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    <title>Managing entries in your LDAP directory</title>

    <para>This chapter will give you instructions how to manage the different
    LDAP entries in your directory.</para>

    <para>Please note that not all account types are manageable with the free
    LAM release. LAM Pro provides some more account types (e.g. group of
    names, aliases, ...) and modules (e.g. Zarafa, custom scripts, ...) to
    support additional LDAP object classes. All LAM Pro features are marked in
    this manual.</para>

    <para><emphasis role="bold">Basic page layout:</emphasis></para>

    <para>After the login LAM will present you its main page. It consists of a
    header part which is equal for all pages and the content area which covers
    most the of the page.</para>

    <para>The header part includes the links to manage all account types (e.g.
    users and groups) and open the tree view (LDAP browser). There is also the
    logout link and a tools entry.</para>

    <para>When you login the you will see an account listing in the content

          <imagedata fileref="images/mainpage.png" />

    <para>Here you can create, delete and modify accounts. Use the action
    buttons at the left or double click on an entry to edit it.</para>

    <para>The suffix selection box allows you to list only the accounts which
    are located in a subtree of your LDAP directory.</para>

          <imagedata fileref="images/listConfig.png" />

    <para>You can change the number of shown entries per page with "Change
    settings". Depending on the account type there may be additional settings.
    E.g. the user list can convert group numbers to group names.</para>

    <para>When you select to edit an entry then LAM will show all its data on
    a tabbed view. There is one tab for each functional part of the account.
    You can set default values by loading an <link
    linkend="a_accountProfile">account profile</link>.</para>

          <imagedata fileref="images/editView.png" />

      <title>Typical usage scenarios</title>

      <para>Here is a list of typical usage scenarios and what account types
      and modules you need to configure.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Address book entries:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Account types:</para>

          <para>Users (Personal)</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Unix accounts:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Account types:</para>

          <para>Users (Personal + Unix)</para>

          <para>Groups (Unix (posixGroup))</para>

      <para>Suse users may need to use Group (Group of names + Unix
      (rfc2307bisPosixGroup)) because of Suse's special LDAP schema.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Samba 3 accounts:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Account types:</para>

          <para>Users (Personal + User + Samba 3)</para>

          <para>Groups (Unix + Samba 3)</para>

          <para>Hosts (Account + Unix + Samba 3)</para>

          <para>Samba domains (Samba domain)</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Samba 4/Active Directory:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Account types:</para>

          <para>Users (Windows)</para>

          <para>Groups (Windows)</para>

          <para>Hosts (Windows)</para>

      <para>Please note that must change the attributes that are shown in the
      account lists. Otherwise, the account tables will show empty lines. See
      the documentation for the Windows user/group/host modules.</para>

      <para>For Samba 4 with Zarafa use the following modules:</para>

          <para>Users (Windows + Zarafa (+ Zarafa contact))</para>

          <para>Groups (Windows + Zarafa)</para>

          <para>Hosts (Windows + Zarafa)</para>

          <para>Zarafa dynamic groups (Zarafa dynamic group)</para>

          <para>Zarafa address lists (Zarafa address list)</para>

      <para>See also the <link linkend="s_zarafa">Zarafa</link> section for
      additional settings (e.g. using Zarafa AD schema).</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Asterisk:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Account types:</para>

          <para>Users (Personal + Asterisk)</para>

          <para>Asterisk extensions (Asterisk extension)</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Zarafa:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Account types:</para>

          <para>Users (Personal + Unix + Zarafa (+ Zarafa contact))</para>

          <para>Groups (Unix + Zarafa)</para>

          <para>Zarafa dynamic groups (Zarafa dynamic group)</para>

          <para>Zarafa address lists (Zarafa address list)</para>

          <para>Hosts (Device + Zarafa + IP Address)</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">PyKota:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Account types:</para>

          <para>Users (Personal + Unix + PyKota)</para>

          <para>Groups (Unix + PyKota)</para>

          <para>Printers (PyKota)</para>

          <para>Billing codes (PyKota)</para>


      <para>LAM manages various types of user accounts. This includes address
      book entries, Unix, Samba, Zarafa and much more.</para>


      <para><emphasis role="bold">Account list settings:</emphasis></para>

      <para>The user list includes two special options to change how your
      users are displayed.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/userListOptions.png" />

      <para><emphasis>Translate GID number to group name:</emphasis> By
      default the user list can show the primary group IDs (GIDs) of your
      users. There are often cases where it is more suitable to show the group
      name instead. This can be done by activating this option. Please note
      that LAM will execute more LDAP queries which may result in decreased

            <imagedata fileref="images/userListOptionTransPrimary.png" />

      <para><emphasis>Show account status:</emphasis> If you activate this
      option then there will be an additional column displayed that shows if
      the account is locked. You can see more details when moving the mouse
      cursor over the lock icon. This function supports Unix, Samba, PPolicy,
      Windows and 389ds locking+deactivation.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/userListOptionAccountStatus.png" />


      <para><emphasis role="bold">Password:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Click the "Set password" button to change the user's password(s).
      Depending on the active account modules LAM will offer to change
      multiple passwords at the same time.</para>

      <para>If a module supports to enforce a password change then you will
      see the appropriate checkbox. LAM Pro also offers to send the password
      via email after the account is saved. Email options are specified in
      your <link linkend="profile_mail">LAM server profile</link>.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/password1.png" />


      <para><emphasis role="bold">Quick account (un)locking:</emphasis></para>

      <para>When you edit an user then LAM supports to quickly lock/unlock the
      whole account. This includes Unix, Samba and PPolicy. LAM can also
      remove group memberships if an account is locked.</para>

      <para>You will see the current status of all account parts in the title
      area of the account.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/userAccountStatus1.png" />

      <para>If you click on the lock icon then a dialog will be opened to
      change these values. Depending on which parts are locked LAM will
      provide options to lock/unlock account parts.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/userAccountStatus2.png" />

            <imagedata fileref="images/userAccountStatus3.png" />


        <para>This module is the most common basis for user accounts in LAM.
        You can use it stand-alone to manage address book entries or in
        combination with Unix, Samba or other modules.</para>

        <para>The Personal module provides support for managing various
        personal data of your users including mail addresses and telephone
        numbers. You can also add photos of your users (please install <ulink
        Imagick/ImageMagick</ulink> for full file format support). If you do
        not need to manage all attributes then you can deactivate them in your
        server profile.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration</emphasis></para>

        <para>Please activate the module "Personal (inetOrgPerson)" for

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_personal3.png" />

        <para>The module manages lots of fields. Probably, you will not need
        all of them. You can hide fields in module settings.</para>

        <para>In advanced options you may also set fields to read-only (for
        existing accounts) and define limits for photo files. Additionally,
        you can add an "ou=addressbook" subentry to each user in case you
        manage user addressbooks.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_personal4.png" />


        <para><emphasis role="bold">User management</emphasis></para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_personal.png" />

        <para>User certificates can be uploaded and downloaded. LAM will
        automatically convert PEM to DER format.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_personal2.png" />

          <title>LDAP attribute mappings</title>

          <tgroup cols="2">
                <entry align="center">Attribute name</entry>

                <entry align="center">Name inside LAM</entry>


                <entry>Business category</entry>


                <entry>Car license</entry>


                <entry>Common name</entry>






                <entry>Employee number</entry>


                <entry>Employee type</entry>


                <entry>Fax number</entry>


                <entry>First name</entry>


                <entry>Home telephone number</entry>








                <entry>Web site</entry>


                <entry>Email address</entry>




                <entry>Mobile number</entry>




                <entry>Organizational unit</entry>


                <entry>Pager number</entry>


                <entry>Office name</entry>


                <entry>Postal address</entry>


                <entry>Postal code</entry>


                <entry>Post office box</entry>


                <entry>Registered address</entry>


                <entry>Room number</entry>


                <entry>Last name</entry>






                <entry>Telephone number</entry>


                <entry>Job title</entry>


                <entry>User certificates</entry>


                <entry>User name</entry>



        <para><emphasis role="bold">Wildcards</emphasis></para>

        <para>This module provides the following wildcards (others may be
        provided by other modules):</para>

            <para>$firstname: First name</para>

            <para>$lastname: Last name</para>

            <para>$user: User name</para>

            <para>$commonname: Common name</para>

            <para>$email: Email address</para>

        <para>You can use them in the following input fields on user edit

            <para>Common name</para>



            <para>Postal address</para>

            <para>Registered address</para>

            <para>Web site</para>

        <para>Use this when some of your data always follows the same schema.
        E.g. using "$firstname $lastname" in common name field can be used
        like this to get "First Last". You can set the wildcards in profile
        editor so they are automatically applied for new users.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_personal5.png" />


              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_personal6.png" />


        <para>The Unix module manages Unix user accounts including group

        <para>There are several configuration options for this module:</para>

            <para>UID generator: LAM will suggest UID numbers for your
            accounts. Please note that it may happen that there are duplicate
            IDs assigned if users create accounts at the same time. Use an
            like "Attribute Uniqueness" (<link
            linkend="a_openldap_unique">example</link>) if you have lots of
            LAM admins creating accounts.</para>

                <para>Fixed range: LAM searches for free numbers within the
                given limits. LAM always tries to use a free UID that is
                greater than the existing UIDs to prevent collisions with
                deleted accounts.</para>

                <para>Samba ID pool: This uses a special LDAP entry that
                includes attributes that store a counter for the last used
                UID/GID. Please note that this requires that you install the
                Samba schema and create an LDAP entry of object class

                <para>Magic number: Use this if your LDAP server assigns the
                UID numbers automatically (e.g. DNA by 389 server). Enter the
                server's magic number setting.</para>

            <para>Password hash type: If possible use CRYPT-SHA512 or SSHA to
            protect your user's passwords. The option SASL will set the
            password to "{SASL}&lt;user name&gt;".</para>

