messages['minUID'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Users') . ': ' . _('Minimum UID number'), _("Minimum UID number is invalid!"));
$this->messages['maxUID'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Users') . ': ' . _('Maximum UID number'), _("Maximum UID number is invalid!"));
$this->messages['minMachine'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Hosts') . ': ' . _('Minimum UID number'), _("Minimum UID number is invalid!"));
$this->messages['maxMachine'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Hosts') . ': ' . _('Maximum UID number'), _("Maximum UID number is invalid!"));
$this->messages['cmp_UID'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Users') . ': ' . _('Maximum UID number'), _("Maximum UID number must be greater than minimum UID number!"));
$this->messages['cmp_Machine'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Hosts') . ': ' . _('Maximum UID number'), _("Maximum UID number must be greater than minimum UID number!"));
$this->messages['cmp_both'][0] = array('ERROR', _('UID ranges for Unix accounts'), _("The UID ranges for users and hosts overlap! This is a problem because LAM uses the highest UID in use + 1 for new accounts. Please set the minimum UID to equal values or use independent ranges."));
$this->messages['homeDirectory'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Home directory'), _('Homedirectory contains invalid characters.'));
$this->messages['homeDirectory'][1] = array('INFO', _('Home directory'), _('Replaced $user or $group in homedir.'));
$this->messages['homeDirectory'][2] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_homedir', _('Homedirectory contains invalid characters.'));
$this->messages['homeDirectory'][3] = array('INFO', _('Home directory'), _('Home directory changed. To keep home directory you have to run the following command as root: \'mv %s %s\''));
$this->messages['uidNumber'][1] = array('ERROR', _('ID-Number'), _('No free ID-Number!'));
$this->messages['uidNumber'][2] = array('WARN', _('ID-Number'), _('It is possible that this ID-number is reused. This can cause several problems because files with old permissions might still exist. To avoid this warning set maxUID to a higher value.'));
$this->messages['uidNumber'][3] = array('ERROR', _('ID-Number'), _('ID is already in use'));
$this->messages['uidNumber'][4] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_uid', _('UID must be a number. It has to be inside the UID range which is defined in your configuration profile.'));
$this->messages['uidNumber'][5] = array('INFO', _('UID number'), _('UID number has changed. To keep file ownership you have to run the following command as root: \'find / -uid %s -exec chown %s {} \;\''));
$this->messages['userPassword'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Password'), _('Please enter the same password in both password fields.'));
$this->messages['userPassword'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Password'), _('Password contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and #*,.;:_-+!%&/|?{[()]}=@$ !'));
$this->messages['userPassword'][4] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_password', _('Password contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and #*,.;:_-+!%&/|?{[()]}=@$ !')); // double "%" because of sprintf
$this->messages['uid'][0] = array('INFO', _('UID'), _('UID has changed. Do you want to change home directory?'));
$this->messages['uid'][1] = array('WARN', _('User name'), _('You are using capital letters. This can cause problems because Windows is not case-sensitive.'));
$this->messages['uid'][2] = array('ERROR', _('User name'), _('User name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
$this->messages['uid'][3] = array('WARN', _('Host name'), _('You are using capital letters. This can cause problems because Windows is not case-sensitive.'));
$this->messages['uid'][4] = array('ERROR', _('Host name'), _('Host name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
$this->messages['uid'][5] = array('WARN', _('User name'), _('User name in use. Selected next free user name.'));
$this->messages['uid'][6] = array('WARN', _('Host name'), _('Host name in use. Selected next free host name.'));
$this->messages['uid'][7] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_userName', _('User name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
$this->messages['uid'][8] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_hostName', _('Host name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
$this->messages['uid'][9] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_userName', _('User name already exists!'));
$this->messages['uid'][10] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_hostName', _('Host name already exists!'));
$this->messages['gidNumber'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_group', _('LAM was unable to find a group with this name!'));
$this->messages['gidNumber'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_group', _('This GID number is invalid! Please provide either a number or a group name.'));
$this->messages['gidNumber'][2] = array('INFO', _('GID number'), _('GID number has changed. To keep file ownership you have to run the following command as root: \'find / -gid %s -uid %s -exec chgrp %s {} \;\''));
$this->messages['gecos'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_gecos', _('This gecos value is invalid!'));
$this->messages['shell'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_shell', _('This login shell is invalid!'));
$this->messages['passwordDisabled'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' posixAccount_passwordDisabled', _('This value can only be "true" or "false".'));
$this->messages['cn'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Common name'), _('Please enter a valid common name!'));
$this->messages['cn'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' inetOrgPerson_cn', _('Please enter a valid common name!'));
$this->messages['createhomediron'][0] = array('ERROR', _('Home directory'), _('Choose a server for the home directory!'));
* Returns meta data that is interpreted by parent class
* @return array array with meta data
* @see baseModule::get_metaData()
function get_metaData() {
$return = array();
// icon
$return['icon'] = 'tux.png';
// manages user and host accounts
$return["account_types"] = array("user", "host");
// user specific data
if ($this->get_scope() == "user") {
// LDAP filter
$return["ldap_filter"] = array('or' => "(objectClass=posixAccount)", 'and' => "(!(uid=*$))");
// module dependencies
$return['dependencies'] = array('depends' => array(), 'conflicts' => array());
elseif ($this->get_scope() == "host") {
// LDAP filter
$return["ldap_filter"] = array('or' => "(objectClass=posixAccount)");
// module dependencies
$return['dependencies'] = array('depends' => array(), 'conflicts' => array());
// alias name
$return["alias"] = _("Unix");
// RDN attributes
$return["RDN"] = array("uid" => "high", "cn" => "low");
// managed object classes
$return['objectClasses'] = array('posixAccount');
// LDAP aliases
$return['LDAPaliases'] = array('commonName' => 'cn', 'userid' => 'uid');
// managed attributes
$return['attributes'] = array('cn', 'uid', 'uidNumber', 'gidNumber', 'homeDirectory',
'userPassword', 'loginShell', 'gecos');
if ($this->get_scope() == "user") {
// self service search attributes
$return['selfServiceSearchAttributes'] = array('uid');
// self service field settings
$return['selfServiceFieldSettings'] = array('password' => _('Password'));
// self service configuration settings
$selfServiceContainer = new htmlTable();
$selfServiceContainer->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedSelect('posixAccount_pwdHash', array("CRYPT", "SHA", "SSHA", "MD5", "SMD5", "PLAIN"),
array('SSHA'), _("Password hash type"), 'pwdHash'));
$return['selfServiceSettings'] = $selfServiceContainer;
// profile checks
$return['profile_checks']['posixAccount_homeDirectory'] = array('type' => 'ext_preg', 'regex' => 'homeDirectory',
'error_message' => $this->messages['homeDirectory'][0]);
// profile mappings
$return['profile_mappings'] = array(
'posixAccount_homeDirectory' => 'homeDirectory',
'posixAccount_loginShell' => 'loginShell'
// configuration options
$configUserContainer = new htmlTable();
$configUserContainer->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_("Users")), true);
$minUid = new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Minimum UID number'), 'posixAccount_minUID', null, 'minMaxUser');
$configUserContainer->addElement($minUid, true);
$maxUid = new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Maximum UID number'), 'posixAccount_maxUID', null, 'minMaxUser');
$return['config_options']['user'] = $configUserContainer;
$configHostContainer = new htmlTable();
$configHostContainer->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_("Hosts")), true);
