options) describing the options for an user profile // the options follow the format specified in modules.spec (TODO filename) function getUserProfileOptions() { return array(); } // returns an hash array (module => options) describing the options for an group profile // the options follow the format specified in modules.spec (TODO filename) function getGroupProfileOptions() { return array(); } // returns an hash array (module => options) describing the options for an host profile // the options follow the format specified in modules.spec (TODO filename) function getHostProfileOptions() { return array(); } // checks if the user profile values are correct // $options is a hash array (attribute => value) with the entered values // the values are all arrays with one or more elements // returns an hash array containing the error messages, if any // format of hash: attribute => array(message type, message header, message body, replacement array) function checkUserProfileOptions($options) { } // checks if the group profile values are correct // $options is a hash array (attribute => value) with the entered values // the values are all arrays with one or more elements // returns an hash array containing the error messages, if any // format of hash: attribute => array(message type, message header, message body, replacement array) function checkGroupProfileOptions($options) { } // checks if the host profile values are correct // $options is a hash array (attribute => value) with the entered values // the values are all arrays with one or more elements // returns an hash array containing the error messages, if any // format of hash: attribute => array(message type, message header, message body, replacement array) function checkHostProfileOptions($options) { } // returns the alias name of a module function getModuleAlias($name) { return $name; } // returns a hash array (module name => dependencies) of all user module dependencies // dependencies contains an array with two sub arrays: depends, conflicts // the elements of depends are either module names or an array of module names (OR-case) // the elements of conflicts are module names function getUserModuleDependencies() { return array("um1" => array("depends" => array("um4")), "um2" => array("depends" => array("um4", array("um1", "um3"))), "um3" => array("conflicts" => array("um1")), "um4" => array()); } // returns a hash array (module name => dependencies) of all group module dependencies // dependencies contains an array with two sub arrays: depends, conflicts // the elements of depends are either module names or an array of module names (OR-case) // the elements of conflicts are module names function getGroupModuleDependencies() { return array("gm1" => array("depends" => array("gm4")), "gm2" => array("depends" => array("gm4"), "conflicts" => array("gm1")), "gm3" => array("conflicts" => array("gm1")), "gm4" => array()); } // returns a hash array (module name => dependencies) of all host module dependencies // dependencies contains an array with two sub arrays: depends, conflicts // the elements of depends are either module names or an array of module names (OR-case) // the elements of conflicts are module names function getHostModuleDependencies() { return array("hm1" => array("depends" => array("hm4")), "hm2" => array("depends" => array("hm4"), "conflicts" => array("hm1")), "hm3" => array("conflicts" => array("hm1")), "hm4" => array()); } // returns an array with all available user module names function getAvailableUserModules() { return array("um1", "um2", "um3", "um4"); } // returns an array with all available group module names function getAvailableGroupModules() { return array("gm1", "gm2", "gm3", "gm4"); } // returns an array with all available host module names function getAvailableHostModules() { return array("hm1", "hm2", "hm3", "hm4"); } ?>