if (!$select) $select='main';
switch ($select) {
case 'main':
// if session was started previos, the existing session will be continued
$profilelist = getUserProfiles();
if ( !session_is_registered("accounts")) session_register("accounts");
if (!is_object($accounts)) $accounts = array();
echo '';
echo '';
echo _('Mass Creation');
echo ' |
echo _('Please provide a csv-file with the following syntax. Values with * are required:');
echo ' |
echo _('Surname*,Givenname*,Username*,PrimaryGroup,Title,Mail,telephonenumber,');
echo ' |
echo _('mobileTelephoneNumber,facsimileNumber,street,postalCode,postalAddress,');
echo ' |
echo _('employeeType. If PrimaryGroup is not given it\'ll used from profile.');
echo ' |
echo _('If PrimaryGroup doesn\'t exist it will be created.');
echo ' |
echo _('Select Profile:');
echo ' | ';
echo ' |
echo _('Select file:');
echo ' | |
echo ' |
case 'list':
$handler = fopen($_FILES['userfile']->tmp_name, 'r');
echo '';
echo '';
echo _('Confirm List');
echo ' |
for ($row=0; $line_array=fgetcvs($handle,2048); ++$row) { // loops for every row
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row] = loadUserProfile($_POST['f_selectprofile']) ;
if ($line_array[0]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_surname = $line_array[0];
if ($line_array[1]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_givenname = $line_array[1];
if ($line_array[2]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_username = $line_array[2];
if ($line_array[3]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group = $line_array[3];
if ($line_array[4]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_title = $line_array[4];
if ($line_array[5]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_mail = $line_array[5];
if ($line_array[6]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_telephoneNumber = $line_array[6];
if ($line_array[7]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_mobileTelephoneNumber = $line_array[7];
if ($line_array[8]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber = $line_array[8];
if ($line_array[9]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_street = $line_array[9];
if ($line_array[10]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_postalCode = $line_array[10];
if ($line_array[11]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_postalAddress = $line_array[11];
if ($line_array[12]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_employeeType = $line_array[12];
$values = checkglobal($_SESSION['accounts'][$row], 'user'); // account.inc
if (is_object($values)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values
if ($val) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->$key = $val;
else $error = $values;
if (!$error) {
$values = checkpersonal($_SESSION['accounts'][$row], 'user'); // account.inc
if (is_object($values)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values
if ($val) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->$key = $val;
else $error = $values;
if (!$error) {
$values = checksamba($_SESSION['accounts'][$row], 'user'); // account.inc
while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values
if ($val) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->$key = $val;
$values = checkquota($_SESSION['accounts'][$row], 'user'); // account.inc
while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values
if ($val) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->$key = $val;
if ($error) StatusMessage('ERROR', _('Invalid Value in row ').$row.'!', $error);
if (getgid($_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group)==-1) StatusMessage('INFO', _('Group ').
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group._(' not found in row ').$row.'!', _('It will be created.'));
echo ''. _('Surname'). ' | '. _('Givenname'). ' | '. _('Username'). ' | '. _('Primary Group'). ' | '.
_('Title'). ' | '. _('Mail Address'). ' | '. _('Telephonenumber'). ' | '. _('Mobiletelephonenumber')
. ' | '. _('Facsimiletelephonenumber'). ' | '. _('Street'). ' | '. _('Postal Code')
. ' | '. _('Postal Address'). ' | '. _('Employee Type') .' |
for ($row=0; sizeof($_SESSION['accounts']); $row++) { // loops for every row
echo ''.$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_surname.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_givenname.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_username.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_title.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_mail.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_telephoneNumber.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_mobileTelephoneNumber.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_street.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_postalCode.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_postalAddress.' | '.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_employeeType.' |
echo '';
echo ' | ';
echo ' | ';
case 'cancel':
echo '';
case 'create':
echo '';
case 'finish':
echo '';
case 'pdf':
echo '';
echo ' |