$minUid = new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Minimum UID number'), 'posixAccount_minMachine', null, 'minMaxHost');
$configHostContainer->addElement($minUid, true);
$maxUid = new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Maximum UID number'), 'posixAccount_maxMachine', null, 'minMaxHost');
$return['config_options']['host'] = $configHostContainer;
$configOptionsContainer = new htmlTable();
$configOptionsContainer->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_('Options')), true);
$configOptionsContainer->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedSelect('posixAccount_pwdHash', array("CRYPT", "SHA", "SSHA", "MD5", "SMD5", "PLAIN"),
array('SSHA'), _("Password hash type"), 'pwdHash'), true);
$configOptionsContainer->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox('posixAccount_primaryGroupAsSecondary', false, _('Set primary group as memberUid'), 'primaryGroupAsSecondary'));
$return['config_options']['all'] = $configOptionsContainer;
// upload
$return['upload_preDepends'] = array('inetOrgPerson');
// user specific upload options
if (($this->get_scope() == 'user') && isset($_SESSION['loggedIn']) && ($_SESSION['loggedIn'] === true)) {
$return['upload_columns'] = array(
'name' => 'posixAccount_userName',
'description' => _('User name'),
'help' => 'uid',
'example' => _('smiller'),
'required' => true,
'unique' => true
'name' => 'posixAccount_cn',
'description' => _('Common name'),
'help' => 'cn',
'example' => _('Steve Miller')
'name' => 'posixAccount_uid',
'description' => _('UID number'),
'help' => 'uidNumber',
'example' => '1234'
'name' => 'posixAccount_group',
'description' => _('Primary group'),
'help' => 'group_upload',
'example' => _('users'),
'required' => true
'name' => 'posixAccount_additionalGroups',
'description' => _('Additional groups'),
'help' => 'addgroup_upload',
'example' => _('group01,group02')
'name' => 'posixAccount_homedir',
'description' => _('Home directory'),
'help' => 'homeDirectory_upload',
'example' => _('/home/smiller'),
'default' => '/home/{posixAccount_userName}'
'name' => 'posixAccount_createHomeDir',
'description' => _('Create home directory'),
'help' => 'createhomedir',
'example' => 'localhost',
'values' => $_SESSION['config']->get_scriptServers()
'name' => 'posixAccount_shell',
'description' => _('Login shell'),
'help' => 'loginShell',
'example' => '/bin/bash',
'values' => implode(", ", getshells()),
'default' => '/bin/bash'
'name' => 'posixAccount_password',
'description' => _('Password'),
'help' => 'userPassword',
'example' => _('secret')
'name' => 'posixAccount_passwordDisabled',
'description' => _('Lock password'),
'help' => 'userPassword_lock',
'example' => 'false',
'values' => 'true, false',
'default' => 'false'
'name' => 'posixAccount_gecos',
'description' => _('Gecos'),
'help' => 'gecos',
'example' => _('Steve Miller,Room 2.14,123-123-1234,123-123-1234')
// host specific upload options
elseif ($this->get_scope() == 'host') {
$return['upload_columns'] = array(
'name' => 'posixAccount_hostName',
'description' => _('Host name'),
'help' => 'uid',
'example' => _('pc01$'),
'required' => true,
'unique' => true
'name' => 'posixAccount_uid',
'description' => _('UID number'),
'help' => 'uidNumber',
'example' => '1234'
'name' => 'posixAccount_group',
'description' => _('Primary group'),
'help' => 'group_upload',
'example' => _('machines'),
'required' => true
'name' => 'posixAccount_gecos',
'description' => _('Gecos'),
'help' => 'gecos',
'example' => _('pc01,Room 2.34')
// available PDF fields
$return['PDF_fields'] = array(
'uid' => _('User name'),
'uidNumber' => _('UID number'),
'gidNumber' => _('GID number'),
'gecos' => _('Gecos'),
'primaryGroup' => _('Primary group'),
'additionalGroups' => _('Additional groups'),
'homeDirectory' => _('Home directory'),
'loginShell' => _('Login shell'),
'cn' => _('Common name'),
'userPassword' => _('Password')
// help Entries
$return['help'] = array(
'primaryGroupAsSecondary' => array(
'Headline' => _('Set primary group as memberUid'),
'Text' => _('Usually, users are not added to groups as memberUid if they have this group as primary group. If your application ignores primary groups then you can select this option to override this behaviour.')
'minMaxUser' => array(
'Headline' => _('UID number'),
'Text' => _('These are the minimum and maximum numbers to use for user IDs when creating new user accounts. The range should be different from that of machines. New user accounts will always get the highest number in use plus one.')
'minMaxHost' => array(
'Headline' => _('UID number'),
'Text' => _('These are the minimum and maximum numbers to use for machine IDs when creating new accounts for hosts. The range should be different from that of users. New host accounts will always get the highest number in use plus one.')
'pwdHash' => array(
"Headline" => _("Password hash type"),
"Text" => _("LAM supports CRYPT, SHA, SSHA, MD5 and SMD5 to generate the hash value of passwords. SSHA and CRYPT are the most common but CRYPT does not support passwords greater than 8 letters. We do not recommend to use plain text passwords.")
'uidNumber' => array(
"Headline" => _("UID number"),
"Text" => _("If empty UID number will be generated automaticly.")
'group_upload' => array(
"Headline" => _("Primary group"),
"Text" => _("The primary group for this account. You can insert a GID number or a group name.")
'addgroup_upload' => array(
"Headline" => _("Additional groups"),
"Text" => _("Here you can enter a list of additional group memberships. The group names are separated by commas.")
'homeDirectory_upload' => array(
"Headline" => _("Home directory"),
"Text" => _("Please enter the path to the user's home directory.")
'deletehomedir' => array(
"Headline" => _("Home directory"),
"Text" => _("Activating this checkbox will remove the user's home directory.")
'createhomedir' => array(
"Headline" => _("Home directory"),
"Text" => _("This will create the user's home directory on the specified server.")
'user' => array(
'uid' => array(
"Headline" => _("User name"),
"Text" => _("User name of the user who should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,A-Z,0-9, .-_. If user name is already used user name will be expanded with a number. The next free number will be used. Warning: Older systems have problems with user names longer than 8 characters. You can not log in to Windows if user name is longer than 16 characters.")
'gecos' => array(
"Headline" => _("Gecos"),
"Text" => _("User description. If left empty first and last name will be used.")
'gidNumber' => array(
"Headline" => _("Primary group"),
"Text" => _("The primary group the user should be member of.")
'homeDirectory' => array(
"Headline" => _("Home directory"),
"Text" => _('$user and $group will be replaced with user name and primary group name.')
'userPassword' => array(
"Headline" => _("Password"),
"Text" => _("Please enter the password which you want to set for this account.")
'userPassword_lock' => array(
"Headline" => _("Account deactivated"),
"Text" => _("If checked account will be deactivated by putting a \"!\" before the encrypted password.")
'loginShell' => array(
"Headline" => _("Login shell"),
"Text" => _("To disable login use /bin/false. The list of shells is read from lam/config/shells")
'addgroup' => array(
"Headline" => _("Additional groups"),
"Text" => _("Hold the CTRL-key to (de)select multiple groups."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")
'cn' => array (
"Headline" => _("Common name"),
"Text" => _("This is the natural name of the user. If empty, the first and last name or user name is used.")
'host' => array(
'uid' => array(
"Headline" => _("Host name"),
"Text" => _("Host name of the host which should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,A-Z,0-9, .-_$. Host names are always ending with $. If last character is not $ it will be added. If host name is already used host name will be expanded with a number. The next free number will be used.")
'gecos' => array(
"Headline" => _("Gecos"),
"Text" => _("Host description. If left empty host name will be used.")
'gidNumber' => array(
"Headline" => _("Primary group"),
"Text" => _("The primary group the host should be member of.")
'description' => array (
"Headline" => _("Description"),
"Text" => _("Host description. If left empty host name will be used.")
'cn' => array (
"Headline" => _("Common name"),
"Text" => _("This is the natural name of the host. If empty, the host name will be used.")
return $return;
* Initializes the module after it became part of an accountContainer
* @param string $base the name of the accountContainer object ($_SESSION[$base])
function init($base) {
// call parent init
$this->groups = array();
$this->groups_orig = array();
$groups = $this->findGroups(); // list of all groupnames
if (count($groups)==0) {
StatusMessage("ERROR", _('No Unix groups found in LDAP! Please create one first.'), '');
* This functions is used to check if all settings for this module have been made.
