value */
private $limitOptions;
* Returns if this module also manages the structural object class pykotaObject.
* This is overridden by a submodule that must provide the structural object class.
* @return boolean structural usage
public function isStructural() {
return false;
* Creates a new pykotaUser object.
* @param string $scope account type (user, group, host)
function __construct($scope) {
$this->limitOptions = array(
_('Quota') => 'quota',
_('Balance') => 'balance',
_('No quota') => 'noquota',
_('Free printing') => 'nochange',
_('Deny printing') => 'noprint',
// call parent constructor
$this->autoAddObjectClasses = $this->isStructural();
* Returns meta data that is interpreted by parent class
* @return array array with meta data
* @see baseModule::get_metaData()
function get_metaData() {
$return = array();
// icon
$return['icon'] = 'printerBig.png';
// manages host accounts
$return["account_types"] = array('user');
// alias name
$return["alias"] = _("PyKota");
// this is a base module
$return["is_base"] = $this->isStructural();
// LDAP filter
$return["ldap_filter"] = array('or' => "(objectClass=pykotaAccount)");
// module dependencies
$return['dependencies'] = array('depends' => array(), 'conflicts' => array());
// managed object classes
$return['objectClasses'] = array('pykotaAccount', 'pykotaAccountBalance');
// managed attributes
$return['attributes'] = array('uid', 'mail', 'description', 'pykotaLimitBy', 'pykotaUserName', 'pykotaBalance', 'pykotaLifeTimePaid',
'pykotaOverCharge', 'pykotaPayments');
// help Entries
$return['help'] = array(
'cn' => array(
"Headline" => _("Common name"), 'attr' => 'cn',
"Text" => _("This is the natural name of the user.")
'uid' => array(
"Headline" => _("User name"), 'attr' => 'uid',
"Text" => _("User name of the user who should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,A-Z,0-9, @.-_.")
'mail' => array (
"Headline" => _("Email address"), 'attr' => 'mail',
"Text" => _("The user's email address.")
'description' => array (
"Headline" => _("Description"), 'attr' => 'description',
"Text" => _("User description.")
'pykotaUserName' => array(
"Headline" => _("PyKota user name"), 'attr' => 'pykotaUserName',
"Text" => _("User name that is used for PyKota.")
'pykotaLimitBy' => array(
"Headline" => _("Limit type"), 'attr' => 'pykotaLimitBy',
"Text" => _("Specifies the type of limit for printing if any. Please note that in contrast to \"Free printing\" the option \"No quota\" includes accounting.")
'pykotaBalance' => array(
"Headline" => _('Balance'), 'attr' => 'pykotaBalance',
"Text" => _('Current account balance for the user.')
'pykotaBalanceComment' => array(
"Headline" => _('Balance comment'), 'attr' => 'pykotaPayments',
"Text" => _('Comment for initial balance.')
'pykotaLifeTimePaid' => array(
"Headline" => _('Total paid'), 'attr' => 'pykotaLifeTimePaid',
"Text" => _('Total money paid by the user.')
'pykotaOverCharge' => array(
"Headline" => _('Overcharge factor'), 'attr' => 'pykotaOverCharge',
"Text" => _('Overcharge factor that is applied when computing the cost of a print job. The number of pages is not changed.')
'pykotaPayments' => array(
"Headline" => _('Payment and job history'), 'attr' => 'pykotaPayments',
"Text" => _('Payment and job history for this user.')
'pykotaPaymentsAdd' => array(
"Headline" => _('Payment'), 'attr' => 'pykotaBalance, pykotaPayments',
"Text" => _('Adds the amount to the user\'s balance. You can also specify a comment.')
'jobSuffix' => array(
"Headline" => _('Job suffix'),
"Text" => _('Please enter the LDAP suffix where the PyKota job entries are stored (configuration option "jobbase").')
'autoAdd' => array(
"Headline" => _("Automatically add this extension"),
"Text" => _("This will enable the extension automatically if this profile is loaded.")
// profile options
$profileContainer = new htmlTable();
$pykotaLimitByProfileOption = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy', $this->limitOptions, array(), _('Limit type'), 'pykotaLimitBy');
$profileContainer->addElement($pykotaLimitByProfileOption, true);
$profileContainer->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Balance'), 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalance', '', 'pykotaBalance'), true);
$profileContainer->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Overcharge factor'), 'pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge', '', 'pykotaOverCharge'), true);
if (!$this->isStructural()) {
$profileContainer->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox('pykotaUser_addExt', false, _('Automatically add this extension'), 'autoAdd'), true);
$return['profile_options'] = $profileContainer;
$return['profile_mappings']['pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy'] = 'pykotaLimitBy';
$return['profile_mappings']['pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge'] = 'pykotaOverCharge';
$return['profile_checks']['pykotaUser_pykotaBalance'] = array(
'type' => 'ext_preg',
'regex' => 'float',
'error_message' => $this->messages['pykotaBalance'][0]);
$return['profile_checks']['pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge'] = array(
'type' => 'ext_preg',
'regex' => 'float',
'error_message' => $this->messages['pykotaOverCharge'][0]);
// upload fields
$return['upload_columns'] = array(
'name' => 'pykotaUser_pykotaUserName',
'description' => _('PyKota user name'),
'help' => 'pykotaUserName',
'example' => _('smiller'),
'unique' => true,
if ($this->isStructural()) {
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'pykotaUser_cn',
'description' => _('Common name'),
'help' => 'cn',
'example' => _('Steve Miller'),
'required' => true,
if ($this->manageUid()) {
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'pykotaUser_uid',
'description' => _('User name'),
'help' => 'uid',
'example' => _('smiller'),
'required' => true,
'unique' => true,
if ($this->manageMail()) {
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'pykotaUser_mail',
'description' => _('Email address'),
'help' => 'mail',
'example' => _(''),
if ($this->manageDescription()) {
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'pykotaUser_description',
'description' => _('Description'),
'help' => 'description',
'example' => _('Temp, contract till December'),
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy',
'description' => _('Limit type'),
'help' => 'pykotaLimitBy',
'example' => _('Quota'),
'default' => _('Quota'),
'values' => implode(', ', array_keys($this->limitOptions))
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalance',
'description' => _('Balance'),
'help' => 'pykotaBalance',
'example' => '10.0',
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalanceComment',
'description' => _('Balance comment'),
'help' => 'pykotaBalanceComment',
'example' => _('Initial payment'),
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge',
'description' => _('Overcharge factor'),
'help' => 'pykotaOverCharge',
'example' => '1.0',
'default' => '1.0'
// available PDF fields
$return['PDF_fields'] = array(
'pykotaUserName' => _('PyKota user name'),
'pykotaLimitBy' => _('Limit type'),
'pykotaBalance' => _('Balance'),
'pykotaOverCharge' => _('Overcharge factor'),
'pykotaLifeTimePaid' => _('Total paid'),
'pykotaPayments' => _('Payment history'),
if ($this->manageUid()) {
$return['PDF_fields']['uid'] = _('User name');
if ($this->isStructural()) {
$return['PDF_fields']['cn'] = _('Common name');
if ($this->manageMail()) {
$return['PDF_fields']['mail'] = _('Email address');
if ($this->manageDescription()) {
$return['PDF_fields']['description'] = _('Description');
// self service
$return['selfServiceFieldSettings'] = array(
'pykotaBalance' => _('Balance (read-only)'),
'pykotaLifeTimePaid' => _('Total paid (read-only)'),
'pykotaPayments' => _('Payment history'),
'pykotaJobHistory' => _('Job history'),
// self service settings
if (get_class($this) == 'pykotaUser') {
$selfServiceContainer = new htmlTable();
$selfServiceContainer->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Job suffix'), 'pykotaUser_jobSuffix', null));
$selfServiceContainer->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('jobSuffix', get_class($this)), true);
$return['selfServiceSettings'] = $selfServiceContainer;
// config options
$configContainer = new htmlTable();
$configContainer->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Job suffix'), 'pykotaUser_jobSuffix', '', 'jobSuffix'), true);
$return['config_options']['all'] = $configContainer;
// configuration checks
$return['config_checks']['all']['pykotaUser_jobSuffix'] = array (
'type' => 'ext_preg',
'regex' => 'dn',
'required' => false,
'required_message' => $this->messages['jobSuffix'][0],
'error_message' => $this->messages['jobSuffix'][0]);
return $return;
* This function fills the $messages variable with output messages from this module.
function load_Messages() {
$this->messages['uid'][0] = array('ERROR', _('User name'), _('User name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
$this->messages['uid'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' pykotaUser_uid', _('User name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
$this->messages['uid'][2] = array('ERROR', _('User name'), _('User name already exists!'));
$this->messages['uid'][3] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' pykotaUser_uid', _('User name already exists!'));
$this->messages['pykotaUserName'][0] = array('ERROR', _('PyKota user name'), _('User name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
$this->messages['pykotaUserName'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' pykotaUser_pykotaUserName', _('User name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
$this->messages['pykotaUserName'][2] = array('ERROR', _('PyKota user name'), _('User name already exists!'));
$this->messages['pykotaUserName'][3] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' pykotaUser_pykotaUserName', _('User name already exists!'));
$this->messages['mail'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Email address'), _('Please enter a valid email address!'));
$this->messages['mail'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' pykotaUser_mail', _('Please enter a valid email address!'));
$this->messages['pykotaLimitBy'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy', _('Please enter a valid limit type.'));
$this->messages['pykotaBalance'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Balance'), _('Please enter a valid number (e.g. "1.5").'));
$this->messages['pykotaBalance'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' pykotaUser_pykotaBalance', _('Please enter a valid number (e.g. "1.5").'));
$this->messages['pykotaOverCharge'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Overcharge factor'), _('Please enter a valid number (e.g. "1.5").'));
$this->messages['pykotaOverCharge'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge', _('Please enter a valid number (e.g. "1.5").'));
$this->messages['pykotaPayments'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Payment'), _('Please enter a valid number (e.g. "1.5").'));
$this->messages['jobSuffix'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Job suffix'), _('Please enter a valid job suffix.'));
* Returns the HTML meta data for the main account page.
