<?php /** * This file includes UFPDF which adds Unicode support to FPDF. * * @author Steven Wittens * @author Andrea Rossato * @package PDF */ /******************************************************************************* * Software: UFPDF, Unicode Free PDF generator * * Version: 0.1 * * based on FPDF 1.52 by Olivier PLATHEY * * Date: 2004-09-01 * * Author: Steven Wittens <steven@acko.net> * * License: GPL * * * * UFPDF is a modification of FPDF to support Unicode through UTF-8. * * * * This file includes modifications from Andrea Rossato which fix line breaking * * in Write()/MultiCell(). * * * *******************************************************************************/ if(!class_exists('UFPDF')) { define('UFPDF_VERSION','0.1'); include_once 'fpdf.php'; /** * Main UFPDF class for creating Unicode PDF documents * * @package PDF * @see FPDF */ class UFPDF extends FPDF { /******************************************************************************* * * * Public methods * * * *******************************************************************************/ function UFPDF($orientation='P',$unit='mm',$format='A4') { FPDF::FPDF($orientation, $unit, $format); } function GetStringWidth($s) { //Get width of a string in the current font $s = (string)$s; $codepoints=$this->utf8_to_codepoints(trim($s)); $cw=&$this->CurrentFont['cw']; $w=0; foreach($codepoints as $cp) { if (isset($cw[$cp])) { $w+=$cw[$cp]; } else if (isset($cw[ord($cp)])) { $w+=$cw[ord($cp)]; } else if (isset($cw[chr($cp)])) { $w+=$cw[chr($cp)]; } //-- adjust width for incorrect hebrew chars if ($cp>1480 && $cp < 1550) $w -= $cw[$cp]/1.8; } return $w*$this->FontSize/1000; } function AddFont($family,$style='',$file='') { //Add a TrueType or Type1 font $family=strtolower($family); if($family=='arial') $family='helvetica'; $style=strtoupper($style); if($style=='IB') $style='BI'; if(isset($this->fonts[$family.$style])) $this->Error('Font already added: '.$family.' '.$style); if($file=='') $file=str_replace(' ','',$family).strtolower($style).'.php'; if(defined('FPDF_FONTPATH')) $file=FPDF_FONTPATH.$file; include($file); if(!isset($name)) $this->Error('Could not include font definition file'); $i=count($this->fonts)+1; $this->fonts[$family.$style]=array('i'=>$i,'type'=>$type,'name'=>$name,'desc'=>$desc,'up'=>$up,'ut'=>$ut,'cw'=>$cw,'file'=>$file,'ctg'=>$ctg); if($file) { if($type=='TrueTypeUnicode') $this->FontFiles[$file]=array('length1'=>$originalsize); else $this->FontFiles[$file]=array('length1'=>$size1,'length2'=>$size2); } } function Text($x,$y,$txt) { //Output a string $s=sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f Td %s Tj ET',$x*$this->k,($this->h-$y)*$this->k,$this->_escapetext($txt)); if($this->underline and $txt!='') $s.=' '.$this->_dounderline($x,$y,$this->GetStringWidth($txt),$txt); if($this->ColorFlag) $s='q '.$this->TextColor.' '.$s.' Q'; $this->_out($s); } function AcceptPageBreak() { //Accept automatic page break or not return $this->AutoPageBreak; } function Cell($w,$h=0,$txt='',$border=0,$ln=0,$align='J',$fill=0,$link='') { //Output a cell $k=$this->k; if($this->y+$h>$this->PageBreakTrigger and !$this->InFooter and $this->AcceptPageBreak()) { //Automatic page break $x=$this->x; $ws=$this->ws; if($ws>0) { $this->ws=0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation); $this->x=$x; if($ws>0) { $this->ws=$ws; $this->_out(sprintf('%.3f Tw',$ws*$k)); } } if($w==0) $w=$this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->x; $s=''; if($fill==1 or $border==1) { if($fill==1) $op=($border==1) ? 'B' : 'f'; else $op='S'; $s=sprintf('%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f re %s ',$this->x*$k,($this->h-$this->y)*$k,$w*$k,-$h*$k,$op); } if(is_string($border)) { $x=$this->x; $y=$this->y; if(is_int(strpos($border,'L'))) $s.=sprintf('%.2f %.2f m %.2f %.2f l S ',$x*$k,($this->h-$y)*$k,$x*$k,($this->h-($y+$h))*$k); if(is_int(strpos($border,'T'))) $s.=sprintf('%.2f %.2f m %.2f %.2f l S ',$x*$k,($this->h-$y)*$k,($x+$w)*$k,($this->h-$y)*$k); if(is_int(strpos($border,'R'))) $s.=sprintf('%.2f %.2f m %.2f %.2f l S ',($x+$w)*$k,($this->h-$y)*$k,($x+$w)*$k,($this->h-($y+$h))*$k); if(is_int(strpos($border,'B'))) $s.=sprintf('%.2f %.2f m %.2f %.2f l S ',$x*$k,($this->h-($y+$h))*$k,($x+$w)*$k,($this->h-($y+$h))*$k); } if($txt!='') { $width = $this->GetStringWidth($txt); if($align=='R') $dx=$w-$this->cMargin-$width; elseif($align=='C') $dx=($w-$width)/2; else $dx=$this->cMargin; if($this->ColorFlag) $s.='q '.$this->TextColor.' '; $txtstring=$this->_escapetext($txt); $s.=sprintf('BT %.2f %.2f Td %s Tj ET',($this->x+$dx)*$k,($this->h-($this->y+.5*$h+.3*$this->FontSize))*$k,$txtstring); if($this->underline) $s.=' '.$this->_dounderline($this->x+$dx,$this->y+.5*$h+.3*$this->FontSize,$width,$txt); if($this->ColorFlag) $s.=' Q'; if($link) $this->Link($this->x+$dx,$this->y+.5*$h-.5*$this->FontSize,$width,$this->FontSize,$link); } if($s) $this->_out($s); $this->lasth=$h; if($ln>0) { //Go to next line $this->y+=$h; if($ln==1) $this->x=$this->lMargin; } else $this->x+=$w; } function MultiCell($w,$h,$txt,$border=0,$align='J',$fill=0) { //Output text with automatic or explicit line breaks $cw=&$this->CurrentFont['cw']; $cp=$this->utf8_to_codepoints(trim($txt)); //print_r($cp); if($w==0) $w=$this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->x; $wmax=($w-2*$this->cMargin)*1000/$this->FontSize; //echo $w; $s=str_replace("\r",'',$txt); $nb=$this->strlen($s); if($nb>0 and $s[$nb-1]=="\n") $nb--; $b=0; if($border) { if($border==1) { $border='LTRB'; $b='LRT'; $b2='LR'; } else { $b2=''; if(is_int(strpos($border,'L'))) $b2.='L'; if(is_int(strpos($border,'R'))) $b2.='R'; $b=is_int(strpos($border,'T')) ? $b2.'T' : $b2; } } $sep=-1; $i=0; $j=0; $l=0; $ns=0; $nl=1; $char = 0; while($i<$nb) { //Get next character $c = $this->code2utf($cp[$i]); $charw = $cw[$cp[$i]]; if($c=="\n") { //Explicit line break if($this->ws>0) { $this->ws=0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } $this->Cell($w,$h,$this->utf8_substr($cp,$j,$i-$j,"UTF-8"),$b,2,$align,$fill); $i++; $sep=-1; $j=$i; $l=0; $ns=0; $nl++; if($border and $nl==2) $b=$b2; continue; } if($c==' ') { $sep=$i; $ls=$l; $ns++; } $l+=$charw; if($l>$wmax) { //Automatic