# Class: piwik # =========================== # # Full description of class piwik here. # # Parameters # ---------- # # Document parameters here. # # * `sample parameter` # Explanation of what this parameter affects and what it defaults to. # e.g. "Specify one or more upstream ntp servers as an array." # # Variables # ---------- # # Here you should define a list of variables that this module would require. # # * `sample variable` # Explanation of how this variable affects the function of this class and if # it has a default. e.g. "The parameter enc_ntp_servers must be set by the # External Node Classifier as a comma separated list of hostnames." (Note, # global variables should be avoided in favor of class parameters as # of Puppet 2.6.) # # Examples # -------- # # @example # class { 'piwik': # servers => [ 'pool.ntp.org', 'ntp.local.company.com' ], # } # # Authors # ------- # # Author Name # # Copyright # --------- # # Copyright 2018 Your name here, unless otherwise noted. # class wmdeit_piwik( $source = "https://builds.matomo.org/piwik.zip", $domain, $localnginx = true, $localsql = true, $piwikdbuser = "piwik", $piwikdbpassword = "piwik", ) inherits wmdeit_piwik::params { if $localnginx { $fpm_listen = "/tmp/fpm" $fpm_type ="unix:" } service { "$phpfpm_service": ensure => running, require => Package[$packages], subscribe => [Package[$packages],File[$phpfpm_cfg]] } file{"$phpfpm_cfg": ensure => present, content => template ("wmdeit_piwik/php-fpm.conf.erb"), } package { $packages: ensure => installed, require => File["$wwwdir"] } file { "$wwwdir": ensure => directory, } file { "$sourcezip": source => $source, ensure => 'present' } exec {"unzip": command => "$unzipcmd -q $sourcezip && chown -R $wwwuser $wwwdir/piwik", cwd => "$wwwdir", require => [ Package[$packages], File[$sourcezip], File[$wwwdir], ], creates => "$wwwdir/piwik", } if $localnginx { class {"nginx": worker_connections => 4096, multi_accept => 'on', events_use => "$eventmech", server_tokens => 'off', fastcgi_cache_path => "/var/cache/nginx", } nginx::resource::server { "${domain}_http": listen_port => 80, ensure => present, access_log => "off", error_log => "off", server_name => ["$domain"], server_cfg_append => { "return" => '301 https://$server_name$request_uri' } } nginx::resource::server { "$domain": listen_port => 443, ensure => present, www_root => "$wwwdir/piwik", access_log => "off", error_log => "off", ssl_cert => "$ssldir/certs/wikimedia.de.chained.pem", ssl_key => "$ssldir/private/wikimedia.de.key", ssl => true, server_cfg_append => { "ssl_session_cache" => "shared:SSL:10m", # " ssl_session_timeout" => "10m;" } #include => ["/usr/local/etc/nginx/apps/piwik/piwik.conf"], } file {"$cache_dir": ensure => "directory", owner => "$wwwuser" } nginx::resource::location { "${domain}_x2": ensure => present, server => "$domain", ssl => true, ssl_only => true, www_root => "$wwwdir/piwik/", location => '~* ^.+\.(?:css|gif|html?|jpe?g|js|png|swf)$', location_cfg_append=> { open_file_cache => "max=500 inactive=120s", open_file_cache_valid =>"45s", open_file_cache_min_uses => "2", open_file_cache_errors => "off", }, expires => "max", } nginx::resource::location { "${domain}_root": ensure => present, server => "$domain", ssl => true, ssl_only => true, www_root => "$wwwdir/piwik/", location => '~ \.php$', index_files => ['index.php', 'index.html', 'index.htm'], proxy => undef, fastcgi => "$fpm_type$fpm_listen", fastcgi_script => undef, # location_cfg_append => { # fastcgi_connect_timeout => '3m', # fastcgi_read_timeout => '3m', # fastcgi_send_timeout => '3m', # fastcgi_cache_valid => "404 1m", # fastcgi_cache_valid => "200 301 5m", # # } } } if $localsql { class {"mysql::server": override_options => { mysqld => { 'innodb_buffer_pool_size' => '2147483648' } } } mysql::db { 'piwikdb': user => "$piwikdbuser", password => "$piwikdbpassword", host => 'localhost', grant => ['ALL'], } } }