namespace LAM\CONFIG;
use \LAMCfgMain;
use \htmlTable;
use \htmlTitle;
use \htmlStatusMessage;
use \htmlSubTitle;
use \htmlSpacer;
use \htmlOutputText;
use \htmlLink;
use \htmlGroup;
use \htmlButton;
use \htmlHelpLink;
use \htmlInputField;
use \htmlInputFileUpload;
use \DateTime;
use \DateTimeZone;
use \htmlResponsiveRow;
use \htmlResponsiveInputTextarea;
use \htmlResponsiveSelect;
use \htmlResponsiveInputCheckbox;
use \htmlResponsiveInputField;
use \htmlDiv;
use \htmlHiddenInput;

  This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/)
  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2019  Roland Gruber

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


* Manages the main configuration options.
* @package configuration
* @author Roland Gruber

/** Access to config functions */
/** Used to print status messages */
/** LAM Pro */

// start session
if (strtolower(session_module_name()) == 'files') {


if (!isset($_SESSION['cfgMain'])) {
	$cfg = new LAMCfgMain();
	$_SESSION['cfgMain'] = $cfg;
$cfg = &$_SESSION['cfgMain'];

// check if user is logged in
if (!isset($_SESSION["mainconf_password"]) || (!$cfg->checkPassword($_SESSION["mainconf_password"]))) {

