# # # bundle agent postfix(cfg) { vars: freebsd:: "pkgs" slist => { "postfix-sasl", }; "db_dir" string => "/var/db"; "service_name" string => "postfix"; "cfg_dir" string => "/usr/local/etc/postfix"; "master_cf" string => "/usr/local/etc/postfix/master.cf"; "main_cf" string => "/usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf"; "mailer_conf" string => "/usr/local/etc/mail/mailer.conf"; "mail_group" string => "maildrop"; "daemon_dir" string => "/usr/local/libexec/postfix"; "queue_dir" string => "/var/spool/postfix"; "bin_dir" string => "/usr/local/bin"; "sbin_dir" string => "/usr/local/sbin"; "user" string => "postfix"; "group" string => "wheel"; "mail_owner" string => "postfix"; debian:: "pkgs" slist => { "postfix", "postfix-mysql" }; "service_name" string => "postfix"; "cfg_dir" string => "/etc/postfix"; "master_cf" string => "/etc/postfix/master.cf"; "main_cf" string => "/etc/postfix/main.cf"; "mailer_conf" string => "/usr/local/etc/mail/mailer.conf"; "mail_group" string => "postdrop"; "daemon_dir" string => "/usr/lib/postfix/sbin"; "bin_dir" string => "/usr/bin"; "sbin_dir" string => "/usr/sbin"; "queue_dir" string => "/var/spool/postfix"; "db_dir" string => "/var/db"; "user" string => "postfix"; "group" string => "postfix"; "mail_owner" string => "postfix"; "postmap_cmd" string => "/usr/sbin/postmap"; centos:: "pkgs" slist => { "postfix", "postfix-mysql" }; "service_name" string => "postfix"; "cfg_dir" string => "/etc/postfix"; "master_cf" string => "/etc/postfix/master.cf"; "main_cf" string => "/etc/postfix/main.cf"; "mailer_conf" string => "/usr/local/etc/mail/mailer.conf"; "mail_group" string => "postdrop"; "daemon_dir" string => "/usr/libexec/postfix/"; "bin_dir" string => "/usr/bin"; "sbin_dir" string => "/usr/sbin"; "queue_dir" string => "/var/spool/postfix"; "db_dir" string => "/var/db"; "user" string => "postfix"; "group" string => "postfix"; "mail_owner" string => "postfix"; "postmap_cmd" string => "/usr/sbin/postmap"; any:: "data_dir" string => "$(db_dir)/postfix"; "maps_dir" string => "$(cfg_dir)/maps"; users: debian:: "$(postfix.user)" policy => "present", groups_secondary => { "mail","sasl" }, classes => if_repaired(postfix_repaired); methods: # "any" usebundle => wmde_install_packages(@(pkgs),"postfix"); "any" usebundle => install_postfix_pkgs; "any" usebundle => wmde_service("$(service_name)","postfix_kept","postfix_repaired"), depends_on => { "postfix_pkgs_installed", "postfix_master_cfg_ready", "postfix_main_cfg_ready" }; files: "$(postfix.cfg_dir)/." create => "true", perms => m(755); "$(maps_dir)/." create => "true", perms => m("755"); "$(postfix.db_dir)/." create => "true", perms => mog("755","root","root"), handle => "postfix_db_dir_created"; "$(postfix.data_dir)/." create => "true", depends_on => {"postfix_db_dir_created"}, perms => mog("750","$(postfix.user)","$(postfix.group)"); "$(postfix.main_cf)" classes => if_repaired(postfix_repaired), create => "true", perms => m("644"), template_method => "mustache", handle => "postfix_main_cfg_ready", depends_on => {"postfix_pkgs_installed"}, edit_template => "$(sys.workdir)/inputs/$(def.wmde_libdir)/templates/postfix-main.cf.mustache"; vars: "master_cf_content" string => string_mustache( readfile("$(sys.workdir)/inputs/$(def.wmde_libdir)/templates/postfix-master.cf.mustache") ), handle => "master_cf_content_ready"; files: "$(postfix.master_cf)" create => "true", depends_on => {"postfix_pkgs_installed","master_cf_content_ready"}, handle => "postfix_master_cfg_ready", perms => m("644"), classes => if_repaired(postfix_repaired), # content => "$(master_cf_content)"; content => regex_replace("$(master_cf_content)", "\\\\dollar", "$", "g"); # "$(postfix.master_cf)" # create => "true", # template_method => "mustache", # depends_on => {"postfix_pkgs_installed"}, # handle => "postfix_master_cfg_ready", # classes => if_repaired(postfix_repaired), # edit_template => "$(sys.workdir)/inputs/$(def.wmde_libdir)/templates/postfix-master.cf.mustache"; reports: } bundle agent install_postfix { services: "$(postfix.service_name)" depends_on => {"postfix_installed"}, service_policy => "start", handle => "postfix_running"; "postfix_changed":: "$(postfix.service_name)" service_policy => "restart", depends_on => {"postfix_installed","postfix_running"}; packages: freebsd:: "$(postfix.pkgs)" policy => "present", package_module => pkg, classes => if_repaired(postfix_changed), handle=>"postfix_installed"; debian:: "$(postfix.pkgs)" policy => "present", package_module => apt_get, classes => if_repaired(postfix_changed), handle=>"postfix_installed"; #perms => uperm("$(postfix.user)","$(postfix.group)","750"); reports: "postfix_installed":: "Postfix was installed"; } body perms m_rxdirs_on(mode) { inherit_from => m( $(mode) ); rxdirs => "true"; } bundle agent postfix_vimbadmin_sql(cfg) { vars: "file[virtual_alias_maps]" string =>"query = SELECT goto FROM alias WHERE address = '%s' AND active = '1'"; "file[virtual_domains_maps]" string => "query = SELECT domain FROM domain WHERE domain = '%s' AND backupmx = '0' AND active = '1'"; "file[virtual_mailbox_maps]" string => "query = SELECT maildir FROM mailbox WHERE username = '%s' AND active = '1'"; # "file[relay_domains]" string => "query = SELECT domain FROM domain WHERE domain = '%s' AND backupmx = '0' AND active = '1'"; # "file[relay_recipient_maps]" string => "query = SELECT maildir FROM mailbox WHERE username = '%s' AND active = '1'"; "idx" slist => getindices("file"); "maps_dir" string => "$(postfix.cfg_dir)/maps"; "$(idx)" string => "$(maps_dir)/$(idx).sql"; files: "$(maps_dir)/." create => "true", perms => m("755"); "$(maps_dir)/$(idx).sql" create=>"true", perms=>m("644"), content=>" user = $(cfg[db_user]) password = $(cfg[db_pass]) hosts = $(cfg[db_host]) dbname = $(cfg[db_name]) $(file[$(idx)]) "; reports: } bundle agent postfix_copy_tsv(src_dir,dst_dir,file) { classes: "run_postmap" expression => fileexists("$(dst_dir)/$(file).db"); files: "$(dst_dir)/$(file).tsv" copy_from => sync_cp("$(src_dir)/$(file).tsv","$(sys.policy_hub)"), classes => if_repaired(run_postmap); #"postfix_$(file)_changed"); commands: run_postmap:: "$(postfix.postmap_cmd)" args => "$(dst_dir)/$(file).tsv"; reports: } # # Install postfix pacgages as they come from repos # This sould also create the postfix user # bundle agent install_postfix_pkgs { methods: "any" usebundle => wmde_install_packages(@(postfix.pkgs),"postfix"); }