2013-10-15 16:12:39 +00:00
< ? php
$Id $
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager ( http :// www . ldap - account - manager . org / )
2014-04-18 09:03:31 +00:00
Copyright ( C ) 2013 - 2014 Roland Gruber
2013-10-15 16:12:39 +00:00
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
* Manages PyKota user accounts .
* @ package modules
* @ author Roland Gruber
* Manages PyKota user accounts .
* @ package modules
class pykotaUser extends baseModule {
/** cache for uid attribute */
private $uidCache = null ;
/** cache for pykotaUserName attribute */
private $pykotaUserNameCache = null ;
/** list of limit options label => value */
private $limitOptions ;
* Returns if this module also manages the structural object class pykotaObject .
* This is overridden by a submodule that must provide the structural object class .
* @ return boolean structural usage
public function isStructural () {
return false ;
* Creates a new pykotaUser object .
* @ param string $scope account type ( user , group , host )
function __construct ( $scope ) {
$this -> limitOptions = array (
_ ( 'Quota' ) => 'quota' ,
_ ( 'Balance' ) => 'balance' ,
_ ( 'No quota' ) => 'noquota' ,
_ ( 'Free printing' ) => 'nochange' ,
_ ( 'Deny printing' ) => 'noprint' ,
// call parent constructor
parent :: __construct ( $scope );
$this -> autoAddObjectClasses = $this -> isStructural ();
* Returns meta data that is interpreted by parent class
* @ return array array with meta data
* @ see baseModule :: get_metaData ()
function get_metaData () {
$return = array ();
// icon
$return [ 'icon' ] = 'printerBig.png' ;
// manages host accounts
$return [ " account_types " ] = array ( 'user' );
// alias name
$return [ " alias " ] = _ ( " PyKota " );
// this is a base module
$return [ " is_base " ] = $this -> isStructural ();
// LDAP filter
$return [ " ldap_filter " ] = array ( 'or' => " (objectClass=pykotaAccount) " );
// module dependencies
$return [ 'dependencies' ] = array ( 'depends' => array (), 'conflicts' => array ());
// managed object classes
$return [ 'objectClasses' ] = array ( 'pykotaAccount' , 'pykotaAccountBalance' );
// managed attributes
$return [ 'attributes' ] = array ( 'uid' , 'mail' , 'description' , 'pykotaLimitBy' , 'pykotaUserName' , 'pykotaBalance' , 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ,
'pykotaOverCharge' , 'pykotaPayments' );
// help Entries
$return [ 'help' ] = array (
'cn' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( " Common name " ), 'attr' => 'cn' ,
" Text " => _ ( " This is the natural name of the user. " )
'uid' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( " User name " ), 'attr' => 'uid' ,
" Text " => _ ( " User name of the user who should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,A-Z,0-9, @.-_. " )
2013-11-03 17:16:12 +00:00
'mail' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( " Email address " ), 'attr' => 'mail' ,
" Text " => _ ( " The user's email address. " )
2013-10-15 16:12:39 +00:00
'description' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( " Description " ), 'attr' => 'description' ,
" Text " => _ ( " User description. " )
'pykotaUserName' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( " PyKota user name " ), 'attr' => 'pykotaUserName' ,
" Text " => _ ( " User name that is used for PyKota. " )
'pykotaLimitBy' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( " Limit type " ), 'attr' => 'pykotaLimitBy' ,
" Text " => _ ( " Specifies the type of limit for printing if any. Please note that in contrast to \" Free printing \" the option \" No quota \" includes accounting. " )
'pykotaBalance' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( 'Balance' ), 'attr' => 'pykotaBalance' ,
" Text " => _ ( 'Current account balance for the user.' )
'pykotaBalanceComment' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( 'Balance comment' ), 'attr' => 'pykotaPayments' ,
" Text " => _ ( 'Comment for initial balance.' )
'pykotaLifeTimePaid' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( 'Total paid' ), 'attr' => 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ,
" Text " => _ ( 'Total money paid by the user.' )
'pykotaOverCharge' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( 'Overcharge factor' ), 'attr' => 'pykotaOverCharge' ,
" Text " => _ ( 'Overcharge factor that is applied when computing the cost of a print job. The number of pages is not changed.' )
'pykotaPayments' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( 'Payment and job history' ), 'attr' => 'pykotaPayments' ,
" Text " => _ ( 'Payment and job history for this user.' )
'pykotaPaymentsAdd' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( 'Payment' ), 'attr' => 'pykotaBalance, pykotaPayments' ,
