/** * Duo Web SDK v2 * Copyright 2019, Duo Security */ (function (root, factory) { /*eslint-disable */ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define([], factory); /*eslint-enable */ } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, // like Node. module.exports = factory(); } else { // Browser globals (root is window) var Duo = factory(); // If the Javascript was loaded via a script tag, attempt to autoload // the frame. Duo._onReady(Duo.init); // Attach Duo to the `window` object root.Duo = Duo; } }(this, function() { var DUO_MESSAGE_FORMAT = /^(?:AUTH|ENROLL)+\|[A-Za-z0-9\+\/=]+\|[A-Za-z0-9\+\/=]+$/; var DUO_ERROR_FORMAT = /^ERR\|[\w\s\.\(\)]+$/; var DUO_OPEN_WINDOW_FORMAT = /^DUO_OPEN_WINDOW\|/; var VALID_OPEN_WINDOW_DOMAINS = [ 'duo.com', 'duosecurity.com', 'duomobile.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com' ]; var postAction, postArgument, host, sigRequest, duoSig, appSig, iframe, submitCallback; // We use this function instead of setting initial values in the var // declarations to make sure the initial values and subsequent // re-initializations are always the same. initializeStatefulVariables(); /** * Set local variables to whatever they should be before you call init(). */ function initializeStatefulVariables() { postAction = ''; postArgument = 'sig_response'; host = undefined; sigRequest = undefined; duoSig = undefined; appSig = undefined; iframe = undefined; submitCallback = undefined; } function throwError(message, givenUrl) { var url = ( givenUrl || 'https://www.duosecurity.com/docs/duoweb#3.-show-the-iframe' ); throw new Error( 'Duo Web SDK error: ' + message + (url ? ('\n' + 'See ' + url + ' for more information') : '') ); } function hyphenize(str) { return str.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, '$1-$2').toLowerCase(); } // cross-browser data attributes function getDataAttribute(element, name) { if ('dataset' in element) { return element.dataset[name]; } else { return element.getAttribute('data-' + hyphenize(name)); } } // cross-browser event binding/unbinding function on(context, event, fallbackEvent, callback) { if ('addEventListener' in window) { context.addEventListener(event, callback, false); } else { context.attachEvent(fallbackEvent, callback); } } function off(context, event, fallbackEvent, callback) { if ('removeEventListener' in window) { context.removeEventListener(event, callback, false); } else { context.detachEvent(fallbackEvent, callback); } } function onReady(callback) { on(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', 'onreadystatechange', callback); } function offReady(callback) { off(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', 'onreadystatechange', callback); } function onMessage(callback) { on(window, 'message', 'onmessage', callback); } function offMessage(callback) { off(window, 'message', 'onmessage', callback); } /** * Parse the sig_request parameter, throwing errors if the token contains * a server error or if the token is invalid. * * @param {String} sig Request token */ function parseSigRequest(sig) { if (!sig) { // nothing to do return; } // see if the token contains an error, throwing it if it does if (sig.indexOf('ERR|') === 0) { throwError(sig.split('|')[1]); } // validate the token if (sig.indexOf(':') === -1 || sig.split(':').length !== 2) { throwError( 'Duo was given a bad token. This might indicate a configuration ' + 'problem with one of Duo\'s client libraries.' ); } var sigParts = sig.split(':'); // hang on to the token, and the parsed duo and app sigs sigRequest = sig; duoSig = sigParts[0]; appSig = sigParts[1]; return { sigRequest: sig, duoSig: sigParts[0], appSig: sigParts[1] }; } /** * Validate that a MessageEvent came from the Duo service, and that it * is a properly formatted payload. * * The Google Chrome sign-in page injects some JS into pages that also * make use of postMessage, so we need to do additional validation above * and beyond the origin. * * @param {MessageEvent} event Message received via postMessage */ function isDuoMessage(event) { return Boolean( event.origin === ('https://' + host) && typeof event.data === 'string' && ( event.data.match(DUO_MESSAGE_FORMAT) || event.data.match(DUO_ERROR_FORMAT) || event.data.match(DUO_OPEN_WINDOW_FORMAT) ) ); } /** * Validate the request token and prepare for the iframe to become ready. * * All options below can be passed into an options hash to `Duo.init`, or * specified on the iframe using `data-` attributes. * * Options specified using the options hash will take precedence over * `data-` attributes. * * Example using options hash: * ```javascript * Duo.init({ * iframe: "some_other_id", * host: "api-main.duo.test", * sig_request: "...", * post_action: "/auth", * post_argument: "resp" * }); * ``` * * Example using `data-` attributes: * ```html * * ``` * * Some browsers (especially embedded browsers) don't like it when the Duo * Web SDK changes the `src` attribute on the iframe. To prevent this, there * is an alternative way to use the Duo Web SDK: * * Add a div (or any other container element) instead of an iframe to the * DOM with an id of "duo_iframe", or pass that element to the * `iframeContainer` parameter of `Duo.init`. An iframe will be created and * inserted into that container element, preventing `src` change related * bugs. WARNING: All other elements in the container will be deleted. * * The `iframeAttributes` parameter of `Duo.init` is available to set any * attributes on the inserted iframe if the Duo Web SDK is inserting the * iframe. For details, see the parameter documentation below. * * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.host - Hostname for the Duo Prompt. * @param {String} options.sig_request - Request token. * @param {String|HTMLElement} [options.iframe] - The iframe, or id of an * iframe that will be used for the Duo Prompt. If you don't provide * this or the `iframeContainer` parameter the Duo Web SDK will default * to using whatever element has an id of "duo_iframe". * @param {String|HTMLElement} [options.iframeContainer] - The element you * want the Duo Prompt inserted into, or the id of that element. * Anything inside this element will be deleted and replaced with an * iframe hosting the Duo prompt. If you don't provide this or the * `iframe` parameter the Duo Web SDK will default to using whatever * element has an id of "duo_iframe". * @param {Object} [options.iframeAttributes] - Object with names and * values coresponding to attributes you want added to the Duo Prompt * iframe, like `title`, `width` and `allow`. WARNING: this parameter * only works if you use the `iframeContainer` parameter or add an id * of "duo_iframe" to an element that isn't an iframe. If you have * added an iframe to the DOM yourself, you should set those attributes * directly on the iframe. * @param {String} [options.post_action=''] - URL to POST back to after a * successful auth. * @param {String} [options.post_argument='sig_response'] - Parameter name * to use for response token. * @param {Function} [options.submit_callback] - If provided, the Duo Web * SDK will not submit the form. Instead it will execute this callback * function passing in a reference to the "duo_form" form object. * `submit_callback`` can be used to prevent the webpage from reloading. */ function init(options) { // If init() is called more than once we have to reset all the local // variables to ensure init() will work the same way every time. This // helps people making single page applications. SPAs may periodically // remove the iframe and add a new one that has to be initialized. initializeStatefulVariables(); if (options) { if (options.host) { host = options.host; } if (options.sig_request) { parseSigRequest(options.sig_request); } if (options.post_action) { postAction = options.post_action; } if (options.post_argument) { postArgument = options.post_argument; } if (typeof options.submit_callback === 'function') { submitCallback = options.submit_callback; } } var promptElement = getPromptElement(options); if (promptElement) { // If we can get the element that will host the prompt, set it. ready(promptElement, options.iframeAttributes || {}); } else { // If the element that will host the prompt isn't available yet, set // it up after the DOM finishes loading. asyncReady(options); } // always clean up after yourself! offReady(init); } /** * Given the options from init(), get the iframe or iframe container that * should be used for the Duo Prompt. Returns `null` if nothing was found. */ function getPromptElement(options) { var result; if (options.iframe && options.iframeContainer) { throwError( 'Passing both `iframe` and `iframeContainer` arguments at the' + ' same time is not allowed.' ); } else if (options.iframe) { // If we are getting an iframe, try to get it and raise if the // element we find is NOT an iframe. result = getUserDefinedElement(options.iframe); validateIframe(result); } else if (options.iframeContainer) { result = getUserDefinedElement(options.iframeContainer); validateIframeContainer(result); } else { result = document.getElementById('duo_iframe'); } return result; } /** * When given an HTMLElement, return it. When given a string, get an element * with that id, else return null. */ function getUserDefinedElement(object) { if (object.tagName) { return object; } else if (typeof object == 'string') { return document.getElementById(object); } return null; } /** * Check if the given thing is an iframe. */ function isIframe(element) { return ( element && element.tagName && element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'iframe' ); } /** * Throw an error if we are given an element that is NOT an iframe. */ function validateIframe(element) { if (element && !isIframe(element)) { throwError( '`iframe` only accepts an iframe element or the id of an' + ' iframe. To use a non-iframe element, use the' + ' `iframeContainer` argument.' ); } } /** * Throw an error if we are given an element that IS an iframe instead of an * element that we can insert an iframe into. */ function validateIframeContainer(element) { if (element && isIframe(element)) { throwError( '`iframeContainer` only accepts a non-iframe element or the' + ' id of a non-iframe. To use a non-iframe element, use