Nový predvolený profil úspešne uložený."

#: ../lib/types/smbDomain.inc:104 ../lib/types/smbDomain.inc:158
msgid "New domain"
msgstr "Nová doména"

#: ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:108 ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:140
msgid "New extension"
msgstr "Nové rozšírenie"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:567
msgid "New field"
msgstr "Nové pole"

#: ../lib/types/gon.inc:106 ../lib/types/gon.inc:163
#: ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:109
#: ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:156 ../lib/types/group.inc:108
#: ../lib/types/group.inc:176 ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:106
#: ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:160
msgid "New group"
msgstr "Nová skupina"

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:108 ../lib/types/host.inc:163
#: ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:150
msgid "New host"
msgstr "Nový stroj"

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:156
msgid "New local address"
msgstr "Nová lokálna adresa"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:239
msgid "New master password"
msgstr "Nové hlavné heslo"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:74
msgid "New master password set successfully."
msgstr "Nové hlavné heslo úspešne nastavené."

#: ../lib/lists.inc:108
msgid "New object"
msgstr "Nový objekt"

#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:178 ../help/help.inc:211
msgid "New organisational unit"
msgstr "Nová organizačná jednotka"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:375 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:2081
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:802
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nové heslo"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:117
msgid "New password set successfully."
msgstr "Nové heslo úspešne nastavené."

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:112 ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:145
msgid "New policy"
msgstr "Nová politika"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:242
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:223
msgid "New profile name"
msgstr "Nové meno profilu"

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:94 ../lib/modules/range.inc:108
#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:444
msgid "New range"
msgstr "Nový rozsah"

#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:161
msgid "New recipient"
msgstr "Nový príjemca"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:81
msgid "New required attributes"
msgstr "Nové povinné atribúty"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:535
msgid "New section"
msgstr "Nová sekcia"

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:96 ../lib/types/sudo.inc:150
msgid "New sudo role"
msgstr "Nová rola sudo"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:116 ../lib/types/user.inc:199
msgid "New user"
msgstr "Nový používateľ"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:55
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:81
msgid "New value"
msgstr "Nová hodnota"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:78 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:158
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:179 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:354
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:641
msgid "Next RID"
msgstr "Nasledujúce RID"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:205 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:206
msgid "Next RID is not a number!"
msgstr "Nasledujúce RID nie je číslo!"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:79
msgid "Next RID to use when creating accounts (only used by Winbind)."
msgstr "Nasledujúce RID, použité pri vytváraní účtov (používa len Winbind)."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:87
msgid "Next RID to use when creating group accounts (only used by Winbind)."
msgstr ""
"Nasledujúce RID, použité pri vytváraní skupín účtov (používa len Winbind)."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:83
msgid "Next RID to use when creating user accounts (only used by Winbind)."
msgstr ""
"Nasledujúce RID, použité pri vytváraní používateľských účtov (používa len "

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:86 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:170
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:181 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:370
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:647
msgid "Next group RID"
msgstr "Nasledujúce RID skupiny"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:209 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:210
msgid "Next group RID is not a number!"
msgstr "Nasledujúce RID skupiny nie je číslo!"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:82 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:164
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:180 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:362
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:644
msgid "Next user RID"
msgstr "Nasledujúce RID používateľa"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:207 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:208
msgid "Next user RID is not a number!"
msgstr "Nasledujúce RID používateľa nie je číslo!"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:88 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:167
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:199 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:311
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:673
msgid "Nick names"
msgstr "Prezývky"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:151 ../templates/schema/schema.php:193
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:198 ../templates/schema/schema.php:203
#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:108
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nie"

#: ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:139
msgid "No Asterisk extensions found."
msgstr "Nenájdené rozšírenie Asterisk."

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:160
msgid "No DHCPs found!"
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne DHCP!"

#: ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:145
msgid "No NIS objects found!"
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne objekty NIS!"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:558
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:559
msgid "No RDN attribute was selected."
msgstr "Nebol zvolený atribút RDN."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1060
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:245
msgid "No Samba 3 domains found in LDAP! Please create one first."
msgstr ""
"Nenájdené žiadne domény Samba 3 v LDAP! Prosím, najprv nejakú vytvorte."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:446 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1051
msgid "No Unix groups found in LDAP! Please create one first."
msgstr ""
"Nenájdené žiadne domény unixové skupiny v LDAP! Prosím, najprv nejakú "

#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:139
msgid "No address list found!"
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne zoznamy adries!"

#: ../lib/types/mailAlias.inc:136 ../lib/types/alias.inc:136
msgid "No aliases found!"
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne aliasy!"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:176
msgid "No automount entries found!"
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne položky automount!"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/download_binary_attr.php:36
msgid "No binary data available"
msgstr "Binárne dáta nie sú dostupné"

#: ../templates/initsuff.php:163
msgid "No changes were made."
msgstr "Neboli vykonané žiadne zmeny."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:83
#, php-format
msgid "No current value for attribute <b>%s</b>."
msgstr "Chýba aktuálna hodnota atribúta <b>%s</b>."

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:142
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Chýba popis"

#: ../lib/types/smbDomain.inc:157
msgid "No domains found!"
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne domény!"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:20
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:21
msgid "No entry was selected to delete"
msgstr "Nebola zvolená žiadna položka na odstránenie"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:80
msgid "No file selected."
msgstr "Nebol zvolený súbor."

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:487 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:78
msgid "No free ID-Number!"
msgstr "Žiadne voľné číslo ID!"

#: ../lib/types/gon.inc:162 ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:155
#: ../lib/types/group.inc:175 ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:159
msgid "No groups found!"
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne skupiny!"

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:162
msgid "No hosts found!"
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne stroje!"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/view_jpeg_photo.php:59
msgid "No image available"
msgstr "Obrázok nie je dostupný"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:94
msgid "No import input"
msgstr "Žiadny vstup importu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1354
msgid "No internal attributes"
msgstr "Žiadne interné atribúty"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:193
msgid "No lamdaemon path set, please update your LAM configuration settings."
msgstr ""
"Nie je nastavená cesta k lamdaemon, prosím, upravte svoje nastavenia LAM."

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:95
#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:188
msgid "No lamdaemon server set, please update your LAM configuration settings."
msgstr ""
"Nie je nastavený server pre lamdaemon, prosím, upravte svoje nastavenia LAM."

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:219
msgid "No logging"
msgstr "Bez záznamu"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:422
msgid "No logo"
msgstr "Bez loga"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:157
msgid "No new attributes available for this entry"
msgstr "Pre túto položku nie sú dostupné žiadne nové atribúty"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:107
msgid "No objects found!"
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne objekty!"

#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:387
msgid "No or more than one base module selected!"
msgstr "Zvolený žiadny alebo viac ako jeden základný modul!"

#: ../templates/config/confsave.php:53 ../templates/config/confmain.php:54
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:867
msgid "No password was entered!"
msgstr "Nebolo zadané heslo!"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:144
msgid "No policies found!"
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne politiky!"

#: ../templates/tests/schemaTest.php:68
msgid "No problems found."
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne problémy."

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:160
msgid "No scripts to run."
msgstr "Žiadny skript na spustenie."

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:119
msgid "No section text specified"
msgstr "Nebol zadaný text sekcie"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:889
msgid "No security answer found."
msgstr "Nenájdená žiadna bezpečnostná odpoveď."

#: ../templates/config/conflogin.php:128
msgid "No server profiles found. Please create one."
msgstr "Neboli nájdené profily servera. Prosím, vytvorte nejaký."

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:107
msgid "No static text specified"
msgstr "Nebol zadaný statický text"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:283
msgid "No subnet entered."
msgstr "Nebola zadaná podsieť."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/template_engine.php:45
msgid "No such entry"
msgstr "Žiadna vyhovujúca položka"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare.php:24
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare.php:27
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete.php:19
msgid "No such entry."
msgstr "Žiadna vyhovujúca položka."

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:436
#, php-format
msgid "No such schema item: \"%s\""
msgstr "Neexistuje položka schémy: \"%s\""

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:149
msgid "No sudo roles found!"
msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne role sudo!"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:198
msgid "No users found!"
msgstr "Nenájdení žiadni používatelia!"

#: ../help/help.inc:68
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Poznámka"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:125
msgid ""
"Note: You may be required to enter new attributes that these object classes "
msgstr ""
"Poznámka: Možno budete musieť zadať nové atribúty, ktoré tieto objectClass "

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/export_functions.php:450
msgid "Nothing to export"
msgstr "Nie je čo exportovať"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:215
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Oznam"

#: ../templates/delete.php:90
msgid "Number of child entries"
msgstr "Počet položiek potomkov"

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:173
msgid ""
"Number of days a user can login even his password has expired. -1=always."
msgstr ""
"Počet dní, počas ktorých sa môže používateľ prihlásiť, hoci jeho heslo "
"vypršalo. -1=vždy."

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:177
msgid ""
"Number of days a user has to wait until he is allowed to change his password "
"again. If set value must be >0."
msgstr ""
"Počet dní, ktoré musí používateľ počkať, kým mu bude dovolené znova zmeniť "
"svoje heslo. Ak je nastavené, hodnota musí byť >0."

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:181
msgid ""
"Number of days after a user has to change his password again. If set value "
"must be >0."
msgstr ""
"Počet dní, po ktorých si používateľ musí znova zmeniť svoje heslo. Ak je "
"nastavené, hodnota musí byť >0."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:131
msgid "Number of minutes after which the bad logon attempts are reset."
msgstr "Počet minút, po ktorých sú neúspešné pokusy o prihlásenie vymazané."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:77 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:119
msgid ""
"Number of seconds after the user is allowed to change his password again."
msgstr "Počet sekúnd, po ktorých si môže používateľ znova zmeniť heslo."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:81 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:123
msgid "Number of seconds after which the user must change his password."
msgstr "Počet sekúnd, po ktorých si používateľ musí zmeniť svoje heslo."

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:145 ../templates/schema/schema.php:342
msgid "OID"
msgstr "OID"

#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:81
msgid "OU already exists!"
msgstr "OU už existuje!"

#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:92
msgid "OU deleted successfully."
msgstr "OU úspešne odstránené."

#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:150 ../lib/tools/ouEditor.inc:44
msgid "OU editor"
msgstr "Editor OU"

#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:85
msgid "OU is invalid!"
msgstr "OU nie je platné!"

#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:129
msgid "OU is not empty or invalid!"
msgstr "OU nie je prázdne alebo nie je platné!"

#: ../help/help.inc:211 ../help/help.inc:213
msgid "OU-Editor"
msgstr "OU-Editor"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:63 ../templates/schema/schema.php:64
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1324
msgid "Object classes"
msgstr "Triedy objektov"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:106
#, php-format
msgid "Object count: %s"
msgstr "Počet objektov: %s"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:150 ../templates/schema/schema.php:281
msgid "Obsolete"
msgstr "Zastarané"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:282 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:291
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:300 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:659
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:664 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:669
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Vypnúť"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:127 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:248
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:505 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:540
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:749 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1462
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2043 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2612
msgid "Office name"
msgstr "Názov oddelenia"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:248
#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:277
#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:90 ../templates/ou_edit.php:186
#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:200 ../templates/masscreate.php:197
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:235
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:247
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:256
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:273
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:282
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:284
#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:252
#: ../templates/config/conflogin.php:158 ../templates/config/conflogin.php:159
#: ../templates/config/mainlogin.php:155
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceLogin.php:275
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:212
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:228
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:241
#: ../templates/selfService/adminLogin.php:152
#: ../templates/selfService/adminLogin.php:153
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:466
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:510
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:158
#: ../templates/profedit/profiledelete.php:91
#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:157
#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:199 ../lib/types/automountType.inc:234
#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:277 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:401
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:457 ../lib/modules/device.inc:297
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1367
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1496 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:918
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:969 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:469
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:479 ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:469
#: ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:139 ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:159
#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:269 ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:676
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:823
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:319 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:431
#: ../lib/lists.inc:641 ../lib/lists.inc:714 ../lib/modules.inc:1108
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "OK"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_update.php:98
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:55
msgid "Old value"
msgstr "Stará hodnota"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:282 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:291
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:300 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:660
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:665 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:670
msgid "On"
msgstr "Zapnúť"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:225
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:362
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1482
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1762
msgid "On broken or timed out connection"
msgstr "Pri prerušenom alebo vypršanom spojení"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:139
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:32
msgid "One (one level beneath base)"
msgstr "Jedna (jedna úroveň pod základom)"

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:107 ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:105
msgid "One or more errors occured. The invalid fields are marked."
msgstr "nastala jedna alebo viac chýb. Neplatné polia sú označené."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:98
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:155
#, php-format
msgid "Operation not successful. DN <b>%s</b> has not been created."
msgstr "Operácia nebola úspešná. DN <b>%s</b> nebolo vytvorené."

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:275 ../templates/serverInfo.php:365
msgid "Operation statistics"
msgstr "Štatistiky operácie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:95
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:153
#, php-format
msgid "Operation successful. DN <b>%s</b> has been created."
msgstr "Operácia úspešná. DN <b>%s</b> bolo vytvorené."

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:382
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1575
msgid "Optional attributes"
msgstr "Voliteľné atribúty"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:217 ../lib/types/sudo.inc:83
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:241
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:211 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:248
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:184 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:572
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:83 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:112
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:164 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:178
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:187 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:399
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:702 ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:114
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:106
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:116
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:133
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:181
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:273
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:414
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Voľby"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:107
msgid "Options for Asterisk voicemail account (e.g. sendvoicemail=yes)."
msgstr "Voľby účtu hlasovej schránky Asterisk (napr. sendvoicemail=yes)."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import_form.php:39
msgid "Or paste your LDIF here"
msgstr "Alebo vložte svoj LDIF tu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:166
msgid "Order by"
msgstr "Radiť podľa"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:169
msgid "Ordering"
msgstr "Radenie"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:113 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:179
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:200 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:217
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:353 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:684
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:168 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:274
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:473 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:582
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:769 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:773
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1698 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2044
msgid "Organisation"
msgstr "Organizácia"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:121 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:125
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:191 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:201
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:377 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:690
msgid "Organisational units"
msgstr "Organizačné jednotky"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:221
msgid "Organisational units contains an invalid entry."
msgstr "Organizačná jednotka obsahuje neplatnú položku."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:303
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Ostatní"

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:76 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:88
#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:97
msgid "Output may contain HTML"
msgstr "Výstup môže obsahovať HTML"

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:435
#, php-format
msgid "Output of command \"%s\" with return code %s"
msgstr "Výstup príkazu „%s” s návratovým kódom %s"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:166
msgid "Overlays"
msgstr "Prekrytia"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:74
msgid "Override default quota settings."
msgstr "Prepísať predvolené nastavenia kvót."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:295 ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:96
#: ../lib/types/asteriskExt.inc:153
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Vlastník"

#: ../lib/types/gon.inc:94 ../lib/modules/device.inc:62
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:66 ../lib/modules/device.inc:95
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:115 ../lib/modules/device.inc:179
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:426 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:68
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:72 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:105
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:131 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:180
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:541
msgid "Owners"
msgstr "Vlastníci"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:88
msgid "P-Node (0x02)"
msgstr "P-Node (0x02)"

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:87 ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:334
#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:522
msgid "PC name"
msgstr "Meno PC"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:438 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:79
#: ../lib/tools/pdfEdit.inc:44
msgid "PDF editor"
msgstr "Editor PDF"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:263 ../lib/lists.inc:619 ../help/help.inc:168
msgid "PDF structure"
msgstr "Štruktúra PDF"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:90
msgid "PDF structure name not valid"
msgstr "Meno štruktúry PDF nie je platné"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:124
msgid "PDF structure was successfully saved."
msgstr "Štruktúra PDF úspešne uložená."

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:262
msgid "PDUs sent"
msgstr "PDU poslané"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:325 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:646
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1408
msgid "POP3"
msgstr "POP3"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:531
msgid "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
msgstr "Pacifický čas (USA a Kanada)"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:145
msgid ""
"Packets are sent to the default gateway if the receiver does not reside in "
"the same network. The default gateway routes them to the target network."
msgstr ""
"Pakety sú posielané na predvolenú bránu, ak prijímateľ nesídli v rovnakej "
"sieti. Predvolené brána ich smeruje do cieľovej siete."

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:406 ../help/help.inc:190
msgid "Page header"
msgstr "Hlavička stránky"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:349
msgid "Page layout"
msgstr "Vzhľad stránky"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:102
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:132
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:175
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:267
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:406
msgid "Pager"
msgstr "Pager"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:103
msgid "Pager number for Asterisk voicemail."
msgstr "Číslo pagera pre hlasovú schránku Asterisk."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/entry_chooser.php:35
msgid "Parent DN"
msgstr "DN rodiča"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:364
msgid "Parent to"
msgstr "Rodič pre"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:98
msgid "Parse error"
msgstr "Spracovať chybu"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:264 ../templates/login.php:301
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceLogin.php:256
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:106
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:387 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:204
#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:484 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:400
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:83 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:84
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:148 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:251
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:322 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:387
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1153 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1487
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1490 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1738
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:90
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:156
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:94
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:146
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:158
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:500
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:503 ../lib/modules.inc:980
#: ../help/help.inc:166
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Heslo"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:272
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1112
msgid "Password change at next login"
msgstr "Zmeniť heslo pri nasledujúcom prihlásení"

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:88
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:162
msgid "Password change command"
msgstr "Príkaz zmeny hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:52 ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:67
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:121 ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:232
msgid "Password change required"
msgstr "Vyžadovaná zmena hesla"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:91 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:128
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:148 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:292
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:502
msgid "Password change requires old password"
msgstr "Zmena hesla vyžaduje staré heslo"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/password_checker.php:30
msgid "Password check"
msgstr "Kontrola hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:484 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:97
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:84 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:85
msgid ""
"Password contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 "
"and #*,.;:_-+!%&/|?{[()]}=@$ !"
msgstr ""
"Heslo obsahuje neplatné znaky. Platné znaky sú: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 a #*,.;:_-+!"
"%&/|?{[()]}=@$ !"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:257
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:260
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:422
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1102
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1521
msgid "Password does not expire"
msgstr "Heslo stále platné"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:103 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:61
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:106 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:163
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:172 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:206
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:313 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:483
msgid "Password expiration"
msgstr "Doba platnosti hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:61 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:62
msgid "Password expiration must be are natural number or -1."
msgstr "Doba platnosti hesla musí byť prirodzené číslo alebo -1."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:91
msgid "Password for voicemail mailbox."
msgstr "Heslo hlasovej schránky."

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:420 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:448
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:152 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:186
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:342 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:289
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:765
msgid "Password hash type"
msgstr "Typ odtlačku hesla"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:80 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:84
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:137 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:161
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:222 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:466
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:98 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:184
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:276 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:656
msgid "Password history length"
msgstr "Dĺžka histórie hesiel"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:336
msgid "Password mail settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia emailu na zaslanie hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:59 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:60
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:159 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:215
msgid "Password maximum age must be are natural number."
msgstr "Maximálny vek hesla musí byť prirodzené číslo."

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:66
msgid "Password maximum age must be bigger as password minimum age."
msgstr "Maximálny vek hesla musí byť väčší ako minimálny vek hesla."

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:65 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:160
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:213
msgid "Password maximum age must be bigger than password minimum age."
msgstr "Maximálny vek hesla musí byť väčší ako minimálny vek hesla."

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:57 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:58
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:158 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:214
msgid "Password minimum age must be are natural number."
msgstr "Minimálny vek hesla musí byť prirodzené číslo."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:84 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:264
msgid "Password of IMAP admin user"
msgstr "Heslo admimnistrátora IMAP"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:39
msgid "Password policies"
msgstr "Politiky hesla"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:48
msgid "Password policies (ppolicy)"
msgstr "Politiky hesiel (ppolicy)"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:209 ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:38
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:48 ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:60
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:76 ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:112
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:227 ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:260
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:54 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:259
#: ../help/help.inc:148
msgid "Password policy"
msgstr "Politika hesla"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:81 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:88
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:138 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:234
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:476
msgid "Password quality check"
msgstr "Kontrola kvality hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:208
msgid "Password reset confirmation"
msgstr "Potvrdenie obnovenia hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:192
msgid "Password reset notification"
msgstr "Oznámenie obnovenia hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:51
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:679
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:826
msgid "Password self reset"
msgstr "Obnovenie hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:1191
msgid "Password successfully reset."
msgstr "Heslo úspešne vymazané."

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:63 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:101
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:161 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:168
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:200 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:305
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:482
msgid "Password warning"
msgstr "Upozornenie hesla"

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:63 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:64
msgid "Password warning must be are natural number."
msgstr "Upozornenie hesla musí byť prirodzené číslo."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:505
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/password_checker.php:61
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:872 ../lib/modules.inc:1050
msgid "Passwords are different!"
msgstr "Heslá nie sú rovnaké!"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/password_checker.php:59
msgid "Passwords match."
msgstr "Heslá súhlasia."

#: ../lib/types/nisObjectType.inc:77
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Cesta"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:336
msgid "Path of the user profile."
msgstr "Cesta používateľského profilu."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:287
msgid ""
"Path of the user profile. Can be a local absolute path or a UNC-path (\\"
"\\server\\share). $user and $group are replaced with user and group name."
msgstr ""
"Cesta k používateľskému profilu. Môže to byť lokálna absolútna cesta alebo "
"cesta UNC (\\\\server\\zdieľanie). $user a $group sú nahradené menom "
"používateľa a skupiny."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:286
msgid "Path to external script"
msgstr "Cesta k externému skriptu"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:99 ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:355
msgid "Path to key for DNS updates"
msgstr "Cesta ku kľúču na aktualizácie DNS"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:41
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:64
msgid "Permanently delete all children also?"
msgstr "Trvalo odstrániť aj všetkých potomkov?"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:162
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:271
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:343
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:484
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:803
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1227
msgid "Permit"
msgstr "Povoliť"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:99
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "Osobné"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:102 ../lib/types/user.inc:281
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:125 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2635
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2642
msgid "Photo"
msgstr "Fotografia"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1798
msgid "Photo file (JPG format)"
msgstr "Súbor fotografie (formát JPG)"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:166
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:273
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:344
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:491
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:812
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1230
msgid "Pickup group"
msgstr "Skupina príjemcov"

#: ../lib/modules/ldapPublicKey.inc:67
msgid "Please a comma separated list of your public SSH keys."
msgstr "Prosím, čiarkou oddelený zoznam svojich kľúčov SSH."

