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<h1 style="text-align: center;">Account lists</h1>
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The account lists are all built after the same schema. They provide a
list of found accounts which can be restricted by LDAP filters and the
LDAP OU (Organizational Unit).<br>
The list of LDAP attributes and thus table columns is taken from the
configuration profile (<span
 style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">get_...listAttributes()</span>
in config.inc). Each account list has a separate list of attributes.<br>
Only these attributes are given the LDAP search as attribute parameter.<br>
There is also a predefined description list for the attributes in
lists.inc. The user may use other values by setting them in the
configuration profile.<br>
The number of accounts per page is limited in the configuration profile
(<span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">get_MaxListEntries()</span>
in config.inc). There will be links at the beginning and end of the
list if more accounts were found.<br>
Several common helper functions for sorting and some page elements
reside in lists.inc.<br>
<h2>1. Getting accounts from LDAP</h2>
Each account list has its own LDAP suffix which is saved in the
configuration profile. This is used as search base.<br>
The account modules provide an LDAP filter (<span
 style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">get_ldap_filter()</span>
in modules.inc) to get only accounts of a special type.<br>
This list can be further reduced if the user provides an additional
LDAP filter with the filter boxes or selects another LDAP OU with the
<h2>2. Caching LDAP accounts</h2>
The lists usually do not ask the LDAP server for an account list every
time the user changes the page. The accounts are cached in the session.<br>
A new LDAP search is done if the user:<br>
  <li>changes to another account list or tool</li>
  <li>adds/modifies an account</li>
  <li>selects the "refresh" button</li>
  <li>adds additional LDAP filters or changes the LDAP OU<br>
It is <span style="font-style: italic;">not</span> done if the user:<br>
  <li>changes the list pages if there are more accounts than what can
be shown</li>
  <li>sorts the list</li>
<h2>3. Adding/Editing accounts</h2>
There are buttons at the end of the page to add/delete accounts. Adding
accounts is done by account/edit.php and deleting by delete.php.<br>
The user can use the link in each account row to modify (in
accounts/edit.php) the account. This can also be done by double
clicking the row if Java Script is enabled.<br>
<h2>4. Export to PDF</h2>
The user can generate PDF files for the accounts. This is done by the <span
 style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">createModulePDF()</span>
function from pdf.inc.<br>
<h2>5. Special abilities of some lists</h2>
<h3>5.1. The user list</h3>
If the attribute <span style="font-style: italic;">gidNumber</span> is
shown as table column then there will be an additional checkbox to
translate the GID to the group name.<br>
This checkbox is hidden if <span style="font-style: italic;">gidNumber</span>
is not part of the attribute list.<br>
<h3>5.2. The group list</h3>
If the attribute memberUID is shown as table column then all values of
this attribute are shown as links.<br>
These links redirect to userlink.php which tries to find the given user
and redirects to account/edit.php for account modifying.<br>

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