            <para>Login shells: List of valid login shells that can be
            selected when editing an account.</para>

            <para>Hidden options: Some input fields can be hidden to simplify
            the GUI if you do not need them.</para>

            <para>Set primary group as memberUid: By default primary group
            membership is not set on group objects but only on user
            (gidNumber). Activate this if you need to have the primary group
            membership in group object, too.</para>

            <para>Do not add object class: This is for Windows only. When the
            checkbox is activated then the posixAccount object class will not
            be added to a user.</para>

            <para>User name suggestion: The user name is automatically filled
            as specified in the configuration (default smiller for Steve
            Miller). Of course, the suggested value can be changed any time.
            Common name is also filled with first/last name by default.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixUserConfig.png" />


              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixUser.png" />

        <para>Group memberships can be changed when clicking on "Edit groups".
        Here you can select the Unix groups and group of names

        <para>To enable "Group of names" please either add the groups module
        "groupOfNames"/"groupOfUniqueNames" or add the account type "Group of

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixUserGroups.png" />

        <para>You can also create home directories for your users if you setup
        <link linkend="a_lamdaemon">lamdaemon</link>. This allows you to
        create the directories on the local or remote servers.</para>

        <para>It is also possible to check the status of the user's home
        directories. If needed the directories can be created or removed at
        any time.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixUserHomedir.png" />

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Wildcards</emphasis></para>

        <para>This module provides the following wildcards (others may be
        provided by other modules):</para>

            <para>$user: User name</para>

            <para>$group: Groupe name (not numeric number)</para>

        <para>You can use them in the following input fields on user edit

            <para>Common name</para>


            <para>Home directory</para>

        <para>Use this when some of your data always follows the same schema.
        E.g. using "/home/$user" in home directory field can be used like this
        to get "/home/myuser". You can set the wildcards in profile editor so
        they are automatically applied for new users.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixUserWildcard1.png" />


              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixUserWildcard2.png" />

        <title>Group of names and group of members (LAM Pro)</title>

        <para>This module manages memberships in group of (unique) names and
        also group of members.</para>

        <para>Please note that this module cannot be used if the Unix module
        is active. In this case group memberships may be managed with the Unix

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration</emphasis></para>

        <para>To activate this feature please add the user module "Group of
        names (groupOfNamesUser)" to your LAM server profile.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_groupOfNamesUser2.png" />

        <para>The module automatically detects if groups are based on
        "groupOfNames", "groupOfUniqueNames" or "groupOfMembers" and sets the
        correct attribute.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_groupOfNamesUser.png" />

      <section id="organizationalRoleUser">
        <title>Organizational roles (LAM Pro)</title>

        <para>LAM can manage role memberships in <link
        linkend="organizationalRole">organizationalRole</link> objects. To
        activate this feature please add the user module "Roles
        (organizationalRoleUser)" to your LAM server profile.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_organizationalRoleUser1.png" />

        <para><emphasis role="bold">User editing</emphasis></para>

        <para>Now, there will be a new tab "Roles" when you edit your user
        accounts. Here you can select the role memberships.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_organizationalRoleUser2.png" />


        <para>LAM supports the management of the LDAP substitution of
        /etc/shadow. Here you can setup password policies for your Unix
        accounts and also view the last password change of a user.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_shadow.png" />

        <title>NIS net groups</title>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration</emphasis></para>

        <para>Please add the module "NIS net groups (nisNetGroupUser)" to the
        list of active user modules.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_nisNetGroupUser1.png" />

        <para><emphasis role="bold">User editing</emphasis></para>

        <para>You will now see a new tab when editing users. Here you can
        assign memberships in NIS net groups and also set host/domain.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_nisNetGroupUser2.png" />

        <title id="passwordSelfResetUser">Password self reset (LAM

        <para>LAM Pro allows your users to reset their passwords by answering
        a security question. The reset link is displayed on the <link
        linkend="PasswordSelfReset">self service page</link>. Additionally,
        you can set question + answer in the admin interface.</para>

        <para>Please note that self service and LAM admin interface are
        separated functionalities. You need to specify the list of possible
        security questions in both self service profile(s) and server

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Schema installation</emphasis></para>

        <para>Please install the LDAP schema as described <link

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Activate password self reset

        <para>Please activate the password self reset module in your LAM Pro
        server profile.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/passwordSelfReset7.png" />

        <para>Now select the tab "Module settings" and specify the list of
        possible security questions. Only these questions will be selectable
        when you later edit accounts unless you explicitly allow to enter
        custom questions. LAM Pro supports to set up to three security
        questions per user.</para>

        <para>If you do not want to set backup email addresses then you can
        hide this option.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/passwordSelfReset8.png" />

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Edit users</emphasis></para>

        <para>After everything is setup please login to LAM Pro and edit your
        users. You will see a new tab called "Password self reset". Here you
        can activate/remove the password self reset function for each user.
        You can also change the security question and answer.</para>

        <para>If you set a backup email address then confirmation emails will
        also be sent to this address. This is useful if the user password
        grants access to the user's primary mailbox. So passwords can be
        unlocked with an external email address.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Hint:</emphasis> You can add the
        passwordSelfReset object class to all your users with the <link
        linkend="toolMultiEdit">multi edit</link> tool.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Samba 4 note:</emphasis> Due to a <ulink
        url="https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10094">bug</ulink> in
        Samba 4 you need to add the extension, save, and then select a
        question and set the answer. If you add the extension, set
        question/answer and then save all together this will cause an LDAP
        error and no changes will be saved.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/passwordSelfReset9.png" />


        <para>You can specify a list of valid host names where the user may
        login. If you add the value "*" then the user may login to any host.
        This can be further restricted by adding explicit deny entries which
        are prefixed with "!" (e.g. "!hr_server").</para>

        <para>Please note that your PAM settings need to support host
        restrictions. This feature is enabled by setting <emphasis
        role="bold">pam_check_host_attr yes</emphasis> in your <emphasis
        role="bold">/etc/pam_ldap.conf</emphasis>. When it is enabled then the
        account facility of pam_ldap will perform the checks and return an
        error when no proper host attribute is present. Please note that users
        without host attribute cannot login to such a configured

              <imagedata fileref="images/hostObject.png" />

        <title>Samba 3</title>

        <para>LAM supports full Samba 3 user management including logon hours
        and terminal server options.</para>

        <para>The module is enabled by adding "Samba 3 (sambaSamAccount)" to
        your user modules.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_samba3Config2.png" />

        <para>In the configuration options you can enable password history
        checking. Depending on your LDAP server you might need ascending or
        descending order. Just switch the setting if the password history is
        not correctly updated.</para>

        <para>In case you have no very old Windows clients (e.g. Windows 98)
        it is recommended to disable LM hashes. They are considered to be

        <para>You can also hide some input fields if you do not need

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_samba3Config1.png" />

        <para>After configuring the module you will see the Samba 3 tab when
        you edit a user.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_samba3User1.png" />

        <para>Logon hours can be changed.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_samba3User2.png" />

        <para>You can also setup terminal server settings.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_samba3User3.png" />

        <title>Windows (Samba 4)</title>

        <para>Please activate the account type "Users" in your LAM server
        profile and then add the user module "Windows

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsUser4.png" />

        <para>The default list attributes are for Unix and not suitable for
        Windows (blank lines in account table). Please use
        "#cn;#givenName;#sn;#mail" or select your own attributes to display in
        the account list.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsUser1.png" />

        <para>On tab "Module settings" you can specify the possible Windows
        domain names and if pre-Windows 2000 user names should be

        <para>NIS support is deactivated by default. Enable it if

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsUser5.png" />

        <para>Now you can manage your Windows users and e.g. assign groups.
        You might want to set the default domain name in the <link
        linkend="a_accountProfile">profile editor</link>.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Attention:</emphasis></para>

            <para>Password changes require a secure connection via ldaps://.
            Check your LAM server profile if password changes are refused by
            the server.</para>

            <para>Your server must run a 64bit operating system. Otherwise,
            the module might not work.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsUser2.png" />

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsUser3.png" />

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Wildcards</emphasis></para>

        <para>This module provides the following wildcards (others may be
        provided by other modules):</para>

            <para>$firstname: First name</para>

            <para>$lastname: Last name</para>

            <para>$user: User name</para>

            <para>$commonname: Common name</para>

            <para>$email: Email address</para>

        <para>You can use them in the following input fields on user edit

            <para>Common name</para>

            <para>Display name</para>


            <para>Email alias</para>

            <para>Home directory</para>

            <para>Profile path</para>

            <para>Script path</para>

        <para>Use this when some of your data always follows the same schema.
        E.g. using "$firstname $lastname" in common name field can be used
        like this to get "First Last". You can set the wildcards in profile
        editor so they are automatically applied for new users.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsUser6.png" />


              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsUser7.png" />

        <title>Filesystem quota (lamdaemon)</title>

        <para>You can manage file system quotas with LAM. This requires to
        setup <link linkend="a_lamdaemon">lamdaemon</link>. LAM connects to
        your server via SSH and manages the disk filesystem quotas. The quotas
        are stored directly on the filesystem. This is the default mechanism
        to store quotas for most systems.</para>

        <para>Please add the module "Quota (quota)" for users to your LAM
        server profile to enable this feature.</para>

        <para>If you store the quota information directly inside LDAP please
        see the next section.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_quotaUser.png" />

        <title>Filesystem quota (LDAP)</title>

        <para>You can store your filesystem quotas directly in LDAP. See
        <ulink url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxquota/">Linux
        DiskQuota</ulink> for details since it requires quota tools that
        support LDAP. You will need to install the quota LDAP schema to manage
        the object class "systemQuotas".</para>

