array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("Login"),
"Text" => _("Please enter the configuration password. This is NOT your LDAP password. It is stored in your .conf-file. If this is the first time you log in, enter \"lam\".")),
"201" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("Server address"),
"Text" => _("This is the server address of your LDAP server. Use ldap:// for standard LDAP connections and ldaps:// for encrypted (require server certificates) connections. The port value is optional.") .
" .
_("Examples") .
" .
_("ldap://localhost:389 connects to localhost using a standard LDAP connection on port 389") .
" .
_("ldaps:// connects to using an encrypted LDAP connection.") .
" .
_("Note") .
" .
_("When using ldaps:// be sure to use exactly the same IP/domain name as in your certificate!")),
"202" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("User/Group/Host suffix"),
"Text" => _("This is the suffix of the LDAP tree from where to search for user/group/host entries. Only entries in these subtrees will be displayed in the user/group/host list. When creating a new accont this will be the DN where it is saved.") .
_("ou=People,dc=yourcompany,dc=com will read and store all accounts in this subtree.")),
"206" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("List attributes"),
"Text" => _("This is the list of attributes to show in the user/group/host list. The entries can either be predefined values, \"#attribute\", or individual ones, \"attribute:description\". Several entries are seperated by semicolons.") .
" .
_("Example") .
": #homeDirectory;#uid;#uidNumber;#gidNumber;mail:Mail address
" .
_("Predefined values") .
" .
_("Users") .
": #uid, #uidNumber, #gidNumber, #cn, #host, #givenName, #sn, #homeDirectory, #loginShell, #mail, #gecos".
" .
_("Groups") .
": #cn, #gidNumber, #memberUID, #member, #description".
" .
_("Hosts") .
": #uid, #cn, #rid, #description"),
"207" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("Valid users"),
"Text" => _("This is a list of valid DN entries of all users that are allowed to login to LDAP Account Manager. The user names have to be separated by semicolons.") .
" .
_("Example") .
": cn=admin,dc=yourdomain,dc=org;cn=manager,dc=yourdomain,dc=org"),
"208" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("Maximum list entries"),
"Text" => _("This is the number of rows to show in the user/group/host list. If more entries are found the list will be split into several pages.")),
"209" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("Default language"),
"Text" => _("This defines the language of the login window and sets this language as the default language. Users can change the language at login.")),
"210" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("Script path"),
"Text" => _("This is the absolute path to an external script for setting quotas and creating home directories.").
_("Use it at your own risk and read the documentation for lamdaemon before you use it!").
"211" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("Script server"),
"Text" => _("This is the server where the lamdaemon script is stored. LDAP Account Manager will make a SSH connection to this server with username and password provided at login.").
_("Use it at your own risk and read the documentation for lamdaemon before you use it!").
"212" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("Change password"),
"Text" => _("If you want to change the current preferences password, please enter it here.")),
"214" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("Cache timeout"),
"Text" => _("This is the time in minutes which LAM caches its LDAP searches. Shorter times will stress LDAP more but decrease the possibility that changes are not identified.")),
"216" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("Text for user PDF"),
"Text" => _("This text will appear on top of every user PDF file.")),
"217" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration wizard") . " - " . _("Account modules"),
"Text" => _("Here you can select which plugins you want to use for account management.")),
"230" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Add profile"),
"Text" => _("Please enter the name of the new profile and the password to change its settings. Profile names may contain letters, numbers and -/_.")),
"231" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Rename profile"),
"Text" => _("Please enter the new name of the profile. The name may contain letters, numbers and -/_.")),
"232" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Delete profile"),
"Text" => _("This will delete the selected profile.")),
"233" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Set profile password"),
"Text" => _("This changes the password of the selected profile.")),
"234" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Change default profile"),
"Text" => _("This changes the profile which is selected by default at login.")),
"235" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Change master password"),
"Text" => _("If you want to change your master configuration password, please enter it here.")),
"236" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Master password"),
"Text" => _("Please enter the master configuration password. This is NOT your LDAP password. It is stored in your config.cfg file. If this is the first time you log in, enter \"lam\".")),
// 300 - 399
// Roland Gruber
// profile editor, file upload
"301" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("RDN identifier"),
"Text" => _("This is the identifier for the relative DN value. It must be one of the given allowed LDAP attributes (e.g. user accounts usually use \"uid\" while groups use \"cn\").")),
"360" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile name"),
"Text" => _("Name under which the profile will be saved. If a profile with the same name exists, it will be overwritten.")),
