base = $base; // posixGroup is only a valid objectClass for user and host if ($_SESSION[$this->base]->get_type() != 'group') trigger_error(_('posixGroup can only be used for groups.'), E_USER_WARNING); // Add Array with all attributes and type $this->attributes = $_SESSION[$this->base]->get_module_attributes('posixGroup'); $_SESSION[$this->base]->add_attributes ('posixGroup'); $this->alias = _('posixGroup'); // Make references to attributes which already esists in ldap $newattributes = array_keys($this->attributes); $module = array_keys($_SESSION[$this->base]->module); // fixme *** do we have to unset module posixAccuont itself for ($i=0; $ibase]->module[$module[$i]]->attributes[$attribute])) $this->attributes[$attribute] =& $_SESSION[$this->base]->module[$module[$i]]->attributes[$attribute]; } $this->orig = $this->attributes ; $this->changegids=false; } // Variables // name of accountContainer so we can read other classes in accuontArray var $base; // Use a unix password? var $userPassword_no; // Lock account? var $userPassword_lock; // change gids of users and hosts? var $changegids; // This variable contains all inetOrgPerson attributes var $attributes; /* If an account was loaded all attributes are kept in this array * to compare it with new changed attributes */ var $orig; /* $attribute['userPassword'] can't accessed directly because it's enrcypted * To read / write password function userPassword is needed * This function will return the unencrypted password when * called without a variable * If it's called with a new password, the * new password will be stored encrypted */ function userPassword($newpassword=false) { if (is_string($newpassword)) { // Write new password $this->attributes['userPassword'][0] = base64_encode($_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->ldap]->encrypt($newpassword)); return 0; } else { if ($this->attributes['userPassword'][0]!='') { // Read existing password if set return $_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->ldap]->decrypt(base64_decode($this->attributes['userPassword'][0])); } else return ''; } } function get_alias($scope) { return _('posixGroup'); } function is_base_module($scope) { return true; } // returns an LDAP filter for the account lists // $scope: the account type ("user", "group", "host") function get_ldap_filter($scope) { return "(objectClass=posixGroup)"; } /* This function returns a list with all required modules */ function get_dependencies($scope) { if ($scope=='group') return array('require' => array('main'), 'conflict' => array('inetOrgPerson', 'account', 'sambaDomain') ); return -1; } function module_ready() { return true; } /* This functions return true * if all needed settings are done */ function module_complete() { if (!$this->module_ready()) return false; if ($this->attributes['cn'][0] == '') return false; if ($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] == '') return false; return true; } /* This function returns a list of all html-pages in module * This is usefull for mass upload and pdf-files * because lam can walk trough all pages itself and do some * error checkings */ function pages() { return array('attributes', 'user'); } /* */ function get_help($id) { switch ($id) { case "description": return array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Description"), "Text" => _("Host Description.")); break; } return false; } /* This function returns all ldap attributes * which are part of posixGroup and returns * also their values. */ function get_attributes() { $return = $this->attributes; $return['userPassword'] = $this->userPassword(); return $return; } /* This function loads all attributes into the object * $attr is an array as it's retured from ldap_get_attributes */ function load_attributes($attr) { // Load attributes which are displayed // unset count entries unset ($attr['count']); $attributes = array_keys($attr); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) unset ($attr[$attribute]['count']); // unset double entries for ($i=0; $iattributes[$attribute])) { // decode as unicode $this->attributes[$attribute] = $attr[$attribute]; for ($i=0; $iattributes[$attribute]); $i++) { $this->attributes[$attribute][$i] = utf8_decode ($this->attributes[$attribute][$i]); $this->orig[$attribute][$i] = utf8_decode ($this->attributes[$attribute][$i]); } } } // Values are kept as copy so we can compare old attributes with new attributes $this->attributes['objectClass'][0] = 'posixGroup'; return 0; } /* This function returns an array with 3 entries: * array( DN1 ('add' => array($attr), 'remove' => array($attr), 'modify' => array($attr)), DN2 .... ) * DN is the DN to change. It may be possible to change several DNs, * e.g. create a new user and add him to some groups via attribute memberUid * add are attributes which have to be added to ldap entry * remove are attributes which have to be removed from ldap entry * modify are attributes which have to been modified in ldap entry */ function save_attributes() { $return = $_SESSION[$this->base]->save_module_attributes($this->attributes, $this->orig); if (isset($return[$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn]['modify']['userPassword'])) unset($return[$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn]['modify']['userPassword']); // Set unix password if (count($this->orig['userPassword'])==0) { // New user or no old password set if ($this->userPassword_no) { $return[$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn]['modify']['userPassword'][0] = pwd_hash ('', !