if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) {
	// back to login

$errors = array();
$messages = array();
// check if submit button was pressed
if (isset($_POST['submitFormData'])) {
	// set master password
	if (isset($_POST['masterpassword']) && ($_POST['masterpassword'] != "")) {
		if ($_POST['masterpassword'] && $_POST['masterpassword2'] && ($_POST['masterpassword'] == $_POST['masterpassword2'])) {
			$msg = _("New master password set successfully.");
		else {
			$errors[] = _("Master passwords are different or empty!");
	// set license
	if (isLAMProVersion()) {
		$licenseLines = explode("\n", $_POST['license']);
		$licenseLines = array_map('trim', $licenseLines);
	// set session timeout
	$cfg->sessionTimeout = $_POST['sessionTimeout'];
	// set allowed hosts
	if (isset($_POST['allowedHosts'])) {
		$allowedHosts = $_POST['allowedHosts'];
		$allowedHostsList = explode("\n", $allowedHosts);
		for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($allowedHostsList); $i++) {
			$allowedHostsList[$i] = trim($allowedHostsList[$i]);
			// ignore empty lines
			if ($allowedHostsList[$i] == "") {
			// check each line
			$ipRegex = '/^[0-9a-f\\.:\\*]+$/i';
			if (!preg_match($ipRegex, $allowedHostsList[$i]) || (strlen($allowedHostsList[$i]) > 15)) {
				$errors[] = sprintf(_("The IP address %s is invalid!"), htmlspecialchars(str_replace('%', '%%', $allowedHostsList[$i])));
		$allowedHosts = implode(",", $allowedHostsList);
	else {
		$allowedHosts = "";
	$cfg->allowedHosts = $allowedHosts;
	// set allowed hosts for self service
	if (isLAMProVersion()) {
		if (isset($_POST['allowedHostsSelfService'])) {
			$allowedHostsSelfService = $_POST['allowedHostsSelfService'];
			$allowedHostsSelfServiceList = explode("\n", $allowedHostsSelfService);
			for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($allowedHostsSelfServiceList); $i++) {
				$allowedHostsSelfServiceList[$i] = trim($allowedHostsSelfServiceList[$i]);
				// ignore empty lines
				if ($allowedHostsSelfServiceList[$i] == "") {
				// check each line
				$ipRegex = '/^[0-9a-f\\.:\\*]+$/i';
				if (!preg_match($ipRegex, $allowedHostsSelfServiceList[$i]) || (strlen($allowedHostsSelfServiceList[$i]) > 15)) {
					$errors[] = sprintf(_("The IP address %s is invalid!"), htmlspecialchars(str_replace('%', '%%', $allowedHostsSelfServiceList[$i])));
			$allowedHostsSelfService = implode(",", $allowedHostsSelfServiceList);
		else {
			$allowedHostsSelfService = "";
		$cfg->allowedHostsSelfService = $allowedHostsSelfService;
	// set session encryption
	if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
		$encryptSession = 'false';
		if (isset($_POST['encryptSession']) && ($_POST['encryptSession'] == 'on')) {
			$encryptSession = 'true';
		$cfg->encryptSession = $encryptSession;
	// set log level
	$cfg->logLevel = $_POST['logLevel'];
	// set log destination
	if ($_POST['logDestination'] == "none") {
		$cfg->logDestination = "NONE";
	elseif ($_POST['logDestination'] == "syslog") {
		$cfg->logDestination = "SYSLOG";
	elseif ($_POST['logDestination'] == "remote") {
		$cfg->logDestination = "REMOTE:" . $_POST['logRemote'];
		$remoteParts = explode(':', $_POST['logRemote']);
		if ((sizeof($remoteParts) !== 2) || !get_preg($remoteParts[0], 'DNSname') || !get_preg($remoteParts[1], 'digit')) {
			$errors[] = _("Please enter a valid remote server in format \"server:port\".");
	else {
		if (isset($_POST['logFile']) && ($_POST['logFile'] != "") && preg_match("/^[a-z0-9\\/\\\\:\\._-]+$/i", $_POST['logFile'])) {
			$cfg->logDestination = $_POST['logFile'];
		else {
			$errors[] = _("The log file is empty or contains invalid characters! Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, /, \\, ., :, _ and -.");
	// password policies
	$cfg->passwordMinLength = $_POST['passwordMinLength'];
	$cfg->passwordMinLower = $_POST['passwordMinLower'];
	$cfg->passwordMinUpper = $_POST['passwordMinUpper'];
	$cfg->passwordMinNumeric = $_POST['passwordMinNumeric'];
	$cfg->passwordMinSymbol = $_POST['passwordMinSymbol'];
	$cfg->passwordMinClasses = $_POST['passwordMinClasses'];
	$cfg->checkedRulesCount = $_POST['passwordRulesCount'];
	$cfg->passwordMustNotContain3Chars = isset($_POST['passwordMustNotContain3Chars']) && ($_POST['passwordMustNotContain3Chars'] == 'on') ? 'true' : 'false';
	$cfg->passwordMustNotContainUser = isset($_POST['passwordMustNotContainUser']) && ($_POST['passwordMustNotContainUser'] == 'on') ? 'true' : 'false';
	if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
		$cfg->externalPwdCheckUrl = $_POST['externalPwdCheckUrl'];
		if (!empty($cfg->externalPwdCheckUrl) && (strpos($cfg->externalPwdCheckUrl, '{SHA1PREFIX}') === false)) {
			$errors[] = _('The URL for the external password check is invalid.');
	if (isset($_POST['sslCaCertUpload'])) {
		if (!isset($_FILES['sslCaCert']) || ($_FILES['sslCaCert']['size'] == 0)) {
			$errors[] = _('No file selected.');
		else {
			$handle = fopen($_FILES['sslCaCert']['tmp_name'], "r");
			$data = fread($handle, 10000000);
			$sslReturn = $cfg->uploadSSLCaCert($data);
			if ($sslReturn !== true) {
				$errors[] = $sslReturn;
			else {
				$messages[] = _('You might need to restart your webserver for changes to take effect.');
	if (isset($_POST['sslCaCertDelete'])) {
		$messages[] = _('You might need to restart your webserver for changes to take effect.');
	if (isset($_POST['sslCaCertImport'])) {
		$matches = array();
		if (preg_match('/^ldaps:\\/\\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]+)(:([0-9]+))?$/', $_POST['serverurl'], $matches)) {
			$port = '636';
			if (isset($matches[3]) && !empty($matches[3])) {
				$port = $matches[3];
			$pemResult = getLDAPSSLCertificate($matches[1], $port);
			if ($pemResult !== false) {
				$messages[] = _('Imported certificate from server.');
				$messages[] = _('You might need to restart your webserver for changes to take effect.');
			else {
				$errors[] = _('Unable to import server certificate. Please use the upload function.');
		else {
			$errors[] = _('Invalid server name. Please enter "server" or "server:port".');
	foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
		if (strpos($key, 'deleteCert_') === 0) {
			$index = substr($key, strlen('deleteCert_'));
	// mail EOL
	if (isLAMProVersion()) {
		$cfg->mailEOL = $_POST['mailEOL'];
	$cfg->errorReporting = $_POST['errorReporting'];
	// save settings
	if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
		if (sizeof($errors) == 0) {