        <para>Please add the module "Quota (systemQuotas)" for users to your
        LAM server profile to enable this feature.</para>

        <para>If you store the quota information on the filesystem please see
        the previous section.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_systemQuotas.png" />


        <para>This module supports to manage Kolab accounts with LAM. E.g. you
        can set the user's mail quota and define invitation policies.</para>

        <para>Please add the Kolab user module in your LAM server profile to
        activate Kolab support.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_kolab2.png" />

        <para>Attention: LAM will add the object class "mailrecipient" by
        default. This object class is available on 389 directory server but
        may not be present on e.g. OpenLDAP. Please deactivate the following
        setting (LAM server profile, module settings) if you do not use this
        object class.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_kolab5.png" />

        <para>Please enter an email address at the Personal page and set a
        Unix password first. Both are required that Kolab accepts the
        accounts. The email address ("Personal" page) must match your Kolab
        domain, otherwise the account will not work.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Attention:</emphasis> The mailbox server
        cannot be changed after the account has been saved. Please make sure
        that the value is correct.</para>

        <para>Kolab users should not be directly deleted with LAM. You can
        mark an account for deletion which then is done by the Kolab server
        itself. This makes sure that the mailbox etc. is also deleted.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_kolab.png" />

        <para>If you upgrade existing non-Kolab accounts please make sure that
        the account has an Unix password.</para>


        <para>LAM supports Asterisk accounts, too. See the <link
        linkend="type_asterisk">Asterisk</link> section for details.</para>

        <title>EDU person</title>

        <para>EDU person accounts are mainly used in university networks. You
        can specify the principal name, nick names and much more.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_eduPerson.png" />


        <para>There are two LAM user modules depending if your user entries
        should be built on object class "pykotaObject" or a different
        structural object class (e.g. "inetOrgPerson"). For "pykotaObject"
        please select "PyKota (pykotaUserStructural(*))" and "PyKota
        (pykotaUser)" in all other cases.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaUser1.png" />

        <para>To display the job history please setup the job DN on tab
        "Module settings":</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaUser2.png" />

        <para>Now you can add the PyKota extension to your user accounts. Here
        you can setup the printing options and add payments for this

        <para>For LAM Pro there are also self service fields to allow users
        e.g. to view their current balance and job history.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaUser3.png" />

        <para>You may also view the payment and job history.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaUser4.png" />

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaUser5.png" />

        <title>Password policy (LAM Pro)</title>

        <para>OpenLDAP supports the <ulink
        url="http://linux.die.net/man/5/slapo-ppolicy">ppolicy</ulink> overlay
        to manage password policies for LDAP entries. LAM Pro supports <link
        linkend="a_ppolicy">managing the policies</link> and assigning them to
        user accounts.</para>

        <para>Please add the account type "Password policies" to your LAM
        server profile and activate the "Password policy" module for the user

              <imagedata fileref="images/ppolicyUser2.png" />

        <para>You can select the password policy and force a password change
        on next login. Accounts can also be (un)locked.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/ppolicyUser.png" />

        <para>You can assign any password policy which is found in the LDAP
        suffix of the "Password policies" type. When you set the policy to
        "default" then OpenLDAP will use the default policy as defined in your
        slapd.conf file.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Attention:</emphasis> Locking and
        unlocking requires that you also activate the option "Lockout users"
        in the assigned <link linkend="a_ppolicy">password policy</link>.
        Otherwise, it will have no effect.</para>

        <title>Account locking for 389ds (LAM Pro)</title>

        <para>This module allows you to display if users are locked by 389ds
        server. You can (de)activate your users. The password expiration time
        can also be managed.</para>

        <para>Requirements: 389ds LDAP server</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration</emphasis></para>

        <para>Please add the user module "Account locking

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_389dsLocking1.png" />

        <para>This will show the password expiration time. You can edit the
        value if needed.</para>

        <para>If there are any failed login attempts then LAM displays their
        number and till when the user is locked by the system.</para>

        <para>The limit of failed login attempts and lockout duration is
        configured on your LDAP server and not within LAM.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_389dsLocking2.png" />

        <para>You can unlock the user by clicking on the lock icon.</para>

        <para>Here you can also (de)activate the account.</para>

        <para>Note: Accounts are only locked by the LDAP server due to failed
        password attempts. You cannot manually lock an account. Deactivate it
        in case you want to disable login for a user.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_389dsLocking3.png" />


        <para>FreeRadius is a software that implements the RADIUS
        authentication protocol. LAM allows you to mange several of the
        FreeRadius attributes.</para>

        <para>To activate the FreeRadius plugin please activate the FreeRadius
        user module in your server profile:</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_freeRadius1.png" />

        <para>You can disable unneeded fields on the tab "Module settings".
        Here you can also set the DN where your Radius profile templates are
        stored if you use the option "Profile".</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_freeRadius2.png" />

        <para>Now you will see the tab "FreeRadius" when editing users. The
        extension can be (de)activated for each user. You can setup e.g.
        realm, IP and expiration date.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_freeRadius3.png" />

        <title>Heimdal Kerberos (LAM Pro)</title>

        <para>You can manage your Heimdal Kerberos accounts with LAM Pro.
        Please add the user module "Kerberos (heimdalKerberos)" to activate
        this feature.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Setup password changing</emphasis></para>

        <para>LAM Pro cannot generate the password hashes itself because
        Heimdal uses a propietary format for them. Therefore, LAM Pro needs to
        call e.g. kadmin to set the password.</para>

        <para>The wildcards @@password@@ and @@principal@@ are replaced with
        password and principal name. Please use keytab authentication for this
        command since it must run without any interaction.</para>

        <para>Example to create a keytab: ktutil -k /root/lam.keytab add -p
        lam@LAM.LOCAL -e aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 -V 1</para>

        <para>Security hint: Please secure your LAM Pro server since the new
        passwords will be visible for a short term in the process list during
        password change.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_kerberos2.png" />

        <para><emphasis role="bold">User management</emphasis></para>

        <para>You can specify the principal/user name, ticket lifetimes and
        expiration dates. Additionally, you can set various account

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_kerberos1.png" />

        <title>MIT Kerberos (LAM Pro)</title>

        <para>You can manage your MIT Kerberos accounts with LAM Pro. Please
        add the user module "Kerberos (mitKerberos)" to activate this feature.
        If you want to manage entries based on the structural object class
        "krbPrincipal" please use "Kerberos (mitKerberosStructural)"

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Setup password changing</emphasis></para>

        <para>LAM Pro cannot generate the password hashes itself because MIT
        uses a propietary format for them. Therefore, LAM Pro needs to call
        kadmin/kadmin.local to set the password.</para>

        <para>LAM will add "-q 'cpw -pw PASSWORD PRINCIPAL'" to the command to
        set the password. Please use keytab authentication for this command
        since it must run without any interaction.</para>

        <para>Keytabs may be created with the "ktutil" application.</para>

        <para>Security hint: Please secure your LAM Pro server since the new
        passwords will be visible for a short term in the process list during
        password change.</para>

        <para>Example commands:</para>

            <para>/usr/sbin/kadmin -k -t /home/www-data/apache.keytab -p

            <para>sudo /usr/sbin/kadmin.local</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_mitKerberos1.png" />

        <para><emphasis role="bold">User management</emphasis></para>

        <para>You can specify the principal/user name, ticket lifetimes and
        expiration dates. Additionally, you can set various account

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_mitKerberos2.png" />

      <section id="mailAliasesUser">
        <title>Mail aliases</title>

        <para>This module allows to add/remove the user in mail alias

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Note:</emphasis> You need to activate the
        <link linkend="mailAliases">mail alias type</link> for this

        <para>To activate mail aliases for users please select the module
        "Mail aliases (nisMailAliasUser)":</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/nisMailAliasUser1.png" />

        <para>On tab Module settings you can select if you want to set the
        user name or email as recipient in alias entries.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/nisMailAliasUser4.png" />

        <para>Now you will see the mail aliases tab when editing an

        <para>The red cross will only remove the user from the alias entry. If
        you click the trash can button then the whole alias entry (which may
        contain other users) will be deleted.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/nisMailAliasUser2.png" />

        <para>You can add the user to existing alias entries or create
        completly new ones.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/nisMailAliasUser3.png" />

        <title>Qmail (LAM Pro)</title>

        <para>LAM Pro manages all qmail attributes for users. This includes
        mail addresses, ID numbers and quota settings.</para>

        <para>Please note that the main mail address is managed on tab
        "Personal" if this module is active. Otherwise, it will be on the
        qmail tab.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_qmail2.png" />

        <para>You can hide several qmail options if you do not want to manage
        them with LAM. This can be done on the module settings tab of your LAM
        server profile.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_qmail1.png" />

        <title>Mail routing</title>

        <para>LAM supports to manage mail routing for user accounts.</para>

        <para>Module activation:</para>

        <para>This feature can be activated by adding the "Mail routing"
        module to the user account type in your server profile.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mailRoutingConfig.png" />


        <para>You can specify a routing address, the mail server and a number
        of local addresses to route.</para>

        <para>In case you want to add this extension by default for new users
        there is an option in profile editor.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mailRouting.png" />

        <title>SSH keys</title>

        <para>You can manage your public keys for SSH in LAM if you installed
        the <ulink url="http://code.google.com/p/openssh-lpk/">LPK patch for
        SSH</ulink>. Activate the "SSH public key" module for users in the
        server profile and you can add keys to your user entries.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/ldapPublicKey.png" />

        <title>Authorized services</title>

        <para>You can setup PAM to check if a user is allowed to run a
        specific service (e.g. sshd) by reading the LDAP attribute
        "authorizedService". This way you can manage all allowed services via


        <para>To activate this PAM feature please setup your <emphasis
        role="bold">/etc/libnss-ldap.conf</emphasis> and set
        "pam_check_service_attr" to "yes".</para>