the' + ' `iframeContainer` argument on Duo.init().' ); } } /** * Generate the URL that goes to the Duo Prompt. */ function generateIframeSrc() { return [ 'https://', host, '/frame/web/v1/auth?tx=', duoSig, '&parent=', encodeURIComponent(document.location.href), '&v=2.8' ].join(''); } /** * This function is called when a message was received from another domain * using the `postMessage` API. Check that the event came from the Duo * service domain, and that the message is a properly formatted payload, * then perform the post back to the primary service. * * @param event Event object (contains origin and data) */ function onReceivedMessage(event) { if (isDuoMessage(event)) { if (event.data.match(DUO_OPEN_WINDOW_FORMAT)) { var url = event.data.substring("DUO_OPEN_WINDOW|".length); if (isValidUrlToOpen(url)) { // Open the URL that comes after the DUO_WINDOW_OPEN token. window.open(url, "_self"); } } else { // the event came from duo, do the post back doPostBack(event.data); // always clean up after yourself! offMessage(onReceivedMessage); } } } /** * Validate that this passed in URL is one that we will actually allow to * be opened. * @param url String URL that the message poster wants to open * @returns {boolean} true if we allow this url to be opened in the window */ function isValidUrlToOpen(url) { if (!url) { return false; } var parser = document.createElement('a'); parser.href = url; if (parser.protocol === "duotrustedendpoints:") { return true; } else if (parser.protocol !== "https:") { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < VALID_OPEN_WINDOW_DOMAINS.length; i++) { if (parser.hostname.endsWith("." + VALID_OPEN_WINDOW_DOMAINS[i]) || parser.hostname === VALID_OPEN_WINDOW_DOMAINS[i]) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Register a callback to call ready() after the DOM has loaded. */ function asyncReady(options) { var callback = function() { var promptElement = getPromptElement(options); if (!promptElement) { throwError( 'This page does not contain an iframe for Duo to use.' + ' Add an element like' + ' to this page.' ); } ready(promptElement, options.iframeAttributes || {}); // Always clean up after yourself. offReady(callback) }; onReady(callback); } /** * Point the iframe at Duo, then wait for it to postMessage back to us. */ function ready(promptElement, iframeAttributes) { if (!host) { host = getDataAttribute(promptElement, 'host'); if (!host) { throwError( 'No API hostname is given for Duo to use. Be sure to pass ' + 'a `host` parameter to Duo.init, or through the `data-host` ' + 'attribute on the iframe element.' ); } } if (!duoSig || !appSig) { parseSigRequest(getDataAttribute(promptElement, 'sigRequest')); if (!duoSig || !appSig) { throwError( 'No valid signed request is given. Be sure to give the ' + '`sig_request` parameter to Duo.init, or use the ' + '`data-sig-request` attribute on the iframe element.' ); } } // if postAction/Argument are defaults, see if they are specified // as data attributes on the iframe if (postAction === '') { postAction = getDataAttribute(promptElement, 'postAction') || postAction; } if (postArgument === 'sig_response') { postArgument = getDataAttribute(promptElement, 'postArgument') || postArgument; } if (isIframe(promptElement)) { iframe = promptElement; iframe.src = generateIframeSrc(); } else { // If given a container to put an iframe in, clean out any children // child elements in case `init()` was called more than once. while (promptElement.firstChild) { // We call `removeChild()` instead of doing `innerHTML = ""` // to make sure we unbind any events. promptElement.removeChild(promptElement.firstChild) } iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); // Set the src and all other attributes on the new iframe. iframeAttributes['src'] = generateIframeSrc(); for (var name in iframeAttributes) { iframe.setAttribute(name, iframeAttributes[name]); } promptElement.appendChild(iframe); } // listen for the 'message' event onMessage(onReceivedMessage); } /** * We received a postMessage from Duo. POST back to the primary service * with the response token, and any additional user-supplied parameters * given in form#duo_form. */ function doPostBack(response) { // create a hidden input to contain the response token var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'hidden'; input.name = postArgument; input.value = response + ':' + appSig; // user may supply their own form with additional inputs var form = document.getElementById('duo_form'); // if the form doesn't exist, create one if (!form) { form = document.createElement('form'); // insert the new form after the iframe iframe.parentElement.insertBefore(form, iframe.nextSibling); } // make sure we are actually posting to the right place form.method = 'POST'; form.action = postAction; // add the response token input to the form form.appendChild(input); // away we go! if (typeof submitCallback === "function") { submitCallback.call(null, form); } else { form.submit(); } } return { init: init, _onReady: onReady, _parseSigRequest: parseSigRequest, _isDuoMessage: isDuoMessage, _doPostBack: doPostBack }; }));