"); exit; } // delete host(s) if ($_POST['del_host']){ // search for checkboxes $hosts = array_keys($_POST, "on"); $hoststr = implode(";", $hosts); echo(""); } exit; } echo $_SESSION['header']; echo "listhosts\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; // generate attribute-description table $attr_array; // list of LDAP attributes to show $desc_array; // list of descriptions for the attributes $attr_string = $_SESSION["config"]->get_hostlistAttributes(); $temp_array = explode(";", $attr_string); $hash_table = $_SESSION["ldap"]->attributeHostArray(); // get current page $page = $_GET["page"]; if (!$page) $page = 1; // take maximum count of host entries shown on one page out of session if ($_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries() <= 0) $max_pageentrys = 10; // default setting, if not yet set else $max_pageentrys = $_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries(); // generate column attributes and descriptions for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($temp_array); $i++) { // if value is predifined, look up description in hash_table if (substr($temp_array[$i],0,1) == "#") { $attr = substr($temp_array[$i],1); $attr_array[$i] = $attr; $desc_array[] = $hash_table[$attr]; } // if not predefined, the attribute is seperated by a ":" from description else { $attr = explode(":", $temp_array[$i]); $attr_array[$i] = $attr[0]; $desc_array[$i] = $attr[1]; } } // check search suffix if ($_POST['hst_suffix']) $hst_suffix = $_POST['hst_suffix']; // new suffix selected via combobox elseif ($_SESSION['hst_suffix']) $hst_suffix = $_SESSION['hst_suffix']; // old suffix from session else $hst_suffix = $_SESSION["config"]->get_HostSuffix(); // default suffix session_register('hst_suffix'); // generate search filter for sort links $searchfilter = ""; for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) { if ($_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])]) { $searchfilter = $searchfilter . "&filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "=". $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])]; } } if (! $_GET['norefresh']) { // configure search filter if ($_SESSION['config']->get_samba3() == "yes") { // Samba hosts have the attribute "sambaSamAccount" and end with "$" $filter = "(&(objectClass=sambaSamAccount) (uid=*$)"; } else { // Samba hosts have the attribute "sambaAccount" and end with "$" $filter = "(&(objectClass=sambaAccount) (uid=*$)"; } for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) { if ($_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])]) $filter = $filter . "(" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "=" . $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] . ")"; else $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] = ""; } $filter = $filter . ")"; $attrs = $attr_array; $sr = @ldap_search($_SESSION["ldap"]->server(), $hst_suffix, $filter, $attrs); if ($sr) { $hst_info = ldap_get_entries($_SESSION["ldap"]->server, $sr); ldap_free_result($sr); if ($hst_info["count"] == 0) StatusMessage("WARN", "", _("No Samba Hosts found!")); // delete first array entry which is "count" array_shift($hst_info); // sort rows by sort column ($sort) usort($hst_info, "cmp_array"); } else StatusMessage("ERROR", _("LDAP Search failed! Please check your preferences."), _("No Samba Hosts found!")); } else { if (sizeof($hst_info) == 0) StatusMessage("WARN", "", _("No Samba Hosts found!")); // sort rows by sort column ($sort) if ($hst_info) usort($hst_info, "cmp_array"); } echo ("
\n"); // draw navigation bar if host accounts were found if (sizeof($hst_info) > 0) { draw_navigation_bar(sizeof($hst_info)); echo ("
\n"); } // print host table header echo "\n"; echo ""; // table header for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) { if (strtolower($attr_array[$k]) == $sort) { echo ""; } else echo ""; } echo "\n"; // print filter row echo ""; // print input boxes for filters for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof ($desc_array); $k++) { echo ""; } echo "\n"; // calculate which rows to show $table_begin = ($page - 1) * $max_pageentrys; if (($page * $max_pageentrys) > sizeof($hst_info)) $table_end = sizeof($hst_info); else $table_end = ($page * $max_pageentrys); // print host list for ($i = $table_begin; $i < $table_end; $i++) { echo("" . " " . " "); for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($attr_array); $k++) { echo (""); } echo("\n"); } echo ("
" . $desc_array[$k] . "" . $desc_array[$k] . "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo (""); echo "
" . _("Edit") . ""); // print all attribute entries seperated by "; " if (sizeof($hst_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]) > 0) { // delete first array entry which is "count" if ((! $_GET['norefresh']) && (is_array($hst_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]))) array_shift($hst_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]); if (is_array($hst_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])])) echo implode("; ", $hst_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]); else echo $hst_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]; } echo ("
"); echo ("
"); // draw navigation bar if host accounts were found if (sizeof($hst_info) > 0) { draw_navigation_bar(sizeof($hst_info)); echo ("
\n"); } if (! $_GET['norefresh']) { // generate list of possible suffixes $hst_units = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_SESSION["config"]->get_HostSuffix()); } echo ("

\n"); echo ("\n"); if (sizeof($hst_info) > 0) echo ("\n"); // print combobox with possible sub-DNs if (sizeof($hst_units) > 1) { echo ("    " . _("Suffix") . ": "); echo ("\n"); echo (""); } echo ("

\n"); echo ("
\n"); echo "\n"; /** * @brief draws a navigation bar to switch between pages * * * @return void */ function draw_navigation_bar ($count) { global $max_pageentrys; global $page; global $sort; global $searchfilter; echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo (""); echo (""); echo ("
  "); if ($page != 1) echo ("<=\n"); else echo ("<="); echo (" "); if ($page < ($count / $max_pageentrys)) echo ("=>\n"); else echo ("=>"); echo " " . $count . " " . _("Samba Host(s) found"); echo (""); for ($i = 0; $i < ($count / $max_pageentrys); $i++) { if ($i == $page - 1) echo (" " . ($i + 1)); else echo (" " . ($i + 1) . "\n"); } echo ("
\n"); } // compare function used for usort-method // rows are sorted with the first attribute entry of the sort column // if objects have attributes with multiple values the others are ignored function cmp_array($a, $b) { // sort specifies the sort column global $sort; global $attr_array; // sort by first attribute with name $sort if (!$sort) $sort = strtolower($attr_array[0]); if ($a[$sort][0] == $b[$sort][0]) return 0; else if ($a[$sort][0] == max($a[$sort][0], $b[$sort][0])) return 1; else return -1; } ?>