        <para>Inside LAM you can now set the allowed services. You may also
        setup default services in your account profiles.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_authorizedServices.png" />

        <para>You can define a list of services in your LAM server profile
        that is used for autocompletion.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_authorizedServices3.png" />

        <para>The autocompletion will show all values that contains the
        entered text. To display the whole list you can press backspace in the
        empty input field. Of course, you can also insert a service name that
        is not in the list.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_authorizedServices2.png" />

        <title>IMAP mailboxes</title>

        <para>LAM may create and delete mailboxes on an IMAP server for your
        user accounts. You will need an IMAP server that supports either SSL
        or TLS for this feature.</para>

        <para>To activate the mailbox management module please add the
        "Mailbox (imapAccess)" module for the type user in your LAM server

              <imagedata fileref="images/imapAccess1.png" />

        <para>Now configure the module on the tab "Module settings". Here you
        can specify the IMAP server name, encryption options, the
        authentication for the IMAP connection and the valid mail domains. LAM
        can use either your LAM login password for the IMAP connection or
        display a dialog where you need to enter the password. It is also
        possible to store the admin password in your server profile. This is
        not recommended for security reasons.</para>

        <para>The user name can either be a fixed name (e.g. "admin") or it
        can be generated with LDAP attributes of the LAM admn user. E.g. $uid$
        will be transformed to "myUser" if you login with

        <para>The mail domains specify for which accounts mailboxes may be
        created/deleted. E.g. if you enter "lam-demo.org" then mailboxes can
        be managed for "user@lam-demo.org" but not for "user@example.com". Use
        "*" for any domain.</para>

        <para>You need to install the SSL certificate of the CA that signed
        your server certificate. This is usually done by installing the
        certificate in /etc/ssl/certs. Different Linux distributions may offer
        different ways to do this. For Debian please copy the certificate in
        "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates" and run "update-ca-certificates" as

        <para>It is not recommended to disable the validation of IMAP server

        <para>The prefix, user name attribute and path separator specifies how
        your mailboxes are named (e.g. "user.myUser@localhost" or
        "user/myUser"). Select the values depending on your IMAP server

        <para>You can specify a list of initial folder names to create for new
        mailboxes. LAM will then create them with each new mailbox.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/imapAccess2.png" />

        <para>When you edit an user account then you will now see the tab
        "Mailbox". Here you can create/delete the mailbox for this

              <imagedata fileref="images/imapAccess3.png" />

        <title>IP addresses (LAM Pro)</title>

        <para>You can manage the IP addresses of user accounts (e.g. assigned
        by DHCP) with the ipHost module.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration</emphasis></para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/ipHostUser.png" />

        <para><emphasis role="bold">User editing</emphasis></para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/ipHostUser1.png" />

      <section id="s_account">

        <para>This is a very simple module to manage accounts based on the
        object class "account". Usually, this is used for host accounts only.
        Please pay attention that users based on the "account" object class
        cannot have contact information (e.g. telephone number) as with

        <para>You can enter a user/host name and a description for your

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_account.png" />




        <para>This module is used to manage Unix group entries. This is the
        default module to manage Unix groups and uses the nis.schema. Suse
        users who use the <link
        linkend="rfc2307bisPosixGroup">rfc2307bis.schema</link> need to use
        LAM Pro.</para>

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration</emphasis></para>

        <para>Please add the account type "Groups" and then select account
        module "Unix (posixGroup)".</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixGroupConfig1.png" />

        <para>GID generator: LAM will suggest GID numbers for your accounts.
        Please note that it may happen that there are duplicate IDs assigned
        if users create groups at the same time. Use an <ulink
        like "Attribute Uniqueness" (<link
        linkend="a_openldap_unique">example</link>) if you have lots of LAM
        admins creating groups.</para>

            <para>Fixed range: LAM searches for free numbers within the given
            limits. LAM always tries to use a free GID that is greater than
            the existing GIDs to prevent collisions with deleted

            <para>Samba ID pool: This uses a special LDAP entry that includes
            attributes that store a counter for the last used UID/GID. Please
            note that this requires that you install the Samba schema and
            create an LDAP entry of object class "sambaUnixIdPool".</para>

            <para>Magic number: Use this if your LDAP server assigns the GID
            numbers automatically (e.g. DNA by 389 server). Enter the server's
            magic number setting.</para>

        <para>Disable membership management: Disables group membership
        management. This is useful if memberships are e.g. managed via group
        of names.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixGroupConfig.png" />

        <para>Group management:</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixGroup.png" />

        <para>Group membership management:</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixGroup2.png" />

      <section id="rfc2307bisPosixGroup">
        <title>Unix groups with rfc2307bis schema (LAM Pro)</title>

        <para>Some applications (e.g. Suse Linux) use the rfc2307bis schema
        for Unix accounts instead of the nis schema. In this case group
        accounts are based on the object class <link lang=""
        linkend="a_groupOfNames">groupOf(Unique)Names</link> or namedObject.
        The object class posixGroup is auxiliary in this case.</para>

        <para>LAM Pro supports these groups with a special account module:
        <emphasis role="bold">rfc2307bisPosixGroup</emphasis></para>

        <para>Use this module only if your system depends on the rfc2307bis
        schema. The module can be selected in the LAM configuration. Instead
        of using groupOfNames as basis for your groups you may also use

        <para>Module activation:</para>

                <imagedata fileref="images/rfc2307bis.png" />

        <para>GID generator: LAM will suggest GID numbers for your accounts.
        Please note that it may happen that there are duplicate IDs assigned
        if users create groups at the same time. Use an <ulink
        like "Attribute Uniqueness" (<link
        linkend="a_openldap_unique">example</link>) if you have lots of LAM
        admins creating groups.</para>

            <para>Fixed range: LAM searches for free numbers within the given
            limits. LAM always tries to use a free GID that is greater than
            the existing GIDs to prevent collisions with deleted

            <para>Samba ID pool: This uses a special LDAP entry that includes
            attributes that store a counter for the last used UID/GID. Please
            note that this requires that you install the Samba schema and
            create an LDAP entry of object class "sambaUnixIdPool".</para>

            <para>Magic number: Use this if your LDAP server assigns the GID
            numbers automatically (e.g. DNA by 389 server). Enter the server's
            magic number setting.</para>

        <para>Disable membership management: Disables group membership
        management. This is useful if memberships are e.g. managed via group
        of names.</para>

        <para>Force sync with group of names: This will automatically set the
        group memberships of the Unix part to the same members as set on group
        of names tab.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/rfc2307bis2.png" />

        <para>The GID number will be filled automatically based on the server
        profile configuration.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixGroupLAMPro.png" />

        <para>Group members can be edited and also synced with Group of
        (unique) names.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_unixGroupLAMPro2.png" />

        <title>Samba 3</title>

        <para>LAM supports managing Samba 3 groups. You can set special group
        types and also create Windows predefined groups like "Domain

        <para>Module activation:</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_sambaGroup2.png" />

        <para>Group editing:</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_sambaGroup.png" />

        <title>Windows (Samba 4)</title>

        <para>LAM can manage your Windows groups. Please enable the account
        type "Groups" in your LAM server profile and then add the group module
        "Windows (windowsGroup)(*)".</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsGroup3.png" />

        <para>The default list attributes are for Unix and not suitable for
        Windows (blank lines in account table). Please use
        "#cn;#member;#description" or select your own attributes to display in
        the account list.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsGroup1.png" />

        <para>NIS support is deactivated by default. Enable it if needed on
        tab "Module settings".</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsGroup4.png" />

        <para>Now you can edit your groups inside LAM. You can manage the
        group name, description and its type. Of course, you can also set the
        group members.</para>

        <para>Group scopes:</para>

            <para>Global: Use this for groups with frequent changes. Global
            groups are not replicated to other domains.</para>

            <para>Universal: Groups with universal scope are used to
            consolidate groups that span domains. They are globally

            <para>Domain local: Groups with domain local scope can be used to
            set permissions inside one domain. They are not replicated to
            other domains.</para>

        <para>Group type:</para>

            <para>Security: Use this group type to control permissions.</para>

            <para>Distribution: These groups are only used for email
            applications. They cannot be used to control permissions.</para>

        <para>With "Show effective members" you can show a list of all members
        of this group including members of subgroups and their

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsGroup2.png" />


        <para>Please activate the Kolab group module in your LAM server
        profile to activate Kolab support.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_kolab3.png" />

        <para>You can specify the email address and also set allowed sender
        and recipient addresses.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_kolab4.png" />

        <title>Mail routing</title>

        <para>LAM supports to manage mail routing for group accounts.</para>

        <para>Module activation:</para>

        <para>This feature can be activated by adding the "Mail routing"
        module to the group account type in your server profile.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mailRoutingConfigGroup.png" />


        <para>You can specify a routing address, the mail server and a number
        of local addresses to route.</para>

        <para>In case you want to add this extension by default for new groups
        there is an option in profile editor.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mailRoutingGroup.png" />


        <para>You can manage file system quotas with LAM. This requires to
        setup <link linkend="a_lamdaemon">lamdaemon</link>. File system quotas
        are not stored inside LAM but managed directly on the specified

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_quotaGroup.png" />


        <para>There are two LAM group modules depending if your group entries
        should be built on object class "pykotaObject" or a different
        structural object class (e.g. "posixGroup"). For "pykotaObject" please
        select "PyKota (pykotaGroupStructural(*))" and "PyKota (pykotaGroup)"
        in all other cases.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaGroup1.png" />

        <para>Now you can add the PyKota extension to your groups.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaGroup2.png" />



