openerp.itis_hr_attendance_extend = function (instance) { var QWeb = instance.web.qweb; var _t = instance.web._t; var _lt = instance.web._lt; var actionManager = instance.web.ActionManager; instance.hr_attendance.AttendanceSlider.include({ do_update_attendance: function() { var self = this; this.$el.hide(); var employee = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(self, 'hr.employee', self.session.user_context, [ ['user_id', '=', self.session.uid] ]); employee.read_slice(['id', 'name', 'state', 'last_sign', 'attendance_access']).then(function (res) { if (_.isEmpty(res) ) return; if (res[0].attendance_access === false){ return; } self.$; self.employee = res[0]; self.last_sign = instance.web.str_to_datetime(self.employee.last_sign); self.set({"signed_in": self.employee.state !== "absent"}); if(self.employee.state !== "absent"){ self.do_sign_out(); }else{ self.do_sign_in(); } }); }, do_sign_in: function () { var self = this; var sign_in_obj = new instance.web.DataSet(self, '');'create', [{ 'analytic_account_id': false }]).done(function(result){ console.log("idddd',",result); self.temp_wizard_id = result; var action = { type: 'ir.actions.act_window', res_model: '', view_mode: 'form', view_type: 'form', res_id: result, views: [[false, 'form']], target: 'new', } var act_ = new actionManager().do_action(action, { on_close: function() { self.read_values(); }, }); }); }, read_values: function (){ var self = this; console.log('thssiss',this.temp_wizard_id); var sign_in_obj = new instance.web.DataSet(self, '');"do_entry_timesheet", [[this.temp_wizard_id]]).done(function(result){ console.log('reeeeee',result); if(result){ self.super_do_update_attendance(result); } }); }, super_do_update_attendance: function (timesheet_id) { var self = this; var context = new instance.web.CompoundContext(); context.add({'timesheet_id': timesheet_id}) var hr_employee = new instance.web.DataSet(self, 'hr.employee');'attendance_action_change', [ [], context ]).done(function (result) { self.last_sign = new Date(); self.set({"timesheet_id": timesheet_id}) self.set({"signed_in": ! self.get("signed_in")}); }); }, do_sign_out: function(){ var self = this; var ts_obj = new instance.web.DataSet(self, "hr.analytic.timesheet"); var timesheet_id = self.get("timesheet_id"); console.log("self.last_sign",self.last_sign);"update_hours", [[timesheet_id], self.last_sign]).done(function (result){ console.log("rrrrr",result); if(result){ self.super_do_update_attendance(timesheet_id); } }); }, }); instance.hr_timesheet_sheet.WeeklyTimesheet.include({ init_add_account: function() { var self = this; if (self.dfm) return; console.log("In my customize-------") self.$(".oe_timesheet_weekly_add_row").show(); self.dfm = new instance.web.form.DefaultFieldManager(self); self.dfm.extend_field_desc({ account: { relation: "account.analytic.account", }, service_desc:{ relation: "service.description", }, }); // Add a logic to add comment and service description fields self.service_desc_m2o = new instance.web.form.FieldMany2One(self.dfm, { attrs: { name: "service_desc", type: "many2one", placeholder: _t("Select Service Description"), }, }); self.service_desc_m2o.prependTo(self.$(".oe_timesheet_weekly_add_row_service")); self.comment_char = new instance.web.form.FieldText(self.dfm, { attrs: { name: "emp_comment", type: "char", placeholder: _t("Add comment"), }, }); self.comment_char.prependTo(self.$(".oe_timesheet_weekly_add_row_comment")); // END self.account_m2o = new instance.web.form.FieldMany2One(self.dfm, { attrs: { name: "account", type: "many2one", domain: [ ['type','in',['normal', 'contract']], ['state', '<>', 'close'], ['use_timesheets','=',1], ['id', 'not in', _.pluck(self.accounts, "account")], ], context: { default_use_timesheets: 1, default_type: "contract", }, modifiers: '{"required": true}', }, }); self.account_m2o.prependTo(self.$(".oe_timesheet_weekly_add_row_account")); self.$(".oe_timesheet_weekly_add_row button").click(function() { var id = self.account_m2o.get_value(); var service_desc_id = self.service_desc_m2o.get_value(); var comment = self.comment_char.get_value(); if (id === false) { self.dfm.set({display_invalid_fields: true}); return; } var ops = self.generate_o2m_value(); new instance.web.Model("hr.analytic.timesheet").call("multi_on_change_account_id", [[], [id], new instance.web.CompoundContext({'user_id': self.get('user_id')})]).then(function(res) { res = res[id]; var def = _.extend({}, self.default_get, res.value, { name: self.description_line, unit_amount: 0, date: instance.web.date_to_str(self.dates[0]), account_id: id, emp_comment: comment, service_desc_id : service_desc_id, }); ops.push(def); self.set({"sheets": ops}); }); }); }, initialize_content: function(){ var self = this; var sheet_id =; // Add a logic to get the holiday dates from the python function new instance.web.Model("").call("get_holiday_date").then(function(results){ = results; }); if(sheet_id){ new instance.web.Model("planned.hours").call("search_read", [[['sheet_id', '=', sheet_id]], ['sheet_date', 'duration']]).then(function(results){ results.sort(self.dynamicSort("sheet_date")); self.planned_hours = results; }); }else{ self.planned_hours = []; } this._super(); // new instance.web.Model("hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet").call("get_analytic_timesheet_data",[[sheet_id]]).then(function(results){ // console.log("RESULT-------",results) // self.analytic_timesheet_data = results; // }); }, dynamicSort: function(property){ var sortOrder = 1; if(property[0] === "-"){ sortOrder = -1; property = property.substr(1); } return function(a,b){ var result = (a[property] < b[property]) ? -1 : (a[property] > b[property]) ? 1 : 0; return result * sortOrder; } }, display_data: function(){ var self = this; this._super(); var tot = 0.0; var self = this; var day_tots =, function() { return 0 }); var super_tot = 0; _.each(self.accounts, function(account) { var acc_tot = 0; _.each(_.range(self.dates.length), function(day_count) { var sum = self.sum_box(account, day_count); acc_tot += sum; day_tots[day_count] += sum; super_tot += sum; }); }); var count = 0; _.each(this.planned_hours, function(pln_hrs){ var overtime = day_tots[count]-pln_hrs.duration; tot += pln_hrs.duration; self.$('[data-pln-dt="' + pln_hrs.sheet_date + '"]').html(self.format_client(pln_hrs.duration)); self.$('[data-ovr-tm="' + pln_hrs.sheet_date + '"]').html(self.format_client(overtime)); count += 1; }); var tot_ovr_tm = super_tot - tot; self.$('.oe_ph_hrs_total').html(self.format_client(tot)); self.$('.oe_ovr_tm_total').html(self.format_client(tot_ovr_tm)); } }); instance.web.form.FieldFloat.include({ render_value: function(){ if(this.options.from_itis){ cur_val = this.get_value(); var trf_lgt = this.$el.find(".itis_traffic_light"); if(trf_lgt.length === 0){ this.$el.append("") } if(cur_val <= 20.0 && cur_val >= -20.0){ this.$el.find(".itis_traffic_light").html("
"); } if((cur_val > 20.0 && cur_val < 39.99) || (cur_val >= -39.99 && cur_val < -20.0)){ this.$el.find(".itis_traffic_light").html("
"); } if(cur_val > 39.99 || cur_val < -39.99){ this.$el.find(".itis_traffic_light").html("
"); } } this._super(); } }); };