echo $_SESSION['header'];
printHeaderContents(_("Edit general settings"), '../..');
	<body class="admin">
		<table border=0 width="100%" class="lamHeader ui-corner-all">
				<td align="left" height="30">
					<a class="lamLogo" href="http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/" target="new_window">
						<?php echo getLAMVersionText(); ?>
		<!-- form for adding/renaming/deleting profiles -->
		<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="mainmanage.php" method="post">

// include all JavaScript files

$tabindex = 1;

$row = new htmlResponsiveRow();
$row->add(new htmlTitle(_('General settings')), 12);

// print messages
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($errors); $i++) {
	$row->add(new htmlStatusMessage("ERROR", $errors[$i]), 12);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($messages); $i++) {
	$row->add(new htmlStatusMessage("INFO", $messages[$i]), 12);

// check if config file is writable
if (!$cfg->isWritable()) {
	$row->add(new htmlStatusMessage('WARN', 'The config file is not writable.', 'Your changes cannot be saved until you make the file writable for the webserver user.'), 12);

// license
if (isLAMProVersion()) {
	$row->add(new htmlSubTitle(_('Licence')), 12);
	$row->add(new htmlResponsiveInputTextarea('license', implode("\n", $cfg->getLicenseLines()), null, 10, _('Licence'), '287'), 12);

	$row->add(new htmlSpacer(null, '1rem'), true);

// security settings
$row->add(new htmlSubTitle(_("Security settings")), 12);
$options = array(5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120, 240);
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveSelect('sessionTimeout', $options, array($cfg->sessionTimeout), _("Session timeout"), '238'), 12);
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveInputTextarea('allowedHosts', implode("\n", explode(",", $cfg->allowedHosts)), null, '7', _("Allowed hosts"), '241'), 12);
if (isLAMProVersion()) {
	$row->add(new htmlResponsiveInputTextarea('allowedHostsSelfService', implode("\n", explode(",", $cfg->allowedHostsSelfService)), null, '7', _("Allowed hosts (self service)"), '241'), 12);
$encryptSession = ($cfg->encryptSession === 'true');
$encryptSessionBox = new htmlResponsiveInputCheckbox('encryptSession', $encryptSession, _('Encrypt session'), '245');
$row->add($encryptSessionBox, 12);
// SSL certificate
$row->addLabel(new htmlOutputText(_('SSL certificates')));
$sslMethod = _('use system certificates');
$sslFileName = $cfg->getSSLCaCertTempFileName();
if ($sslFileName != null) {
	$sslMethod = _('use custom CA certificates');
$sslDelSaveGroup = new htmlGroup();
$sslDelSaveGroup->addElement(new htmlOutputText($sslMethod));
$sslDelSaveGroup->addElement(new htmlSpacer('5px', null));
// delete+download button
if ($sslFileName != null) {
	$sslDownloadBtn = new htmlLink('', '../../tmp/' . $sslFileName, '../../graphics/save.png');
	$sslDownloadBtn->setTitle(_('Download CA certificates'));
	$sslDeleteBtn = new htmlButton('sslCaCertDelete', 'delete.png', true);
	$sslDeleteBtn->setTitle(_('Delete all CA certificates'));
$sslDelSaveGroup->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('204'));
$row->addLabel(new htmlInputFileUpload('sslCaCert'));
$sslUploadBtn = new htmlButton('sslCaCertUpload', _('Upload'));
$sslUploadBtn->setTitle(_('Upload CA certificate in DER/PEM format.'));
if (function_exists('stream_socket_client') && function_exists('stream_context_get_params')) {
	$sslImportServerUrl = !empty($_POST['serverurl']) ? $_POST['serverurl'] :  'ldaps://';
	$serverUrlUpload = new htmlInputField('serverurl', $sslImportServerUrl);
	$sslImportBtn = new htmlButton('sslCaCertImport', _('Import from server'));
	$sslImportBtn->setTitle(_('Imports the certificate directly from your LDAP server.'));

