384 lines
16 KiB
384 lines
16 KiB
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/lam)
Copyright (C) 2009 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Manages the eduPerson extension for user accounts.
* @package modules
* @author Roland Gruber
* Manages the eduPerson extension for user accounts.
* @package modules
class eduPerson extends baseModule {
private $affiliationTypes = array('faculty', 'student', 'staff', 'alum',
'member', 'affiliate', 'employee', 'library-walk-in');
* Creates a new eduPerson object.
* @param string $scope account type (user, group, host)
function __construct($scope) {
$this->autoAddObjectClasses = false;
* Returns meta data that is interpreted by parent class
* @return array array with meta data
* @see baseModule::get_metaData()
function get_metaData() {
$return = array();
// icon
$return['icon'] = 'eduPerson.png';
// manages host accounts
$return["account_types"] = array("user");
// alias name
$return["alias"] = _("EDU person");
// module dependencies
$return['dependencies'] = array('depends' => array(), 'conflicts' => array());
// managed object classes
$return['objectClasses'] = array('eduPerson');
// managed attributes
$return['attributes'] = array('eduPersonAffiliation', 'eduPersonNickname',
'eduPersonOrgDN', 'eduPersonOrgUnitDN',
'eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation', 'eduPersonPrincipalName',
'eduPersonEntitlement', 'eduPersonPrimaryOrgUnitDN',
// help Entries
$return['help'] = array(
'primaryAffiliation' => array(
"Headline" => _("Primary affiliation"),
"Text" => _("Specifies the person's primary relationship to the institution in broad categories such as student, faculty, staff, alum, etc.")
'scopedAffiliation' => array(
"Headline" => _("Scoped affiliation"),
"Text" => _("Specifies the person's affiliation within a particular security domain in broad categories such as student, faculty, staff, alum, etc.")
'nickName' => array(
"Headline" => _("Nick names"),
"Text" => _("This is a list of nick names for this user.")
'affiliation' => array(
"Headline" => _("Affiliations"),
"Text" => _("Specifies the person's relationship(s) to the institution in broad categories such as student, faculty, staff, alum, etc.")
'principalName' => array(
"Headline" => _("Principal name"),
"Text" => _("The \"NetID\" of the person for the purposes of inter-institutional authentication. It should be represented in the form \"user@scope\" where scope defines a local security domain.")
'entitlement' => array(
"Headline" => _("Entitlements"),
"Text" => _("URI (either URN or URL) that indicates a set of rights to specific resources.")
// upload fields
$return['upload_columns'] = array(
'name' => 'ieee802Device_mac',
'description' => _('MAC address'),
'help' => 'macList',
'example' => '00:01:02:DE:EF:18'
// available PDF fields
$return['PDF_fields'] = array(
'affiliation', 'nickname', 'orgDN', 'orgUnitDN',
'primaryAffiliation', 'principalName', 'entitlement',
'primaryOrgUnitDN', 'scopedAffiliation'
return $return;
* This function fills the error message array with messages
function load_Messages() {
$this->messages['principalName'][0] = array('ERROR', 'Principal name is invalid!');
$this->messages['principalName'][1] = array('ERROR', _('Account %s:') . ' eduPerson_principalName', 'Principal name is invalid!');
* Returns the HTML meta data for the main account page.
