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elementspath.css (part of editor.css)

This file styles the "Elements Path", whith is the list of element names
present at the the bottom bar of the CKEditor interface.

The following is a visual representation of its main elements:

+-- .cke_path ---------------------------------------------------------------+
| +-- .cke_path_item ----+ +-- .cke_path_item ----+ +-- .cke_path_empty ---+ |
| |                      | |                      | |                      | |
| +----------------------+ +----------------------+ +----------------------+ |

/* The box that holds the entire elements path. */
	margin-top: 5px;
	float: left;

/* Each item of the elements path. */
/* Empty element available at the end of the elements path, to help us keeping
   the proper box size when the elements path is empty. */
	display: inline-block;
	float: left;
	padding: 1px 4px 0;
	color: #60676a;
	cursor: default;
	text-decoration: none;
	outline: 0;
	border: 0;

.cke_rtl .cke_path,
.cke_rtl .cke_path_item,
.cke_rtl .cke_path_empty
	float: right;

/* The items are <a> elements, so we define its hover states here. */
	background-color: #efefef;
	opacity: 0.7;
	color: #000;