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:77
msgid ""
"Please activate this option if your scripts may generate HTML output. "
"Otherwise, the output is treated as plain text."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, aktivujte túto voľbu, ak vyše skripty môžu generovať výstup HTML. "
"Inak bude výstup považovaný za prostý text."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:185
msgid "Please add at least one extension owner."
msgstr "Prosím, pridajte aspoň jedného vlastníka rozšírenia."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1050
msgid "Please check your settings on the Unix page!"
msgstr "Prosím, skontrolujte svoje nastavenia v stránke Unix!"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:94
msgid ""
"Please choose the attribute to get the IMAP user name. The default is \"mail"
"\" but you can also use \"uid\"."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, vyberte atribút, z ktorého bude získané používateľské meno IMAP. "
"Predvolený je „mail”, ale môžete použiť aj „uid”."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:98
msgid "Please enter a RID number or the name of a special account!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číslo RID alebo meno špeciálneho účtu!"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:617
msgid "Please enter a caller ID."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte ID volajúceho."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:91
msgid ""
"Please enter a comma separated list of domain names (e.g. \"company.com,"
"example.com\"). LAM will only manage mailboxes from these domains."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte čiarkou oddelený zoznam doménových mien (napr. \"spolocnost."
"sk,priklad.sk\"). LAM bude spravovať len poštové schránky týchto domén."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:95 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:96
msgid "Please enter a comma separated list of host names!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte čiarkou oddelený zoznam mien strojov!"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:177
msgid "Please enter a common name."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte bežné meno (cn)."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:153
msgid "Please enter a correct list of valid mail domains."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte správny zoznam platných poštových domén."

#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:55 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:55
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:56
msgid "Please enter a descriptive name for this entry."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte popisné meno tejto položky."

#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:145
msgid "Please enter a group name!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte meno skupiny!"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:200
msgid "Please enter a mailbox."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte poštovú schránku."

#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:55
msgid "Please enter a name for this device."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte meno tohoto zariadenia."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:157
msgid "Please enter a name for this policy."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte meno tejto politiky."

#: ../templates/lib/141_jquery-validationEngine-lang.php:38
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:409 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:410
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:411 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:412
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:413 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:414
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:416 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:417
msgid "Please enter a number."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číslo."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:166
msgid "Please enter a numeric value for the expire warning."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číselnú hodnotu varovania vypršania platnosti."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:165
msgid "Please enter a numeric value for the failure count interval."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číselnú hodnotu intervalu počtu núspechov."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:162
msgid "Please enter a numeric value for the grace authentication limit."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číselnú hodnotu limitu odkladu autentizácie."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:251 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:252
msgid "Please enter a numeric value for the idle timeout."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číselnú hodnotu časového limitu nečinnosti."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:163
msgid "Please enter a numeric value for the lockout duration."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číselnú hodnotu trvania uzamknutia."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:164
msgid "Please enter a numeric value for the maximum failure count."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číselnú hodnotu maximálneho počtu neúspechov."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:167
msgid "Please enter a numeric value for the minimum password length."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číselnú hodnotu minimálnej dĺžky hesla."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:161
msgid "Please enter a numeric value for the password history length."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číselnú hodnotu dĺžky histórie hesiel."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:221
msgid "Please enter a role name."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte meno role."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:893
msgid "Please enter a security answer."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte bezpečnostnú otázku."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:73
msgid "Please enter a unique name for this password policy."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte unikátne meno tejto politiky hesla."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:258 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:264
msgid "Please enter a user password."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte heslo používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:172 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:217
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:219 ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:144
msgid "Please enter a valid DN in the field:"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné DN v poli:"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:462
msgid "Please enter a valid bind user."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platného používateľa väzby (bind)."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:81 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:82
msgid "Please enter a valid business category!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platnú obchodnú kategóriu!"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:103 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:104
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:74 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:75
msgid "Please enter a valid common name!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné bežné meno (cn)!"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:106
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:175
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:176
msgid "Please enter a valid date in format DD-MM-YYYY."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platný dátum vo formáte DD-MM-YYYY."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:638
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:639
msgid "Please enter a valid default user."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platnéh o predvoleného používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:100
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:101
msgid "Please enter a valid display name!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné zobrazované meno!"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:107
msgid "Please enter a valid drive letter."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné písmeno disku."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:174
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:175
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:187 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:188
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:60 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:61
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:696
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:843
msgid "Please enter a valid email address!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platnú emailovú adresu!"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:176
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:177
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:189 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:190
msgid "Please enter a valid email alias."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platný alias emailu."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:72 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:73
msgid "Please enter a valid employee type!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platný typ pracovného pomeru!"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:58 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:59
msgid "Please enter a valid fax number!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné číslo faxu!"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:220
msgid ""
"Please enter a valid filter. Only letters, numbers and \" _*$.@-\" are "
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte platný filter. Dovolené sú len písmená, číslice a „ _*$.@-”."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:632
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:633
msgid "Please enter a valid from domain."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platnú doménu odosielateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:630
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:631
msgid "Please enter a valid from user."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platnéh odosielateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:111
msgid "Please enter a valid group name!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné meno skupiny!"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:70 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:71
msgid "Please enter a valid job title!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné pracovné zaradenie!"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:225
msgid "Please enter a valid list of affiliations."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte zadajte platný zoznam vzťahov."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:247 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:248
msgid "Please enter a valid list of group names."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte zoznam mien skupín."

#: ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:104
msgid "Please enter a valid list of host names."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte zoznam mien strojov."

#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:115
msgid "Please enter a valid list of service names."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platný zoznam mien služieb."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:56 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:57
msgid "Please enter a valid mobile number!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné číslo mobilu!"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:124 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:125
msgid "Please enter a valid path."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platnú cestu."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:634
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:635 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:120
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:121 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:122
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:123
msgid "Please enter a valid port number."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné číslo portu."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:64 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:65
msgid "Please enter a valid postal address!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platnú poštovú adresu!"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:68 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:69
msgid "Please enter a valid postal code!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné PSČ!"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:223
msgid "Please enter a valid primary affiliation."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platný primárny vzťah."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:245 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:246
msgid "Please enter a valid realm."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platnú autentifikačnú doménu (realm)."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:66 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:67
msgid "Please enter a valid registered address."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platnú poštovú adresu."

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:224
msgid "Please enter a valid scoped affiliation."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platnú rolu vzťahu."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:152
msgid "Please enter a valid server name where the mailboxes reside."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte platné meno servera, kde sú umiestnené poštové schránky."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:62 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:63
msgid "Please enter a valid street name!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné meno ulice!"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:52 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:53
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:54 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:55
msgid "Please enter a valid telephone number!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte platné telefónne číslo!"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:586 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:822
#, php-format
msgid "Please enter a value between %s and %s!"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte hodnotu medzi %s a %s!"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:270 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:182
#, php-format
msgid "Please enter an email address on this page: %s"
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte na tejto stránke emailovú adresu: %s"

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:227 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:228
msgid "Please enter only ASCII characters for the commands."
msgstr "Prosím, pre príkaz zadajte len znaky ASCII."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:225 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:226
msgid "Please enter only ASCII characters for the host names."
msgstr "Prosím, pre menás strojov zadajte len znaky ASCII."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:233 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:234
msgid "Please enter only ASCII characters for the options."
msgstr "Prosím, pre voľby zadajte len znaky ASCII."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:231 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:232
msgid "Please enter only ASCII characters for the run groups."
msgstr "Prosím, pre skupiny na spustenie zadajte len znaky ASCII."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:229 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:230
msgid "Please enter only ASCII characters for the run users."
msgstr "Prosím, pre používateľov na spustenie zadajte len znaky ASCII."

#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:126 ../lib/modules/device.inc:127
msgid "Please enter only ASCII characters for the serial number."
msgstr "Prosím, pre sériové číslo zadajte len znaky ASCII."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:223 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:224
msgid "Please enter only ASCII characters for the user names."
msgstr "Prosím, pre používateľské mená zadajte len znaky ASCII."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:234
msgid ""
"Please enter the DN and password of the administrative password self reset "
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte DN a heslo účtu na obnovenie hesla administrátora."

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:105
msgid "Please enter the IP address of your DNS server."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte adresu IP svojho servera DNS."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:86
msgid "Please enter the LDAP DN that should be used to reset passwords."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte LDAP DN, ktoré má byť použité na obnovenie hesla."

#: ../help/help.inc:117
msgid ""
"Please enter the LDAP suffix where LAM should start to search for users. The "
"LDAP filter needs to match the given user name to exactly one DN. The value "
"\"%USER%\" will be replaced by the user name from the login page."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte príponu LDAP, kde má LAM začať hľadanie používateľov. Filter "
"LDAP musí pre zadané meno vrátiť práve jedno DN. Hodnota „%USER%” bude "
"nahradená menom používateľa, zadaným pomocou prihlasovacej stránky."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:180
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:204
msgid "Please enter the account context."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte kontext účtu."

#: ../lib/modules.inc:873
msgid "Please enter the account information on the other pages first."
msgstr "Prosím, najprv zadajte informácie účtu na ostatných stránkach."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:627
msgid "Please enter the account type."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte typ účtu."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:111
msgid "Please enter the account's type (e.g. \"friend\")."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte typ účtu (napr. „priateľ”)."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:179
msgid "Please enter the application data."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte dáta aplikácie."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:178
msgid "Please enter the application."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte aplikáciu."

#: ../lib/modules/automount.inc:59
msgid ""
"Please enter the automount entry (e.g. \"-fstype=nfs,rw server:/home\")."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte položku automount (napr. „-fstype=nfs,rw server:/home”)."

#: ../help/help.inc:57
msgid ""
"Please enter the configuration password. This is NOT your LDAP password. It "
"is stored in your .conf-file. If this is the first time you log in, enter "
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte heslo nastavení. Nie je to vaše heslo LDAP. Je uložené vo "
"vašom súbore .conf. Ak je toto prvé prihlásenie, zadajte „lam”."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:621
msgid "Please enter the extension context."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte kontext rozšírenia."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:181
msgid "Please enter the extension name."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte meno rozšírenia."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:624
msgid "Please enter the host name."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte meno stroja."

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:53
msgid ""
"Please enter the list of scripts which should be run. Each line has the "
"following format: [account type] [action] [script and arguments]"
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte zoznam skriptov, ktoré majú byť spustené. Každý riadok má "
"nasledujúci formát: [typ účtu] [akcia] [skript a argumenty]"

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:66
msgid ""
"Please enter the list of scripts which should be run. Each line has the "
"following format: [action] [script and arguments]"
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte zoznam skriptov, ktoré majú byť spustené. Každý riadok má "
"nasledujúci formát: [akcia] [skript a argumenty]"

#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:59
msgid ""
"Please enter the mapping entry (e.g. \"-fstype=nfs,rw server:/projects\")."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte mapovaciu položku (napr. „-fstype=nfs,rw server:/projects”)."

#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:63
msgid "Please enter the mapping name for this entry (e.g. auto.home)."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte meno tejto položky mapovania (napr. auto.home)."

#: ../help/help.inc:137
msgid ""
"Please enter the master configuration password. This is NOT your LDAP "
"password. It is stored in your config.cfg file. If this is the first time "
"you log in, enter \"lam\"."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte hlavné heslo nastavenia. Nie je to vaše heslo v LDAP. Je "
"uložené vo vašom súbore config.cfg. Ak je to vaše prvé prihlásenie, zadajte "

#: ../templates/config/mainlogin.php:135
msgid "Please enter the master password to change the general preferences:"
msgstr "Prosím, na zmenu všeobecných nastavení zadajte hlavné heslo:"

#: ../help/help.inc:125
msgid ""
"Please enter the name of the new profile and the password to change its "
"settings. Profile names may contain letters, numbers and -/_."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte meno nového profilu a heslo na zmenu jeho nastavení. Meno "
"profilu môže obsahovať písmená, číslice a -/_."

#: ../help/help.inc:127
msgid ""
"Please enter the new name of the profile. The name may contain letters, "
"numbers and -/_."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte nové meno profilu. Meno môže obsahovať písmená, číslice a -/"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:90
msgid ""
"Please enter the password for the admin DN. Please note that this is saved "
"as clear-text in the self service profile."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte heslo DN administrátora. Prosím, pamätajte, že je ukladané "
"ako prostý text samoobslužnom profile."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:107 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:388
msgid "Please enter the password which you want to set for this account."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte heslo, ktoré chcete nastaviť tomuto účtu."

#: ../help/help.inc:167
msgid ""
"Please enter the password which you want to set for this account. You may "
"also generate a random password (12 characters) which will be displayed on "
"your screen."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte heslo, ktoré chcete nastaviť tomuto účtu. Môžete si nechať "
"vygenerovať aj náhodné heslo (12 znakov), ktoré bude potom zobrazené na "

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:359
msgid "Please enter the path to the user's home directory."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte cestu domovského adresára používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:62
msgid "Please enter the port number for (unencrypted) HTTP connections."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číslo portu (nešifrovaných) spojení HTTP."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:66
msgid "Please enter the port number for encrypted connections."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte číslo portu šifrovaných spojení."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:66
msgid ""
"Please enter the possible security questions for the password self reset."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte možné bezpečnostné otázky na obnovenie hesla."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:183
msgid "Please enter the priority."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte prioritu."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:100
msgid "Please enter the quota limit of this mailbox in kilobytes."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte limit kvóty tejto poštovej schránky v kilobajtoch."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:146
msgid ""
"Please enter the quota settings for this mount point. The syntax is: {soft "
"block limit},{hard block limit},{soft inode limit},{hard inode limit}"
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte nastavenie kvót tohoto prípojného bodu. Syntax je: {mäkký "
"limit blokov},{pevný limit blokov},{mäkký limit inodov},{pevný limit inodov}"

#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:62
msgid ""
"Please enter the quota settings for this user. The syntax is: {mount point},"
"{soft block limit},{hard block limit},{soft inode limit},{hard inode limit}."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte nastavenia kvót tohoto používateľa. Syntax je: {prípojný "
"bod},{mäkký limit blokov},{pevný limit blokov},{mäkký limit inodov},{pevný "
"limit inodov}."

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:343
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:83
msgid "Please enter the same password in both password fields."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte rovnaké heslo v oboch poliach hesla."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:62
msgid "Please enter the security question for the password self reset."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte bezpečnostnú otázku na obnovenie hesla."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:348
msgid "Please enter the time limit in minutes. 0 means unlimited."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte časový limit v minútach. 0 znamená neobmedzené."

#: ../templates/selfService/adminLogin.php:127
msgid ""
"Please enter your master configuration password to change the self service "
msgstr ""
"Prosím, na zmenu profilu samoobslužnej služny zadajte svoje hlavné heslo "

#: ../templates/config/conflogin.php:123
msgid "Please enter your password to change the server preferences:"
msgstr "Prosím, na zmenu nastavení servera zadajte svoje heslo:"

#: ../lib/modules/ldapPublicKey.inc:63
msgid "Please enter your public SSH key."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte svoj verejný kľúč SSH."

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:394 ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:328
msgid "Please fill out the DHCP settings first."
msgstr "Prosím, najprv vyplňte nastavenia DHCP."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:474
msgid "Please go back and try again."
msgstr "Prosím, vráťte sa a skúste znova."

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:234
msgid ""
"Please provide a CSV formated file with your account data. The cells in the "
"first row must be filled with the column identifiers. The following rows "
"represent one account for each row."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, zadajte súbor CSV, s údajmi o účtoch. Bunky prvého riadku musia "
"obsahovať identifikátory stĺpcov. Nasledujúce riadky reprezentujú každý "
"jeden účet."

#: ../templates/massBuildAccounts.php:233
msgid "Please provide a file to upload."
msgstr "Prosím, zadajte súbor na nahranie."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:710
msgid ""
"Please select an image file to upload. It must be in JPG format (.jpg/.jpeg)."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, vyberte súbor s obrázkom na nahranie. Musí byť vo formáte JPG (.jpg/."

#: ../help/help.inc:143
msgid ""
"Please select your prefered log level. Messages with a lower level will not "
"be logged."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, vyberte požadovanú úroveň záznamov. Správy s nižšou úrovňou nebudú "

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:215
msgid "Please set the voicemail password with \"Set password\" before saving."
msgstr ""
"Prosím, pred uložením nastavte heslo hlasovej schránky pomocou „Nastaviť "

#: ../lib/modules.inc:822
#, php-format
msgid "Please set up all required attributes on page: %s"
msgstr "Prosím, nastavte všetky povinné atribúty v stránke: %s"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:191
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:152
msgid "Please set up your master configuration file (config/config.cfg) first!"
msgstr ""
"Prosím, najprv nastavte svoj hlavný konfiguračný súbor (config/config.cfg)!"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:519 ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:346
msgid ""
"Please set your LDAP suffix to an LDAP entry with object class \"dhcpServer"
msgstr ""
"Prosím, nastavte svoju príponu LDAP na položku LDAP s triedou objektu "

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:172
msgid "Please wait"
msgstr "Prosím, počkajte"

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:143
#, php-format
msgid "Policy count: %s"
msgstr "Počet politík: %s"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:230
msgid "Policy list has invalid format!"
msgstr "Zoznam politík má neplatný formát!"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:170
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:275
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:345
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:498
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:821
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1233
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:171
msgid "Port number."
msgstr "Číslo portu."

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:539 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:549
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:559 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:574
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Pozícia"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:296 ../templates/masscreate.php:371
#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:112 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:114
#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:116
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:442
msgid "Possible values"
msgstr "Možné hodnoty"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:125 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:135
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:236 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:401
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:522 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:637
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:641 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1307
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2027 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2577
msgid "Post office box"
msgstr "PO box"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:64 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:124
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:147 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:244
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:385 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:534
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:653 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1413
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2029 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2556
msgid "Postal address"
msgstr "Počtová adresa"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:654
msgid "Postal address, city"
msgstr "Poštová adresa, mesto"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:68 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:125
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:138 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:238
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:377 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:525
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:645 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:649
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1333 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2028
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2570
msgid "Postal code"
msgstr "PSČ"

#: ../help/help.inc:87
msgid "Predefined values"
msgstr "Preddefinované položky"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:87 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:117
msgid "Prefix for mailboxes"
msgstr "Predpona poštových schránok"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:331
msgid "President"
msgstr "Riaditeľ"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:80 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:147
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:202 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:259
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:663
msgid "Primary affiliation"
msgstr "Primárny vzťah"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:216 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:298
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:317 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:350
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:379 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:417
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1106 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1367
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1413 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1471
msgid "Primary group"
msgstr "Primárna skupina"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:117 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:185
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:205 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:219
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:361 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:687
msgid "Primary organisational unit"
msgstr "Primárna organizačná jendotka"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:101 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:140
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:203 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:253
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:669
msgid "Principal name"
msgstr "Meno principalu"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:215 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:216
msgid "Principal name is invalid!"
msgstr "Meno principalu nie je paltné!"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:98
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:811
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Priorita"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1537
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import_form.php:44
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:135
msgid "Proceed"
msgstr "Spracovať"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:106
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:85
msgid "Profile deleted."
msgstr "Profil odstránený."

#: ../templates/profedit/profilepage.php:171
#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:89 ../lib/tools/profileEditor.inc:44
msgid "Profile editor"
msgstr "Editor profilov"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:138
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:218
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:101
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:200 ../help/help.inc:124
#: ../help/help.inc:126 ../help/help.inc:128 ../help/help.inc:130
#: ../help/help.inc:132
msgid "Profile management"
msgstr "Správa profilov"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:222
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:241
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:253
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:262
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:281
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:204
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:218
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:234
#: ../templates/profedit/profiledelete.php:85
#: ../templates/profedit/profilepage.php:175
#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:174 ../help/help.inc:156
msgid "Profile name"
msgstr "Meno profilu"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:86
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:101
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:61
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:76
msgid "Profile name is invalid!"
msgstr "Neplatné meno profilu!"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:225
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:263
msgid "Profile password"
msgstr "Heslo profilu"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:84
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:119
msgid "Profile passwords are different or empty!"
msgstr "Heslá profilu sa nezhodujú alebo sú prázdne!"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:89 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:90
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:202
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:214
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:286
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:335
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:477
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:573
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1165
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1441
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1542
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1696
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1718
msgid "Profile path"
msgstr "Cesta profilu"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:89 ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:91
msgid "Profile path is invalid!"
msgstr "Neplatná cesta profilu!"