* @return boolean true, if settings are complete
function module_complete() {
if (!isset($this->attributes['uid'][0]) || ($this->attributes['uid'][0] == '')) return false;
if (!isset($this->attributes['uidNumber'][0]) || ($this->attributes['uidNumber'][0] == '')) return false;
if (!isset($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]) || ($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] == '')) return false;
if (!isset($this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0]) || ($this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0] == '')) return false;
if (!isset($this->attributes['loginShell'][0]) || ($this->attributes['loginShell'][0] == '')) return false;
return true;
* This function loads all needed LDAP attributes.
* @param array $attr list of attributes
function load_attributes($attr) {
// get additional group memberships
if (!isset($attr['uid'][0])) return;
$groupList = searchLDAPByAttribute('memberUid', $attr['uid'][0], 'posixGroup', array('cn'), array('group'));
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($groupList); $i++) {
$this->groups[] = $groupList[$i]['cn'][0];
$this->groups_orig = $this->groups;
* Returns a list of modifications which have to be made to the LDAP account.
* @return array list of modifications
This function returns an array with 3 entries:
array( DN1 ('add' => array($attr), 'remove' => array($attr), 'modify' => array($attr)), DN2 .... )
DN is the DN to change. It may be possible to change several DNs (e.g. create a new user and add him to some groups via attribute memberUid)
"add" are attributes which have to be added to LDAP entry
"remove" are attributes which have to be removed from LDAP entry
"modify" are attributes which have to been modified in LDAP entry
"info" are values with informational value (e.g. to be used later by pre/postModify actions)
function save_attributes() {
$return = $this->getAccountContainer()->save_module_attributes($this->attributes, $this->orig);
// add information about clear text password and password status change
$return[$this->getAccountContainer()->dn]['info']['userPasswordClearText'][0] = $this->clearTextPassword;
if (isset($this->orig['userPassword'][0]) && isset($this->attributes['userPassword'][0])) {
if ((pwd_is_enabled($this->orig['userPassword'][0]) && pwd_is_enabled($this->attributes['userPassword'][0]))
|| (!pwd_is_enabled($this->orig['userPassword'][0]) && !pwd_is_enabled($this->attributes['userPassword'][0]))) {
$return[$this->getAccountContainer()->dn]['info']['userPasswordStatusChange'][0] = 'unchanged';
elseif (pwd_is_enabled($this->orig['userPassword'][0])) {
$return[$this->getAccountContainer()->dn]['info']['userPasswordStatusChange'][0] = 'locked';
else {
$return[$this->getAccountContainer()->dn]['info']['userPasswordStatusChange'][0] = 'unlocked';
// Remove primary group from additional groups
if (!isset($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_primaryGroupAsSecondary'][0])
|| ($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_primaryGroupAsSecondary'][0] != 'true')) {
for ($i=0; $igroups); $i++) {
if ($this->groups[$i] == $this->getGroupName($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0])) {
else {
// add user as memberuid in primary group
if (!in_array($this->getGroupName($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]), $this->groups)) {
$this->groups[] = $this->getGroupName($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]);
// Set additional group memberships
if ($this->orig['uid'][0]!='' && $this->attributes['uid'][0]!=$this->orig['uid'][0]) {
// find affected groups
$groupList = searchLDAPByAttribute('memberUid', $this->orig['uid'][0], 'posixGroup', array('dn'), array('group'));
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($groupList); $i++) {
// replace old user name with new one
$return[$groupList[$i]['dn']]['remove']['memberUid'][] = $this->orig['uid'][0];
$return[$groupList[$i]['dn']]['add']['memberUid'][] = $this->attributes['uid'][0];
else {
// update groups.
$add = array_delete($this->groups_orig, $this->groups);
$remove = array_delete($this->groups, $this->groups_orig);
$groupList = searchLDAPByAttribute('cn', '*', 'posixGroup', array('cn', 'dn'), array('group'));
$dn2cn = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($groupList); $i++) {
$cn2dn[$groupList[$i]['cn'][0]] = $groupList[$i]['dn'];
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($add); $i++) {
if (isset($cn2dn[$add[$i]])) {
$return[$cn2dn[$add[$i]]]['add']['memberUid'][] = $this->attributes['uid'][0];
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($remove); $i++) {
if (isset($cn2dn[$remove[$i]])) {
$return[$cn2dn[$remove[$i]]]['remove']['memberUid'][] = $this->attributes['uid'][0];
return $return;
* @see baseModule::postModifyActions()
* @param boolean $newAccount
* @param array $attributes LDAP attributes of this entry
public function postModifyActions($newAccount, $attributes) {
// create home directory if needed
if ($this->createhomedir) {
$server = null;
$lamdaemonServers = explode(";", $_SESSION['config']->get_scriptServers());
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($lamdaemonServers); $i++) {
$temp = explode(":", $lamdaemonServers[$i]);
if (isset($temp[1])) {
if ($temp[1] == $this->lamdaemonServer) {
$server = $temp[0];
elseif ($temp[0] == $this->lamdaemonServer) {
$server = $temp[0];
$result = lamdaemon(
// lamdaemon results
if (is_array($result)) {
$singleresult = explode(",", $result[0]);
if (($singleresult[0] == 'ERROR') || ($singleresult[0] == 'INFO') || ($singleresult[0] == 'WARN')) {
call_user_func_array('StatusMessage', $singleresult);
else {
StatusMessage('ERROR', $result[0]);
* Additional LDAP operations on delete.
* @return List of LDAP operations, same as for save_attributes()
function delete_attributes() {
$return = array();
// remove memberUids if set
$groups = searchLDAPByAttribute('memberUid', $this->attributes['uid'][0], 'posixGroup', array('dn'), array('group'));
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($groups); $i++) {
$return[$groups[$i]['dn']]['remove']['memberUid'][] = $this->attributes['uid'][0];
return $return;
* Allows the module to run commands before the LDAP entry is deleted.
* @return array Array which contains status messages. Each entry is an array containing the status message parameters.
function preDeleteActions() {
$return = array();
if (isset($_POST['deletehomedir'])) {
// get list of lamdaemon servers
$lamdaemonServers = explode(";", $_SESSION['config']->get_scriptServers());
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($lamdaemonServers); $i++) {
$temp = explode(":", $lamdaemonServers[$i]);
$lamdaemonServers[$i] = $temp[0];
// try to delete directory on all servers
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($lamdaemonServers); $i++) {
$result = lamdaemon(
// lamdaemon results
if (is_array($result)) {
foreach ($result as $singleresult) {
$singleresult = explode(",", $singleresult);
if (is_array($singleresult)) {
if (($singleresult[0] == 'ERROR') || ($singleresult[0] == 'WARN') || ($singleresult[0] == 'INFO')) {
$return[] = $singleresult;
return $return;
* Processes user input of the primary module page.
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes.
* @return array list of info/error messages
function process_attributes() {
$errors = array();
$groups = $this->findGroups(); // list of all groupnames
if (count($groups)==0) {
// abort if no groups were found
return array();
$this->attributes['loginShell'][0] = $_POST['loginShell'];
if (isset($_POST['gecos'])) $this->attributes['gecos'][0] = $_POST['gecos'];
if (isset($this->orig['uid'][0]) && ($this->orig['uid'][0] != '') && ($_POST['uid'] != $this->attributes['uid'][0])) {
$errors[] = $this->messages['uid'][0];
if (isset($this->orig['gidNumber'][0]) && ($this->orig['gidNumber'][0] != '') && ($_POST['gidNumber'] != $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0])) {
$errorMessage = $this->messages['gidNumber'][2];
$errorMessage[] = array($this->orig['gidNumber'][0], $this->orig['uidNumber'][0], $_POST['gidNumber']);
$errors[] = $errorMessage;
if (isset($this->orig['uidNumber'][0]) && $this->orig['uidNumber'][0]!='' && $_POST['uidNumber']!=$this->attributes['uidNumber'][0]) {
$errorMessage = $this->messages['uidNumber'][5];
$errorMessage[] = array($this->orig['uidNumber'][0], $_POST['uidNumber']);
$errors[] = $errorMessage;
if (isset($_POST['homeDirectory']) && isset($this->orig['homeDirectory'][0]) && ($this->orig['homeDirectory'][0] != '') && ($_POST['homeDirectory'] != $this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0])) {
$errorMessage = $this->messages['homeDirectory'][3];
$errorMessage[] = array($this->orig['homeDirectory'][0], $_POST['homeDirectory']);
$errors[] = $errorMessage;
// get list of DNS names or IPs
$lamdaemonServers = explode(";", $_SESSION['config']->get_scriptServers());
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($lamdaemonServers); $i++) {
$temp = explode(":", $lamdaemonServers[$i]);
if (isset($temp[1])) $lamdaemonServers[$i] = $temp[1];
else $lamdaemonServers[$i] = $temp[0];
if (isset($_POST['createhomedir'])) {
$this->createhomedir = true;
if (!in_array($_POST['createhomediron'], $lamdaemonServers)) {
$errorMessage = $this->messages['createhomediron'][0];
$errorMessage[] = array($this->orig['createhomediron'][0]);
$errors[] = $errorMessage;
else {
$this->lamdaemonServer = $_POST['createhomediron'];
else $this->createhomedir = false;
$this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0] = $_POST['homeDirectory'];
// Load attributes
if (isset($_POST['lockPassword'])) {
$this->attributes['userPassword'][0] = pwd_disable($this->attributes['userPassword'][0]);
if (isset($_POST['unlockPassword'])) {
$this->attributes['userPassword'][0] = pwd_enable($this->attributes['userPassword'][0]);
if (isset($_POST['removePassword'])) {
$this->attributes['uid'][0] = $_POST['uid'];
$this->attributes['cn'][0] = $_POST['cn'];
if (!get_preg($this->attributes['cn'][0], 'cn')) {
$errors[] = $this->messages['cn'][0];
$this->attributes['uidNumber'][0] = $_POST['uidNumber'];
$this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] = $_POST['gidNumber'];
// Check if UID is valid. If none value was entered, the next useable value will be inserted
// load min and may uidNumber
if ($this->get_scope()=='user') {
$minID = intval($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_minUID'][0]);
$maxID = intval($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_maxUID'][0]);
if ($this->get_scope()=='host') {
$minID = intval($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_minMachine'][0]);
$maxID = intval($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_maxMachine'][0]);
$uids = $this->getUIDs();
if ($this->attributes['uidNumber'][0]=='') {
// No id-number given
if (!isset($this->orig['uidNumber'][0]) || ($this->orig['uidNumber'][0] == '')) {
// new account -> we have to find a free id-number
$newUID = $this->getNextUIDs(1, $errors);
if (is_array($newUID)) {
$this->attributes['uidNumber'][0] = $newUID[0];
else {
$errors[] = $this->messages['uidNumber'][3];
else $this->attributes['uidNumber'][0] = $this->orig['uidNumber'][0];
// old account -> return id-number which has been used
else {
// check manual ID
if ($this->getAccountContainer()->isNewAccount || !isset($this->orig['uidNumber'][0]) || ($this->orig['uidNumber'][0] != $this->attributes['uidNumber'][0])) {
// check range
if (!is_numeric($this->attributes['uidNumber'][0]) || ($this->attributes['uidNumber'][0] < $minID) || ($this->attributes['uidNumber'][0] > $maxID)) $errors[] = array('ERROR', _('ID-Number'), sprintf(_('Please enter a value between %s and %s!'), $minID, $maxID));
// id-number is in use and account is a new account
if ((in_array($this->attributes['uidNumber'][0], $uids)) && $this->orig['uidNumber'][0]=='') $errors[] = array('ERROR', _('ID-Number'), _('ID is already in use'));
// id-number is in use, account is existing account and id-number is not used by itself
if ((in_array($this->attributes['uidNumber'][0], $uids)) && $this->orig['uidNumber'][0]!='' && ($this->orig['uidNumber'][0] != $this->attributes['uidNumber'][0]) ) {
$errors[] = $this->messages['uidNumber'][3];
$this->attributes['uidNumber'][0] = $this->orig['uidNumber'][0];
if ($this->get_scope()=='user') {
if (($this->attributes['uid'][0] != $_POST['uid']) && !get_preg($_POST['uid'], '!upper'))
$errors[] = $this->messages['uid'][1];
if ( !get_preg($this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0], 'homeDirectory' ))
$errors[] = $this->messages['homeDirectory'][0];
if ($this->get_scope()=='user') {
$this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0] = str_replace('$group', $this->getGroupName($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]), $this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0]);
if ($this->attributes['uid'][0] != '')
$this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0] = str_replace('$user', $this->attributes['uid'][0], $this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0]);
if ($this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0] != $_POST['homeDirectory']) $errors[] = array('INFO', _('Home directory'), _('Replaced $user or $group in homedir.'));
// Check if Username contains only valid characters
if ( !get_preg($this->attributes['uid'][0], 'username'))
$errors[] = $this->messages['uid'][2];
if ($this->get_scope()=='host') {
// Check if Hostname contains only valid characters
if ( !get_preg($this->attributes['uid'][0], 'hostname'))
$errors[] = $this->messages['uid'][4];
if (!$this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0]) {
$this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0] = '/dev/null';
if (!$this->attributes['loginShell'][0]) {
$this->attributes['loginShell'][0] = '/bin/false';
// Create automatic useraccount with number if original user already exists
// Reset name to original name if new name is in use
// Set username back to original name if new username is in use
if ((sizeof(searchLDAPByAttribute('uid', $this->attributes['uid'][0], 'posixAccount', array('uid'), array('user', 'host'))) > 0) && ($this->orig['uid'][0]!='')) {
$this->attributes['uid'][0] = $this->orig['uid'][0];
else {
// Change uid to a new uid until a free uid is found
while (sizeof(searchLDAPByAttribute('uid', $this->attributes['uid'][0], 'posixAccount', array('uid'), array('user', 'host'))) > 0) {
if ($this->get_scope()=='host') $this->attributes['uid'][0] = substr($this->attributes['uid'][0], 0, -1);
// get last character of username
$lastchar = substr($this->attributes['uid'][0], strlen($this->attributes['uid'][0])-1, 1);
// Last character is no number
if ( !preg_match('/^([0-9])+$/', $lastchar)) {
// Last character is no number. Therefore we only have to add "2" to it.
if ($this->get_scope()=='host') {
$this->attributes['uid'][0] = $this->attributes['uid'][0] . '2$';
else {
$this->attributes['uid'][0] = $this->attributes['uid'][0] . '2';
else {
/* Last character is a number -> we have to increase the number until we've
* found a groupname with trailing number which is not in use.
* $i will show us were we have to split groupname so we get a part
* with the groupname and a part with the trailing number
$mark = false;
// Set $i to the last character which is a number in $account_new->general_username
while (!$mark)
if (preg_match('/^([0-9])+$/',substr($this->attributes['uid'][0], $i, strlen($this->attributes['uid'][0])-$i))) $i--;
else $mark=true;
// increase last number with one
$firstchars = substr($this->attributes['uid'][0], 0, $i+1);
$lastchars = substr($this->attributes['uid'][0], $i+1, strlen($this->attributes['uid'][0])-$i);
// Put username together
if ($this->get_scope()=='host') $this->attributes['uid'][0] = $firstchars . (intval($lastchars)+1)."$";
else $this->attributes['uid'][0] = $firstchars . (intval($lastchars)+1);
// Show warning if LAM has changed username
if ($this->attributes['uid'][0] != $_POST['uid']) {
if ($this->get_scope()=='user') $errors[] = $this->messages['uid'][5];
if ($this->get_scope()=='host') $errors[] = $this->messages['uid'][6];
$attributeList = array('gecos', 'homeDirectory');
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($attributeList); $i++) {
if (isset($this->attributes[$attributeList[$i]][0])) {
$value = $this->attributes[$attributeList[$i]][0];
$replacedValue = $this->checkASCII($value);
if ($value != $replacedValue) {
$this->attributes[$attributeList[$i]][0] = $replacedValue;
$errors[] = array('WARN', $attributeList[$i], _('Changed value because only ASCII characters are allowed.'));
// Return error-messages
return $errors;
* Checks if an attribute contains only ASCII charaters and replaces invalid characters.
