
19 lines
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2019-05-06 09:40:59 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from openerp.tools.translate import _
class hr_timesheet_line(osv.osv):
_inherit = "hr.analytic.timesheet"
# Add a column for ldap modifications records
_columns = {
'for_ldap_modification': fields.boolean('For Ldap Modification'),
# def _check(self, cr, uid, ids):
# for att in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
# # print"for ldap,sheet id----",att.for_ldap_modification,att.sheet_id
# if att.sheet_id and att.sheet_id.state not in ('draft', 'new') and not att.for_ldap_modification:#do not give a warning for ldap modify records
# raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _('You cannot modify an entry in a confirmed timesheet.'))
# return True