$filter = "objectClass=posixGroup";
$attrs = array("cn", "gidNumber");
$sr = @ldap_search($_SESSION["ldap"]->server(), $suffix, $filter, $attrs);
if ($sr) {
$info = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION["ldap"]->server(), $sr);
array_shift($info); // delete count entry
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($info); $i++) {
$trans_primary_hash[$info[$i]['gidnumber'][0]] = $info[$i]['cn'][0];
$_SESSION['trans_primary_hash'] = $trans_primary_hash;
$usr_units = $_SESSION['usr_units'];
// check if button was pressed and if we have to add/delete a user or create a PDF
if ($_POST['new_user'] || $_POST['del_user'] || $_POST['pdf_user'] || $_POST['pdf_all']){
// add new user
if ($_POST['new_user']){
// delete user(s)
elseif ($_POST['del_user']){
// search for checkboxes
$users = array_keys($_POST, "on");
$userstr = implode(";", $users);
// PDF for selected users
elseif ($_POST['pdf_user']){
// search for checkboxes
$users = array_keys($_POST, "on");
$list = array();
// load users from LDAP
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($users); $i++) {
$list[$i] = loaduser($users[$i]);
$list[$i]->unix_password = "";
$list[$i]->smb_password = "";
if (sizeof($list) > 0) createUserPDF($list);
// PDF for all users
elseif ($_POST['pdf_all']){
$list = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($_SESSION['userlist']); $i++) {
$list[$i] = loaduser($_SESSION['userlist'][$i]['dn']);
$list[$i]->unix_password = "";
$list[$i]->smb_password = "";
if (sizeof($list) > 0) createUserPDF($list);
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "
listusers \n";
echo " \n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
$page = $_GET["page"];
if (!$page) $page = 1;
// take maximum count of user entries shown on one page out of session
if ($_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries() <= 0) {
$max_pageentrys = 10; // default setting, if not yet set
else $max_pageentrys = $_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries();
// generate attribute-description table
$attr_array = array(); // list of LDAP attributes to show
$desc_array = array(); // list of descriptions for the attributes
$attr_string = $_SESSION["config"]->get_userlistAttributes();
$temp_array = explode(";", $attr_string);
$hash_table = $_SESSION["ldap"]->attributeUserArray();
// generate column attributes and descriptions
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($temp_array); $i++) {
// if value is predifined, look up description in hash_table
if (substr($temp_array[$i],0,1) == "#") {
$attr = strtolower(substr($temp_array[$i],1));
$attr_array[$i] = $attr;
$desc_array[] = strtoupper($hash_table[$attr]);
// if not predefined, the attribute is seperated by a ":" from description
else {
$attr = explode(":", $temp_array[$i]);
$attr_array[$i] = $attr[0];
$desc_array[$i] = strtoupper($attr[1]);
$sortattrib = $_GET["sortattrib"];
if (!$sortattrib)
$sortattrib = strtolower($attr_array[0]);
// check search suffix
if ($_POST['usr_suffix']) $usr_suffix = $_POST['usr_suffix']; // new suffix selected via combobox
elseif ($_SESSION['usr_suffix']) $usr_suffix = $_SESSION['usr_suffix']; // old suffix from session
else $usr_suffix = $_SESSION["config"]->get_UserSuffix(); // default suffix
// generate search filter for sort links
$searchfilter = "";
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) {
if (eregi("^([0-9a-z_\\*\\+\\-])+$", $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])])) {
$searchfilter = $searchfilter . "&filter" .
strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "=".
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])];
// configure search filter
// Unix/Samba3 users have the attribute "posixAccount" and do not end with "$"
$filter = "(&(objectClass=posixAccount) (!(uid=*$))";
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) {
if (eregi("^([0-9a-z_\\*\\+\\-])+$", $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])]))
$filter = $filter . "(" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "=" .
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] . ")";
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] = "";
$filter = $filter . ")";
// read entries only from ldap server if not yet stored in session or if refresh
// button is pressed or if filter is applied
if ($_SESSION["userlist"] && $_GET["norefresh"]) {
usort ($_SESSION["userlist"], "cmp_array");
$userinfo = $_SESSION["userlist"];
else {
$attrs = $attr_array;
$sr = @ldap_search($_SESSION["ldap"]->server(), $usr_suffix, $filter, $attrs);
if (ldap_errno($_SESSION["ldap"]->server()) == 4) {
StatusMessage("WARN", _("LDAP sizelimit exceeded, not all entries are shown."), "See README.openldap to solve this problem.");
if ($sr) {
$userinfo = ldap_get_entries ($_SESSION["ldap"]->server, $sr);
ldap_free_result ($sr);
if ($userinfo["count"] == 0) StatusMessage("WARN", "", _("No Users found!"));
// delete first array entry which is "count"
usort ($userinfo, "cmp_array");
$_SESSION["userlist"] = $userinfo;
else {
$_SESSION['userlist'] = array();
$userinfo = array();
_("LDAP Search failed! Please check your preferences."),
_("No Users found!"));
$user_count = sizeof ($_SESSION["userlist"]);
echo ("\n");
echo "\n";
* @brief draws a navigation bar to switch between pages
* @return void
function draw_navigation_bar ($user_count) {
global $max_pageentrys;
global $page;
global $sortattrib;
global $searchfilter;
global $trans_primary;
echo ("\n");
// compare function used for usort-method
// rows are sorted with the first attribute entry of the sort column
// if objects have attributes with multiple values the others are ignored
function cmp_array($a, $b) {
// sortattrib specifies the sort column
global $sortattrib;
global $attr_array;
// sort by first attribute with name $sortattrib
if (!$sortattrib) $sortattrib = strtolower($attr_array[0]);
if ($a[$sortattrib][0] == $b[$sortattrib][0]) return 0;
else if ($a[$sortattrib][0] == max($a[$sortattrib][0], $b[$sortattrib][0])) return 1;
else return -1;
// save variables to session
$_SESSION['usr_units'] = $usr_units;
$_SESSION['usr_suffix'] = $usr_suffix;