* @param string $attribute attribute value
* @return string attribute value with replaced non-ASCII characters
function checkASCII($attribute) {
// convert UTF8 to ASCII
$convert = array ( 'ä' => 'ae', 'Ä' => 'Ae', 'ö' => 'oe', 'Ö' => 'Oe', 'ü' => 'ue', 'Ü' => 'Ue',
'ß' => 'ss', 'é' => 'e', 'è' => 'e', 'ô' => 'o', 'ç' => 'c'
// replace special characters
foreach ($convert as $key => $value) {
$attribute = str_replace($key, $value, $attribute);
// remove remaining UTF-8 characters
for ($c = 0; $c < strlen($attribute); $c++) {
if (ord($attribute[$c]) > 127) {
$attribute = str_replace($attribute[$c], "", $attribute);
return $attribute;
* Processes user input of the group selection page.
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes.
* @return array list of info/error messages
function process_group() {
if (isset($_POST['addgroups']) && isset($_POST['addgroups_button'])) { // Add groups to list
// Add new group
$this->groups = @array_merge($this->groups, $_POST['addgroups']);
elseif (isset($_POST['removegroups']) && isset($_POST['removegroups_button'])) { // remove groups from list
$this->groups = array_delete($_POST['removegroups'], $this->groups);
return array();
* Returns the HTML meta data for the main account page.
* @return htmlElement HTML meta data
function display_html_attributes() {
$return = new htmlTable();
$groupList = $this->findGroups(); // list of all group names
$groups = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($groupList); $i++) {
$groups[$groupList[$i][1]] = $groupList[$i][0];
if (count($groups)==0) {
$return->addElement(new htmlStatusMessage("ERROR", _('No Unix groups found in LDAP! Please create one first.')));
return $return;
$shelllist = getshells(); // list of all valid shells
// set default values
if (!isset($this->attributes['uid'][0]) && ($this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson') != null)) {
// fill default value for user ID with first/last name
$attrs = $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson')->getAttributes();
$this->attributes['uid'][0] = $this->getUserNameSuggestion($attrs);
if (!isset($this->attributes['cn'][0]) || ($this->attributes['cn'][0] == '')) {
// set a default value for common name
if (($this->get_scope() == 'host') && (substr($_POST['uid'], -1, 1) == '$')) {
$this->attributes['cn'][0] = substr($_POST['uid'], 0, strlen($_POST['uid']) - 1);
elseif ($this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson') != null) {
$attrs = $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson')->getAttributes();
if ($attrs['givenName'][0]) {
$this->attributes['cn'][0] = $attrs['givenName'][0] . " " . $attrs['sn'][0];
elseif ($attrs['sn'][0]) {
$this->attributes['cn'][0] = $attrs['sn'][0];
else {
$this->attributes['cn'][0] = $_POST['uid'];
else {
$this->attributes['cn'][0] = $_POST['uid'];
$userName = '';
if (isset($this->attributes['uid'][0])) $userName = $this->attributes['uid'][0];
$uidInput = new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_("User name"), 'uid', $userName, 'uid');
$return->addElement($uidInput, true);
$commonName = '';
if (isset($this->attributes['cn'][0])) $commonName = $this->attributes['cn'][0];
$cnInput = new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_("Common name"), 'cn', $commonName, 'cn');
$return->addElement($cnInput, true);
$uidNumber = '';
if (isset($this->attributes['uidNumber'][0])) $uidNumber = $this->attributes['uidNumber'][0];
$uidNumberInput = new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('UID number'), 'uidNumber', $uidNumber, 'uidNumber');
$return->addElement($uidNumberInput, true);
$gecos = '';
if (isset($this->attributes['gecos'][0])) $gecos = $this->attributes['gecos'][0];
$return->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Gecos'), 'gecos', $gecos, 'gecos'), true);
$primaryGroup = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0])) {
$primaryGroup[] = $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0];
$gidNumberSelect = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('gidNumber', $groups, $primaryGroup, _('Primary group'), 'gidNumber');
$return->addElement($gidNumberSelect, true);
if ($this->get_scope()=='user') {
// additional groups
$return->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Additional groups')));
$return->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'group', 'open', _('Edit groups')));
$return->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('addgroup'), true);
// home directory
$homedirInput = new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Home directory'), 'homeDirectory', $this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0], 'homeDirectory');
$return->addElement($homedirInput, true);
if ($this->getAccountContainer()->isNewAccount && ($_SESSION['config']->get_scriptPath() != null)
&& ($_SESSION['config']->get_scriptPath() != '')) {
// get list of lamdaemon servers
$lamdaemonServers = explode(";", $_SESSION['config']->get_scriptServers());
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($lamdaemonServers); $i++) {
$temp = explode(":", $lamdaemonServers[$i]);
if (isset($temp[1])) $lamdaemonServers[$i] = $temp[1];
else $lamdaemonServers[$i] = $temp[0];
$return->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Create home directory')));
$homeServerContainer = new htmlTable();
$homeServerContainer->addElement(new htmlInputCheckbox('createhomedir', $this->createhomedir));
$homeServerContainer->addElement(new htmlSelect('createhomediron', $lamdaemonServers, $this->lamdaemonServer));
$return->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('createhomedir'), true);
$selectedShell = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['loginShell'][0])) {
$selectedShell = array($this->attributes['loginShell'][0]);
$return->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedSelect('loginShell', $shelllist, $selectedShell, _('Login shell'), 'loginShell'), true);
// password buttons
if (checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed() && isset($this->attributes['userPassword'][0])) {
$return->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Password')));
$pwdContainer = new htmlTable();
if (pwd_is_enabled($this->attributes['userPassword'][0])) {
$pwdContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('lockPassword', _('Lock password')));
else {
$pwdContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('unlockPassword', _('Unlock password')));
$pwdContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('removePassword', _('Remove password')));
$pwdContainer->colspan = 2;
return $return;
* Displays the delete homedir option for the delete page.
* @return htmlElement meta HTML code
function display_html_delete() {
$return = null;
if ($this->get_scope() == 'user' && ($_SESSION['config']->get_scriptPath() != null)) {
$return = new htmlTable();
$return->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox('deletehomedir', false, _('Delete home directory'), 'deletehomedir'));
return $return;
* Displays the group selection.
* @return htmlElement meta HTML code
function display_html_group() {
$return = new htmlTable();
// load list with all groups
$groups = $this->findGroups();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($groups); $i++) {
$groups[$i] = $groups[$i][1];
// remove groups the user is member of from grouplist
$groups = array_delete($this->groups, $groups);
// Remove primary group from grouplist
$group = $this->getGroupName($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]);
$groups = array_flip($groups);
unset ($groups[$group]);
$groups = array_flip($groups);
$return->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_("Additional groups")), true);
$return->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("Selected groups")));
$return->addElement(new htmlOutputText(''));
$return->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("Available groups")));
$remSelect = new htmlSelect('removegroups', $this->groups, null, 15);
$buttonContainer = new htmlTable();
$buttonContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('addgroups_button', 'back.gif', true), true);
$buttonContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('removegroups_button', 'forward.gif', true), true);
$buttonContainer->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('addgroup'));
$addSelect = new htmlSelect('addgroups', $groups, null, 15);
$return->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '10px'), true);
$backButton = new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'attributes', 'back', _('Back'));
return $return;
* Returns a list of elements for the account profiles.