* @return htmlElement HTML meta data
function display_html_attributes() {
$container = new htmlTable();
if ($this->isStructural() || (isset($this->attributes['objectClass']) && in_array('pykotaAccount', $this->attributes['objectClass']))) {
// uid
if ($this->manageUid()) {
$this->addSimpleInputTextField($container, 'uid', _('User name'), true);
else {
// require uid
$uid = $this->getCurrentUserName();
if (empty($uid)) {
$page = '';
if ($this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('posixAccount') != null) {
$page = $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('posixAccount')->get_alias();
elseif ($this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson') != null) {
$page = $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson')->get_alias();
$msg = new htmlStatusMessage('INFO', sprintf(_("Please enter an user name on this page: %s"), $page));
$msg->colspan = 5;
$container->addElement($msg, true);
// pykotaUserName
$this->addSimpleInputTextField($container, 'pykotaUserName', _('Pykota user name'));
// balance
$pykotaBalance = '';
if (isset($this->attributes['pykotaBalance'][0])) {
$pykotaBalance = $this->attributes['pykotaBalance'][0];
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Balance')));
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText($pykotaBalance));
$container->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('pykotaBalance'), true);
// new payment and balance history
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Payment')));
$newPaymentGroup = new htmlGroup();
$newPaymentAmount = new htmlInputField('pykotaBalanceAdd', '', '5em');
$newPaymentComment = new htmlInputField('pykotaBalanceComment', '', '20em');
$newPaymentBtn = new htmlButton('addPayment', _('Add'));
$container->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('pykotaPaymentsAdd'), true);
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(''));
$historyGroup = new htmlGroup();
$historyGroup->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'payments', 'open', _('Payment history')));
if (!$this->getAccountContainer()->isNewAccount && !empty($this->moduleSettings['pykotaUser_jobSuffix'][0])) {
$historyGroup->addElement(new htmlSpacer('5px', null));
$historyGroup->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'jobs', 'open', _('Job history')));
$container->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('pykotaPayments'), true);
$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '10px'), true);
// limit by
$limitOption = 'quota';
if (!empty($this->attributes['pykotaLimitBy'][0])) {
$limitOption = $this->attributes['pykotaLimitBy'][0];
$limitSelect = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('pykotaLimitBy', $this->limitOptions, array($limitOption), _('Limit type'), 'pykotaLimitBy');
$container->addElement($limitSelect, true);
// overcharge factor
$this->addSimpleInputTextField($container, 'pykotaOverCharge', _('Overcharge factor'));
// cn
if ($this->isStructural()) {
$this->addSimpleInputTextField($container, 'cn', _('Common name'), true);
// mail
if ($this->manageMail()) {
$this->addSimpleInputTextField($container, 'mail', _('Email address'));
// description
if ($this->manageDescription()) {
$this->addMultiValueInputTextField($container, 'description', _('Description'), false, null, true);
// remove button
if (!$this->isStructural()) {
$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '20px'), true);
$remButton = new htmlButton('remObjectClass', _('Remove PyKota extension'));
$remButton->colspan = 5;
else {
// add button
$container->addElement(new htmlButton('addObjectClass', _('Add PyKota extension')));
return $container;
* Processes user input of the primary module page.
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes.
