groupTypes = array(
_('Security') => windowsGroup::TYPE_SECURITY,
_('Distribution') => windowsGroup::TYPE_DISTRIBUTION,
$this->groupScopes = array(
_('Domain local') => windowsGroup::SCOPE_DOMAIN_LOCAL,
_('Global') => windowsGroup::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
_('Universal') => windowsGroup::SCOPE_UNIVERSAL,
// call parent constructor
* Returns meta data that is interpreted by parent class
* @return array array with meta data
* @see baseModule::get_metaData()
public function get_metaData() {
$return = array();
// icon
$return['icon'] = 'samba.png';
// manages host accounts
$return["account_types"] = array('group');
// this is a base module
$return["is_base"] = true;
// RDN attribute
$return["RDN"] = array("cn" => "high");
// LDAP filter
$return["ldap_filter"] = array('and' => "", 'or' => '(objectClass=group)');
// alias name
$return["alias"] = _("Windows");
// module dependencies
$return['dependencies'] = array('depends' => array(), 'conflicts' => array());
// managed object classes
$return['objectClasses'] = array('group', 'securityPrincipal', 'mailRecipient');
// managed attributes
$return['attributes'] = array('cn', 'description', 'info', 'mail', 'member', 'sAMAccountName', 'groupType',
'managedBy', 'msSFU30Name', 'msSFU30NisDomain');
// help Entries
$return['help'] = array(
'hiddenOptions' => array(
"Headline" => _("Hidden options"),
"Text" => _("The selected options will not be managed inside LAM. You can use this to reduce the number of displayed input fields.")
'cn' => array(
"Headline" => _('Group name'), 'attr' => 'cn, sAMAccountName',
"Text" => _('Please enter the group name.')
'description' => array(
"Headline" => _('Description'), 'attr' => 'description',
"Text" => _('Please enter a descriptive text for this group.')
'info' => array(
"Headline" => _('Notes'), 'attr' => 'info',
"Text" => _('Additional notes to describe this entry.')
'mail' => array(
"Headline" => _('Email address'), 'attr' => 'mail',
"Text" => _('The list\'s email address.')
'member' => array(
"Headline" => _('Members'), 'attr' => 'member',
"Text" => _('This is a list of members of this group.')
'memberList' => array(
"Headline" => _('Members'), 'attr' => 'member',
"Text" => _('This is a list of members of this group. Multiple members are separated by semicolons.')
'groupType' => array(
"Headline" => _('Group type'), 'attr' => 'groupType',
"Text" => _('Security groups are used for permission management and distribution groups as email lists.')
'groupScope' => array(
"Headline" => _('Group scope'), 'attr' => 'groupType',
"Text" => _('Please specify the group scope.')
'managedBy' => array(
"Headline" => _('Managed by'), 'attr' => 'managedBy',
"Text" => _('The group is managed by this contact person.')
'msSFU30Name' => array(
"Headline" => _('NIS name'), 'attr' => 'msSFU30Name',
"Text" => _('Group name for NIS.')
'msSFU30NisDomain' => array(
"Headline" => _('NIS domain'), 'attr' => 'msSFU30NisDomain',
"Text" => _('NIS domain name.')
