2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
< ? php
$Id $
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager ( http :// www . sourceforge . net / projects / lam )
Copyright ( C ) 2003 Tilo Lutz
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager functions used by account . php
// This class keeps all needed values for any account
class account {
// Type : user | group | host
var $type ;
// General Settings
var $general_objectClass ; // Array, contains old objectclasses of loaded account
var $general_username ; // string Username, Hostname or Groupname
var $general_uidNumber ; // string UIDNumber(user|host) GIDNumber(group) only natural numbers allowed
var $general_surname ; // string Surname (user)
var $general_givenname ; // string Givenname (user)
var $general_dn ; // string DN
var $general_group ; // string Primary group (user|host)
var $general_groupadd ; // array(string) Addititional Groups (user) is member of
var $general_homedir ; // atring Homedirectoy (user) For host it's hardcoded to/dev/null
var $general_shell ; // array(string) list off all valid shells (user) hosts are hard-wired to /bin/false
var $general_gecos ; // string, gecos-field (user|group|host)
// Unix Password Settings
var $unix_memberUid ; // array Stores all users which are member of group but is not primary group (group)
var $unix_password ; // string for unix-password (user|host)
var $unix_password_no ; // string (0|1) set unix-password to none (user|host)
var $unix_pwdwarn ; // string number of days a user is warned before password expires (user|host) value must be a natural number (user|host)
var $unix_pwdallowlogin ; // string number of days a user can login even his password has expired (user) muste be a natural number or 0 or -1 (user|host)
var $unix_pwdmaxage ; // string Number of days after a user has to change his password again Value must be 0<. (user|host)
var $unix_pwdminage ; // string Number of days a user has to wait until he\'s allowed to change his password again. Value must be 0<. (user|host)
var $unix_pwdexpire ; // string days since 1.1.1970 the account expires (user|host)
var $unix_deactivated ; // string (1|0) account deactivated? (user|host)
var $unix_shadowLastChange ; // string, contains the days since 1.1.1970 the password has been changed last time (user|host)
var $unix_host ; // list of unix hosts the user is allowed to log in
// Samba Account
var $smb_password ; // string for samba-password (user|host)
var $smb_useunixpwd ; // string (1|0) use unix-password as samba-password (user|host)
var $smb_pwdcanchange ; // string unix-timestamp user/host is able to change password (user|host)
var $smb_pwdmustchange ; // string unix-timestamp user/host has to change password at next login (user|host)
var $smb_homedrive ; // string Homedrive (C:, D:, ...) (user)
var $smb_scriptPath ; // string ScriptPath (\\server\loginscript) (user)
var $smb_profilePath ; // string profilePAth (\\server\profilepath) (user)
var $smb_smbuserworkstations ; // string comma-separated list of workstations (user)
var $smb_smbhome ; // string Home-Share (\\server\home) (user)
var $smb_domain ; // string Domain of (user|host) or samba3domain-Object
var $smb_flags ; // array of acctFlags, ( {'W'] => 0, ['X'] => 1, ......
var $smb_mapgroup ; // decimal ID for groups
var $smb_displayName ; // string, description, similar to gecos-field.
// Quota Settins
var $quota ; /* array [][] First array is an index for every chare with active quotas
* second array Contains values for every share :
* mountpoint , used blocks , soft block limit , hard block limit , grace block period , used inodes ,
* soft inode limit , hard inode limit , grace inode period
// Personal Settings
var $personal_title ; // string title of user
var $personal_mail ; // string mailaddress of user
var $personal_telephoneNumber ; // string telephonenumber of user
var $personal_mobileTelephoneNumber ; // string mobile umber of user
var $personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber ; // strinf fax-number of user
var $personal_street ; // stirng streetname of user
var $personal_postalCode ; // string postal code of user
var $personal_postalAddress ; // string postal Address of user
var $personal_employeeType ; // string employe type of user
/* Return a list of all shells listed in ../ config / shells
* Normally ../ config / shells is a symbolic link to / etc / shells
function getshells () {
// Load shells from file
$shells = file ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . 'config/shells' );
$i = 0 ;
while ( count ( $shells ) > $i ) {
// remove whitespaces
trim ( $shells [ $i ]);
// remove lineend
$shells [ $i ] = substr ( $shells [ $i ], 0 , strpos ( $shells [ $i ], " \n " ));
// remove comments
if ( $shells [ $i ]{ 0 } == '#' ) unset ( $shells [ $i ]);
else $i ++ ;
// $shells is array with all valid shells
return $shells ;
/* This function will replace umlates with ascci - chars
* fixme ***
* In order to map all non - ascii characters this function should be changed
function replace_umlaut ( $text ) {
$aTranslate = array ( " <EFBFBD> " => " ae " , " <EFBFBD> " => " Ae " ,
" <EFBFBD> " => " oe " , " <EFBFBD> " => " Oe " ,
" <EFBFBD> " => " ue " , " <EFBFBD> " => " Ue " ,
" <EFBFBD> " => " ss "
return strtr ( $text , $aTranslate );
/* This function will return all values from $array without values of $values
* $values , $array and $return are arrays
function array_delete ( $values , $array ) {
// Loop for every entry and check if it should be removed
if ( is_array ( $array )) {
$return = array ();
foreach ( $array as $array_value )
if ( !@ in_array ( $array_value , $values ))
$return [] = $array_value ;
return $return ;
else return array ();
// This function will return a password with max. 8 characters
function genpasswd () {
// Allowed Characters to generate passwords
// I'Ve removed characters like l and 1 because they are too similar
$LCase = 'abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz' ;
$Integer = '23456789' ;
define ( " LEN " , '1' );
$a = RndInt ( 'letter' );
$b = RndInt ( 'letter' );
$c = RndInt ( 'letter' );
$d = RndInt ( 'letter' );
$e = RndInt ( 'number' );
$f = RndInt ( 'number' );
$g = RndInt ( 'letter' );
$h = RndInt ( 'letter' );
$L1 = substr ( $LCase , $a , LEN );
$L2 = substr ( $LCase , $b , LEN );
$L3 = substr ( $LCase , $h , LEN );
$U1 = substr ( $UCase , $c , LEN );
$U2 = substr ( $UCase , $d , LEN );
$U3 = substr ( $UCase , $g , LEN );
$I1 = substr ( $Integer , $e , LEN );
$I2 = substr ( $Integer , $f , LEN );
$PW = $L1 . $U2 . $I1 . $L2 . $I2 . $U1 . $U3 . $L3 ;
return $PW ;
function RndInt ( $Format ){
switch ( $Format ){
case 'letter' :
$Rnd = rand ( 0 , 23 );
if ( $Rnd > 23 ){
$Rnd = $Rnd - 1 ;
break ;
case 'number' :
$Rnd = rand ( 2 , 9 );
if ( $Rnd > 8 ){
$Rnd = $Rnd - 1 ;
break ;
return $Rnd ;
} // END RndInt() FUNCTION
/* Whis function will return the quotas from the specified user If empty only filesystems with enabled quotas are returned
* $users = array of account objects . , return - value is an array of account objects
* if $users is account object return values is also an account object
* An array with all quota - enabled partitions will be returned in this case all returned values are 0 exept mointpoint [ x ][ 0 ]
function getquotas ( $users ) {
// define new object
if ( is_array ( $users )) $return = $users ;
else $return [ 0 ] = $users ;
// get username and password of the current lam-admin
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$ldap_q = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt_login ();
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
/* $towrite has the following syntax :
* admin - username , admin - password , account with quotas , 'quota' , operation = 'get' , type = user | group
* use escapeshellarg to make exec () shell - safe
$towrite = escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer ) . " " . escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptPath ) . " " .
escapeshellarg ( $ldap_q [ 0 ]) . ' ' . escapeshellarg ( $ldap_q [ 1 ]);
/* scriptServer is the IP to remote - host to which lam should connect via ssh
* scriptPath is Path to lamdaemon . pl on remote system
if ( is_array ( $return )) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $return ); $i ++ )
// put string to trasmit together
if ( $return [ $i ] -> general_username != '' ) $userstring .= $return [ $i ] -> general_username . " quota get " . $return [ $i ] -> type . " \n " ;
else $userstring .= " + quota get " . $return [ $i ] -> type . " \n " ;
if ( function_exists ( proc_open )) {
// New Code, requires PHP 4.3
$descriptorspec = array (
0 => array ( " pipe " , " r " ), // stdin
1 => array ( " pipe " , " w " ), // stout
2 => array ( " file " , " /dev/null " , " a " ) // sterr
$process = proc_open ( escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . " lib/lamdaemon.pl " ) . " " . $towrite ,
$descriptorspec ,
$pipes );
if ( is_resource ( $process )) {
/* perl - script is running
* $pipes [ 0 ] is writeable handle to child stdin
* $pipes [ 1 ] is readable handle to child stdout
* any error is send to / dev / null
// Write one output-line for every user
fwrite ( $pipes [ 0 ], $userstring );
fclose ( $pipes [ 0 ]);
while ( ! feof ( $pipes [ 1 ])) {
$output = fgets ( $pipes [ 1 ], 1024 );
if ( $output != '' ) $output_array [] = $output ;
fclose ( $pipes [ 1 ]);
proc_close ( $process );
else { // PHP 4.3>
$command = escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . " lib/lamdaemon.pl " ) . " " . $towrite ;
$pipe = popen ( " echo \" $userstring\ " | $command " , 'r');
while ( ! feof ( $pipe )) {
//$output .= fread($pipe, 1024);
$output = fgets ( $pipe , 1024 );
if ( $output != '' ) $output_array [] = $output ;
pclose ( $pipe );
/* $vals is a string which contains a two dimensional array .
* We have to recreate it with explode
* $return -> quota [][] First array is an index for every chare with active quotas
* second array Contains values for every share :
* mountpoint , used blocks , soft block limit , hard block limit , grace block period , used inodes ,
* soft inode limit , hard inode limit , grace inode period
if ( is_array ( $output_array )) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $return ); $i ++ ) {
$all_quota = explode ( ':' , $output_array [ $i ]);
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < sizeof ( $all_quota ) - 1 ; $j ++ ) {
$single_quota = explode ( ',' , $all_quota [ $j ]);
// unset not existing quotas from account-object
// collect all existing mountpoints in array
$real_quotas [] = $single_quota [ 0 ];
for ( $k = 0 ; $k < sizeof ( $single_quota ); $k ++ )
$return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ][ $k ] = $single_quota [ $k ];
if ( $return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ][ 4 ] < time ()) $return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ][ 4 ] = '' ;
else $return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ][ 4 ] = strval ( intval (( $return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ][ 4 ] - time ()) / 3600 )) . ' ' . _ ( 'hours' );
if ( $return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ][ 8 ] < time ()) $return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ][ 8 ] = '' ;
else $return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ][ 8 ] = strval ( intval (( $return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ][ 8 ] - time ()) / 3600 )) . ' ' . _ ( 'hours' );
$j = 0 ;
while ( isset ( $return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ][ 0 ]))
// remove invalid quotas
if ( ! in_array ( $return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ][ 0 ], $real_quotas )) unset ( $return [ $i ] -> quota [ $j ]);
else $j ++ ;
// Beautify array, repair index
if ( is_array ( $return [ $i ] -> quota )) $return [ $i ] -> quota = array_values ( $return [ $i ] -> quota );
if ( is_array ( $users )) return $return ;
else return $return [ 0 ];
else {
return $users ;
/* Whis function will set the quotas from the specified user .
* $values2 = array of object account with quotas which should be set
* $values2 can also be an account object
function setquotas ( $values2 ) {
// get username and password of the current lam-admin
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$ldap_q = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt_login ();
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
/* $towrite has the following syntax :
* admin - username , admin - password , account with quotas , 'quota' , operation = 'set' , type = user | group
* use escapeshellarg to make exec () shell - safe
$towrite = escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer ) . " " . escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptPath ) . " " .
escapeshellarg ( $ldap_q [ 0 ]) . ' ' . escapeshellarg ( $ldap_q [ 1 ]);
/* Check wich quotas have changed
* Because we can not send an array to lamdaemon . pl we have to put all
* values in a string . ':' sepraeates the first array , ',' the second
* $values -> quota [][] First array is an index for every chare with active quotas
* second array Contains values for every share :
* mountpoint , used blocks , soft block limit , hard block limit , grace block period , used inodes ,
* soft inode limit , hard inode limit , grace inode period
* run only once if no array is given
if ( is_array ( $values2 )) {
foreach ( $values2 as $values ) {
$i = 0 ;
while ( $values -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ]) {
$quotastring = $quotastring . $values -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ] . ',' . $values -> quota [ $i ][ 2 ] . ',' . $values -> quota [ $i ][ 3 ]
. ',' . $values -> quota [ $i ][ 6 ] . ',' . $values -> quota [ $i ][ 7 ] . ':' ;
$i ++ ;
$userstring .= $values -> general_username . " quota set " . $values -> type . " " . $quotastring . " \n " ;
else {
$i = 0 ;
while ( $values2 -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ]) {
$quotastring = $quotastring . $values2 -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ] . ',' . $values2 -> quota [ $i ][ 2 ] . ',' . $values2 -> quota [ $i ][ 3 ]
. ',' . $values2 -> quota [ $i ][ 6 ] . ',' . $values2 -> quota [ $i ][ 7 ] . ':' ;
$i ++ ;
$userstring = $values2 -> general_username . " quota set " . $values2 -> type . " " . $quotastring . " \n " ;
if ( function_exists ( proc_open )) {
// New Code, requires PHP 4.3
$descriptorspec = array (
0 => array ( " pipe " , " r " ), // stdin
1 => array ( " pipe " , " w " ), // stout
2 => array ( " file " , " /dev/null " , " a " ) // sterr
$process = proc_open ( escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . " lib/lamdaemon.pl " ) . " " . $towrite ,
$descriptorspec ,
$pipes );
if ( is_resource ( $process )) {
/* perl - script is running
* $pipes [ 0 ] is writeable handle to child stdin
* $pipes [ 1 ] is readable handle to child stdout
* any error is send to / dev / null
// Write to stdin
fwrite ( $pipes [ 0 ], $userstring );
fclose ( $pipes [ 0 ]);
while ( ! feof ( $pipes [ 1 ])) {
$output = fgets ( $pipes [ 1 ], 1024 );
if ( $output != '' ) $output_array [] = $output ;
fclose ( $pipes [ 1 ]);
proc_close ( $process );
else { // PHP 4.3>
$command = escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . " lib/lamdaemon.pl " ) . " " . $towrite ;
$pipe = popen ( " echo \" $userstring\ " | $command " , 'r');
while ( ! feof ( $pipe )) {
//$output .= fread($pipe, 1024);
$output = fgets ( $pipe , 1024 );
if ( $output != '' ) $output_array [] = $output ;
pclose ( $pipe );
if ( is_array ( $values2 )) return $output_array ;
else return $output_array [ 0 ];
/* Whis function will remove the quotas from the specified user .