#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:113
msgid "Profile was saved."
msgstr "Profil bol uložený."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:73 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:99
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:111 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:164
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:329
msgid "Public store"
msgstr "Verejné úložisko"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:174
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:277
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:346
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:505
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:831
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1236
msgid "Qualify"
msgstr "Kontrolovať"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:61
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:131
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:138
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:151
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:222
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:258
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:368
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:511
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:786
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Otázka"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:79 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:92
#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:145 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:482
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:51 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:61
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:68 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:74
#: ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:81 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:99
#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:139
msgid "Quota"
msgstr "Kvóta"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:687
#, php-format
msgid "Quota for %s on %s"
msgstr "Kvóta pre %s na %s"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:85 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:170
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:249 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:371
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:413 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:517
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1286 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1388
msgid "Quota hard limit"
msgstr "Pevný limit kvóty"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:62
msgid "Quota has wrong format!"
msgstr "Kvóta má zlý formát!"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:292 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:301
msgid "Quota limit (kB)"
msgstr "Limit kvóty (kB)"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:73 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:164
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:223 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:362
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:489 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1268
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1379
msgid "Quota override"
msgstr "Prepísanie kvóty"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:81 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:168
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:241 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:368
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:411 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:507
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1280 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1385
msgid "Quota soft limit"
msgstr "Mäkký limit kvóty"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:77 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:166
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:233 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:365
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:409 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:497
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1274 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1382
msgid "Quota warning limit"
msgstr "Varovanie limitu kvóty"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:320 ../templates/profedit/profilepage.php:202
#: ../lib/modules.inc:935 ../help/help.inc:154
msgid "RDN identifier"
msgstr "Identifikátor RDN"

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:93
msgid "RID (Windows UID)"
msgstr "RID (Windows UID)"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:90 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:151
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:182 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:376
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:382 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:650
msgid "RID base"
msgstr "Základ RID"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:345
msgid "RID settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia RID"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:186
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:283
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:349
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:527
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:859
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1245
msgid "RTP hold timeout"
msgstr "Časový limit pridržania RTP"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:182
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:281
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:348
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:520
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:849
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1242
msgid "RTP timeout"
msgstr "Časový limit RTP"

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:85 ../lib/modules/range.inc:418
msgid "Range from"
msgstr "Rozsah od"

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:88 ../lib/modules/range.inc:430
msgid "Range to"
msgstr "Rozsah do"

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:95 ../lib/modules/range.inc:67
#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:99 ../lib/modules/range.inc:485
msgid "Ranges"
msgstr "Rozsahy"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:292
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Čítanie"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:248
msgid "Read only"
msgstr "Len na čítanie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2289
msgid "Really delete value from this attribute?"
msgstr "Naozaj odstrániť hodnotu tohoto atribútu?"

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:84 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:118
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:138 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:169
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:223 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:269
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:622 ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:68
msgid "Realm"
msgstr "Autentifikačná doména (realm)"

#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:71 ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:154
msgid "Recipient"
msgstr "Príjemca"

#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:108 ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:109
msgid "Recipient is invalid!"
msgstr "Príjemca nie je platný!"

#: ../lib/types/mailAlias.inc:92 ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:75
#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:89 ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:97
#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:290
msgid "Recipient list"
msgstr "Zoznam príjemcov"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:226
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:365
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1490
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1770
msgid "Reconnect if disconnected"
msgstr "Pri odpojení znova pripojiť"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:63
msgid "Recursive copy"
msgstr "Rekurzívne kopírovať"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:49
msgid "Recursive copy progress"
msgstr "Priebeh rekurzívneho kopírovania"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:31
msgid "Recursive delete progress"
msgstr "Priebeh rekurzívneho odstraňovania"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:65
msgid "Recursively copy all children of this object as well."
msgstr "Rekurzívne kopíruje aj všetkých potomkov tohoto objektu."

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:229
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:267
#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:242 ../templates/config/confmain.php:377
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:2084
msgid "Reenter password"
msgstr "Zopakujte heslo"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:185
msgid "Referrals"
msgstr "Odkazovače"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1051
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1052
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1054
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1055
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:249
#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:233 ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:276
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:439 ../lib/lists.inc:713
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Obnoviť"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1052
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1055
msgid "Refresh this entry"
msgstr "Obnoví túto položku"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:247
msgid "Refreshing tree"
msgstr "Obnovovanie stromu"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:66 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:124
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:150 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:246
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:393 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:537
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:657 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1441
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2030 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2563
msgid "Registered address"
msgstr "Poštová adresa"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:658
msgid "Registered address, city"
msgstr "Poštová adresa, mesto"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:206
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:293
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:354
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:563
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:905
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1260
msgid "Registration context"
msgstr "Kontext registrácie"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:210
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:295
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:355
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:570
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:914
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1263
msgid "Registration extension"
msgstr "Rozšírenie registrácie"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:226
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:303
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:359
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:599
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:954
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1275
msgid "Registration server"
msgstr "Server registrácie"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:53
msgid "Reject if conflicts"
msgstr "Odmietnuť pri konflikte"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1052
msgid "Reloading"
msgstr "Znovanačítanie"

#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:291
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:461
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1409 ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:904
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:443 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:475
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:266 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:293
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:320 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:347
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:374 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:401
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:401
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Odstrániť"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:282
msgid "Remove Asterisk voicemail extension"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie Asterisk voicemail"

#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:176
msgid "Remove Authorized Service extension"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie Authorized Service"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:393
msgid "Remove EDU person extension"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie EDU person"

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:339
msgid "Remove FreeRadius extension"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie FreeRadius"

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:176
msgid "Remove IP address extension"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie IP adresa"

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:266
msgid "Remove Kerberos extension"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie Kerberos"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1242
msgid "Remove Samba 3 extension"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie Samba 3"

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:364
msgid "Remove Shadow account extension"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie Shadow account"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:228 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:275
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:656 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:171
msgid "Remove Zarafa extension"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie Zarafa"

#: ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:157
msgid "Remove host extension"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie host"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:212 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1161
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1746
msgid "Remove password"
msgstr "Odstrániť heslo"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:276
msgid "Remove password self reset extension"
msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie obnovenia hesla"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/modify_member_form.php:147
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:386 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:442
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:278 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:903
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1869 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:300
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:412
msgid "Remove selected entries"
msgstr "Odstrániť zvolené položky"

#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:258
msgid "Remove this account type"
msgstr "Odstrániť tento typ účtov"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2632
msgid "Remove/replace photo"
msgstr "Odstrániť/nahradiť fotografiu"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:245
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:226
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1152
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1153
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1155
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1156
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rename_form.php:24
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rename_form.php:35
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rename.php:53
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Premenovať"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rename_form.php:28
#, php-format
msgid "Rename <b>%s</b> to a new object."
msgstr "Premenovať <b>%s</b> na nový objekt."

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:240
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:246
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:217
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:227 ../help/help.inc:126
msgid "Rename profile"
msgstr "Premenovať profil"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rename.php:48
msgid "Rename successful!"
msgstr "Premenovanie úspešné!"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1153
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1156
msgid "Rename this entry"
msgstr "Premenovať túto položku"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:92
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:72
msgid "Renamed profile."
msgstr "Premenovaný profil."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:30
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:31
msgid "Renaming"
msgstr "Premenovávanie"

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:84
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:100
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:140
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:157
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:239
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:496
msgid "Renewable lifetime"
msgstr "Doba platnosti obnovenia"

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:179
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:180
msgid "Renewable lifetime must be a number."
msgstr "Doba platnosti obnovenia musí byť číslo."

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:267
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:809 ../lib/modules.inc:985
msgid "Repeat password"
msgstr "Zopakujte heslo"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:75 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:886
msgid "Replaced $user or $group in homedir."
msgstr "Nahradené $user alebo $group v domovskom adresári."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:321 ../help/help.inc:207
msgid "Reply-to address"
msgstr "Adresa Reply-to"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:440
msgid "Reply-to address for password mails is invalid."
msgstr "Adresa Reply-to pre emaily s heslom nie je paltná."

#: ../lib/types/ppolicyType.inc:89 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:120
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:146 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:280
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:492
msgid "Require password change on first login"
msgstr "vyžadovať mzenu hesla pri prvom prihlásení"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:445
msgid "Required attribute for object classes"
msgstr "Povinný atribút pre triedy objektov"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:381
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1567
msgid "Required attributes"
msgstr "Vyžadované atribúty"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1236
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Obnoviť"

#: ../lib/modules.inc:1104
msgid "Reset changes"
msgstr "Obnoviť zmeny"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:242
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1235
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "Obnoviť heslo"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:130 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:192
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:217 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:341
#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:686
msgid "Reset time after lockout"
msgstr "Čas obnovenia po zablokovaní"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:217
msgid "Reset time after lockout must be are natural number."
msgstr "Čas obnovenia po zablokovaní musí byť prirozdené číslo."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:524
msgid "Resource settings"
msgstr "nastavenie zdrojov"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:178
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:279
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:347
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:512
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:840
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1239
msgid "Restrict caller ID"
msgstr "Obmedziť ID volajúceho"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/AJAXTree.php:113
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/AJAXTree.php:118
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:550
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:587
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:198
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:213
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:84
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:137
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:122
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:137
msgid "Retrieving DN"
msgstr "Získavnie DN"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:112 ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:120
#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:141 ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:384
#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:411
msgid "Reverse zone names"
msgstr "Mená revezvných zón"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:288 ../help/help.inc:112
msgid "Rights for the home directory"
msgstr "Práva domovského adresára"

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:77 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:55
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:121 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:171
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:247 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:682
msgid "Role name"
msgstr "Meno role"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:529 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1290
msgid "Room"
msgstr "Miestnosť"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:126 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:250
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:457 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:543
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:721 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1467
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2037 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2584
msgid "Room number"
msgstr "Číslo miestnosti"

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:61
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:112
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:141
#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:300
msgid "Routing address"
msgstr "Smerovacia adresa"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:131
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:303
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Pravidlá"

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:82
msgid "Run group"
msgstr "Skupina na spustenie"

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:79 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:107
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:158 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:177
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:186 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:372
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:699
msgid "Run groups"
msgstr "Skupiny na spustenie"

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:81
msgid "Run user"
msgstr "Používateľ na spustenie"

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:75 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:102
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:152 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:176
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:185 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:345
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:696
msgid "Run users"
msgstr "Používatelia na spustenie"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:127
msgid "SASL mechanisms"
msgstr "Mechanizmus SASL"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:143
msgid "SIP URI for a realtime peer."
msgstr "SIP URI partnera v reálnom čase."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:119
msgid "SIP user agent identification."
msgstr "Identifikácia používateľského agenta SIP."

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:235
msgid "SSH connection"
msgstr "Spojenie SSH"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:248
msgid "SSH connection could be established."
msgstr "Nemožno vytvoriť spojenie SSH."

#: ../lib/modules/ldapPublicKey.inc:52 ../lib/modules/ldapPublicKey.inc:62
#: ../lib/modules/ldapPublicKey.inc:66 ../lib/modules/ldapPublicKey.inc:74
#: ../lib/modules/ldapPublicKey.inc:98
msgid "SSH public key"
msgstr "Verejný kľúč SSH"

#: ../lib/modules/ldapPublicKey.inc:81 ../lib/modules/ldapPublicKey.inc:176
msgid "SSH public keys"
msgstr "Verejné kľúče SSH"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:65 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:87
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:109 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:122
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:150 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:319
msgid "SSL port"
msgstr "Port SSL"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:129
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:312
msgid "Samba 3"
msgstr "Samba 3"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:203 ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:204
msgid "Samba 3 domain SID is invalid!"
msgstr "Neplatný SID domény Samba 3!"

#: ../lib/types/smbDomain.inc:62
msgid "Samba 3 domain entries"
msgstr "Položky doména Samba 3"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:307
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:311
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:452
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:518
msgid "Samba RID"
msgstr "RID Samby"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:339
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:364
msgid "Samba RID number"
msgstr "Číslo RID Samby"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:333
msgid "Samba display name"
msgstr "Zobrazené meno Samby"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:51
msgid "Samba domain"
msgstr "Doména Samby"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:149
msgid "Samba domain name"
msgstr "Meno domény Samby"

#: ../lib/types/smbDomain.inc:53
msgid "Samba domains"
msgstr "Domény Samba"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:324
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:345
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:372
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:393
msgid "Samba group type"
msgstr "Typ skupiny Samby"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:239
msgid "Samba password"
msgstr "Heslo Samby"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:95
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:208
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:292
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:295
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:493
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:577
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1176
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1550
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1699
msgid "Samba workstations"
msgstr "Stanice Samba"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1312
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Sobota"

#: ../templates/config/confmodules.php:215
#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:391
#: ../templates/config/moduleSettings.php:226
#: ../templates/config/conftypes.php:277
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceMain.php:349
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:566
#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:583
#: ../templates/profedit/profilepage.php:227
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1243
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1247
#: ../lib/modules.inc:1101
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Uložiť"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1082
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1085
msgid "Save a dump of this object"
msgstr "Uloží výpis tohoto objektu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1244
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1248
msgid "Save a dump of this object and all of its children"
msgstr "Uloží výpis tohoto objektu a všetkých jeho potomkov"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:90
msgid "Save as file"
msgstr "Uložiť ako súbor"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/modify_member_form.php:172
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Uložiť zmeny"

#: ../lib/tools/schemaBrowser.inc:44
msgid "Schema browser"
msgstr "Prehliadač schémy"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:117
msgid "Schema suffix"
msgstr "Prípona schémy"

#: ../templates/tests/schemaTest.php:53 ../templates/tests/index.php:56
#: ../lib/tools/tests.inc:116
msgid "Schema test"
msgstr "Test schémy"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:84 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:154
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:206 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:268
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:666
msgid "Scoped affiliation"
msgstr "Rola vzťahu"

#: ../help/help.inc:97
msgid "Script path"
msgstr "Cesta skriptu"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:481
msgid "Script path is invalid!"
msgstr "Cesta skriptu nie je platná!"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:500
msgid "Script rights are invalid!"
msgstr "Práva skriptu nie sú platné!"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:484
msgid "Script server is invalid!"
msgstr "Server skriptu "

#: ../help/help.inc:108
msgid "Script servers"
msgstr "Servery skriptu"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:298 ../templates/serverInfo.php:378
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:75
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:180
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/ds_ldap_pla.php:619
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:235
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Hľadať"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:171
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:190
msgid "Search Results"
msgstr "Výsledky hľadania"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:150
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/export_functions.php:201
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:81
msgid "Search filter"
msgstr "Filter hľadania"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:293
msgid "Search returned no results"
msgstr "hľadanie vrátilo prázdny výsledok"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:130
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/export_functions.php:200
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:67
msgid "Search scope"
msgstr "Rozash hľadania"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:442
msgid "Search tree suffix for users"
msgstr "Prípona stromu hľadania používateľov"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:555
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Sekcia"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:397
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:422
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:427
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:484
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:509
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:514
msgid "Security error: The file being uploaded may be malicious."
msgstr "Bezpečnostná chyba: Nahrávaný súbor môže byť škodlivý."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:71 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:138
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:175 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:254
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:636
msgid "Security group"
msgstr "Bezpečnostná skupina"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:65
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:156
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:182
msgid "Security questions"
msgstr "Bezpečnostné otázky"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:195 ../templates/config/confmain.php:381
msgid "Security settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia bezpečnosti"

#: ../templates/help.php:94
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Ďalšie informácie"

#: ../lib/account.inc:678
msgid "See the manual for instructions to solve this problem."
msgstr "Inštrukcie na vyriešenie tohoto problému hľadajte v manuáli."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:494
msgid "Select a template for the creation process"
msgstr "Vyberte šablónu na vytvorenie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:498
msgid "Select a template to edit the entry"
msgstr "Vyberte šablónu na úpravu položku"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:402
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Vybrať všetky"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import_form.php:31
msgid "Select an LDIF file"
msgstr "Vyberte súbor LDIF"

#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:230 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:259
msgid "Select host"
msgstr "Vyberte stroj"

#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:236 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:265
msgid "Select user"
msgstr "Vyberte používateľa"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1205 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1235
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:374
msgid "Selected groups"
msgstr "Zvolené skupiny"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:151 ../templates/config/confmodules.php:280
msgid "Selected modules"
msgstr "Zvolené moduly"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:251 ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:446
msgid "Selected users"
msgstr "Zvolení používatelia"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:266
msgid "Self service configuration"
msgstr "Nastavenie samoobslužnej služby"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:308
msgid "Self service configuration editor"
msgstr "Editor nastavenia samoobslužnej služby"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:313
msgid "Self service login"
msgstr "Prihlásenie samoobslužnej časti"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:111
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:200
msgid "Send confirmation mail"
msgstr "Poslať potvrdzujúci email"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:184
msgid "Send notification mail"
msgstr "Poslať oznamovací email"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:241
#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:271
msgid "Send via mail"
msgstr "Poslať emailom"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:94
msgid "Sends a mail to the user to inform him about the password change."
msgstr "Posiela používateľovi email, aby bol informovaný o zmene hesla."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:112
msgid ""
"Sends a mail to the user to validate his email address before the password "
msgstr ""
"Posiela používateľovi email, na overenie jeho emailovej adresy pred zmenou "

#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:58 ../lib/modules/device.inc:89
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:114 ../lib/modules/device.inc:169
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:442
msgid "Serial number"
msgstr "Sériové číslo"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:70
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:166
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:47
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:110
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:54
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:56
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Server"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:225
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:361 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:69
#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:104 ../help/help.inc:58
msgid "Server address"
msgstr "Adresa servera"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:424
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:108
msgid "Server address is invalid!"
msgstr "Adresa servera nie je platná!"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:101 ../lib/tools/serverInfo.inc:44
msgid "Server information"
msgstr "Informácie o serveri"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:285
msgid "Server list"
msgstr "Zoznam serverov"

#: ../templates/login.php:384
msgid "Server profile"
msgstr "Profil servera"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:254
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:381
msgid "Server settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia servera"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:178
msgid "Server statistics"
msgstr "Štatistiky servera"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:203 ../templates/serverInfo.php:209
msgid "Server time"
msgstr "Čas servera"

#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:75
msgid "Service name (e.g. sshd, imap, ftp). Enter one service per entry."
msgstr "Meno služby (napr. sshd, imap, ftp). Zadajte jednu službu na položku."

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:193 ../help/help.inc:140
msgid "Session timeout"
msgstr "Časový limit relácie"

#: ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:101
msgid "Set"
msgstr "Nastaviť"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1403
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:437
msgid "Set also for Kerberos"
msgstr "Nastaviť aj pre Kerberos"

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:434 ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:395
msgid "Set also for Samba 3"
msgstr "Nastaviť aj pre Samba 3"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1400
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:392
msgid "Set also for Shadow"
msgstr "Nastaviť aj pre Tieňové heslá"

#: ../lib/modules.inc:1108 ../lib/modules.inc:1109
msgid "Set password"
msgstr "Nastaviť heslo"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:187 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:330
msgid "Set primary group as memberUid"
msgstr "Nastaviť primárnu skupinu ako memberUid"

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:261
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:271
#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:272 ../help/help.inc:130
msgid "Set profile password"
msgstr "Nastaviť heslo profilu"

#: ../lib/modules.inc:1109
msgid "Set random password"
msgstr "Nastaviť náhodné heslo"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:255
msgid "Set specific password"
msgstr "Nastaviť heslo"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:171
msgid "Set the search results to 0 to retrieve all available records."
msgstr ""
"Nastavte výsledky hľadania na 0 aby ste získali všetky dostupné záznamy."

#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:85
msgid ""
"Set this only if your LDAP schema allows that groups may not have any "
"members (e.g. if you use OpenDJ)."
msgstr ""
"Toto nastavte, len ak vaša schéma LDAP dovoľuje skupiny bez členov (napr. ak "
"používate OpenDJ)."

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:413
msgid "Sets the group password."
msgstr "Nastaviť heslo skupiny."

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:84
msgid "Shadow"
msgstr "Tieňové heslá"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:224
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:359
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1474
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1754
msgid "Shadowing"
msgstr "Tieňovanie"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:97 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:174
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:284 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:377
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:586 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1324
msgid "Shared store only"
msgstr "Len zdieľané úložisko"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:88
msgid "Should DDNS (Dynamic DNS) be activated?"
msgstr "Má byť aktivované DDNS (Dynamické DNS)?"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:92
msgid "Should fix IP addresses be added to the DNS server?"
msgstr "Majú byť pevné adresy IP pridané do servera DNS?"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1121
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Zobraziť"

#: ../templates/massBuildAccounts.php:216
msgid "Show LDIF file"
msgstr "Zobraziť súbor LDIF"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:159
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:84
msgid "Show attributes"
msgstr "Zobraziť atribúty"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1122
msgid "Show internal attributes"
msgstr "Zobraziť interné atribúty"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:438
msgid "Show only Asterisk accounts"
msgstr "Zobraziť len účty Asterisk"

#: ../lib/types/group.inc:299
msgid "Show primary group members as normal group members"
msgstr "Zobraziť primárny členov skupiny ako bežných členov skupiny"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:192
msgid "Single valued"
msgstr "Jedna hodnota"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:55
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:81
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Preskočiť"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:623 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:376
msgid "Soft block"
msgstr "Mäkký blok"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:105 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:391
#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:496 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:117
msgid "Soft block limit"
msgstr "Mäkký limit blokov"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:106
msgid "Soft block limit."
msgstr "Mäkký limit blokov."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:625 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:378
msgid "Soft inode"
msgstr "Mäkký inod"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:128
msgid "Soft inode (files) limit."
msgstr "Mäkký limit inodov (súborov)."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:127 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:395
#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:498 ../lib/modules/systemQuotas.inc:121
msgid "Soft inode limit"
msgstr "Mäkký limit inodov"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:88
msgid ""
"Some IMAP servers store mailboxes with a prefix (e.g. \"user\" for Cyrus "
"which results in \"user.username\")."
msgstr ""
"Niektoré servery IMAP uchovávajú poštové schránky s predponou (napr. Cyrus "
"používa „user”, čoho výsledkom je „user.meno  používateľa”)."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1019
#, php-format
msgid "Some attributes (%s) were modified and are highlighted below."
msgstr "Niektoré atribúty (%s) boli zmenené a sú nižšie zvýraznené."

#: ../lib/modules.inc:821
msgid "Some required information is missing"
msgstr "Niektoré povinné informácie chýbajú"

#: ../templates/help.php:124
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Sorry this help id ({bold}%s{endbold}) is not available for this module "
msgstr ""
"Prepáčte, ale toto ID pomocníka ({bold}%s{endbold}) nie je dostupné pre "
"tento modul ({bold}%s{endbold})."

#: ../templates/help.php:138
#, php-format
msgid "Sorry this help number ({bold}%d{endbold}) is not available."
msgstr ""
"Prepáčte, ale toto číslo pomocníka ({bold}%d{endbold}) nie je dostupné."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:304
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1213
msgid "Special user"
msgstr "Špeciálny používateľ"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:85
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:73
msgid ""
"Specifies a filter that matches the members (e.g. \"(mail=*@zarafa.nl)\")."
msgstr "Udáva filter, ktorý hľadá zhody členov (napr. „(mail=*@zarafa.sk)”)."