$sslCerts = $cfg->getSSLCaCertificates();
if (sizeof($sslCerts) > 0) {
	$certsTitles = array(_('Common name'), _('Valid to'), _('Serial number'), _('Delete'));
	$certsData = array();
	for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sslCerts); $i++) {
		$serial = isset($sslCerts[$i]['serialNumber']) ? $sslCerts[$i]['serialNumber'] : '';
		$validTo = isset($sslCerts[$i]['validTo_time_t']) ? $sslCerts[$i]['validTo_time_t'] : '';
		$cn = isset($sslCerts[$i]['subject']['CN']) ? $sslCerts[$i]['subject']['CN'] : '';
		$delBtn = new htmlButton('deleteCert_' . $i, 'delete.png', true);
		$certsData[] = array(
			new htmlOutputText($cn),
			new htmlOutputText($validTo),
			new htmlOutputText($serial),
	$certsTable = new \htmlResponsiveTable($certsTitles, $certsData);
	$row->add($certsTable, 12);

// password policy
$row->add(new htmlSubTitle(_("Password policy")), 12);
$options20 = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20);
$options4 = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveSelect('passwordMinLength', $options20, array($cfg->passwordMinLength), _('Minimum password length'), '242'), 12);
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveSelect('passwordMinLower', $options20, array($cfg->passwordMinLower), _('Minimum lowercase characters'), '242'), 12);
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveSelect('passwordMinUpper', $options20, array($cfg->passwordMinUpper), _('Minimum uppercase characters'), '242'), 12);
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveSelect('passwordMinNumeric', $options20, array($cfg->passwordMinNumeric), _('Minimum numeric characters'), '242'), 12);
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveSelect('passwordMinSymbol', $options20, array($cfg->passwordMinSymbol), _('Minimum symbolic characters'), '242'), 12);
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveSelect('passwordMinClasses', $options4, array($cfg->passwordMinClasses), _('Minimum character classes'), '242'), 12);
$rulesCountOptions = array(_('all') => '-1', '3' => '3', '4' => '4');
$rulesCountSelect = new htmlResponsiveSelect('passwordRulesCount', $rulesCountOptions, array($cfg->checkedRulesCount), _('Number of rules that must match'), '246');
$row->add($rulesCountSelect, 12);
$passwordMustNotContainUser = ($cfg->passwordMustNotContainUser === 'true');
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveInputCheckbox('passwordMustNotContainUser',$passwordMustNotContainUser , _('Password must not contain user name'), '247'), 12);
$passwordMustNotContain3Chars = ($cfg->passwordMustNotContain3Chars === 'true');
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveInputCheckbox('passwordMustNotContain3Chars', $passwordMustNotContain3Chars, _('Password must not contain part of user/first/last name'), '248'), 12);
if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
	$row->add(new htmlResponsiveInputField(_('External password check'), 'externalPwdCheckUrl', $cfg->externalPwdCheckUrl, '249'), 12);