* @return array HTML meta data
function display_html_attributes() {
if (isset($_POST['form_subpage_eduPerson_attributes_addObjectClass'])) {
$this->attributes['objectClass'][] = 'eduPerson';
$return = array();
if (in_array('eduPerson', $this->attributes['objectClass'])) {
// principal name
$principal = '';
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonPrincipalName'][0])) {
$principal = $this->attributes['eduPersonPrincipalName'][0];
$return[] = array(
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Principal name')),
array('kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'principalName', 'value' => $principal),
array('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'principalName')
// primary affiliation
$primaryAffiliation = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation'][0])) {
$primaryAffiliation = array($this->attributes['eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation'][0]);
$return[] = array(
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Primary affiliation')),
array('kind' => 'select', 'name' => 'primaryAffiliation', 'options' => $this->affiliationTypes, 'options_selected' => $primaryAffiliation),
array('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'primaryAffiliation')
// scoped affiliation
$scopedAffiliation = '';
$scopedAffiliationPrefix = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonScopedAffiliation'][0])) {
$parts = explode('@', $this->attributes['eduPersonScopedAffiliation'][0]);
$scopedAffiliationPrefix = array($parts[0]);
$scopedAffiliation = substr($this->attributes['eduPersonScopedAffiliation'][0], strlen($parts[0]) + 1);
$return[] = array(
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Scoped affiliation')),
array('kind' => 'table', 'value' => array(array(
array('kind' => 'select', 'name' => 'scopedAffiliationPrefix', 'options' => $this->affiliationTypes, 'options_selected' => $scopedAffiliationPrefix),
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => '@'),
array('kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'scopedAffiliation', 'value' => $scopedAffiliation)
array('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'scopedAffiliation')
// affiliations
$affiliations = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonAffiliation'][0])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->attributes['eduPersonAffiliation']); $i++) {
$affiliations[] = array(
array('kind' => 'select', 'name' => 'affiliation' . $i, 'options' => $this->affiliationTypes, 'options_selected' => array($this->attributes['eduPersonAffiliation'][$i])),
array('kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'delAffiliation' . $i, 'image' => 'del.png', 'value' => ' ', 'title' => _('Delete'))
else {
$affiliations = array(array(array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => '-')));
$return[] = array(
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Affiliations'), 'td' => array('valign' => 'top')),
array('kind' => 'table', 'value' => $affiliations),
array('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'affiliation', 'td' => array('valign' => 'top'))
$return[] = array(
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => ' '),
array('kind' => 'table', 'value' => array(array(
array('kind' => 'select', 'name' => 'affiliation', 'options' => $this->affiliationTypes),
array('kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'newAffiliation', 'image' => 'add.png', 'value' => ' ', 'title' => _('Add'))
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => ' '));
// nick names
$nicks = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonNickname'][0])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->attributes['eduPersonNickname']); $i++) {
$nicks[] = array(
array('kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'nickName' . $i, 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $this->attributes['eduPersonNickname'][$i]),
array('kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'delNickName' . $i, 'image' => 'del.png', 'value' => ' ', 'title' => _('Delete'))
else {
$nicks = array(array(array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => '-')));
$return[] = array(
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Nick names'), 'td' => array('valign' => 'top')),
array('kind' => 'table', 'value' => $nicks),
array('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'nickName', 'td' => array('valign' => 'top'))
$return[] = array(
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => ' '),
array('kind' => 'table', 'value' => array(array(
array('kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'nickName', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => ''),
array('kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'newNickName', 'image' => 'add.png', 'value' => ' ', 'title' => _('Add'))
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => ' ')
// entitlements
$entitlements = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonEntitlement'][0])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->attributes['eduPersonEntitlement']); $i++) {
$entitlements[] = array(
array('kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'entitlement' . $i, 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $this->attributes['eduPersonEntitlement'][$i]),
array('kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'delEntitlement' . $i, 'image' => 'del.png', 'value' => ' ', 'title' => _('Delete'))
else {
$entitlements = array(array(array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => '-')));
$return[] = array(
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Entitlements'), 'td' => array('valign' => 'top')),
array('kind' => 'table', 'value' => $entitlements),
array('kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'entitlement', 'td' => array('valign' => 'top'))
$return[] = array(
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => ' '),
array('kind' => 'table', 'value' => array(array(
array('kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'entitlement', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => ''),
array('kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'newEntitlement', 'image' => 'add.png', 'value' => ' ', 'title' => _('Add'))
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => ' ')
else {
$return[] = array(
array('kind' => 'text', 'text' => ' '),
array('kind' => 'input', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'form_subpage_eduPerson_attributes_addObjectClass', 'value' => _('Add EDU person extension'))
return $return;
* Processes user input of the primary module page.
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes.
