from datetime import date, timedelta import sys from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.template.loader import get_template from django.core.mail import send_mail, BadHeaderError, EmailMessage from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives from django.conf import settings from input.models import Project, Library, HonoraryCertificate, Travel, Email,\ BusinessCard, List, IFG, Literature from input.settings import IF_EMAIL, SURVEYPREFIX, SURVEY_EMAIL class Command(BaseCommand): ''' mails will be send here: - two weeks after confirmation of support for volunteer (/extern) send link with surveylink - same for HonoraryCertificate (/intern) - travel: mail 3 weeks after end of project. - assumed end of project (/project) reached: mail to IF, link to project-editpage - 4 weeks after end of project reached: mail with surveylink ''' help = '''This command sends mail with some links to the database or to the survey after some amount of time.''' def survey_link(self, email, type, pid, name, realname): context = {'realname': realname, 'type': type, 'name': name, 'pid': pid, 'SURVEYPREFIX': SURVEYPREFIX, } txt_mail_template = get_template('input/survey_mail.txt') html_mail_template = get_template('input/survey_mail.html') try: subject, from_email, to = 'Dein Feedback zur Förderung durch Wikimedia Deutschland', IF_EMAIL, email text_content = txt_mail_template.render(context) html_content = html_mail_template.render(context) msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to], bcc=[SURVEY_EMAIL]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") msg.send() #print('survey mail would have been send') #survey_mail = EmailMessage('Dein Feedback zur Förderung durch Wikimedia Deutschland', # mail_template.render(context), # IF_EMAIL, # [email], # bcc=[SURVEY_EMAIL]) #survey_mail.send(fail_silently=False) except BadHeaderError: return HttpResponse('Invalid header found.') print(f'send surveylinkemail to {email}...') ''' the db entry mail_state was added. Useful when migrating databases. first delete the entry, then makemigrations then migrate.. after that, recreate the entry with default END, after that makemigrations and migrate. now all entries have the value END. after that rewrite the default to NONE in, then makemigrations and migrate again, to have NONE as default for all new queries. ''' def end_of_projects_reached(self): ''' end of project reached ''' # get all projects which ended old = Project.objects.filter(end__lt =\ .exclude(end_mail_send = True)\ .filter(mail_state = 'NONE') txt_mail_template = get_template('input/if_end_of_project.txt') html_mail_template = get_template('input/if_end_of_project.html') for project in old: context = {'project': project} context['URLPREFIX'] = settings.URLPREFIX try: subject, from_email, to = 'Projektende erreicht', IF_EMAIL, IF_EMAIL text_content = txt_mail_template.render(context) html_content = html_mail_template.render(context) msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") msg.send() #print('end of project mail would have been sent') #send_mail('Projektende erreicht', # mail_template.render(context), # IF_EMAIL, # [IF_EMAIL], # fail_silently=False) project.end_mail_send = True project.mail_state = 'INF' try: except: print( 'For project', project, 'there is possibly no project.start (', project.start, ') class') except BadHeaderError: self.stdout.write('Invalid header found.')) self.stdout.write('end_of_projects_reached() executed.')) def end_of_projects_approved(self): ''' end of project approved ''' # get all projects where end was reached already, and send mails for the ones already set to status "ended" by the admins approved_end = Project.objects.filter(status = 'END')\ .exclude(end_mail_send = False)\ .filter(mail_state = 'INF') txt_mail_template = get_template('input/if_end_of_project_approved.txt') html_mail_template = get_template('input/if_end_of_project_approved.html') txt_informMail_template = get_template('input/if_end_of_project_orginformed.txt') html_informMail_template = get_template('input/if_end_of_project_orginformed.html') # send the mail to, which would be the mail of the volunteer filling out the form for project in approved_end: context = {'project': project} context['URLPREFIX'] = settings.URLPREFIX try: subject, from_email, to = 'Projektende erreicht', IF_EMAIL, text_content = txt_mail_template.render(context) html_content = html_mail_template.render(context) msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") msg.send() #print('if and of project approved mail would have been sent') inform_subject, inform_from_email, inform_to = 'Projektorganisator*in wurde informiert', IF_EMAIL, IF_EMAIL inform_text_content = txt_informMail_template.render(context) inform_html_content = html_informMail_template.render(context) inform_msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(inform_subject, inform_text_content, inform_from_email, [inform_to]) inform_msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") inform_msg.send() #print('if end of project orginformed mail would have been sent') #send_mail('Projektende erreicht', # mail_template.render(context), # IF_EMAIL, # [], # fail_silently=False) #send_mail('Projektorganisator*in wurde informiert', # informMail_template.render(context), # IF_EMAIL, # [IF_EMAIL], # fail_silently=False) project.mail_state = 'END' try: except: print( 'For project', project, 'there is possibly no project.start (', project.start, ') class') except BadHeaderError: self.stdout.write('Invalid header found.')) self.stdout.write('end_of_projects_approved() executed.')) def