"361" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("DN suffix"),
"Text" => _("The new account will be saved under this LDAP suffix.")),
// 400 - 499
// Tilo Lutz
// account.php
"400" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Username"),
"Text" => _("Username of the user who should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,0-9, .-_. Lam does not allow a number as first character because useradd also does not allow it. Lam does not allow capital letters A-Z because it can cause several problems. If username is already used username will be expanded with a number. The next free number will be used. Warning: Older systems have problems with usernames longer than 8 characters. You can not log in to Windows if username is longer than 16 characters.")),
"401" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("UID number"),
"Text" => _("If empty UID number will be generated automaticly.")),
"402" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Additional groups"),
"Text" => _("Hold the CTRL-key to (de)select multiple groups."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"403" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Home directory"),
"Text" => _("$user and $group are replaced with username or primary groupname.")),
"404" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Gecos"),
"Text" => _("User description. If left empty sur- and give name will be used.")),
"405" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Login shell"),
"Text" => _("To disable login use /bin/false. List of shells is read from lam/config/shells")),
"406" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Primary group"),
"Text" => _("The Primary Group the user should be member of.")),
"407" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Groupname"),
"Text" => _("Group name of the group which should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,0-9, .-_. Lam does not allow a number as first character because groupadd also does not allow it. Lam does not allow capital letters A-Z because it can cause several problems. If groupname is already used groupname will be expanded with a number. The next free number will be used.")),
"408" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("GID number"),
"Text" => _("If empty GID number will be generated automaticly depending on your configuration settings.")),
"409" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Gecos"),
"Text" => _("Group description. If left empty group name will be used.")),
"410" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Host name"),
"Text" => _("Host name of the host which should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,0-9, .-_$. Lam does not allow a number as first character because useradd also does not allow it. Lam does not allow capital letters A-Z because it can cause several problems. Hostnames are always ending with $. If last character is not $ it will be added. If hostname is already used hostname will be expanded with a number. The next free number will be used.")),
"411" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("UID number"),
"Text" => _("If empty UID number will be generated automaticly.")),
"412" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Primary group"),
"Text" => _("The Primary group the host should be member of.")),
"413" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Gecos"),
"Text" => _("Host description. If left empty host name will be used.")),
"414" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Password warn"),
"Text" => _("Days before password is to expire that user is warned of pending password expiration. If set value must be 0<."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"415" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Password expire"),
"Text" => _("Number of days a user can login even his password has expired. -1=always."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"416" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Maximum password age"),
"Text" => _("Number of days after a user has to change his password again. If set value must be 0<."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"417" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Minimum password age"),
"Text" => _("Number of days a user has to wait until he\'s allowed to change his password again. If set value must be 0<."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"418" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Expire date"),
"Text" => _("Account expire date. Format: DD-MM-YYYY")),
"419" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Group members"),
"Text" => _("Users wich are also members of group.")),
"420" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Display name"),
"Text" => _("Windows clients will show display name as group description.")),
"421" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Load profile"),
"Text" => _("You can select a previous defined profile here. This will set all fields to the profile values.")),
"422" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Expand suffix with primary groupname"),
"Text" => _("If selected users will be added with OUs expanded with their primary group. E.g. if a user is in group admin the user suffix will be ou=admin,+user suffix.")),
"423" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Group suffix"),
"Text" => _("If a not yet existing group is defined in csv-file, a new group in the selected group suffix will be created.")),
"424" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Last name"),
"Text" => _("Last name of user. Only letters, - and spaces are allowed.")),
"425" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("First name"),
"Text" => _("First name of user. Only letters, - and spaces are allowed.")),
"426" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Use no password"),
"Text" => _("If checked no password will be used.")),