* $users = array of usernames of which quta should be deleted
* $users can also be a string ( single user )
* $type = user or group
* Delteing quotas means settings all values to 0 which means no quotas
function remquotas ( $users , $type ) {
// get username and password of the current lam-admin
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$ldap_q = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt_login ();
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
/* $towrite has the following syntax :
* admin - username , admin - password , account with quotas , 'quota' , operation = 'rem' , type = user | group
* use escapeshellarg to make exec () shell - safe
$towrite = escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer ) . " " . escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptPath ) . " " .
escapeshellarg ( $ldap_q [ 0 ]) . ' ' . escapeshellarg ( $ldap_q [ 1 ]);
if ( is_array ( $users )) {
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
$userstring .= " $user quota rem $type\n " ;
else $userstring = " $users quota rem $type\n " ;
if ( function_exists ( proc_open )) {
// New Code, requires PHP 4.3
$descriptorspec = array (
0 => array ( " pipe " , " r " ), // stdin
1 => array ( " pipe " , " w " ), // stout
2 => array ( " file " , " /dev/null " , " a " ) // sterr
$process = proc_open ( escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . " lib/lamdaemon.pl " ) . " " . $towrite ,
$descriptorspec ,
$pipes );
if ( is_resource ( $process )) {
/* perl - script is running
* $pipes [ 0 ] is writeable handle to child stdin
* $pipes [ 1 ] is readable handle to child stdout
* any error is send to / dev / null
// Write to stdin
fwrite ( $pipes [ 0 ], $userstring );
fclose ( $pipes [ 0 ]);
while ( ! feof ( $pipes [ 1 ])) {
$output = fgets ( $pipes [ 1 ], 1024 );
if ( $output != '' ) $output_array [] = $output ;
fclose ( $pipes [ 1 ]);
proc_close ( $process );
else { // PHP 4.3>
$command = escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . " lib/lamdaemon.pl " ) . " " . $towrite ;
$pipe = popen ( " echo \" $userstring\ " | $command " , 'r');
while ( ! feof ( $pipe )) {
//$output .= fread($pipe, 1024);
$output = fgets ( $pipe , 1024 );
if ( $output != '' ) $output_array [] = $output ;
pclose ( $pipe );
if ( is_array ( $values2 )) return $output_array ;
else return $output_array [ 0 ];
/* Create Homedirectory
* lamdaemon . pl uses getpwnam on remote system to get homedir path .
* Therefore ldap have to be used on remote system for user accounts
* $users = array of usernames
* $users can also be a string ( single user )
function addhomedir ( $users ) {
// get username and password of the current lam-admin
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$ldap_q = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt_login ();
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
/* $towrite has the following syntax :
* admin - username , admin - password , owner of homedir , 'home' , operation = 'add'
* use escapeshellarg to make exec () shell - safe
$towrite = escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer ) . " " . escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptPath ) . " " .
escapeshellarg ( $ldap_q [ 0 ]) . ' ' . escapeshellarg ( $ldap_q [ 1 ]);
if ( is_array ( $users )) {
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
$userstring .= " $user home add \n " ;
else $userstring = " $users home add \n " ;
if ( function_exists ( proc_open )) {
// New Code, requires PHP 4.3
$descriptorspec = array (
0 => array ( " pipe " , " r " ), // stdin
1 => array ( " pipe " , " w " ), // stout
2 => array ( " file " , " /dev/null " , " a " ) // sterr
$process = proc_open ( escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . " lib/lamdaemon.pl " ) . " " . $towrite ,
$descriptorspec ,
$pipes );
if ( is_resource ( $process )) {
/* perl - script is running
* $pipes [ 0 ] is writeable handle to child stdin
* $pipes [ 1 ] is readable handle to child stdout
* any error is send to / dev / null
// Write to stdin
fwrite ( $pipes [ 0 ], $userstring );
fclose ( $pipes [ 0 ]);
while ( ! feof ( $pipes [ 1 ])) {
$output = fgets ( $pipes [ 1 ], 1024 );
if ( $output != '' ) $output_array [] = $output ;
fclose ( $pipes [ 1 ]);
proc_close ( $process );
else { // PHP 4.3>
$command = escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . " lib/lamdaemon.pl " ) . " " . $towrite ;
$pipe = popen ( " echo \" $userstring\ " | $command " , 'r');
while ( ! feof ( $pipe )) {
//$output .= fread($pipe, 1024);
$output = fgets ( $pipe , 1024 );
if ( $output != '' ) $output_array [] = $output ;
pclose ( $pipe );
if ( is_array ( $values2 )) return $output_array ;
else return $output_array [ 0 ];
/* Remove Homedirectory
* lamdaemon . pl uses getpwnam on remote system to get homedir path .
* Therefore ldap have to be used on remote system for user accounts
* This also means you have to remove the homedirectory before the
* account is removed from ldap
* $users = array of usernames
* $users can also be a string ( single user )
function remhomedir ( $users ) {
// get username and password of the current lam-admin
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$ldap_q = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt_login ();
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
/* $towrite has the following syntax :
* admin - username , admin - password , owner of homedir , 'home' , operation = 'add'
* use escapeshellarg to make exec () shell - safe
$towrite = escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer ) . " " . escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptPath ) . " " .
escapeshellarg ( $ldap_q [ 0 ]) . ' ' . escapeshellarg ( $ldap_q [ 1 ]);
if ( is_array ( $users )) {
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
$userstring .= " $user home rem \n " ;
else $userstring = " $users home rem \n " ;
if ( function_exists ( proc_open )) {
// New Code, requires PHP 4.3
$descriptorspec = array (
0 => array ( " pipe " , " r " ), // stdin
1 => array ( " pipe " , " w " ), // stout
2 => array ( " file " , " /dev/null " , " a " ) // sterr
$process = proc_open ( escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . " lib/lamdaemon.pl " ) . " " . $towrite ,
$descriptorspec ,
$pipes );
if ( is_resource ( $process )) {
/* perl - script is running
* $pipes [ 0 ] is writeable handle to child stdin
* $pipes [ 1 ] is readable handle to child stdout
* any error is send to / dev / null
// Write to stdin
fwrite ( $pipes [ 0 ], $userstring );
fclose ( $pipes [ 0 ]);
while ( ! feof ( $pipes [ 1 ])) {
$output = fgets ( $pipes [ 1 ], 1024 );
if ( $output != '' ) $output_array [] = $output ;
fclose ( $pipes [ 1 ]);
proc_close ( $process );
else { // PHP 4.3>
$command = escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . " lib/lamdaemon.pl " ) . " " . $towrite ;
$pipe = popen ( " echo \" $userstring\ " | $command " , 'r');
while ( ! feof ( $pipe )) {
//$output .= fread($pipe, 1024);
$output = fgets ( $pipe , 1024 );
if ( $output != '' ) $output_array [] = $output ;
pclose ( $pipe );
if ( is_array ( $values2 )) return $output_array ;
else return $output_array [ 0 ];
/* This function maintains the ldap - cache which is used to reduce ldap requests
* If the array is older than $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_cacheTimeoutSec () it will
* be recreated
* $type can be user | group | host .
* $_SESSION [ 'xxxxDN' ] contains all attributes which are needed very often from
* more than one function
* $_SESSION [ 'xxxx' DN ' ][ 0 ] contains the creation time of the array as unix timestamp .
* All other entries have the following syntax :
* $_SESSION [ 'xxxx' DN ' ][ $dn ][ $attributes ]
* $dn = DN of cached entry
* $attributes = All cached attributes of DN
* The cache contains the following attributes :
* user : cn , uidNumber
* group : cn , gidNumber
* host : cn , uidNumber
function ldapreload ( $type ) {
switch ( $type ) {
case 'user' :
// Do we have to recreate array?
if (( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ 'userDN' ])) || ( $_SESSION [ 'userDN' ][ 0 ] < time () - $ _SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_cacheTimeoutSec ())) {
// Remove old array
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'userDN' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'userDN' ]);
// insert timestamp in array
$_SESSION [ 'userDN' ][ 0 ] = time ();
// Search 4 values which should be cached
$result = @ ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_UserSuffix (),
2004-03-13 13:44:55 +00:00
'(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(!(uid=*$)))' , array ( 'uid' , 'uidNumber' ), 0 );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// Write search result in array
$entry = @ ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
while ( $entry ) {
$dn = ( ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry ));
$attr = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
2004-03-13 13:44:55 +00:00
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'uid' ][ 0 ]))
$_SESSION [ 'userDN' ][ $dn ][ 'uid' ] = $attr [ 'uid' ][ 0 ];
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'uidNumber' ][ 0 ]))
$_SESSION [ 'userDN' ][ $dn ][ 'uidNumber' ] = $attr [ 'uidNumber' ][ 0 ];
$entry = ldap_next_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
break ;
case 'group' :
// Do we have to recreate array?
if (( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ])) || ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ 0 ] < time () - $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_cacheTimeoutSec ())) {
// Remove old array
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ]);
// insert timestamp in array
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ 0 ] = time ();
// Search 4 values which should be cached
$result = @ ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_GroupSuffix (),
'objectClass=posixGroup' , array ( 'gidNumber' , 'cn' , 'memberUid' , 'sambaSID' ), 0 );
// Write search result in array
$entry = @ ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
while ( $entry ) {
$dn = ( ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry ));
$attr = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'gidNumber' ][ 0 ]))
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'uidNumber' ] = $attr [ 'gidNumber' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'cn' ][ 0 ]))
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'cn' ] = $attr [ 'cn' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaSID' ][ 0 ]))
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'sambaSID' ] = $attr [ 'sambaSID' ][ 0 ];
$i = 0 ;
while ( isset ( $attr [ 'memberUid' ][ $i ])) {
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][ $i ] = $attr [ 'memberUid' ][ $i ];
$i ++ ;
$entry = ldap_next_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
break ;
case 'host' :
// Do we have to recreate array?
if (( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ])) || ( $_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ][ 0 ] < time () - $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_cacheTimeoutSec ())) {
// Remove old array
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ]);
// insert timestamp in array
$_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ][ 0 ] = time ();
// Search 4 values which should be cached
$result = @ ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_HostSuffix (),
2004-03-13 13:44:55 +00:00
'(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=*$))' , array ( 'uid' , 'uidNumber' ), 0 );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// Write search result in array
$entry = @ ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
while ( $entry ) {
$dn = ( ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry ));
$attr = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
2004-03-13 13:44:55 +00:00
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'uid' ][ 0 ]))
$_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ][ $dn ][ 'uid' ] = $attr [ 'uid' ][ 0 ];
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'uidNumber' ][ 0 ]))
$_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ][ $dn ][ 'uidNumber' ] = $attr [ 'uidNumber' ][ 0 ];
$entry = ldap_next_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
break ;
return 0 ;
/* This function will search in cache if the DN already exists
* $values is an account - object
* $values_old is an account - object
* $values_old is needed because we don ' t want to raise
* an error if the DN allredy exists but is the original DN
function ldapexists ( $values , $values_old = false ) {
switch ( $values -> type ) {
case 'user' :
// Validate cache-array
ldapreload ( 'user' );
// Entry which we search in ldap ',' is needed to ensure the complete username is checked
$search = 'uid=' . $values -> general_username . ',' ;
// Get copy of cache-array
$keys = array_keys ( $_SESSION [ 'userDN' ]);
break ;
case 'group' :
// Validate cache-array
ldapreload ( 'group' );
// Entry which we search in ldap ',' is needed to ensure the complete username is checked
$search = 'cn=' . $values -> general_username . ',' ;
// Get copy of cache-array and
$keys = array_keys ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ]);
break ;
case 'host' :
// Validate cache-array
ldapreload ( 'host' );
// Entry which we search in ldap ',' is needed to ensure the complete username is checked
$search = 'uid=' . $values -> general_username . ',' ;
// Get copy of cache-array
$keys = array_keys ( $_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ]);
break ;
// Remove timestamp stored in [0]
unset ( $keys [ 0 ]);
$keys = array_values ( $keys );
if ( ! $values_old ) {
// Create new account
// Check if entry allready exists
foreach ( $keys as $key )
if ( strstr ( $key , $search )) return sprintf ( _ ( '%s already exists!' ), $values -> type );
// edit existing account and don't create a new one
else if ( $values_old -> general_username != $values -> general_username ) {
foreach ( $keys as $key )
if ( strstr ( $key , $search )) return sprintf ( _ ( '%s already exists!' ), $values -> type );
return 0 ;
/* This function will return an array with all groupnames
* found in ldap . Groupnames are taken from cache - array .