$this->userPassword_lock); } else $return[$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn]['modify']['userPassword'][0] = utf8_encode(pwd_hash ($this->userPassword(), !$this->userPassword_lock)); } else { if (($this->attributes['userPassword'][0] != $this->orig['userPassword'][0] && $this->userPassword()!='' ) || $this->userPassword_no) { // Write new password if ($this->userPassword_no) $return[$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn]['modify']['userPassword'][0] = pwd_hash ('', !$this->userPassword_lock); else $return[$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn]['modify']['userPassword'][0] = utf8_encode(pwd_hash ($this->userPassword(), !$this->userPassword_lock)); } else { // No new password but old password // (un)lock password if ($this->userPassword_lock == pwd_is_enabled($this->orig['userPassword'][0])) { // Split old password hash in {CRYPT} and password-hash $i = 0; while ($this->orig['userPassword'][0]{$i} != '}') $i++; $passwd = substr($this->orig['userPassword'][0], $i+1 ); $crypt = substr($this->orig['userPassword'][0], 0, $i+1 ); // remove trailing ! from password hash if ($passwd{0} == '!') $passwd = substr($passwd, 1); // Write new password if ($this->userPassword_lock) $return[$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn]['modify']['userPassword'][0] = utf8_encode("$crypt!$passwd"); else $return[$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn]['modify']['userPassword'][0] = utf8_encode("$crypt$passwd"); } } } // Remove primary group from users from memberUid $users_dn = $_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->cache]->get_cache('gidNumber', 'posixAccount', 'user'); $DNs = array_keys($users_dn); for ($i=0; $iattributes['gidNumber'][0]) { $thisuser = substr($DNs[$i], 4, strpos($DNs[$i], ",")-4); if (@in_array($thisuser, $this->attribtues['memberUid'])) { $this->attribtues['memberUid'] = @array_flip($this->attribtues['memberUid']); unset($this->attribtues['memberUid'][$thisuser]); $this->attribtues['memberUid'] = @array_flip($this->attribtues['memberUid']); } } } // Change gids of users and hosts? if ($this->changegids) { // get gidNumber $line=-1; for ($i=0; $ildap]->objectClasses) || $i==-1; $i++) { if (strpos($_SESSION[$this->ldap]->objectClasses[$i], "NAME 'posixAccount'")) $line = $i; } if ($line!=-1) { $result = $_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->cache]->get_cache('gidNumber', 'posixAccount', '*'); $DNs = array_keys($result); for ($i=0; $iorig['gidNumber'][0]) $return[$DNs[$i]]['modify']['gidNumber'][0] = $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]; } // change primaryGroupID $line=-1; for ($i=0; $ildap]->objectClasses) || $i==-1; $i++) { if (strpos($_SESSION[$this->ldap]->objectClasses[$i], "NAME 'sambaAccount'")) $line = $i; } if ($line!=-1) { $result = $_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->cache]->get_cache('primaryGroupID', 'sambaAccount', '*'); $DNs = array_keys($result); for ($i=0; $iorig['gidNumber'][0]*2+1001 ) $return[$DNs[$i]]['modify']['PrimaryGroupID'][0] = $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]*2+1001; } } // change sambaPrimaryGroupSID $line=-1; for ($i=0; $ildap]->objectClasses) || $i==-1; $i++) { if (strpos($_SESSION[$this->ldap]->objectClasses[$i], "NAME 'sambaSamAccount'")) $line = $i; } if ($line!=-1) { $result = $_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->cache]->get_cache('sambaPrimaryGroupSID', 'sambaSamAccount', '*'); $DNs = array_keys($result); for ($i=0; $ibase]->ldap]->search_domains($_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->config]->get_domainSuffix()); // Get Domain-SID from group SID $domainSID = substr($result[$DNs[$i]], 0, strrpos($result[$DNs[$i]], "-")); for ($i=0; $iSID) $RIDbase = $sambaDomains[$i]->RIDbase; if ($result[$DNs[$i]][0] == $SID . "-" . $this->orig['gidNumber'][0]*2+1+$RIDbase ) $return[$DNs[$i]]['modify']['sambaPrimaryGroupSID'][0] = $SID . "-" . $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]*2+1+$RIDbase; } } } return $return; } function delete_attributes($post) { if ($_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->cache]->in_cache($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0], 'gidNumber', 'user')) $return[$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn]['errors'][] = array ('ERROR', _('Primary groupmembers'), _('There are still primary members in group.')); return $return; } /* Write variables into object and do some regexp checks */ function proccess_attributes($post, $profile=false) { if ($this->orig['gidNumber'][0]!