# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from openerp import models, fields, api, _ class res_company(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.company' user_own_theme = fields.Boolean('Allow users to change an interface theme through preferences',default=True) custom_email_footer = fields.Char(string='Footer Text',translate=True, help=""" Some marketing info attached to all emails: e.g. website instead of standard 'sent by ... using Odoo' Leave it empty to send emails without footers at all. You may use html tags here, including urls. """) footer_link = fields.Char(string='Object Link in Footer',translate=True, help=""" A link to the object where this email comes form: use it instead of standard 'access directly ...'' Leave it empty no to add url at all Put here text in a format 'Some text * Some Text'. E.g. 'Access * ' which would be translated in 'Access Lead Super'. Be cautious: do not remove *. Otherwise, link would not be added to emails. """) class res_users(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.users' def __init__(self, pool, cr): init_res = super(res_users, self).__init__(pool, cr) self.SELF_WRITEABLE_FIELDS = list(self.SELF_WRITEABLE_FIELDS) self.SELF_WRITEABLE_FIELDS.extend(['company_color_theme']) return init_res def get_default_theme(self): themes = self.env['colors.customization.theme'].search([('default_for_new_users','=',True)]) if themes and len(themes) > 0: return themes[0].id else: return themes company_color_theme = fields.Many2one('colors.customization.theme', string="Interface theme",default=get_default_theme) user_own_theme = fields.Boolean(related='company_id.user_own_theme')