line break if($sep==-1) { if($i==$j) $i++; if($this->ws>0) { $this->ws=0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } $this->Cell($w,$h,$this->utf8_substr($cp,$j,$i-$j,"UTF-8"),$b,2,$align,$fill); } else { if($align=='J') { $len_ligne = $this->GetStringWidth($this->utf8_substr($cp,$j,$sep-$j,"UTF-8")); $nb_carac = $this->strlen($this->utf8_substr($cp,$j,$sep-$j,"UTF-8")); $ecart = (($w-2) - $len_ligne) / $nb_carac; $this->_out(sprintf('BT %.3f Tc ET',$ecart*$this->k)); //$this->ws=($ns>1) ? ($wmax-$ls)/1000*$this->FontSize/($ns-1) : 0; //$this->_out(sprintf('%.3f Tw',$this->ws*$this->k)); //echo ($wmax-$ls)/1000*$this->FontSize/($ns-1)."=".($wmax-$ls)."<br>"; //$andrea = sprintf('%.3f Tw',$this->ws*$this->k); } $this->Cell($w,$h,$this->utf8_substr($cp,$j,$sep-$j,"UTF-8"),$b,2,$align,$fill); $i=$sep+1; } $sep=-1; $j=$i; $l=0; $ns=0; $nl++; if($border and $nl==2) $b=$b2; } else $i++; } //Last chunk if($this->ws>0) { $this->ws=0; $this->_out('0 Tw'); } if($border and is_int(strpos($border,'B'))) $b.='B'; $this->Cell($w,$h,$this->utf8_substr($cp,$j,$i-$j,"UTF-8"),$b,2,$align,$fill); $this->x=$this->lMargin; } function Write($h,$txt,$link='') { //Output text in flowing mode $cw=&$this->CurrentFont['cw']; $cp=$this->utf8_to_codepoints(trim($txt)); $w=$this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->x; $wmax=($w-2*$this->cMargin)*1000/$this->FontSize; $s=str_replace("\r",'',$txt); $nb=$this->strlen($s); $sep=-1; $i=0; $j=0; $l=0; $nl=1; while($i<$nb) { //Get next character $c=$s{$i}; $charw = $cw[$cp[$i]]; if($c=="\n") { //Explicit line break $this->Cell($w,$h,$this->utf8_substr($cp,$j,$i-$j,"UTF-8"),0,2,'',0,$link); $i++; $sep=-1; $j=$i; $l=0; if($nl==1) { $this->x=$this->lMargin; $w=$this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->x; $wmax=($w-2*$this->cMargin)*1000/$this->FontSize; } $nl++; continue; } if($c==' ') $sep=$i; $l+=$charw; if($l>$wmax) { //Automatic line break if($sep==-1) { if($this->x>$this->lMargin) { //Move to next line $this->x=$this->lMargin; $this->y+=$h; $w=$this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->x; $wmax=($w-2*$this->cMargin)*1000/$this->FontSize; $i++; $nl++; continue; } if($i==$j) $i++; $this->Cell($w,$h,$this->utf8_substr($cp,$j,$i-$j,"UTF-8"),0,2,'',0,$link); } else { $this->Cell($w,$h,$this->utf8_substr($cp,$j,$sep-$j,"UTF-8"),0,2,'',0,$link); $i=$sep+1; } $sep=-1; $j=$i; $l=0; if($nl==1) { $this->x=$this->lMargin; $w=$this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->x; $wmax=($w-2*$this->cMargin)*1000/$this->FontSize; } $nl++; } else $i++; } //Last chunk if($i!=$j) $this->Cell($l/1000*$this->FontSize,$h,$this->utf8_substr($cp,$j),0,0,'',0,$link); } function AliasNbPages($alias='{nb}') { //Define an alias for total number of pages $this->AliasNbPages=$this->utf8_to_utf16be($alias,false); } /******************************************************************************* * * * Protected methods * * * *******************************************************************************/ function _puttruetypeunicode($font) { //Type0 Font $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<</Type /Font'); $this->_out('/Subtype /Type0'); $this->_out('/BaseFont /'. $font['name'] ); $this->_out('/Encoding /Identity-H'); $this->_out('/DescendantFonts ['. ($this->n + 1) .' 