from smtplib import SMTPException import collections from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView from django.urls import reverse from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.core.mail import send_mail, BadHeaderError from django.template.loader import get_template from formtools.wizard.views import CookieWizardView from django.shortcuts import render from .models import Employee, DEPARTMENT_CHOICES, LAPTOP_CHOICES, OS_CHOICES,\ MOBILE_CHOICES, LANG_CHOICES, ACCOUNT_CHOICES, TRANSPONDER_CHOICES from .forms import PersonalForm, WorkingForm, ITForm, OfficeForm, DummyForm,\ ChangeForm, TYPE_CHOICES from .settings import MAILS, EVA_MAIL, BASIC_DATA def success(request): return HttpResponse("Vielen Dank! Du hast E.V.A. erfolgreich ausgefüllt. Die Mails an die Abteilungen wurden versendet.") def long_process(wizard): # step = wizard.steps.step0 # if step == 0: # return True #print(f"gathering data for step {step}") data = wizard.get_cleaned_data_for_step('0') or {} print(data) if data.get('choice') == 'IN': print('PROZESS IN') return True else: print('PROZESS NOT IN') return False # elif step < 3: # return True # elif step == 4: # return True # else: # return False class EvaFormView(CookieWizardView): template_name = 'evapp/employee_form.html' form_list = [PersonalForm, WorkingForm, ITForm, OfficeForm, DummyForm] instance = None choice = 'IN' # this deletes data which is only used temporary and is not in the modell def get_all_cleaned_data(self): data = super().get_all_cleaned_data() del data['choice'] return data # we need this to display all the data in the last step def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(form=form, **kwargs) if (self.steps.current == 5 or self.choice == 'CHANGE'): context.update({'data': self.beautify_data(self.get_all_cleaned_data()), 'choice' : self.choice}) return context #this makes shure, that we use the same model instance for all steps def get_form_instance(self,step): if self.instance == None: self.instance = Employee() return self.instance def done(self, form_list, **kwargs): print ('INSTANCE_DICT') print(self.instance_dict) # save data to database for form in form_list: # send data to departments for dep in MAILS: self.send_mail_to_department(dep) return HttpResponseRedirect('success') # def get_form(self, step=None, data=None, files=None): # '''this function determines which process aut of E/V/A we will do''' # # if step is None: # step = self.steps.current # print ("get_form() step " + step) # # form = super().get_form(step, data, files) # # if step == '1': # why do we need step 2 here not 1???! # prev_data = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('0') # choice = prev_data.get('choice') # print(f'choice detection: {TYPE_CHOICES[choice]}') # self.choice = choice # if choice == 'CHANGE': # print("process choosen: CHANGE") # form = ChangeForm(data) # # self.form_list = [PersonalForm, ChangeForm, DummyForm,] # elif choice == 'OUT': # print("process choosen: OUT") # form = WorkingForm(data) # elif choice == 'IN': # print("process choosen: IN") # form = WorkingForm(data) # else: # raise RuntimeError(f'ERROR! UNKNOWN FORMTYPE {choice} in EvaFormView') # # return form # send a mail to the department with all needed data def send_mail_to_department(self, department): 'send a mail to the given department with the nececcary notifications' print(f'send mail to department {department}...') data = self.get_all_cleaned_data() # some data should be in every mail newdata = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if (k in BASIC_DATA)} # only the relevant data should be in the context newdata.update({k: v for k, v in data.items() if (k in MAILS[department]['DATA'])}) context = {'data': self.beautify_data(newdata)} try: mail_template = get_template(f'evapp/department_mail.txt') send_mail( 'EVA: Neuzugang', mail_template.render(context), EVA_MAIL, [MAILS[department]['MAIL']], fail_silently=False) except BadHeaderError: self.instance.delete() return HttpResponse('Invalid header found. Data not saved!') except SMTPException: self.instance.delete() return HttpResponse('Error in sending mails (propably wrong adress?). Data not saved!') # use long form for contextdata instead of short form if available # # ATTENTION! # This implementation works only for unique keys over all of these dicts from # def beautify_data(self, data): # update values in data dictionary with keys from *_CHOICES if present there choices = {**DEPARTMENT_CHOICES, **LAPTOP_CHOICES, **TRANSPONDER_CHOICES, **OS_CHOICES, **MOBILE_CHOICES, **LANG_CHOICES,} data.update({k:choices[v] for k,v in data.items() \ if isinstance(v, \ and v in choices}) # replace values in accounts array from *_CHOICES if 'accounts' in data: data['accounts'] = [ACCOUNT_CHOICES[c] for c in data['accounts']] # replace keys in data dictionary with verbose_name newdata = {self.instance._meta.get_field(k).verbose_name.title() : v for k,v in data.items()} return newdata