Setup password self reset schema (LAM Pro)
New installation Please see here if you want to upgrade an existing schema version. Schema installation Please install the schema that comes with LAM Pro. The schema files are located in: tar.bz2: docs/schema DEB: /usr/share/doc/ldap-account-manager/docs/schema RPM: /usr/share/doc/ldap-account-manager-{VERSION}/schema OpenLDAP with slapd.conf configuration For a configuration with slapd.conf-file copy passwordSelfReset.schema to /etc/ldap/schema/ and add this line to slapd.conf: include /etc/ldap/schema/passwordSelfReset.schema OpenLDAP with slapd.d configuration For slapd.d configurations you need to upload the schema file passwordSelfReset.ldif via ldapadd command: ldapadd -x -W -H ldap://localhost -D "cn=admin,o=test,c=de" -f passwordSelfReset.ldif Please replace "localhost" with your LDAP server and "cn=admin,o=test,c=de" with your LDAP admin user (usually starts with cn=admin or cn=manager). 389 server Please replace INSTANCE with installation ID, e.g. slapd-389ds. cp passwordSelfReset-389server.ldif /etc/dirsrv/INSTANCE/schema/70pwdreset.ldif systemctl restart Samba 4 The schema files are passwordSelfReset-Samba4-attributes.ldif and passwordSelfReset-Samba4-objectClass.ldif. First, you need to edit them and replace "DOMAIN_TOP_DN" with your LDAP suffix (e.g. dc=samba4,dc=test). Then install the attribute and afterwards the object class schema file: ldbmodify -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb passwordSelfReset-Samba4-attributes.ldif --option="dsdb:schema update allowed"=true ldbmodify -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb passwordSelfReset-Samba4-objectClass.ldif --option="dsdb:schema update allowed"=true Windows The schema file is passwordSelfReset-Windows.ldif. First, you need to edit it and replace "DOMAIN_TOP_DN" with your LDAP suffix (e.g. dc=windows,dc=test). Then install the schema file as administrator on a command line: ldifde -v -i -f passwordSelfReset-Windows.ldif This allows to set a security question + answer for each account.
Schema update The schema files are located in: tar.bz2: docs/schema/updates DEB: /usr/share/doc/ldap-account-manager/docs/schema/updates RPM: /usr/share/doc/ldap-account-manager-{VERSION}/schema/updates Schema versions: Initial version (LAM Pro 3.6 - 4.4) Added passwordSelfResetBackupMail (LAM Pro 4.5 - 5.5) Multiple security questions (LAM Pro 5.6) OpenLDAP with slapd.conf configuration Install the schema file like a new install (skip modification of slapd.conf file). OpenLDAP with slapd.d configuration The upgrade requires to stop the LDAP server. Steps: Stop OpenLDAP with e.g. "/etc/init.d/slapd stop" Delete the old schema file. It is located in e.g. "/etc/ldap/slapd.d/cn=config/cn=schema" and called "cn={XX}passwordselfreset.ldif" (XX can be any number) Start OpenLDAP with e.g. "/etc/init.d/slapd start" Install the schema file like a new install Samba 4 Install the these update files by following the install instructions in the file. In case you you upgrade with a version difference of 2 or more you will need to apply all intermediate update scripts. samba4_version_1_to_2_attributes.ldif (upgrade from version 1 only) samba4_version_1_to_2_objectClass.ldif (upgrade from version 1 only) samba4_version_2_to_3_attributes.ldif (upgrade from version 2) samba4_version_2_to_3_objectClass.ldif (upgrade from version 2) Please note that attributes file needs to be installed first. Windows Install the file(s) by following the install instructions in the file. In case you you upgrade with a version difference of 2 or more you will need to apply all intermediate update scripts. windows_version_1_to_2.ldif (upgrade from version 1 only) windows_version_2_to_3.ldif (upgrade from version 2)