
438 lines
16 KiB

use \htmlTitle;
use \htmlStatusMessage;
use \LAMCfgMain;
use \htmlSubTitle;
use \htmlSpacer;
use \htmlSelect;
use \htmlButton;
use \htmlImage;
use \htmlLink;
use \htmlOutputText;
use \htmlHelpLink;
use \htmlHiddenInput;
use \htmlInputField;
use \htmlResponsiveRow;
use \htmlGroup;
use \LAM\TYPES\TypeManager;
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/)
Copyright (C) 2003 - 2018 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* This is the main window of the profile editor.
* @package profiles
* @author Roland Gruber
/** security functions */
include_once(__DIR__ . "/../../lib/security.inc");
/** helper functions for profiles */
include_once(__DIR__ . "/../../lib/profiles.inc");
/** access to LDAP server */
include_once(__DIR__ . "/../../lib/ldap.inc");
/** access to configuration options */
include_once(__DIR__ . "/../../lib/config.inc");
// start session
// die if no write access
if (!checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed()) die();
if (!empty($_POST)) {
$typeManager = new TypeManager();
$types = $typeManager->getConfiguredTypes();
$container = new htmlResponsiveRow();
$container->add(new htmlTitle(_("Profile editor")), 12);
if (isset($_POST['deleteProfile']) && ($_POST['deleteProfile'] == 'true')) {
$type = $typeManager->getConfiguredType($_POST['profileDeleteType']);
if ($type->isHidden()) {
logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'User tried to delete hidden account type profile: ' . $_POST['profileDeleteType']);
// delete profile
if (\LAM\PROFILES\delAccountProfile($_POST['profileDeleteName'], $_POST['profileDeleteType'])) {
$message = new htmlStatusMessage('INFO', _('Deleted profile.'), $type->getAlias() . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['profileDeleteName']));
$container->add($message, 12);
else {
$message = new htmlStatusMessage('ERROR', _('Unable to delete profile!'), $type->getAlias() . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['profileDeleteName']));
$container->add($message, 12);
$configProfiles = getConfigProfiles();
$serverProfiles = array();
foreach ($configProfiles as $profileName) {
$serverProfiles[$profileName] = new \LAMConfig($profileName);
// import profiles
if (!empty($_POST['import'])) {
$cfg = new LAMCfgMain();
// check master password
$errMessage = null;
if (!$cfg->checkPassword($_POST['passwd_i_' . $_POST['typeId']])) {
$errMessage = new htmlStatusMessage('ERROR', _('Master password is wrong!'));
elseif (!empty($_POST['importProfiles'])) {
$options = array();
foreach ($_POST['importProfiles'] as $importProfiles) {
$parts = explode('##', $importProfiles);
$options[] = array('conf' => $parts[0], 'typeId' => $parts[1], 'name' => $parts[2]);
$errMessage = importProfiles($_POST['typeId'], $options, $serverProfiles, $typeManager);
if ($errMessage !== null) {
$container->add($errMessage, 12);
// export profiles
if (!empty($_POST['export'])) {
$cfg = new LAMCfgMain();
// check master password
$errMessage = null;
if (!$cfg->checkPassword($_POST['passwd_e_' . $_POST['typeId']])) {
$errMessage = new htmlStatusMessage('ERROR', _('Master password is wrong!'));
elseif (!empty($_POST['exportProfiles'])) {
$options = array();
foreach ($_POST['exportProfiles'] as $importProfiles) {
$parts = explode('##', $importProfiles);
$options[] = array('conf' => $parts[0], 'typeId' => $parts[1]);
$typeId = $_POST['typeId'];
$name = $_POST['name_' . $typeId];
$errMessage = exportProfiles($typeId, $name, $options, $serverProfiles, $typeManager);
if ($errMessage !== null) {
$container->add($errMessage, 12);
$profileClasses = array();
$profileClassesTemp = array();
foreach ($types as $type) {
if ($type->isHidden() || !checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed($type->getId())) {
$profileList = \LAM\PROFILES\getAccountProfiles($type->getId());
$profileClassesTemp[$type->getAlias()] = array(
'typeId' => $type->getId(),
'scope' => $type->getScope(),
'title' => $type->getAlias(),
'icon' => $type->getIcon(),
'profiles' => $profileList);
$profileClassesKeys = array_keys($profileClassesTemp);
$profileClassesKeys = array_values($profileClassesKeys);
foreach ($profileClassesKeys as $profileClassesKey) {
$profileClasses[] = $profileClassesTemp[$profileClassesKey];
// check if user is logged in, if not go to login
if (!$_SESSION['ldap'] || !$_SESSION['ldap']->server()) {
// check if new profile should be created
elseif (isset($_POST['createProfileButton'])) {
metaRefresh("profilepage.php?type=" . htmlspecialchars($_POST['createProfile']));
// check if a profile should be edited
foreach ($profileClasses as $profileClass) {
if (isset($_POST['editProfile_' . $profileClass['typeId']]) || isset($_POST['editProfile_' . $profileClass['typeId'] . '_x'])) {
metaRefresh("profilepage.php?type=" . htmlspecialchars($profileClass['typeId']) .