* @return array list of info/error messages
function process_attributes() {
$errors = array();
if (isset($_POST['addObjectClass'])) {
if (!isset($this->attributes['objectClass'])) {
$this->attributes['objectClass'] = array();
if (!in_array('pykotaAccount', $this->attributes['objectClass'])) {
$this->attributes['objectClass'][] = 'pykotaAccount';
if (!in_array('pykotaAccountBalance', $this->attributes['objectClass'])) {
$this->attributes['objectClass'][] = 'pykotaAccountBalance';
if (!isset($this->attributes['pykotaUserName'][0])) {
$this->attributes['pykotaUserName'][0] = $this->getCurrentUserName();
return $errors;
if (isset($_POST['remObjectClass'])) {
$this->attributes['objectClass'] = array_delete(array('pykotaAccount', 'pykotaAccountBalance'), $this->attributes['objectClass']);
$attrs = array('pykotaLimitBy', 'pykotaUserName');
if ($this->manageDescription()) {
$attrs[] = 'description';
if ($this->manageMail()) {
$attrs[] = 'mail';
if ($this->manageUid()) {
$attrs[] = 'uid';
foreach ($attrs as $name) {
if (isset($this->attributes[$name])) {
return $errors;
// skip processing if object class is not set
if (!isset($this->attributes['objectClass']) || !in_array('pykotaAccount', $this->attributes['objectClass'])) {
return $errors;
// uid
if ($this->manageUid()) {
if (isset($_POST['uid']) && ($_POST['uid'] != '')) {
if (!get_preg($_POST['uid'], 'username')) {
$errors[] = $this->messages['uid'][0];
else {
$this->attributes['uid'][0] = $_POST['uid'];
if ((!isset($this->orig['uid'][0]) || ($this->attributes['uid'][0] != $this->orig['uid'][0]))
&& $this->uidExists($_POST['uid'])) {
$errors[] = $this->messages['uid'][2];
elseif (isset($this->attributes['uid'][0])) {
// PyKota user name
if (!empty($_POST['pykotaUserName'])) {
if (!get_preg($_POST['pykotaUserName'], 'username')) {
$errors[] = $this->messages['pykotaUserName'][0];
else {
$this->attributes['pykotaUserName'][0] = $_POST['pykotaUserName'];
if ((!isset($this->orig['pykotaUserName'][0]) || ($this->attributes['pykotaUserName'][0] != $this->orig['pykotaUserName'][0]))
&& $this->pykotaUserNameExists($_POST['pykotaUserName'])) {
$errors[] = $this->messages['pykotaUserName'][2];
else {
$this->attributes['pykotaUserName'][0] = $this->getCurrentUserName();
// limit by
$this->attributes['pykotaLimitBy'][0] = $_POST['pykotaLimitBy'];
// cn
if ($this->isStructural()) {
$this->attributes['cn'][0] = $_POST['cn'];
if (empty($this->attributes['cn'][0])) {
$this->attributes['cn'][0] = $_POST['uid'];
// mail
if ($this->manageMail()) {
$this->attributes['mail'][0] = $_POST['mail'];
if (!empty($_POST['mail']) && !get_preg($_POST['mail'], 'email')) {
$errors[] = $this->messages['mail'][0];
// description
if ($this->manageDescription()) {
$this->processMultiValueInputTextField('description', $errors);
// overcharge factor
if (!empty($_POST['pykotaOverCharge'])) {
$this->attributes['pykotaOverCharge'][0] = $_POST['pykotaOverCharge'];
else {
$this->attributes['pykotaOverCharge'][0] = '1.0';
// add payment
if (isset($_POST['addPayment'])) {
$amount = $_POST['pykotaBalanceAdd'];
if (!empty($amount) && (strpos($amount, ',') !== false)) {
$amount = str_replace(',', '.', $amount);
if (!empty($amount) && (strpos($amount, '.') === false)) {
$amount .= '.0';
$comment = $_POST['pykotaBalanceComment'];
if (!empty($comment)) {
$comment = base64_encode($comment);
if (empty($amount) || (floatval($amount) == 0.0)) {
$errors[] = $this->messages['pykotaPayments'][0];
else {
$this->attributes['pykotaPayments'][] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s,00', time()) . ' # ' . $amount . ' # ' . $comment;
// new balance
$newBalance = 0.0;
if (!empty($this->attributes['pykotaBalance'][0])) {
$newBalance = floatval($this->attributes['pykotaBalance'][0]);
$newBalance += $amount;
$this->attributes['pykotaBalance'][0] = strval($newBalance);
// total paid
$total = 0.0;
if (!empty($this->attributes['pykotaLifeTimePaid'][0])) {
$total = floatval($this->attributes['pykotaLifeTimePaid'][0]);
$total += $amount;
$this->attributes['pykotaLifeTimePaid'][0] = strval($total);
return $errors;
* Returns the HTML meta data for the payments page.