='' && $post['gidNumber']!=$this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]) $errors['gidNumber'][] = array('INFO', _('GID number'), _('GID number has changed. Please select checkbox to change GID number of users and hosts.')); // Load attributes $this->attributes['cn'][0] = $post['cn']; $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] = $post['gidNumber']; $this->attributes['description'][0] = $post['description']; if ($post['userPassword_no']) $this->userPassword_no=true; else $this->userPassword_no=false; if ($post['userPassword_lock']) $this->userPassword_lock=true; else $this->userPassword_lock=false; If (!$profile) { if ($post['changegids']) $this->changegids=true; else $this->changegids=false; if (isset($post['userPassword'])) { if ($post['userPassword'] != $post['userPassword2']) { $errors['userPassword'][] = array('ERROR', _('Password'), _('Please enter the same password in both password-fields.')); unset ($post['userPassword2']); } else $this->userPassword($post['userPassword']); } if ($post['genpass']) $this->userPassword(genpasswd()); // Check if UID is valid. If none value was entered, the next useable value will be inserted // load min and may uidNumber $minID = intval($_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->config]->get_minGID()); $maxID = intval($_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->config]->get_maxGID()); $dn_gids = $_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->cache]->get_cache('gidNumber', 'posixGroup', '*'); // get_cache will return an array ( dn1 => array(uidnumber1), dn2 => array(uidnumber2), ... ) foreach ($dn_gids as $gid) $gids[] = $gid[0]; if(is_array($gids)) sort ($gids, SORT_NUMERIC); if ($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]=='') { // No id-number given if ($this->orig['gidNumber'][0]=='') { // new account -> we have to find a free id-number if (count($gids)!=0) { // There are some uids // Store highest id-number $id = $gids[count($gids)-1]; // Return minimum allowed id-number if all found id-numbers are too low if ($id < $minID) $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] = $minID; // Return higesht used id-number + 1 if it's still in valid range if ($id < $maxID) $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] = $id+1; /* If this function is still running we have to fid a free id-number between * the used id-numbers */ $i = intval($minID); while (in_array($i, $gids)) $i++; if ($i>$maxID) $errors['gidNumber'][] = array('ERROR', _('ID-Number'), _('No free ID-Number!')); else { $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] = $i; $errors['gidNumber'][] = array('WARN', _('ID-Number'), _('It is possible that this ID-number is reused. This can cause several problems because files with old permissions might still exist. To avoid this warning set maxUID to a higher value.')); } } else $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] = $minID; // return minimum allowed id-number if no id-numbers are found } else $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] = $this->orig['gidNumber'][0]; // old account -> return id-number which has been used } else { // Check manual ID // id-number is out of valid range if ( ($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]!=$post['gidNumber']) && ($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] < $minID || $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] > $maxID)) $errors['gidNumber'][] = array('ERROR', _('ID-Number'), sprintf(_('Please enter a value between %s and %s!'), $minID, $maxID)); // $uids is allways an array but not if no entries were found if (is_array($gids)) { // id-number is in use and account is a new account if ((in_array($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0], $gids)) && $this->orig['gidNumber'][0]=='') $errors['gidNumber'][] = array('ERROR', _('ID-Number'), _('ID is already in use')); // id-number is in use, account is existing account and id-number is not used by itself if ((in_array($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0], $gids)) && $this->orig['gidNumber'][0]!