function findgroups () {
// Validate cache-array
ldapreload ( 'group' );
// Get copy of cache-array
$groups = $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ];
// Remove timestamp stored in [0]
unset ( $groups [ 0 ]);
// Create and sort array
foreach ( $groups as $group ) {
$return [] = $group [ 'cn' ];
if ( is_array ( $return )) sort ( $return , SORT_STRING );
return $return ;
/* This function will return the gidNumber to an existing groupname
* gidNumbers are taken from cache - array
function getgid ( $groupname ) {
// Validate cache-array
ldapreload ( 'group' );
// Get copy of cache-array
$keys = $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ];
// Remove timestamp stored in [0]
unset ( $keys [ 0 ]);
// Return gidNumber as soon as it's found
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
if ( $key [ 'cn' ] == $groupname ) return $key [ 'uidNumber' ];
// return -1 if groupname isn't found
return - 1 ;
/* This function will return the groupname to an existing gidNumber
* groupnames are taken from cache - array
function getgrnam ( $gidNumber ) {
// Validate cache-array
ldapreload ( 'group' );
// Get copy of cache-array
$groupDN_local = $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ];
// Remove timestamp stored in [0]
unset ( $groupDN_local [ 0 ]);
// Now we only have an array with DNs
$groupDN_local = array_keys ( $groupDN_local );
$i = 0 ;
// Loop until we've found the right uidNumber
while ( ! isset ( $return ) && isset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $groupDN_local [ $i ]][ 'uidNumber' ])) {
if ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $groupDN_local [ $i ]][ 'uidNumber' ] == $gidNumber ) {
// We've found the correct entry. Now we need the groupname
$return = $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $groupDN_local [ $i ]][ 'cn' ];
// Increase loop-variable if entry wasn't found
else $i ++ ;
// Set $return to -1 if no group was found
if ( ! isset ( $return )) $return = - 1 ;
return $return ;
/* This function will return an unuesed id - number if $values -> general_uidNumber is not set and $values_old is false
* If values_old is true and $values -> general_uidNumber is not set the original id - number is returned
* If $values -> general_uidNumber is set id - number is checked . If it ' s allready in use an error will be reported
* id - numbers are taken from cache - array
* $values and $values_old are account objects
* Return - Values is an integer id - number or an string - error
function checkid ( $values , $values_old = false ) {
switch ( $values -> type ) {
case 'group' :
// Validate cache-array
ldapreload ( 'group' );
// Load all needed variables from session
$minID = intval ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_MinGID ());
$maxID = intval ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_MaxGID ());
// Get copy of cache-array
$temp = $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ];
break ;
case 'user' :
/* Validate cache - array
* Because users and hosts are using the same id - numbers we have to merge
* both cache - arrays
ldapreload ( 'user' );
ldapreload ( 'host' );
// Load all needed variables from session
$minID = intval ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_minUID ());
$maxID = intval ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_maxUID ());
// load and merge arrays
$temp = $_SESSION [ 'userDN' ];
// Remove timestamp stored in [0]
unset ( $temp [ 0 ]);
// put only uidNumbers in array
foreach ( $temp as $key ) $uids [] = $key [ 'uidNumber' ];
$temp = $_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ];
break ;
case 'host' :
/* Validate cache - array
* Because users and hosts are using the same id - numbers we have to merge
* both cache - arrays
ldapreload ( 'user' );
ldapreload ( 'host' );
// Load all needed variables from session
$minID = intval ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_minMachine ());
$maxID = intval ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_maxMachine ());
// load and merge arrays
$temp = $_SESSION [ 'userDN' ];
// Remove timestamp stored in [0]
unset ( $temp [ 0 ]);
// put only uidNumbers in array
foreach ( $temp as $key ) $uids [] = $key [ 'uidNumber' ];
$temp = $_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ];
break ;
// Remove timestamp stored in [0]
unset ( $temp [ 0 ]);
// put only uidNumbers in array. Put only uids in array witch are smaller than maxID
foreach ( $temp as $key ) if ( $key [ 'uidNumber' ] < $maxID ) $uids [] = $key [ 'uidNumber' ];
// sort array with uids
if ( is_array ( $uids )) sort ( $uids , SORT_NUMERIC );
if ( $values -> general_uidNumber == '' ) {
// No id-number given
if ( ! isset ( $values_old -> general_uidNumber )) {
// new account -> we have to find a free id-number
if ( count ( $uids ) != 0 ) {
// There are some uids
// Store highest id-number
$id = $uids [ count ( $uids ) - 1 ];
// Return minimum allowed id-number if all found id-numbers are too low
if ( $id < $minID ) return implode ( ':' , array ( $minID , '' ));
// Return higesht used id-number + 1 if it's still in valid range
if ( $id < $maxID ) return implode ( ':' , array ( $id + 1 , '' ));
/* If this function is still running we have to fid a free id - number between
* the used id - numbers
$i = intval ( $minID );
while ( in_array ( $i , $uids )) $i ++ ;
if ( $i > $maxID ) return implode ( ':' , array ( $values -> general_uidNumber , implode ( ';' , array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'ID-Number' ), _ ( 'No free ID-Number!' )))));
else return implode ( ':' , array ( $i , implode ( ';' , array ( 'WARN' , _ ( 'ID-Number' ), _ ( 'It is possible that this ID-number is reused. This can cause several problems because files with old permissions might still exist. To avoid this warning set maxUID to a higher value.' )))));
else return implode ( ':' , array ( $minID , '' ));
// return minimum allowed id-number if no id-numbers are found
else return implode ( ':' , array ( $values_old -> general_uidNumber , '' ));
// old account -> return id-number which has been used
else {
// Check manual ID
// id-number is out of valid range
if ( $values -> general_uidNumber < $minID || $values -> general_uidNumber > $maxID ) return implode ( ':' , array ( $values -> general_uidNumber , implode ( ';' , array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'ID-Number' ), sprintf ( _ ( 'Please enter a value between %s and %s!' ), $minID , $maxID )))));
// $uids is allways an array but not if no entries were found
if ( is_array ( $uids )) {
// id-number is in use and account is a new account
if (( in_array ( $values -> general_uidNumber , $uids )) && ! $values_old ) return implode ( ':' , array ( $values -> general_uidNumber , implode ( ';' , array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'ID-Number' ), _ ( 'ID is already in use' )))));
// id-number is in use, account is existing account and id-number is not used by itself
if (( in_array ( $values -> general_uidNumber , $uids )) && $values_old && ( $values_old -> general_uidNumber != $values -> general_uidNumber ) )
return implode ( ':' , array ( $values_old -> general_uidNumber , implode ( ';' , array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'ID-Number' ), _ ( 'ID is already in use' )))));
// return id-number if everything is OK
return implode ( ':' , array ( $values -> general_uidNumber , '' ));
// This function will return the days from 1.1.1970 until now
function getdays () {
$days = time () / 86400 ;
settype ( $days , 'integer' );
return $days ;
/* This function creates all attributes stored in attrFlags . It ' s the same
* syntax used in smbpasswd
* $values is an array of samba flags as defined in account object
* Return value is a string
function smbflag ( $input ) {
// Start character
$flag = " [ " ;
// Add Options
if ( $input [ 'W' ]) $flag .= " W " ; else $flag .= " U " ;
if ( $input [ 'D' ]) $flag .= " D " ;
if ( $input [ 'X' ]) $flag .= " X " ;
if ( $input [ 'N' ]) $flag .= " N " ;
if ( $input [ 'S' ]) $flag .= " S " ;
if ( $input [ 'H' ]) $flag .= " H " ;
// Expand string to fixed length
$flag = str_pad ( $flag , 12 );
// End character
$flag = $flag . " ] " ;
return $flag ;
/* This function will load all needed values from an existing user account
* $dns is an array of dns ( string ) of the users which should be loaded
* return - value is an array of account - objects
* $dns can also be an string . Then return - value is a single string too
function loaduser ( $dns ) {
// Load userattributes from ldap
//$result = ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $dn, "objectclass=PosixAccount");
// Get uid=$user from DN
// Put ldapsearch together
if ( is_array ( $dns )) {
foreach ( $dns as $dn )
$uids [] = substr ( $dn , 0 , strpos ( $dn , ',' ));
$search = " (| " ;
foreach ( $uids as $uid ) $search .= " ( $uid ) " ;
$search .= " ) " ;
else $search = substr ( $dns , 0 , strpos ( $dns , ',' ));
/* if string is langer then 1024 characters we have to search for all users and
* output only the selcted users because searchfilter would be too big
if ( strlen ( $search ) < 1024 ) $result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_UserSuffix (), $search );
else $result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_UserSuffix (), " uid=* " );
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
// store smb_domain as samba3domain-Object
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) $samba3domains = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> search_domains ( $_SESSION [ config ] -> get_domainSuffix ());
// loop for every found user
$i = 0 ;
while ( $entry ) {
// Only load user if it should be loaded
if ( is_array ( $dns )) {
if ( in_array ( ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry ), $dns )) $continue = true ;
else $continue = false ;
else $continue = true ;
if ( $continue ) {
// Create new object
$return [ $i ] = new account ();
// Set type of account
$return [ $i ] -> type = 'user' ;
// Set user samba flag
$return [ $i ] -> smb_flags [ 'W' ] = false ;
$return [ $i ] -> general_dn = ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
$attr = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
/* Write attributes into $return .
* Some values don ' t have to be set . These are only loaded if they are set
$return [ $i ] -> general_username = $attr [ 'uid' ][ 0 ];
$return [ $i ] -> general_uidNumber = $attr [ 'uidNumber' ][ 0 ];
$return [ $i ] -> general_homedir = $attr [ 'homeDirectory' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'shadowLastChange' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> unix_shadowLastChange = $attr [ 'shadowLastChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'loginShell' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> general_shell = $attr [ 'loginShell' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'gecos' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> general_gecos = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'gecos' ][ 0 ]);
// get groupname
$return [ $i ] -> general_group = getgrnam ( $attr [ 'gidNumber' ][ 0 ]);
// get all additional groupmemberships
// Load groups in cache
ldapreload ( 'group' );
foreach ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ] as $group ) {
if ( is_array ( $group [ 'memberUid' ]))
if ( in_array ( $return [ $i ] -> general_username , $group [ 'memberUid' ])) $return [ $i ] -> general_groupadd [] = $group [ 'cn' ];
/* Write attributes into $return .
* Some values don ' t have to be set . These are only loaded if they are set
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'shadowMin' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> unix_pwdminage = $attr [ 'shadowMin' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'shadowMax' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> unix_pwdmaxage = $attr [ 'shadowMax' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'shadowWarning' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> unix_pwdwarn = $attr [ 'shadowWarning' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'shadowInactive' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> unix_pwdallowlogin = $attr [ 'shadowInactive' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'shadowExpire' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> unix_pwdexpire = $attr [ 'shadowExpire' ][ 0 ] * 86400 ;
// load hosts attributes if set
$j = 0 ;
while ( isset ( $attr [ 'host' ][ $j ])) {
if ( $j == 0 ) $return [ $i ] -> unix_host = $attr [ 'host' ][ $j ];
else $return [ $i ] -> unix_host = $return [ $i ] -> unix_host . ', ' . $attr [ 'host' ][ $j ];
$j ++ ;
2004-03-09 10:40:52 +00:00
// fix misspelled object classes
$j = 0 ;
while ( isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ])) {
if ( strtolower ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ]) == " inetorgperson " ) $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ] = " inetOrgPerson " ;
else if ( strtolower ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ]) == " posixaccount " ) $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ] = " posixAccount " ;
else if ( strtolower ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ]) == " sambaaccount " ) $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ] = " sambaAccount " ;
else if ( strtolower ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ]) == " sambasamaccount " ) $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ] = " sambaSamAccount " ;
else if ( strtolower ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ]) == " shadowaccount " ) $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ] = " shadowAccount " ;
$j ++ ;
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// load objectclasses
$j = 0 ;
while ( isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ])) {
$return [ $i ] -> general_objectClass [ $j ] = $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ];
$j ++ ;
// load personal settings
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'givenName' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> general_givenname = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'givenName' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sn' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> general_surname = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'sn' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'title' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> personal_title = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'title' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'mail' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> personal_mail = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'mail' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'telephoneNumber' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> personal_telephoneNumber = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'telephoneNumber' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'mobileTelephoneNumber' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'mobileTelephoneNumber' ][ 0 ]);
else if ( isset ( $attr [ 'mobile' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'mobile' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'facsimileTelephoneNumber' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'facsimileTelephoneNumber' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'street' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> personal_street = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'street' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'postalCode' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> personal_postalCode = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'postalCode' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'postalAddress' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> personal_postalAddress = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'postalAddress' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'employeeType' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> personal_employeeType = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'employeeType' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'userPassword' ][ 0 ])) {
$return [ $i ] -> unix_password = $attr [ 'userPassword' ][ 0 ];
$return [ $i ] -> unix_deactivated =! pwd_is_enabled ( $attr [ 'userPassword' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'displayName' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_displayName = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'displayName' ][ 0 ]);
// sambaSamAccount (Samba3) is used.
if ( in_array ( 'sambaSamAccount' , $attr [ 'objectClass' ])) {
/* Write attributes into $return .