"428" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Use unix password"),
"Text" => _("If checked unix password will also be used as samba password.")),
"429" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Password does not expire"),
"Text" => _("If checked password does not expire. (Setting X-Flag)")),
"430" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("User can change password"),
"Text" => _("Date after the user is able to change his password. Format: DD-MM-YYYY")),
"431" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("User must change password"),
"Text" => _("Date after the user must change his password. Format: DD-MM-YYYY")),
"432" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Account is deactivated"),
"Text" => _("If checked account will be deactivated. (Setting D-Flag)")),
"433" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Home drive"),
"Text" => _("Driveletter assigned on windows workstations as homedirectory.")),
"434" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Script path"),
"Text" => _("Filename and -path relative to netlogon-share which should be executed on logon. $%s and $%s are replaced with user- and groupname."). ' '. _("Can be left empty."),
"variables" => array('user', 'group')),
"435" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile path"),
"Text" => _("Path of the userprofile. Can be a local absolute path or a UNC-path (\\\\server\\share). $%s and $%s are replaced with user- and groupname."). ' '. _("Can be left empty."),
"variables" => array('user', 'group')),
"436" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Samba workstations"),
"Text" => _("List of samba workstations the user is allowed to login. Empty means every workstation."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"437" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Home path"),
"Text" => _("UNC-path (\\\\server\\share) of homedirectory. $%s and $%s are replaced with user- and groupname."). ' '. _("Can be left empty."),
"variables" => array('user', 'group')),
"438" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Domain"),
"Text" => _("Windows-Domain of user."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"457" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Save profile"),
"Text" => _("This will make a profile of the current account. The saved values are the same as in the profile editor. Profile names may contain the letters a-z, 0-9 and -_.")),
"458" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Select group profile"),
"Text" => _("If a not yet existing group is defined in csv-file, a new group with the selected group profile will be created.")),
"460" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Windows domain"),
"Text" => _("Windows domain of host."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"461" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Suffix"),
"Text" => _("Position in ldap-tree where the user should be created.")),
"462" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Suffix"),
"Text" => _("Position in ldap-tree where the group should be created.")),
"463" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Suffix"),
"Text" => _("Position in ldap-tree where the host should be created.")),
"464" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Windows groupname"),
"Text" => _("If you want to use a well known RID you can selcet a well known group.")),
"466" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Unix workstations"),
"Text" => _("Comma separated list of unix workstations the user is allowed to login."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"467" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Domain"),
"Text" => _("Windows-Domain of group."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"468" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Group members"),
"Text" => _("Users also being member of the current group."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
// 600 - 699
// Roland Gruber
// OU-editor, domain page
"601" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("OU-Editor") . " - " . _("New organizational unit"),
"Text" => _("This will create a new organizational unit under the selected one.")),
"602" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("OU-Editor") . " - " . _("Delete organizational unit"),
"Text" => _("This will delete the selected organizational unit. The OU has to be empty.")),
"651" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Domain name"),
"Text" => _("The name of your Windows domain or workgroup.")),
"652" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Suffix"),
"Text" => _("The domain entry will be saved under this suffix.")),
"653" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Domain SID"),
"Text" => _("The SID of your Samba server. Get it with \"net getlocalsid\".")),
"654" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Next RID"),
"Text" => _("Next RID to use when creating accounts.")),
"655" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Next User RID"),
"Text" => _("Next RID to use when creating user accounts.")),
"656" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Next Group RID"),
"Text" => _("Next RID to use when creating groups.")),
"657" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Algorithmic RID Base"),
"Text" => _("Used for calculating RIDs from UID/GID. Do not change if unsure."))
/* This is a sample help entry. Just copy this line an modify the vakues between the [] brackets.
Help text is located in the array:
"[Helpnumber]" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("[Headline]"), "Text" => _("[Text]"), "SeeAlso" => "[SeeAlso link]"),
Help text is located in an extra file; File must be stored in help directory; Link has to be the path to the file if it is stored in a subdirectory and the filename with a leading slash;
"[Helpnumber]" => array ("ext" => "TRUE", "Link" => "[path/FileName]),