* @category Horde * @copyright 2013-2017 Horde LLC * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21 LGPL 2.1 * @package Imap_Client * @since 2.17.0 */ class Horde_Imap_Client_Cache_Backend_Hashtable extends Horde_Imap_Client_Cache_Backend { /** Separator for CID between mailbox and UID. */ const CID_SEPARATOR = '|'; /** * The working data for the current pageload. All changes take place to * this data. * * @var array */ protected $_data = array(); /** * HashTable object. * * @var Horde_HashTable */ protected $_hash; /** * Mailbox level data. * * @var array */ protected $_mbox = array(); /** * Horde_Pack singleton object. * * @var Horde_Pack */ protected $_pack; /** * List of mailbox/UIDs to update. * Keys are mailboxes. Values are arrays with three possible keys: *
     *   - d: UIDs to delete
     *   - m: Was metadata updated?
     *   - u: UIDs to update
* * @var array */ protected $_update = array(); /** * Constructor. * * @param array $params Configuration parameters: *
     *   - REQUIRED parameters:
     *     - hashtable: (Horde_HashTable) A HashTable object.
     *   - Optional Parameters:
     *     - lifetime: (integer) The lifetime of the cache data (in seconds).
     *                 DEFAULT: 604800 seconds (1 week) [@since 2.19.0]
*/ public function __construct(array $params = array()) { if (!isset($params['hashtable'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing hashtable parameter.'); } parent::__construct(array_merge(array( 'lifetime' => 604800 ), $params)); } /** */ protected function _initOb() { $this->_hash = $this->_params['hashtable']; $this->_pack = new Horde_Pack(); register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'save')); } /** */ public function get($mailbox, $uids, $fields, $uidvalid) { $ret = array(); if (empty($uids)) { return $ret; } $this->_loadUids($mailbox, $uids, $uidvalid); if (empty($this->_data[$mailbox])) { return $ret; } if (!empty($fields)) { $fields = array_flip($fields); } $ptr = &$this->_data[$mailbox]; $to_delete = array(); foreach ($uids as $val) { if (isset($ptr[$val])) { if (is_string($ptr[$val])) { try { $ptr[$val] = $this->_pack->unpack($ptr[$val]); } catch (Horde_Pack_Exception $e) { $to_delete[] = $val; continue; } } $ret[$val] = (empty($fields) || empty($ptr[$val])) ? $ptr[$val] : array_intersect_key($ptr[$val], $fields); } else { $to_delete[] = $val; } } $this->deleteMsgs($mailbox, $to_delete); return $ret; } /** */ public function getCachedUids($mailbox, $uidvalid) { $this->_loadMailbox($mailbox, $uidvalid); return $this->_mbox[$mailbox]['u']->ids; } /** */ public function set($mailbox, $data, $uidvalid) { $this->_loadUids($mailbox, array_keys($data), $uidvalid); $d = &$this->_data[$mailbox]; $to_add = array(); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if (isset($d[$k]) && is_string($d[$k])) { try { $d[$k] = $this->_pack->unpack($d[$k]); } catch (Horde_Pack_Exception $e) { continue; } } $d[$k] = (isset($d[$k]) && is_array($d[$k])) ? array_merge($d[$k], $v) : $v; $this->_update[$mailbox]['u'][$k] = true; unset($this->_update[$mailbox]['d'][$k]); $to_add[] = $k; } if (!empty($to_add)) { $this->_mbox[$mailbox]['u']->add($to_add); $this->_update[$mailbox]['m'] = true; } } /** */ public function getMetaData($mailbox, $uidvalid, $entries) { $this->_loadMailbox($mailbox, $uidvalid); return empty($entries) ? $this->_mbox[$mailbox]['d'] : array_intersect_key($this->_mbox[$mailbox]['d'], array_flip($entries)); } /** */ public function setMetaData($mailbox, $data) { $this->_loadMailbox($mailbox, isset($data['uidvalid']) ? $data['uidvalid'] : null); $this->_mbox[$mailbox]['d'] = array_merge( $this->_mbox[$mailbox]['d'], $data ); $this->_update[$mailbox]['m'] = true; } /** */ public function deleteMsgs($mailbox, $uids) { if (empty($uids)) { return; } $this->_loadMailbox($mailbox); foreach ($uids as $val) { unset( $this->_data[$mailbox][$val], $this->_update[$mailbox]['u'][$val] ); $this->_update[$mailbox]['d'][$val] = true; } $this->_mbox[$mailbox]['u']->remove($uids); $this->_update[$mailbox]['m'] = true; } /** */ public function deleteMailbox($mailbox) { /* Do this action immediately, instead of at shutdown. Makes coding * simpler. */ $this->_loadMailbox($mailbox); $this->_hash->delete(array_merge( array($this->_getCid($mailbox)), array_values($this->_getMsgCids($mailbox, $this->_mbox[$mailbox]['u'])) )); unset( $this->_data[$mailbox], $this->_mbox[$mailbox], $this->_update[$mailbox] ); } /** */ public function clear($lifetime) { /* Only can clear mailboxes we know about. */ foreach (array_keys($this->_mbox) as $val) { $this->deleteMailbox($val); } $this->_data = $this->_mbox = $this->_update = array(); } /** * Updates the cache. */ public function save() { foreach ($this->_update as $mbox => $val) { try { if (!empty($val['u'])) { $ptr = &$this->_data[$mbox]; foreach ($this->_getMsgCids($mbox, array_keys($val['u'])) as $k2 => $v2) { try { $this->_hash->set( $v2, $this->_pack->pack($ptr[$k2]), array('expire' => $this->_params['lifetime']) ); } catch (Horde_Pack_Exception $e) { $this->deleteMsgs($mbox, array($v2)); $val['d'][] = $v2; } } } if (!empty($val['d'])) { $this->_hash->delete(array_values( $this->_getMsgCids($mbox, $val['d']) )); } if (!empty($val['m'])) { try { $this->_hash->set( $this->_getCid($mbox), $this->_pack->pack($this->_mbox[$mbox]), array('expire' => $this->_params['lifetime']) ); } catch (Horde_Pack_Exception $e) {} } } catch (Horde_Exception $e) { } } $this->_update = array(); } /** * Loads basic mailbox information. * * @param string $mailbox The mailbox to load. * @param integer $uidvalid The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. */ protected function _loadMailbox($mailbox, $uidvalid = null) { if (!isset($this->_mbox[$mailbox]) && ($ob = $this->_hash->get($this->_getCid($mailbox)))) { try { $this->_mbox[$mailbox] = $this->_pack->unpack($ob); } catch (Horde_Pack_Exception $e) {} } if (isset($this->_mbox[$mailbox])) { if (is_null($uidvalid) || ($uidvalid == $this->_mbox[$mailbox]['d']['uidvalid'])) { return; } $this->deleteMailbox($mailbox); } $this->_mbox[$mailbox] = array( // Metadata storage // By default includes UIDVALIDITY of mailbox. 'd' => array('uidvalid' => $uidvalid), // List of UIDs 'u' => new Horde_Imap_Client_Ids() ); } /** * Load UIDs by regenerating from the cache. * * @param string $mailbox The mailbox to load. * @param array $uids The UIDs to load. * @param integer $uidvalid The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. */ protected function _loadUids($mailbox, $uids, $uidvalid = null) { if (!isset($this->_data[$mailbox])) { $this->_data[$mailbox] = array(); } $this->_loadMailbox($mailbox, $uidvalid); if (empty($uids)) { return; } $ptr = &$this->_data[$mailbox]; $load = array_flip( array_diff_key( $this->_getMsgCids( $mailbox, array_unique(array_intersect($this->_mbox[$mailbox]['u']->ids, $uids)) ), $this->_data[$mailbox] ) ); foreach (array_filter($this->_hash->get(array_keys($load))) as $key => $val) { $ptr[$load[$key]] = $val; } } /** * Create the unique ID used to store the mailbox data in the cache. * * @param string $mailbox The mailbox to cache. * * @return string The cache ID. */ protected function _getCid($mailbox) { return implode(self::CID_SEPARATOR, array( 'horde_imap_client', $this->_params['username'], $mailbox, $this->_params['hostspec'], $this->_params['port'] )); } /** * Return a list of cache IDs for mailbox/UID pairs. * * @param string $mailbox The mailbox to cache. * @param array $ids The UID list. * * @return array List of UIDs => cache IDs. */ protected function _getMsgCids($mailbox, $ids) { $cid = $this->_getCid($mailbox); $out = array(); foreach ($ids as $val) { $out[$val] = $cid . self::CID_SEPARATOR . $val; } return $out; } }