        <para>Please see the description <link

        <title>Device (LAM Pro)</title>

        <para>The device object class allows to manage general information
        about all sorts of devices (e.g. computers, network hardware, ...).
        You can enter the serial number, location and a describing text. It is
        also possible to specify the owner of the device.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/device.png" />

        <title>Samba 3</title>

        <para>You can manage Samba 3 host entries by adding the Unix and Samba
        3 account modules.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_sambaHost1.png" />

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_sambaHost2.png" />

        <title>Windows (Samba 4)</title>

        <para>LAM can manage your Windows servers and workstations. Please
        enable the account type "Hosts" in your LAM server profile and then
        add the host module "Windows (windowsHost)(*)".</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsServer3.png" />

        <para>The default list attributes are for Unix and not suitable for
        Windows (blank lines in account table). Please use
        "#cn;#description;#location" or select your own attributes to display
        in the account list.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsServer2.png" />

        <para>Now you will see you computer accounts inside LAM. You can set
        e.g. the server's description and location information.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_windowsServer1.png" />

        <title>IP addresses (LAM Pro)</title>

        <para>You can manage the IP addresses of host accounts with the ipHost
        module. It manages the following information:</para>

            <para>IP addresses (IPv4/IPv6)</para>

            <para>location of the host</para>

            <para>manager: the person who is responsible for the host</para>

        <para>You can activate this extension by adding the module ipHost to
        the list of active host modules.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/ipHost.png" />

        <title>MAC addresses</title>

        <para>Hosts can have an unlimited number of MAC addresses. To enable
        this feature just add the "MAC address" module to the host account

              <imagedata fileref="images/macAddress.png" />


        <para>LAM supports to manage your <ulink
        url="http://puppetlabs.com/">Puppet</ulink> configuration. You can
        edit all attributes like environment, classes, variables and parent

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration</emphasis></para>

        <para>To activate this feature please edit your LAM server profile and
        add the host module "Puppet (puppetClient)" on tab "Modules". This
        will add the Puppet tab to your host pages.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_puppet2.png" />

        <para>On tab "Module settings" in your LAM server profile you may also
        setup some common environment names. LAM will use them to provide
        autocompletion hints when editing the environment for a node.</para>

        <para>If you enter any value in "Enforce classes" then LAM will only
        accept this list of classes.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_puppet3.png" />

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Editing nodes</emphasis></para>

        <para>When you edit a host entry then you will see the tab "Puppet".
        Here you can add/remove the Puppet extension and edit all

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_puppet1.png" />

        <title>NIS net groups</title>

        <para>NIS netgroups can be used to e.g. restrict SSH access to your

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration</emphasis></para>

        <para>Please add the module "NIS net groups (nisNetGroupHost)" to the
        list of active host modules.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_nisNetGroupHost1.png" />

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Host editing</emphasis></para>

        <para>You will now see a new tab when editing hosts. Here you can
        assign memberships in NIS net groups and also set user/domain.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/mod_nisNetGroupHost2.png" />

      <title>Samba 3 domains</title>

      <para>Samba 3 stores information about its domain settings inside LDAP.
      This includes the domain name, its SID and some policies. You can manage
      all these attributes with LAM.</para>

      <para>Please activate the account type "Samba domains" in your LAM
      server profile. Please notice that Samba by default uses the LDAP root
      for domain objects (e.g. dc=example,dc=com).</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/sambaDomains1.png" />

      <para>This will add a new tab to LAM where you can manage domain

      <para>The domain name, SID and RID base can only be specified for new
      domains and are not changeable via LAM at a later time. You may setup
      several password policies for your Samba domains and also some RID
      options that influence the creation of SIDs for

            <imagedata fileref="images/sambaDomains2.png" />

    <section id="a_groupOfNames">
      <title>Group of (unique) names and group of members (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>These classes can be used to represent group relations. Since they
      allow DNs as members you can also use them to represent nested

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Activate the account type "Group of names" in your LAM server
      profile to use these account modules. Alternatively, you can use the
      account type "Groups".</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/groupOfNames3.png" />

            <imagedata fileref="images/groupOfNames2.png" />

      <para>Then add the module "Group of names (groupOfNames)", "Group of
      unique names (groupOfUniqueNames)" or "Group of members

            <imagedata fileref="images/groupOfNames4.png" />


            <imagedata fileref="images/groupOfMembers1.png" />

      <para>On the module settings tab you set some options like the display
      format for members/owners and if fields like description should not be

            <imagedata fileref="images/groupOfNames5.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Group management:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Group of (unique) names have four basic attributes:</para>

          <para>Name: a unique name for the group</para>

          <para>Description: optional description</para>

          <para>Owner: the account which owns this group (optional)</para>

          <para>Members: the members of the group (at least one is

      <para>You can add any accounts as members. This includes other groups
      which leads to nested groups.</para>

      <para>To show members of nested groups click on "Show effective
      members". Please note that for large groups this will run lots of
      queries against your LDAP server.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/groupOfNames1.png" />

    <section id="organizationalRole">
      <title>Organizational roles (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>This module manages roles via the organizationalRole object class.
      There is also a <link linkend="organizationalRoleUser">user
      module</link> to manage memberships on the user edit page.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Activate the account type "Groups" in your LAM server profile to
      use this account module. Alternatively, you can use the account type
      "Group of names".</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_organizationalRole1.png" />

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_organizationalRole2.png" />

      <para>Then add the module "Role (organizationalRole)".</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_organizationalRole3.png" />

      <para>On the module settings tab you set some options like the display
      format for members and if description should not be displayed.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_organizationalRole4.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Role management:</emphasis></para>

      <para>You can add any accounts as members. This includes other roles
      which leads to nested roles (needs to be supported by LDAP client

      <para>To show members of nested roles click on "Show effective members".
      Please note that for large roles this will run lots of queries against
      your LDAP server.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_organizationalRole5.png" />

    <section id="type_asterisk">

      <para>LAM includes large support for Asterisk. You can add Asterisk
      extensions (including voicemail) to your users and also manage Asterisk

      <para>The Asterisk support for users can be added by selecting the
      Asterisk and Asterisk voicemail modules for users in your LAM server
      profile. This will add the following tabs to your user accounts.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/asterisk.png" />

      <para>The Asterisk module allows to edit a large amount of attributes.
      Therefore, you can hide unused fields. Please edit you server profile
      (Module settings) to do so.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/asteriskConfig.png" />

      <para>Of course, the voicemail part of Asterisk is also

            <imagedata fileref="images/asteriskVoicemail.png" />

      <para>If you also want to manage Asterisk extensions then simply add the
      account type "Asterisk extensions" and its module to your server

      <para>LAM groups your Asterisk extension entries by extension name and
      account context. If you edit an extension then you will see the Asterisk
      entries as rules. LAM manages that all rule entries have the same owners
      and assigns the priorities.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/asteriskExtension.png" />

    <section id="s_zarafa">
      <title>Zarafa (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>Zarafa is an OpenSource collaboration software. LAM Pro provides
      support to manage Zarafa server entries, users and groups. It covers all
      settings for these types including resource and quota settings.</para>

      <para>LAM Pro is an official Zarafa Certified Integration.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/zarafa_logo_integrations_certified_140px.png" />


        <para>To enable Zarafa support in LAM Pro please activate the Zarafa
        modules for the Users, Groups and Hosts account types in you server

              <imagedata fileref="images/zarafa1.png" />

        <para><emphasis role="bold">Attention:</emphasis> LAM Pro uses the
        Zarafa OpenLDAP schema as default. This schema fits for OpenLDAP,
        OpenDJ, Apache Directory server and other common LDAP servers. If you
        run Samba 4 or Active Directory then you need to switch the schema to
        "Active Directory" on the module settings tab:</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/zarafa9.png" />

        <para>You can configure which parts of the Zarafa user options should
        be enabled. E.g. if you do not want to manage quotas per user then you
        can hide these options on the tab "Module settings".</para>


        <para><emphasis role="bold">"Send as" attribute:</emphasis> Here you
        can specify how "Send as" privileges should be managed. LAM supports
        "uid" and "dn".</para>

        <para>If you select "uid" the LAM will store user names in the
        zarafaSendAsPrivilege attribute. This way you are restricted to
        specify user accounts as "Send as" allowed.</para>

        <para>You can also set this option to "dn" and LAM will store DNs in
        the zarafaSendAsPrivilege attribute. In this case you may specify
        users and groups as "Send as" allowed.</para>


        <para>Examples for your Zarafa ldap.cfg:</para>

        <para>"Send as" attribute: <emphasis role="bold">dn</emphasis></para>

        <para>ldap_user_sendas_attribute_type = dn</para>


        <para>"Send as" attribute: <emphasis role="bold">uid</emphasis></para>

        <para>ldap_user_sendas_attribute_type = text</para>

        <para>ldap_user_sendas_relation_attribute = uid</para>

Attention: If the Active Directory schema is used then LAM will always use dn and ignore this setting.


        <para><emphasis role="bold">Features:</emphasis> Zarafa 7 allows to
        enable IMAP/POP3 for each user. Please hide the option "Features" if
        you use Zarafa 6.x.</para>

              <imagedata fileref="images/zarafa2.png" />


          <para>This is an example of the user edit page with all possible
          settings. This includes email settings, quotas and some options
          (e.g. hide from address book). You can also set the resource type
          and capacity for meeting rooms and equipment. The Zarafa extension
          can be added and removed at any time for every user.</para>

          <para>Please note that the option "Features" requires Zarafa 7.
          Please hide this option in the LAM server profile if you run Zarafa

                <imagedata fileref="images/zarafa3.png" />


          <para>LAM Pro can manage your Zarafa contact entries. You can set
          the email aliases and "send as" privileges. Additionally, accounts
          may be hidden in the address book or disabled.</para>

          <para>Please note that you can either use the Zarafa user module or
          Zarafa contact. LAM Pro will disable the other tab when enabling one
          of them.</para>

                <imagedata fileref="images/zarafa8.png" />


          <para>This is the edit page for groups. You can enter an email
          address and additional aliases for your groups. It is also possible
          to specify options (e.g. hide from address book). The extension can
          be added/removed dynamically.</para>

          <para>Please note that the option "Send-as privileges" requires the
          Zarafa 7.0.3 schema. Please hide this option in the LAM server
          profile if you run Zarafa &lt; 7.0.3.</para>

                <imagedata fileref="images/zarafa4.png" />


          <para>The Zarafa extension for host accounts allows to set the
          connection ports and file path. You can add/remove the extension at
          any time.</para>

          <para>Setting the public store option is only possible for new host

          <para>Please note that the proxy URL option requires the Zarafa 7.1
          schema. Please hide this option in your LAM server profile if you
          use an older version.</para>

                <imagedata fileref="images/zarafa5.png" />

          <title>Address lists</title>

          <para>Zarafa allows to store address lists in LDAP. You need to
          define a search base and LDAP filter for each address list. E.g.
          entering "ou=people,dc=company,dc=com" as base and "uid=*" will
          select all users that are stored in

          <para>You can also hide your lists from the address book or
          temporarily disable them.</para>

                <imagedata fileref="images/zarafa6.png" />

          <title>Dynamic groups</title>

          <para>Zarafa allows to define dynamic groups in LDAP. You need to
          define a search base and LDAP filter for each group. E.g. entering
          "ou=people,dc=company,dc=com" as base and "uid=*" will select all
          users that are stored in "ou=people,dc=company,dc=com".</para>

          <para>Dynamic groups may have an email address and multiple email
          alias addresses.</para>

          <para>You can also hide your dynamic groups from the address book or
          temporarily disable them.</para>

                <imagedata fileref="images/zarafa7.png" />

      <title>Kolab shared folders</title>

      <para>Please add the account type "Kolab shared folders" in your LAM
      server profile and set the correct LDAP suffix.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_kolab6.png" />


            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_kolab7.png" />

      <para>Then add the "Kolab shared folder" module on tab "Modules".</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_kolab8.png" />

      <para>Now you can start to add shared folders inside LAM.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_kolab9.png" />


      <para>You can mange your DHCP server with LAM. It supports to manage
      subnets, fixed IP entries, IP ranges and DDNS.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration</emphasis></para>

      <para>The DHCP management can be activated by adding the account type
      DHCP to your server profile. Please also add the DHCP modules.</para>

      <para>LAM requires that you use an LDAP entry with the object class
      "dhcpService" or "dhcpServer" as suffix for this account type. If the
      "dhcpServer" entry points to a "dhcpService" entry via "dhcpServiceDN"
      then you need to use the DN of the "dhcpService" entry as LDAP suffix
      for DHCP.</para>


      <para>Add account type:</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/dhcpConf1.png" />

      <para>Set suffix:</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/dhcpConf2.png" />

      <para>Add modules:</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/dhcpConf3.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Example server


      <para><code>objectclass: dhcpServer</code></para>

      <para><code>objectclass: dhcpOptions</code></para>

      <para><code>objectclass: top</code></para>

      <para><code>cn: server</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpcomments: My DHCP server</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpoption: domain-name

      <para><code>dhcpoption: domain-name-servers</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpoption: routers</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpoption: netbios-name-servers</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpoption: subnet-mask</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpoption: netbios-node-type 8</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpstatements: default-lease-time 3600</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpstatements: max-lease-time 7200</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpstatements: include "mykey"</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpstatements: ddns-update-style interim</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpstatements: update-static-leases true</code></para>

      <para><code>dhcpstatements: ignore client-updates</code></para>


      <para><emphasis role="bold">Example settings for

      <para><code>ddns-update-style none;</code></para>

      <para><code>deny unknown-clients;</code></para>

      <para><code>ldap-server "server";</code></para>

      <para><code>ldap-dhcp-server-cn "server";</code></para>

      <para><code>ldap-port 389;</code></para>


      <para><code>ldap-password "{SSHA}XXXXXXXXXXXX";</code></para>


      <para><code>ldap-method dynamic;</code></para>




      <para><emphasis role="bold">slapd.conf changes:</emphasis></para>

      <para><code>include /etc/ldap/schema/dhcp.schema</code></para>

      <para><code>index dhcpHWAddress eq</code></para>

      <para><code>index dhcpClassData eq</code><literallayout>
Run slapindex to rebuild the index.


      <para>You can manage the settings of your DHCP service/server

            <imagedata fileref="images/dhcpMainSettings.png" />

      <para>You can easily create new subnet entries.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/dhcpSettings.png" />

      <para>It is also possible to specify a list of fixed IPs.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/fixedIP.png" />

      <para>IP ranges may be specified.</para>

      <para>If you use failover pools for your IP ranges please use the pool
      options on the bottom. Here you can add DHCP pools (object class
      "dhcpPool") and specify the failover peer.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/ranges.png" />

      <para>If you activated DDNS in the server entry then you may also
      specify the DDNS settings for this subnet.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/ddns.png" />

      <title>Bind DLZ (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para><ulink url="http://bind-dlz.sourceforge.net">Bind DLZ</ulink> is
      an extension to the DNS server <ulink
      url="http://www.isc.org/software/bind">Bind</ulink> that allows to store
      DNS entries inside LDAP. Please install the Bind DLZ schema file on your
      LDAP server. It is part of the DLZ patch.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration</emphasis></para>

      <para>First, you need to add the Bind DNS account type and the Bind DLZ

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind1.png" />

      <para>Please set the LDAP suffix either to an existing DNS zone
      (dlzZone) or an organizational unit that should include your DNS

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind2.png" />


            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind3.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Automatic PTR management</emphasis></para>

      <para>LAM can automatically create/delete PTR entries for the entered
      IPv4/6 records. You can enable this feature on the module settings

      <para>PTR records will get the same TTL as IP records. Please note that
      you need to have matching reverse zones (".in-addr.arpa"/".ip6.arpa")
      under the same suffix as your other DNS entries.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind12.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Zone management</emphasis></para>

      <para>If you do not yet have a DNS zone then LAM can create one for you.
      In list view switch the suffix to an organizational unit DN. Now you
      will see a button "New zone".</para>

      <para>This will create the zone container entry and a default DNS entry
      "@" for authoritative information. Now switch the suffix to your new
      zone and start adding DNS entries.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind4.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">DNS entries</emphasis></para>

      <para>LAM supports the following DNS record types:</para>

          <para>SOA: authoritative information</para>

          <para>NS: name servers</para>

          <para>A/AAAA: IP addresses</para>

          <para>PTR: reverse DNS entries</para>

          <para>CNAME: alias names</para>

          <para>MX: mail servers</para>

          <para>TXT: text records</para>

          <para>SRV: service entries</para>


      <para><emphasis role="bold">Authoritative (SOA) and name server (NS)

      <para>Here you can manage general information about the zone like
      timeouts and name servers. Please note that name servers must be
      inserted in a special format (dot at the end).</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind5.png" />


      <para><emphasis role="bold">IP addresses (A/AAAA)</emphasis></para>

      <para>LAM will automatically set the correct type (A/AAAA) depending if
      you enter an IPv4 or IPv6 address.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind6.png" />


      <para><emphasis role="bold">Reverse DNS entries</emphasis></para>

      <para>Reverse DNS entries are important when you need to find the DNS
      name that is associated with a given IP address. Reverse DNS entries are
      stored in a separate DNS zone.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind7.png" />


      <para><emphasis role="bold">Alias names (CNAME)</emphasis></para>

      <para>Sometimes a DNS entry should simply point to a different DNS entry
      (e.g. for migrations). This can be done by adding an alias name.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind8.png" />


      <para><emphasis role="bold">Mail servers (MX)</emphasis></para>

      <para>The mail server entries define where mails to a domain should be
      delivered. The server with the lowest preference has the highest

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind9.png" />


      <para><emphasis role="bold">Text records (TXT)</emphasis></para>

      <para>Text records can be added to store a description or other data
      (e.g. SPF information).</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind10.png" />


      <para><emphasis role="bold">Services (SRV)</emphasis></para>

      <para>Service records can be used to specify which servers provide
      common services such as LDAP. Please note that the host name must be
      _SERVICE._PROTOCOL (e.g. _ldap._tcp).</para>


      <para>Priority: The priority of the target host, lower value means more

      <para>Weight: A relative weight for records with the same priority. E.g.
      weights 20 and 80 for a service will result in 20% queries to the one
      server and 80% to the other.</para>

      <para>Port: The port number that is used for your service.</para>

      <para>Server: DNS name where service can be reached (with dot at the

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_bind11.png" />


      <para><emphasis role="bold">File upload</emphasis></para>

      <para>You can upload complete DNS zones via LAM's file upload. Here is
      an example for a zone file and the corresponding CSV file.</para>

        <title>Zone file</title>

        <tgroup cols="4">



              <entry>ns1.example.com admin.ns1.example.com (1 360000 3600
              3600000 370000)</entry>












              <entry>10 mail1.example.com</entry>




              <entry>20 mail2.example.com</entry>

















      <para>Please check that you have an existing zone entry that can be used
      for the file upload. See above to create a new zone.</para>

      <para>Hint: If you use the function above to create a new zone then
      please skip the "@" entry in the CSV file below. LAM creates this entry
      with sample data.</para>

      <para>In this example we assume that the following zone extry

      <literallayout>dn: dlzZoneName=example.com,ou=bind,dc=example,dc=com
dlzzonename: example.com
objectclass: dlzZone
objectclass: top