* @return htmlElement HTML meta data
function display_html_payments() {
$container = new htmlTable();
// total paid
$total = '';
if (!empty($this->attributes['pykotaLifeTimePaid'][0])) {
$total = $this->attributes['pykotaLifeTimePaid'][0];
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Total paid')));
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText($total));
$container->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('pykotaLifeTimePaid'), true);
// payment/job history
if (!empty($this->attributes['pykotaPayments'][0])) {
$container->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_('Payment history')), true);
$spacer = new htmlSpacer('10px', null);
$historyTable = new htmlTable();
$historyTable->colspan = 5;
$historyTable->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Date')), false, true);
$historyTable->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Amount')), false, true);
$historyTable->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Comment')), true, true);
foreach ($this->attributes['pykotaPayments'] as $payment) {
$parts = explode(' # ', $payment);
$historyTable->addElement(new htmlOutputText($parts[0]));
$amount = new htmlOutputText($parts[1]);
$amount->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT;
if (!empty($parts[2])) {
$historyTable->addElement(new htmlOutputText(base64_decode($parts[2])));
$container->addElement($historyTable, true);
// back button
$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '20px'), true);
$backButton = new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'attributes', 'back', _('Back'));
$backButton->colspan = 5;
$backButton->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_LEFT;
$container->addElement($backButton, true);
return $container;
* Processes user input of the payments module page.
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes.
* @return array list of info/error messages
function process_payments() {
return array();
* Returns the HTML meta data for the jobs page.
* @return htmlElement HTML meta data
function display_html_jobs() {
$container = new htmlTable();
// jobs
$jobs = $this->getJobs($this->getCurrentUserName(), $this->moduleSettings['pykotaUser_jobSuffix'][0]);
$spacer = new htmlSpacer('10px', null);
// header
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Date')), false, true);
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Printer')), false, true);
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Price')), false, true);
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Size')), false, true);
$title = new htmlOutputText(_('Title'));
$title->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_LEFT;
$container->addElement($title, true, true);
// jobs
foreach ($jobs as $job) {
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(formatLDAPTimestamp($job['createtimestamp'][0])));
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText($job['pykotaprintername'][0]));
$price = new htmlOutputText($job['pykotajobprice'][0]);
$price->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT;
$size = new htmlOutputText($job['pykotajobsize'][0]);
$size->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT;
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText($job['pykotatitle'][0]), true);
// back button
$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '20px'), true);
$backButton = new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'attributes', 'back', _('Back'));
$backButton->colspan = 5;
$backButton->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_LEFT;
$container->addElement($backButton, true);
return $container;
* Processes user input of the jobs module page.
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes.
* @return array list of info/error messages
function process_jobs() {
return array();
* Returns a list of modifications which have to be made to the LDAP account.
* @return array list of modifications
This function returns an array with 3 entries:
array( DN1 ('add' => array($attr), 'remove' => array($attr), 'modify' => array($attr)), DN2 .... )
DN is the DN to change. It may be possible to change several DNs (e.g. create a new user and add him to some groups via attribute memberUid)
"add" are attributes which have to be added to LDAP entry
"remove" are attributes which have to be removed from LDAP entry
"modify" are attributes which have to been modified in LDAP entry
"info" are values with informational value (e.g. to be used later by pre/postModify actions)
function save_attributes() {
if (!in_array('pykotaAccount', $this->attributes['objectClass']) && !in_array('pykotaAccount', $this->orig['objectClass'])) {
// skip saving if the extension was not added/modified
return array();
return parent::save_attributes();
* This function is used to check if all settings for this module have been made.
* Calling this method requires the existence of an enclosing {@link accountContainer}.
* This function tells LAM if it can create/modify the LDAP account. If your module needs any
* additional input then set this to false. The user will be notified that your module needs
* more input.
* This method's return value defaults to true.
* @return boolean true, if settings are complete
public function module_complete() {
if (in_array('pykotaAccount', $this->attributes['objectClass'])) {
// require uid
$uid = $this->getCurrentUserName();
return !empty($uid);
return true;
* Loads the values of an account profile into internal variables.
* @param array $profile hash array with profile values (identifier => value)
function load_profile($profile) {
// profile mappings in meta data
// add extension
if (isset($profile['pykotaUser_addExt'][0]) && ($profile['pykotaUser_addExt'][0] == "true")) {
if (!in_array('pykotaAccount', $this->attributes['objectClass'])) {
$this->attributes['objectClass'][] = 'pykotaAccount';
if (!in_array('pykotaAccountBalance', $this->attributes['objectClass'])) {
$this->attributes['objectClass'][] = 'pykotaAccountBalance';
if (!empty($profile['pykotaUser_pykotaBalance']) && empty($this->attributes['pykotaBalance'][0])) {
$amount = $profile['pykotaUser_pykotaBalance'][0];
if (strpos($amount, '.') === false) {
$amount .= '.0';
$this->attributes['pykotaBalance'][0] = $amount;
$this->attributes['pykotaLifeTimePaid'][0] = $amount;
$this->attributes['pykotaPayments'][] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s,00', time()) . ' # ' . $amount . ' # ';
* In this function the LDAP account is built up.
