<?php /* $Id$ Copyright (C) 2004 David Smith modified to fit for LDAP Account Manager 2005 - 2010 Roland Gruber This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Displays the LDAP schema of the server * * @package tools * @author David Smith * @author Roland Gruber */ /** security functions */ include_once("../../lib/security.inc"); /** access to LDAP server */ include_once("../../lib/ldap.inc"); /** access to configuration options */ include_once("../../lib/config.inc"); /** schema functions */ require_once("../../lib/schema.inc"); // start session startSecureSession(); setlanguage(); include '../main_header.php'; $view = isset( $_GET['view'] ) ? $_GET['view'] : 'objectClasses'; $viewvalue = isset( $_GET['viewvalue'] ) ? $_GET['viewvalue'] : null; if( trim( $viewvalue ) == "" ) $viewvalue = null; if( ! is_null( $viewvalue ) ) $viewed = false; ?> <br /> <center><big> <?php echo ( $view=='objectClasses' ? _('Object classes') : '<a href="?view=objectClasses">' . _('Object classes').'</a>' ); ?> | <?php echo ( $view=='attributes' ? _('Attribute types'): '<a href="?view=attributes">' . _('Attribute types').'</a>' ); ?> | <?php echo ( $view=='syntaxes' ? _('Syntaxes') : '<a href="?view=syntaxes">' . _('Syntaxes').'</a>' ); ?> | <?php echo ( $view=='matching_rules' ? _('Matching rules') : '<a href="?view=matching_rules">' . _('Matching rules').'</a>' ); ?> </big></center> <br /> <?php flush(); ?> <?php if( $view == 'syntaxes' ) { $highlight_oid = isset( $_GET['highlight_oid'] ) ? $_GET['highlight_oid'] : false; echo "\n\n<table class=\"schema_attr\" width=\"100%\">\n"; echo "<tr><th>" . _('Syntax OID') . "</th><th>" . _('Description') . "</th></tr>\n"; flush(); $counter=1; $schema_syntaxes = get_schema_syntaxes(null); if( ! $schema_syntaxes ) StatusMessage("ERROR", _("Unable to retrieve schema!"), ""); foreach( $schema_syntaxes as $syntax ) { $counter++; $oid = htmlspecialchars( $syntax->getOID() ); $desc = htmlspecialchars( $syntax->getDescription() ); if( $highlight_oid && $highlight_oid == $oid ) echo "<tr class=\"highlight\">"; else echo "<tr class=\"" . ($counter%2==0?'even':'odd'). "\">"; echo "<td><a name=\"$oid\">$oid</a></td><td>$desc</td></tr>\n\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; } elseif( $view == 'attributes' ) { flush(); $schema_attrs = get_schema_attributes(null); $schema_object_classes = get_schema_objectclasses(null); if( ! $schema_attrs || ! $schema_object_classes ) StatusMessage("ERROR", _("Unable to retrieve schema!"), ""); ?> <small><?php echo _('Jump to an attribute type'); ?>:</small> <form action="schema.php" method="get"><input type="hidden" name="view" value="<?php echo $view; ?>" /> <select name="viewvalue" onChange="submit()"> <option value=""> - all -</option> <?php foreach( $schema_attrs as $attr ) { echo( '<option value="' .$attr->getName() .'" ' .( 0 == strcasecmp( $attr->getName(), $viewvalue ) ? ' selected ' : '' ) .'>' . $attr->getName() .'</option>' . "\n" ); } ?> </select><input type="submit" value="<?php echo _('Go'); ?>" /></form> <br /> <table class="schema_attr" width="100%"> <?php foreach( $schema_attrs as $attr ) { if ( is_null( $viewvalue ) || 0 == strcasecmp( $viewvalue, $attr->getName() ) ) { if( ! is_null( $viewvalue ) ) $viewed = true; flush(); echo "<tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . $attr->getName() . "</th></tr>\n\n"; $counter = 0; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Description')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . ( $attr->getDescription() == null ? '('._('No description').')' : $attr->getDescription() ). "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td><acronym title=\"Object Identier\">"._('OID')."</acronym></td>\n"; echo "<td>" . $attr->getOID() . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo '<td>'._('Obsolete')."?</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . ( $attr->getIsObsolete() ? '<b>' . _('Yes') . '</b>' : _('No') ) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Inherits from')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>"; if( $attr->getSupAttribute()==null ) echo '('._('none').')'; else echo "<a href=\"?view=$view&viewvalue=" . strtolower( $attr->getSupAttribute() ) . "\">" . $attr->getSupAttribute() . "</a></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Equality')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . ( $attr->getEquality() == null ? '('._('not specified').')' : "<a href=\"?view=matching_rules&viewvalue=".$attr->getEquality()."\">".$attr->getEquality()."