/* Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'image', 'id', { alertUrl: 'Mohon tulis URL gambar', alt: 'Teks alternatif', border: 'Batas', btnUpload: 'Kirim ke Server', button2Img: 'Do you want to transform the selected image button on a simple image?', // MISSING hSpace: 'HSpace', // MISSING img2Button: 'Do you want to transform the selected image on a image button?', // MISSING infoTab: 'Info Gambar', linkTab: 'Tautan', lockRatio: 'Lock Ratio', // MISSING menu: 'Image Properties', // MISSING resetSize: 'Reset Size', // MISSING title: 'Image Properties', // MISSING titleButton: 'Image Button Properties', // MISSING upload: 'Unggah', urlMissing: 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING vSpace: 'VSpace', validateBorder: 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING validateHSpace: 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING validateVSpace: 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING } );