array(array('inetOrgPerson', 'posixAccount')), 'conflicts' => array()); // help Entries $return['help'] = array( 'aliasUser' => array( "Headline" => _("Alias names with user name"), "Text" => _('Sets the alias names linked to the current user name.') ), 'aliasUserList' => array( "Headline" => _("Alias names with user name"), "Text" => _('Sets the alias names linked to the current user name.') . ' ' . _("Multiple values are separated by semicolon.") ), 'aliasMail' => array( "Headline" => _("Alias names with email address"), "Text" => _('Sets the alias names linked to the user\'s email address.') ), 'aliasUserList' => array( "Headline" => _("Alias names with email address"), "Text" => _('Sets the alias names linked to the user\'s email address.') . ' ' . _("Multiple values are separated by semicolon.") ), 'hiddenOptions' => array( "Headline" => _("Hidden options"), "Text" => _("The selected options will not be managed inside LAM. You can use this to reduce the number of displayed input fields.") ), ); // upload fields $return['upload_columns'] = array( array( 'name' => 'nisMailAliasUser_usernameAliases', 'description' => _('Aliases for user name'), 'help' => 'aliasUserList', ), array( 'name' => 'nisMailAliasUser_mailAliases', 'description' => _('Aliases for email'), 'help' => 'aliasMailList', ) ); // available PDF fields $return['PDF_fields'] = array( 'alias' => _('Alias names'), ); return $return; } /** * This function fills the error message array with messages */ function load_Messages() { $this->messages['alias'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' nisMailAliasUser_usernameAliases', _('Unable to create alias %s.')); $this->messages['alias'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' nisMailAliasUser_mailAliases', _('Unable to create alias %s.')); } /** * Returns the HTML meta data for the main account page. * * @return htmlElement HTML meta data */ function display_html_attributes() { $return = new htmlTable(); $aliases = $this->getMailAliasList(); $count = sizeof($aliases); $userName = $this->getUserName(); $mails = $this->getMailAddresses(); if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('nisMailAliasUser_hideUserAliases') && ($userName != null)) { $return->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_('Aliases for user name')), true); $userTable = new htmlTable(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (empty($aliases[$i]['rfc822mailmember'])) { continue; } $dn = $aliases[$i]['dn']; $members = $aliases[$i]['rfc822mailmember']; if (in_array($userName, $members) && (!isset($this->receipientsToDelete[$dn]) || !in_array($userName, $this->receipientsToDelete[$dn])) && !in_array($dn, $this->aliasesToDelete)) { $userTable->addElement(new htmlOutputText($aliases[$i]['cn'][0])); $buttonGroup = new htmlGroup(); $remButton = new htmlButton('rem_' . $i, 'del.png', true); $remButton->setTitle(_('Remove user from alias entry.')); $buttonGroup->addElement($remButton); $delButton = new htmlButton('del_' . $i, 'trash.png', true); $delButton->setTitle(sprintf(_('Delete whole alias entry which includes %s recipients.'), sizeof($members))); $buttonGroup->addElement($delButton); $userTable->addElement($buttonGroup, true); } } $return->addElement($userTable, true); } if (!$this->isBooleanConfigOptionSet('nisMailAliasUser_hideUserAliases') && !empty($mails)) { $return->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_('Aliases for email')), true); $mailTable = new htmlTable(); for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof($mails); $m++) { if (sizeof($mails) > 1) { $label = new htmlOutputText($mails[$m]); $label->colspan = 5; $mailTable->addElement($label, true); } $found = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (empty($aliases[$i]['rfc822mailmember'])) { continue; } $dn = $aliases[$i]['dn']; $members = $aliases[$i]['rfc822mailmember']; if (in_array($mails[$m], $members) && (!isset($this->receipientsToDelete[$dn]) || !in_array($mails[$m], $this->receipientsToDelete[$dn])) && !in_array($dn, $this->aliasesToDelete)) { $found = true; $mailTable->addSpace('5px'); $mailTable->addElement(new htmlOutputText($aliases[$i]['cn'][0])); $buttonGroup = new htmlGroup(); $remButton = new htmlButton('remMail_' . $i . '_' . $m, 'del.png', true); $remButton->setTitle(_('Remove user from alias