* @return profile elements
function get_profileOptions() {
$return = new htmlTable();
$groupList = $this->findGroups();
$groups = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($groupList); $i++) {
$groups[] = $groupList[$i][1];
if ($this->get_scope() == 'user') {
$shelllist = getshells(); // list of all valid shells
// primary Unix group
$return->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedSelect('posixAccount_primaryGroup', $groups, array(), _('Primary group'), 'gidNumber'), true);
// additional group memberships
$addGroupSelect = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('posixAccount_additionalGroup', $groups, array(), _('Additional groups'), 'addgroup', 10);
$return->addElement($addGroupSelect, true);
// home directory
$return->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Home directory'), 'posixAccount_homeDirectory', '/home/$user', 'homeDirectory'), true);
// login shell
$return->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedSelect('posixAccount_loginShell', $shelllist, array("/bin/bash"), _('Login shell'), 'loginShell'), true);
// lamdaemon settings
if (($_SESSION['config']->get_scriptPath() != null)) {
$return->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox('posixAccount_createHomedir', false, _('Create home directory'), 'createhomedir'), true);
$lamdaemonServers = explode(";", $_SESSION['config']->get_scriptServers());
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($lamdaemonServers); $i++) {
$temp = explode(":", $lamdaemonServers[$i]);
if (isset($temp[1])) $lamdaemonServers[$i] = $temp[1];
else $lamdaemonServers[$i] = $temp[0];
$return->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedSelect('posixAccount_homedirServer', $lamdaemonServers, array(), _('Home directory server'), 'createhomedir'), true);
elseif ($this->get_scope() == 'host') {
// primary Unix group
$return->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedSelect('posixAccount_primaryGroup', $groups, array(), _('Primary group'), 'gidNumber'));
return $return;
* Loads the values of an account profile into internal variables.
* @param array $profile hash array with profile values (identifier => value)
function load_profile($profile) {
// profile mappings in meta data
// special profile options
// GID
if (isset($profile['posixAccount_primaryGroup'][0])) {
$gid = $this->getGID($profile['posixAccount_primaryGroup'][0]);
if ($gid != null) {
$this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] = $gid;
// other group memberships
if (isset($profile['posixAccount_additionalGroup'][0])) {
$this->groups = $profile['posixAccount_additionalGroup'];
// lamdaemon
if (($this->get_scope() == 'user') && $this->getAccountContainer()->isNewAccount) {
if (isset($profile['posixAccount_homedirServer'][0])) {
$this->lamdaemonServer = $profile['posixAccount_homedirServer'][0];
if (isset($profile['posixAccount_createHomedir'][0]) && ($profile['posixAccount_createHomedir'][0] == 'true')) {
$this->createhomedir = true;
* Returns the PDF entries for this module.
* @return array list of possible PDF entries
function get_pdfEntries() {
$return = array(
'posixAccount_uid' => array('' . _('User name') . '' . $this->attributes['uid'][0] . ''),
'posixAccount_cn' => array('' . _('Common name') . '' . $this->attributes['cn'][0] . ''),
'posixAccount_uidNumber' => array('' . _('UID number') . '' . $this->attributes['uidNumber'][0] . ''),
'posixAccount_gidNumber' => array('' . _('GID number') . '' . $this->attributes['gidNumber'][0] . ''),
'posixAccount_gecos' => array('' . _('Gecos') . '' . $this->attributes['gecos'][0] . ''),
'posixAccount_primaryGroup' => array('' . _('Primary group') . '' . $this->getGroupName($this->attributes['gidNumber'][0]) . ''),
'posixAccount_additionalGroups' => array('' . _('Additional groups') . '' . implode(", ", $this->groups) . ''),
'posixAccount_homeDirectory' => array('' . _('Home directory') . '' . $this->attributes['homeDirectory'][0] . ''),
'posixAccount_loginShell' => array('' . _('Login shell') . '' . $this->attributes['loginShell'][0] . ''),
if (isset($this->clearTextPassword)) {
$return['posixAccount_userPassword'] = array('' . _('Password') . '' . $this->clearTextPassword . '');
return $return;
* Checks input values of module settings.
* @param array $scopes list of account types which are used
* @param array $options hash array containing the settings (array('option' => array('value')))
* @return array list of error messages
function check_configOptions($scopes, $options) {
$return = array();
// user settings
if (in_array('user', $scopes)) {
// min/maxUID are required, check if they are numeric
if (!isset($options['posixAccount_minUID'][0]) || !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $options['posixAccount_minUID'][0])) {
$return[] = $this->messages['minUID'][0];
if (!isset($options['posixAccount_maxUID'][0]) || !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $options['posixAccount_maxUID'][0])) {
$return[] = $this->messages['maxUID'][0];
// minUID < maxUID
if (isset($options['posixAccount_minUID'][0]) && isset($options['posixAccount_maxUID'][0])) {
if ($options['posixAccount_minUID'][0] > $options['posixAccount_maxUID'][0]) {
$return[] = $this->messages['cmp_UID'][0];
// host settings
if (in_array('host', $scopes)) {
// min/maxUID are required, check if they are numeric
if (!isset($options['posixAccount_minMachine'][0]) || !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $options['posixAccount_minMachine'][0])) {
$return[] = $this->messages['minMachine'][0];
if (!isset($options['posixAccount_maxMachine'][0]) || !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $options['posixAccount_maxMachine'][0])) {
$return[] = $this->messages['maxMachine'][0];
// minUID < maxUID
if (isset($options['posixAccount_minMachine'][0]) && isset($options['posixAccount_maxMachine'][0])) {
if ($options['posixAccount_minMachine'][0] > $options['posixAccount_maxMachine'][0]) {
$return[] = $this->messages['cmp_Machine'][0];
// check if user and host ranges overlap
if (in_array('user', $scopes) && in_array('host', $scopes)) {
if (isset($options['posixAccount_minUID'][0]) && isset($options['posixAccount_maxUID'][0]) &&
isset($options['posixAccount_minMachine'][0]) && isset($options['posixAccount_maxMachine'][0])) {
if (($options['posixAccount_minMachine'][0] > $options['posixAccount_minUID'][0]) &&
($options['posixAccount_minMachine'][0] < $options['posixAccount_maxUID'][0])) {
$return[] = $this->messages['cmp_both'][0];
if (($options['posixAccount_minUID'][0] > $options['posixAccount_minMachine'][0]) &&
($options['posixAccount_minUID'][0] < $options['posixAccount_maxMachine'][0])) {
$return[] = $this->messages['cmp_both'][0];
return $return;
* In this function the LDAP account is built up.