#: ../help/help.inc:206
msgid "Specifies if the mail should be sent as text or HTML."
msgstr "Udáva, či má byť email poslaný ako text alebo ako HTML."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:215
msgid "Specifies if the user can call forward."
msgstr "Udáva, či používateľ môže presmerovať hovory."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:72
msgid "Specifies if this group has security possibilities."
msgstr "udáva, či skupina má bezpečnostné možnosti."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:74
msgid ""
"Specifies if this server contains the public store. This may be changed only "
"for new entries."
msgstr ""
"Udáva, či tento server obsahuje verejné úložisko. Toto možno zmeniť len pri "
"nových položkách."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:125
msgid "Specifies if users are allowed to change their own passwords or not."
msgstr "Udáva, či si používatelia môžu zmeniť svoje heslá alebo nie."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:81
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:69
msgid ""
"Specifies the LDAP base where to search for members (e.g. \"ou=zarafa,"
msgstr ""
"Udáva základ LDAP, kde budú hľadaní členovia (napr. „ou=zarafa,dc=spolocnost,"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:86 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:88
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:130
msgid ""
"Specifies the attribute that should be used to reference the entries. If you "
"would like to reference also groups then this must be set to \"dn\"."
msgstr ""
"Udáva atribút, ktorý má byť použitý na odkazovanie položiek. Ak chcete "
"odkazovať aj skupiny, potom musí byť nastavený na „dn”."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:106
msgid "Specifies the capacity of this resource."
msgstr "Udáva kapacitu tohoto zdroja."

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:81
msgid "Specifies the maximum lifetime of a ticket in days."
msgstr "Udáva maximálnu životnosť tiketu v dňoch."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:109
msgid ""
"Specifies the maximum number of seconds before a password is due to expire "
"that expiration warning messages will be returned to a user."
msgstr ""
"Udáva maximálny počet sekúnd do vypršania hesla, počas ktorých bude "
"používateľovi zobrazovaná varovanie na vypršanie hesla."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:101
msgid ""
"Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a connection can be idle before "
"the session is terminated."
msgstr ""
"Udáva maximálny počet sekúnd, počas ktorých môže byť spojenie nečinné pred "
"tým ako bude relácia prerušená."

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:85
msgid "Specifies the maximum renewable lifetime of a ticket in days."
msgstr "Udáva maximálnu dobu platnosti obnovenia v dňoch."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:113
msgid ""
"Specifies the minimum number of characters that will be accepted in a "
msgstr "Udáva maximálny počet znakov hesla používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:101
msgid ""
"Specifies the number of consecutive failed login attempts after which the "
"password may not be used to login."
msgstr ""
"Udáva počet, po sebe idúcich, neúspešných pokusov o prihlásenie, po ktorých "
"heslo nebude možné použiť na prihlásenie."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:85
msgid ""
"Specifies the number of previously used passwords which should be saved in "
"the password history. New passwords can only be set if they are not in the "
"password history."
msgstr ""
"Udáva počet predošlých hesiel, ktoré majú byť uložené v histórii hesiel. "
"Nové heslá bude možno nastaviť, iba ak nebudú v histórii hesiel."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:105
msgid ""
"Specifies the number of seconds after which old consecutive failed login "
"attempts are purged from the failure counter, even though no successful "
"authentication has occurred."
msgstr ""
"Udáva počet sekúnd, po ktorých sú staré neúspešné pokusy o prihlásenie "
"zahodené z počítadla neúspechov, hoci nedošlo k úspešnému prihláseniu."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:97
msgid ""
"Specifies the number of seconds during which the password cannot be used to "
"login due to too many consecutive failed bind attempts."
msgstr ""
"Udáva počet sekúnd, počas ktorých nemožno heslo použiť na prihlásenie, kvôli "
"veľkému počtu po sebe idúcich neúspešných pokusov o prihlásenie."

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:85
msgid ""
"Specifies the person's affiliation within a particular security domain in "
"broad categories such as student, faculty, staff, alum, etc."
msgstr ""
"Udáva pričlenenie osoby v rámci danej bezpečnostnej domény v častých "
"kategóriach, ako študent, fakulta, učiteľ, apod."

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:81
msgid ""
"Specifies the person's primary relationship to the institution in broad "
"categories such as student, faculty, staff, alum, etc."
msgstr ""
"Udáva hlavný vzťah osoby k inštitúcii v bežnej kategórii, ako študent, "
"fakulta, učiteľ, apod."

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:93 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:97
msgid ""
"Specifies the person's relationships to the institution in broad categories "
"such as student, faculty, staff, alum, etc."
msgstr ""
"Udáva vzťah osoby k inštitúcii v bežných kategóriách, ako študent, fakulta, "
"učiteľ, apod."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:167
msgid "Specifies the user's pickup group."
msgstr "Udáva skupinu príjemcov používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:94
msgid ""
"Specifies whether the user is an admin. System administrators may "
"additionally create, modify and delete companies."
msgstr ""
"Udáva, či je používateľ administrátorom. Administrátori systému môžu naviac "
"vytvoriť, zmeniť alebo odstrániť spoločnosti."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:129
msgid ""
"Specifies whether the user's existing password must be sent along with their "
"new password when changing a password. Attention, LAM does not support "
"password changes which require the old password."
msgstr ""
"Udáva, či má byť, pri zmene hesla, existujúce heslo používateľa poslané "
"spolu s jeho novým heslom. Upozornenie, LAM nepodporuje zmeny hesla, ktoré "
"vyžadujú staré heslo."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1460
msgid "Specify attributes and values"
msgstr "Zadajte atribúty a hodnoty"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:150
msgid "Standard LDAP search filter. Example: (&(sn=Smith)(givenName=David))"
msgstr ""
"Štandardný filter hľadania LDAP. Príklad: (&(sn=Hraško)(givenName=Janko))"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:191 ../templates/serverInfo.php:197
msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Čas začiatku"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:127 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:144
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:242 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:489
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:531 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:737
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:741 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1385
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2042 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2598
msgid "State"
msgstr "Územný celok"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:505 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:507
msgid "Static text"
msgstr "Statický text"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1455
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1467
#, php-format
msgid "Step %s of %s"
msgstr "Krok %s z %s"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:300
msgid "Steve"
msgstr "Janko"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:396 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:206
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2165
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:165
msgid "Steve Miller"
msgstr "Janko Hraško"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:267
msgid "Steve Miller,Room 2.14,123-123-1234,123-123-1234"
msgstr "Janko Hraško,Miestnosť 123,123-123-1234,123-123-1234"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:169
msgid "Steve, Stevo"
msgstr "Janko, Jano"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:62 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:124
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:132 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:234
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:369 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:519
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:629 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:633
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1281 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2026
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2549
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Ulica"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:442 ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:174
msgid "Structure name"
msgstr "Meno štruktúry"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:136
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/export_form.php:33
msgid "Sub (entire subtree)"
msgstr "Vnorenie (celý podstrom)"

#: ../lib/types/netgroup.inc:93 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:81
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:116 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:131
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:199 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:373
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:577
msgid "Subgroups"
msgstr "Podskupiny"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:324
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:101
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:192
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:208 ../help/help.inc:198
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Predmet"

#: ../lib/types/dhcp.inc:94 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:128
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:182 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:196
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:213 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:529
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:628
msgid "Subnet"
msgstr "Podsieť"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:168 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:190
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:207 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:265
#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:565 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:636
msgid "Subnet mask"
msgstr "Maska podsiete"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:174
msgid "Substring Rule"
msgstr "Pravidlo podreťazca"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:63
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:56
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:68
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:85
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Úspešné"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete.php:32
#, php-format
msgid "Successfully deleted DN %s"
msgstr "Úspešne odstránený DN %s"

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:38
msgid "Sudo role"
msgstr "Rola sudo"

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:148
#, php-format
msgid "Sudo role count: %s"
msgstr "Počet rolí sudo: %s"

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:48
msgid "Sudo role management"
msgstr "Správa rolí sudo"

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:39
msgid "Sudo roles"
msgstr "Role sudo"

#: ../lib/lists.inc:656 ../lib/modules.inc:917
msgid "Suffix"
msgstr "Prípona"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1312
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Nedeľa"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare.php:72
msgid "Switch entries"
msgstr "Prepnúť položky"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:165
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:89
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:77
msgid "Sync Asterisk password with Unix password"
msgstr "Synchronizovať heslo Asterisk s heslom Unix"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:168
msgid "Sync Asterisk voicemail password with Unix password"
msgstr "Synchronizovať heslo hlasovej schránky Asterisk s heslom Unix"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:158
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:230
msgid "Sync Samba LM password with Unix password"
msgstr "Synchronizovať heslo Samba LM s heslom Unix"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:156
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:229
msgid "Sync Samba NT password with Unix password"
msgstr "Synchronizovať heslo Samba NT s heslom Unix"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:179
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:142
msgid "Syntax"
msgstr "Syntax"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:87
msgid "Syntax OID"
msgstr "Syntax OID"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:71 ../templates/schema/schema.php:72
msgid "Syntaxes"
msgstr "Syntax"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:603 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1315
msgid "System administrator"
msgstr "Administrátor systému"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:219
msgid "System logging"
msgstr "Systémový záznam"

#: ../help/help.inc:60
msgid "TLS cannot be combined with ldaps://."
msgstr "TLS nemožno kombinovať s ldaps://."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:229
msgid "Target of invitation policy is invalid!"
msgstr "Cieľ politiky privítania nie je platný!"

#: ../templates/help.php:89 ../lib/modules.inc:614
msgid "Technical name"
msgstr "Technické meno"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:207 ../lib/types/user.inc:156
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:52 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:123
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:153 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:252
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:409 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:546
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:661 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:665
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1484 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2031
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2521
msgid "Telephone number"
msgstr "Číslo telefónu"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:347
msgid "Temp"
msgstr "Dočasný"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:323
msgid "Temp, contract until december"
msgstr "Dočasný, zmluva do decembra"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:725
msgid "Template"
msgstr "Šablóna"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:520
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Šablóny"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:368
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:581
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1225
msgid "Terminal server options"
msgstr "Voľby terminálového servera"

#: ../lib/tools/tests.inc:44
msgid "Tests"
msgstr "Testy"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:333
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:105
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:115
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:196
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:212 ../help/help.inc:200
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:564
msgid "Text field"
msgstr "Textové pole"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:102
msgid ""
"The \"NetID\" of the person for the purposes of inter-institutional "
"authentication. It should be represented in the form \"user@scope\" where "
"scope defines a local security domain."
msgstr ""
"„NetID” osoby na účely interného overenia. Môže byť uvedené v podobe "
"„používateľ@rozsah”, kde rozsah definuje lokálnu bezpečnostnú doménu."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:160
msgid ""
"The Cyrus mail quota for users in MBytes, leave blank for unlimited space."
msgstr ""
"Kvóta Cyrus mail pre používateľov v megabajtoch, nechajte prázdne pre "
"neobmedzené miesto."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:300
msgid "The DHCP ranges were changed to fit for the new subnet."
msgstr "Rozsahy DHCP boli zmenené tak, aby zodpovedali novej podsieti."

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:114
msgid ""
"The DN of the directory entry representing the institution with which the "
"person is associated."
msgstr ""
"DN položky adresára, ktorá reprezentuje inštitúciu, s ktorou je osoba "

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:118
msgid ""
"The DN of the directory entry representing the person's primary "
"organisational unit."
msgstr ""
"DN položky adresára, ktorá reprezentuje primárnu organizačnú jednotku osoby."

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:122 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:126
msgid ""
"The DNs of the directory entries representing the person's organisational "
msgstr "DN položky adresára, ktorá reprezentuje organizačné jednotky osoby."

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:429
msgid ""
"The ID of this group was changed. You can update all user and host entries "
"to the new group ID."
msgstr ""
"ID tejto skupiny bolo zmenené. Môžete aktualizovať položky všetkých "
"používateľov a strojov na nové ID skupiny."

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "The IP address %s is invalid!"
msgstr "Adresa IP %s nje je platná!"

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:393
msgid "The IP address does not match the subnet."
msgstr "Adresa IP nepatrí do podsiete."

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:396
msgid "The IP address is already in use."
msgstr "Adresa IP je už používaná."

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:108 ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:109
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:636
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:637 ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:85
#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:408 ../lib/modules/range.inc:424
#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:241 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:242
#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:388
msgid "The IP address is invalid."
msgstr "Adresa IP nie je platná."

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:94
msgid "The IP address of the PC."
msgstr "Adresa IP počítača."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:141
msgid ""
"The IP addresses of the DNS servers. Multiple addresses are separated by \","
"\". Example:,"
msgstr ""
"Adresy IP serverov DNS. Viac adries IP možno oddeliť „,”. Príklad: "

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:149
msgid ""
"The IP addresses of the Netbios name servers (e.g. \", "
msgstr ""
"Adresa(y) IP menných serverov NetBIOS (napr. „, "

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:412 ../lib/modules/range.inc:426
msgid "The IP does not match the subnet."
msgstr "Adresa IP nepatrí do podsiete."

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:69
msgid "The Kerberos realm of this user."
msgstr "Autentifikačná doména (realm) Kerberos tohoto používateľa"

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:91
msgid "The MAC address of the PC. Example: 11:22:33:44:55:aa"
msgstr "Adresa MAC počítača. Príklad: 11:22:33:44:55:aa"

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:293 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:294
msgid "The Netbios server is invalid."
msgstr "Server NetBIOS nie je platný."

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:360
msgid "The PC name may not be longer than 20 characters."
msgstr "Meno stroja nemôže byť dlhšie ako 20 znakov."

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:369
msgid "The PC name may only contain A-Z, a-z and 0-9."
msgstr "Meno stroja môže obsahovať len A-Z, a-z a 0-9."

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:363
msgid "The PC name needs to be at least 2 characters long."
msgstr "Meno stroja musí byť aspoň 2 znaky dlhé."

#: ../help/help.inc:169
msgid ""
"The PDF structure defines what information is exported as PDF file and how "
"the pages are structured. You can manage the PDF structures in the PDF "
"editor (under \"Tools\")."
msgstr ""
"Štruktúra PDF definuje, ktoré informácie sú exportované do súboru PDF a ako "
"sú štruktúrované strany. Štruktúry PDF môžete spravovať v Editore PDF (pod "

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create.php:44
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:38
msgid "The RDN field is empty."
msgstr "Pole RDN je prázdne."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:85
msgid "The Radius realm of this account."
msgstr "Autentifikačná doména (realm) tohoto účtu"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:75
msgid "The SID of your Samba server. Get it with \"net getlocalsid\"."
msgstr "SID vášho servera Samba. Získate ho pomocou „net getlocalsid”."

#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceLogin.php:90
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceMain.php:139
msgid "The TLS encryption could not be started."
msgstr "Nemožno spustiť šifrovanie TLS."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:73
msgid ""
"The UID ranges for users and hosts overlap! This is a problem because LAM "
"uses the highest UID in use + 1 for new accounts. Please set the minimum UID "
"to equal values or use independent ranges."
msgstr ""
"Rozsahy UID používateľov a strojov sa prekrývajú! Je to problém, pretože LAM "
"používa na nové účty najvyššie použité UID + 1. Prosím, nastavte minimálne "
"UID na rovnaké hodnoty alebo použite nezávislé rozsahy."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:70
msgid "The Unix socket or named pipe to the server."
msgstr "Unixový soket alebo pomenovaná rúra servera."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:205
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:206
msgid "The account context is invalid."
msgstr "Kontext účtu nie je platný."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:103
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:91
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:83
msgid "The account context stores information about the dial plan."
msgstr "Kontext účtu uchováva informácie a pláne vytáčania."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:628
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:629
msgid "The account type is invalid."
msgstr "Typ účtu nie je platný."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:97
msgid "The account will be locked after this date."
msgstr "Účet bude po tomto dátume uzamknutý."

#: ../help/help.inc:159
msgid "The account will be saved under this LDAP suffix."
msgstr "Účet bude uložený pod touto príponou LDAP."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:233
#, php-format
msgid "The answer needs to be at least %s characters long."
msgstr "Odpoveď musí byť dlhá aspoň %s znakov."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:901
msgid "The answer to the security question is wrong."
msgstr "Odpoveď na bezpečnostnú otázku nie je správna."

#: ../templates/tests/schemaTest.php:126
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The attribute %s is not supported for the object class %s by your LDAP "
msgstr ""
"Atribút %s nie je podporovaný pre triedu objektu %s vášho servera LDAP."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:531
#, php-format
msgid "The attribute to modify doesn't match the one specified by %s."
msgstr "Atribút na modifikáciu nezodpovedá tomu, ktorý je zadaný pomocou %s."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_attr.php:31
msgid "The attribute value does not exist"
msgstr "Hodnota atribútu neexistuje"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:618
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:620
msgid "The caller ID format is invalid."
msgstr "Formát ID volajúceho nie je platný."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:163
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:319
msgid "The config file is not writable."
msgstr "Konfiguračný súbor nie je zapisovateľný."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create.php:29
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:34
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:23
#, php-format
msgid "The container you specified (%s) does not exist. Please try again."
msgstr "Kontajner, ktorý ste zadali (%s) neexistuje. Prosím, skúste znova."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:148
msgid "The country name of the user."
msgstr "Meno krajiny používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:291 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:292
msgid "The default gateway is invalid."
msgstr "Predvolená brána nie je platná."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:31
#, php-format
msgid "The destination entry (%s) already exists."
msgstr "Cieľová položka (%s) už existuje."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:303 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:305
msgid ""
"The domain name includes invalid characters. Valid characters are A-Z, a-z, "
"0-9, \".\", \"_\",\"-\"."
msgstr ""
"Doménové meno obsahuje neplatné znaky. Platné znaky sú A-Z, a-z, 0-9, „.”, "
"„_”, „-”."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:302 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:304
msgid "The domain name needs to have at least 3 characters."
msgstr "Doménové meno musí byť dlhé aspoň 3 znaky."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:125
msgid "The domain name of the subnet."
msgstr "Doménové meno podsiete."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:209
msgid "The email address is invalid."
msgstr "Emailové adresa nie je platná."

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:89
msgid "The ending IP address of the range."
msgstr "Koncová adresa je mimo rozsahu."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:295
msgid "The entered Netbios node type does not exist."
msgstr "Zadaný typ uzla NetBIOS neexistuje."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update.php:27
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:22
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare_form.php:21
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:24
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:23
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:20
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/download_binary_attr.php:24
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:20
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:27
#, php-format
msgid "The entry (%s) does not exist."
msgstr "Položka (%s) neexistuje."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_update.php:27
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_edit.php:28
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:34
msgid "The entry does not exist and will be ignored"
msgstr "Položka neexistuje a bude ignorovaná"

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:67
msgid "The expiration date is invalid."
msgstr "Dátum vypršania nie je platný."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:249 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:250
msgid "The expiration date must be in format DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM."
msgstr "Dátum vypršania musí byť vo formáte DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:622
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:623
msgid "The extension context is invalid."
msgstr "Kontext rozšírenia nie je platný."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:474
msgid "The file you chose is either empty or does not exist."
msgstr "Súbor, ktorý ste zvolili je buď prázdny alebo neexistuje."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:412
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:499
msgid ""
"The file you selected was only partially uploaded, likley due to a network "
msgstr ""
"Súbor, ktorý ste zvolili bol nahraný len čiastočne, pravdepodobne kvôli "
"chybe siete."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:402
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:407
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:489
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:494
msgid ""
"The file you uploaded is too large. Please check php.ini, upload_max_size "
msgstr ""
"Súbor, ktorý nahrávate je príliš veľký. Prosím, skontrolujte nastavenie "
"upload_max_size v php.ini"

#: ../templates/initsuff.php:179
msgid ""
"The following suffixes are missing in LDAP. LAM can create them for you."
msgstr "Nasledujúce prípony chýbajú v LDAP. LAM ich môže pre vás vytvoriť."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:109
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:110
msgid "The format of the logon hours field is invalid!"
msgstr "Formát doby prihlásenia nie je platný!"

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:110
msgid "The format of this custom script setting is invalid."
msgstr "Formát nastavenia tohoto vlastného skriptu nie je platný."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:95
msgid "The format to show the query results"
msgstr "Formát zobrazenia výsledkov dopytu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:48
msgid ""
"The full DN of the new entry to be created when copying the source entry"
msgstr ""
"Úplný DN novej položky, ktorá má byť vytvorená pri kopírovaní zdrojovej "

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:208
msgid "The full name is invalid."
msgstr "Celé meno nie je platné."

#: ../templates/login.php:498
msgid "The given user name matches multiple LDAP entries."
msgstr "Zadané meno používateľa zodpovedá viacerým položkám LDAP."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:93
msgid ""
"The grace authentication limit specifies the number of times that an expired "
"password may be used to login."
msgstr ""
"Limit odkladu autentifikácie udáva koľko krát môže byť na prihlásenie "
"použité vypršané heslo."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:89 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:93
msgid "The group names for this account."
msgstr "Mená skupín tohoto účtu."

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:119
msgid "The headline for a new section must contain at least one character."
msgstr "Hlavička novej sekcie musí obsahovať aspoň jeden znak."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:281
msgid "The home directory will be connected under this drive letter."
msgstr "Domovský adresár bude pripojený pod týmto písmenom disku."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:625
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:626
msgid "The host name is invalid."
msgstr "Meno stroja nie je platné."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:782
msgid "The initials of the user's first names."
msgstr "Iniciály krstného mena používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:100
msgid ""
"The key enables the DHCP server to perform DNS updates. The key is generated "
"with \"genDDNSkey\"."
msgstr ""
"Kľúč dovoľuje serveru DHCP vykonávať aktualizácie DNS. Kľúč je generovaný "
"pomocou „genDDNSkey”."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:289 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:290
msgid "The lease time is invalid."
msgstr "Čas pridelenia nie je platný."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:133
msgid ""
"The lease time specifies after how many seconds the client should request a "
"new IP address."
msgstr ""
"Čas pridelenia udáva počet sekúnd, po ktorých uplynutí musí klient požiadať "
"o novú adresu IP."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:72 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:98
msgid "The list of commands which may be run."
msgstr "Zoznam príkazov, ktoré môžu byť spustené."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:68 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:93
msgid "The list of hosts from which the user may run the commands."
msgstr "Zoznam strojov, z ktorých môže používateľ púšťať príkazy."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:64 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:88
msgid "The list of users who own this sudo role and may run the commands."
msgstr ""
"Zoznam používateľov, ktorí vlastnia túto rolu sudo a môžu spúšťať príkazy."

