LAM needs new developers/designers
We are looking for new developers and designers to support our project.
Since LAM grew very fast over the last months we need your help.
If you are interested in joining our team please contact Roland Gruber.
Needed skills:
- writing PHP applications
- basic LDAP knowledge
- speaking English or German
- at least 3-5 hours time per week for LAM
Your possible tasks:
- developing new plugins
- maintaining parts of LAM (fixing bugs and implementing new features)
- refactoring the existing codebase
- ...
You can take a look at our developer
documentation to get an overview over the code base.
Needed skills:
- artistic talent
- webdesign knowledge
- programming skills are optional
Your possible tasks:
- enhancing LAM's design
- working on this homepage
- ...
If you are interested in joining our team or have any questions please
contact Roland Gruber.