Racoon template for transport

This commit is contained in:
7u83 2019-11-21 22:12:07 +00:00
parent f10493cade
commit 0fa26d8ed1
1 changed files with 32 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# remote $title
remote <%= @remote_ip %> {
exchange_mode main;
proposal {
encryption_algorithm <%= @encryption.join(",") %>;
hash_algorithm <%= @hash %>;
dh_group <%= @dh_group %>;
lifetime time <%= @lifetime %> sec;
authentication_method pre_shared_key;
# generate_policy on;
<%- @salifetime = @lifetime ? @lifetime : "3600 " %>
<%- @saencryption = @encryption ? @encryption : @encryption %>
<%- @pfs_group = @pfs_group ? @pfs_group : @dh_group %>
<%- @port = 'any' -%>
sainfo address <%= @local_ip %> <%= @proto %> address <%= @remote_ip %> <%= @proto %>
pfs_group <%= @pfs_group %>;
encryption_algorithm <%= @encryption.join(",") %>;
<%- @komma="" -%>
authentication_algorithm <%- @p2hash.each do |hmalgo| -%><%=@komma -%>hmac_<%= hmalgo -%> <%- @komma=',' -%> <%- end -%>;
compression_algorithm deflate;
lifetime time <%= @lifetime %> sec;