Driving forward open science

The Open Science Fellows Program, which was founded in 2016 by Wikimedia Deutschland and the Stifterverband, continued to a second round in 2017. It links young scientists with experts who pass on the theoretical and practical foundations of taking the open approach to science. The second year of the program saw the addition of the VolkswagenStiftung as an important partner, allowing us to double the number of supported fellows compared to the pilot round from 10 to 20.

The supported projects cover a wide range of fields from Islamic science to neuroscience and climate research. The practice of research work focuses firstly on transparency: Processes and collections of data are documented and freely accessible. Secondly, it is about fostering an exchange with communities beyond academic fields. The “Ring a Scientist” project, for example, creates a link between researchers and schools. Teachers use an Internet-based platform to arrange video conferences with scientists and, for example, allow students to take part in a live experiment that can only be carried out in a specially equipped lab. Students can experience scientific work being done in an entirely new way.

The second round of the program ends in June 2018 with a public event where the fellows will present their projects and results. 2018 will again see up to 20 young scientists supported by the Open Science Fellows Program.

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Looking back at 2017