// configuration settings
$configContainer = new htmlTable();
$configContainerHead = new htmlTable();
$configContainerHead->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Hidden options')));
$configContainerHead->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('hiddenOptions'));
$configContainerOptions = new htmlTable();
$configContainer->addElement($configContainerHead, true);
$configContainerOptions->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox('windowsGroup_hidemail', false, _('Email address'), null, false));
$configContainerOptions->addElement(new htmlOutputText(' '));
$configContainerOptions->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox('windowsGroup_hidemanagedBy', false, _('Managed by'), null, false));
$configContainerOptions->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30Name', true, _('NIS name'), null, false));
$configContainerOptions->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30NisDomain', true, _('NIS domain'), null, false));
$configContainer->addElement($configContainerOptions, true);
$return['config_options']['all'] = $configContainer;
// upload fields
$return['upload_columns'] = array(
'name' => 'windowsGroup_name',
'description' => _('Group name'),
'help' => 'cn',
'example' => _('Domain administrators'),
'required' => true
'name' => 'windowsGroup_description',
'description' => _('Description'),
'help' => 'description',
'example' => _('Domain administrators'),
'name' => 'windowsGroup_notes',
'description' => _('Notes'),
'help' => 'info',
'example' => _('Domain administrators'),
'name' => 'windowsGroup_scope',
'description' => _('Group scope'),
'help' => 'groupScope',
'values' => implode(', ', array_values($this->groupScopes)),
'example' => windowsGroup::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
'default' => windowsGroup::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
'name' => 'windowsGroup_type',
'description' => _('Group type'),
'help' => 'groupType',
'values' => implode(', ', array_values($this->groupTypes)),
'example' => windowsGroup::TYPE_SECURITY,
'default' => windowsGroup::TYPE_SECURITY,
'name' => 'windowsGroup_members',
'description' => _('Members'),
'help' => 'memberList',
'example' => 'uid=user1,o=test;uid=user2,o=test',
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemail')) {
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'windowsGroup_mail',
'description' => _('Email address'),
'help' => 'mail',
'example' => _(''),
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemanagedBy')) {
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'windowsGroup_managedBy',
'description' => _('Managed by'),
'help' => 'managedBy',
'example' => 'cn=user1,o=test',
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30Name', true)) {
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'windowsGroup_msSFU30Name',
'description' => _('NIS name'),
'help' => 'msSFU30Name',
'example' => _('adminstrators'),
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30NisDomain', true)) {
$return['upload_columns'][] = array(
'name' => 'windowsGroup_msSFU30NisDomain',
'description' => _('NIS domain'),
'help' => 'msSFU30NisDomain',
'example' => _('domain'),
// profile options
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30NisDomain', true)) {
$profileContainer = new htmlTable();
$profileContainer->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('NIS domain'), 'windowsGroup_msSFU30NisDomain', null, 'msSFU30NisDomain'), true);
$return['profile_options'] = $profileContainer;
$return['profile_mappings']['windowsGroup_msSFU30NisDomain'] = 'msSFU30NisDomain';
// available PDF fields
$return['PDF_fields'] = array(
'cn' => _('Group name'),
'description' => _('Description'),
'info' => _('Notes'),
'member' => _('Members'),
'groupType' => _('Group type'),
'groupScope' => _('Group scope'),
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemail')) {
$return['PDF_fields']['mail'] = _('Email address');
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemanagedBy')) {
$return['PDF_fields']['managedBy'] = _('Managed by');
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30Name', true)) {
$return['PDF_fields']['msSFU30Name'] = _('NIS name');
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30NisDomain', true)) {
$return['PDF_fields']['msSFU30NisDomain'] = _('NIS domain');
return $return;
* This function fills the $messages variable with output messages from this module.
public function load_Messages() {
$this->messages['cn'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Group name'), _('Group name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
$this->messages['cn'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' windowsGroup_cn', _('Group name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
$this->messages['mail'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Email address'), _('Please enter a valid email address!'));
$this->messages['mail'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' windowsGroup_mail', _('Please enter a valid email address!'));
$this->messages['groupScope'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' windowsGroup_groupScope', _('Please enter a valid group scope.'));
$this->messages['groupType'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' windowsGroup_groupType', _('Please enter a valid group type.'));
$this->messages['msSFU30Name'][0] = array('ERROR', _('NIS name'), _('NIS name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
$this->messages['msSFU30Name'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' windowsGroup_msSFU30Name', _('NIS name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
* Returns the HTML meta data for the main account page.