// logging
$row->add(new htmlSubTitle(_("Logging")), 12);
$levelOptions = array(_("Debug") => LOG_DEBUG, _("Notice") => LOG_NOTICE, _("Warning") => LOG_WARNING, _("Error") => LOG_ERR);
$levelSelect = new htmlResponsiveSelect('logLevel', $levelOptions, array($cfg->logLevel), _("Log level"), '239');
$row->add($levelSelect, 12);
$destinationOptions = array(
	_("No logging") => "none",
	_("System logging") => "syslog",
	_("File") => 'file',
	_("Remote") => 'remote',
$destinationSelected = 'file';
$destinationPath = $cfg->logDestination;
$destinationRemote = '';
if ($cfg->logDestination == 'NONE') {
	$destinationSelected = 'none';
	$destinationPath = '';
elseif ($cfg->logDestination == 'SYSLOG') {
	$destinationSelected = 'syslog';
	$destinationPath = '';
elseif (strpos($cfg->logDestination, 'REMOTE') === 0) {
	$destinationSelected = 'remote';
	$remoteParts = explode(':', $cfg->logDestination, 2);
	$destinationRemote = empty($remoteParts[1]) ? '' : $remoteParts[1];
	$destinationPath = '';
$logDestinationSelect = new htmlResponsiveSelect('logDestination', $destinationOptions, array($destinationSelected), _("Log destination"), '240');
	'none' => array('logFile', 'logRemote'),
	'syslog' => array('logFile', 'logRemote'),
	'remote' => array('logFile'),
	'file' => array('logRemote'),
	'file' => array('logFile'),
	'remote' => array('logRemote'),
$row->add($logDestinationSelect, 12);
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveInputField(_('File'), 'logFile', $destinationPath), 12);
$row->add(new htmlResponsiveInputField(_('Remote server'), 'logRemote', $destinationRemote, '251'), 12);
$errorLogOptions = array(
	_('PHP system setting') => LAMCfgMain::ERROR_REPORTING_SYSTEM,
	_('default') => LAMCfgMain::ERROR_REPORTING_DEFAULT,
	_('all') => LAMCfgMain::ERROR_REPORTING_ALL
$errorLogSelect = new htmlResponsiveSelect('errorReporting', $errorLogOptions, array($cfg->errorReporting), _('PHP error reporting'), '244');
$row->add($errorLogSelect, 12);

// additional options
if (isLAMProVersion()) {
	$row->add(new htmlSubTitle(_('Additional options')), 12);
	$mailEOLOptions = array(
		_('Default (\r\n)') => 'default',
		_('Non-standard (\n)') => 'unix'
	$mailEOLSelect = new htmlResponsiveSelect('mailEOL', $mailEOLOptions, array($cfg->mailEOL), _('Email format'), '243');
	$row->add($mailEOLSelect, 12);

// change master password
$row->add(new htmlSubTitle(_("Change master password")), 12);
$pwd1 = new htmlResponsiveInputField(_("New master password"), 'masterpassword', '', '235');
$pwd1->setIsPassword(true, false, true);
$row->add($pwd1, 12);
$pwd2 = new htmlResponsiveInputField(_("Reenter password"), 'masterpassword2', '');
$pwd2->setIsPassword(true, false, true);
$row->add($pwd2, 12);

// buttons
if ($cfg->isWritable()) {
	$buttonTable = new htmlTable();
	$buttonTable->addElement(new htmlButton('submit', _("Ok")));
	$buttonTable->addElement(new htmlSpacer('1rem', null));
	$buttonTable->addElement(new htmlButton('cancel', _("Cancel")));
	$row->add($buttonTable, 12);
	$row->add(new htmlHiddenInput('submitFormData', '1'), 12);

$box = new htmlDiv(null, $row);
$box->setCSSClasses(array('ui-corner-all', 'roundedShadowBox'));
parseHtml(null, $box, array(), false, $tabindex, 'user');

 * Formats an LDAP time string (e.g. from createTimestamp).
 * @param String $time LDAP time value
 * @return String formated time
function formatSSLTimestamp($time) {
	if (!empty($time)) {
		$timeZone = 'UTC';
		$sysTimeZone = @date_default_timezone_get();
		if (!empty($sysTimeZone)) {
			$timeZone = $sysTimeZone;
		$date = new DateTime('@' . $time, new DateTimeZone($timeZone));
		return $date->format('d.m.Y');
	return '';