entry.')); $buttonGroup->addElement($remButton); $delButton = new htmlButton('delMail_' . $i . '_' . $m, 'trash.png', true); $delButton->setTitle(sprintf(_('Delete whole alias entry which includes %s recipients.'), sizeof($members))); $buttonGroup->addElement($delButton); $mailTable->addElement($buttonGroup, true); } } if ((sizeof($mails) > 1) && ($m < (sizeof($mails) - 1))) { $mailTable->addVerticalSpace('20px'); } } $return->addElement($mailTable, true); } return $return; } /** * Processes user input of the primary module page. * It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes. * * @return array list of info/error messages */ function process_attributes() { $errors = array(); $mails = $this->getMailAddresses(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, 'rem_') === 0) { $index = substr($key, strlen('rem_')); $this->receipientsToDelete[$this->cachedAliasList[$index]['dn']][] = $this->getUserName(); } elseif (strpos($key, 'del_') === 0) { $index = substr($key, strlen('del_')); $this->aliasesToDelete[] = $this->cachedAliasList[$index]['dn']; } elseif (strpos($key, 'remMail_') === 0) { $parts = substr($key, strlen('remMail_')); $parts = explode('_', $parts); $this->receipientsToDelete[$this->cachedAliasList[$parts[0]]['dn']][] = $mails[$parts[1]]; } elseif (strpos($key, 'delMail_') === 0) { $parts = substr($key, strlen('remMail_')); $parts = explode('_', $parts); $this->aliasesToDelete[] = $this->cachedAliasList[$parts[0]]['dn']; } } return $errors; } /** * Allows the module to run commands after the LDAP entry is changed or created. * * Calling this method requires the existence of an enclosing {@link accountContainer}. * * @param boolean $newAccount new account * @param array $attributes LDAP attributes of this entry * @return array array which contains status messages. Each entry is an array containing the status message parameters. */ public function postModifyActions($newAccount, $attributes) { $errors = array(); $ldapUser = $_SESSION['ldap']->decrypt_login(); $ldapUser = $ldapUser[0]; // delete complete aliases foreach ($this->aliasesToDelete as $dn) { $success = @ldap_delete($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $dn); if (!$success) { logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, '[' . $ldapUser .'] Unable to delete ' . $dn . ' (' . ldap_error($_SESSION['ldap']->server()) . ').'); $errors[] = array('ERROR', sprintf(_('Was unable to delete DN: %s.'), $dn), getDefaultLDAPErrorString($_SESSION['ldap']->server())); } else { logNewMessage(LOG_NOTICE, '[' . $ldapUser .'] Removed ' . $dn); } } // delete recipient entries foreach ($this->receipientsToDelete as $dn => $recipients) { $success = @ldap_mod_del($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $dn, array('rfc822mailmember' => $recipients)); if (!$success) { logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, '[' . $ldapUser .'] Unable to remove recipients ' . implode(', ', $recipients) . ' from ' . $dn . ' (' . ldap_error($_SESSION['ldap']->server()) . ').'); $errors[] = array('ERROR', sprintf(_('Was unable to remove attributes from DN: %s.'), $dn), getDefaultLDAPErrorString($_SESSION['ldap']->server())); } else { logNewMessage(LOG_NOTICE, '[' . $ldapUser .'] Removed recipients ' . implode(', ', $recipients) . ' from ' . $dn); } } return $errors; } /** * In this function the LDAP account is built up. * * @param array $rawAccounts list of hash arrays (name => value) from user input * @param array $ids list of IDs for column position (e.g. "posixAccount_uid" => 5) * @param array $partialAccounts list of hash arrays (name => value) which are later added to LDAP * @param array $selectedModules list of selected account modules * @return array list of error messages if any */ function build_uploadAccounts($rawAccounts, $ids, &$partialAccounts, $selectedModules) { $messages = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rawAccounts); $i++) { // add object class if (!in_array("nisMailAlias", $partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'])) $partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'][] = "nisMailAlias"; // add alias name // check format if (get_preg($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['nisMailAlias_alias']], 'nis_alias')) { $partialAccounts[$i]['cn'] = $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['nisMailAlias_alias']]; } else { $errMsg = $this->messages['alias'][1]; array_push($errMsg, array($i)); $messages[] = $errMsg; } // add recipients if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['nisMailAlias_recipients']] != "") { $aliases = explode(',', $rawAccounts[$i][$ids['nisMailAlias_recipients']]); // check format for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($aliases); $a++) { if (get_preg($aliases[$a], 'nis_recipient') || get_preg($aliases[$a], 'email')) { $partialAccounts[$i]['rfc822MailMember'][] = $aliases[$a]; } else { $errMsg = $this->messages['recipient'][1]; array_push($errMsg, array($i)); $messages[] = $errMsg; } } } } return $messages; } /** * Returns the PDF entries for this module. * * @return array list of possible PDF entries */ function get_pdfEntries() { $return = array(); $aliases = $this->getMailAliasList(); $foundAliases = array(); $mails = $this->getMailAddresses(); $user = $this->getUserName(); foreach ($aliases as $alias) { if (empty($alias['rfc822mailmember'][0])) { continue; } if (!empty($user) && in_array($user, $alias['rfc822mailmember'])) { $foundAliases[] = $alias['cn'][0]; } if (!empty($mails)) { foreach ($mails as $mail) { if (in_array($mail, $alias['rfc822mailmember'])) { $foundAliases[] = $alias['cn'][0]; } } } } $foundAliases = array_unique($foundAliases); $return[get_class($this) . '_alias'] = array('' . _('Alias names') . '' . implode(', ', $foundAliases) . ''); return $return; } /** * Returns a list of configuration options. * * Calling this method does not require the existence of an enclosing {@link accountContainer}.
* The field names are used as keywords to load and save settings. * We recommend to use the module name as prefix for them (e.g. posixAccount_homeDirectory) to avoid naming conflicts. * * @param array $scopes account types (user, group, host) * @param array $allScopes list of all active account modules and their scopes (module => array(scopes)) * @return mixed htmlElement or array of htmlElement * * @see baseModule::get_metaData() * @see htmlElement */ public function get_configOptions($scopes, $allScopes) { $configContainer = new htmlTable(); $configContainerHead = new htmlTable(); $configContainerHead->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Hidden options'))); $configContainerHead->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('hiddenOptions')); $configContainerOptions = new htmlTable(); $configContainer->addElement($configContainerHead, true); $configContainerOptions->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox('nisMailAliasUser_hideUserAliases', false, _('Aliases for user name'), null, false)); $configContainerOptions->addElement(new htmlOutputText(' ')); $configContainerOptions->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox('nisMailAliasUser_hideMailAliases', false, _('Aliases for email'), null, false)); $configContainer->addElement($configContainerOptions, true); return $configContainer; } /** * Returns a list of existing email aliases. * * @return array email aliases */ private function getMailAliasList() { if ($this->cachedAliasList != null) { return $this->cachedAliasList; } $this->cachedAliasList = searchLDAPByAttribute('cn', '*', 'nisMailAlias', array('dn', 'cn', 'rfc822MailMember'), array('mailAlias')); return $this->cachedAliasList; } /** * Returns the user name of this account. * * @return String user name */ private function getUserName() { if ($this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('posixAccount') != null) { $attrs = $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('posixAccount')->getAttributes(); if (!empty($attrs['uid'][0])) { return $attrs['uid'][0]; } } elseif ($this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson') != null) { $attrs = $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson')->getAttributes(); if (!empty($attrs['uid'][0])) { return $attrs['uid'][0]; } } return null; } /** * Returns the email addresses of this account. * * @return String mail addresses */ private function getMailAddresses() { if ($this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson') != null) { $attrs = $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('inetOrgPerson')->getAttributes(); if (!empty($attrs['mail'])) { return $attrs['mail']; } } return null; } } ?>