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2016-09-08 10:59:56 +00:00
# Class: limesurvey::extract
# ===========================
# Manages downloadn and extraction from limesurvey.org
# Parameters
# ----------
# * `sample parameter`
# Explanation of what this parameter affects and what it defaults to.
# Examples
# --------
# @example
# class { 'limesurvey::extract':
# }
# Authors
# -------
# Author Name <markus@martiablog.de>
# Copyright
# ---------
# Copyright 2016, unless otherwise noted.
class limesurvey::extract (
String $archive_path = $limesurvey::archive_path,
String $download_url = $limesurvey::download_url,
String $extract_path = $limesurvey::extract_path,
String $install_path = $limesurvey::install_path,
String $runtime_dir_mode = $limesurvey::runtime_dir_mode,
String $www_group = $limesurvey::www_group,
String $www_user = $limesurvey::www_user,
) {
file { $install_path:
ensure => directory,
owner => $www_user,
group => $www_group,
archive { $archive_path:
ensure => present,
extract => true,
extract_path => $extract_path,
source => $download_url,
creates => "${install_path}/tmp",
user => $www_user,
group => $www_group,
require => File[$install_path],
file { "${install_path}/tmp/runtime/":
ensure => directory,
mode => $runtime_dir_mode,
require => File[$install_path],