</a>" ) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Ordering')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . ( $attr->getOrdering()==null? '('._('not specified').')' : $attr->getOrdering() ) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Substring Rule')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . ( $attr->getSubstr()==null? '('._('not specified').')' : $attr->getSubstr() ) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Syntax')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>"; if( null != $attr->getType() ) { echo "<a href=\"?view=syntaxes&highlight_oid="; echo $attr->getSyntaxOID() . "#" . $attr->getSyntaxOID(); echo "\">" . $attr->getType() . " (" . $attr->getSyntaxOID() . ")</a>"; } else { echo $attr->getSyntaxOID(); } echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Single valued')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . ( $attr->getIsSingleValue() ? _('Yes') : _('No') ) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Collective')."?</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . ( $attr->getIsCollective() ? _('Yes') : _('No') ) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('User modification')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . ( $attr->getIsNoUserModification() ? _('No') : _('Yes') ) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Usage')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . ( $attr->getUsage() ? $attr->getUsage() : '('._('not specified').')' ) . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Maximum length')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>"; if ( $attr->getMaxLength() === null ) { echo '('._('not applicable').')';} else { echo number_format( $attr->getMaxLength() ) ." "; if ( $attr->getMaxLength()>1) {echo _('characters');} else { echo _('character') ;} } echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Aliases')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>"; if( count( $attr->getAliases() ) == 0 ) echo '('._('none').')'; else foreach( $attr->getAliases() as $alias_attr_name ) echo "<a href=\"?view=attributes&viewvalue=" . $alias_attr_name. "\">$alias_attr_name</a> "; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; echo "<tr class=\"" . (++$counter%2==0?'even':'odd') . "\">\n"; echo "<td>"._('Used by object classes')."</td>\n"; echo "<td>"; if( count( $attr->getUsedInObjectClasses() ) == 0 ) echo '('._('none').')'; else foreach( $attr->getUsedInObjectClasses() as $used_in_oclass) echo "<a href=\"?view=objectClasses&viewvalue=" . $used_in_oclass. "\">$used_in_oclass</a> "; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>\n\n"; flush(); } } echo "</table>\n"; } elseif( $view == 'matching_rules' ) { $schema_matching_rules = get_schema_matching_rules(null); echo '<small>' . _('Jump to a matching rule').'</small><br />'; echo '<form action="schema.php" method="get">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="view" value="matching_rules" />'; echo '<select name="viewvalue" onChange="submit()">'; echo '<option value=""> - all -</option>'; foreach( $schema_matching_rules as $rule ) { echo '<option value="'.$rule->getName().'"'.($rule->getName()==$viewvalue? ' selected ': '').'>'.$rule->getName().'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo '<input type="submit" value="'._('Go').'" />'; echo '</form>'; echo "\n\n<table class=\"schema_attr\" width=\"100%\">\n"; echo "<tr><th>" . _('Matching rule OID') . "</th><th>" . _('Name') . "</th><th>"._('Used by attributes')."</th></tr>\n"; flush(); $counter=1; $schema_matching_rules = get_schema_matching_rules(null); if( ! $schema_matching_rules ) StatusMessage("ERROR", _("Unable to retrieve schema!"), ""); foreach( $schema_matching_rules as $rule ) { $counter++; $oid = htmlspecialchars( $rule->getOID() ); $desc = htmlspecialchars( $rule->getName() ); if ( $viewvalue==null || $viewvalue==($rule->getName() )) { if( ! is_null( $viewvalue ) ) $viewed = true; if( null != $rule->getDescription() ) $desc .= ' (' . $rule->getDescription() . ')'; if( true === $rule->getIsObsolete() ) $desc .= ' <span style="color:red">' . _('Obsolete') . '</span>'; echo "<tr class=\"" . ($counter%2==0?'even':'odd'). "\">"; echo "<td>$oid</td>"; echo "<td>$desc</td>"; echo "<td>"; if( count( $rule->getUsedByAttrs() ) == 0 ) { echo "<center>(" . _('none') . ")</center><br /><br />\n"; } else { echo "<table><tr><td style=\"text-align: right\"><form action=\"schema.php\" method=\"get\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"view\" value=\"attributes\" />"; echo "<select style=\"width: 150px; color:black; background-color: #eee\" size=\"4\" name=\"viewvalue\">\n"; foreach( $rule->getUsedByAttrs() as $attr ) echo "<option>$attr</option>\n"; echo "</select><br /><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._('Go')."