* @param array $rawAccounts list of hash arrays (name => value) from user input
* @param array $partialAccounts list of hash arrays (name => value) which are later added to LDAP
* @param array $ids list of IDs for column position (e.g. "posixAccount_uid" => 5)
* @param array $selectedModules list of selected account modules
* @return array list of error messages if any
function build_uploadAccounts($rawAccounts, $ids, &$partialAccounts, $selectedModules) {
$errors = array();
$needAutoUID = array();
// get list of existing users
$existingUsers = searchLDAPByAttribute('uid', '*', 'posixAccount', array('uid'), array('user', 'host'));
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($existingUsers); $i++) {
$existingUsers[$i] = $existingUsers[$i]['uid'][0];
// get list of existing groups
$groupList = $this->findGroups();
$groupMap = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($groupList); $i++) {
$groupMap[$groupList[$i][1]] = $groupList[$i][0];
$existingGroups = array_keys($groupMap);
// check input
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rawAccounts); $i++) {
if (!in_array("posixAccount", $partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'])) $partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'][] = "posixAccount";
// UID
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_uid']] == "") {
// autoUID
$needAutoUID[] = $i;
elseif (get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_uid']], 'digit')) {
if ($this->get_scope() == 'user') {
if (($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_uid']] > $this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_minUID'][0]) &&
($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_uid']] < $this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_maxUID'][0])) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['uidNumber'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_uid']];
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['uidNumber'][4];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
elseif ($this->get_scope() == 'host') {
if (($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_uid']] > $this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_minMachine'][0]) &&
($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_uid']] < $this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_maxMachine'][0])) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['uidNumber'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_uid']];
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['uidNumber'][4];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['uidNumber'][4];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
// GID number
if (get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_group']], 'digit')) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['gidNumber'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_group']];
if (get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_group']], 'groupname')) {
$gid = $groupMap[$rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_group']]];
if (is_numeric($gid)) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['gidNumber'] = $gid;
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['gidNumber'][0];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['gidNumber'][1];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_gecos']] != "") {
if (get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_gecos']], 'gecos')) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['gecos'] = $this->checkASCII($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_gecos']]);
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['gecos'][0];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
else {
$gecos = "";
if (($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['inetOrgPerson_firstName']] != "") && ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['inetOrgPerson_lastName']] != "")) {
$gecos = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['inetOrgPerson_firstName']] . " " . $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['inetOrgPerson_lastName']];
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['inetOrgPerson_telephone']] != "") {
$gecos = $gecos . ",," . $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['inetOrgPerson_telephone']]; // double "," because room is unknown
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['inetOrgPerson_fax']] != "") {
$gecos = $gecos . "," . $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['inetOrgPerson_fax']];
if ($gecos != "") {
$partialAccounts[$i]['gecos'] = $this->checkASCII($gecos);
// user specific attributes
if ($this->get_scope() == 'user') {
// additional groups
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_additionalGroups']] != "") {
$groups = explode(",", $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_additionalGroups']]);
for ($g = 0; $g < sizeof($groups); $g++) {
if (!in_array($groups[$g], $existingGroups)) {
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Unable to find group in LDAP.'), $groups[$g]);
// user name
if (in_array($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_userName']], $existingUsers)) {
$errMsg = $this->messages['uid'][9];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
elseif (get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_userName']], 'username')) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['uid'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_userName']];
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['uid'][7];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
// home directory
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_homedir']] == "") {
$partialAccounts[$i]['homeDirectory'] = '/home/' . $partialAccounts[$i]['uid'];
elseif (get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_homedir']], 'homeDirectory')) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['homeDirectory'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_homedir']];
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['homeDirectory'][2];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
// login shell
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_shell']] == "") {
$partialAccounts[$i]['loginShell'] = '/bin/bash';
elseif (in_array($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_shell']], getshells())) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['loginShell'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_shell']];
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['shell'][0];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
$pwd_enabled = true;
// password enabled/disabled
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_passwordDisabled']] == "") {
$pwd_enabled = true;
elseif (in_array($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_passwordDisabled']], array('true', 'false'))) {
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_passwordDisabled']] == 'true') $pwd_enabled = false;
else $pwd_enabled = true;
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['passwordDisabled'][0];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
// password
if (($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_password']] != "") && (get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_password']], 'password'))) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['userPassword'] = pwd_hash($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_password']], $pwd_enabled, $this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_pwdHash'][0]);
elseif ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_password']] != "") {
$errMsg = str_replace('%', '%%', $this->messages['userPassword'][4]); // double "%" because of later sprintf
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
// cn
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_cn']] != "") {
if (get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_cn']], 'cn')) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['cn'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_cn']];
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['cn'][1];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
else {
if ($partialAccounts[$i]['givenName']) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['cn'] = $partialAccounts[$i]['givenName'] . " " . $partialAccounts[$i]['sn'];
elseif ($partialAccounts[$i]['sn']) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['cn'] = $partialAccounts[$i]['sn'];
else {
$partialAccounts[$i]['cn'] = $partialAccounts[$i]['uid'];
// host specific attributes
elseif ($this->get_scope() == 'host') {
// host name
if (in_array($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_hostName']], $existingUsers)) {
$errMsg = $this->messages['uid'][10];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
elseif (get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_hostName']], 'hostname')) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['uid'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_hostName']];
$partialAccounts[$i]['cn'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_hostName']];
else {
$errMsg = $this->messages['uid'][8];
array_push($errMsg, array($i));
$errors[] = $errMsg;
// description
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_description']] && ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_description']] != '')) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['description'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_description']];
else {
$partialAccounts[$i]['description'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['posixAccount_hostName']];
$partialAccounts[$i]['homeDirectory'] = '/dev/null';
$partialAccounts[$i]['loginShell'] = '/bin/false';
// fill in autoUIDs
if (sizeof($needAutoUID) > 0) {
$errorsTemp = array();
$uids = $this->getNextUIDs(sizeof($needAutoUID), $errorsTemp);
if (is_array($uids)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($needAutoUID); $i++) {
$partialAccounts[$i]['uidNumber'] = $uids[$i];
else {
$errors[] = $this->messages['uidNumber'][2];
return $errors;
* This function executes one post upload action.
* @param array $data array containing one account in each element
* @param array $ids array( => )
* @param array $failed list of accounts which were not created successfully
* @param array $temp variable to store temporary data between two post actions
* @param array $accounts list of LDAP entries
* @return array current status
array (
'status' => 'finished' | 'inProgress'
'progress' => 0..100
'errors' => array ()
function doUploadPostActions(&$data, $ids, $failed, &$temp, &$accounts) {
if (!checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed()) {
// on first call generate list of ldap operations
if (!isset($temp['counter'])) {
$temp['groups'] = array();
$temp['createHomes'] = array();
$temp['counter'] = 0;
$col = $ids['posixAccount_additionalGroups'];
$col_home = $ids['posixAccount_createHomeDir'];
// get list of existing groups
$groupList = $this->findGroups();
$groupMap = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($groupList); $i++) {
$groupMap[$groupList[$i][0]] = $groupList[$i][1];
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($data); $i++) {
if (in_array($i, $failed)) continue; // ignore failed accounts
if ($data[$i][$col] != "") {
$groups = explode(",", $data[$i][$col]);
if (isset($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_primaryGroupAsSecondary'][0])
&& ($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_primaryGroupAsSecondary'][0] == 'true')) {
if (get_preg($data[$i][$ids['posixAccount_group']], 'digit')) {
if (!in_array($groupMap[$data[$i][$ids['posixAccount_group']]], $groups)) {
$groups[] = $groupMap[$data[$i][$ids['posixAccount_group']]];
else {
if (!in_array($groupMap[$data[$i][$ids['posixAccount_group']]], $groups)) {
$groups[] = $data[$i][$ids['posixAccount_group']];
for ($g = 0; $g < sizeof($groups); $g++) {
if (!in_array($groups[$g], $temp['groups'])) $temp['groups'][] = $groups[$g];
$temp['members'][$groups[$g]][] = $data[$i][$ids['posixAccount_userName']];
if ($data[$i][$col_home] != "") {
$temp['createHomes'][] = $i;
return array(
'status' => 'inProgress',
'progress' => 0,
'errors' => array()
// get DNs of groups
elseif (!isset($temp['dn'])) {
$temp['dn'] = array();
$ldapEntries = searchLDAPByAttribute('cn', '*', 'posixGroup', array('dn', 'cn'), array('group'));
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ldapEntries); $i++) {
$temp['dn'][$ldapEntries[$i]['cn'][0]] = $ldapEntries[$i]['dn'];
return array(
'status' => 'inProgress',
'progress' => 0,
'errors' => array()
// add users to groups
elseif ($temp['counter'] < sizeof($temp['groups'])) {
if (isset($temp['dn'][$temp['groups'][$temp['counter']]])) {
$success = @ldap_mod_add($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $temp['dn'][$temp['groups'][$temp['counter']]], array('memberUID' => $temp['members'][$temp['groups'][$temp['counter']]]));
$errors = array();
if (!$success) {
$errors[] = array(
_("LAM was unable to modify group memberships for group: %s"),
ldap_errno($_SESSION['ldap']->server()) . ": " . ldap_error($_SESSION['ldap']->server()),
return array (
'status' => 'inProgress',
'progress' => ($temp['counter'] * 100) / (sizeof($temp['groups']) + sizeof($temp['createHomes'])),
'errors' => $errors
else {
return array (
'status' => 'inProgress',
'progress' => ($temp['counter'] * 100) / (sizeof($temp['groups'] + sizeof($temp['createHomes']))),
'errors' => array(array('ERROR', _('Unable to find group in LDAP.'), $temp['groups'][$temp['counter']]))
// create home directories
elseif ($temp['counter'] < (sizeof($temp['groups']) + sizeof($temp['createHomes']))) {
$pos = $temp['createHomes'][$temp['counter'] - sizeof($temp['groups'])];
$result = lamdaemon(
$errors = array();
if (($result != false) && (sizeof($result) == 1)) {
$parts = explode(",", $result[0]);
if (in_array($parts[0], array('ERROR', 'WARN'))) {
$errors[] = $parts;
return array (
'status' => 'inProgress',
'progress' => ($temp['counter'] * 100) / (sizeof($temp['groups']) + sizeof($temp['createHomes'])),
'errors' => $errors
// all groups are modified
else {
return array (
'status' => 'finished',
'progress' => 100,
'errors' => array()
* Returns one or more free UID numbers.