notHappened_of_projects_approved(self): ''' notHappened of project approved ''' # get all projects where end was reached already, and send mails for the ones where status was put to NOT by admins approved_notHappened = Project.objects.filter(status = 'NOT')\ .exclude(end_mail_send = False)\ .filter(mail_state = 'INF') html_mail_template = get_template('input/if_not_of_project_approved.html') txt_mail_template = get_template('input/if_not_of_project_approved.txt') txt_informMail_template = get_template('input/if_end_of_project_orginformed.txt') html_informMail_template = get_template('input/if_end_of_project_orginformed.html') # send the mail to, which would be the mail of the volunteer that filled out the form for project in approved_notHappened: context = {'project': project} context['URLPREFIX'] = settings.URLPREFIX try: subject, from_email, to = 'Projektende erreicht', IF_EMAIL, text_content = txt_mail_template.render(context) html_content = html_mail_template.render(context) msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to]) msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") msg.send() #print('if not of project approved end mail would have been sent') #send_mail('Projektende erreicht', # mail_template.render(context), # IF_EMAIL, # [], # fail_silently=False) inform_subject, inform_from_email, inform_to = 'Projektorganisator*in wurde informiert', IF_EMAIL, IF_EMAIL inform_text_content = txt_informMail_template.render(context) inform_html_content = html_informMail_template.render(context) inform_msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(inform_subject, inform_text_content, inform_from_email, [inform_to]) inform_msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html") inform_msg.send() #print('if not of project approved end mail orginformed would have been sent') #send_mail('Projektorganisator*in wurde informiert', # informMail_template.render(context), # IF_EMAIL, # [IF_EMAIL], # fail_silently=False) project.mail_state = 'END' except BadHeaderError: self.stdout.write('Invalid header found.')) self.stdout.write('notHappened_of_projects_approved() executed.')) def surveymails_to_object(self, supported, name='', type='LIB'): mytype=type myname = name for item in supported: if type == 'LIB': mytype = item.type elif type not in ('MAIL','VIS','LIST'): myname = getattr(item, name, 'ERROR: NONAME') print(f'name gefunden: {myname}') self.survey_link(, type=mytype, pid=f'{mytype}{}', name=myname, realname=item.realname) item.survey_mail_send = True item.survey_mail_date = self.stdout.write('surveymails for object type {type} sent')) ''' TODO: there could be some more removing of duplicated code in the following functions ''' def surveymails_to_lib(self): '''get all library objects which where granted two weeks ago''' supported = Library.objects.filter(granted=True)\ .filter(granted_date__lt = - timedelta(days=14))\ .exclude(survey_mail_send=True)\ .exclude(mail_state = 'END') self.surveymails_to_object(supported,name='library') def surveymails_to_hon(self): '''get all HonoraryCertificate objects which where granted two weeks ago''' supported = HonoraryCertificate.objects.filter(granted=True)\ .filter(granted_date__lt = - timedelta(days=14))\ .exclude(survey_mail_send=True)\ .exclude(mail_state = 'END') self.surveymails_to_object(supported, type='HON', name='project') def surveymails_to_ifg(self): '''get all IFG objects which where granted two weeks ago''' supported = IFG.objects.filter(granted=True)\ .filter(granted_date__lt = - timedelta(days=14))\ .exclude(survey_mail_send=True)\ .exclude(mail_state = 'END') self.surveymails_to_object(supported, type='IFG', name='url') def surveymails_to_lit(self): '''get all Litearure objects which where granted two weeks ago''' supported = Literature.objects.filter(granted=True)\ .filter(granted_date__lt = - timedelta(days=14))\ .exclude(survey_mail_send=True)\ .exclude(mail_state = 'END') self.surveymails_to_object(supported, type='LIT', name='info') def surveymails_to_project(self): '''send survey link 4 weeks after end of project reached''' supported = Project.objects.filter(granted=True)\ .filter(end__lt = - timedelta(days=28))\ .exclude(survey_mail_send=True)\ .exclude(mail_state = 'END') self.surveymails_to_object(supported, type='PRO', name='name') def surveymails_to_travel(self): '''send survey link 3 weeks after end of project reached''' supported = Travel.objects.filter(project__granted=True)\ .filter(project__end__lt = - timedelta(days=21))\ .exclude(survey_mail_send=True)\ .exclude(mail_state = 'END') self.surveymails_to_object(supported, type='TRAV', name='project') def surveymails_to_mail_vis_lis(self): '''send survey link 2 weeks after mailadresss, mailinglist or businesscards are granted''' lastdate = - timedelta(days=14) typefield = ('MAIL','VIS','LIST') count = 0 for c in ('Email', 'BusinessCard', 'List'): # get class via string supported = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], c).objects.filter(granted=True)\ .filter(granted_date__lt = lastdate)\ .exclude(survey_mail_send=True)\ .exclude(mail_state = 'END') self.surveymails_to_object(supported, type=typefield[count]) count += 1 def handle(self, *args, **options): '''the main function which is called by the custom command''' self.end_of_projects_reached() self.end_of_projects_approved() self.notHappened_of_projects_approved() self.surveymails_to_lib() self.surveymails_to_hon() self.surveymails_to_ifg() self.surveymails_to_lit() self.surveymails_to_project() self.surveymails_to_travel() self.surveymails_to_mail_vis_lis() self.stdout.write('sendmails custom command executed'))