#! /usr/bin/perl

# $Id$
#  This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/lam)
#  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2006  Tilo Lutz
#  Copyright (C) 2006 - 2009  Roland Gruber
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#  LDAP Account Manager daemon to create and delete homedirecotries and quotas

use Sys::Syslog;

# set a known path
my $path = "";
if (-d "/sbin") {
	if ($path eq "") { $path = "/sbin"; }
	else { $path = "$path:/sbin"; }
if (-d "/usr/sbin") {
	if ($path eq "") { $path = "/usr/sbin"; }
	else { $path = "$path:/usr/sbin"; }
if (-l "/bin") {
	if ($path eq "") { $path = "/usr/bin"; }
	else { $path = "$path:/usr/bin"; }
else {
	if ($path eq "") { $path = "/bin:/usr/bin"; }
	else { $path = "$path:/bin:/usr/bin"; }
if (-d "/opt/sbin") { $path = "$path:/opt/sbin"; }
if (-d "/opt/bin") { $path = "$path:/opt/bin"; }
$ENV{"PATH"} = $path;

# get hostname
$hostname = `hostname`;

#use strict; # Use strict for security reasons

@quota_usr; # Filesystems with enabled userquotas
	# vals = DN, PAssword, user, home, (add|rem),
	#                            quota, (set|get),(u|g), (mountpoint,blocksoft,blockhard,filesoft,filehard)+
	#                            chown  options
$|=1; # Disable buffering

sub get_fs { # Load mountpoints from mtab if enabled quotas
	my $i=0;
	my @args;
	while (my @temp = Quota::getmntent()) {
		$args[$i][0] = $temp[0];
		$args[$i][1] = $temp[1];
		$args[$i][2] = $temp[2];
		$args[$i][3] = $temp[3];
	my $j=0; my $k=0; $i=0;
	while ($args[$i][0]) {
		if ( $args[$i][3] =~ m/usrquota/ ) {
			$quota_usr[$j][0] = $args[$i][0];
			$quota_usr[$j][1] = $args[$i][1];
			$quota_usr[$j][2] = $args[$i][2];
			$quota_usr[$j][3] = $args[$i][3];
		if ( $args[$i][3] =~ m/grpquota/ ) {
			$quota_grp[$k][0] = $args[$i][0];
			$quota_grp[$k][1] = $args[$i][1];
			$quota_grp[$k][2] = $args[$i][2];
			$quota_grp[$k][3] = $args[$i][3];

# ***************** Check values

# check if script runs as root
if ($< != 0 ) {
	print "ERROR,Lamdaemon ($hostname),Not called as root!\n";
	logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Not called as root!");
	exit 1;

# Drop root privileges
($<, $>) = ($>, $<);
# loop for every transmitted user
while (1) {
	my $input = <STDIN>;
	$return = "";
	@vals = split (' ', $input);
	# Get user information
	if (($vals[3] eq 'user') || ($vals[1] eq 'home')) { @user = getpwnam($vals[0]); }
	else { @user = getgrnam($vals[0]); }
	# run tests
	if (($vals[1] eq 'test')) {
	elsif ($vals[1] eq 'home') {
	elsif ($vals[1] eq 'quota') {
	else {
		$return = "ERROR,Lamdaemon ($hostname),Unknown command $vals[1].";
		logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Unknown command $vals[1].");
	print "$return\n";

# Runs tests to check the environment
sub runTest {
	# basic test
	if ($vals[2] eq 'basic') {
		$return = "Ok";
	# quota test
	elsif ($vals[2] eq 'quota') {
		require Quota;
		$return = "Ok";

# Handles all homedir related commands
sub manageHomedirs {
	if ($vals[2] eq 'add') {
	elsif ($vals[2] eq 'rem') {
	else {
		# Show error if undefined command is used
		$return = "ERROR,Lamdaemon ($hostname),Unknown home command $vals[2].";
		logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Unknown command $vals[2]");