0 R]'); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); //CIDFont $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<</Type /Font'); $this->_out('/Subtype /CIDFontType2'); $this->_out('/BaseFont /'. $font['name']); $this->_out('/CIDSystemInfo <</Registry (Adobe) /Ordering (UCS) /Supplement 0>>'); $this->_out('/FontDescriptor '. ($this->n + 1) .' 0 R'); $c = 0; $widths = ""; foreach ($font['cw'] as $i => $w) { $widths .= $i .' ['. $w.'] '; } $this->_out('/W ['. $widths .']'); $this->_out('/CIDToGIDMap '. ($this->n + 2) .' 0 R'); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); //Font descriptor $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<</Type /FontDescriptor'); $this->_out('/FontName /'.$font['name']); $s = ""; foreach ($font['desc'] as $k => $v) { $s .= ' /'. $k .' '. $v; } if ($font['file']) { $s .= ' /FontFile2 '. $this->FontFiles[$font['file']]['n'] .' 0 R'; } $this->_out($s); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); //Embed CIDToGIDMap $this->_newobj(); if(defined('FPDF_FONTPATH')) $file=FPDF_FONTPATH.$font['ctg']; else $file=$font['ctg']; $size=filesize($file); if(!$size) $this->Error('Font file not found'); $this->_out('<</Length '.$size); if(substr($file,-2) == '.z') $this->_out('/Filter /FlateDecode'); $this->_out('>>'); $f = fopen($file,'rb'); $this->_putstream(fread($f,$size)); fclose($f); $this->_out('endobj'); } function _dounderline($x,$y,$width,$txt) { //Underline text $up=$this->CurrentFont['up']; $ut=$this->CurrentFont['ut']; $w=$width+$this->ws*substr_count($txt,' '); return sprintf('%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f re f',$x*$this->k,($this->h-($y-$up/1000*$this->FontSize))*$this->k,$w*$this->k,-$ut/1000*$this->FontSizePt); } function _textstring($s) { //Convert to UTF-16BE $s = $this->utf8_to_utf16be($s); //Escape necessary characters return '('. strtr($s, array(')' => '\\)', '(' => '\\(', '\\' => '\\\\')) .')'; } function _escapetext($s) { //Convert to UTF-16BE $s = $this->utf8_to_utf16be($s, false); //Escape necessary characters return '('. strtr($s, array(')' => '\\)', '(' => '\\(', '\\' => '\\\\')) .')'; } function _putinfo() { $this->_out('/Producer '.$this->_textstring('UFPDF '. UFPDF_VERSION)); if(!empty($this->title)) $this->_out('/Title '.$this->_textstring($this->title)); if(!empty($this->subject)) $this->_out('/Subject '.$this->_textstring($this->subject)); if(!empty($this->author)) $this->_out('/Author '.$this->_textstring($this->author)); if(!empty($this->keywords)) $this->_out('/Keywords '.$this->_textstring($this->keywords)); if(!empty($this->creator)) $this->_out('/Creator '.$this->_textstring($this->creator)); $this->_out('/CreationDate '.