* @return htmlElement HTML meta data
public function display_html_attributes() {
$container = new htmlTable();
$this->addSimpleInputTextField($container, 'cn', _('Group name'), true);
$this->addSimpleInputTextField($container, 'description', _('Description'), false);
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemail')) {
$this->addSimpleInputTextField($container, 'mail', _('Email address'), false);
// group type
$groupType = windowsGroup::TYPE_SECURITY;
$groupScope = windowsGroup::SCOPE_GLOBAL;
if (isset($this->attributes['groupType'][0])) {
if ($this->attributes['groupType'][0] & 2) {
$groupScope = windowsGroup::SCOPE_GLOBAL;
elseif ($this->attributes['groupType'][0] & 4) {
$groupScope = windowsGroup::SCOPE_DOMAIN_LOCAL;
elseif ($this->attributes['groupType'][0] & 8) {
$groupScope = windowsGroup::SCOPE_UNIVERSAL;
if ($this->attributes['groupType'][0] & 0x80000000) {
$groupType = windowsGroup::TYPE_SECURITY;
else {
$groupType = windowsGroup::TYPE_DISTRIBUTION;
$scopeList = $this->groupScopes;
// do not allow invalid conversions
if (isset($this->orig['groupType'][0])) {
$flippedScopes = array_flip($this->groupScopes);
if ($this->orig['groupType'][0] & 2) {
// no change from global to domain local
elseif ($this->orig['groupType'][0] & 4) {
// no change from domain local to global
$groupScopeSelect = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('groupScope', $scopeList, array($groupScope), _('Group scope'), 'groupScope');
$container->addElement($groupScopeSelect, true);
$groupTypeSelect = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('groupType', $this->groupTypes, array($groupType), _('Group type'), 'groupType');
$container->addElement($groupTypeSelect, true);
// notes
$info = '';
if (isset($this->attributes['info'][0])) {
$info = $this->attributes['info'][0];
$container->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputTextarea('info', $info, 30, 5, _('Notes'), 'info'), true);
// managed by
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemanagedBy')) {
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Managed by')));
$managedBy = '-';
if (isset($this->attributes['managedBy'][0])) {
$managedBy = $this->attributes['managedBy'][0];
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(getAbstractDN($managedBy)));
$container->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('managedBy'), true);
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(''));
$managedByButtons = new htmlGroup();
$managedByButtons->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'managedBy', 'edit', _('Change')));
if (isset($this->attributes['managedBy'][0])) {
$managedByButtons->addElement(new htmlSpacer('5px', null));
$managedByButtons->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'attributes', 'removeManagedBy', _('Remove')));
$container->addElement($managedByButtons, true);
// NIS
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30Name', true) || !$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30NisDomain', true)) {
$container->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_('NIS')), true);
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30Name', true)) {
$this->addSimpleInputTextField($container, 'msSFU30Name', _('NIS name'));
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30NisDomain', true)) {
$this->addSimpleInputTextField($container, 'msSFU30NisDomain', _('NIS domain'));
// group members
$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '10px'), true);
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("Group members")));
$container->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'user', 'open', _('Edit members')));
$container->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('member'), true);
$memberList = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['member'])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->attributes['member']); $i++) {
$memberList[] = $this->attributes['member'][$i];
usort($memberList, 'compareDN');
$members = new htmlTable();
$members->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT;
$members->colspan = 3;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($memberList); $i++) {
$member = new htmlOutputText(getAbstractDN($memberList[$i]));
$member->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT;
$members->addElement($member, true);
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(''));
$container->addElement($members, true);
$container->addElement(new htmlEqualWidth(array('groupType', 'groupScope')));
return $container;
* Processes user input of the primary module page.
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes.