='' && ($this->orig['gidNumber'][0] != $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]) ) { $errors['gidNumber'][] = array('ERROR', _('ID-Number'), _('ID is already in use')); $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] = $this->orig['gidNumber'][0]; } } } if (($this->attributes['cn'][0] != $post['cn']) && ereg('[A-Z]$', $post['cn'])) $errors['cn'][] = array('WARN', _('Groupname'), _('You are using a capital letters. This can cause problems because windows isn\'t case-sensitive.')); // Check if Username contains only valid characters if ( !ereg('^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[_])+$', $this->attributes['cn'][0])) $errors['cn'][] = array('ERROR', _('Groupname'), _('Groupname contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !')); // Create automatic useraccount with number if original user already exists // Reset name to original name if new name is in use // Set username back to original name if new username is in use if ($_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->cache]->in_cache($this->attributes['cn'][0],'cn', '*')!=false && ($this->orig['cn'][0]!='')) { $this->attributes['cn'][0] = $this->orig['cn'][0]; } // Change uid to a new uid until a free uid is found else while ($_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->cache]->in_cache($this->attributes['cn'][0], 'cn', '*')) { // get last character of username $lastchar = substr($this->attributes['cn'][0], strlen($this->attributes['cn'][0])-1, 1); // Last character is no number if ( !ereg('^([0-9])+$', $lastchar)) /* Last character is no number. Therefore we only have to * add "2" to it. */ $this->attributes['cn'][0] = $this->attributes['cn'][0] . '2'; else { /* Last character is a number -> we have to increase the number until we've * found a groupname with trailing number which is not in use. * * $i will show us were we have to split groupname so we get a part * with the groupname and a part with the trailing number */ $i=strlen($this->attributes['cn'][0])-1; $mark = false; // Set $i to the last character which is a number in $account_new->general_username while (!$mark) { if (ereg('^([0-9])+$',substr($this->attributes['cn'][0], $i, strlen($this->attributes['cn'][0])-$i))) $i--; else $mark=true; } // increase last number with one $firstchars = substr($this->attributes['cn'][0], 0, $i+1); $lastchars = substr($this->attributes['cn'][0], $i+1, strlen($this->attributes['cn'][0])-$i); // Put username together $this->attributes['cn'][0] = $firstchars . (intval($lastchars)+1); } } // Show warning if lam has changed username if ($this->attributes['cn'][0] != $post['cn']) { $errors['cn'][] = array('WARN', _('Groupname'), _('Groupname in use. Selected next free groupname.')); } if (!ereg('^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[\|]|[\#]|[\*]|[\,]|[\.]|[\;]|[\:]|[\_]|[\-]|[\+]|[\!]|[\%]|[\&]|[\/]|[\?]|[\{]|[\[]|[\(]|[\)]|[\]]|[\}])*$', $this->userPassword())) $errors['userPassword'][] = array('ERROR', _('Password'), _('Password contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and #*,.;:_-+!$%&/|?{[()]}= !')); } // Return error-messages if (is_array($errors)) return $errors; // Go to additional group page when no error did ocour and button was pressed if ($post['adduser']) return 'user'; return 0; } /* Write variables into object and do some regexp checks */ function proccess_user($post, $profile=false) { do { // X-Or, only one if() can be true if (isset($post['addusers']) && isset($post['addusers_button'])) { // Add groups to list // Add new user $this->attributes['memberUid'] = @array_merge($this->attributes['memberUid'], $post['addusers']); // remove doubles $this->attributes['memberUid'] = @array_flip($this->attributes['memberUid']); array_unique($this->attributes['memberUid']); $this->attributes['memberUid'] = @array_flip($this->attributes['memberUid']); // sort groups sort($this->attributes['memberUid']); break; } if (isset($post['removeusers']) && isset($post['removeusers_button'])) { // remove groups from list $this->attributes['memberUid'] = array_delete($post['removeusers'], $this->attributes['memberUid']); break; } } while(0); if (isset($post['adduser_button']) || isset($post['removeuser_button'])) return 'user'; if ($post['toattributes']) return 'attributes'; return 0; } /* This function will create the html-page * to show a page with all attributes. * It will output a complete html-table */ function display_html_attributes($post) { if ($this->attributes['userPassword'][0] != $this->orig['userPassword'][0]) $password=$this->userPassword(); else $password=''; if (!$profile) { $return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _("Groupname").'*' ), 1 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'cn', 'type' => 'text', 'size' => '20', 'maxlength' => '20', 'value' => $this->attributes['cn'][0]), 2 => array ('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'cn')); $return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('GID number').'*' ), 1 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'gidNumber', 'type' => 'text', 'size' => '6', 'maxlength' => '6', 'value' => $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]), 2 => array ('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'gidNumber')); } $return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Description') ), 1 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'description', 'type' => 'text', 'size' => '30', 'maxlength' => '255', 'value' => $this->attributes['description'][0]), 2 => array ('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'description')); if (!$profile) { $return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _("Group members").'*' ), 1 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'adduser', 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => _('Edit groups')), 2 => array ('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'adduser')); $return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Password') ), 1 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'userPassword', 'type' => 'password', 'size' => '20', 'maxlength' => '255', 'value' => $password), 2 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'genpass', 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => _('Generate password'))); if ($post['userPassword2']!='') $password2 = $post['userPassword2']; $return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Repeat password') ), 1 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'userPassword2', 'type' => 'password', 'size' => '20', 'maxlength' => '255', 'value' => $password2), 2 => array ('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'userPassword')); } $return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Use no password') ), 1 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'userPassword_no', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'checked' => $this->userPassword_no), 2 => array ('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'userPassword_no')); $return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Lock password') ), 1 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'userPassword_lock', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'checked' => $this->userPassword_lock), 2 => array ('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'userPassword_lock')); if ($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]!=$this->orig['gidNumber'][0] && $this->orig['gidNumber'][0]!='' && !$profile) { $return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Change GID number of users and hosts') ), 1 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'changegids', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'checked' => $this->changegids), 2 => array ('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'changegids')); } return $return; } function display_html_delete($post) { // Get list of primary groupmembers. return 0; } function display_html_user($post, $profile=false) { // load list with all groups $dn_users = $_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->cache]->get_cache('uid', 'posixAccount', 'user'); foreach ($dn_users as $user) $users[] = $user[0]; // sort groups sort($users, SORT_STRING); // remove groups the user is member of from grouplist $users = array_delete($this->attributes['memberUid'], $users); // Remove primary group from grouplist $users_dn = $_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->cache]->get_cache('gidNumber', 'posixAccount', 'user'); $DNs = array_keys($users_dn); for ($i=0; $iattributes['gidNumber'][0]) { $thisuser = substr($DNs[$i], 4, strpos($DNs[$i], ",")-4); if (in_array($thisuser, $users)) { $users = @array_flip($users); unset($users[$thisuser]); $users = @array_flip($users); } } } // sort users sort($users); $return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'fieldset', 'legend' => _("Group members"), 'value' => array ( 0 => array ( 0 => array ('kind' => 'fieldset', 'td' => array ('valign' => 'top'), 'legend' => _("Selected userss"), 'value' => array ( 0 => array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'select', 'name' => 'removeusers[]', 'size' => '15', 'multiple', 'options' => $this->attributes['memberUid'])))), 1 => array ( 'kind' => 'table', 'value' => array ( 0 => array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'addusers_button', 'value' => '<=')), 1 => array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'removeusers_button', 'value' => '=>' )), 2 => array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'adduser' )))), 2 => array ('kind' => 'fieldset', 'td' => array ('valign' => 'top'), 'legend' => _("Available users"), 'value' => array ( 0 => array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'select', 'name' => 'addusers[]', 'size' => '15', 'multiple', 'options' => $users)))) )))); $return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => _('Back') ), 1 => array ( 'kind' => 'text'), 2 => array ('kind' => 'text')); return $return; } } ?>