* Some values don ' t have to be set . These are only loaded if they are set
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ])) {
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'D' )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_flags [ 'D' ] = true ;
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'X' )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_flags [ 'X' ] = true ;
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'N' )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_flags [ 'N' ] = true ;
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'S' )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_flags [ 'S' ] = true ;
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'H' )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_flags [ 'H' ] = true ;
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_pwdcanchange = $attr [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_pwdmustchange = $attr [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaHomePath' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_smbhome = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'sambaHomePath' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_homedrive = $attr [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaLogonScript' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_scriptPath = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'sambaLogonScript' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaProfilePath' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_profilePath = $attr [ 'sambaProfilePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_smbuserworkstations = $attr [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaNTPassword' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_password = $attr [ 'sambaNTPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ][ 0 ])) {
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) {
$j = 0 ;
while ( ! isset ( $return [ $i ] -> smb_domain ) && ( count ( $samba3domains ) > $j )) {
if ( $attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ][ 0 ] == $samba3domains [ $j ] -> name )
$return [ $i ] -> smb_domain = $samba3domains [ $j ];
else $j ++ ;
// store smb_domain as string
if ( ! isset ( $return [ $i ] -> smb_domain )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_domain = $attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ][ 0 ])) {
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ())
// store "real" SID if we want to save user as samba3 entry
$return [ $i ] -> smb_mapgroup = $attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ][ 0 ];
// store "calculated" id if we want to save user as samba2.2 entry
else $return [ $i ] -> smb_mapgroup = 2 * $attr [ 'gidNumber' ][ 0 ] + 1001 ;
// sambaSamAccount (Samba2.2) is used.
// second argument should prevent samba3 settings to be overwritten from samba 2.2 settings
if ( ( in_array ( 'sambaAccount' , $attr [ 'objectClass' ])) && ( ! $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 () || ! isset ( $return [ $i ] -> smb_domain ))) {
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ])) {
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'D' )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_flags [ 'D' ] = true ;
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'X' )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_flags [ 'X' ] = true ;
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'N' )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_flags [ 'N' ] = true ;
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'S' )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_flags [ 'S' ] = true ;
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'H' )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_flags [ 'H' ] = true ;
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'ntPassword' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_password = $attr [ 'ntPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'smbHome' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_smbhome = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'smbHome' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'pwdCanChange' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_pwdcanchange = $attr [ 'pwdCanChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'pwdMustChange' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_pwdmustchange = $attr [ 'pwdMustChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'homeDrive' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_homedrive = $attr [ 'homeDrive' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'scriptPath' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_scriptPath = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'scriptPath' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'profilePath' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_profilePath = $attr [ 'profilePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'userWorkstations' ][ 0 ])) $return [ $i ] -> smb_smbuserworkstations = $attr [ 'userWorkstations' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'domain' ][ 0 ])) {
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) {
$j = 0 ;
while ( ! isset ( $return [ $i ] -> smb_domain ) && ( count ( $samba3domains ) > $j )) {
if ( $attr [ 'domain' ][ 0 ] == $samba3domains [ $j ] -> name )
$return [ $i ] -> smb_domain = $samba3domains [ $j ];
else $j ++ ;
// store smb_domain as string
if ( ! isset ( $return [ $i ] -> smb_domain )) $return [ $i ] -> smb_domain = $attr [ 'domain' ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ][ 0 ])) {
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ())
// store "real" SID if we want to save user as samba3 entry
$return [ $i ] -> smb_mapgroup = $return [ $i ] -> smb_domain -> SID . '-' . ( 2 * $attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ][ 0 ] + 1 );
// store "calculated" id if we want to save user as samba2.2 entry
else $return [ $i ] -> smb_mapgroup = $attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ][ 0 ];
$i ++ ;
$entry = ldap_next_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
// Return array if $dns is an array
// else return string
if ( is_array ( $dns )) return $return ;
else return $return [ 0 ];
/* This function will load all needed values from an existing host account
* $dn is the dn ( string ) of the host which should be loaded
* return - value is an account - object
function loadhost ( $dn ) {
// Create new object
$return = new account ();
// Set type of account
$return -> type = 'host' ;
// Load hostattributes from ldap
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $dn , " objectclass=PosixAccount " );
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
$return -> general_dn = ( ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry ));
$attr = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
// Set host samba flags
$return -> smb_flags [ 'W' ] = true ;
$return -> smb_flags [ 'X' ] = true ;
2004-03-09 10:40:52 +00:00
// fix misspelled object classes
$j = 0 ;
while ( isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ])) {
if ( strtolower ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ]) == " account " ) $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ] = " account " ;
else if ( strtolower ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ]) == " posixaccount " ) $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ] = " posixAccount " ;
else if ( strtolower ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ]) == " sambaaccount " ) $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ] = " sambaAccount " ;
else if ( strtolower ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ]) == " sambasamaccount " ) $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ] = " sambaSamAccount " ;
$j ++ ;
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// load objectclasses
$i = 0 ;
while ( isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ])) {
$return -> general_objectClass [ $i ] = $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ];
$i ++ ;
$return -> general_username = $attr [ 'uid' ][ 0 ];
$return -> general_uidNumber = $attr [ 'uidNumber' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'gecos' ][ 0 ])) $return -> general_gecos = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'gecos' ][ 0 ]);
// Get Groupname
$return -> general_group = getgrnam ( $attr [ 'gidNumber' ][ 0 ]);
// sambaSamAccount (Samba3) is used.
if ( in_array ( 'sambaSamAccount' , $attr [ 'objectClass' ])) {
/* Write attributes into $return .
* Some values don ' t have to be set . These are only loaded if they are set
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ])) {
// we load a workstation
$return -> smb_flags [ 'W' ] = true ;
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'X' )) $return -> smb_flags [ 'X' ] = true ;
// Because the "D"-Flag is ignored for hosts it has been removed
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ][ 0 ])) {
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) {
// store smb_domain as samba3domain-Object
$samba3domains = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> search_domains ( $_SESSION [ config ] -> get_domainSuffix ());
$i = 0 ;
while ( ! isset ( $return -> smb_domain ) && ( count ( $samba3domains ) > $i )) {
if ( $attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ][ 0 ] == $samba3domains [ $i ] -> name )
$return -> smb_domain = $samba3domains [ $i ];
else $i ++ ;
// store smb_domain as string
if ( ! isset ( $return -> smb_domain )) $return -> smb_domain = $attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ][ 0 ])) {
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ())
// store "real" SID if we want to save user as samba3 entry
$return -> smb_mapgroup = $attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ][ 0 ];
// store "calculated" id if we want to save user as samba2.2 entry
else $return -> smb_mapgroup = 2 * $attr [ 'gidNumber' ][ 0 ] + 1001 ;
// return value to prevent loaded values to be overwritten from old samba 2.2 attributes
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) return $return ;
// sambaSamAccount (Samba2.2) is used.
if ( in_array ( 'sambaAccount' , $attr [ 'objectClass' ])) {
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ])) {
// we load a workstation
$return -> smb_flags [ 'W' ] = true ;
if ( strrpos ( $attr [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ], 'X' )) $return -> smb_flags [ 'X' ] = true ;
// Because the "D"-Flag is ignored for hosts it has been removed
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'domain' ][ 0 ])) {
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) {
// store smb_domain as samba3domain-Object
$samba3domains = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> search_domains ( $_SESSION [ config ] -> get_domainSuffix ());
$i = 0 ;
while ( ! isset ( $return -> smb_domain ) && ( count ( $samba3domains ) > $i )) {
if ( $attr [ 'domain' ][ 0 ] == $samba3domains [ $i ] -> name )
$return -> smb_domain = $samba3domains [ $i ];
else $i ++ ;
// store smb_domain as string
if ( ! isset ( $return -> smb_domain )) $return -> smb_domain = $attr [ 'domain' ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ][ 0 ])) {
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ())
// store "real" SID if we want to save user as samba3 entry
$return -> smb_mapgroup = $return -> smb_domain -> SID . '-' . ( 2 * $attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ][ 0 ] + 1 );
// store "calculated" id if we want to save user as samba2.2 entry
else $return -> smb_mapgroup = $attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ][ 0 ];
return $return ;
/* This function will load all needed values from an existing group account
* $dn is the dn ( string ) of the group which should be loaded
* return - value is an account - object
function loadgroup ( $dn ) {
// Create new object
$return = new account ();
// Set type of account
$return -> type = 'group' ;
// Load userattributes from ldap
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $dn , " objectclass=PosixGroup " );
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
$return -> general_dn = ( ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry ));
$attr = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
/* Write attributes into $return .
* Some values don ' t have to be set . These are only loaded if they are set
2004-03-09 10:40:52 +00:00
// fix misspelled object classes
$j = 0 ;
while ( isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ])) {
if ( strtolower ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ]) == " posixgroup " ) $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ] = " posixGroup " ;
else if ( strtolower ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ]) == " sambagroupmapping " ) $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $j ] = " sambaGroupMapping " ;
$j ++ ;
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// load objectclasses
$i = 0 ;
while ( isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ])) {
$return -> general_objectClass [ $i ] = $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ];
$i ++ ;
// Load Users which are also members of group
$i = 0 ;
while ( isset ( $attr [ 'memberUid' ][ $i ])) {
$return -> unix_memberUid [ $i ] = $attr [ 'memberUid' ][ $i ];
$i ++ ;
$return -> general_uidNumber = $attr [ 'gidNumber' ][ 0 ];
$return -> general_username = $attr [ 'cn' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'description' ][ 0 ])) $return -> general_gecos = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'description' ][ 0 ]);
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'sambaSID' ][ 0 ])) {
// Samba3 Samba 2.2 don't have any objects for groups
$return -> smb_mapgroup = $attr [ 'sambaSID' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr [ 'displayName' ][ 0 ])) $return -> smb_displayName = utf8_decode ( $attr [ 'displayName' ][ 0 ]);
// extract SID from sambaSID to find domain
$temp = explode ( '-' , $attr [ 'sambaSID' ][ 0 ]);
$SID = $temp [ 0 ] . '-' . $temp [ 1 ] . '-' . $temp [ 2 ] . '-' . $temp [ 3 ] . '-' . $temp [ 4 ] . '-' . $temp [ 5 ] . '-' . $temp [ 6 ];
$samba3domains = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> search_domains ( $_SESSION [ config ] -> get_domainSuffix ());
$i = 0 ;
while ( ! isset ( $return -> smb_domain ) && ( count ( $samba3domains ) > $i )) {
if ( $SID == $samba3domains [ $i ] -> SID )
$return -> smb_domain = $samba3domains [ $i ];
else $i ++ ;
return $return ;
/* This function will create a new user acconut in ldap
* $values is an account - object with all attributes of the user
* if lamdaemon . pl is false no quotas are set . Usefull for massupload and deletion
* return - value is an integer
* 1 == Account has been created
* 2 == Account already exists at different location
* 4 == Error while creating Account
function createuser ( $values , $uselamdaemon = true ) {
// These Objectclasses are needed for an user account
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][ 0 ] = 'posixAccount' ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][ 1 ] = 'shadowAccount' ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][ 2 ] = 'inetOrgPerson' ;
// Create DN for new user account
$values -> general_dn = 'uid=' . $values -> general_username . ',' . $values -> general_dn ;
// decrypt password because we don't want to store them unencrypted in session
if ( $values -> unix_password != '' ) {
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$values -> unix_password = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt ( base64_decode ( $values -> unix_password ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( $values -> smb_password != '' ) {
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$values -> smb_password = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt ( base64_decode ( $values -> smb_password ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// Attributes which are required
$attr [ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$attr [ 'uid' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$attr [ 'uidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
$attr [ 'gidNumber' ] = getgid ( $values -> general_group );
$attr [ 'homeDirectory' ] = $values -> general_homedir ;
$attr [ 'givenName' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> general_givenname );
$attr [ 'sn' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> general_surname );
// values stored in shadowExpire, days since 1.1.1970
if ( isset ( $values -> unix_pwdexpire )) $attr [ 'shadowExpire' ] = intval ( $values -> unix_pwdexpire / 86400 ) ;
/* Write unix attributes into $attr array
* Some values don ' t have to be set . These are only loaded if they are set
$attr [ 'loginShell' ] = $values -> general_shell ; // posixAccount_may
$attr [ 'gecos' ] = utf8_encode ( replace_umlaut ( $values -> general_gecos )); // posixAccount_may
$attr [ 'description' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> general_gecos ); // posixAccount_may sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> unix_pwdminage != '' ) $attr [ 'shadowMin' ] = $values -> unix_pwdminage ; // shadowAccount_may
if ( $values -> unix_pwdmaxage != '' ) $attr [ 'shadowMax' ] = $values -> unix_pwdmaxage ; // shadowAccount_may
if ( $values -> unix_pwdwarn != '' ) $attr [ 'shadowWarning' ] = $values -> unix_pwdwarn ; // shadowAccount_may
if ( $values -> unix_pwdallowlogin != '' ) $attr [ 'shadowInactive' ] = $values -> unix_pwdallowlogin ; // shadowAccount_may
// Set unix password
$attr [ 'shadowLastChange' ] = getdays (); // shadowAccount_may
if ( $values -> unix_password_no ) $values -> unix_password = '' ;
if ( $values -> unix_deactivated ) $attr [ 'userPassword' ] = pwd_hash ( $values -> unix_password , false );
else $attr [ 'userPassword' ] = pwd_hash ( $values -> unix_password );
// explode host-string and save every allowed host as separate attribute
$values -> unix_host = str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $values -> unix_host );
$hosts = explode ( ',' , $values -> unix_host );
2004-02-28 17:49:22 +00:00
$hosts = array_unique ( $hosts );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$i = 0 ;
while ( isset ( $hosts [ $i ])) {
if ( $hosts [ $i ] != '' ) $attr [ 'host' ][ $i ] = $hosts [ $i ];
$i ++ ;
// Samba attributes
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) {
// Add all attributes as samba3 objectclass
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][ 3 ] = 'sambaSamAccount' ;
if ( $values -> smb_flags [ 'N' ]) {
// Don't set samba-passwords
$attr [ 'sambaNTPassword' ] = 'NO PASSWORD*****' ;
$attr [ 'sambaLMPassword' ] = 'NO PASSWORD*****' ;
else {
// Set samba-passwords with external perl-script
2004-03-11 18:07:57 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaNTPassword' ] = getNTPasswordHash ( $values -> smb_password );
$attr [ 'sambaLMPassword' ] = getLMPasswordHash ( $values -> smb_password );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ] = time ();
// Generate SID
$attr [ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase ); // sambaAccount_may
ldapreload ( 'group' );
foreach ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ] as $groupname ) {
2004-02-16 16:13:06 +00:00
if ( $groupname [ 'cn' ] == $values -> general_group ) {
if ( $groupname [ 'sambaSID' ]) $attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ] = $groupname [ 'sambaSID' ];
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( $values -> smb_pwdcanchange != '' ) $attr [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ] = $values -> smb_pwdcanchange ; // sambaAccount_may
else $attr [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ] = time (); // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_pwdmustchange != '' ) $attr [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ] = $values -> smb_pwdmustchange ; // sambaAccount_may