* @return array list of info/error messages
public function process_attributes() {
$return = array();
// cn
$this->attributes['cn'][0] = $_POST['cn'];
$this->attributes['sAMAccountName'][0] = $_POST['cn'];
if (!get_preg($_POST['cn'], 'groupname')) {
$return[] = $this->messages['cn'][0];
// description
$this->attributes['description'][0] = $_POST['description'];
// email
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemail')) {
$this->attributes['mail'][0] = $_POST['mail'];
if (!empty($_POST['mail']) && !get_preg($_POST['mail'], 'email')) {
$return[] = $this->messages['mail'][0];
// group scope
switch ($_POST['groupScope']) {
case windowsGroup::SCOPE_DOMAIN_LOCAL:
$this->attributes['groupType'][0] = 4;
case windowsGroup::SCOPE_GLOBAL:
$this->attributes['groupType'][0] = 2;
case windowsGroup::SCOPE_UNIVERSAL:
$this->attributes['groupType'][0] = 8;
// group type
if ($_POST['groupType'] == windowsGroup::TYPE_SECURITY) {
$this->attributes['groupType'][0] = $this->attributes['groupType'][0] - 2147483648;
// notes
$this->attributes['info'][0] = $_POST['info'];
// managed by
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemanagedBy')) {
if (isset($_POST['form_subpage_' . get_class($this) . '_attributes_removeManagedBy'])) {
// NIS name
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30Name', true)) {
if ($this->getAccountContainer()->isNewAccount && !isset($this->attributes['msSFU30Name']) && empty($_POST['msSFU30Name'])) {
$this->attributes['msSFU30Name'][0] = $_POST['cn'];
else {
$this->attributes['msSFU30Name'][0] = $_POST['msSFU30Name'];
if (!empty($this->attributes['msSFU30Name'][0]) && !get_preg($this->attributes['msSFU30Name'][0], 'groupname')) {
$return[] = $this->messages['msSFU30Name'][0];
// NIS domain
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30Name', true)) {
$this->attributes['msSFU30NisDomain'][0] = $_POST['msSFU30NisDomain'];
return $return;
* This function will create the meta HTML code to show a page to change the member attribute.
* @return htmlElement HTML meta data
function display_html_managedBy() {
$return = new htmlTable();
// show possible managers
$options = array();
$filter = get_ldap_filter('user');
$entries = searchLDAPByFilter($filter, array('dn'), array('user'));
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($entries); $i++) {
$entries[$i] = $entries[$i]['dn'];
// sort by DN
usort($entries, 'compareDN');
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($entries); $i++) {
$options[getAbstractDN($entries[$i])] = $entries[$i];
$selected = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['managedBy'][0])) {
$selected = array($this->attributes['managedBy'][0]);
if (!in_array($selected[0], $options)) {
$options[getAbstractDN($selected[0])] = $selected[0];
$membersSelect = new htmlSelect('managedBy', $options, $selected);
$return->addElement($membersSelect, true);
$buttonTable = new htmlTable();
$buttonTable->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'attributes', 'set', _('Change')));
$buttonTable->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'attributes', 'cancel', _('Cancel')));
return $return;
* Processes user input of the members page.
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes.
* @return array list of info/error messages
function process_managedBy() {
$return = array();
if (isset($_POST['form_subpage_' . get_class($this) . '_attributes_set'])) {
$this->attributes['managedBy'][] = $_POST['managedBy'];
return $return;
* This function will create the meta HTML code to show a page to change the member attribute.