"&edit=" . htmlspecialchars($_POST['profile_' . $profileClass['typeId']]));
include __DIR__ . '/../../lib/adminHeader.inc';
echo "<div class=\"user-bright smallPaddingContent\">\n";
echo "<form name=\"profilemainForm\" action=\"profilemain.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . getSecurityTokenName() . '" value="' . getSecurityTokenValue() . '">';
if (isset($_GET['savedSuccessfully'])) {
$message = new htmlStatusMessage("INFO", _("Profile was saved."), htmlspecialchars($_GET['savedSuccessfully']));
$container->add($message, 12);
// new profile
if (!empty($profileClasses)) {
$container->add(new htmlSubTitle(_('Create a new profile')), 12);
$sortedTypes = array();
foreach ($profileClasses as $profileClass) {
$sortedTypes[$profileClass['title']] = $profileClass['typeId'];
$newProfileSelect = new htmlSelect('createProfile', $sortedTypes);
$container->addField(new htmlButton('createProfileButton', _('Create')));
// existing profiles
$container->add(new htmlSubTitle(_('Manage existing profiles')), 12);
foreach ($profileClasses as $profileClass) {
$labelGroup = new htmlGroup();
$labelGroup->addElement(new htmlImage('../../graphics/' . $profileClass['icon']));
$labelGroup->addElement(new htmlSpacer('3px', null));
$labelGroup->addElement(new htmlOutputText($profileClass['title']));
$container->add($labelGroup, 12, 4);
$select = new htmlSelect('profile_' . $profileClass['typeId'], $profileClass['profiles']);
$container->add($select, 12, 4);
$buttonGroup = new htmlGroup();
$editButton = new htmlButton('editProfile_' . $profileClass['typeId'], 'edit.png', true);
$deleteLink = new htmlLink(null, '#', '../../graphics/delete.png');
$deleteLink->setOnClick("profileShowDeleteDialog('" . _('Delete') . "', '" . _('Ok') . "', '" . _('Cancel') . "', '" . $profileClass['typeId'] . "', '" . 'profile_' . $profileClass['typeId'] . "'); return false;");
if (count($configProfiles) > 1) {
$importLink = new htmlLink(null, '#', '../../graphics/import.png');
$importLink->setTitle(_('Import profiles'));
$importLink->setOnClick("showDistributionDialog('" . _("Import profiles") . "', '" .
_('Ok') . "', '" . _('Cancel') . "', '" . $profileClass['typeId'] . "', 'import'); return false;");
$exportLink = new htmlLink(null, '#', '../../graphics/export.png');
$exportLink->setTitle(_('Export profile'));
$exportLink->setOnClick("showDistributionDialog('" . _("Export profile") . "', '" .
_('Ok') . "', '" . _('Cancel') . "', '" . $profileClass['typeId'] . "', 'export', '" . 'profile_' . $profileClass['typeId'] . "'); return false;");
$container->add($buttonGroup, 12, 4);
// generate content
$tabindex = 1;
parseHtml(null, $container, array(), false, $tabindex, 'user');
echo "</form>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
foreach ($profileClasses as $profileClass) {
$typeId = $profileClass['typeId'];
$scope = $profileClass['scope'];
$importOptions = array();
foreach ($configProfiles as $profile) {
$typeManagerImport = new TypeManager($serverProfiles[$profile]);
$typesImport = $typeManagerImport->getConfiguredTypesForScope($scope);
foreach ($typesImport as $typeImport) {
if (($profile != $_SESSION['config']->getName()) || ($typeImport->getId() != $typeId)) {
$accountProfiles = \LAM\PROFILES\getAccountProfiles($typeImport->getId(), $profile);
if (!empty($accountProfiles)) {
foreach ($accountProfiles as $accountProfile) {
$importOptions[$profile][$typeImport->getAlias() . ': ' . $accountProfile] = $profile . '##' . $typeImport->getId() . '##' . $accountProfile;
//import dialog
echo "<div id=\"importDialog_$typeId\" class=\"hidden\">\n";
echo "<form id=\"importDialogForm_$typeId\" method=\"post\" action=\"profilemain.php\">\n";
$containerProfiles = new htmlResponsiveRow();;
$containerProfiles->add(new htmlOutputText(_('Profiles')), 12);
$select = new htmlSelect('importProfiles', $importOptions, array(), count($importOptions, 1) < 15 ? count($importOptions, 1) : 15);
$containerProfiles->add($select, 11);
$containerProfiles->add(new htmlHelpLink('362'), 1);
$containerProfiles->add(new htmlOutputText(_("Master password")), 12);
$exportPasswd = new htmlInputField('passwd_i_' . $typeId);
$containerProfiles->add($exportPasswd, 11);
$containerProfiles->add(new htmlHelpLink('236'), 1);
$containerProfiles->add(new htmlHiddenInput('import', '1'), 0);
$containerProfiles->add(new htmlHiddenInput('typeId', $typeId), 0);
parseHtml(null, $containerProfiles, array(), false, $tabindex, 'user');
echo '</form>';
echo "</div>\n";
//export dialog
echo "<div id=\"exportDialog_$typeId\" class=\"hidden\">\n";