else $attr [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ] = time () + 1000000000 ; // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ] = smbflag ( $values -> smb_flags ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'displayName' ] = $values -> general_gecos ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_smbhome != '' ) $attr [ 'sambaHomePath' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_smbhome ); // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_homedrive != '' ) $attr [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ] = $values -> smb_homedrive ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_scriptPath != '' ) $attr [ 'sambaLogonScript' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_scriptPath ); // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_profilePath != '' ) $attr [ 'sambaProfilePath' ] = $values -> smb_profilePath ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations != '' ) $attr [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ] = $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_domain != '' ) $attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> name ; // sambaAccount_may
else {
// Add all attributes as samba2.2 objectclass
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][ 3 ] = 'sambaAccount' ;
if ( $values -> smb_flags [ 'N' ]) {
// Don't set samba-passwords
$attr [ 'ntPassword' ] = 'NO PASSWORD*****' ;
$attr [ 'lmPassword' ] = 'NO PASSWORD*****' ;
else {
// Set samba-passwords with external perl-script
2004-03-11 18:07:57 +00:00
$attr [ 'ntPassword' ] = getNTPasswordHash ( $values -> smb_password );
$attr [ 'lmPassword' ] = getLMPasswordHash ( $values -> smb_password );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'pwdLastSet' ] = time ();
// Generate pseudo SID
$attr [ 'rid' ] = ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + 1000 ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ] = $values -> smb_mapgroup ; // sambaAccount_req
if ( $values -> smb_pwdcanchange != '' ) $attr [ 'pwdCanChange' ] = $values -> smb_pwdcanchange ; // sambaAccount_may
else $attr [ 'pwdCanChange' ] = time (); // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_pwdmustchange != '' ) $attr [ 'pwdMustChange' ] = $values -> smb_pwdmustchange ; // sambaAccount_may
else $attr [ 'pwdMustChange' ] = time () + 1000000000 ; // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'pwdMustChange' ] = $values -> smb_pwdmustchange ; // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'acctFlags' ] = smbflag ( $values -> smbflags ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'displayName' ] = $values -> general_gecos ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_smbhome != '' ) $attr [ 'smbHome' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_smbhome ); // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_homedrive != '' ) $attr [ 'homeDrive' ] = $values -> smb_homedrive ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_scriptPath != '' ) $attr [ 'scriptPath' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_scriptPath ); // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_profilePath != '' ) $attr [ 'profilePath' ] = $values -> smb_profilePath ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations != '' ) $attr [ 'userWorkstations' ] = $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_domain != '' ) $attr [ 'domain' ] = $values -> smb_domain ; // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'displayName' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_displayName ); // sambaAccount_may
// personal attributes
if ( $values -> personal_title != '' ) $attr [ 'title' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_title );
if ( $values -> personal_mail != '' ) $attr [ 'mail' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_mail );
if ( $values -> personal_telephoneNumber != '' ) $attr [ 'telephoneNumber' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_telephoneNumber );
if ( $values -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber != '' ) $attr [ 'mobileTelephoneNumber' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber );
if ( $values -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber != '' ) $attr [ 'facsimileTelephoneNumber' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber );
if ( $values -> personal_street != '' ) $attr [ 'street' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_street );
if ( $values -> personal_postalCode != '' ) $attr [ 'postalCode' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_postalCode );
if ( $values -> personal_postalAddress != '' ) $attr [ 'postalAddress' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_postalAddress );
if ( $values -> personal_employeeType != '' ) $attr [ 'employeeType' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_employeeType );
// Create LDAP user account
$success = ldap_add ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr );
// Continue if now error did ocour
if ( ! $success ) return 4 ;
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer && $uselamdaemon ) {
// lamdaemon.pl should be used
// Set quotas if quotas are used
if ( is_array ( $values -> quota )) setquotas ( array ( $values ));
// Create Homedirectory
addhomedir ( array ( $values -> general_username ));
// Add User to Additional Groups
if ( isset ( $values -> general_groupadd [ 0 ]))
// Loop for every group
foreach ( $values -> general_groupadd as $group2 ) {
// Search for group in LDAP
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_GroupSuffix (), " (&(objectclass=posixGroup)(cn= $group2 )) " , array ( '' ));
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
// Get DN
$dn = ( ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry ));
// Add user to group
$success = ldap_mod_add ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $dn , array ( 'memberUid' => $values -> general_username ));
if ( ! $success ) return 4 ;
// Add new memberUid to cache-array
ldapreload ( 'group' );
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][] = $values -> general_username ;
// Add new user to cache-array
if (( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'userDN' ]))) {
$_SESSION [ 'userDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$_SESSION [ 'userDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'uidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
// Everything is OK, return 1
return 1 ;
/* This function will modify a user acconut in ldap
* $values and $values_old are an account - object with all
* attributes of the user .
* if lamdaemon . pl is false no quotas are set . Usefull for massupload and deletion
* Only attributes which have changed will be written
* return - value is an integer
* 2 == Account already exists at different location
* 3 == Account has been modified
* 5 == Error while modifying Account
function modifyuser ( $values , $values_old , $uselamdaemon = true ) { // Will modify the LDAP-Account
// Add missing objectclasses to user
if ( ! in_array ( 'posixAccount' , $values -> general_objectClass )) {
$attr [ 'objectClass' ] = $values -> general_objectClass ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'posixAccount' ;
if ( ! in_array ( 'shadowAccount' , $values -> general_objectClass )) {
if ( ! isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ])) $attr [ 'objectClass' ] = $values -> general_objectClass ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'shadowAccount' ;
// Create DN for new user account
$values -> general_dn = 'uid=' . $values -> general_username . ',' . $values -> general_dn ;
// decrypt password because we don't want to store them unencrypted in session
if ( $values -> unix_password != '' ) {
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$values -> unix_password = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt ( base64_decode ( $values -> unix_password ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( $values -> smb_password != '' ) {
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$values -> smb_password = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt ( base64_decode ( $values -> smb_password ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// Attributes which are required
if ( $values -> general_username != $values_old -> general_username ) {
$attr [ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$attr [ 'uid' ] = $values -> general_username ;
if ( $values -> general_uidNumber != $values_old -> general_uidNumber ) {
$attr [ 'uidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
2004-04-23 15:52:53 +00:00
// Because sambaSID(rid) is related to uidNumber we have to change it if uidNumbaer has changed
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ())
2004-04-23 15:52:53 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
else $attr [ 'rid' ] = ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + 1000 );
if ( $values -> general_group != $values_old -> general_group ) {
$attr [ 'gidNumber' ] = getgid ( $values -> general_group );
// Because primaryGroup(S)ID is related to gidNumber we have to change it if gidNumber has changed
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) {
// We use samba 3 schema
// Change SID only if we don't use a well known SID
ldapreload ( 'group' );
foreach ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ] as $groupname ) {
2004-02-16 16:13:06 +00:00
if ( $groupname [ 'cn' ] == $values -> general_group ) {
if ( $groupname [ 'sambaSID' ]) $attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ] = $groupname [ 'sambaSID' ];
else {
// remove primaryGroupSID if new group has no SID
$attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ] = $values_old -> smb_mapgroup ;
$attr_rem [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ] = $values_old -> smb_mapgroup ;
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
else {
// We use old samba 2.2 schema
// Change SID only if we don't use a well known SID
if ( $values -> smb_mapgroup == '512' ) $found = true ;
if ( $values -> smb_mapgroup == '513' ) $found = true ;
if ( $values -> smb_mapgroup == '514' ) $found = true ;
if ( ! $found ) $attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ] = ( 2 * getgid ( $values -> general_group ) + 1001 );
if ( $values -> general_homedir != $values_old -> general_homedir )
$attr [ 'homeDirectory' ] = $values -> general_homedir ;
if ( $values -> general_givenname != $values_old -> general_givenname ) $attr [ 'givenName' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> general_givenname );
if ( $values -> general_surname != $values_old -> general_surname ) $attr [ 'sn' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> general_surname );
/* Write unix attributes into $attr array
* Some values don ' t have to be set . These are only loaded if they are set
if ( $values -> general_shell != $values_old -> general_shell )
$attr [ 'loginShell' ] = $values -> general_shell ;
if ( $values -> general_gecos != $values_old -> general_gecos ) {
$attr [ 'gecos' ] = utf8_encode ( replace_umlaut ( $values -> general_gecos ));
$attr [ 'description' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> general_gecos );
if (( $values -> unix_pwdminage != $values_old -> unix_pwdminage ) && ( $values -> unix_pwdminage != '' ))
$attr [ 'shadowMin' ] = $values -> unix_pwdminage ; // shadowAccount_may
if (( $values -> unix_pwdminage != $values_old -> unix_pwdminage ) && ( $values -> unix_pwdminage == '' ))
$attr_rem [ 'shadowMin' ] = $values_old -> unix_pwdminage ; // shadowAccount_may
if (( $values -> unix_pwdmaxage != $values_old -> unix_pwdmaxage ) && ( $values -> unix_pwdmaxage != '' ))
$attr [ 'shadowMax' ] = $values -> unix_pwdmaxage ; // shadowAccount_may
if (( $values -> unix_pwdmaxage != $values_old -> unix_pwdmaxage ) && ( $values -> unix_pwdmaxage == '' ))
$attr_rem [ 'shadowMax' ] = $values_old -> unix_pwdmaxage ; // shadowAccount_may
if (( $values -> unix_pwdwarn != $values_old -> unix_pwdwarn ) && ( $values -> unix_pwdwarn != '' ))
$attr [ 'shadowWarning' ] = $values -> unix_pwdwarn ; // shadowAccount_may
if (( $values -> unix_pwdwarn != $values_old -> unix_pwdwarn ) && ( $values -> unix_pwdwarn == '' ))
$attr_rem [ 'shadowWarning' ] = $values_old -> unix_pwdwarn ; // shadowAccount_may
if (( $values -> unix_pwdallowlogin != $values_old -> unix_pwdallowlogin ) && ( $values -> unix_pwdallowlogin != '' ))
$attr [ 'shadowInactive' ] = $values -> unix_pwdallowlogin ; // shadowAccount_may
if (( $values -> unix_pwdallowlogin != $values_old -> unix_pwdallowlogin ) && ( $values -> unix_pwdallowlogin == '' ))
$attr_rem [ 'shadowInactive' ] = $values_old -> unix_pwdallowlogin ; // shadowAccount_may
// Check if shadow expire has changed
if ( $values -> unix_pwdexpire != $values_old -> unix_pwdexpire ) $attr [ 'shadowExpire' ] = intval ( $values -> unix_pwdexpire / 86400 ) ;
// Set unix password
2004-02-21 13:26:52 +00:00
if ( $values -> unix_password == '' ) { // $values->unix_password=='' means use old password
if ( $values -> unix_deactivated != $values_old -> unix_deactivated ) { // check if password was enabled/disabled
if ( $values -> unix_deactivated ) {
$attr [ 'userPassword' ] = pwd_disable ( $values_old -> unix_password );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
2004-02-21 13:26:52 +00:00
else {
$attr [ 'userPassword' ] = pwd_enable ( $values_old -> unix_password );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( $values -> unix_password_no ) {
// use no password
if ( $values -> unix_deactivated ) $attr [ 'userPassword' ] = pwd_hash ( '' , false );
else $attr [ 'userPassword' ] = pwd_hash ( '' );
$attr [ 'shadowLastChange' ] = getdays (); // shadowAccount_may
else {
// Set new password
if ( $values -> unix_password_no ) $values -> unix_password = '' ;
if ( $values -> unix_deactivated ) $attr [ 'userPassword' ] = pwd_hash ( $values -> unix_password , false );
else $attr [ 'userPassword' ] = pwd_hash ( $values -> unix_password );
$attr [ 'shadowLastChange' ] = getdays (); // shadowAccount_may
// explode host-string and save every allowed host as separate attribute
if (( $values -> unix_host != $values_old -> unix_host )) {
$values -> unix_host = str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $values -> unix_host );
$host = explode ( ',' , $values -> unix_host );
2004-02-28 17:49:22 +00:00
$host = array_unique ( $host );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$values_old -> unix_host = str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $values_old -> unix_host );
$host_old = explode ( ',' , $values_old -> unix_host );
if ( $host [ 0 ] == '' ) $attr_rem [ 'host' ] = $host_old ;
else if ( $host [ 0 ] != '' ) $attr [ 'host' ] = $host ;
// Samba attributes
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) {
if ( ! in_array ( 'sambaSamAccount' , $values -> general_objectClass )) {
// We have to convert sambaAccount Objectclass to sambaSamAccount objectclass
if ( ! isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ])) $attr [ 'objectClass' ] = $values -> general_objectClass ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'sambaSamAccount' ;
// unset old sambaAccount objectClass
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ]); $i ++ )
if ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ] == 'sambaAccount' ) unset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ]);
$attr [ 'objectClass' ] = array_values ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ]);
// Set correct values for new objectclass
// Load old samba-values not stored in account object
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values_old -> general_dn , " objectclass=PosixAccount " );
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
$attr_old = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
// Add new attributed
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'lmPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaLMPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'lmPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'ntPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaNTPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'ntPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdLastSet' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdLastSet' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'logonTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaLogonTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'logonTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'logoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaLogoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'logoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'kickoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'kickoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdCanChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdCanChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdMustChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdMustChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'smbHome' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaHomePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'smbHome' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'homeDrive' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ] = $attr_old [ 'homeDrive' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'scriptPath' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaLogonScript' ] = $attr_old [ 'scriptPath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'profilePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaProfilePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'profilePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'userWorkstations' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ] = $attr_old [ 'userWorkstations' ][ 0 ];
// Values used from account object
$attr [ 'displayName' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_displayName ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ] = smbflag ( $values -> flags ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> name ; // sambaAccount_may
2004-04-23 15:52:53 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase ); // sambaAccount_may
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ] = $values -> smb_mapgroup ; // sambaAccount_req
// remove old attributes
if ( in_array ( 'sambaAccount' , $attr_old [ 'objectClass' ])) $attr_rem [ 'objectClass' ] = 'sambaAccount' ;
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'lmPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'lmPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'lmPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'ntPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'ntPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'ntPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdLastSet' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'pwdLastSet' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdLastSet' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'logonTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'logonTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'logonTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'kickoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'kickoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'kickoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdCanChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'pwdCanChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdCanChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdMustChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'pwdMustChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdMustChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'smbHome' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'smbHome' ] = $attr_old [ 'smbHome' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'acctFlags' ] = $attr_old [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'homeDrive' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'homeDrive' ] = $attr_old [ 'homeDrive' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'scriptPath' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'scriptPath' ] = $attr_old [ 'scriptPath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'profilePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'profilePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'profilePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'userWorkstations' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'userWorkstations' ] = $attr_old [ 'userWorkstations' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'primaryGroupID' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'primaryGroupID' ] = $attr_old [ 'primaryGroupID' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'domain' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'domain' ] = $attr_old [ 'domain' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'rid' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'rid' ] = $attr_old [ 'rid' ][ 0 ];