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:111
msgid ""
"The log file is empty or contains invalid characters! Valid characters are: "
"a-z, A-Z, 0-9, /, \\, ., :, _ and -."
msgstr ""
"Súbor záznamu je prázdny alebo obsahuje neplatné znaky! Platné znaky sú: a-"
"z, A-Z, 0-9, /, \\, ., :, _ a -."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:79
msgid ""
"The login name of your IMAP user who has rights to create/delete mailboxes."
msgstr ""
"Prihlasovacie meno používateľa IMAP, ktorý má právo pridávať/odstraňovať "
"emailové schránky."

#: ../help/help.inc:201
msgid "The mail text of all password mails."
msgstr "Texta emailu všetkých emailov s heslami."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:106
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:116
msgid "The mail text of the mails."
msgstr "Text emailov."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:201
msgid "The mailbox format is invalid."
msgstr "Formát emailovej schránky nie je platný."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:296 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:297
msgid "The maximum lease time is invalid."
msgstr "Maximálna doba pridelenia nie je platná."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:137
msgid ""
"The maximum lease time specifies after how many seconds the client must "
"request a new IP address."
msgstr ""
"maximálny čas pridelenia udáva počet sekúnd, po ktorých uplynutí musí klient "
"požiadať o novú adresu IP."

#: ../lib/modules.inc:872
#, php-format
msgid "The module %s is not yet ready."
msgstr "Modul %s zatiaľ nie je pripravený."

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:90
msgid ""
"The name for that PDF-structure you submitted is not valid. A valid name "
"must consist of the following characters: 'a-z','A-Z','0-9','_','-'."
msgstr ""
"Názov štruktúry PDF, ktorý ste zadali nie je platný. Platné meno sa môže "
"skladať len z nasledujúcich znakov: 'a-z','A-Z','0-9','_','-'."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:103
msgid ""
"The name of a command to execute. The available commands may be listed at "
"the Asterisk command line by executing \"core show applications\"."
msgstr ""
"Meno príkazu na vykonanie. Dostupné príkazy môžu byť vypísané v príkazovom "
"riadku Asterisk zadaním „core show applications”."

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:88
msgid "The name of the PC."
msgstr "Meno počítača."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:95
msgid "The name of the extension (e.g. voicemail or sip)."
msgstr "Meno rozšírenia (napr. voicemail alebo sip)."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:152
msgid "The name of the server where the mailbox is located."
msgstr "Meno servera, na ktorom je poštová schránka umiestnená."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:129
msgid "The name of the subnet. Example:"
msgstr "Meno podsiete. Napríklad:"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:71
msgid "The name of your Windows domain or workgroup."
msgstr "Meno vašej domény alebo pracovnej skupiny Windows."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:81
msgid "The net mask for the IP address."
msgstr "Sieťová maska pre adresy IP."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:173
msgid ""
"The net mask is derived from the subnet mask. LAM will calculate it "
msgstr ""
"Sieťová maska je odvodená od masky podsiete. LAM ju vypočíta automaticky."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:243 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:244
msgid "The net mask is invalid."
msgstr "Sieťová maska nie je platná."

#: ../lib/modules.inc:1088
msgid ""
"The new password will be stored in the directory after you save this account."
msgstr "Nové heslo bude v adresári uložené po uložení tohoto účtu."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:231
msgid "The number of milliseconds for the last qualify."
msgstr "Počet milisekúnd poslednej kontroly."

#: ../help/help.inc:115
msgid ""
"The number of users who may login to LAM is restricted. This can be either a "
"fixed list of DNs or LAM can search LDAP to find a DN which matches the "
"given user name."
msgstr ""
"Počet používateľov, ktorí sa môžu prihlásiť do LAM je obmedzený. Môže to byť "
"buď pevný zoznam DN alebo môže LAM prehľadať LDAP a nájsť DN, ktoré vyhovujú "
"zadanému používateľskému menu."

#: ../templates/tests/schemaTest.php:112
#, php-format
msgid "The object class %s is not supported by your LDAP server."
msgstr "Trieda objektu %s nie je vašim serverom LDAP podporovaná."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:750
msgid "The office name of the user (e.g. YourCompany, Human Resources)."
msgstr "Oddelenie používateľa (napr. VašaSpoločnosť, Ľudské zdroje)."

#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceMain.php:278 ../lib/modules.inc:1672
msgid "The operation was stopped because of the above errors."
msgstr "Operácia bola zastavená, kvôli uvedeným chybám."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:211
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:212
msgid "The options have bad format."
msgstr "Voľby má zlý formát."

#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:63 ../lib/modules/device.inc:67
msgid "The owners of this device."
msgstr "Vlastníci tohoto zariadenia."

#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:69 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:73
msgid "The owners of this group."
msgstr "Vlastníci tejto skupiny."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:210
msgid "The pager number has bad format."
msgstr "Číslo pagera má zlý formát."

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:91
msgid "The parameter @@password@@ will be replaced with the new password."
msgstr "Parameter @@password@@ bude nahradený novým heslom."

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:90
msgid "The parameter @@principal@@ will be replaced with the principal name."
msgstr "Parameter @@principal@@ bude nahradený menom principalu."

#: ../templates/config/confsave.php:71 ../templates/config/confmain.php:72
#: ../templates/config/mainlogin.php:59
#: ../templates/selfService/adminLogin.php:54
msgid "The password is invalid! Please try again."
msgstr "Neplatné heslo! Prosím, skúste znova."

#: ../lib/security.inc:237
#, php-format
msgid "The password is too short. You have to enter at least %s characters."
msgstr "Heslo je príliš krátke. Musíte zadať aspoň %s znakov."

#: ../lib/security.inc:289
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The password is too weak. You have to enter at least %s different character "
"classes (upper/lower case, numbers and symbols)."
msgstr ""
"Heslo je príliš jednoduché. Musíte zadať aspoň %s rôznych znakových tried "
"(veľké/malé písmená, číslice a špeciálne znaky)."

#: ../lib/security.inc:260
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The password is too weak. You have to enter at least %s lower case "
msgstr "Heslo je príliš jednoduché. Musíte zadať aspoň %s malých písmen."

#: ../lib/security.inc:268
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The password is too weak. You have to enter at least %s numeric characters."
msgstr "Heslo je príliš jednoduché. Musíte zadať aspoň %s číslic."

#: ../lib/security.inc:272
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The password is too weak. You have to enter at least %s symbolic characters."
msgstr "Heslo je príliš jednoduché. Musíte zadať aspoň %s špeciálnych znakov."

#: ../lib/security.inc:264
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The password is too weak. You have to enter at least %s upper case "
msgstr "Heslo je príliš jednoduché. Musíte zadať aspoň %s veľkých písmen."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:85
msgid ""
"The password of your IMAP admin user. The login name for the IMAP admin user "
"is stored in the LAM server profile."
msgstr ""
"Heslo administrátora IMAP. Prihlasovacie meno administrátora IMAP je uložené "
"v profile servera LAM."

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:401 ../lib/modules.inc:1045
msgid "The password was set to:"
msgstr "Heslo bolo nastavené na:"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:638 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:642
msgid "The post office box of the user's address."
msgstr "P.O. box adresy používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:646 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:650
msgid "The postal code of the user's address."
msgstr "Poštové smerovacie číslo adresy používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:351
msgid ""
"The primary group for this account. You can insert a GID number or a group "
msgstr ""
"Primárna skupina tohoto účtu. Môžete zadať číslo GID alebo meno skupiny."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:418
msgid "The primary group the host should be member of."
msgstr "Primárna skupina stroja, ktorej má byť členom."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:380
msgid "The primary group the user should be member of."
msgstr "Primárna ksupina používateľa, ktorej má byť členom."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:99
msgid ""
"The priority is a sequence number used to order the execution of commands. "
"Commands are executed beginning with the lowest sequence number."
msgstr ""
"Priorita je číslo, použité na zostavenie poradia vykonania príkazov. Príkazy "
"s nižším číslom sú vykonané skôr."

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:414
msgid "The range conflicts with another range."
msgstr "Rozsah je v konflikte s iným rozsahom."

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:410
msgid "The range end needs to be greater than the range start."
msgstr "Koniec rozsahu musí byť väčší ako jeho začiatok."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:722
msgid "The room number of the employee's office."
msgstr "Číslo miestnosti kancelárie zamestnanca."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:130
msgid "The scope in which to search"
msgstr "Rozsah, v ktorom hľadať"

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:57 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:69
msgid ""
"The scripts will be run on your web server in the user context of your web "
"server (e.g. apache/www-data)."
msgstr ""
"Skripty budú spustené na vašom webovom serveri, s právami používateľa vášho "
"webového servera (napr. apache/www-data)."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:235 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:99
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:375 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:118
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:762 ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:105
msgid ""
"The selected options will not be managed inside LAM. You can use this to "
"reduce the number of displayed input fields."
msgstr ""
"Zvolené voľby nebudú v LAM spravované. Môžete to použiť na zmenšenie počtu "
"zobrazených vstupných polí."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy.php:38
msgid "The source and destination DN are the same."
msgstr "Zdrojové a cieľové DN sú rovnaké."

#: ../lib/modules/range.inc:86
msgid "The starting IP address of the range."
msgstr "Počiatočná adresa IP je rozsahu."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:738 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:742
msgid "The state where the user resides or works."
msgstr "Územný celok, v ktorom používateľ sídli alebo pracuje."

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:107
msgid "The static text must contain at least one character."
msgstr "Statický text musí obsahovať aspoň jeden znak."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:630 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:634
msgid "The street name of the user's address."
msgstr "Meno ulice adresy používateľa."

#: ../help/help.inc:199
msgid "The subject of all password mails."
msgstr "Predmet všetkých emailov s heslami."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:102
msgid "The subject of the mails."
msgstr "Predmet emailov."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:284
msgid "The subnet is already in use."
msgstr "Podsieť už je použitá."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:285 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:286
msgid "The subnet is invalid."
msgstr "Podsieť nie je platná."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:298 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:299
msgid "The subnet mask is invalid."
msgstr "Maska podsiete nie je paltná."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:169
msgid "The subnet mask of the network."
msgstr "Maska podsiete danej siete."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:80 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:108
msgid "The sudo commands are executed with these group memberships."
msgstr "Príkazy sudo sú spúšťané členmi tejto skupiny."

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:76 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:103
msgid "The sudo commands may be run as these users (e.g. root)."
msgstr ""
"Príkazy sudo môžu byť spustené s právami týchto používateľov (napr. root)."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:396
msgid "The url attribute value should begin with file://."
msgstr "Hodnota atribútu URL musí začínať file://."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:98
msgid "The user account is non-active and login is disabled."
msgstr "Používateľský účet nie je aktívny a prihlásenie je zakázané."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:78
msgid "The user will get warned when his mailbox reaches this limit."
msgstr ""
"Používateľ bude upozornený, keď jeho emailová schránka dosiahne tento limit."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:127
msgid "The user's call groups."
msgstr "Skupiny volajúcich používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:686 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:690
msgid "The user's email address."
msgstr "Emailové adresy používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:678 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:682
msgid "The user's fax number."
msgstr "Číslo faxu používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:670 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:674
msgid "The user's mobile number."
msgstr "Číslo mobilu používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:770 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:774
msgid "The user's organisation name."
msgstr "Organizačné meno používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:714 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:718
msgid "The user's private telephone number."
msgstr "Súkromné telefónne číslo používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:662 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:666
msgid "The user's telephone number."
msgstr "Telefónne číslo používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:778
msgid "The user's unique employee number."
msgstr "Unikátne osobné číslo používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:694 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:698
msgid "The user's web site (e.g. http://www.company.com)."
msgstr "Webová stránka používateľa (napr. http://www.spolocnost.sk)."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:112
msgid ""
"The value for the Samba 3 field \"User can/must change password\" needs to "
"be a number."
msgstr ""
"Hodnota poľa Samba 3 „Používateľ môže/musí zmeniť heslo” musí byť číslo."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:213
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:214
msgid "The voicemail context name is invalid."
msgstr "Meno hlasovej schránky nie je platné."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create.php:42
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:36
msgid "The were no attributes marked as an RDN attribute."
msgstr "Žiadne atribúty neboli označené ako atribút RDN."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:108 ../help/help.inc:204
msgid "The wildcard for the new password is @@newPassword@@."
msgstr "Zástupný reťazec hesla je @@newPassword@@."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:118
msgid "The wildcard for the reset link is @@resetLink@@."
msgstr "Zástupný reťazec odkazu obnovenia je @@newPassword@@."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/modify_member_form.php:60
#, php-format
msgid "There are <b>%s</b> members in group <b>%s</b>:"
msgstr "<b>%s</b> členov skupiny <b>%s</b>:"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:498
msgid "There are still users who have this group as their primary group."
msgstr ""
"Stále existujú používatelia, ktorí majú túto skupinu ako svoju primárnu "

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:440
msgid "There can be only one group of this type."
msgstr "Môže existovať len jedna skupina tohoto typu."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:619
msgid "There is already another user with this caller ID."
msgstr "Už existuje iný používateľ s týmto ID volajúceho."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:202
msgid "There is already another user with this mailbox name."
msgstr "Už existuje iný používateľ s takým menom poštovej schránky."

#: ../templates/massDoUpload.php:226
msgid "There were errors while uploading:"
msgstr "Pri nahrávaní sa vyskytli chyby:"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_update.php:80
#, php-format
msgid "There will be %s updates done with this mass update"
msgstr "Pri hromadnej aktualizácii bude urobených %s aktualizácií"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:417
msgid ""
"These are the minimum and maximum numbers to use for group IDs when creating "
"new group accounts. New group accounts will always get the highest number in "
"use plus one."
msgstr ""
"Minimálne a maximálne hodnoty pre ID skupiny sú použité pri vytváraní nových "
"skupín. Nové skupiny vždy dostanú najvyššie číslo plus jedna."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:339
msgid ""
"These are the minimum and maximum numbers to use for machine IDs when "
"creating new accounts for hosts. The range should be different from that of "
"users. New host accounts will always get the highest number in use plus one."
msgstr ""
"Minimálne a maximálne hodnoty pre ID účtov strojov sú použité pri vytváraní "
"nových strojov. Rozsah musí byť iný ako ten pre používateľov. Nové účty "
"strojov vždy dostanú najvyššie číslo plus jedna."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:335
msgid ""
"These are the minimum and maximum numbers to use for user IDs when creating "
"new user accounts. The range should be different from that of machines. New "
"user accounts will always get the highest number in use plus one."
msgstr ""
"Minimálne a maximálne hodnoty pre ID účtov používateľov sú použité pri "
"vytváraní nových používateľských účtov. Rozsah musí byť iný ako ten pre "
"stroje. Nové účty používateľov vždy dostanú najvyššie číslo plus jedna."

#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:86 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:90
msgid ""
"These entries specify the members of the netgroup. You can limit the set to "
"a host name, a user name, a domain name or any combination of them."
msgstr ""
"Tieto položky udávajú členov sieťovej skupiny. Môžete ich obmedziť pomocou "
"mena stroja, mena používateľa, mena domény alebo ich ľubovoľnej kombinácie."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:115
msgid ""
"These options change the list of potential extension owners below. You can "
"select to show Asterisk accounts or all users. It is also possible to search "
"the tree suffix if you have users which are not in the standard user suffix."
msgstr ""
"Tieto voľby menia zoznam potencionálnych vlastníkov rozšírení. Môžete si "
"zvoliť zobrazenie účtov Asterisk alebo všetkých používateľov. Je možné aj "
"prehľadávať príponu stromu, ak máte používateľov, ktorí nemajú štandardnú "
"príponu používateľov."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:98
msgid ""
"This GID number is invalid! Please provide either a number or a group name."
msgstr "Číslo GID nie je platné! Prosím, zdajte číslo alebo meno skupiny."

#: ../help/help.inc:191
msgid ""
"This HTML code will be placed on top of all self service pages. E.g. you can "
"use this to place your custom logo. Any HTML code is permitted."
msgstr ""
"Tento kód HTML bude umiestnený na začiatku všetkých samoobslužných stránok. "
"Môžete ho použiť, napríklad, na umiestnenie vlastného loga. Dovolený je "
"akýkoľvek kód HTML."

#: ../lib/modules/fixed_ip.inc:366
msgid "This PC name already exists."
msgstr "Toto meno stroja už existuje."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:276
msgid "This account is marked for deletion."
msgstr "Tento účet je označený na odstránenie."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:305
msgid ""
"This allows you to define this account as a special user like administrator "
"or guest."
msgstr ""
"Týmto môžete účet definovať ako špeciálny účet, ako administrátor alebo hosť."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:376
msgid "This attribute is not defined in the LDAP schema"
msgstr "Tento atribút nie je definovaný v schéme LDAP"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1988
msgid "This attribute is required"
msgstr "Tento atribút je povinný"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:458
msgid "This attribute is required for the RDN."
msgstr "Tento atribút je povinný pre RDN"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:746
msgid "This can be used to specify if the user has a car license."
msgstr "Toto môžete použiť na zadanie, či používateľ vlastní vodičský preukaz."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_oclass_form.php:64
msgid "This change requires to add new attributes."
msgstr "Táto zmena vyžaduje pridanie nových atribútov."

#: ../help/help.inc:131
msgid "This changes the password of the selected profile."
msgstr "Zmení heslo zvoleného profilu."

#: ../help/help.inc:133
msgid "This changes the profile which is selected by default at login."
msgstr "Zmení profil, ktorý je predvolene zvolený pri prihlásený."

#: ../templates/massBuildAccounts.php:153
msgid ""
"This column is defined to include unique entries but duplicates were found:"
msgstr ""
"Tento stĺpec je definovaný ako jedinečný, ale boli nájdené duplicitné "

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:89
msgid ""
"This command will be called to change the Kerberos password. Usually, it "
"should look similar to \"/usr/sbin/kadmin -K /etc/heimdal/apache.keytab -p "
"admin/admin passwd -p @@password@@ @@principal@@\"."
msgstr ""
"Tento príkaz bude volaný na zmenu hesla Kerberos. Zvyčajne by mal vyzerať "
"podobne ako „/usr/sbin/kadmin -K /etc/heimdal/apache.keytab -p admin/admin "
"passwd -p @@password@@ @@principal@@”."

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:111
msgid "This custom script setting includes an invalid account type."
msgstr "Nastavenia tohoto vlastného skriptu obsahujú neplatný typ účtu."

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:113 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:115
msgid "This custom script setting includes an invalid action type."
msgstr "Nastavenia tohoto vlastného skriptu obsahujú neplatný typ akcie."

#: ../help/help.inc:96
msgid ""
"This defines the language of the login window and sets this language as the "
"default language. Users can change the language at login."
msgstr ""
"Definuje jazyk prihlasovacieho okna nastavuje tento jazyk ako predvolený "
"jazyk. Používatelia môžu zmeniť jazyk pri prihlásení."

#: ../help/help.inc:113
msgid ""
"This defines the rights for the home directories which are created by "
msgstr ""
"Definuje práva domovských adresárov, ktoré sú vytvárané pomocou lamdaemon."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:87
msgid ""
"This defines what application Asterisk has to start for this user (e.g. SIP/"
msgstr ""
"Definuje, ktorá aplikácia Asterisk má byť pre tohoto používateľa spustená "
"(napr. SIP/pouzivatel1)."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_delete.php:85
#, php-format
msgid "This deletion request also includes %s child entries."
msgstr "Tento požiadavok na odstránenie zahŕňa aj %s vnorených položiek."

#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:71
msgid "This describes the location of the device."
msgstr "Popisuje umiestnenie zariadenia."

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:67
msgid "This describes the location of the host."
msgstr "Popisuje umiestnenie stroja."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:730 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:734
msgid "This describes the location of the user."
msgstr "Popisuje umiestnenie používateľa."

#: ../lib/lamPDF.inc:118
msgid "This document was automatically created by LDAP Account Manager"
msgstr "Tento dokument bol vytvorený automaticky pomocou LDAP Account Manager"

#: ../help/help.inc:208
msgid ""
"This email address will be set as reply-to address of all password mails."
msgstr ""
"Táto emailová adresa bude použitá ako adresa na odpovede (reply-to) všetkých "
"emailov s heslami."

#: ../help/help.inc:197
msgid ""
"This email address will be set as sender address of all password mails. If "
"empty the system default (php.ini) will be used."
msgstr ""
"Táto emailová adresa bude použitá ako adresa odosielateľa všetkých emailov s "
"heslami. Ak necháte prázdne, bude použitá predvolená adresa systému (php."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:98
msgid ""
"This email address will be set as sender address of the mails. If empty the "
"system default (php.ini) will be used."
msgstr ""
"Táto emailová adresa bude použitá ako adresa odosielateľa emailov. Ak "
"necháte prázdne, bude použitá predvolená adresa systému (php.ini)."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:78
msgid "This enables the password self reset function."
msgstr "Zapína funkciu obnovenia hesla."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare.php:79
msgid "This entry has no attributes"
msgstr "Táto položka nemá atribúty"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:57
#, php-format
msgid "This entry is the root of a sub-tree containing %s entries."
msgstr "Táto položka je koreň podstromu, ktorý obsahuje %s položiek."

#: ../templates/lib/141_jquery-validationEngine-lang.php:34
msgid "This field is required."
msgstr "Toto pole je povinné."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:100
msgid "This gecos value is invalid!"
msgstr "Hodnota gecos nie je paltná!"

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:63
msgid "This is a comma separated list of IP addresses."
msgstr "Čiarkou oddelený zoznam adries IP."