" Text " => _ ( 'Adds the amount to the user\'s balance. You can also specify a comment.' )
'jobSuffix' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( 'Job suffix' ),
" Text " => _ ( 'Please enter the LDAP suffix where the PyKota job entries are stored (configuration option "jobbase").' )
'autoAdd' => array (
" Headline " => _ ( " Automatically add this extension " ),
" Text " => _ ( " This will enable the extension automatically if this profile is loaded. " )
// profile options
$profileContainer = new htmlTable ();
$pykotaLimitByProfileOption = new htmlTableExtendedSelect ( 'pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy' , $this -> limitOptions , array (), _ ( 'Limit type' ), 'pykotaLimitBy' );
$pykotaLimitByProfileOption -> setHasDescriptiveElements ( true );
$pykotaLimitByProfileOption -> setSortElements ( false );
$profileContainer -> addElement ( $pykotaLimitByProfileOption , true );
$profileContainer -> addElement ( new htmlTableExtendedInputField ( _ ( 'Balance' ), 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalance' , '' , 'pykotaBalance' ), true );
$profileContainer -> addElement ( new htmlTableExtendedInputField ( _ ( 'Overcharge factor' ), 'pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge' , '' , 'pykotaOverCharge' ), true );
if ( ! $this -> isStructural ()) {
$profileContainer -> addElement ( new htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox ( 'pykotaUser_addExt' , false , _ ( 'Automatically add this extension' ), 'autoAdd' ), true );
$return [ 'profile_options' ] = $profileContainer ;
$return [ 'profile_mappings' ][ 'pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy' ] = 'pykotaLimitBy' ;
$return [ 'profile_mappings' ][ 'pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge' ] = 'pykotaOverCharge' ;
$return [ 'profile_checks' ][ 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalance' ] = array (
'type' => 'ext_preg' ,
'regex' => 'float' ,
'error_message' => $this -> messages [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ]);
$return [ 'profile_checks' ][ 'pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge' ] = array (
'type' => 'ext_preg' ,
'regex' => 'float' ,
'error_message' => $this -> messages [ 'pykotaOverCharge' ][ 0 ]);
// upload fields
$return [ 'upload_columns' ] = array (
array (
'name' => 'pykotaUser_pykotaUserName' ,
'description' => _ ( 'PyKota user name' ),
'help' => 'pykotaUserName' ,
'example' => _ ( 'smiller' ),
'unique' => true ,
if ( $this -> isStructural ()) {
$return [ 'upload_columns' ][] = array (
'name' => 'pykotaUser_cn' ,
'description' => _ ( 'Common name' ),
'help' => 'cn' ,
'example' => _ ( 'Steve Miller' ),
'required' => true ,
if ( $this -> manageUid ()) {
$return [ 'upload_columns' ][] = array (
'name' => 'pykotaUser_uid' ,
'description' => _ ( 'User name' ),
'help' => 'uid' ,
'example' => _ ( 'smiller' ),
'required' => true ,
'unique' => true ,
if ( $this -> manageMail ()) {
$return [ 'upload_columns' ][] = array (
'name' => 'pykotaUser_mail' ,
'description' => _ ( 'Email address' ),
'help' => 'mail' ,
'example' => _ ( 'user@company.com' ),
if ( $this -> manageDescription ()) {
$return [ 'upload_columns' ][] = array (
'name' => 'pykotaUser_description' ,
'description' => _ ( 'Description' ),
'help' => 'description' ,
'example' => _ ( 'Temp, contract till December' ),
$return [ 'upload_columns' ][] = array (
'name' => 'pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy' ,
'description' => _ ( 'Limit type' ),
'help' => 'pykotaLimitBy' ,
'example' => _ ( 'Quota' ),
'default' => _ ( 'Quota' ),
'values' => implode ( ', ' , array_keys ( $this -> limitOptions ))
$return [ 'upload_columns' ][] = array (
'name' => 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalance' ,
'description' => _ ( 'Balance' ),
'help' => 'pykotaBalance' ,
'example' => '10.0' ,
$return [ 'upload_columns' ][] = array (
'name' => 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalanceComment' ,
'description' => _ ( 'Balance comment' ),
'help' => 'pykotaBalanceComment' ,
'example' => _ ( 'Initial payment' ),
$return [ 'upload_columns' ][] = array (
'name' => 'pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge' ,
'description' => _ ( 'Overcharge factor' ),
'help' => 'pykotaOverCharge' ,
'example' => '1.0' ,
'default' => '1.0'
// available PDF fields
$return [ 'PDF_fields' ] = array (
'pykotaUserName' => _ ( 'PyKota user name' ),
'pykotaLimitBy' => _ ( 'Limit type' ),
'pykotaBalance' => _ ( 'Balance' ),
'pykotaOverCharge' => _ ( 'Overcharge factor' ),
'pykotaLifeTimePaid' => _ ( 'Total paid' ),
'pykotaPayments' => _ ( 'Payment history' ),
if ( $this -> manageUid ()) {
$return [ 'PDF_fields' ][ 'uid' ] = _ ( 'User name' );
if ( $this -> isStructural ()) {
$return [ 'PDF_fields' ][ 'cn' ] = _ ( 'Common name' );
