/* Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'table', 'bs', { border: 'Okvir', caption: 'Naslov', cell: { menu: 'Cell', insertBefore: 'Insert Cell Before', insertAfter: 'Insert Cell After', deleteCell: 'Briši æelije', merge: 'Spoji æelije', mergeRight: 'Merge Right', mergeDown: 'Merge Down', splitHorizontal: 'Split Cell Horizontally', splitVertical: 'Split Cell Vertically', title: 'Cell Properties', cellType: 'Cell Type', rowSpan: 'Rows Span', colSpan: 'Columns Span', wordWrap: 'Word Wrap', hAlign: 'Horizontal Alignment', vAlign: 'Vertical Alignment', alignBaseline: 'Baseline', bgColor: 'Background Color', borderColor: 'Border Color', data: 'Data', header: 'Header', yes: 'Yes', no: 'No', invalidWidth: 'Cell width must be a number.', invalidHeight: 'Cell height must be a number.', invalidRowSpan: 'Rows span must be a whole number.', invalidColSpan: 'Columns span must be a whole number.', chooseColor: 'Choose' }, cellPad: 'Uvod æelija', cellSpace: 'Razmak æelija', column: { menu: 'Column', insertBefore: 'Insert Column Before', insertAfter: 'Insert Column After', deleteColumn: 'Briši kolone' }, columns: 'Kolona', deleteTable: 'Delete Table', // MISSING headers: 'Headers', // MISSING headersBoth: 'Both', // MISSING headersColumn: 'First column', // MISSING headersNone: 'None', headersRow: 'First Row', // MISSING invalidBorder: 'Border size must be a number.', // MISSING invalidCellPadding: 'Cell padding must be a positive number.', // MISSING invalidCellSpacing: 'Cell spacing must be a positive number.', // MISSING invalidCols: 'Number of columns must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING invalidHeight: 'Table height must be a number.', // MISSING invalidRows: 'Number of rows must be a number greater than 0.', // MISSING invalidWidth: 'Table width must be a number.', // MISSING menu: 'Svojstva tabele', row: { menu: 'Row', insertBefore: 'Insert Row Before', insertAfter: 'Insert Row After', deleteRow: 'Briši redove' }, rows: 'Redova', summary: 'Summary', // MISSING title: 'Svojstva tabele', toolbar: 'Tabela', widthPc: 'posto', widthPx: 'piksela', widthUnit: 'width unit' // MISSING } );