* @param array $rawAccounts list of hash arrays (name => value) from user input
* @param array $ids list of IDs for column position (e.g. "posixAccount_uid" => 5)
* @param array $partialAccounts list of hash arrays (name => value) which are later added to LDAP
* @param array $selectedModules list of selected account modules
* @return array list of error messages if any
function build_uploadAccounts($rawAccounts, $ids, &$partialAccounts, $selectedModules) {
$messages = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rawAccounts); $i++) {
// add object classes
if (!in_array('pykotaAccount', $partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'])) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'][] = 'pykotaAccount';
if (!in_array('pykotaAccountBalance', $partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'])) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'][] = 'pykotaAccountBalance';
if ($this->isStructural() && !in_array('pykotaObject', $partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'])) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'][] = 'pykotaObject';
// cn
if ($this->isStructural()) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['cn'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_cn']];
// uid
if ($this->manageUid() && !empty($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_uid']])) {
if (!get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_uid']], 'username')) {
$errMsg = $this->messages['uid'][1];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$messages[] = $errMsg;
elseif ($this->uidExists($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_uid']])) {
$errMsg = $this->messages['uid'][3];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$messages[] = $errMsg;
else {
$partialAccounts[$i]['uid'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_uid']];
// mail
if ($this->manageUid() && !empty($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_mail']])) {
$this->mapSimpleUploadField($rawAccounts, $ids, $partialAccounts, $i, 'pykotaUser_mail', 'mail',
'email', $this->messages['mail'][1], $messages);
// description
$this->mapSimpleUploadField($rawAccounts, $ids, $partialAccounts, $i, 'pykotaUser_description', 'description');
// PyKota user name
if (!empty($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaUserName']])) {
if (!get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaUserName']], 'username')) {
$errMsg = $this->messages['pykotaUserName'][1];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$messages[] = $errMsg;
elseif ($this->pykotaUserNameExists($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaUserName']])) {
$errMsg = $this->messages['pykotaUserName'][3];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$messages[] = $errMsg;
else {
$partialAccounts[$i]['pykotaUserName'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaUserName']];
// limit by
if (!empty($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy']])) {
if (isset($this->limitOptions[$rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy']]])) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['pykotaLimitBy'] = $this->limitOptions[$rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy']]];
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['pykotaLimitBy'][0];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$messages[] = $errMsg;
else {
$partialAccounts[$i]['pykotaLimitBy'] = 'quota';
// overcharge factor
if (!empty($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge']])) {
$pykotaOverCharge = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge']];
if (strpos($pykotaOverCharge, '.') === false) {
$pykotaOverCharge .= '.0';
if (!get_preg($pykotaOverCharge, 'float')) {
$errMsg = $this->messages['pykotaOverCharge'][1];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$messages[] = $errMsg;
else {
$partialAccounts[$i]['pykotaOverCharge'] = $pykotaOverCharge;
else {
$partialAccounts[$i]['pykotaOverCharge'] = '1.0';
// balance
if (!empty($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaBalance']])) {
$balance = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaBalance']];
if (strpos($balance, '.') === false) {
$balance .= '.0';
if (!get_preg($balance, 'float')) {
$errMsg = $this->messages['pykotaBalance'][1];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$messages[] = $errMsg;
else {
$partialAccounts[$i]['pykotaBalance'] = $balance;
$partialAccounts[$i]['pykotaLifeTimePaid'] = $balance;
$comment = '';
if (!empty($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaBalanceComment']])) {
$comment = base64_encode($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['pykotaUser_pykotaBalanceComment']]);
$partialAccounts[$i]['pykotaPayments'][0] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s,00', time()) . ' # ' . $balance . ' # ' . $comment;
return $messages;
* Returns a list of PDF entries
function get_pdfEntries() {
$return = array();
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'cn', _('Common name'));
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'uid', _('User name'));
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'mail', _('Email address'));
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'pykotaUserName', _('PyKota user name'));
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'description', _('Description'));
$limitByOptions = array_flip($this->limitOptions);
$limitByValue = '';
if (!empty($this->attributes['pykotaLimitBy'][0]) && isset($limitByOptions[$this->attributes['pykotaLimitBy'][0]])) {
$limitByValue = $limitByOptions[$this->attributes['pykotaLimitBy'][0]];
$return[get_class($this) . '_pykotaLimitBy'] = array('' . _('Limit type') . '' . $limitByValue . '');
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'pykotaOverCharge', _('Overcharge factor'));
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'pykotaBalance', _('Balance'));
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'pykotaLifeTimePaid', _('Total paid'));
// payment history
if (!empty($this->attributes['pykotaPayments'][0])) {
$history[] = '' .