* @return htmlElement HTML meta data
function display_html_user() {
$return = new htmlTable();
// show list of possible new members
if (isset($_POST['form_subpage_' . get_class($this) . '_user_select']) && isset($_POST['type'])) {
$options = array();
$filter = get_ldap_filter($_POST['type']);
$entries = searchLDAPByFilter($filter, array('dn'), array($_POST['type']));
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($entries); $i++) {
$entries[$i] = $entries[$i]['dn'];
// sort by DN
usort($entries, 'compareDN');
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($entries); $i++) {
if (!isset($this->attributes['member']) || !in_array($entries[$i], $this->attributes['member'])) {
$options[getAbstractDN($entries[$i])] = $entries[$i];
$size = 20;
if (sizeof($options) < 20) $size = sizeof($options);
$membersSelect = new htmlSelect('members', $options, array(), $size);
$return->addElement($membersSelect, true);
$buttonTable = new htmlTable();
$buttonTable->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'user', 'addMembers', _('Add')));
$buttonTable->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'user', 'cancel', _('Cancel')));
return $return;
// show existing members
$membersTemp = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['member'])) {
$membersTemp = $this->attributes['member'];
// sort by DN
usort($membersTemp, 'compareDN');
$members = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($membersTemp); $i++) {
$members[getAbstractDN($membersTemp[$i])] = $membersTemp[$i];
$size = 20;
if (isset($this->attributes['member']) && (sizeof($this->attributes['member']) < 20)) {
$size = sizeof($this->attributes['member']);
if (sizeof($members) > 0) {
$membersSelect = new htmlSelect('members', $members, array(), $size);
$return->addElement($membersSelect, true);
$removeButton = new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'user', 'remove', _('Remove selected entries'));
$removeButton->colspan = 3;
$return->addElement($removeButton, true);
$return->addElement(new htmlOutputText(' ', false), true);
$types = $_SESSION['config']->get_ActiveTypes();
$options = array();
$optionsSelected = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++) {
$options[getTypeAlias($types[$i])] = $types[$i];
if ($types[$i] == 'user') {
$optionsSelected[] = $types[$i];
$typeTable = new htmlTable();
$typeTable->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Add entries of this type:') . ' '));
$typeSelect = new htmlSelect('type', $options, $optionsSelected);
$typeTable->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'user', 'select', _('Ok')));
$return->addElement($typeTable, true);
$return->addElement(new htmlOutputText(' ', false), true);
$return->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'attributes', 'membersBack', _('Back')));
return $return;
* Processes user input of the members page.
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes.
* @return array list of info/error messages
function process_user() {
$return = array();
if (isset($_POST['form_subpage_' . get_class($this) . '_user_remove']) && isset($_POST['members'])) {
$members = array_flip($this->attributes['member']);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($_POST['members']); $i++) {
if (isset($members[$_POST['members'][$i]])) {
$this->attributes['member'] = array_values(array_flip($members));
elseif (isset($_POST['form_subpage_' . get_class($this) . '_user_addMembers']) && isset($_POST['members'])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($_POST['members']); $i++) {
$this->attributes['member'][] = $_POST['members'][$i];
$this->attributes['member'] = array_unique($this->attributes['member']);
// check input
if (!isset($_POST['form_subpage_' . get_class($this) . '_user_select'])) {
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('groupOfNames_membersOptional')) {
if (!isset($this->attributes['member']) || (sizeof($this->attributes['member']) < 1)) {
$return[] = $this->messages['member'][0];
return $return;
* In this function the LDAP account is built up.
* @param array $rawAccounts list of hash arrays (name => value) from user input
* @param array $ids list of IDs for column position (e.g. "posixAccount_uid" => 5)
* @param array $partialAccounts list of hash arrays (name => value) which are later added to LDAP
* @param array $selectedModules list of selected account modules
* @return array list of error messages if any
public function build_uploadAccounts($rawAccounts, $ids, &$partialAccounts, $selectedModules) {
$errors = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rawAccounts); $i++) {
// add object class
if (!in_array('group', $partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'])) $partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'][] = 'group';
// cn + sAMAccountName
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_name']] != "") {
if (get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_name']], 'groupname')) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['cn'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_name']];