      <para>Here is the corresponding CSV file: <ulink

      <title>Aliases (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>Some applications use the object class "alias" to link LDAP
      entries to other parts of the LDAP tree. Activate the account type
      "Aliases" in your LAM server profile to use this account type.</para>

      <para>Currently, only user accounts can be aliased with the "uidObject"
      object class.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/alias.png" />

            <imagedata fileref="images/alias2.png" />

    <section id="mailAliases">
      <title>Mail aliases</title>

      <para>You can manage mail aliases (e.g. for NIS) inside LAM. This can be
      used to replace local /etc/aliases files with LDAP.</para>

      <para>Note: Use the <link linkend="mailAliasesUser">mail alias user
      module</link> to manage mail aliases on user pages.</para>

      <para>All accounts of this type are based on the "nisMailAlias" object
      class and may have "cn" and "rfc822MailMember" attributes. To activate
      this type please add "Mail aliases" in your LAM server profile:</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/nisMailAlias1.png" />

      <para>You need to select the Mail aliases module on the next tab.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/nisMailAlias3.png" />

      <para>The mail aliases will then appear as separate tab inside LAM. You
      may then manage the aliases with their names and recipient

      <para>There are mail/user icons that allow to select a mail address/user
      name from the existing users.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/nisMailAlias2.png" />

      <title>NIS net groups</title>

      <para>LAM supports to define NIS netgroups. You can use them e.g. to
      restrict SSH access to your machines.</para>

      <para>Add the NIS net group account type and its module to your server
      profile. Then you can manage net groups in LAM. Net groups may contain
      other net groups as child groups. You can either insert the host/user
      names manually or print the search buttons next to the input fields to
      find existing entries in your directory.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/nisNetgroup.png" />

      <title>NIS objects (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>You can manage NIS objects with LAM Pro. This allows you define
      network mount points in LDAP.</para>

      <para>Add the NIS objects type to your LAM configuration and then the
      NIS objects module. This will add the NIS objects tab to LAM.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/nisObject.png" />

      <title>Automount objects (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>LAM Pro allows you to manage automount entries. Please activate
      the account type "Automount objects" in your LAM Pro server

            <imagedata fileref="images/automount1.png" />

      <para>Then add the correct automount module. Usually, this is "Automount
      entry (automount)". If you use Suse Linux with RFC2307bis schema please
      select "Automount entry (rfc2307bisAutomount)".</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/automount3.png" />

      <para>This will add a new tab to LAM Pro's main screen which includes a
      list of all automount entries. Here you can easily create new

            <imagedata fileref="images/automount2.png" />

      <para>Please see the following external HowTos for more information on
      automounting and LDAP:</para>


          <para><ulink type=""
          über LDAP (German)</ulink></para>

      <title>Oracle databases (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>Oracle allows to manage connection data that is stored in
      tnsnames.ora to be stored in an LDAP directory.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Initial setup</emphasis></para>

      <para>LDAP server setup:</para>

      <para>You will need to install the correct Oracle LDAP schema files on
      your LDAP server. If you run no Oracle LDAP server then you can get them
      (oidbase.schema, oidnet.schema, oidrdbms.schema, alias.schema) e.g. from

      <para>Next you need to create the root entry for Oracle. It should look
      like this:</para>

      <programlisting>dn: cn=OracleContext,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: orclContext
cn: OracleContext</programlisting>

      <para>You can create it with LAM's tree view. Please note that "cn" must
      be set to "OracleContext".</para>


      <para>LAM setup:</para>

      <para>Edit your LAM server profile and add the Oracle account

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_oracle1.png" />

      <para>In case you manage a single Oracle context just enter the
      cn=OracleContext entry as LDAP suffix. If you manage multiple Oracle
      context entries then set the LDAP suffix to a parent entry of

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_oracle2.png" />

      <para>Next, add the Oracle module:</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_oracle3.png" />

      <para>Now you can login to LAM and start to add database

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Managing database entries</emphasis></para>

      <para>Each database has a service name, the connection string and an
      optional description.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_oracle4.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Database client setup for

      <para>You need to activate the LDAP adapter to make the database tools
      reading LDAP. Edit network/admin/sqlnet.ora like this:</para>

      <programlisting>NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH= (TNSNAMES, LDAP)</programlisting>

      <para>Then add a file called ldap.ora next to your sqlnet.ora and set
      the LDAP server and DN suffix where cn=OracleContext is stored:</para>

      <programlisting>DIRECTORY_SERVERS= (ldap.example.com:389:636)
DEFAULT_ADMIN_CONTEXT = "ou=ctx1,ou=oracle,o=test,c=de"
DIRECTORY_SERVER_TYPE = OID</programlisting>

      <para>This will allow e.g. tnsping to get the connection data from

      <programlisting>[oracle@oracle bin]$ tnsping mydb

TNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version - Production on 09-FEB-2014 18:06:54

Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used <emphasis role="bold">LDAP</emphasis> adapter to resolve the alias
Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=mydb.example.com)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=orcl)))
OK (10 msec)</programlisting>

    <section id="a_ppolicy">
      <title>Password policies (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>OpenLDAP supports the <ulink
      url="http://linux.die.net/man/5/slapo-ppolicy">ppolicy</ulink> overlay
      to manage password policies for LDAP entries. This allows you to set
      password policies which are independent from your applications. The
      policies are managed internally by the LDAP server.</para>

      <para>You can manage these policies with LAM Pro with the account type
      "Password policies".</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/ppolicy.png" />

      <para>You will need to add the ppolicy schema to your OpenLDAP
      configuration and activate the <ulink
      url="http://linux.die.net/man/5/slapo-ppolicy">ppolicy</ulink> overlay
      module in slapd.conf to use this feature.</para>

      <title>PyKota printers</title>

      <para>Please add the account type "Printers (PyKota printers)" on tab
      "Account types" in your server profile and setup the LDAP suffix where
      printers are stored.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaPrinter1.png" />

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaPrinter2.png" />

      <para>Then add the PyKota printer module on tab "Account

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaPrinter3.png" />

      <para>Next you can start managing printers inside LAM. Here you can
      setup the costs for a print job. LAM will also show if the printer is
      member of any printer groups.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaPrinter4.png" />

      <para>You can also setup printer groups. Just add some members to your
      new group.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaPrinter5.png" />

      <title>PyKota billing codes</title>

      <para>Please add the account type "Billing codes" on tab "Account types"
      in your server profile and setup the LDAP suffix where billing codes are

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaCode1.png" />

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaCode2.png" />

      <para>Then add the PyKota billing code module on tab "Account

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaCode3.png" />

      <para>Now login to LAM and you will see the billing code tab where you
      can manage your entries. If jobs were printed with a billing code then
      you will also see the balance and page count.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_pykotaCode4.png" />

      <title>Custom fields (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>This module allows you to manage LDAP attributes that are not
      covered by the other LAM modules (e.g. if you use custom LDAP schemas).
      You can fully define how your input fields look like:</para>


          <para>LDAP attribute name</para>

          <para>Unique name for field</para>

          <para>Help text</para>

          <para>Read-only display</para>

          <para>Field type: text, password, text area, checkbox, radio
          buttons, select list, file upload</para>

          <para>Validation via regular expression</para>

          <para>Error message if validation fails</para>


      <para>Custom fields cannot manage</para>

          <para>structural object classes</para>

          <para>attributes that require validation rules across multiple
          attributes or cannot be described by a simple regular

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Activating the custom fields

      <para>You may specify custom fields for all of your account types.
      Please enter tab "Modules" in your server profile. Now activate the
      "Custom fields (customFields)" module for all needed account

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields14.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Setting label and icon:</emphasis></para>

      <para>You may set the label that is displayed e.g. on the tab when
      editing an account. It is also possible to specify an icon (must be a
      valid URL like "/images/icon.png" or "http://server/images/icon.png").
      The icon size should be 32x32 pixels.</para>

      <para>LAM will display a default icon and "Custom fields" as label if
      you do not enter any values.</para>

      <para>You may also specify how LAM displays cutom fields when there are
      multiple field groups. The default is accordion view where you can
      switch field groups by clicking on the title. You may also deactivate
      this mode. Then all field groups are displayed one below the

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields25.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Defining groups:</emphasis></para>

      <para>All input fields are devided into groups. A group may contain one
      or more object classes and allows you to add/remove a certain set of
      input fields.</para>

      <para>E.g. you may define two groups - "My application A" and "My
      application B" - that manage different LDAP attributes and object
      classes. This way you will be able to control both attribute sets

      <para>To create a group please edit your server profile and switch to
      tab "Module settings". You will see the section "Custom fields" which
      allows you to add new groups. Now select your account type (e.g. Users)
      and specify an alias for your group. This alias will be printed as group
      header when you later edit an account in the admin interface.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields15.png" />

      <para>After you created your new group you can setup the managed object
      classes. If you specify any object classes then you will later be able
      to add/remove a complete set of attributes including their object

      <para>Skipping the object classes field is only useful if you want to
      manage some attributes that are not yet supported by LAM but there is
      already a LAM module that manages the object class.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields16.png" />

      <para>The group may look like when you edit a user.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields19.png" />

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields20.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Adding fields:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Now you can add a new field that manages an LDAP attribute. Simply
      fill the fields and press on "Add".</para>

      <para>Please note that the field name cannot be changed later. It is the
      unique ID for this field.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields17.png" />

      <para>Examples for fields and their representation:</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Text field:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Text fields allow to specify a <link
      expression</link> and error message.</para>

      <para>You can also enable auto-completion. In this case LAM will search
      all accounts for the given attribute and provide auto-completion hints
      when the user edits this field. This should only be used if there is a
      limited number of different values for this attribute.</para>

      <para>In case your field is a date value you can show a calendar for
      easy editing.</para>

