forked from beba/foerderbarometer
182 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable File
182 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable File
from django.db import models
from django.forms import ModelForm, DateField, ChoiceField, RadioSelect, BooleanField
from django.contrib.admin.widgets import AdminDateWidget
from django.utils.html import format_html
from .models import Project, Volunteer, ConcreteVolunteer, Extern, ConcreteExtern, IFG, Library, TYPE_CHOICES,\
HonoraryCertificate, Travel, Email, Literature, List,\
class FdbForm(ModelForm):
'''this base class provides the required css class for all forms'''
required_css_class = 'required'
class ProjectForm(FdbForm):
# start = DateField(widget=AdminDateWidget())
class Meta:
model = Project
exclude = ('pid', 'project_of_year', 'finance_id','granted', 'granted_date', 'realname', 'email',\
'end_mail_send', 'status', 'persons', 'survey_mail_date', 'mail_state')
widgets = {'start': AdminDateWidget(),
'end': AdminDateWidget(),}
class Media:
js = ('dropdown/js/otrs_link.js',)
class ExternForm(FdbForm):
choice = ChoiceField(choices=TYPE_CHOICES.items(), widget=RadioSelect,
label='Was möchtest Du beantragen?')
check = BooleanField(required=True,
label=format_html("Ich stimme den <a href='{}' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Datenschutzbestimmungen</a> und den <a href='{}' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Förderrichtlinen</a> zu",
class Meta:
model = ConcreteExtern
exclude = ('username', 'granted', 'granted_date', 'survey_mail_send', 'service_id', 'survey_mail_date', 'mail_state')
INTERN_CHOICES = {'PRO': 'Projektsteckbrief',
'HON': 'Ehrenamtsbescheinigung, Akkreditierung oder Redaktionsbestätigung',
'TRAV': 'Reisekostenerstattung'}
class InternForm(FdbForm):
choice = ChoiceField(choices = INTERN_CHOICES.items(), widget=RadioSelect,
label = 'Was möchtest Du eingeben?')
class Meta:
model = ConcreteVolunteer
exclude = ('granted', 'granted_date', 'survey_mail_send', 'survey_mail_date', 'mail_state')
HOTEL_CHOICES = {'TRUE': format_html('Hotelzimmer benötigt'),
'FALSE': format_html('Kein Hotelzimmer benötigt')
class TravelForm(FdbForm):
# TODO: add some javascript to show/hide other-field
# this is the code, to change required to false if needed
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['project_name'].required = True
self.fields['transport'].required = True
self.fields['travelcost'].required = True
self.fields['checkin'].required = True
self.fields['checkout'].required = True
self.fields['hotel'].required = True
class Meta:
model = Travel
exclude = ('granted', 'granted_date', 'survey_mail_send', 'realname', 'email', 'survey_mail_date', 'project', 'request_url', 'payed_for_hotel_by', 'payed_for_travel_by', 'intern_notes', 'mail_state' )
widgets = {'checkin': AdminDateWidget(),
'checkout': AdminDateWidget(),}
fields = ['project_name', 'transport', 'travelcost', 'checkin', 'checkout', 'hotel', 'notes']
hotel = ChoiceField(label='Hotelzimmer benötigt:', choices=HOTEL_CHOICES.items(), widget=RadioSelect())
class Media:
js = ('dropdown/js/otrs_link.js',)
css = {
'all': ('css/dateFieldNoNowShortcutInTravels.css',)
class LibraryForm(FdbForm):
class Meta:
model = Library
fields = ['cost', 'library', 'duration', 'notes', 'survey_mail_send']
exclude = ['intern_notes', 'survey_mail_send', 'mail_state']
class HonoraryCertificateForm(FdbForm):
class Meta:
model = HonoraryCertificate
fields = ['request_url', 'project']
exclude = ['intern_notes']
class Media:
js = ('dropdown/js/otrs_link.js',)
class IFGForm(FdbForm):
class Meta:
model = IFG
fields = ['cost', 'url', 'notes']
exclude = ['intern_notes', 'survey_mail_send', 'mail_state']
class CheckForm(FdbForm):
"""Baseclass for all classes which need a check for Nutzungsbedingungen"""
check = BooleanField(required=True,
label=format_html("Ich stimme den <a href='{}'>Nutzungsbedingungen</a> zu",
class LiteratureForm(CheckForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['selfbuy_give_data'].required = True
class Meta:
model = Literature
fields = ['cost', 'info', 'source', 'notes', 'selfbuy', 'selfbuy_data', 'selfbuy_give_data']
exclude = ['intern_notes', 'survey_mail_send', 'mail_state']
class Media:
js = ('dropdown/js/literature.js',)
ADULT_CHOICES = {'TRUE': format_html('Ich bin volljährig.'),
'FALSE': format_html('Ich bin noch nicht volljährig.')
class EmailForm(CheckForm):
# this is the code, to change required to false if needed
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['adult'].required = True
self.fields['other'].required = True
adult = ChoiceField(label='Volljährigkeit', choices=ADULT_CHOICES.items(), widget=RadioSelect())
# TODO: add some javascript to show/hide other-field
class Meta:
model = Email
fields = ['domain', 'address', 'other', 'adult']
exclude = ['intern_notes', 'survey_mail_send', 'mail_state']
class Media:
js = ('dropdown/js/mail.js',)
class BusinessCardForm(CheckForm):
# this is the code, to change required to false if needed
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['url_of_pic'].required = True
self.fields['send_data_to_print'].required = True
class Meta:
model = BusinessCard
exclude = ['intern_notes', 'survey_mail_send', 'mail_state']
fields = ['project', 'data', 'variant', 'url_of_pic', 'send_data_to_print', 'sent_to']
class Media:
js = ('dropdown/js/businessCard.js',)
class ListForm(CheckForm):
class Meta:
model = List
fields = ['domain', 'address']
exclude = ['intern_notes', 'survey_mail_send','mail_state']