$partialAccounts[$i]['sAMAccountName'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_name']];
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['cn'][1];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
// description
$this->mapSimpleUploadField($rawAccounts, $ids, $partialAccounts, $i, 'windowsGroup_description', 'description');
// notes
$this->mapSimpleUploadField($rawAccounts, $ids, $partialAccounts, $i, 'windowsGroup_notes', 'info');
// email
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemail')) {
$this->mapSimpleUploadField($rawAccounts, $ids, $partialAccounts, $i, 'windowsGroup_mail', 'mail',
'email', $this->messages['mail'][1], $errors);
// managed by
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemanagedBy')) {
$this->mapSimpleUploadField($rawAccounts, $ids, $partialAccounts, $i, 'windowsGroup_managedBy', 'managedBy');
// add members
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_members']] != "") {
$partialAccounts[$i]['member'] = explode(";", $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_members']]);
// group scope
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_scope']] != "") {
if (in_array($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_scope']], $this->groupScopes)) {
switch ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_scope']]) {
case windowsGroup::SCOPE_DOMAIN_LOCAL:
$partialAccounts[$i]['groupType'] = 4;
case windowsGroup::SCOPE_GLOBAL:
$partialAccounts[$i]['groupType'] = 2;
case windowsGroup::SCOPE_UNIVERSAL:
$partialAccounts[$i]['groupType'] = 8;
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['groupScope'][0];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
else {
$partialAccounts[$i]['groupType'] = 2;
// group type
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_type']] != "") {
if (in_array($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_type']], $this->groupTypes)) {
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['windowsGroup_type']] == windowsGroup::TYPE_SECURITY) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['groupType'] = $partialAccounts[$i]['groupType'] - 2147483648;
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['groupType'][0];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
else {
$partialAccounts[$i]['groupType'] = $partialAccounts[$i]['groupType'] - 2147483648;
// NIS name
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30Name', true)) {
$this->mapSimpleUploadField($rawAccounts, $ids, $partialAccounts, $i, 'windowsGroup_msSFU30Name', 'msSFU30Name',
'groupname', $this->messages['msSFU30Name'][1], $errors);
// NIS domain
if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('windowsGroup_hidemsSFU30NisDomain', true)) {
$this->mapSimpleUploadField($rawAccounts, $ids, $partialAccounts, $i, 'windowsGroup_msSFU30NisDomain', 'msSFU30NisDomain');
return $errors;
* Returns a list of PDF entries
public function get_pdfEntries() {
$return = array();
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'cn', _('Group name'));
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'description', _('Description'));
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'info', _('Notes'));
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'mail', _('Email address'));
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'msSFU30Name', _('NIS name'));
$this->addSimplePDFField($return, 'msSFU30NisDomain', _('NIS domain'));
// group type
$groupType = windowsGroup::TYPE_SECURITY;
$groupScope = windowsGroup::SCOPE_GLOBAL;
if (isset($this->attributes['groupType'][0])) {
if ($this->attributes['groupType'][0] & 2) {
$groupScope = windowsGroup::SCOPE_GLOBAL;
elseif ($this->attributes['groupType'][0] & 4) {
$groupScope = windowsGroup::SCOPE_DOMAIN_LOCAL;
elseif ($this->attributes['groupType'][0] & 8) {
$groupScope = windowsGroup::SCOPE_UNIVERSAL;
if ($this->attributes['groupType'][0] & 0x80000000) {
$groupType = windowsGroup::TYPE_SECURITY;
else {
$groupType = windowsGroup::TYPE_DISTRIBUTION;
$groupTypeLabels = array_flip($this->groupTypes);
$groupType = $groupTypeLabels[$groupType];
$groupScopeLabels = array_flip($this->groupScopes);
$groupScope = $groupScopeLabels[$groupScope];
$return[get_class($this) . '_groupScope'] = array('' . _('Group scope') . '' . $groupScope . '');
$return[get_class($this) . '_groupType'] = array('' . _('Group type') . '' . $groupType . '');
// managed by
$managedBy = '';
if (isset($this->attributes['managedBy'][0])) {
$managedBy = getAbstractDN($this->attributes['managedBy'][0]);
$return[get_class($this) . '_managedBy'] = array('' . _('Managed by') . '' . $managedBy . '');
// members
if (sizeof($this->attributes['member']) > 0) {
$memberList = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['member']) && is_array($this->attributes['member'])) {
$memberList = $this->attributes['member'];
usort($memberList, 'compareDN');
$return[get_class($this) . '_member'][0] = '' . _('Members') . '' . $memberList[0] . ' |
for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($memberList); $i++) {
$return[get_class($this) . '_member'][] = '' . $memberList[$i] . ' |
return $return;