// Set all changed values
if ( $values -> smb_flags [ 'N' ]) {
// use no samba Password
$attr [ 'sambaNTPassword' ] = 'NO PASSWORD*****' ;
$attr [ 'sambaLMPassword' ] = 'NO PASSWORD*****' ;
$attr [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ] = time (); // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_password != '' ) {
// Set samba-passwords with external perl-script
2004-03-11 18:07:57 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaNTPassword' ] = getNTPasswordHash ( $values -> smb_password );
$attr [ 'sambaLMPassword' ] = getLMPasswordHash ( $values -> smb_password );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ] = time (); // sambaAccount_may
// Check which Samba-Attributes have changed
if ( $values -> smb_pwdcanchange != $values_old -> smb_pwdcanchange ) $attr [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ] = $values -> smb_pwdcanchange ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_pwdmustchange != $values_old -> smb_pwdmustchange ) $attr [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ] = $values -> smb_pwdmustchange ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( smbflag ( $values -> smb_flags ) != smbflag ( $values_old -> smb_flags )) $attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ] = smbflag ( $values -> smb_flags ); // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_smbhome != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_smbhome != $values_old -> smb_smbhome )) $attr [ 'sambaHomePath' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_smbhome ); // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_smbhome == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_smbhome != $values_old -> smb_smbhome )) $attr_rem [ 'sambaHomePath' ] = utf8_encode ( $values_old -> smb_smbhome ); // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_homedrive != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_homedrive != $values_old -> smb_homedrive )) $attr [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ] = $values -> smb_homedrive ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_homedrive == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_homedrive != $values_old -> smb_homedrive )) $attr_rem [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ] = $values_old -> smb_homedrive ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_scriptPath != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_scriptPath != $values_old -> smb_scriptPath )) $attr [ 'sambaLogonScript' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_scriptPath ); // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_scriptPath == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_scriptPath != $values_old -> smb_scriptPath )) $attr_rem [ 'sambaLogonScript' ] = utf8_encode ( $values_old -> smb_scriptPath ); // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_profilePath != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_profilePath != $values_old -> smb_profilePath )) $attr [ 'sambaProfilePath' ] = $values -> smb_profilePath ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_profilePath == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_profilePath != $values_old -> smb_profilePath )) $attr_rem [ 'sambaProfilePath' ] = $values_old -> smb_profilePath ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations != $values_old -> smb_smbuserworkstations )) $attr [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ] = $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations != $values_old -> smb_smbuserworkstations )) $attr_rem [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ] = $values_old -> smb_smbuserworkstations ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_domain -> name != $values_old -> smb_domain -> name ) {
$attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> name ; // sambaAccount_may
2004-04-23 15:52:53 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " .
( 2 * getgid ( $values -> general_group ) + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase + 1 );
if (( $values -> smb_mapgroup != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_mapgroup != $values_old -> smb_mapgroup )) {
ldapreload ( 'group' );
foreach ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ] as $groupname ) {
if ( $groupname [ 'cn' ] == $values -> general_group ) $attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ] = $groupname [ 'sambaSID' ];
if ( $values -> smb_displayName != $values_old -> smb_displayName ) $attr [ 'displayName' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_displayName ); // sambaAccount_may
else {
// use old samba 2.2 objectclass
if ( ! in_array ( 'sambaAccount' , $values -> general_objectClass )) {
// Add or convert samba attributes & object to samba 2.2
if ( ! isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ])) $attr [ 'objectClass' ] = $values -> general_objectClass ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'sambaAccount' ;
// unset old sambaAccount objectClass
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ]); $i ++ )
if ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ] == 'sambaSamAccount' ) unset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ]);
$attr [ 'objectClass' ] = array_values ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ]);
// Set correct values for new objectclass
// Load old samba-values not stored in account object
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values_old -> general_dn , " objectclass=PosixAccount " );
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
$attr_old = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLMPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'lmPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLMPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaNTPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'ntPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaNTPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'pwdLastSet' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'logonTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLogoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'logoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLogoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'kickoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'pwdCanChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'pwdMustChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaHomePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'smbHome' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaHomePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'homeDrive' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonScript' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'scriptPath' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonScript' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaProfilePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'profilePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaProfilePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'userWorkstations' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ][ 0 ];
// Values used from account object
$attr [ 'displayName' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_displayName ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'acctFlags' ] = smbflag ( $values -> smb_flags ); // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_domain != '' ) $attr [ 'domain' ] = $values -> smb_domain ; // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ] = $values -> smb_mapgroup ; // sambaAccount_req
$attr [ 'rid' ] = ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + 1000 ); // sambaAccount_may
// remove old attributes
if ( in_array ( 'sambaSamAccount' , $attr_old [ 'objectClass' ])) $attr_rem [ 'objectClass' ] = 'sambaSamAccount' ;
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLMPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaLMPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLMPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaNTPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaNTPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaNTPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaLogonTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaHomePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaHomePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaHomePAth' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonScript' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaLogonScript' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonScript' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaProfilePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaProfilePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaProfilePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupID' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupID' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupID' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaDomainName' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaDomainName' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaDomainName' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaSID' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaSID' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaSID' ][ 0 ];
// Set all changed values
if ( $values -> smb_flags [ 'N' ]) {
// use no samba Password
$attr [ 'ntPassword' ] = 'NO PASSWORD*****' ;
$attr [ 'lmPassword' ] = 'NO PASSWORD*****' ;
$attr [ 'pwdLastSet' ] = time ();
if ( $values -> smb_password != '' ) {
// Set samba-passwords with external perl-script
2004-03-11 18:07:57 +00:00
$attr [ 'ntPassword' ] = getNTPasswordHash ( $values -> smb_password );
$attr [ 'lmPassword' ] = getLMPasswordHash ( $values -> smb_password );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'pwdLastSet' ] = time (); // sambaAccount_may
// Check which Samba-Attributes have changed
if ( $values -> smb_pwdcanchange != $values_old -> smb_pwdcanchange ) $attr [ 'pwdCanChange' ] = $values -> smb_pwdcanchange ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_pwdmustchange != $values_old -> smb_pwdmustchange ) $attr [ 'pwdMustChange' ] = $values -> smb_pwdmustchange ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( smbflag ( $values -> smb_flags ) != smbflag ( $values_old -> smb_flags )) $attr [ 'acctFlags' ] = smbflag ( $values -> smb_flags ); // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_smbhome != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_smbhome != $values_old -> smb_smbhome )) $attr [ 'smbHome' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_smbhome ); // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_smbhome == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_smbhome != $values_old -> smb_smbhome )) $attr_rem [ 'smbHome' ] = utf8_encode ( $values_old -> smb_smbhome ); // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_homedrive != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_homedrive != $values_old -> smb_homedrive )) $attr [ 'homeDrive' ] = $values -> smb_homedrive ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_homedrive == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_homedrive != $values_old -> smb_homedrive )) $attr_rem [ 'homeDrive' ] = $values_old -> smb_homedrive ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_scriptPath != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_scriptPath != $values_old -> smb_scriptPath )) $attr [ 'scriptPath' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_scriptPath ); // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_scriptPath == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_scriptPath != $values_old -> smb_scriptPath )) $attr_rem [ 'scriptPath' ] = utf8_encode ( $values_old -> smb_scriptPath ); // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_profilePath != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_profilePath != $values_old -> smb_profilePath )) $attr [ 'profilePath' ] = $values -> smb_profilePath ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_profilePath == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_profilePath != $values_old -> smb_profilePath )) $attr_rem [ 'profilePath' ] = $values_old -> smb_profilePath ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations != $values_old -> smb_smbuserworkstations )) $attr [ 'userWorkstations' ] = $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_smbuserworkstations != $values_old -> smb_smbuserworkstations )) $attr_rem [ 'userWorkstations' ] = $values_old -> smb_smbuserworkstations ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_domain != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_domain != $values_old -> smb_domain )) $attr [ 'domain' ] = $values -> smb_domain ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_domain == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_domain != $values_old -> smb_domain )) $attr_rem [ 'domain' ] = $values_old -> smb_domain ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_mapgroup != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_mapgroup != $values_old -> smb_mapgroup )) $attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ] = $values -> smb_mapgroup ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_mapgroup == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_mapgroup != $values_old -> smb_mapgroup )) $attr_rem [ 'primaryGroupID' ] = $values_old -> smb_mapgroup ;
if ( $values -> smb_displayName != $values_old -> smb_displayName ) $attr [ 'displayName' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_displayName ); // sambaAccount_may
// Check which personal attributes have changed
if (( $values -> personal_title != $values_old -> personal_title ) && ( $values -> personal_title != '' ))
$attr [ 'title' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_title );
if (( $values -> personal_title != $values_old -> personal_title ) && ( $values -> personal_title == '' ))
$attr_rem [ 'title' ] = utf8_encode ( $values_old -> personal_title );
if (( $values -> personal_mail != $values_old -> personal_mail ) && ( $values -> personal_mail != '' ))
$attr [ 'mail' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_mail );
if (( $values -> personal_mail != $values_old -> personal_mail ) && ( $values -> personal_mail == '' ))
$attr_rem [ 'mail' ] = utf8_encode ( $values_old -> personal_mail );
if (( $values -> personal_telephoneNumber != $values_old -> personal_telephoneNumber ) && ( $values -> personal_telephoneNumber != '' ))
$attr [ 'telephoneNumber' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_telephoneNumber );
if (( $values -> personal_telephoneNumber != $values_old -> personal_telephoneNumber ) && ( $values -> personal_telephoneNumber == '' ))
$attr_rem [ 'telephoneNumber' ] = utf8_encode ( $values_old -> personal_telephoneNumber );
if (( $values -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber != $values_old -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber ) && ( $values -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber != '' ))
$attr [ 'mobileTelephoneNumber' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber );
if (( $values -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber != $values_old -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber ) && ( $values -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber == '' ))
$attr_rem [ 'mobileTelephoneNumber' ] = utf8_encode ( $values_old -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber );
if (( $values -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber != $values_old -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber ) && ( $values -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber != '' ))
$attr [ 'facsimileTelephoneNumber' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber );
if (( $values -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber != $values_old -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber ) && ( $values -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber == '' ))
2004-05-09 12:05:32 +00:00
$attr_rem [ 'facsimileTelephoneNumber' ] = array ();
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if (( $values -> personal_street != $values_old -> personal_street ) && ( $values -> personal_street != '' ))
$attr [ 'street' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_street );
if (( $values -> personal_street != $values_old -> personal_street ) && ( $values -> personal_street == '' ))
$attr_rem [ 'street' ] = utf8_encode ( $values_old -> personal_street );
2004-04-20 17:51:14 +00:00
if (( $values -> personal_postalCode != $values_old -> personal_postalCode ) && ( $values -> personal_postalCode != '' ))
$attr [ 'postalCode' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_postalCode );
if (( $values -> personal_postalCode != $values_old -> personal_postalCode ) && ( $values -> personal_postalCode == '' ))
$attr_rem [ 'postalCode' ] = utf8_encode ( $values_old -> personal_postalCode );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if (( $values -> personal_postalAddress != $values_old -> personal_postalAddress ) && ( $values -> personal_postalAddress != '' ))
$attr [ 'postalAddress' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_postalAddress );
if (( $values -> personal_postalAddress != $values_old -> personal_postalAddress ) && ( $values -> personal_postalAddress == '' ))
2004-05-09 12:05:32 +00:00
$attr_rem [ 'postalAddress' ] = array ();
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if (( $values -> personal_employeeType != $values_old -> personal_employeeType ) && ( $values -> personal_employeeType != '' ))
$attr [ 'employeeType' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> personal_employeeType );
if (( $values -> personal_employeeType != $values_old -> personal_employeeType ) && ( $values -> personal_employeeType == '' ))
$attr_rem [ 'employeeType' ] = utf8_encode ( $values_old -> personal_employeeType );
if (( $values -> general_uidNumber != $values_old -> general_uidNumber ) && $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer ) {
// Remove old quotas
remquotas ( array ( $values_old -> general_username ), " user " );
// Remove quotas from $values_old because we have to rewrite them all
unset ( $values_old -> quota );
if ( $values -> general_dn != $values_old -> general_dn ) {
// Account should be moved to a new location
// Load old account
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values_old -> general_dn , " objectclass=PosixAccount " );
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
$attr_old = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
// remove "count" from array
unset ( $attr_old [ 'count' ]);
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $attr_old ); $i ++ ) unset ( $attr_old [ $i ]);
$keys = array_keys ( $attr_old );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $keys ); $i ++ )
unset ( $attr_old [ $keys [ $i ]][ 'count' ]);
// Change uid to new uid. Else ldap won't create the new entry
//$attr_old['uid'][0] = $values->general_username;
$attr_rem_keys = @ array_keys ( $attr_rem );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $attr_rem_keys ); $i ++ ) { // Remove attributes which should be deleted from array
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ $attr_rem_keys [ $i ]][ 0 ])) unset ( $attr_old [ $attr_rem_keys [ $i ]]);