\" /></form></td></tr></table>\n"; } echo "</td></tr>\n"; } } echo "</table>\n"; } elseif( $view == 'objectClasses' ) { flush(); $schema_oclasses = get_schema_objectclasses(null); if( ! $schema_oclasses ) StatusMessage("ERROR", _("Unable to retrieve schema!"), ""); ?> <small><?php echo _('Jump to an object class'); ?>:</small> <form action="schema.php" method="get"><input type="hidden" name="view" value="<?php echo $view; ?>" /> <select name="viewvalue" onChange="submit()"> <option value=""> - all - </option> <?php foreach( $schema_oclasses as $name => $oclass ) { echo '<option value="' .$oclass->getName() .'"' . ( 0 == strcasecmp( $oclass->getName(), $viewvalue ) ? ' selected ':'') .'>'.$oclass->getName() .'</option>'; } ?> </select><input type="submit" value="<?php echo _('Go'); ?>" /> </form> <?php flush(); ?> <?php foreach( $schema_oclasses as $name => $oclass ) { foreach( $oclass->getSupClasses() as $parent_name ) { $parent_name = $parent_name; if( isset( $schema_oclasses[ $parent_name ] ) ) { $schema_oclasses[ $parent_name ]->addChildObjectClass( $oclass->getName() ); } } } ?> <br /> <?php foreach( $schema_oclasses as $name => $oclass ) { if ( $viewvalue==null || 0 == strcasecmp( $viewvalue, $oclass->getName() ) ){ if( ! is_null( $viewvalue ) ) $viewed = true; ?> <h4 class="schema_oclass"><?php echo $oclass->getName(); ?></h4> <h4 class="schema_oclass_sub"><?php echo _('OID'); ?>: <b><?php echo $oclass->getOID(); ?></b></h4> <?php if( $oclass->getDescription() ) { ?> <h4 class="schema_oclass_sub"><?php echo _('Description'); ?>: <b><?php echo $oclass->getDescription(); ?></b></h4> <?php } ?> <h4 class="schema_oclass_sub"><?php echo _('Type'); ?>: <b><?php echo $oclass->getType(); ?></b></h4> <?php if( $oclass->getIsObsolete() == true ) { ?> <h4 class="schema_oclass_sub"><?php echo _('This object class is obsolete.'); ?></h4> <?php } ?> <h4 class="schema_oclass_sub"><?php echo _('Inherits from'); ?>: <b><?php if( count( $oclass->getSupClasses() ) == 0 ) echo "(" . _('none') . ")"; else foreach( $oclass->getSupClasses() as $i => $object_class ) { echo '<a title="' . _('Jump to an object class') . ' " href="?view='.$view.'&viewvalue='.htmlspecialchars( $object_class ) ; echo '">' . htmlspecialchars( $object_class ) . '</a>'; if( $i < count( $oclass->getSupClasses() ) - 1 ) echo ', '; } ?></b></h4> <h4 class="schema_oclass_sub"><?php echo _('Parent to'); ?>: <b><?php if( 0 == strcasecmp( $oclass->getName(), 'top' ) ) echo "(<a href=\"schema.php?view=objectClasses\">all</a>)"; elseif( count( $oclass->getChildObjectClasses() ) == 0 ) echo "(" . _('none') . ")"; else foreach( $oclass->getChildObjectClasses() as $i => $object_class ) { echo '<a title="' . _('Jump to an object class') . ' " href="?view='.$view.'&viewvalue='.htmlspecialchars( $object_class ) ; echo '">' . htmlspecialchars( $object_class ) . '</a>'; if( $i < count( $oclass->getChildObjectClasses() ) - 1 ) echo ', '; } ?></b></h4> <table width="100%" class="schema_oclasses"> <tr> <th width="50%"><b><?php echo _('Required attributes'); ?></b></th> <th width="50%"><b><?php echo _('Optional attributes'); ?></b></th> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php if( count( $oclass->getMustAttrs($schema_oclasses) ) > 0 ) { echo '<ul class="schema">'; foreach( $oclass->getMustAttrs($schema_oclasses) as $attr ) { echo "<li><a href=\"?view=attributes&viewvalue="; echo rawurlencode( $attr->getName() ). "\">" . htmlspecialchars($attr->getName()); echo "</a>"; if( $attr->getSource() != $oclass->getName() ) { echo "<br /><small> ("._('Inherited from')." "; echo "<a href=\"?view=objectClasses&viewvalue=" . $attr->getSource() . "\">" . $attr->getSource() . "</a>"; echo ")</small>"; } echo "</li>\n"; } echo "</ul>"; } else echo "<center>(" . _('none') . ")</center>\n"; ?> </td> <td width="50%"> <?php if( count( $oclass->getMayAttrs($schema_oclasses) ) > 0 ) { echo '<ul class="schema">'; foreach( $oclass->getMayAttrs($schema_oclasses) as $attr ) { echo "<li><a href=\"?view=attributes&viewvalue="; echo rawurlencode( $attr->getName() ) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($attr->getName() ); echo "</a>\n"; if( $attr->getSource() != $oclass->getName() ) { echo "<br /><small> ("._('Inherited from')." "; echo "<a href=\"?view=objectClasses&viewvalue=" . $attr->getSource() . "\">" . $attr->getSource() . "</a>"; echo ")</small>"; } echo "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } else echo "<center>(" . _('none') . ")</center>\n"; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } } /* End foreach objectClass */ ?> <?php } /* End else (displaying objectClasses */ ?> <?php if( ! is_null( $viewvalue ) && ! $viewed ) StatusMessage("ERROR", sprintf( _('No such schema item: "%s"'), htmlspecialchars( $viewvalue ) ) ); ?> </body> </html>