cfg = &$_SESSION ['cfgMain']; $this->resetPasswordRules(); } public function testMinLength() { $this->cfg->passwordMinLength = 5; $this->checkPwd(array('55555', '666666'), array('1', '22', '333', '4444')); } public function testMinUpper() { $this->cfg->passwordMinUpper = 3; $this->checkPwd(array('55A5AA55', '6BB666BB66', 'ABC'), array ('1A', '2C2C', 'AB3', '44BB')); } public function testMinLower() { $this->cfg->passwordMinLower = 3; $this->checkPwd(array('55a5aa55', '6bb666bb66', 'abc'), array ('1a', '2c2c', 'ab3', '44bbABC')); } public function testMinNumeric() { $this->cfg->passwordMinNumeric = 3; $this->checkPwd(array('333', '4444'), array('1', '22', '33A', '44bb')); } public function testMinSymbol() { $this->cfg->passwordMinSymbol = 3; $this->checkPwd(array('---', '++++'), array('1.', '2.2.', '3+3+A', '44bb')); } public function testMinClasses() { $this->cfg->passwordMinClasses = 3; $this->checkPwd(array('aB.', 'aB.1', 'aa.B99'), array('1', '2.', '3+-', '44bb')); } public function testRulesCount() { $this->cfg->passwordMinUpper = 3; $this->cfg->passwordMinLower = 3; $this->cfg->passwordMinNumeric = 3; $this->cfg->passwordMinSymbol = 3; $this->cfg->passwordMinClasses = 3; // all rules $this->cfg->checkedRulesCount = -1; $this->checkPwd(array('ABC---abc123', 'ABC123xxx.-.-'), array('1', '2.', '3+-', '44bb', 'ABCabc---22')); // at least 3 rules $this->cfg->checkedRulesCount = 3; $this->checkPwd(array('ABC---abc', 'ABC123.-.-', 'ABCabc-'), array('1', '2.', '3+-', '44bb', 'ABC--22')); } public function testUser() { $this->cfg->passwordMustNotContainUser = 'true'; $this->checkPwd(array('u', 'us', 'use', 'use1r'), array('user', '2user', 'user3'), 'user'); } public function testUserAttributes() { $this->cfg->passwordMustNotContain3Chars = 'true'; $this->checkPwd(array('u', 'us', 'us1e', 'us1er'), array('use', 'user', '2user', 'user3'), 'user'); $this->checkPwd( array('uf', 'usfi', 'us1ela3s', ''), array('use', 'user', '2user', 'user3', 'las', 'last', 'fir', 'first'), 'user', array('first', 'last')); } /** * Resets the password rules to do no checks at all. */ private function resetPasswordRules() { $this->cfg->passwordMinLength = 0; $this->cfg->passwordMinUpper = 0; $this->cfg->passwordMinLower = 0; $this->cfg->passwordMinNumeric = 0; $this->cfg->passwordMinSymbol = 0; $this->cfg->passwordMinClasses = 0; $this->cfg->checkedRulesCount = -1; $this->cfg->passwordMustNotContainUser = 'false'; $this->cfg->passwordMustNotContain3Chars = 'false'; } /** * Checks if the given passwords are correctly accepted/rejected. * * @param array $pwdsToAccept passwords that must be accepted * @param array $pwdsToReject passwords that must be rejected * @param String $userName user name * @param array $otherUserAttrs other user attributes to check */ private function checkPwd($pwdsToAccept, $pwdsToReject, $userName = null, $otherUserAttrs = null) { if ($userName == null) { $userName = 'username'; } if ($otherUserAttrs == null) { $otherUserAttrs = array (); } foreach ($pwdsToAccept as $pwd) { $this->assertTrue(checkPasswordStrength($pwd, $userName, $otherUserAttrs)); } foreach ($pwdsToReject as $pwd) { $this->assertNotTrue(checkPasswordStrength($pwd, $userName, $otherUserAttrs)); } } } ?>