{bold}, {endbold}: All text between these tags is printed bold.
{color=#123456}, {endcolor}: All text between these tags is printed in the given color.
{link=http://nodomain.org}, {endlink}: A link with the given target is created. The link text is the text between the tags.
* @param string $MessageTyp The type of the message to be printed. It must be one of
* the following types: 'INFO', 'WARN' or 'ERROR'.
Every other type will lead to an error message indicating an invalid message type.
* @param string $MessageHeadline The headline of the status message.
It may be formatted with special color/link/bold tags.
* @param string $MessageText The text of the status message.
It may be formatted with special color/link/bold tags. This parameter is optional.
* @param array $MessageVariables The variables that are used to replace the spacers (%s) in the
* submitted text. This parameter is optional.
function StatusMessage($MessageTyp,$MessageHeadline,$MessageText='',$MessageVariables = array()) {
/* Setting CSS-StyleSheet class depending on the $MessageTyp and rewriting $MessageTyp with a readable string. */
if($MessageTyp == "INFO") {
$class = "class=\"statusInfo\"";
elseif($MessageTyp == "WARN") {
$class = "class=\"statusWarn\"";
elseif($MessageTyp == "ERROR") {
$class = "class=\"statusError\"";
/* Set output-message, when none or false $MessageTyp is submitted. */
else {
$class = "class=\"statusError\"";
$MessageTyp = "ERROR";
$MessageHeadline = "Invalid/Missing Message type";
$MessageText = "Please report this error to the Bug-Tracker at {link=http://lam.sourceforge.net}LDAP Account Manager Development Team{endlink}. Thank you.";
$MessageHeadline = parseMessageString($MessageHeadline);
$MessageText = parseMessageString($MessageText);
if (is_file("../graphics/error.png")) {
$MessageTyp = "
else {
$MessageTyp = "
$MessageHeadline = "
" . $MessageHeadline . "
"; // Format $MessageHeadline
$MessageText = "" . $MessageText . "
"; // Format $MessageText
$format = "\n
\n\n" . $MessageTyp . " | \n" . $MessageHeadline . $MessageText . " | \n
if (is_array($MessageVariables)) {
if (sizeof($MessageVariables) > 0) {
array_unshift($MessageVariables, $format);
else {
echo $format;
else {
printf($format, $MessageVariables);
* Use the three replace functions on the submitted Text.
* @access private
* @param string $MessageString The text that is used to search for replaceable strings.
* @return string The processed text.
function parseMessageString($MessageString) {
return linkText(colorText(boldText($MessageString)));
* Replace {bold} and {endbold} with and HTML-Tags.
* @access private
* @param string $text The text that is used to search for {bold} and {endbold} tags.
* @return string The submitted text with {bold} and {endbold} replaced with
* the appropriate HTML tages and
function boldText($text) {
$pattern = "/\\{bold\\}([^{]*)\\{endbold\\}/"; // Regular expression matching {bold}[Text]{endbold}
$replace = "\\1"; // Replace pattern
return preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$text);
* Replace {color=#[HEX-Value]} or {color=[HEX-Value]} and {endcolor} with and HTML-Tags.
* @access private
* @param string $text The text that is used to search for {color} and {endcolor} tags.
* @return string Input string with HTML-formatted color tags
function colorText($text) {
$pattern = "/\\{color=#?([0-9,a-f,A-F]{6})\\}([^{]*)\\{endcolor\\}/"; // Regular expression matching {color=#[HEX-Value]}[Text]{endcolor} or {color=[HEX-Value]}[Text]{endcolor}
$replace = "\\2"; // Replace pattern
return preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$text);
* Replace {link=[Link-Target]} and {endlink} with and HTML-Tags.
* @access private
* @param string $text The text that is used to search for {link} and {endlink} tags.
* @return string Input string with HTML-formatted link tags
function linkText($text) {
$pattern = "/\\{link=([^}]*)\\}([^{]*)\\{endlink\\}/"; // Regular expression matching {link=[Link-Target]}[Text]{endlink}
$replace = "\\2"; //Replace pattern
return preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$text);