'' . _('Date') . ' | ' .
'' . _('Amount') . ' | ' .
'' . _('Comment') . ' |
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->attributes['pykotaPayments']); $i++) {
$parts = explode(' # ', $this->attributes['pykotaPayments'][$i]);
$comment = ' ';
if (!empty($parts[2])) {
$comment = base64_decode($parts[2]);
$history[] = '' .
'' . $parts[0] . ' | ' .
'' . $parts[1] . ' | ' .
'' . $comment . ' |
$return[get_class($this) . '_pykotaPayments'] = $history;
return $return;
* Returns the meta HTML code for each input field.
* format: array( => array(), ...)
* It is not possible to display help links.
* @param array $fields list of active fields
* @param array $attributes attributes of LDAP account
* @param boolean $passwordChangeOnly indicates that the user is only allowed to change his password and no LDAP content is readable
* @param array $readOnlyFields list of read-only fields
* @return array list of meta HTML elements (field name => htmlTableRow)
function getSelfServiceOptions($fields, $attributes, $passwordChangeOnly, $readOnlyFields) {
if ($passwordChangeOnly) {
return array(); // no Kolab fields as long no LDAP content can be read
if (!in_array('pykotaAccount', $attributes['objectClass'])) {
return array();
$return = array();
if (in_array('pykotaBalance', $fields)) {
$pykotaBalance = '';
if (isset($attributes['pykotaBalance'][0])) $pykotaBalance = $attributes['pykotaBalance'][0];
$return['pykotaBalance'] = new htmlTableRow(array(
new htmlOutputText($this->getSelfServiceLabel('pykotaBalance', _('Balance'))), new htmlOutputText($pykotaBalance)
if (in_array('pykotaLifeTimePaid', $fields)) {
$pykotaLifeTimePaid = '';
if (isset($attributes['pykotaLifeTimePaid'][0])) $pykotaLifeTimePaid = $attributes['pykotaLifeTimePaid'][0];
$return['pykotaLifeTimePaid'] = new htmlTableRow(array(
new htmlOutputText($this->getSelfServiceLabel('pykotaLifeTimePaid', _('Total paid'))), new htmlOutputText($pykotaLifeTimePaid)
// payment history
if (in_array('pykotaPayments', $fields)) {
$pykotaPayments = new htmlTable();
$pykotaPayments->colspan = 5;
if (!empty($attributes['pykotaPayments'][0])) {
$spacer = new htmlSpacer('10px', null);
$pykotaPayments->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Date')), false, true);
$pykotaPayments->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Amount')), false, true);
$pykotaPayments->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Comment')), true, true);
foreach ($attributes['pykotaPayments'] as $payment) {
$parts = explode(' # ', $payment);
$pykotaPayments->addElement(new htmlOutputText($parts[0]));
$amount = new htmlOutputText($parts[1]);
$amount->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT;
if (!empty($parts[2])) {
$pykotaPayments->addElement(new htmlOutputText(base64_decode($parts[2])));
$pykotaPaymentsLabel = new htmlOutputText($this->getSelfServiceLabel('pykotaPayments', _('Payment history')));
$pykotaPaymentsLabel->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_TOP;
$return['pykotaPayments'] = new htmlTableRow(array(
$pykotaPaymentsLabel, $pykotaPayments
// job history
if (in_array('pykotaJobHistory', $fields) && !empty($this->selfServiceSettings->moduleSettings['pykotaUser_jobSuffix'][0]) && !empty($attributes['pykotaUserName'][0])) {
$jobs = $this->getJobs($attributes['pykotaUserName'][0], $this->selfServiceSettings->moduleSettings['pykotaUser_jobSuffix'][0]);
$pykotaJobs = new htmlTable();
$pykotaJobs->colspan = 5;
$spacer = new htmlSpacer('10px', null);
$pykotaJobs->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Date')), false, true);
$pykotaJobs->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Printer')), false, true);
$pykotaJobs->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Price')), false, true);
$pykotaJobs->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Size')), false, true);
$title = new htmlOutputText(_('Title'));
$title->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_LEFT;
$pykotaJobs->addElement($title, true, true);
foreach ($jobs as $job) {
$pykotaJobs->addElement(new htmlOutputText(formatLDAPTimestamp($job['createtimestamp'][0])));
$pykotaJobs->addElement(new htmlOutputText($job['pykotaprintername'][0]));
$price = new htmlOutputText($job['pykotajobprice'][0]);
$price->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT;
$size = new htmlOutputText($job['pykotajobsize'][0]);
$size->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT;
$pykotaJobs->addElement(new htmlOutputText($job['pykotatitle'][0]), true);
$pykotaJobsLabel = new htmlOutputText($this->getSelfServiceLabel('pykotaJobHistory', _('Job history')));
$pykotaJobsLabel->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_TOP;
$return['pykotaJobHistory'] = new htmlTableRow(array(
$pykotaJobsLabel, $pykotaJobs
return $return;
* Checks if the self service settings are valid.