* @param integer $count Number of needed free UIDs.
* @param array $errors list of error messages where errors can be added
* @return mixed Null if no UIDs are free else an array of free UIDs.
function getNextUIDs($count, &$errors) {
$ret = array();
if ($this->get_scope() == "user") {
$minID = intval($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_minUID'][0]);
$maxID = intval($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_maxUID'][0]);
else {
$minID = intval($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_minMachine'][0]);
$maxID = intval($this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_maxMachine'][0]);
$uidList = $this->getUIDs();
$uids = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($uidList); $i++) {
if (($uidList[$i] <= $maxID) && ($uidList[$i] >= $minID)) $uids[] = $uidList[$i]; // ignore UIDs > maxID and UIDs < minID
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if (count($uids) != 0) {
// there already are some uids
// store highest id-number
$id = $uids[count($uids)-1];
// Return minimum allowed id-number if all found id-numbers are too low
if ($id < $minID) {
$ret[] = $minID;
$uids[] = $minID;
// return highest used id-number + 1 if it's still in valid range
elseif ($id < $maxID) {
$ret[] = $id + 1;
$uids[] = $id + 1;
// find free numbers between existing ones
else {
$k = intval($minID);
while (in_array($k, $uids)) $k++;
if ($k > $maxID) return null;
else {
$ret[] = $k;
$uids[] = $k;
sort ($uids, SORT_NUMERIC);
// show warning message
$errors[] = $this->messages['uidNumber'][2];
else {
// return minimum allowed id-number if no id-numbers are found
$ret[] = $minID;
$uids[] = $minID;
return $ret;
* Returns the meta HTML code for each input field.
* format: array( => array(), ...)
* It is not possible to display help links.
* @param array $fields list of active fields
* @param array $attributes attributes of LDAP account (attribute names in lower case)
* @return array meta HTML
function getSelfServiceOptions($fields, $attributes) {
$return = array();
if (in_array('password', $fields)) {
$pwdTable = new htmlTable();
$pwd1 = new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('New password'), 'posixAccount_password');
$pwdTable->addElement($pwd1, true);
$pwd2 = new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Reenter password'), 'posixAccount_password2');
$return['password'] = new htmlTableRow(array(
return $return;
* Checks if all input values are correct and returns the LDAP attributes which should be changed.
Return values:
messages: array of parameters to create status messages
add: array of attributes to add
del: array of attributes to remove
mod: array of attributes to modify
"info" are values with informational value (e.g. to be used later by pre/postModify actions)
* Calling this method does not require the existence of an enclosing {@link accountContainer}.
* @param string $fields input fields
* @param array $attributes LDAP attributes
* @return array messages and attributes (array('messages' => array(), 'add' => array('mail' => array('')), 'del' => array(), 'mod' => array(), 'info' => array()))
function checkSelfServiceOptions($fields, $attributes) {
$return = array('messages' => array(), 'add' => array(), 'del' => array(), 'mod' => array(), 'info' => array());
if (in_array('password', $fields)) {
if (isset($_POST['posixAccount_password']) && ($_POST['posixAccount_password'] != '')) {
if ($_POST['posixAccount_password'] != $_POST['posixAccount_password2']) {
$return['messages'][] = $this->messages['userPassword'][0];
else {
if (!get_preg($_POST['posixAccount_password'], 'password')) {
$return['messages'][] = $this->messages['userPassword'][1];
else {
$pwdPolicyResult = checkPasswordStrength($_POST['posixAccount_password']);
if ($pwdPolicyResult === true) {
$return['mod']['userPassword'][0] = pwd_hash($_POST['posixAccount_password'], true, $this->selfServiceSettings->moduleSettings['posixAccount_pwdHash'][0]);
$return['info']['userPasswordClearText'][0] = $_POST['posixAccount_password'];
if (isset($attributes['shadowLastChange'][0])) {
$return['mod']['shadowLastChange'][0] = intval(time()/3600/24);
$_SESSION['selfService_clientPasswordNew'] = $_POST['posixAccount_password'];
else {
$return['messages'][] = array('ERROR', $pwdPolicyResult);
return $return;
* This method specifies if a module manages password attributes.
* @see passwordService::managesPasswordAttributes
* @return boolean true if this module manages password attributes
public function managesPasswordAttributes() {
return true;
* This function is called whenever the password should be changed. Account modules
* must change their password attributes only if the modules list contains their module name.
* @param String $password new password
* @param $modules list of modules for which the password should be changed
* @return array list of error messages if any as parameter array for StatusMessage
* e.g. return arrray(array('ERROR', 'Password change failed.'))
* @see passwordService::passwordChangeRequested
public function passwordChangeRequested($password, $modules) {
if (!in_array(get_class($this), $modules)) {
return array();
$this->clearTextPassword = $password;
$this->attributes['userPassword'][0] = pwd_hash($password, true, $this->moduleSettings['posixAccount_pwdHash'][0]);
return array();
* Returns the group ID of the given group.
* @param String $groupname group name
* @return String GID
private function getGID($groupname) {
$results = searchLDAPByAttribute('cn', $groupname, 'posixGroup', array('gidnumber'), array('group'));
if ((sizeof($results) > 0) && isset($results[0]['gidnumber'][0])) {
return $results[0]['gidnumber'][0];
return null;
* Returns the group name of the group with the given group ID.
* @param String $groupID group ID
* @return String group name
private function getGroupName($groupID) {
$results = searchLDAPByAttribute('gidNumber', $groupID, 'posixGroup', array('cn'), array('group'));
if ((sizeof($results) > 0) && isset($results[0]['cn'][0])) {
return $results[0]['cn'][0];
return null;
* Returns the group DN of the given group.
* @param String $groupname group name
* @return String DN
private function getGroupDN($groupname) {
$results = searchLDAPByAttribute('cn', $groupname, 'posixGroup', array('dn'), array('group'));
if ((sizeof($results) > 0) && isset($results[0]['dn'][0])) {
return $results[0]['dn'];
return null;
* Finds all existing LDAP groups.
* @return array groups array(array(gidnumber, cn), array(gidnumber, cn), ...)
private function findGroups() {
if ($this->groupCache != null) {
return $this->groupCache;
$results = searchLDAPByAttribute(null, null, 'posixGroup', array('cn', 'gidnumber'), array('group'));
$return = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($results); $i++) {
if (isset($results[$i]['cn'][0]) && isset($results[$i]['gidnumber'][0])) {
$return[] = array($results[$i]['gidnumber'][0], $results[$i]['cn'][0]);
$this->groupCache = $return;
return $return;
* Returns a list of existing UID numbers.
* @return array list of UID numbers
private function getUIDs() {
if ($this->cachedUIDList != null) {
return $this->cachedUIDList;
$result = searchLDAPByAttribute('uidNumber', '*', 'posixAccount', array('uidNumber'), array('user', 'host'));
$this->cachedUIDList = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($result); $i++) {
$this->cachedUIDList[] = $result[$i]['uidnumber'][0];
sort($this->cachedUIDList, SORT_NUMERIC);
return $this->cachedUIDList;
* Returns a suggestion for the user name.
* By deafult this wil be the first character of the first name plus the last name.
* @param array $attrs LDAP attributes
* @return String user name
private function getUserNameSuggestion($attrs) {
if (isset($attrs['sn'][0])) {
if (isset($attrs['givenName'][0]) && ($attrs['givenName'][0] != '')) {
return preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\\.-]/', '', strtolower($attrs['givenName'][0] . '.' . $attrs['sn'][0]));
else {
return preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]/', '', strtolower($attrs['givenName'][0][0] . $attrs['sn'][0]));
else {
return preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]/', '', strtolower($attrs['sn'][0]));
return null;