$this->_textstring('D:'.date('YmdHis'))); } function _putpages() { $nb=$this->page; if(!empty($this->AliasNbPages)) { $nbstr = $this->utf8_to_utf16be($nb,false); //Replace number of pages for($n=1;$n<=$nb;$n++) { $this->pages[$n]=str_replace($this->AliasNbPages,$nbstr,$this->pages[$n]); } } if($this->DefOrientation=='P') { $wPt=$this->fwPt; $hPt=$this->fhPt; } else { $wPt=$this->fhPt; $hPt=$this->fwPt; } $filter=($this->compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : ''; for($n=1;$n<=$nb;$n++) { //Page $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<</Type /Page'); $this->_out('/Parent 1 0 R'); if(isset($this->OrientationChanges[$n])) $this->_out(sprintf('/MediaBox [0 0 %.2f %.2f]',$hPt,$wPt)); $this->_out('/Resources 2 0 R'); if(isset($this->PageLinks[$n])) { //Links $annots='/Annots ['; foreach($this->PageLinks[$n] as $pl) { $rect=sprintf('%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f',$pl[0],$pl[1],$pl[0]+$pl[2],$pl[1]-$pl[3]); $annots.='<</Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect ['.$rect.'] /Border [0 0 0] '; if(is_string($pl[4])) $annots.='/A <</S /URI /URI '.$this->_textstring($pl[4]).'>>>>'; else { $l=$this->links[$pl[4]]; $h=isset($this->OrientationChanges[$l[0]]) ? $wPt : $hPt; $annots.=sprintf('/Dest [%d 0 R /XYZ 0 %.2f null]>>',1+2*$l[0],$h-$l[1]*$this->k); } } $this->_out($annots.']'); } $this->_out('/Contents '.($this->n+1).' 0 R>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); //Page content $p=($this->compress) ? gzcompress($this->pages[$n]) : $this->pages[$n]; $this->_newobj(); $this->_out('<<'.$filter.'/Length '.strlen($p).'>>'); $this->_putstream($p); $this->_out('endobj'); } //Pages root $this->offsets[1]=strlen($this->buffer); $this->_out('1 0 obj'); $this->_out('<</Type /Pages'); $kids='/Kids ['; for($i=0;$i<$nb;$i++) $kids.=(3+2*$i).' 0 R '; $this->_out($kids.']'); $this->_out('/Count '.$nb); $this->_out(sprintf('/MediaBox [0 0 %.2f %.2f]',$wPt,$hPt)); $this->_out('>>'); $this->_out('endobj'); } // UTF-8 to UTF-16BE conversion. // Correctly handles all illegal UTF-8 sequences. function utf8_to_utf16be(&$txt, $bom = true) { $l = strlen($txt); $txt .= " "; $out = $bom ? "\xFE\xFF" : ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $l; ++$i) { $c = ord($txt{$i}); // ASCII if ($c < 0x80) { $out .= "\x00". $txt{$i}; } // Lost continuation byte else if ($c < 0xC0) { $out .= "\xFF\xFD"; continue; } // Multibyte sequence leading byte else { if ($c < 0xE0) { $s = 2; } else if ($c < 0xF0) { $s = 3; } else if ($c < 0xF8) { $s = 4; } // 5/6 byte sequences not possible for Unicode. else { $out .= "\xFF\xFD"; while (ord($txt{$i + 1}) >= 0x80 && ord($txt{$i + 1}) < 0xC0) { ++$i; } continue; } $q = array($c); // Fetch rest of sequence while (ord($txt{$i + 1}) >= 0x80 && ord($txt{$i + 1}) < 0xC0) { ++$i; $q[] = ord($txt{$i}); } // Check length if (count($q) != $s) { $out .= "\xFF\xFD"; continue; } switch ($s) { case 2: $cp = (($q[0] ^ 0xC0) << 6) | ($q[1] ^ 0x80); // Overlong sequence if ($cp < 0x80) { $out .= "\xFF\xFD"; } else { $out .= chr($cp >> 8); $out .= chr($cp & 0xFF); } continue; case 3: $cp = (($q[0] ^ 0xE0) << 12) | (($q[1] ^ 0x80) << 6) | ($q[2] ^ 0x80); // Overlong sequence if ($cp < 0x800) { $out .