# Creates the homedirectory of the user
sub createHomedir {
	my $homedir = $user[7];
	if ($homedir eq '') {
		$return = "ERROR,Lamdaemon ($hostname),Home directory path is empty.";
		logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Home directory path is empty.");
	my $path = $homedir;
	# split homedir to set all directories below the last dir. to 0755
	$path =~ s,/(?:[^/]*)$,,;
	($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Get root privileges
	if (! -e $path) {
		system 'mkdir', '-m', '0755', '-p', $path; # Create paths to homedir
	if (! -e $homedir) {
		system 'mkdir', '-m', $vals[3], $homedir; # Create homedir itself
		system ("(cd /etc/skel && tar cf - .) | (cd $homedir && tar xmf -)"); # Copy /etc/sekl into homedir
		system 'chown', '-hR', "$user[2]:$user[3]" , $homedir; # Change owner to new user
		if (-e '/usr/sbin/useradd.local') {
			system '/usr/sbin/useradd.local', $user[0]; # run useradd-script
			system 'chmod', '-R', $vals[3], $homedir;     # Edit chmod rights
		system 'chmod', $vals[3], $homedir;     # Edit chmod rights
		$return = "INFO,Lamdaemon ($hostname),Home directory created (" . $homedir . ").";
		logMessage(LOG_INFO, "Home directory created (" . $homedir . ")");
	else {
		$return = "ERROR,Lamdaemon ($hostname),Home directory already exists (" . $homedir . ").";
		logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Home directory already exists (" . $homedir . ")");
	($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Give up root previleges

# Removes the homedirectory of the user
sub removeHomedir {
	if ($user[7] eq '') {
		$return = "ERROR,Lamdaemon ($hostname),Home directory path is empty.";
		logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Home directory path is empty.");
	($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Get root previliges
	if (-d $user[7] && $user[7] ne '/') {
		if ((stat($user[7]))[4] eq $user[2]) {
			system 'rm', '-R', $user[7]; # Delete Homedirectory
			if (-e '/usr/sbin/userdel.local') {
				system '/usr/sbin/userdel.local', $user[0];
			$return = "Ok";
			logMessage(LOG_INFO, "Home directory removed (" . $user[7] . ")");
		else {
			$return = "ERROR,Lamdaemon ($hostname),Home directory not owned by $user[2].";
			logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Home directory owned by wrong user (" . $user[7] . ")");
	else {
		$return = "INFO,Lamdaemon ($hostname),The directory which should be deleted was not found (skipped).";
	($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Give up root previleges

# Handles all quota related commands
sub manageQuotas {
	require Quota; # Needed to get and set quotas
	get_fs(); # Load list of devices with enabled quotas
	# Store quota information in array
	@quota_temp1 = split (':', $vals[4]);
	while ($quota_temp1[$i]) {
		@temp = split (',', $quota_temp1[$i]);
			while ($temp[$j]) {
				$quota[$i][$j] = $temp[$j];
	if ($vals[3] eq 'user') { $group=false; }
	else {
		@quota_usr = @quota_grp;
	if ($vals[2] eq 'rem') {
	elsif ($vals[2] eq 'set') {
	elsif ($vals[2] eq 'get') {
	else {
		$return = "ERROR,Lamdaemon ($hostname),Unknown quota command $vals[2].";
		logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Unknown command $vals[2].");

# Removes the quotas of a user or group
sub remQuotas {
	($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Get root privileges
	while ($quota_usr[$i][0]) {
		$dev = Quota::getqcarg($quota_usr[$i][1]);
		$return = Quota::setqlim($dev,$user[2],0,0,0,0,1,$group);
	($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Give up root previleges

# Sets the quota values
sub setQuotas {
	($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Get root privileges
	while ($quota[$i][0]) {
		$dev = Quota::getqcarg($quota[$i][0]);
		$return = Quota::setqlim($dev,$user[2],$quota[$i][1],$quota[$i][2],$quota[$i][3],$quota[$i][4],1,$group);
		if ($return == -1) {
				$return = "ERROR,Lamdaemon ($hostname),Unable to set quota!";
				logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Unable to set quota for $user[0].");
		else {
			logMessage(LOG_INFO, "Set quota for $user[0].");
	($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Give up root previleges

# Reads the quota values
sub getQuotas {
	($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Get root privileges
	while ($quota_usr[$i][0]) {
		if ($vals[0]ne'+') {
			$dev = Quota::getqcarg($quota_usr[$i][1]);
			@temp = Quota::query($dev,$user[2],$group);
			if ($temp[0]ne'') {
				if ($temp == -1) {
						$return = "ERROR,Lamdaemon ($hostname),Unable to read quota!";
						logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Unable to read quota for $user[0].");
				else {
					$return = "$quota_usr[$i][1],$temp[0],$temp[1],$temp[2],$temp[3],$temp[4],$temp[5],$temp[6],$temp[7]:$return";
			else { $return = "$quota_usr[$i][1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0:$return"; }
		else { $return = "$quota_usr[$i][1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0:$return"; }
	($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Give up root previleges

# Logs a message to the syslog.
# Parameters: level message
#             level: error level
#             message: message text
sub logMessage {
	my $level = $_[0];
	my $message = $_[1];
	openlog('LAM - lamdaemon','','user');
	syslog($level, $message);