* Calling this method does not require the existence of an enclosing {@link accountContainer}.
* If the input data is invalid the return value is an array that contains arrays
* to build StatusMessages (message type, message head, message text). If no errors
* occured the function returns an empty array.
* @param array $options hash array (option name => value) that contains the input. The option values are all arrays containing one or more elements.
* @param selfServiceProfile $profile self service profile
* @return array error messages
public function checkSelfServiceSettings(&$options, &$profile) {
$errors = array();
if (get_class($this) == 'pykotaUser') {
if (!empty($options['pykotaUser_jobSuffix'][0]) && !get_preg($options['pykotaUser_jobSuffix'][0], 'dn')) {
$errors[] = $this->messages['jobSuffix'][0];
return $errors;
* Returns if the uid attribute should be managed.
* @return boolean manage uid attribute
private function manageUid() {
if (isset($_SESSION['config'])) {
$conf = $_SESSION['config'];
if (in_array('inetOrgPerson', $conf->get_AccountModules($this->get_scope()))
|| in_array('posixAccount', $conf->get_AccountModules($this->get_scope()))) {
return false;
else {
return true;
return false;
* Returns if the mail attribute should be managed.
* @return boolean manage mail attribute
private function manageMail() {
if (isset($_SESSION['config'])) {
$conf = $_SESSION['config'];
if (in_array('inetOrgPerson', $conf->get_AccountModules($this->get_scope()))) {
return false;
else {
return true;
return false;
* Returns if the description attribute should be managed.
* @return boolean manage description attribute
private function manageDescription() {
if (isset($_SESSION['config'])) {
$conf = $_SESSION['config'];
if (in_array('inetOrgPerson', $conf->get_AccountModules($this->get_scope()))) {
return false;
else {
return true;
return false;
* Returns if the given uid already exists.
* @param String $uid uid attribute value
* @return boolean uid exists
private function uidExists($uid) {
if ($this->uidCache == null) {
return in_array($uid, $this->uidCache);
* Returns if the given pykotaUserName already exists.
* @param String $pykotaUserName pykotaUserName attribute value
* @return boolean pykotaUserName exists
private function pykotaUserNameExists($pykotaUserName) {
if ($this->pykotaUserNameCache == null) {
return in_array($pykotaUserName, $this->pykotaUserNameCache);
* Loads the list of user names into the cache.
private function loadUserNameCache() {
$results = searchLDAPByFilter('(|(uid=*)(pykotaUserName=*))', array('uid', 'pykotaUserName'), array($this->get_scope()));
$this->uidCache = array();
$this->pykotaUserNameCache = array();
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (isset($result['uid'][0])) {
$this->uidCache[] = $result['uid'][0];
if (isset($result['pykotausername'][0])) {
$this->pykotaUserNameCache[] = $result['pykotausername'][0];
* Returns the current user name (uid) of this account.
* @return String user name
private function getCurrentUserName() {
if (!empty($this->attributes['uid'][0])) {
return $this->attributes['uid'][0];
if ($this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('posixAccount') != null) {
$posix = $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('posixAccount');
$attrs = $posix->getAttributes();
if (!empty($attrs['uid'][0])) {
return $attrs['uid'][0];
if ($this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson') != null) {
$personal = $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson');
$attrs = $personal->getAttributes();
if (!empty($attrs['uid'][0])) {
return $attrs['uid'][0];
return '';
* Returns a list of jobs for the given user reverse-sorted by date.
* The number of jobs is limited to 100.
* @param String $user user name
* @param String $suffix LDAP suffix for job objects
private function getJobs($user, $suffix) {
$attrs = array('createTimestamp', 'pykotaTitle', 'pykotaPrinterName', 'pykotaJobPrice', 'pykotaJobSize');
if (isset($_SESSION['ldapHandle']) && is_resource($_SESSION['ldapHandle'])) {
$handle = $_SESSION['ldapHandle'];
else {
$handle = $_SESSION['ldap']->server();
$sr = @ldap_search($handle, $suffix, '(&(objectClass=pykotaJob)(pykotaUserName=' . $user . '))', $attrs);
if (!$sr) {
return array();
$jobList = ldap_get_entries($handle, $sr);
if (!$jobList) {
return array();
$jobs = array();
foreach ($jobList as $index => $job) {
$jobs[$job['createtimestamp'][0] . $index] = $job;
if (sizeof($jobs) > 100) {
$jobs = array_slice($jobs, 0, 100);
return array_values($jobs);