= "\xFF\xFD"; } // Check for UTF-8 encoded surrogates (caused by a bad UTF-8 encoder) else if ($c > 0xD800 && $c < 0xDFFF) { $out .= "\xFF\xFD"; } else { $out .= chr($cp >> 8); $out .= chr($cp & 0xFF); } continue; case 4: $cp = (($q[0] ^ 0xF0) << 18) | (($q[1] ^ 0x80) << 12) | (($q[2] ^ 0x80) << 6) | ($q[3] ^ 0x80); // Overlong sequence if ($cp < 0x10000) { $out .= "\xFF\xFD"; } // Outside of the Unicode range else if ($cp >= 0x10FFFF) { $out .= "\xFF\xFD"; } else { // Use surrogates $cp -= 0x10000; $s1 = 0xD800 | ($cp >> 10); $s2 = 0xDC00 | ($cp & 0x3FF); $out .= chr($s1 >> 8); $out .= chr($s1 & 0xFF); $out .= chr($s2 >> 8); $out .= chr($s2 & 0xFF); } continue; } } } return $out; } function code2utf($num){ if($num<128)return chr($num); if($num<2048)return chr(($num>>6)+192).chr(($num&63)+128); if($num<65536)return chr(($num>>12)+224).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128).chr(($num&63)+128); if($num<2097152)return chr(($num>>18)+240).chr((($num>>12)&63)+128).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128). chr(($num&63)+128); return ''; } function strlen($s) { return strlen(utf8_decode($s)); } function utf8_substr($str,$start) { if( func_num_args() >= 3 ) { $end = func_get_arg( 2 ); for ($i=$start; $i < ($start+$end); $i++) $rs .= $this->code2utf($str[$i]); } else { for ($i=$start; $i < count($str); $i++) $rs .= $this->code2utf($str[$i]); } return $rs; } // UTF-8 to codepoint array conversion. // Correctly handles all illegal UTF-8 sequences. function utf8_to_codepoints(&$txt) { $l = strlen($txt); $txt .= " "; $out = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $l; ++$i) { $c = ord($txt{$i}); // ASCII if ($c < 0x80) { $out[] = ord($txt{$i}); } // Lost continuation byte else if ($c < 0xC0) { $out[] = 0xFFFD; continue; } // Multibyte sequence leading byte else { if ($c < 0xE0) { $s = 2; } else if ($c < 0xF0) { $s = 3; } else if ($c < 0xF8) { $s = 4; } // 5/6 byte sequences not possible for Unicode. else { $out[] = 0xFFFD; while (ord($txt{$i + 1}) >= 0x80 && ord($txt{$i + 1}) < 0xC0) { ++$i; } continue; } $q = array($c); // Fetch rest of sequence while (ord($txt{$i + 1}) >= 0x80 && ord($txt{$i + 1}) < 0xC0) { ++$i; $q[] = ord($txt{$i}); } // Check length if (count($q) != $s) { $out[] = 0xFFFD; continue; } switch ($s) { case 2: $cp = (($q[0] ^ 0xC0) << 6) | ($q[1] ^ 0x80); // Overlong sequence if ($cp < 0x80) { $out[] = 0xFFFD; } else { $out[] = $cp; } continue; case 3: $cp = (($q[0] ^ 0xE0) << 12) | (($q[1] ^ 0x80) << 6) | ($q[2] ^ 0x80); // Overlong sequence if ($cp < 0x800) { $out[] = 0xFFFD; } // Check for UTF-8 encoded surrogates (caused by a bad UTF-8 encoder) else if ($c > 0xD800 && $c < 0xDFFF) { $out[] = 0xFFFD; } else { $out[] = $cp; } continue; case 4: $cp = (($q[0] ^ 0xF0) << 18) | (($q[1] ^ 0x80) << 12) | (($q[2] ^ 0x80) << 6) | ($q[3] ^ 0x80); // Overlong sequence if ($cp < 0x10000) { $out[] = 0xFFFD; } // Outside of the Unicode range else if ($cp >= 0x10FFFF) { $out[] = 0xFFFD; } else { $out[] = $cp; } continue; } } } return $out; } //End of class } } ?>