echo "<form id=\"exportDialogForm_$typeId\" method=\"post\" action=\"profilemain.php\">\n";
$containerTarget = new htmlResponsiveRow();
$containerTarget->add(new htmlOutputText(_("Target server profile")), 12);
$exportOptions = array();
foreach ($configProfiles as $profile) {
$typeManagerExport = new TypeManager($serverProfiles[$profile]);
$typesExport = $typeManagerExport->getConfiguredTypesForScope($scope);
foreach ($typesExport as $typeExport) {
if (($profile != $_SESSION['config']->getName()) || ($typeExport->getId() != $typeId)) {
$exportOptions[$typeManagerExport->getConfig()->getName()][$typeExport->getAlias()] = $profile . '##' . $typeExport->getId();
$exportOptions['*' . _('Global templates')][_('Global templates')] = 'templates*##';
$select = new htmlSelect('exportProfiles', $exportOptions, array(), count($exportOptions) < 10 ? count($exportOptions, 1) : 10);
$containerTarget->add($select, 11);
$containerTarget->add(new htmlHelpLink('363'), 1);
$containerTarget->add(new htmlOutputText(_("Master password")), 12);
$exportPasswd = new htmlInputField('passwd_e_' . $typeId);
$containerTarget->add($exportPasswd, 11);
$containerTarget->add(new htmlHelpLink('236'), 1);
$containerTarget->add(new htmlHiddenInput('export', '1'), 0);
$containerTarget->add(new htmlHiddenInput('typeId', $typeId), 0);
$containerTarget->add(new htmlHiddenInput('name_' . $typeId, '_'), 0);
parseHtml(null, $containerTarget, array(), false, $tabindex, 'user');
echo '</form>';
echo "</div>\n";
// form for delete action
echo '<div id="deleteProfileDialog" class="hidden"><form id="deleteProfileForm" action="profilemain.php" method="post">';
echo _("Do you really want to delete this profile?");
echo '<br><br><div class="nowrap">';
echo _("Profile name") . ': <div id="deleteText" style="display: inline;"></div></div>';
echo '<input id="profileDeleteType" type="hidden" name="profileDeleteType" value="">';
echo '<input id="profileDeleteName" type="hidden" name="profileDeleteName" value="">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="deleteProfile" value="true">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . getSecurityTokenName() . '" value="' . getSecurityTokenValue() . '">';
echo '</form></div>';
include __DIR__ . '/../../lib/adminFooter.inc';
* Imports the selected account profiles.
* @param string $typeId type id
* @param array $options options
* @param \LAMConfig[] $serverProfiles server profiles (name => profile object)
* @param TypeManager $typeManager type manager
* @return \htmlStatusMessage message or null
function importProfiles($typeId, $options, &$serverProfiles, TypeManager &$typeManager) {
foreach ($options as $option) {
$sourceConfName = $option['conf'];
$sourceTypeId = $option['typeId'];
$sourceName = $option['name'];
$sourceTypeManager = new TypeManager($serverProfiles[$sourceConfName]);
$sourceType = $sourceTypeManager->getConfiguredType($sourceTypeId);
$targetType = $typeManager->getConfiguredType($typeId);
if (($sourceType !== null) && ($targetType !== null)) {
try {
\LAM\PROFILES\copyAccountProfile($sourceType, $sourceName, $targetType);
catch (\LAMException $e) {
return new \htmlStatusMessage('ERROR', $e->getTitle(), $e->getMessage());
return new \htmlStatusMessage('INFO', _('Import successful'));
* Exports the selected account profile.
* @param string $typeId source type id
* @param string $name profile name
* @param array $options options
* @param \LAMConfig[] $serverProfiles server profiles (name => profile object)
* @param TypeManager $typeManager type manager
* @return \htmlStatusMessage message or null
function exportProfiles($typeId, $name, $options, &$serverProfiles, TypeManager &$typeManager) {
$sourceType = $typeManager->getConfiguredType($typeId);
if ($sourceType === null) {
return null;
foreach ($options as $option) {
$targetConfName = $option['conf'];
if ($targetConfName == 'templates*') {
try {
\LAM\PROFILES\copyAccountProfileToTemplates($sourceType, $name);
catch (\LAMException $e) {
return new \htmlStatusMessage('ERROR', $e->getTitle(), $e->getMessage());
else {
$targetTypeId = $option['typeId'];
$targetTypeManager = new TypeManager($serverProfiles[$targetConfName]);
$targetType = $targetTypeManager->getConfiguredType($targetTypeId);
if ($targetType !== null) {
try {
\LAM\PROFILES\copyAccountProfile($sourceType, $name, $targetType);
catch (\LAMException $e) {
return new \htmlStatusMessage('ERROR', $e->getTitle(), $e->getMessage());
return new \htmlStatusMessage('INFO', _('Export successful'));