#: ../lib/modules/ieee802device.inc:66
msgid "This is a comma separated list of MAC addresses."
msgstr "Čiarkou oddelený zoznam adries MAC."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:136
msgid "This is a comma separated list of delegates."
msgstr "Čiarkou oddelený zoznam delegátov."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:144
msgid "This is a comma separated list of eMail aliases."
msgstr "Čiarkou oddelený zoznam emailových aliasov."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:128
msgid "This is a comma separated list of invitation policies."
msgstr "Čiarkou oddelený zoznam politík pozvánok."

#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:76
msgid "This is a comma separated list of recipients."
msgstr "Čiarkou oddelený zoznam príjemcov."

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:70
msgid "This is a comma separated list of the users public email addresses."
msgstr "Čiarkou oddelený zoznam verejných emailových adries používateľa."

#: ../help/help.inc:147
msgid ""
"This is a list of IP addresses from hosts who may access LAM. You can use \"*"
"\" as wildcard (e.g. 192.168.0.*)."
msgstr ""
"Zoznam adries IP, z ktorých možno pristupovať k LAM. Môžete použiť zástupný "
"znak „*” (napr. 192.168.0.*)."

#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:77
msgid "This is a list of members of this group."
msgstr "Zoznam členov tejto skupiny."

#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:81
msgid ""
"This is a list of members of this group. Multiple members are separated by "
msgstr ""
"Zoznam členov tejto skupiny. Viacerí členovia môžu byť oddelení bodkočiarkou."

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:89
msgid "This is a list of nick names for this user."
msgstr "Zoznam prezývok tohoto používateľa."

#: ../help/help.inc:109
msgid ""
"This is a list of the servers where the lamdaemon scripts are stored. LDAP "
"Account Manager will make a SSH connection to the servers with the user name "
"and password provided at login. Multiple servers are separated by "
"semicolons. You can append a descriptive name after a colon."
msgstr ""
"Zoznam serverov, kde sú uložené skripty lamdaemon. LDAP Account Manager bude "
"vytvárať spojenia SSH na servery s používateľským menom a heslom poskytnutým "
"pri prihlásení. Viacero serverov oddeľujte bodkočiarkami. Za čiarkou môžete "
"poskytnúť popisné meno."

#: ../help/help.inc:89
msgid ""
"This is a list of valid DN entries of all users that are allowed to login to "
"LDAP Account Manager. Please enter one DN per line."
msgstr ""
"Zoznam platných položiek DN všetkých používateľov, ktorým je dovolené "
"prihlásiť sa do LDAP Account Manager. Prosím, zadajte jedno DN na riadok."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:881
msgid "This is a structural ObjectClass and cannot be removed."
msgstr "Je to štrukturálna ObjectClass a nemôže byť odstránená."

#: ../lib/modules/nisObject.inc:67 ../lib/modules/automount.inc:63
msgid "This is an optional description for this entry."
msgstr "Voliteľný popis tejto položky."

#: ../help/help.inc:179
msgid ""
"This is needed to find the LDAP DNs of your user accounts. E.g. if you use "
"\"uid\" and your user inputs \"miller\" then LAM will search for an account "
"with uid=miller."
msgstr ""
"Je to potrebné na nájdenie LDAP DN vašich používateľských účtov. Napr., ak "
"použijete „uid” a váš používateľ zadá „jhrasko”, bude LAM hľadať účet s "

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:173 ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:110
#: ../lib/modules/device.inc:128 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:218
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:220 ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:145
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:79 ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:79
msgid "This is not a valid DN!"
msgstr "Toto nie je platné DN!"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:99
msgid "This is not a valid RID number!"
msgstr "Toto nie je platné číslo RID!"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:442
msgid "This is not a valid Samba 3 group type!"
msgstr "Toto nie je platný typ skupiny Samba 3!"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:222
msgid "This is not a valid list of DNs!"
msgstr "Toto nie je platný zoznam DN!"

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:66
msgid "This is one of the users public email addresses."
msgstr "Jedna z verejných emailových adries používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:72
msgid "This is one recipient for this alias."
msgstr "jeden príjemca tohoto aliasu."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:95
msgid ""
"This is the ID of the user in the Asterisk database. It may contain digits "
"and letters (e.g. user1 or 200134)."
msgstr ""
"ID používateľa v databáze Asterisk. Môže obsahovať číslice a písmena (napr. "
"pouzivatel1 alebo 200134)."

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:77
msgid "This is the IP address for the user (e.g."
msgstr "Adresa IP používateľa (napr."

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:59
msgid ""
"This is the IP address of the network card of the device (e.g. "
msgstr "Adresa IP sieťovej karty zariadenia (napr."

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:71
msgid "This is the LDAP DN of the host's manager."
msgstr "LDAP DN správcu strojov."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:622 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:626
msgid ""
"This is the LDAP DN of the user's manager. Use this property to represent "
"hierarchies in your company."
msgstr ""
"LDAP DN správcu používateľov. Použite túto vlastnosť na reprezentáciu "
"hierarchií vo vašej spoločnosti."

#: ../lib/modules/ieee802device.inc:62
msgid ""
"This is the MAC address of the network card of the device (e.g. 00:01:02:DE:"
msgstr "Adresa MAC sieťovej karty zariadenia (napr. 00:01:02:DE:EF:18)."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:302
msgid "This is the SID of the user's primary Windows group."
msgstr "SID primárnej skupiny Windows používateľa."

#: ../help/help.inc:98
msgid ""
"This is the absolute path to an external script for setting quotas and "
"creating home directories."
msgstr ""
"Absolútna cesta k externému skriptu na nastavovanie kvót a vytváranie "
"domovských adresárov."

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:95
msgid "This is the account's Kerberos password."
msgstr "Heslo účtu Kerberos."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:240
msgid "This is the account's Windows password."
msgstr "Heslo účtu Windows."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:237
msgid "This is the account's full name on Windows systems."
msgstr "Úplné meno účtu v systémoch Windows."

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:49
msgid "This is the active password policy for this account."
msgstr "Aktívna politika hesla tohoto účtu."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:70
msgid ""
"This is the answer to the security question. It allows users to reset their "
msgstr ""
"Odpoveď na bezpečnostnú otázku. Umožňuje používateľovi obnoviť svoje heslo."

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:73
msgid "This is the date when the account will expire."
msgstr "Dátum vypršania platnosti účtu."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:324 ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:185
msgid "This is the date when the account will expire. Format: DD-MM-YYYY"
msgstr "Dátum vypršania platnosti účtu. Formát: DD-MM-YYYY"

#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:193
msgid ""
"This is the date when the user changed his password. If you specify a "
"maximum password age then you can force a password change here."
msgstr ""
"Dátum, kedy používateľ zmenil svoje heslo. Ak zadáte maximálny vek hesla, "
"potom tu môžete vynútiť zmenu hesla."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:357
msgid "This is the group name which will be shown in Windows."
msgstr "meno skupiny, ktoré bude zobrazené vo Windows."

#: ../help/help.inc:155
msgid ""
"This is the identifier for the relative DN value. It must be one of the "
"given allowed LDAP attributes (e.g. user accounts usually use \"uid\" while "
"groups use \"cn\")."
msgstr ""
"identifikátor relatívnej hodnoty DN. Musí to byť jeden z poskytnutých "
"povolených atribútov LDAP (napr. používateľské účty zvyčajne používajú "
"„uid”, zatiaľčo skupiny používajú „cn”)."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:82
msgid ""
"This is the label for the link to the password self reset. If empty \"Forgot "
"password?\" will be used."
msgstr ""
"Menovka odkazu na obnovenie hesla. Ak necháte prázdne, bude použité "
"„Zabudnuté heslo?”."

#: ../help/help.inc:84
msgid ""
"This is the list of attributes to show in the account list. The entries can "
"either be predefined values, \"#attribute\", or individual ones, \"attribute:"
"description\". Several entries are separated by semicolons."
msgstr ""
"Zoznam atribútov, ktoré budú zobrazené v zozname účtov. Položky môžu byť buď "
"preddefinované hodnoty „#atribút” alebo samostatné položky, \"atribút:popis"
"\". Viacero položiek treba oddeliť bodkočiarkami."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:99
msgid ""
"This is the machine id (e.g. IP address or host name) from which the user "
"can call/receive calls."
msgstr ""
"ID stroja (napr. adresa IP alebo meno stroja), z ktorého môže používateľ "
"volať/prijímať volania."

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:74
msgid "This is the mail server for the user."
msgstr "Poštový server používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:74
msgid "This is the minimum length for answers to the security question."
msgstr "Minimálna dĺžka odpovedí na bezpečnostnú otázku."

#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:74 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:61
msgid "This is the name of this group."
msgstr "Meno tejto skupiny."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:426
msgid ""
"This is the natural name of the host. If empty, the host name will be used."
msgstr ""
"Prirodzený názov stroja. Ak ponecháte prázdne, bude použité meno stroja."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:702
msgid ""
"This is the natural name of the user. If empty, the first and last name is "
msgstr ""
"Prirodzené meno používateľa. Ak ponecháte prázdne, bude použité krstné meno "
"a priezvisko."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:404
msgid ""
"This is the natural name of the user. If empty, the first and last name or "
"user name is used."
msgstr ""
"Prirodzené meno používateľa. Ak ponecháte prázdne, bude použité krstné meno "
"a priezvisko alebo meno používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:115
msgid ""
"This is the number of bad logon attempts (0 - 999) before the account is "
"deactivated. 0 means unlimited attempts."
msgstr ""
"Počet neúspešných pokusov o prihlásenie (0 - 999) pred zablokovaním účtu. 0 "
"znamená neobmedzený počet pokusov."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:99
msgid ""
"This is the number of passwords which are saved to prevent that users reuse "
"old passwords."
msgstr ""
"Počet hesiel, ktoré sú ukladané kvôli predchádzaniu opakovania starých "
"hesiel používateľom."

#: ../help/help.inc:94
msgid ""
"This is the number of rows to show in the account list. If more entries are "
"found the list will be split into several pages."
msgstr ""
"Počet riadkov, zobrazených v zozname účtov. Ak je nájdených viac položiek, "
"zoznam bude rozdelený na viacero stránok."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:333
msgid "This is the path to the user's home directory."
msgstr "Cesta domovského adresára používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:365
msgid ""
"This is the relative ID (similar to UID on Unix) for Windows accounts. If "
"you leave this empty LAM will calculate the RID from the UID. This can be "
"either a number or the name of a special group:"
msgstr ""
"Relatívne ID (podobné UID v Unixe) pre účty Windows. Ak necháte prázdne, LAM "
"vypočíta RID z UID. Môže to byť buď číslo alebo meno špeciálnej skupiny:"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:308
msgid ""
"This is the relative ID number for your Windows account. You can either "
"enter a number or one of these special accounts: "
msgstr ""
"Relatívne číslo ID vášho účtu Windows. Môže zadať buď číslo alebo jeden z "
"týchto špeciálnych účtov:"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:312
msgid ""
"This is the relative ID number for your host account. If you leave this "
"empty LAM will use: uidNumber*2 + sambaAlgorithmicRidBase."
msgstr ""
"Relatívne číslo ID účtu vášho stroja. Ak necháte prázdne, LAM použije: "
"uidNumber*2 + sambaAlgorithmicRidBase."

#: ../help/help.inc:59
msgid ""
"This is the server address of your LDAP server. Use ldap:// for unencrypted "
"LDAP connections or TLS encrypted connections. LDAP+SSL (LDAPS) encrypted "
"connections are specified with ldaps://. The port value is optional."
msgstr ""
"Adresa vášho servera LDAP. Použite ldap:// pre nešifrované pripojenia k LDAP "
"alebo spojenia šifrované pomocou TLS. Šifrované spojenia LDAP+SSL (LDAPS) sú "
"zadané pomocou protokolu ldaps://. Hodnota pre port je voliteľná."

#: ../help/help.inc:78
msgid "This is the suffix for the LDAP tree viewer."
msgstr "Prípona pre prehliadač stromu LDAP."

#: ../help/help.inc:72
msgid ""
"This is the suffix of the LDAP tree from where to search for LDAP entries. "
"Only entries in this subtree will be displayed in the account list. When "
"creating a new accont this will be the DN where it is saved."
msgstr ""
"Prípona stromu LDAP, v ktorej budú hľadané položky LDAP. V zozname účtov "
"budú zobrazené len položky v tomto podstrome. Pri vytváraní nového účtu, sú "
"tieto tiež ukladané do tohoto podstromu."

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:62
msgid "This is the target email address for the user's mails."
msgstr "Cieľová emailová adresa emailov používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:46 ../lib/modules/uidObject.inc:53
#: ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:55
msgid "This is the target of this alias entry."
msgstr "Cieľ tejto položky aliasu."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:127
msgid ""
"This is the time (in minutes) for which the user may not log in after the "
"account was locked. -1 means forever."
msgstr ""
"Čas (v minútach), po ktorý sa používateľ nebude môcť prihlásiť po zamknutí "
"účtu. -1 znamená navždy."

#: ../help/help.inc:141
msgid ""
"This is the time (in minutes) of inactivity after which a user is "
"automatically logged off."
msgstr ""
"Čas (v minútach) neaktivity, po ktorom bude používateľ automaticky odhlásený."

#: ../help/help.inc:102
msgid ""
"This is the time in minutes which LAM caches its LDAP searches. Shorter "
"times will stress LDAP more but decrease the possibility that changes are "
"not identified."
msgstr ""
"Čas v minútach, počas ktorého LAM ukladá svoje hľadania LDAP vo vyrovnávacej "
"pamäti. Kratší čas viac zaťaží LDAP, ale zníži riziko nezaznamenaných zmien."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:156
msgid ""
"This is the time limit (in days) for other users who want to check future "
"appointments. If you leave this blank the default (60 days) will be set."
msgstr ""
"Časový limit (v dňoch) pre ostatných používateľov, ktorí chcú kontrolovať "
"budúce stretnutia. Ak necháte toto pole prázdne, bude nastavená predvolená "
"hodnota (60 dní)."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:327
msgid ""
"This is the time zone of your Samba server. LAM needs this information to "
"display the logon hours correctly."
msgstr ""
"Časová zóna vášho servera Samba. LAM túto informáciu potrebuje na správne "
"zobrazenie prihlasovacích hodín."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:299
msgid "This is the user's primary Windows group."
msgstr "Primárna Windows skupina používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:147
msgid ""
"This is typically used to allow incoming calls (e.g. from FWD) while having "
"a type=friend entry defined with username and password."
msgstr ""
"Zvyčajne použité na povolenie prichádzajúcich volaní (napr. z FWD) pri "
"zachovaní definície položky type=friend s používateľským menom a heslom."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:102
msgid "This is used to mark this account as resource."
msgstr "Slúži na označenie tohoto účtu ako zdroja."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:101
msgid "This login shell is invalid!"
msgstr "Tento prihlasovací shell nie je platný!"

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:221
msgid "This mail address is already in use:"
msgstr "Táto emailová adresa je už používaná:"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:97
msgid "This mailbox will be created/deleted."
msgstr "Táto poštová schránka bude vytvorená/odstránená."

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:348
msgid "This object class is obsolete."
msgstr "Táto trieda objektu je zastaraná."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:76
msgid ""
"This option allows you to disable the certificate check of your IMAP server "
"certificate. Disabling the certificate check is not recommended."
msgstr ""
"Voľba umožňuje vypnúť kontrolu certifikátu servera IMAP. Vypnutie kontroly "
"certifikátu nie je odporúčané."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:318
msgid "This option defines the allowed logon hours for this account."
msgstr "Udáva povolené hodiny prihlásenia tohoto účtu."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:321
msgid ""
"This option defines the allowed logon hours for this account. The format is "
"the same as for the LDAP attribute. The 24*7 hours are represented as 168 "
"bit which are saved as 21 hex (21*8 = 168) values. The first bit represents "
"Sunday 0:00 - 0:59 in GMT."
msgstr ""
"Definuje povolené hodiny prihlásenia tohoto účtu. Formát je rovnaký ako pre "
"atribút LDAP. Týždenný rozvrh (24*7 hodín) je reprezentovaný ako 168 bitov, "
"ktoré sú uložené ako 21 osmičkových (21*8 = 168) hodnôt. Prvý bit udáva "
"Nedeľu 0:00 - 0:59 (v GMT)."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:184
msgid "This pair of extension name and priority already exists."
msgstr "Pár meno rozšírenia a priorita už existuje."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:342
msgid "This program is run after the login."
msgstr "Tento program je spustený po prihlásení."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:366
msgid "This specifies the reconnect policy."
msgstr "Udáva politiku opätovného pripojenia."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:363
msgid "This specifies what to do when the client connection is broken."
msgstr "udáva čo urobiť, keď je prerušené spojenie s klientom."

#: ../help/help.inc:183
msgid ""
"This text is displayed on top of the self service login page. You can also "
"input HTML code here."
msgstr ""
"Text, zobrazený na začiatku samoobslužnej prihlasovacej stránky. Môžete tu "
"zadať aj kód HTML."

#: ../help/help.inc:185
msgid ""
"This text is displayed on top of the self service main page. You can also "
"input HTML code here."
msgstr ""
"Text, zobrazený na začiatku samoobslužnej hlavnej stránky. Môžete tu zadať "
"aj kód HTML."

#: ../help/help.inc:181
msgid ""
"This text should shortly describe your selected LDAP search attribute (e.g. "
"email or user name)."
msgstr ""
"Tento text by mal krátko popísať zvolený atribút hľadania LDAP (napr. email "
"alebo meno používateľa)."

#: ../lib/tools/pdfEdit.inc:53
msgid "This tool allows you to customize the PDF pages."
msgstr "Umožňuje prispôsobenie strán PDF."

#: ../templates/lists/userlink.php:61 ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:44
msgid "This user was not found!"
msgstr "Tento používateľ nebol nájdený!"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:415
msgid "This value can only be \"Room\" or \"Equipment\"."
msgstr "Táto hodnota môže byť len \"Miestnosť\" alebo \"Vybavenie\"."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:178
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:179
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:161 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:162
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:191 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:192
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:193 ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:146
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:147
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:102
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:103
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:104
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:105 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:102
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:422 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:424
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:425 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:426
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:427 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:428
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:86 ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:126
msgid "This value can only be \"true\" or \"false\"."
msgstr "Táto hodnota môže byť len „true” alebo „false”."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:423
msgid "This value can only be \"true\", \"false\" or \"system\"."
msgstr "Táto hodnota môže byť len „true”, „false” alebo „system”."

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:497
msgid "This value must be a list of user names separated by semicolons."
msgstr ""
"Táto hodnota musí byť zoznam používateľských mien, oddelených bodkočiarkou."

#: ../help/help.inc:212
msgid "This will create a new organisational unit under the selected one."
msgstr "Vytvorí novú organizačnú jednotku (OU) vo zvolenej OU."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:367
msgid "This will create the user's home directory on the specified server."
msgstr "Vytvorí domovský adresár používateľa na zadanom serveri."

#: ../help/help.inc:214
msgid ""
"This will delete the selected organisational unit. The OU has to be empty."
msgstr "Odstráni zvolenú organizačnú jednotku (OU). OU musí byť prázdna."

#: ../help/help.inc:129
msgid "This will delete the selected profile."
msgstr "Odstráni zvolený profil."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:78 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:130
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:378 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:122
#: ../lib/modules/shadowAccount.inc:189
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:83
#: ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:77
msgid "This will enable the extension automatically if this profile is loaded."
msgstr "Automaticky zapne rozšírenie, pri načítaní tohoto profilu."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:243
msgid "This will reset the host's password to a default value."
msgstr "Nastaví heslo stroja na predvolenú hodnotu."

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:233
msgid ""
"This will set a random password and display it on the screen or send it to "
"the user via mail."
msgstr ""
"Nastaví náhodné heslo a zobrazí ho na obrazovke, alebo ho pošle "
"používateľovi emailom."

#: ../help/help.inc:195
msgid ""
"This will set a random password and display it on the screen or send it to "
"the user via mail. Please edit your LAM server profile to setup the mail "
msgstr ""
"Nastaví náhodné heslo a zobrazí ho na obrazovke, alebo ho pošle "
"používateľovi emailom. Prosím, upravte svoj serverový profil LAM a nastavte "
"nastavenia emailu."

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:164
msgid ""
"This will set a special flag on the account which tells Kolabd to remove it. "
"Use this to cleanly delete Kolab accounts (e.g. this removes mail boxes)."
msgstr ""
"nastaví špeciálny príznak účtu, ktorý bude informovať Kolabd, aby ho "
"odstránil. Použite to na čisté odstránenie účtov Kolab (napr. vrátane "
"odstránenia poštových schránok)."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1311
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Štvrtok"

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:80 ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:99
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:134
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:156
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:228
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:492
msgid "Ticket lifetime"
msgstr "Doba platnosti tiketu"

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:177
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:178
msgid "Ticket lifetime must be a number."
msgstr "Doba platnosti tiketu musí byť číslo."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1333
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Čas"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:347
msgid "Time limit"
msgstr "Časový limit"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:326
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:554
msgid "Time zone"
msgstr "Časová zóna"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/password_checker.php:45
msgid "To"
msgstr "Komu"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:396
msgid ""
"To disable login use /bin/false. The list of shells is read from lam/config/"
msgstr ""
"Na zakázanie prihlásenia použite /bin/false. Zoznam shellov je čítaný z lam/"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:548
msgid "Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Yakutsk"
msgstr "Tokio, Soul, Osaka, Jakutsko"

#: ../templates/tools.php:63 ../templates/main_header.php:131
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Nástroje"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:355
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Celkom"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:240 ../templates/serverInfo.php:245
msgid "Total connections"
msgstr "Celkom spojení"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/export_functions.php:202
msgid "Total entries"
msgstr "Celkom položiek"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:339
msgid "Translate GID number to group name"
msgstr "Preložiť číslo GID na meno skupiny"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:234 ../help/help.inc:77
msgid "Tree suffix"
msgstr "Prípona stromu"

#: ../templates/main_header.php:161
msgid "Tree view"
msgstr "Strom"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:475
msgid "TreeSuffix is invalid!"
msgstr "TreeSuffix nie je platný!"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1311
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Utorok"

#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:207
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:346 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:101
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:176 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:257
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:380 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:536
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1295
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:86
msgid "UID"
msgstr "UID"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:86
msgid "UID has changed. Do you want to change home directory?"
msgstr "UID bolo zmenené. Chcete zmeniť domovský adresár?"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:81
msgid ""
"UID must be a number. It has to be inside the UID range which is defined in "
"your configuration profile."
msgstr ""
"UID musí byť číslo. Musí byť v rozsahu UID, ktorý je definovaný vo vašom "
"konfiguračnom profile."

#: ../lib/types/host.inc:95 ../lib/types/user.inc:92
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:82 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:210
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:292 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:314
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:334 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:338
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:346 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1095
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1468
msgid "UID number"
msgstr "Číslo UID"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:82
#, php-format
msgid ""
"UID number has changed. To keep file ownership you have to run the following "
"command as root: 'find / -uid %s -exec chown %s {} \\;'"
msgstr ""
"Číslo UID bolo zmenené. Na zachovanie vlastníctva súborov musí spustiť "
"nasledujúci príkaz /ako root): „find / -uid %s -exec chown %s {} \\;”"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:73
msgid "UID ranges for Unix accounts"
msgstr "Rozsahy UID pre účty Unix"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:284
msgid ""
"UNC-path (\\\\server\\share) of homedirectory. $user and $group are replaced "
"with user and group name."
msgstr ""
"Cesta UNC (\\\\server\\zdieľanie) domovského adresára. $user a $group sú "
"nahradené menom používateľa a skupiny."

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:106 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:110
msgid ""
"URI (either URN or URL) that indicates a set of rights to specific resources."
msgstr "URI (URN alebo URL), ktoré udáva množinu práv k zadaným zdrojom."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1883
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:154
msgid "Unable to change ACL on IMAP server for mailbox deletion."
msgstr "Nemožno zmeniť ACL na serveri IMAP pri mazaní poštovej schránky."

#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:778
msgid "Unable to change Kerberos password."
msgstr "Nemožno zmeniť heslo Kerberos."

#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceMain.php:281
msgid ""
"Unable to change your account. Maybe you do not have enough rights to change "
"the settings."
msgstr ""
"Nemožno zmeniť váš účet. Možno nemáte dostatočné práva na zmenu nastavení."

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:253 ../lib/lamdaemon.inc:76
#: ../lib/lamdaemon.inc:81
msgid "Unable to connect to remote server!"
msgstr "Nemožno sa pripojiť k vzdialenému serveru!"

#: ../templates/massDoUpload.php:161
msgid "Unable to create ZIP file for PDF export."
msgstr "Nemožno vytvoriť súbor ZIP pre export PDF."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:156
msgid "Unable to create mailbox on IMAP server."
msgstr "Nemožno vytvoriť poštovú schránku na serveri IMAP."

#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:78
msgid "Unable to create new OU!"
msgstr "Nemožno vytvoriť novú OU!"

#: ../lib/types/automountType.inc:272
msgid "Unable to create new automount map."
msgstr "Nemožno vytvoriť nové mapovanie automontu."

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:80
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:59
msgid "Unable to create new profile!"
msgstr "Nemožno vytvoriť nový profil!"

#: ../templates/ou_edit.php:95
msgid "Unable to delete OU!"
msgstr "Nemožno odstrániť OU!"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfmain.php:89
msgid "Unable to delete PDF structure!"
msgstr "Nemožno odstrániť štruktúru PDF!"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:25
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rdelete.php:57
msgid "Unable to delete entry, it does not exist"
msgstr "Nemožno odstrániť položku, pretože neexistuje"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:155
msgid "Unable to delete mailbox from IMAP server."
msgstr "Nemožno odstrániť poštovú schránku zo servera IMAP."

#: ../templates/config/profmanage.php:108
#: ../templates/selfService/profManage.php:87
#: ../templates/profedit/profilemain.php:99
msgid "Unable to delete profile!"
msgstr "Nemožno odstrániť profil!"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1675 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1684
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1939 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:535
msgid "Unable to find group in LDAP."
msgstr "Nemožno nájsť skupinu v LDAP."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:711
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:859
msgid "Unable to find password security question for this account."
msgstr "Nemožno nájsť bezpečnostnú otázku hesla tohoto účtu."

#: ../templates/login.php:506 ../templates/login.php:512
msgid "Unable to find the user name in LDAP."
msgstr "Nemožno nájsť používateľské meno v LDAP."

#: ../lib/modules.inc:1419 ../lib/modules.inc:1423
msgid "Unable to load LDAP entry:"
msgstr "Nemožno načítať položku LDAP:"

#: ../lib/profiles.inc:91 ../lib/profiles.inc:95 ../lib/selfService.inc:180
#: ../lib/selfService.inc:184
msgid "Unable to load profile!"
msgstr "Nemožno načítať profil!"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:157
msgid "Unable to locate mailbox on IMAP."
msgstr "Nemožno nájsť poštovú schránku v IMAP."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:388
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:393
msgid "Unable to read file."
msgstr "Nemožno čítať súbor."

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:513
msgid "Unable to read sambaSID attribute."
msgstr "Nemožno čítať atribút sambaSID."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:1052
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:1056
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:1065
msgid "Unable to reset password."
msgstr "Nemožno vymazať heslo."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:1945
msgid "Unable to retrieve image"
msgstr "Nemožno získať obrázok"

#: ../templates/tests/schemaTest.php:59 ../templates/schema/schema.php:91
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:109 ../templates/schema/schema.php:270
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:304
msgid "Unable to retrieve schema!"
msgstr "Nemožno získať schému!"

#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:162
#: ../templates/profedit/profilepage.php:113
msgid "Unable to save profile!"
msgstr "Nemožno uložiť profil!"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:459
msgid "Unable to send mail!"
msgstr "Nemožno odoslať email!"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:508
#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:525
msgid ""
"Unable to sync the time when the user can/must change his password because "
"no domain was found."
msgstr ""
"Nemožno synchronizovať čas, kedy používateľ môže/musí zmeniť svoje heslo, "
"pretože nebola nájdená doména."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:761
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:940
msgid "Unable to verify your password reset request. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Nemožno overiť požiadavku na obnovenie vášho hesla. Prosím, skúste znova."

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:291
msgid "Unbind"
msgstr "Odviazať"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:300 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:134
msgid "Unix"
msgstr "Unix"

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:206
msgid "Unix account"
msgstr "Unixový účet"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1204
msgid "Unix groups"
msgstr "Unixová skupina"

#: ../lib/modules/kolabUser.inc:238
#, php-format
msgid "Unknown delegate address: %s"
msgstr "Neznáma adresa zástupcu: %s"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:233
msgid "Unkown change type"
msgstr "Neznámy typ zmeny"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:153
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:135
msgid "Unlock account"
msgstr "Odomknúť účet"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:210 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1159
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1744
msgid "Unlock password"
msgstr "Odblokovať heslo"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:100 ../templates/config/confmodules.php:367
msgid "Unsolved dependency:"
msgstr "Nevyriešená závislosť:"

#: ../templates/pdfedit/pdfpage.php:457
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Hore"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:162
msgid "Update Samba password timestamps"
msgstr "Aktualizovať časové pečiatky hesla Samba"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:231
msgid "Update attribute \"sambaPwdLastSet\" on password change"
msgstr "Aktualizovať atribút „sambaPwdLastSet” pri zmene hesla"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1440
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:194
msgid "Update object"
msgstr "Aktualizovať objekt"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:295 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:304
msgid "Update quota"
msgstr "Aktualizovať kvótu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_update.php:165
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_edit.php:129
msgid "Update values"
msgstr "Aktualizovať hodnoty"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_value_form.php:118
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:118
msgid "Updating object"
msgstr "Nahrávanie objektu"

#: ../templates/massBuildAccounts.php:214
msgid "Upload accounts to LDAP"
msgstr "Nahrať účty do LDAP"

#: ../templates/masscreate.php:265
msgid "Upload file and create accounts"
msgstr "Nahrať súbor a vytvoriť účty"

#: ../templates/massDoUpload.php:222 ../lib/lists.inc:925
msgid "Upload has finished"
msgstr "Nahrávanie dokončené"

#: ../lib/modules.inc:476
#, php-format
msgid "Upload was stopped after errors in %s module!"
msgstr "nahrávanie bolo prerušené po chybách v module %s!"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:220
msgid "Uptime"
msgstr "Od spustenia"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:207
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "Použitie"

#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:75
#: ../lib/modules/authorizedServiceObject.inc:79
msgid "Use * for all services."
msgstr "Použite hviezdičku (*) na všetky služby."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:245
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:248
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:406
msgid "Use Unix password"
msgstr "Použiť heslo Unix"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:251
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:254
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:414
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1100
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1517
msgid "Use no password"
msgstr "Použiť prázdne heslo"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:179
msgid "Use this to hide the caller ID."
msgstr "Použite na skrytie ID volajúceho."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:73
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:62 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:61 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:66
msgid "Use this to hide this entry from the address book."
msgstr "Použite na skrytie tejto položky z adresára."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:101 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:390
msgid "Used blocks"
msgstr "Použité bloky"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:102
msgid "Used blocks. 1000 blocks are usually 1MB"
msgstr "Použité bloky. 1000 blokov zvyčajne je 1 MB"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:266
msgid "Used by attributes"
msgstr "Použité atribútmi"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:235
msgid "Used by object classes"
msgstr "Použité triedami objektov"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:91
msgid "Used for calculating RIDs from UID/GID. Do not change if unsure."
msgstr "Použité na vypočítanie RID z UID/GID. Nemeňte, ak si nie ste istí."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:211
msgid "Used for registration context."
msgstr "Použité na registračný kontext."

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:123 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:394
msgid "Used inodes"
msgstr "Použité inody"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:124
msgid "Used inodes (files)"
msgstr "Použité inody (súbory)"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:183
msgid "Used to automatically hangup the call if no RTP traffic is received."
msgstr ""
"Použité na automatické ukončenie hovoru, ak nie je prijatá prevádzka RTP."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:159
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:163
msgid ""
"Used to limit SIP traffic to and from this peer to a certain IP or network."
msgstr ""
"Použité na obmedzenie prevádzky SIP ku a od tohoto partnera do určitej IP "
"alebo siete."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:175
msgid "Used to regularly check that a device is still online."
msgstr "Použité na pravidelnú kontrolu, že zariadenie je stále pripojené."

#: ../lib/types/sudo.inc:78 ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:69
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:210 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:583
msgid "User"
msgstr "Používateľ"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:91
msgid "User ID"
msgstr "ID používateľa"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:62
msgid "User accounts (e.g. Unix, Samba and Kolab)"
msgstr "Účty používateľov (napr. Unix, Samba a Kolab)"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:118
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:249
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:332
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:402
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:688
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:1194
msgid "User agent"
msgstr "Používateľský agent"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:275
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1114
msgid "User can change password"
msgstr "Používateľ môže zmeniť heslo"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:197
#, php-format
msgid "User count: %s"
msgstr "Počet používateľov: %s"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:376
msgid "User description. If left empty first and last name will be used."
msgstr ""
"Popis používateľa. Ak necháte prázdne, bude použité krstné meno a priezvisko."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:602
msgid "User description. If left empty sur- and give name will be used."
msgstr ""
"Popis používateľa. Ak necháte prázdne, bude použité priezvisko a celé meno."

#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:99
msgid "User description. If left empty user name will be used."
msgstr "Popis používateľa. Ak necháte prázdne, bude použité meno používateľa."

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:202
msgid "User modification"
msgstr "Zmeny používateľa"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:277
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1120
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:128
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:155
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:258
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:352
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:488
msgid "User must change password"
msgstr "Používateľ musí zmeniť heslo"

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:198 ../templates/login.php:272
#: ../lib/types/alias.inc:91 ../lib/types/user.inc:94
#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:78 ../lib/modules/account.inc:94
#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:117 ../lib/modules/account.inc:119
#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:120 ../lib/modules/account.inc:207
#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:233 ../lib/modules/account.inc:257
#: ../lib/modules/uidObject.inc:38 ../lib/modules/uidObject.inc:60
#: ../lib/modules/uidObject.inc:69 ../lib/modules/uidObject.inc:78
#: ../lib/modules/uidObject.inc:93 ../lib/modules/uidObject.inc:155
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:87 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:88
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:91 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:196
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:313 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:371
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1086 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:1466
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:142 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:472
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:76 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:594
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:705 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1215
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2039 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2170
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:669
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:776
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:64
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:115
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:153
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:217
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:480
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Meno používateľa"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:95 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:78
msgid "User name already exists!"
msgstr "Meno používateľa už existuje!"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:93 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:121
msgid "User name attribute"
msgstr "Atribút mena používateľa"

#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:117 ../lib/modules/account.inc:118
#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:120 ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:159
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:160 ../lib/modules/uidObject.inc:78
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:194 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:195
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:88 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:420 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:421
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:142 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:76
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:77
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:692
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:839
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:173
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:174
msgid ""
"User name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 "
"and .-_ !"
msgstr ""
"Meno používateľa obsahuje neplatné znaky. Platné znaky sú: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 a .-"
"_ !"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:91
msgid "User name in use. Selected next free user name."
msgstr ""
"Meno používateľa je už použité. Vybrané nasledujúce voľné meno používateľa."

#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:95 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:706
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:65
msgid ""
"User name of the user who should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,A-"
"Z,0-9, @.-_."
msgstr ""
"Meno používateľa, ktorý má byť vytvorený. Platné znaky sú: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 a "

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:372
msgid ""
"User name of the user who should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,A-"
"Z,0-9, @.-_. If user name is already used user name will be expanded with a "
"number. The next free number will be used."
msgstr ""
"Meno používateľa, ktorý má byť vytvorený. Platné znaky sú: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 a "
"@.-_. Ak už meno používateľa existuje, bude rozšírené číslom, pričom bude "
"použité nasledujúce voľné číslo."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:113 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:184
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:294 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:392
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:615 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1307
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1396
msgid "User server"
msgstr "Server používateľa"

#: ../lib/types/user.inc:53 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:67
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:68 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:71
#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:166 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:158
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:63 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:87
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:134 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:173
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:182 ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:264
#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:687
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Používatelia"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:70 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:84
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:90
msgid "Users or groups that may directly send email as this user."
msgstr ""
"Používatelia alebo skupiny, ktoré môžu priamo posielať email ako tento "

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:405
msgid ""
"Users who are member of the current group. Users who have set their primary "
"group to this group will not be shown."
msgstr ""
"Používatelia, ktorí sú členmi aktuálnej skupiny. Používatelia, ktorí majú "
"nastavenú svoju primárnu skupinu na túto skupinu nie sú zobrazení."

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:409
msgid ""
"Users who will become member of the current group. User names are separated "
"by semicolons."
msgstr ""
"Používatelia, ktorí sa stanú členmi aktuálnej skupiny. Mená používateľov sú "
"oddelené bodkočiarkami."

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:199
#, php-format
msgid "Using %s as lamdaemon remote server."
msgstr "Použite %s ako vzdialeného servera lamdaemon."

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:221
#, php-format
msgid "Using %s to connect to remote server."
msgstr "Použitie %s na pripojenie k vzdialenému serveru."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:331
msgid ""
"Usually, users are not added to groups as memberUid if they have this group "
"as primary group. If your application ignores primary groups then you can "
"select this option to override this behaviour."
msgstr ""
"Zvyčajne nie sú používatelia pridávaní do skupiny (memberUID), ak majú túto "
"skupinu nastavenú ak svoju primárnu. Ak vaša aplikácia ignoruje primárne "
"skupiny, môžete zvoliť túto voľbu na prepísanie takéhoto správania."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/export_functions.php:543
msgid "VCARD 2.1 Export"
msgstr "Export VCARD 2.1"

#: ../help/help.inc:88
msgid "Valid users"
msgstr "Platní používatelia"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:75 ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:108
msgid "Validate server certificate"
msgstr "Overiť certifikát servera"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:512
msgid "Value to delete does not exist in DN"
msgstr "odstraňovaná hodnota v DN neexistuje"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:132
msgid "Vendor name"
msgstr "Názov predajcu"

#: ../templates/serverInfo.php:138
msgid "Vendor version"
msgstr "Verzia predajcu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1227
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1231
#, php-format
msgid "View %s children"
msgstr "Zobraziť %s potomkov"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1227
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1231
msgid "View 1 child"
msgstr "Zobraziť 1 potomka"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1225
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1230
msgid "View the children of this object"
msgstr "Zobraziť potomkov tohoto objektu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1028
msgid "Viewing entry in read-only mode."
msgstr "Zobrazovanie položky v režime len na čítanie."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:110
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:117
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:134
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:187
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:279
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:402
msgid "Voicemail context"
msgstr "Kontext hlasovej schránky"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:87
msgid "Voicemail mailbox for this account."
msgstr "Hlasová schránka tohoto účtu."

#: ../templates/login.php:417
msgid "Want more features? Get LAM Pro!"
msgstr "Chcete viac funkcií? Získajte LAM Pro!"

#: ../templates/config/mainmanage.php:215
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/page.php:76
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Upozornenie"

#: ../templates/delete.php:216 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:636
#: ../lib/modules.inc:1741
#, php-format
msgid "Was unable to add attributes to DN: %s."
msgstr "Nebolo možné pridať atribúty do DN: %s."

#: ../lib/modules.inc:1706
#, php-format
msgid "Was unable to create DN: %s."
msgstr "Nebolo možné vytvoriť DN: %s."

#: ../templates/delete.php:323 ../templates/delete.php:332
#, php-format
msgid "Was unable to delete DN: %s."
msgstr "Nebolo možné odstrániť DN: %s."

#: ../templates/lists/changePassword.php:610 ../templates/delete.php:207
#: ../lib/modules.inc:1724
#, php-format
msgid "Was unable to modify attributes from DN: %s."
msgstr "Nebolo možné upraviť atribúty z DN: %s."

#: ../templates/delete.php:225 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:649
#: ../lib/modules.inc:1753
#, php-format
msgid "Was unable to remove attributes from DN: %s."
msgstr "Nebolo možné odstrániť atribúty z DN: %s."

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:896 ../lib/modules.inc:1687
#, php-format
msgid "Was unable to rename DN: %s."
msgstr "Nebolo možné premenovať DN: %s."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:128 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:162
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:280 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:449
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:561 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:693
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:697 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1614
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2047 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2514
msgid "Web site"
msgstr "Webová stránka"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1311
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Streda"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:539
msgid "Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon"
msgstr "Západoeurópsky čas, Londýn, Lisabon"

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:140
msgid "What is the name of your favourite pet?"
msgstr "Aké je vaše obľúbené meno domáceho zvieraťa?"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/copy_form.php:71
msgid ""
"When performing a recursive copy, only copy those entries which match this "
msgstr ""
"Pri vykonávaní rekurzívneho kopírovania, kopírovať len položky, ktoré "
"zodpovedajú tomuto filtru."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:86
msgid ""
"When the hard quota limit is reached, email can not be delivered to that "
"user anymore."
msgstr ""
"Pri dosiahnutí limitu pevnej kvóty, tomuto používateľovi nebudú môcť byť "
"doručené ani emaily."

#: ../help/help.inc:70
msgid ""
"When using ldaps:// or TLS be sure to use exactly the same IP/domain name as "
"in your certificate!"
msgstr ""
"Pri používaní ldaps:// alebo TLS si overte, že rovnaké meno domény/IP adresa "
"je aj vo vašom certifikáte!"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:315
msgid "Windows domain name of account."
msgstr "Meno domény Windows účtu."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:193
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:445
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1197
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1565
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1705
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:278
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:322
#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:391
msgid "Windows group"
msgstr "Skupina vo Windows"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:360
msgid "Windows group name"
msgstr "Meno skupiny vo Windows"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:373
msgid "Windows group type."
msgstr "Typ skupiny vo Windows."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:372
msgid ""
"Windows password hashes are saved by default as NT and LM hashes. LM hashes "
"are insecure and only needed for old versions of Windows. You should disable "
"them unless you really need them."
msgstr ""
"Odtlačky hesiel Windows sú predvolene ukladané ako odtlačky NT a LM. "
"Odtlačky LM sú nebezpečné a sú potrebné len kvôli starým verziám. Mali by "
"ste ich zakázať, ak ich naozaj nepotrebujete."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:298
msgid "Windows primary group"
msgstr "Primárna skupina vo Windows"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:301
msgid "Windows primary group SID"
msgstr "SID primárnej skupiny vo Windows"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaGroupMapping.inc:369
msgid "Windows-Domain name of group."
msgstr "Meno doménovej skupiny Windows."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:1636
msgid "Work details"
msgstr "Podrobnosti práce"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaDomain.inc:139
msgid "Workgroup"
msgstr "Pracovná skupina"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:217
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:344
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1447
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1725
msgid "Working directory"
msgstr "Pracovný adresár"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:345
msgid "Working directory of initial program."
msgstr "Pracovný adresár východzieho programu."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:293
msgid "Write"
msgstr "Zápis"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:246
msgid "Write access"
msgstr "Právo zápisu"

#: ../templates/login.php:494 ../templates/login.php:552
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceLogin.php:105
#: ../templates/selfService/selfServiceLogin.php:122
msgid "Wrong password/user name combination. Please try again."
msgstr "Neplatná kombinácia heslo/používateľský účet. Prosím, skúste znova."

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:162
msgid "Wrong quota format. Quota must be numeric."
msgstr "Zlý formát kvóty. Kvóta musí byť číselná."

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:151 ../templates/schema/schema.php:193
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:198 ../templates/schema/schema.php:203
#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:108
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Áno"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:493
msgid ""
"You are using a capital letters. This can cause problems because Windows "
"isn't case-sensitive."
msgstr ""
"Používate veľké písmená. Môže to spôsobovať problémy, pretože Windows "
"nerozlišuje veľkosť písmen."

#: ../lib/modules/account.inc:119
msgid ""
"You are using a capital letters. This can cause problems because windows "
"isn't case-sensitive."
msgstr ""
"Používate veľké písmená. Môže to spôsobovať problémy, pretože Windows "
"nerozlišuje veľkosť písmen."