* @return array list of info/error messages
function process_attributes() {
$errors = array();
// primary affiliation
$this->attributes['eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation'][0] = $_POST['primaryAffiliation'];
// scoped affiliation
if (isset($_POST['scopedAffiliation']) && ($_POST['scopedAffiliation'] != '')) {
$this->attributes['eduPersonScopedAffiliation'][0] = $_POST['scopedAffiliationPrefix'] . '@' . $_POST['scopedAffiliation'];
elseif (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonScopedAffiliation'][0])) {
// principal name
$this->attributes['eduPersonPrincipalName'][0] = $_POST['principalName'];
if ($_POST['principalName'] != '') {
if (eregi('^[0-9a-z_\\.@-]+$', $_POST['principalName']) === false) {
$errors[] = $this->messages['principalName'][0];
// affiliations
$this->attributes['eduPersonAffiliation'] = array();
$i = 0;
while (isset($_POST['affiliation' . $i])) {
if (!isset($_POST['delAffiliation' . $i]) && ($_POST['affiliation' . $i] != '')) {
$this->attributes['eduPersonAffiliation'][] = $_POST['affiliation' . $i];
if (isset($_POST['newAffiliation']) && ($_POST['affiliation'] != '')) {
$this->attributes['eduPersonAffiliation'][] = $_POST['affiliation'];
$this->attributes['eduPersonAffiliation'] = array_unique($this->attributes['eduPersonAffiliation']);
// nick names
$this->attributes['eduPersonNickname'] = array();
$i = 0;
while (isset($_POST['nickName' . $i])) {
if (!isset($_POST['delNickName' . $i]) && ($_POST['nickName' . $i] != '')) {
$this->attributes['eduPersonNickname'][] = $_POST['nickName' . $i];
if (isset($_POST['newNickName']) && ($_POST['nickName'] != '')) {
$this->attributes['eduPersonNickname'][] = $_POST['nickName'];
$this->attributes['eduPersonNickname'] = array_unique($this->attributes['eduPersonNickname']);
// entitlements
$this->attributes['eduPersonEntitlement'] = array();
$i = 0;
while (isset($_POST['entitlement' . $i])) {
if (!isset($_POST['delEntitlement' . $i]) && ($_POST['entitlement' . $i] != '')) {
$this->attributes['eduPersonEntitlement'][] = $_POST['entitlement' . $i];
if (isset($_POST['newEntitlement']) && ($_POST['entitlement'] != '')) {
$this->attributes['eduPersonEntitlement'][] = $_POST['entitlement'];
$this->attributes['eduPersonEntitlement'] = array_unique($this->attributes['eduPersonEntitlement']);
return $errors;
* In this function the LDAP account is built up.
* @param array $rawAccounts list of hash arrays (name => value) from user input
* @param array $partialAccounts list of hash arrays (name => value) which are later added to LDAP
* @param array $ids list of IDs for column position (e.g. "posixAccount_uid" => 5)
* @return array list of error messages if any
function build_uploadAccounts($rawAccounts, $ids, &$partialAccounts) {
$messages = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rawAccounts); $i++) {
// add object class
if (!in_array("eduPerson", $partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'])) $partialAccounts[$i]['objectClass'][] = "eduPerson";
// primary affiliation
if ($rawAccounts[$i][$ids['eduPerson_primaryAffiliation']] != "") {
return $messages;
* Returns the PDF entries for this module.
* @return array list of possible PDF entries
function get_pdfEntries() {
$return = array();
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation'][0])) {
$return['eduPerson_primaryAffiliation'][0] = '<block><key>' . _('Primary affiliation') . '</key><value>' . $this->attributes['eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation'][0] . '</value></block>';
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonScopedAffiliation'][0])) {
$return['eduPerson_scopedAffiliation'][0] = '<block><key>' . _('Scoped affiliation') . '</key><value>' . $this->attributes['eduPersonScopedAffiliation'][0] . '</value></block>';
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonPrincipalName'][0])) {
$return['eduPerson_principalName'][0] = '<block><key>' . _('Principal name') . '</key><value>' . $this->attributes['eduPersonPrincipalName'][0] . '</value></block>';
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonNickname'][0])) {
$return['eduPerson_nickname'][0] = '<block><key>' . _('Nick names') . '</key><value>' . implode(', ', $this->attributes['eduPersonNickname']) . '</value></block>';
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonAffiliation'][0])) {
$return['eduPerson_affiliation'][0] = '<block><key>' . _('Affiliations') . '</key><value>' . implode(', ', $this->attributes['eduPersonAffiliation']) . '</value></block>';
if (isset($this->attributes['eduPersonEntitlement'][0])) {
$return['eduPerson_entitlement'][0] = '<block><key>' . _('Entitlements') . '</key><value>' . implode(', ', $this->attributes['eduPersonEntitlement']) . '</value></block>';
return $return;