getSelfServiceSearchAttributes(); $return = array_merge($return, $attributes); } $return = array_unique($return); $return = array_values($return); return $return; } /** * Returns the field settings for the self service. * * @param string $scope account type * @return array settings */ function getSelfServiceFieldSettings($scope) { $return = array(); $modules = getAvailableModules($scope); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($modules); $i++) { $m = new $modules[$i]($scope); $settings = $m->getSelfServiceFields(); if (sizeof($settings) > 0) $return[$modules[$i]] = $settings; } return $return; } /** * Returns meta HTML code for each self service field. * * @param string $scope account type * @param array $fields input fields (array( => array(, , ...))) * @param array $attributes LDAP attributes (attribute names in lower case) * @return array meta HTML code (array( => htmlTableRow)) */ function getSelfServiceOptions($scope, $fields, $attributes) { $return = array(); $modules = getAvailableModules($scope); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($modules); $i++) { if (!isset($fields[$modules[$i]])) continue; $m = new $modules[$i]($scope); $code = $m->getSelfServiceOptions($fields[$modules[$i]], $attributes); if (sizeof($code) > 0) $return[$modules[$i]] = $code; } return $return; } /** * Checks if all input values are correct and returns the LDAP commands which should be executed. * * @param string $scope account type * @param string $fields input fields (array( => array(, , ...))) * @param array $attributes LDAP attributes * @return array messages and LDAP commands (array('messages' => array(), 'add' => array(), 'del' => array(), 'mod' => array())) */ function checkSelfServiceOptions($scope, $fields, $attributes) { $return = array('messages' => array(), 'add' => array(), 'del' => array(), 'mod' => array(), 'info' => array()); $modules = getAvailableModules($scope); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($modules); $i++) { if (!isset($fields[$modules[$i]])) continue; $m = new $modules[$i]($scope); $result = $m->checkSelfServiceOptions($fields[$modules[$i]], $attributes); if (sizeof($result['messages']) > 0) $return['messages'] = array_merge($result['messages'], $return['messages']); if (sizeof($result['add']) > 0) $return['add'] = array_merge($result['add'], $return['add']); if (sizeof($result['del']) > 0) $return['del'] = array_merge($result['del'], $return['del']); if (sizeof($result['mod']) > 0) $return['mod'] = array_merge($result['mod'], $return['mod']); if (sizeof($result['info']) > 0) $return['info'] = array_merge($result['info'], $return['info']); } return $return; } /** * Returns a list of all available self service profiles (without .conf) * * @return array profile names (array( => array(, , ...))) */ function getSelfServiceProfiles() { $types = getTypes(); $dir = dir(substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 20) . "/config/selfService"); $ret = array(); while ($entry = $dir->read()){ $ext = substr($entry, strrpos($entry, '.') + 1); $name = substr($entry, 0, strrpos($entry, '.')); // check if extension is right, add to profile list if (in_array($ext, $types)) { $ret[$ext][] = $name; } } ksort($ret); return $ret; } /** * Loads all settings of a self service profile. * * @param string $name profile name * @param string $scope account type * @return selfServiceProfile true if file was readable */ function loadSelfServiceProfile($name, $scope) { if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-z _-]+$/i", $name)) return false; if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-z _-]+$/i", $scope)) return false; $profile = new selfServiceProfile(); $file = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 20) . "/config/selfService/" . $name . "." . $scope; if (is_file($file) === True) { $file = @fopen($file, "r"); if ($file) { $data = fread($file, 10000); $profile = unserialize($data); fclose($file); } else { StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Unable to load profile!") . " " . $file); } } else { StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Unable to load profile!") . " " . $file); } return $profile; } /** * Saves a self service profile. * * File is created, if needed * * @param string $name name of the account profile * @param string $scope account type * @param selfServiceProfile $profile self service profile * @return boolean true, if saving succeeded */ function saveSelfServiceProfile($name, $scope, $profile) { // check profile name if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-z _-]+$/i", $scope)) return false; if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-z _-]+$/i", $name)) return false; if (!get_class($profile) === 'selfServiceProfile') { return false; } $path = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 20) . "/config/selfService/" . $name . "." . $scope; $file = @fopen($path, "w"); if ($file) { // write settings to file fputs($file, serialize($profile)); // close file fclose($file); } else { return false; } return true; } /** * Checks if a service profile is writable. * * @param string $name profile name * @param string $scope account type * @return boolean true if file is writable */ function isSelfServiceProfileWritable($name, $scope) { // check profile name if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-z _-]+$/i", $scope)) return false; if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-z _-]+$/i", $name)) return false; $path = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 20) . "/config/selfService/" . $name . "." . $scope; return is_writable($path); } /** * Returns a hash array (module name => elements) of all module options for the configuration page. * * @param string $scope account type * @return array configuration options */ function getSelfServiceSettings($scope) { $return = array(); $modules = getAvailableModules($scope); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($modules); $i++) { $m = new $modules[$i]($scope); $return[$modules[$i]] = $m->getSelfServiceSettings(); } return $return; } /** * Checks if the self service settings are valid * * @param string $scope account type * @param array $options hash array containing all options (name => array(...)) * @return array list of error messages */ function checkSelfServiceSettings($scope, $options) { $return = array(); $modules = getAvailableModules($scope); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($modules); $i++) { $m = new $modules[$i]($scope); $errors = $m->checkSelfServiceSettings($options); $return = array_merge($return, $errors); } return $return; } /** * Includes all settings of a self service profile. * * @package selfService */ class selfServiceProfile { /** server address */ public $serverURL; /** use TLS */ public $useTLS; /** LDAP suffix */ public $LDAPSuffix; /** LDAP user DN*/ public $LDAPUser; /** LDAP password */ public $LDAPPassword; /** LDAP search attribute */ public $searchAttribute; /** HTTP authentication */ public $httpAuthentication; /** header for self service pages */ public $pageHeader; /** list of additional CSS links (separated by \n) */ public $additionalCSS; /** describing text for user login */ public $loginCaption; /** describing text for search attribute */ public $loginAttributeText; /** describing text for self service main page */ public $mainPageText; /** input fields * Format: array( => array(array('name' => , 'fields' => array(, )))) * */ public $inputFields; /** configuration settings of modules */ public $moduleSettings; /** * Constructor * * @return selfServiceProfile */ function __construct() { // set default values $this->serverURL = "localhost"; $this->useTLS = false; $this->LDAPSuffix = "dc=my-domain,dc=com"; $this->LDAPUser = ""; $this->LDAPPassword = ""; $this->searchAttribute = "uid"; $this->httpAuthentication = false; $this->pageHeader = '
 LDAP Account Manager  LDAP Account Manager

'; $this->additionalCSS = ''; $this->loginCaption = "Welcome to LAM self service. Please enter your user name and password."; $this->loginAttributeText = "User name"; $this->mainPageText = "

LAM self service

\nHere you can change your personal settings."; $this->inputFields = array( array('name' => 'Personal data', 'fields' => array('inetOrgPerson_firstName', 'inetOrgPerson_lastName', 'inetOrgPerson_mail', 'inetOrgPerson_telephoneNumber', 'inetOrgPerson_mobile', 'inetOrgPerson_faxNumber', 'inetOrgPerson_street', 'inetOrgPerson_postalAddress')), array('name' => 'Password', 'fields' => array('posixAccount_password')) ); } } ?>