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:87 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:89
msgid ""
"You are using capital letters. This can cause problems because Windows is "
"not case-sensitive."
msgstr ""
"Používate veľké písmená. Môže to spôsobovať problémy, pretože Windows "
"nerozlišuje veľkosť písmen."

#: ../lib/lists.inc:927
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You can download your PDF files {link=%s}{color=#d2131a}here{endcolor}"
msgstr ""
"Tu si môžete stiahnuť svoje {link=%s}{color=#d2131a}súbory PDF{endcolor}"

#: ../help/help.inc:104
msgid ""
"You can specify if LAM allows full write access, password changes or only "
"read access."
msgstr ""
"Môžete zadať, či LAM povolí plný prístup na zápis, zmeny hesla alebo prístup "
"len na čítanie."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:77
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:66 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:80
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:65 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:70
msgid "You can use this to temporarily deactivate the Zarafa extension."
msgstr "Toto môžete využiť na dočasné vypnutie rozšírenia Zarafa."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:107
#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:117 ../help/help.inc:203
msgid ""
"You can use wildcards for LDAP attributes in the form @@attribute@@ (e.g. "
"@@uid@@ for the user name)."
msgstr ""
"Pre atribúty LDAP môžete použiť zástupné znaky vo formáte @@atribút@@ (napr. "
"@@uid@@ pre meno používateľa)."

#: ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:58 ../lib/modules/customScripts.inc:70
msgid ""
"You can use wildcards in the format $wildcard$ which are replaced by the "
"LDAP attribute with the same name. For multi-value attributes the values "
"will be separated by commas."
msgstr ""
"Môžete použiť zástupné znaky vo formáte $náhrada$, ktoré budú nahradené "
"atribútom LDAP s rovnakým menom. Pre atribúty s viacnásobnými hodnotami, "
"oddeľte hodnoty čiarkou."

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:163
msgid ""
"You cannot add the Zarafa and Zarafa contact extension at the same time."
msgstr "Nemôžete pridať rozšírenia Zarafa a Zarafa kontakt naraz."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/template_engine.php:52
msgid "You cannot perform updates while server is in read-only mode"
msgstr "Nemôžete robiť aktualizácie, keď je server v režime len na čítanie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rename.php:26
msgid "You cannot rename an entry which has child entries."
msgstr "Nemôžete premenovať položku, ktorá má potomkov."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:428
msgid ""
"You cannot use SSL and TLS encryption at the same time. Please use either "
"\"ldaps://\" or TLS."
msgstr ""
"Nemôžete použiť šifrovanie SSL a TLS naraz. Prosím, použite buď „ldaps://” "
"alebo TLS."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/rename.php:32
msgid "You did not change the RDN"
msgstr "Nemôžete zmeniť RDN"

#: ../templates/tests/schemaTest.php:59
msgid ""
"You do not have the required access rights or the LDAP schema is not "
"published by your server."
msgstr ""
"Nemáte požadované prístupové práva alebo vašim serverom nie je zverejnené "
"schéma LDAP."

#: ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:287 ../lib/modules/dhcp_settings.inc:288
msgid "You entered one or more invalid DNS servers."
msgstr "Zadali ste jeden alebo viac neplatných serverov DNS."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:417
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/Template.php:504
msgid "You left the attribute value blank. Please go back and try again."
msgstr ""
"Nechali ste prázdnu hodnotu atribútu. Prosím, vráťte sa a skúste znova."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create.php:51
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:45
#, php-format
msgid "You left the value blank for required attribute (%s)."
msgstr "Nechali ste prázdnu hodnotu povinného atribútu (%s)."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_update.php:171
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:209
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/create_confirm.php:133
msgid "You made no changes"
msgstr "Neurobili ste zmeny"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/import_functions.php:95
msgid "You must either upload a file or provide an import in the text box."
msgstr "Musíte buď nahrať súbor alebo zadať import v textovom poli."

#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:146 ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:147
msgid "You need to add at least one member to this group."
msgstr "Musíte do tejto skupiny pridať aspoň jedného člena."

#: ../lib/modules/passwordSelfReset.inc:232
msgid "You specified an answer but no security question."
msgstr "Zadali ste odpoveď, ale nie bezpečnostnú otázku."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1136
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1140
msgid "You will be prompted to confirm this decision"
msgstr "Budete vyzvaný na potvrdenie tohoto rozhodnutia"

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:158
msgid "Your IMAP domains and email address domain do not match."
msgstr "Vaše domény IMAP a doména emailovej adresy sa nezhodujú."

#: ../templates/tests/lamdaemonTest.php:226
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Your LAM admin user (%s) must be a valid Unix account to work with lamdaemon!"
msgstr ""
"Váš administrátor LAM (%s) musí byť platný účet Unix, aby mohol pracovať s "

#: ../lib/lamdaemon.inc:61 ../lib/lamdaemon.inc:66
msgid ""
"Your LAM admin user must be a valid Unix account to work with lamdaemon!"
msgstr ""
"Váš administrátor LAM musí byť platný účet Unix, aby mohol pracovať s "

#: ../lib/modules/imapAccess.inc:160
msgid "Your LAM login password was not accepted by the IMAP server."
msgstr "vaše prihlasovacie heslo LAM nebolo prijaté serverom IMAP."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:125
msgid ""
"Your PHP configuration has disabled file uploads. Please check php.ini "
"before proceeding."
msgstr ""
"Vaše nastavenie PHP má zakázané nahrávanie súborov. Prosím, najprv "
"skontrolujte svoj php.ini."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import_form.php:16
msgid ""
"Your PHP.INI does not have file_uploads = ON. Please enable file uploads in "
msgstr ""
"Váš PHP.INI nemá file_uploads = ON. Prosím, povoľte nahrávanie súborov v PHP."

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:163
#: ../templates/selfService/adminMain.php:319
msgid ""
"Your changes cannot be saved until you make the file writable for the "
"webserver user."
msgstr ""
"Vaše zmeny nemôžu byť uložené, kým súbor nebude zapisovateľný pre "
"používateľa webového servera."

#: ../lib/security.inc:145
msgid "Your session expired, click here to go back to the login page."
msgstr "Vaša relácia vypršala, kliknite tu na návrat na prihlasovaciu stránku."

#: ../templates/login.php:233
msgid "Your session expired, please log in again."
msgstr "Vaša relácia vypršala, prosím, znova sa prihláste."

#: ../templates/login.php:238 ../templates/login.php:243
#: ../templates/login.php:252
msgid "Your settings were successfully saved."
msgstr "Vaše nastavenia boli uložené."

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:475
msgid "YourCompany"
msgstr "VašaSpoločnosť"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:507
msgid "YourCompany, Human Resources"
msgstr "VašaSpoločnosť, Ľudské zdroje"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:49 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:49
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:49
msgid "Zarafa"
msgstr "Zarafa"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:44
msgid "Zarafa address list"
msgstr "Zoznam adries Zarafa"

#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:53
#: ../lib/types/zarafaAddressListType.inc:62
msgid "Zarafa address lists"
msgstr "Zoznamy adries Zarafa"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:49
msgid "Zarafa contact"
msgstr "Kontakt Zarafa"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:44
msgid "Zarafa dynamic group"
msgstr "Dynamická skupina Zarafa"

#: ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:53
#: ../lib/types/zarafaDynamicGroupType.inc:62
msgid "Zarafa dynamic groups"
msgstr "Dynamické skupiny Zarafa"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:145 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:149
msgid "Zarafa will store the user's archives on these servers."
msgstr "Zarafa bude na týchto serveroch ukladať používateľove archívy."

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:108 ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:119
#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:134 ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:380
#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:410
msgid "Zone names"
msgstr "Mená zón"

#: ../lib/modules/ddns.inc:109
msgid "Zone names for the DNS server (e.g. company.local)."
msgstr "Mená zón pre server DNS (napr. spolocnost.local)."

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:471
msgid "\\\\server\\homes\\smiller"
msgstr "\\\\server\\homes\\jhrasko"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:479
msgid "\\\\server\\profiles\\smiller"
msgstr "\\\\server\\profiles\\jhrasko"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2074
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2077
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2092
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2095
msgid "add value"
msgstr "pridať hodnotu"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:107 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:377
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:95 ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:104
#: ../lib/modules/groupOfNames.inc:94
msgid "adminstrators"
msgstr "administrátori"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/mass_update.php:112
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/update_confirm.php:95
msgid "attribute deleted"
msgstr "atribút zmazaný"

#: ../lib/modules/sudoRole.inc:123
msgid "backupRootFileSystem"
msgstr "backupRootFileSystem"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:2298
msgid "browse"
msgstr "prechádzať"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:2000
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/import.php:48
msgid "bytes"
msgstr "bajty"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:218
msgid "character"
msgstr "znak"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:217
msgid "characters"
msgstr "znaky"

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:171
msgid "company.com"
msgstr "spolocnost.sk"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:619
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:988
msgid "confirm"
msgstr "potvrdiť"

#: ../help/help.inc:82
msgid "dc=yourcompany,dc=com"
msgstr "dc=vasaspolocnost,dc=sk"

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicyUser.inc:111
msgid "default"
msgstr "predvolený"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:205
msgid "delete"
msgstr "odstrániť"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:677
msgid "delete attribute"
msgstr "odstrániť atribút"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1468
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1745 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:620
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1353 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1400
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "zakázané"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1479
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1756
msgid "disconnect"
msgstr "odpojené"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:664
msgid "download value"
msgstr "stiahnuť hodnotu"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:206
msgid "edit"
msgstr "upraviť"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:620 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1348
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1400
msgid "enabled"
msgstr "povolené"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:481
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:307
msgid "export"
msgstr "export"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/AttributeFactory.php:123
msgid "false"
msgstr "false"

#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:36
msgid "force"
msgstr "vynútiť"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1487
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1764
msgid "from any client"
msgstr "z každého klienta"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1488
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1765
msgid "from previous client only"
msgstr "len z predošlého klienta"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:225 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:275
#: ../lib/modules/nisnetgroup.inc:118
msgid "group01,group02"
msgstr "skupina01,skupina02"

#: ../lib/modules/freeRadius.inc:179
msgid "group01;group02"
msgstr "skupina01;skupina02"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:121
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:134
msgid "group1@company.com,group2@company.com"
msgstr "skupina1@spolocnost.sk,skupina2@spolocnost.sk"

#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:115
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:128
msgid "group@company.com"
msgstr "skupina@spolocnost.sk"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:471
msgid "hint"
msgstr "tip"

#: ../lib/modules/quota.inc:190 ../lib/modules/quota.inc:192
msgid "hours"
msgstr "hodiny"

#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:451
msgid "http://www.company.com"
msgstr "http://www.spolocnost.sk"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:294
msgid "import"
msgstr "import"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1472
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1749
msgid "input off, notify off"
msgstr "vstup vypnutý, oznámenie vypnuté"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1471
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1748
msgid "input off, notify on"
msgstr "vstup vypnutý, oznámenie zapnuté"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1470
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1747
msgid "input on, notify off"
msgstr "vstup zapnutý, oznámenie vypnuté"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1469
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1746
msgid "input on, notify on"
msgstr "vstup zapnutý, oznámenie zapnuté"

#: ../help/help.inc:64
msgid ""
"ldap://localhost:389 connects to localhost using a standard LDAP connection "
"on port 389"
msgstr ""
"ldap://localhost:389 sa pripája na lokálneho hostiteľa (localhost), pomocou "
"štandardného spojenia LDAP na porte 389"

#: ../help/help.inc:66
msgid ""
"ldaps://ldap.domain.com connects to ldap.domain.com using an encrypted LDAP "
msgstr ""
"ldaps://ldap.domena.sk sa pripája na ldap.domena.sk, pomocou šifrovaného "
"spojenia LDAP."

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:100
msgid "list"
msgstr "zoznam"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/config_default.php:494
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/ds.php:318
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:529
msgid "login"
msgstr "prihlásenie"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:300
msgid "machines"
msgstr "stroje"

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:107
msgid "mail.yourdomain.org"
msgstr "mail.vasadomena.sk"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:390
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:514
msgid "mydomain"
msgstr "mojadomena"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:447
msgid "mygroup"
msgstr "mojaskupina"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:504
msgid "new"
msgstr "nové"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:229
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:467
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:470
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:533 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:632
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:639 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:642
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:328
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:331
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:558
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1713
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1721
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1731
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1736
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1741 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:603
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1264 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1309
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1320 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1326
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:34 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:467
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:483 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:488
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:495 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:498
#: ../lib/modules/generalInformation.inc:93
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:325
msgid "no"
msgstr "nie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:1902
msgid "no description available"
msgstr "bez popisnej hodnoty"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/entry_chooser.php:68
msgid "no entries"
msgstr "bez položiek"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:84
msgid "no new attributes available for this entry"
msgstr "žiadne nové atribúty pre túto položku"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/add_attr_form.php:135
msgid "no new binary attributes available for this entry"
msgstr "žiadne nové binárne atribúty pre túto položku"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:158 ../templates/schema/schema.php:227
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:238 ../templates/schema/schema.php:287
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:353 ../templates/schema/schema.php:368
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:402 ../templates/schema/schema.php:424
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:2602
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1573
#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1581
msgid "none"
msgstr "nič"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:1109
msgid "none, remove value"
msgstr "nič, odstrániť hodnotu"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:214
msgid "not applicable"
msgstr "nepoužiteľné"

#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:165 ../templates/schema/schema.php:170
#: ../templates/schema/schema.php:175 ../templates/schema/schema.php:208
msgid "not specified"
msgstr "nezadané"

#: ../help/help.inc:76
msgid ""
"ou=People,dc=yourcompany,dc=com will read and store all accounts in this "
msgstr ""
"ou=People,dc=vasaspolocnost,dc=sk bude čítať a ukladať všetky účty v tomto "

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:181 ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:187
#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:193
msgid "ou=accounts,dc=yourdomain,dc=org"
msgstr "ou=ucty,dc=vasadomena,dc=sk"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:286
msgid "pc01$"
msgstr "pc01$"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:307
msgid "pc01,Room 2.34"
msgstr "pc01,Miestnosť 123"

#: ../lib/modules/hostObject.inc:86
msgid "pc01,pc02"
msgstr "pc01,pc02"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/functions.php:2000
msgid "pixels"
msgstr "pixely"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:54
msgid "read only"
msgstr "len na čítanie"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:251
msgid "refresh"
msgstr "obnoviť"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:2126
msgid "rename"
msgstr "premenovať"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:445 ../lib/html.inc:554
#: ../lib/html.inc:1304 ../lib/html.inc:1801
msgid "required"
msgstr "povinné"

#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1480
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1757
msgid "reset"
msgstr "vymazať"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/HTMLTree.php:237
msgid "search"
msgstr "hľadať"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:472
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekúnd"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskAccount.inc:389 ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:368
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:402 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:253
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:158
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:148
msgid "secret"
msgstr "tajné"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/TemplateRender.php:1263
msgid "select the rdn attribute"
msgstr "vyberte atribút rdn"

#: ../lib/modules/uidObject.inc:62 ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:198
#: ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:2172
#: ../lib/modules/heimdalKerberos.inc:117 ../lib/modules/nisMailAlias.inc:91
msgid "smiller"
msgstr "jhrasko"

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:95
msgid "smiller@otherdomain.org"
msgstr "jhrasko@inadomena.sk"

#: ../lib/modules/inetLocalMailRecipient.inc:101
msgid "smiller@yourdomain.org"
msgstr "jhrasko@vasadomena.sk"

#: ../lib/modules/ldapPublicKey.inc:76
msgid "ssh-dss 234234 user@host"
msgstr "ssh-dss 234234 používateľ@stroj"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/PageRender.php:882
msgid "structural"
msgstr "štrukturálne"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/QueryRender.php:102
msgid "table"
msgstr "tabuľka"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:146
msgid "test"
msgstr "test"

#: ../lib/modules/asteriskExtension.inc:166
msgid "test-start"
msgstr "test-start"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/lib/AttributeFactory.php:122
msgid "true"
msgstr "true"

#: ../lib/modules/ipHost.inc:92 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:355
#: ../lib/modules/aliasEntry.inc:64
msgid "uid=smiller,ou=People,dc=company,dc=com"
msgstr "uid=jhrasko,ou=People,dc=spolocnost,dc=sk"

#: ../lib/modules/posixGroup.inc:362
msgid "user01,user02,user03"
msgstr "pouziv01,pouziv02,pouziv03"

#: ../lib/modules/eduPerson.inc:142 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:443
#: ../lib/modules/asteriskVoicemail.inc:171
msgid "user@company.com"
msgstr "pouziv@spolocnost.sk"

#: ../lib/modules/posixAccount.inc:218
msgid "users"
msgstr "používatelia"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/delete_form.php:59
msgid "view entries"
msgstr "zobraziť položky"

#: ../templates/3rdParty/pla/htdocs/compare_form.php:33
msgid "with "
msgstr "s"

#: ../templates/config/confmain.php:229
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:465
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaDynamicGroup.inc:472
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaContact.inc:535 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:634
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:637 ../lib/modules/zarafaGroup.inc:644
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:326
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaAddressList.inc:333
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:558
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1711
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1719
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1729
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1734
#: ../lib/modules/sambaSamAccount.inc:1739 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:603
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1266 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1312
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1322 ../lib/modules/zarafaUser.inc:1328
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:35 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:485
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:490 ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:493
#: ../lib/modules/ppolicy.inc:500 ../lib/modules/inetOrgPerson.inc:499
#: ../lib/modules/generalInformation.inc:95
#: ../lib/modules/zarafaServer.inc:327
msgid "yes"
msgstr "áno"

#~ msgid "%s DHCP(s) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené DHCP: %s"

#~ msgid "%s NIS object(s) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené NIS: %s"

#~ msgid "%s address list(s) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené zoznamy adries: %s"

#~ msgid "%s alias(es) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené aliasy: %s"

#~ msgid "%s automount entry(ies) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené položky automount: %s"

#~ msgid "%s domain(s) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené domény: %s"

#~ msgid "%s extension(s) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené rozšírenia: %s"

#~ msgid "%s group(s) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené skupiny: %s"

#~ msgid "%s host(s) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené stroje: %s"

#~ msgid "%s object(s) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené objekty: %s"

#~ msgid "%s policy(ies) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené politiky: %s"

#~ msgid "%s sudo role(s) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdené role sudo: %s"

#~ msgid "%s user(s) found"
#~ msgstr "Nájdení používatelia: %s"

#~ msgid "Account status"
#~ msgstr "Stav účtu"

#~ msgid "Add phpGroupWare extension"
#~ msgstr "Pridať rozšírenie phpGroupWare"

#~ msgid "Compress"
#~ msgstr "Komprimovať"

#~ msgid "Delete DHCP(s)"
#~ msgstr "Odstrániť DHCP"

#~ msgid "Delete group(s)"
#~ msgstr "Odstrániť skupinu(y)"

#~ msgid "Delete object"
#~ msgstr "Odstrániť Objekt"

#~ msgid "Delete user(s)"
#~ msgstr "Odstrániť používateľa(ov)"

#~ msgid "Group name(s)"
#~ msgstr "Meno skupiny(ín)"

#~ msgid "Here you can specify if the account is active or inactive."
#~ msgstr "Tu môžete zadať, ši je účet aktívny alebo nie."

#~ msgid "Host(s)"
#~ msgstr "Stroj(e)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you set this to \"true\" then the phpGroupware extension will be added."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ak túto voľbu nastavíte na „pravda”, bude pridané rozšírenie phpGroupware."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "In order to add these objectClass(es) to this entry, you must specify <b>"
#~ "%s</b> new attributes that this object class requires."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aby ste mohli pridať tieto objectClass do tejto položky, musíte zadať <b>"
#~ "%s</b> nový atribút(y), ktoré táto trieda objektu vyžaduje."

#~ msgid "Label"
#~ msgstr "Menovka"

#~ msgid "Last login"
#~ msgstr "Posledné prihlásenie"

#~ msgid "Last login from"
#~ msgstr "Posledné prihlásenie z"

#~ msgid "No extension(s) found!"
#~ msgstr "Nenájdené žiadne rozšírenie(a)!"

#~ msgid "Please enter \"active\" or \"inactive\"."
#~ msgstr "Prosím, zadajte „aktívne” alebo „neaktívne”."

#~ msgid "Reenter new master password"
#~ msgstr "Zadajte znova hlavné heslo"

#~ msgid "Reenter profile password"
#~ msgstr "Potvrdenie hesla profilu"

#~ msgid "Remove phpGroupWare extension"
#~ msgstr "Odstrániť rozšírenie phpGroupWare"

#~ msgid "Run group(s)"
#~ msgstr "Skupina(y) na spustenie"

#~ msgid "SSH public key(s)"
#~ msgstr "Verejný kľúč(e) SSH"

#~ msgid "The password(s) were set to:"
#~ msgstr "Heslo(á) boli nastavené na:"

#~ msgid "Unlock Samba account"
#~ msgstr "Odomknúť účet Samba"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "User name of the user who should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,A-"
#~ "Z,0-9, .-_. If user name is already used user name will be expanded with "
#~ "a number. The next free number will be used. Warning: Older systems have "
#~ "problems with user names longer than 8 characters. You can not log in to "
#~ "Windows if user name is longer than 16 characters."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Meno používateľa, ktorý má byť vytvorený. Platné znaky sú: a-z,A-Z,0-9, .-"
#~ "_. Ak je už meno používateľa použité, bude rozšírené pomocou čísla. "
#~ "Použité bude najbližšie voľné číslo. Upozornenie: Staršie systémy majú "
#~ "problém s používateľskými menami, ktoré sú dlhšie ako 8 znakov. Nebudete "
#~ "sa môcť prihlásiť do Windows, ak je meno používateľa dlhšie ako 16 znakov."

#~ msgid "User(s)"
#~ msgstr "Používateľ(ia)"

#~ msgid "active"
#~ msgstr "aktívne"

#~ msgid "inactive"
#~ msgstr "neaktívne"