
119 lines
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# Class: limesurvey
# ===========================
# Manages the installation and configuration of Limesurvey
# Optionally with MySQL and Apache2/PHP
# Parameters
# ----------
# * `archive_path`
# Name of path to extract to
# * `dir_name`
# Name of directory to extract to
# * `install_path`
# Combination of archive_path and dir_name
# * `download_url`
# Where to download the limesurey code from.
# Note: They seem to change that quite often. Be aware.
# * `extract_path`
# Target folder path to extract archive
# * `runtime_dir_mode`
# Mode of the limesurey runtime directory. Default is 0766,
# * `www_user
# Which owner to set to the limesurver directory
# * `www_group`
# Which group to set to the limesurver directory
# * `manage_database`
# To enable custom database code
# * `manage_webserver`
# To enable custom webserver code
# * `manage_php`
# To enable custom PHP code
# Examples
# --------
# @example
# class { 'limesurvey':
# dbname => 'limesurvey',
# dbpassword => 'foobar',
# dbuser => 'lemongrab',
# sql_root_password => 'foobar',
# www_user => 'www-data',
# www_group => 'www-data',
# manage_webserver => false,
# manage_database => true,
# manage_php => true,
# }
# Authors
# -------
# Author Name <markus@martiablog.de>
# Copyright
# ---------
# Copyright 2016, unless otherwise noted.
class limesurvey (
String $archive_path,
String $dir_name,
String $download_url,
String $extract_path,
String $file_name,
String $runtime_dir_mode,
String $www_group,
String $www_user,
Boolean $manage_database,
Boolean $manage_webserver,
Boolean $manage_php,
Optional[String] $dbhost,
Optional[String] $dbname,
Optional[String] $dbpassword,
Optional[String] $dbuser,
Optional[String] $sql_root_password,
Optional[String] $vhost_name,
Optional[String] $vhost_port,
Optional[String] $mpm_module,
Optional[Hash] $php_packages,
String $database_class = 'limesurvey::database',
String $webserver_class = 'limesurvey::webserver',
String $php_class = 'limesurvey::php',
String $install_path = "${extract_path}${dir_name}",
String $vhost_docroot = $install_path,
) {
contain 'limesurvey::extract'
if $manage_database {
contain $database_class
if $manage_webserver {
contain $webserver_class
if $manage_php {
contain $php_class