# Class: limesurvey::extract # =========================== # # Manages downloadn and extraction from limesurvey.org # # Parameters # ---------- # # * `sample parameter` # Explanation of what this parameter affects and what it defaults to. # # Examples # -------- # # @example # class { 'limesurvey::extract': # } # # Authors # ------- # # Author Name # # Copyright # --------- # # Copyright 2016, unless otherwise noted. # class limesurvey::extract ( String $archive_path = $limesurvey::archive_path, String $download_url = $limesurvey::download_url, String $extract_path = $limesurvey::extract_path, String $install_path = $limesurvey::install_path, String $runtime_dir_mode = $limesurvey::runtime_dir_mode, String $www_group = $limesurvey::www_group, String $www_user = $limesurvey::www_user, ) { file { $install_path: ensure => directory, owner => $www_user, group => $www_group, } archive { $archive_path: ensure => present, extract => true, extract_path => $extract_path, source => $download_url, creates => "${install_path}/tmp", user => $www_user, group => $www_group, require => File[$install_path], } file { "${install_path}/tmp/runtime/": ensure => directory, mode => $runtime_dir_mode, require => File[$install_path], } }