      <para>Example calendar formats:</para>

          <para>dd.mm.yy: 31.12.2016</para>

          <para>yy-mm-dd: 2016-12-31</para>

          <para>d M, y: 31 Dec, 16</para>

          <para>d MM, y: 31 December, 2016</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields2.png" />


            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields3.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Password field:</emphasis></para>

      <para>You can also manage custom password fields. LAM Pro will display
      two fields where the user must enter the same password. You can hash the
      password if needed.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields4.png" />


            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields5.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Text area:</emphasis></para>

      <para>This adds a multi-line field. The options are similar to text
      fields. Additionally, you can set the size with the number of columns
      and rows.</para>

      <para>Please note that the <link
      expression</link> should be set to multi-line. This is done by adding
      "m" at the end.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields6.png" />


            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields7.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Checkbox:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Sometimes you may want to allow only yes/no values for your LDAP
      attributes. This can be represented by a checkbox. You can specify the
      values for checked and unchecked. The default value is set if the LDAP
      attribute has no value.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields8.png" />


            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields9.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Radio buttons:</emphasis></para>

      <para>This displays a list of radio buttons where the user can select
      one value.</para>

      <para>You can specify a mapping of LDAP attribute values and their
      display (label) on the Self Service page. To add more mapping fields
      please press "Add more mapping fields".</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields10.png" />


            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields11.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Select list:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Select lists allow the user to select a value in a large list of
      options. The definition of the possible values and their display is
      similar to radio buttons.</para>

      <para>You can also allow multiple values.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields12.png" />


            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields13.png" />

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields18.png" />

      <para id="customFields_validation_expressions_admin"><emphasis
      role="bold">Validation expressions:</emphasis></para>

      <para>The validation expressions follow the standard of <ulink
      url="http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html">Perl regular
      expressions</ulink>. They start and end with a "/". The beginning of a
      line is specified by "^" and the end by "$".</para>


      <para>/^[a-z0-9]+$/ allows small letters and numbers. The value must not
      be empty ("+").</para>

      <para>/^[a-z0-9]+$/i allows small and capital letters ("i" at the end
      means ignore case) and numbers. The value must not be empty

      <para>Special characters that must be escaped with "\": "\", ".", "(",

      <para>E.g. /^[a-z0-9\.]$/i</para>


      <para><emphasis role="bold">File upload:</emphasis></para>

      <para>This is used for binary data. You can restrict uploaded data to a
      given file extension and set the maximum file size.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields21.png" />


      <para>The uploaded data may also be downloaded via LAM.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customFields22.png" />

      <title>Custom scripts (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>LAM Pro allows you to execute scripts whenever an account is
      created, modified or deleted. This can be useful to automate processes
      which needed manual work afterwards (e.g. sending your user a welcome
      mail or register a mailbox). Additionally, you can specify manual scipts
      that can be executed from within LAM Pro.</para>

      <para>To activate this feature please add the "Custom scripts" module to
      all needed account types on the configuration pages.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customScripts3.png" />

      <para>In "Module settings" you can specify multiple scripts for each
      action type (e.g. modify) and account type (e.g. user). The scripts need
      to be located on the filesystem of your webserver and will be executed
      in its user environment. E.g. if you webserver runs as user www-data
      with the group www-data then the custom scripts will be run under this
      user with his rights. The output of the scripts will be shown in

      <para>You can specify the scripts on the LAM configuration pages.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/customScripts.png" />

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Syntax:</emphasis></para>

      <para>Please enter one script per line. Each line has the following
      format: &lt;account type&gt; &lt;action&gt; &lt;script&gt;</para>

      <para>E.g.: user preModify /usr/bin/myCustomScript -u $uid$</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Account types:</emphasis></para>

      <para>You can setup scripts for all available account types (e.g. user,
      group, host, ...). Please see the help on the configuration page about
      your current active account types.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Actions:</emphasis></para>

        <title>Action types</title>

        <tgroup cols="2">
              <entry><emphasis role="bold">Action name</emphasis></entry>

              <entry><emphasis role="bold">Description</emphasis></entry>


              <entry>Executed before creating a new account (cancels operation
              if a script returns an exit code &gt; 0, not available for file


              <entry>Executed after creating a new account (does <emphasis
              role="bold">not</emphasis> run if preCreate or LDAP operations


              <entry>Executed before an account is modified (cancels operation
              if a script returns an exit code &gt; 0)</entry>


              <entry>Executed after an account was modified (does <emphasis
              role="bold">not</emphasis> run if preModify or LDAP operations


              <entry>Executed before an account is modified (cancels operation
              if a script returns an exit code &gt; 0)</entry>


              <entry>Executed after an account was modified (does <emphasis
              role="bold">not</emphasis> run if preDelete or LDAP operations


              <entry>Can be run manually on account page. If you add
              LAMLABEL="text" before the command then LAM will use the text as
              label for the button in account edit screen.</entry>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Script:</emphasis></para>

      <para>You can execute any script which is located on the filesystem of
      your webserver. The path may be absolute or relative to the
      PATH-variable of the environment of your webserver process. It is also
      possible to add commandline arguments to your scripts. Additionally, LAM
      will resolve wildcards to LDAP attributes. If your script includes an
      wildcard in the format $ATTRIBUTE$ then LAM will replace it with the
      attribute value of the current LDAP entry. The values of multi-value
      attributes are separated by commas. E.g. if you create an account with
      the attribute "uid" and value "steve" then LAM will resolve "$uid$" to

      <para>Please note that manual scripts can only use the current LDAP
      attribute values of the account. Any modifications done that are not
      saved will not be available. Manual scripts are also not available for
      new accounts that are not yet saved to LDAP.</para>

      <para>You can switch LAM's logging to debug mode if you are unsure which
      attributes with which values are available.</para>

      <para>The following special wildcards are available for automatical

          <para><emphasis role="bold">$INFO.userPasswordClearText$:</emphasis>
          cleartext password when Unix/Windows password is changed (e.g.
          useful for external password synchronisation) for new/modified

          role="bold">$INFO.userPasswordStatusChange$:</emphasis> provides
          additional information if the Personal/Unix password locking status
          was changed, possible values: locked, unlocked, unchanged</para>

          cleartext answer to security question</para>

          role="bold">$INFO.389lockingStatusChange$:</emphasis> for 389ds
          account locking, provides information if account was unlocked.
          Possible values: unchanged, unlocked</para>

          role="bold">$INFO.389deactivationStatusChange$:</emphasis> for 389ds
          account locking, provides information if account was deactivated.
          Possible values: unchanged, activated, deactivated</para>

          <para><emphasis role="bold">$NEW.&lt;attribute&gt;$:</emphasis> the
          value of a new attribute (e.g. $NEW.telephoneNumber$) for modified

          <para><emphasis role="bold">$DEL.&lt;attribute&gt;$:</emphasis> the
          value of a deleted attribute (e.g. $DEL.telephoneNumber$) for
          modified accounts</para>

          <para><emphasis role="bold">$MOD.&lt;attribute&gt;$:</emphasis> the
          new value of a modified attribute (e.g. $MOD.telephoneNumber$) for
          modified accounts</para>

          <para><emphasis role="bold">$ORIG.&lt;attribute&gt;$:</emphasis> the
          original value of an attribute (e.g. $ORIG.telephoneNumber$) for
          modified accounts</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Output may contain HTML:</emphasis> If your
      scripts generate HTML output then activate this option.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Hide command in messages:</emphasis> You may
      want to prevent that your users see the executed commands. In this case
      activating this option will only show the command output but not the
      command itself.</para>


      <para>You can see a preview of the commands which will be automatically
      executed on the "Custom scripts" tab. Here you can also run the manual

            <imagedata fileref="images/customScripts2.png" />

      <title>Sudo roles (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>You can manage your sudo roles in LDAP if you have installed the
      sudo-ldap package or <ulink
      url="http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/readme_ldap.html">compiled sudo with LDAP

      <para>To activate sudo management in LAM Pro edit your server profile
      and add the type "Sudo roles".</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/sudoRole1.png" />

            <imagedata fileref="images/sudoRole2.png" />

      <para>Now you can create sudo commands.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/sudoRole.png" />

      <para>The sudo roles in LDAP work similar to those in /etc/sudoers. You
      can specify who may run which commands as which user. It is also
      possible to specify options like NOPASSWD.</para>

      <title>LDAP views based on nsview (LAM Pro)</title>

      <para>LAM Pro supports LDAP views based on the "nsview" object class.
      These views allow to create an organizational unit that shows a subset
      of your LDAP content. The subset is determined by an LDAP filter.</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Configuration:</emphasis></para>

      <para>To activate view management in LAM Pro edit your server profile
      and add the type "LDAP views".</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_nsview1.png" />

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_nsview2.png" />

      <para>Now you are ready to create your views. Each view has a name, LDAP
      filter and an optional description.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_nsview4.png" />

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_nsview3.png" />

      <title>General information</title>

      <para>This module is available for all account types. It shows some
      internal information about the LDAP entries like the creation time and
      who modified the entry.</para>

      <para>If you use the "memberOf" overlay in OpenLDAP then this will also
      show group memberships done by the overlay.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/mod_generalInformation.png" />

      <title>Tree view (LDAP browser)</title>

      <para>The tree view provides a raw view on your LDAP directory. This
      feature is for people who are experienced with LDAP and need special
      functionality which the LAM account modules not provide. E.g. if you
      want to add a special object class to an account or edit attributes
      ignoring LAM's syntax checks.</para>

            <imagedata fileref="images/tree1.png" />

      <para>There are also some special functions available:</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Export:</emphasis> This allows you to export
      entries to a file (e.g. LDIF or CSV format).</para>

      <para><emphasis role="bold">Show internal attributes:</emphasis> Shows
      internal attributes of the current entry. This includes information
      about the creator and creation time of the entry.</para>