$attr_keys = @ array_keys ( $attr );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $attr_keys ); $i ++ ) { // Add attributes which have changed
$attr_old [ $attr_keys [ $i ]][ 0 ] = $attr [ $attr_keys [ $i ]];
// Create account at new location
$success = ldap_add ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr_old );
// remove old account
if ( $success ) $success = ldap_delete ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values_old -> general_dn );
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
// Remove all memberUid entries. The new entries will be added again
// Search for groups which have memberUid set to username
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_GroupSuffix (), " (&(objectClass=PosixGroup)(memberUid= $values_old->general_username )) " , array ( '' ));
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
// loop for every found group and remove membership
while ( $entry ) {
$dn = ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
$success = ldap_mod_del ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $dn , array ( 'memberUid' => $values_old -> general_username ));
// *** fixme add error-message if memberUid couldn't be deleted
// Remove old memberUid to cache-array
if (( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ]))) {
if ( ! in_array ( $values -> general_username , $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ])) {
$i = 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $dn ); $i ++ ) {
if ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][ $i ] == $values -> general_username ) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][ $i ]);
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][ $i ] = array_values ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][ $i ]);
$entry = ldap_next_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
else { // Just modify, not recreate
if ( $attr ) {
// Change or add new attributes
$success = ldap_modify ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr );
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
if ( $attr_rem ) {
// Remove old attributes which are no longer in use
$success = ldap_mod_del ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr_rem );
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
// Write additional groupmemberchips
// Get a list with all groups
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_GroupSuffix (), 'objectClass=PosixGroup' , array ( 'memberUid' , 'cn' ));
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
while ( $entry ) {
$modifygroup = 0 ;
$attr2 = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
// Remove "count" from array
if ( is_array ( $attr2 [ 'memberUid' ])) array_shift ( $attr2 [ 'memberUid' ]);
array_shift ( $attr2 [ 'cn' ]);
if ( $attr2 [ 'memberUid' ]) {
// Remove user from groups he's not member anymore
if ( @ in_array ( $values -> general_username , $attr2 [ 'memberUid' ]) && !@ in_array ( $attr2 [ 'cn' ][ 0 ], $values -> general_groupadd )) {
$dn = ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
$success = ldap_mod_del ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $dn , array ( 'memberUid' => $values -> general_username ));
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
// Remove old memberUid to cache-array
ldapreload ( 'group' );
if (( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ]))) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ]); $i ++ ) {
if ( $values -> general_username == $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][ $i ]) {
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][ $i ]);
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ] = array_values ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ]);
// Add user to groups
if ( !@ in_array ( $values -> general_username , $attr2 [ 'memberUid' ]) && @ in_array ( $attr2 [ 'cn' ][ 0 ], $values -> general_groupadd )) {
$dn = ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
$success = ldap_mod_add ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $dn , array ( 'memberUid' => $values -> general_username ));
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
// Add new memberUid to cache-array
ldapreload ( 'group' );
if (( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ]))) {
if ( is_array ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ])) {
if ( ! in_array ( $values -> general_username , $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ])) $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][] = $values -> general_username ;
else $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][] = $values -> general_username ;
else {
// Add user to groups
if ( @ in_array ( $attr2 [ 'cn' ][ 0 ], $values -> general_groupadd )) {
$dn = ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
$success = ldap_mod_add ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $dn , array ( 'memberUid' => $values -> general_username ));
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
// Add new memberUid to cache-array
ldapreload ( 'group' );
if (( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ]))) {
if ( is_array ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ])) {
if ( ! in_array ( $values -> general_username , $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ])) $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][] = $values -> general_username ;
else $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $dn ][ 'memberUid' ][] = $values -> general_username ;
$entry = ldap_next_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
// Change quotas if quotas are set and lamdaemon.pl should be used
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer && is_array ( $values -> quota ) && $uselamdaemon && ( $values -> quota != $values_old -> quota ))
setquotas ( array ( $values ));
//make required changes in cache-array
if (( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'userDN' ]))) {
if ( $values -> general_dn != $values_old -> general_dn ) {
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'userDN' ][ $values_old -> general_dn ]);
$_SESSION [ 'userDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$_SESSION [ 'userDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'uidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
// Return 3 if everything has worked fine
return 3 ;
/* This function will create a new host acconut in ldap
* $values is an account - object with all attributes of the host
* return - value is an integer
* 1 == Account has been created
* 2 == Account already exists at different location
* 4 == Error while creating Account
function createhost ( $values ) {
// These Objectclasses are needed for an host account
2004-03-06 18:21:16 +00:00
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'posixAccount' ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'account' ;
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// Create DN for new host account
$values -> general_dn = 'uid=' . $values -> general_username . ',' . $values -> general_dn ;
// Attributes which are required
$attr [ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$attr [ 'uid' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$attr [ 'uidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
$attr [ 'gidNumber' ] = getgid ( $values -> general_group );
$attr [ 'homeDirectory' ] = " /dev/null " ;
/* Write unix attributes into $attr array
* Some values don ' t have to be set . These are only loaded if they are set
$attr [ 'loginShell' ] = " /bin/false " ;
$attr [ 'gecos' ] = utf8_encode ( replace_umlaut ( $values -> general_gecos ));
$attr [ 'description' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> general_gecos );
// Set unix password
// Samba attributes
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) {
// Add all attributes as samba3 objectclass
2004-03-06 18:21:16 +00:00
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'sambaSamAccount' ;
2004-03-11 18:07:57 +00:00
// password for new hosts is hostname
$attr [ 'sambaNTPassword' ] = getNTPasswordHash ( substr ( $values -> general_username , 0 , strlen ( $values -> general_username ) - 1 ));
$attr [ 'sambaLMPassword' ] = getLMPasswordHash ( substr ( $values -> general_username , 0 , strlen ( $values -> general_username ) - 1 ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ] = time (); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " -515 " ; // sambaAccount_req
$attr [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ] = time (); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ] = " 1893452400 " ; // sambaAccount_may // anywhere in year 2030
$attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ] = smbflag ( $values -> smb_flags ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> name ; // sambaAccount_may
else {
// Add all attributes as samba2.2 objectclass
2004-03-06 18:21:16 +00:00
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'sambaAccount' ;
2004-03-11 18:07:57 +00:00
// password for new hosts is hostname
$attr [ 'ntPassword' ] = getNTPasswordHash ( substr ( $values -> general_username , 0 , strlen ( $values -> general_username ) - 1 ));
$attr [ 'lmPassword' ] = getLMPasswordHash ( substr ( $values -> general_username , 0 , strlen ( $values -> general_username ) - 1 ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'pwdLastSet' ] = time (); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'rid' ] = ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + 1000 ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ] = ( 2 * getgid ( $values -> general_group ) + 1001 ); // sambaAccount_req
$attr [ 'pwdCanChange' ] = time (); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'pwdMustChange' ] = " 1893452400 " ; // sambaAccount_may // anywhere in 2030
$attr [ 'acctFlags' ] = smbflag ( $values -> smb_flags ); // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_domain != '' ) $attr [ 'domain' ] = $values -> smb_domain ; // sambaAccount_may
// Create LDAP user account
$success = ldap_add ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr );
// Continue if now error did ocour
if ( ! $success ) return 4 ;
// Add new host to cache-array
if (( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ]))) {
$_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'uidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
return 1 ;
/* This function will modify a host acconut in ldap
* $values and $values_old are an account - object with all
* attributes of the host .
* Only attributes which have changed will be written
* return - value is an integer
* 2 == Account already exists at different location
* 3 == Account has been modified
* 5 == Error while modifying Account
function modifyhost ( $values , $values_old ) {
// Add missing objectclasses to host
if ( ! in_array ( 'posixAccount' , $values -> general_objectClass )) {
$attr [ 'objectClass' ] = $values -> general_objectClass ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'posixAccount' ;
// Create DN for new host account
$values -> general_dn = 'uid=' . $values -> general_username . ',' . $values -> general_dn ;
// Attributes which are required
if ( $values -> general_username != $values_old -> general_username ) {
2004-03-06 18:21:16 +00:00
$attr [ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ; // posixAccount_req sambaAccount_may
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'uid' ] = $values -> general_username ; // posixAccount_req
if ( $values -> general_uidNumber != $values_old -> general_uidNumber ) {
$attr [ 'uidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
2004-04-23 15:52:53 +00:00
// Because sambaSID(rid) is related to uidNumber we have to change it if uidNumbaer has changed
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ())
2004-04-23 15:52:53 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
else $attr [ 'rid' ] = ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + 1000 );
if ( $values -> general_group != $values_old -> general_group ) {
$attr [ 'gidNumber' ] = getgid ( $values -> general_group );
// Because primaryGroup(S)ID is related to gidNumber we have to change it if gidNumber has changed
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ())
// We use samba 3 schema
$attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " .
( 2 * getgid ( $values -> general_group ) + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase + 1 );
// We use old samba 2.2 schema
$attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ] = ( 2 * getgid ( $values -> general_group ) + 1001 );
/* Write unix attributes into $attr array
* Some values don ' t have to be set . These are only loaded if they are set
if ( $values -> general_gecos != $values_old -> general_gecos ) {
$attr [ 'gecos' ] = utf8_encode ( replace_umlaut ( $values -> general_gecos )); // posixAccount_may
$attr [ 'description' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> general_gecos ); // posixAccount_may sambaAccount_may
// Samba attributes
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) {
if ( ! in_array ( 'sambaSamAccount' , $values -> general_objectClass )) {
// We have to convert sambaAccount Objectclass to sambaSamAccount objectclass
if ( ! isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ])) $attr [ 'objectClass' ] = $values -> general_objectClass ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'sambaSamAccount' ;
// unset old sambaAccount objectClass
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ]); $i ++ )
if ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ] == 'sambaAccount' ) unset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ]);
$attr [ 'objectClass' ] = array_values ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ]);
// Set correct values for new objectclass
// Load old samba-values not stored in account object
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values_old -> general_dn , " objectclass=PosixAccount " );
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
$return -> general_dn = ( ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry ));
$attr_old = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'lmPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaLMPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'lmPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'ntPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaNTPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'ntPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdLastSet' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdLastSet' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'logonTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaLogonTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'logonTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'logoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaLogoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'logoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'kickoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'kickoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdCanChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdCanChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdMustChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdMustChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'smbHome' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaHomePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'smbHome' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'homeDrive' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ] = $attr_old [ 'homeDrive' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'scriptPath' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaLogonScript' ] = $attr_old [ 'scriptPath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'profilePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaProfilePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'profilePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'userWorkstations' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ] = $attr_old [ 'userWorkstations' ][ 0 ];
// Values used from account object
$attr [ 'displayName' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_displayName ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ] = smbflag ( $values -> smb_flags ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> name ; // sambaAccount_may
2004-04-23 15:52:53 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase ); // sambaAccount_may
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . ( 2 * getgid ( $values -> general_group ) + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase + 1 ); // sambaAccount_req
// remove old attributes
if ( in_array ( 'sambaAccount' , $attr_old [ 'objectClass' ])) $attr_rem [ 'objectClass' ] = 'sambaAccount' ;
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'lmPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'lmPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'lmPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'ntPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'ntPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'ntPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdLastSet' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'pwdLastSet' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdLastSet' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'logonTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'logonTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'logonTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'kickoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'kickoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'kickoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdCanChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'pwdCanChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdCanChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'pwdMustChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'pwdMustChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'pwdMustChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'smbHome' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'smbHome' ] = $attr_old [ 'smbHome' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'acctFlags' ] = $attr_old [ 'acctFlags' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'homeDrive' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'homeDrive' ] = $attr_old [ 'homeDrive' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'scriptPath' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'scriptPath' ] = $attr_old [ 'scriptPath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'profilePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'profilePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'profilePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'userWorkstations' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'userWorkstations' ] = $attr_old [ 'userWorkstations' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'primaryGroupID' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'primaryGroupID' ] = $attr_old [ 'primaryGroupID' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'domain' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'domain' ] = $attr_old [ 'domain' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'rid' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'rid' ] = $attr_old [ 'rid' ][ 0 ];
// Reset password
if ( $values -> smb_flags [ 'N' ]) {
2004-03-11 18:07:57 +00:00
// password for new hosts is hostname
$attr [ 'sambaNTPassword' ] = getNTPasswordHash ( substr ( $values -> general_username , 0 , strlen ( $values -> general_username ) - 1 ));
$attr [ 'sambaLMPassword' ] = getLMPasswordHash ( substr ( $values -> general_username , 0 , strlen ( $values -> general_username ) - 1 ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ] = time (); // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_domain -> name != $values_old -> smb_domain -> name ) {
$attr [ 'sambaDomainName' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> name ; // sambaAccount_may
2004-04-23 15:52:53 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " .
( 2 * getgid ( $values -> general_group ) + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase + 1 );
else {
// use old samba 2.2 objectclass
if ( ! in_array ( 'sambaAccount' , $values -> general_objectClass )) {
// Add or convert samba attributes & object to samba 2.2
if ( ! isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ])) $attr [ 'objectClass' ] = $values -> general_objectClass ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'sambaAccount' ;
// unset old sambaAccount objectClass
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ]); $i ++ )
if ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ] == 'sambaSamAccount' ) unset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ][ $i ]);
$attr [ 'objectClass' ] = array_values ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ]);
// Set correct values for new objectclass
// Load old samba-values not stored in account object
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values_old -> general_dn , " objectclass=PosixAccount " );
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
$return -> general_dn = ( ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry ));
$attr_old = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLMPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'lmPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLMPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaNTPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'ntPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaNTPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'pwdLastSet' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'logonTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLogoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'logoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLogoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'kickoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'pwdCanChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'pwdMustChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaHomePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'smbHome' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaHomePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'homeDrive' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonScript' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'scriptPath' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonScript' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaProfilePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'profilePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaProfilePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ][ 0 ])) $attr [ 'userWorkstations' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ][ 0 ];
// Values used from account object
$attr [ 'displayName' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_displayName ); // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'acctFlags' ] = smbflag ( $values -> smb_flags ); // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> smb_domain != '' ) $attr [ 'domain' ] = $values -> smb_domain ; // sambaAccount_may
$attr [ 'primaryGroupID' ] = ( 2 * getgid ( $values -> general_group ) + 1001 ); // sambaAccount_req
$attr [ 'rid' ] = ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + 1000 ); // sambaAccount_may
// remove old attributes
if ( in_array ( 'sambaSamAccount' , $attr_old [ 'objectClass' ])) $attr_rem [ 'objectClass' ] = 'sambaSamAccount' ;
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLMPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaLMPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLMPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaNTPassword' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaNTPassword' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaNTPassword' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdLastSet' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaLogonTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaKickoffTime' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdCanChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPwdMustChange' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaHomePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaHomePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaHomePAth' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaAcctFlags' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaHomeDrive' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonScript' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaLogonScript' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaLogonScript' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaProfilePath' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaProfilePath' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaProfilePath' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaUserWorkstations' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupID' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupID' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaPrimaryGroupID' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaDomainName' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaDomainName' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaDomainName' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaSID' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaSID' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaSID' ][ 0 ];
if ( $values -> smb_flags [ 'N' ]) {
2004-03-11 18:07:57 +00:00
// password for new hosts is hostname
$attr [ 'ntPassword' ] = getNTPasswordHash ( substr ( $values -> general_username , 0 , strlen ( $values -> general_username ) - 1 ));
$attr [ 'lmPassword' ] = getLMPasswordHash ( substr ( $values -> general_username , 0 , strlen ( $values -> general_username ) - 1 ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$attr [ 'pwdLastSet' ] = time (); // sambaAccount_may
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ 'sambaSID' ][ 0 ])) $attr_rem [ 'sambaSID' ] = $attr_old [ 'sambaSID' ][ 0 ];
if (( $values -> smb_domain != '' ) && ( $values -> smb_domain != $values_old -> smb_domain )) $attr [ 'domain' ] = $values -> smb_domain ; // sambaAccount_may
if (( $values -> smb_domain == '' ) && ( $values -> smb_domain != $values_old -> smb_domain )) $attr_rem [ 'domain' ] = $values_old -> smb_domain ; // sambaAccount_may
if ( $values -> general_dn != $values_old -> general_dn ) {
// Account should be moved to a new location
// Load old account
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values_old -> general_dn , " objectclass=PosixAccount " );
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
$attr_old = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
// remove "count" from array
unset ( $attr_old [ 'count' ]);
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $attr_old ); $i ++ ) unset ( $attr_old [ $i ]);
$keys = array_keys ( $attr_old );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $keys ); $i ++ )
unset ( $attr_old [ $keys [ $i ]][ 'count' ]);
// Change uid to new uid. Else ldap won't create the new entry
//$attr_old['uid'][0] = $values->general_username;
$attr_rem_keys = @ array_keys ( $attr_rem );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $attr_rem_keys ); $i ++ ) { // Remove attributes which should be deleted from array
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ $attr_rem_keys [ $i ]][ 0 ])) unset ( $attr_old [ $attr_rem_keys [ $i ]]);
$attr_keys = @ array_keys ( $attr );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $attr_keys ); $i ++ ) { // Add attributes which have changed
$attr_old [ $attr_keys [ $i ]][ 0 ] = $attr [ $attr_keys [ $i ]];
// Create account at new location
$success = ldap_add ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr_old );
// remove old account
if ( $success ) $success = ldap_delete ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values_old -> general_dn );
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
else { // Just modify, not recreate
if ( $attr ) {
// Change or add new attributes
$success = ldap_modify ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr );
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
if ( $attr_rem ) {
// Remove old attributes which are no longer in use
$success = ldap_mod_del ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr_rem );
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
//make required changes in cache-array
if (( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ]))) {
if ( $values -> general_dn != $values_old -> general_dn ) {
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ][ $values_old -> general_dn ]);
$_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'uidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
// Return 3 if everything has worked fine
return 3 ;
/* This function will create a new group acconut in ldap
* $values is an account - object with all attributes of the group
* if lamdaemon . pl is false no quotas are set . Usefull for massupload and deletion
* return - value is an integer
* 1 == Account has been created
* 2 == Account already exists at different location
* 4 == Error while creating Account
function creategroup ( $values , $uselamdaemon = true ) {
// These Objectclasses are needed for an user account
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][ 0 ] = 'posixGroup' ;
// Create DN for new user account
$values -> general_dn = 'cn=' . $values -> general_username . ',' . $values -> general_dn ;
// Attributes which are required
$attr [ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$attr [ 'gidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
/* Write unix attributes into $attr array
* Some values don ' t have to be set . These are only loaded if they are set
if ( $values -> general_gecos ) $attr [ 'description' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> general_gecos );
// Samba 3 attributes
// $values->smb_mapgroup is not set if creategroup is called from masscreate.php
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 () && isset ( $values -> smb_mapgroup )) {
$attr [ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_mapgroup ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][ 1 ] = 'sambaGroupMapping' ;
$attr [ 'sambaGroupType' ] = '2' ;
if ( $values -> smb_displayName ) $attr [ 'displayName' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_displayName );
// Write additional group members
if ( is_array ( $values -> unix_memberUid )) $attr [ 'memberUid' ] = $values -> unix_memberUid ;
// Create LDAP group account
$success = ldap_add ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr );
// Continue if now error did ocour
if ( ! $success ) return 4 ;
// lamdaemon.pl should be used. Set quotas if quotas are used
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer && is_array ( $values -> quota ) && $uselamdaemon ) setquotas ( array ( $values ));
// Add new group to cache-array
if (( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ]))) {
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'memberUid' ] = $values -> unix_memberUid ;
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'uidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 () && isset ( $values -> smb_mapgroup ))
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_mapgroup ;
return 1 ;
/* This function will modify a group acconut in ldap
* $values and $values_old are an account - object with all
* attributes of the group .
* if lamdaemon . pl is false no quotas are set . Usefull for massupload and deletion
* Only attributes which have changed will be written
* return - value is an integer
* 2 == Account already exists at different location
* 3 == Account has been modified
* 5 == Error while modifying Account
function modifygroup ( $values , $values_old , $uselamdaemon = true ) {
// Add missing objectclasses to group
if ( ! in_array ( 'posixGroup' , $values -> general_objectClass )) {
$attr [ 'objectClass' ] = $values -> general_objectClass ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'posixGroup' ;
if (( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) && ( ! in_array ( 'sambaGroupMapping' , $values -> general_objectClass ))) {
if ( ! isset ( $attr [ 'objectClass' ])) $attr [ 'objectClass' ] = $values -> general_objectClass ;
$attr [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'sambaGroupMapping' ;
$attr [ 'sambaGroupType' ] = '2' ;
// Create DN for new group account
$values -> general_dn = 'cn=' . $values -> general_username . ',' . $values -> general_dn ;
// Attributes which are required
if ( $values -> general_username != $values_old -> general_username ) $attr [ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ;
if ( $values -> general_uidNumber != $values_old -> general_uidNumber ) {
$attr [ 'gidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
// Set correct SID if UID was changed
2004-04-23 15:52:53 +00:00
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) $attr [ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . ( 2 * $values -> general_uidNumber + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase + 1 );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( $values -> general_gecos != $values_old -> general_gecos ) $attr [ 'description' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> general_gecos );
if ( $values -> smb_displayName != $values_old -> smb_displayName )
$attr [ 'displayName' ] = utf8_encode ( $values -> smb_displayName );
// Samba 3.0 attributes
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> is_samba3 ()) {
if ( $values -> smb_mapgroup != $values_old -> smb_mapgroup )
$attr [ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_mapgroup ;
// Write Additional group members
if (( $values -> unix_memberUid != $values_old -> unix_memberUid )) {
if ( count ( $values -> unix_memberUid ) == 0 ) $attr_rem [ 'memberUid' ] = $values_old -> unix_memberUid ;
else $attr [ 'memberUid' ] = $values -> unix_memberUid ;
// Rewrite quotas if uidnumbers has changed
if ( $values -> general_uidNumber != $values_old -> general_uidNumber && $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer ) {
// Remove old quotas
remquotas ( array ( $values_old -> general_username ), " user " );
// Remove quotas from $values_old because we have to rewrite them all
unset ( $values_old -> quota );
if ( $values -> general_dn != $values_old -> general_dn ) {
// Account should be moved to a new location
// Load old account
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values_old -> general_dn , " objectclass=PosixGroup " );
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
$attr_old = ldap_get_attributes ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
// remove "count" from array
unset ( $attr_old [ 'count' ]);
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $attr_old ); $i ++ ) unset ( $attr_old [ $i ]);
$keys = @ array_keys ( $attr_old );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $keys ); $i ++ )
unset ( $attr_old [ $keys [ $i ]][ 'count' ]);
// Change cn to new cn. Else ldap won't create the new entry
//$attr_old['cn'][0] = $values->general_username;
$attr_rem_keys = @ array_keys ( $attr_rem );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $attr_rem_keys ); $i ++ ) { // Remove attributes which should be deleted from array
if ( isset ( $attr_old [ $attr_rem_keys [ $i ]][ 0 ])) unset ( $attr_old [ $attr_rem_keys [ $i ]]);
$attr_keys = @ array_keys ( $attr );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $attr_keys ); $i ++ ) { // Add attributes which have changed
$attr_old [ $attr_keys [ $i ]][ 0 ] = $attr [ $attr_keys [ $i ]];
// Create account at new location
$success = ldap_add ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr_old );
// remove old account
if ( $success ) $success = ldap_delete ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values_old -> general_dn );
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
else { // Just modify, not recreate
if ( $attr ) {
// Change or add new attributes
$success = ldap_modify ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr );
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
if ( $attr_rem ) {
// Remove old attributes which are no longer in use
$success = ldap_mod_del ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $values -> general_dn , $attr_rem );
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
// Chnage GIDs of all users which are member of group
if ( $_SESSION [ 'final_changegids' ] == true ) {
$result = ldap_search ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_UserSuffix (), 'gidNumber=' . $values_old -> general_uidNumber , array ( '' ));
$entry = ldap_first_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $result );
while ( $entry ) {
$user [ 'gidNumber' ][ 0 ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
$success = ldap_modify ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), ldap_get_dn ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry ), $user );
if ( ! $success ) return 5 ;
$entry = ldap_next_entry ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $entry );
// Change quotas if quotas are set and lamdaemon.pl should be used
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer && is_array ( $values -> quota ) && $uselamdaemon && ( $values -> quota != $values_old -> quota ))
setquotas ( array ( $values ));
//make required changes in cache-array
if (( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ]))) {
if ( $values -> general_dn != $values_old -> general_dn ) {
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $values_old -> general_dn ]);
if ( is_array ( $values -> unix_memberUid )) $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'memberUid' ] = $values -> unix_memberUid ;
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'cn' ] = $values -> general_username ;
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'uidNumber' ] = $values -> general_uidNumber ;
if ( $values -> smb_mapgroup != $values_old -> smb_mapgroup )
$_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ][ $values -> general_dn ][ 'sambaSID' ] = $values -> smb_mapgroup ;
// Return 3 if everything has worked fine
return 3 ;
2004-03-11 18:07:57 +00:00
* Returns the nt password hash of a given password .
* $password : The cleartext password
function getNTPasswordHash ( $password ) {
// if Perl is installed in default directory use it
if ( file_exists ( " /usr/bin/perl " )) {
return exec ( '/usr/bin/perl ' . escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . 'lib/createntlm.pl' ) . " nt " . escapeshellarg ( $password ));
// otherwise use Perl in search path
else {
return exec ( 'perl ' . escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . 'lib/createntlm.pl' ) . " nt " . escapeshellarg ( $password ));
* Returns the lanman password hash of a given password .
* $password : The cleartext password
function getLMPasswordHash ( $password ) {
// if Perl is installed in default directory use it
if ( file_exists ( " /usr/bin/perl " )) {
return exec ( '/usr/bin/perl ' . escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . 'lib/createntlm.pl' ) . " lm " . escapeshellarg ( $password ));
// otherwise use Perl in search path
else {
return exec ( 'perl ' . escapeshellarg ( $_SESSION [ 'lampath' ] . 'lib/createntlm.pl' ) . " lm " . escapeshellarg ( $password ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00