if ( $this -> manageMail ()) {
$return [ 'PDF_fields' ][ 'mail' ] = _ ( 'Email address' );
if ( $this -> manageDescription ()) {
$return [ 'PDF_fields' ][ 'description' ] = _ ( 'Description' );
// self service
$return [ 'selfServiceFieldSettings' ] = array (
'pykotaBalance' => _ ( 'Balance (read-only)' ),
'pykotaLifeTimePaid' => _ ( 'Total paid (read-only)' ),
'pykotaPayments' => _ ( 'Payment history' ),
'pykotaJobHistory' => _ ( 'Job history' ),
// self service settings
if ( get_class ( $this ) == 'pykotaUser' ) {
$selfServiceContainer = new htmlTable ();
$selfServiceContainer -> addElement ( new htmlTableExtendedInputField ( _ ( 'Job suffix' ), 'pykotaUser_jobSuffix' , null ));
$selfServiceContainer -> addElement ( new htmlHelpLink ( 'jobSuffix' , get_class ( $this )), true );
$return [ 'selfServiceSettings' ] = $selfServiceContainer ;
// config options
$configContainer = new htmlTable ();
$configContainer -> addElement ( new htmlTableExtendedInputField ( _ ( 'Job suffix' ), 'pykotaUser_jobSuffix' , '' , 'jobSuffix' ), true );
$return [ 'config_options' ][ 'all' ] = $configContainer ;
// configuration checks
$return [ 'config_checks' ][ 'all' ][ 'pykotaUser_jobSuffix' ] = array (
'type' => 'ext_preg' ,
'regex' => 'dn' ,
'required' => false ,
'required_message' => $this -> messages [ 'jobSuffix' ][ 0 ],
'error_message' => $this -> messages [ 'jobSuffix' ][ 0 ]);
return $return ;
* This function fills the $messages variable with output messages from this module .
function load_Messages () {
$this -> messages [ 'uid' ][ 0 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'User name' ), _ ( 'User name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !' ));
$this -> messages [ 'uid' ][ 1 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Account %s:' ) . ' pykotaUser_uid' , _ ( 'User name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !' ));
$this -> messages [ 'uid' ][ 2 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'User name' ), _ ( 'User name already exists!' ));
$this -> messages [ 'uid' ][ 3 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Account %s:' ) . ' pykotaUser_uid' , _ ( 'User name already exists!' ));
$this -> messages [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 0 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'PyKota user name' ), _ ( 'User name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !' ));
$this -> messages [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 1 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Account %s:' ) . ' pykotaUser_pykotaUserName' , _ ( 'User name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !' ));
$this -> messages [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 2 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'PyKota user name' ), _ ( 'User name already exists!' ));
$this -> messages [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 3 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Account %s:' ) . ' pykotaUser_pykotaUserName' , _ ( 'User name already exists!' ));
$this -> messages [ 'mail' ][ 0 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Email address' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid email address!' ));
$this -> messages [ 'mail' ][ 1 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Account %s:' ) . ' pykotaUser_mail' , _ ( 'Please enter a valid email address!' ));
$this -> messages [ 'pykotaLimitBy' ][ 0 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Account %s:' ) . ' pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy' , _ ( 'Please enter a valid limit type.' ));
$this -> messages [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Balance' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid number (e.g. "1.5").' ));
$this -> messages [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 1 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Account %s:' ) . ' pykotaUser_pykotaBalance' , _ ( 'Please enter a valid number (e.g. "1.5").' ));
$this -> messages [ 'pykotaOverCharge' ][ 0 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Overcharge factor' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid number (e.g. "1.5").' ));
$this -> messages [ 'pykotaOverCharge' ][ 1 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Account %s:' ) . ' pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge' , _ ( 'Please enter a valid number (e.g. "1.5").' ));
$this -> messages [ 'pykotaPayments' ][ 0 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Payment' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid number (e.g. "1.5").' ));
$this -> messages [ 'jobSuffix' ][ 0 ] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Job suffix' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid job suffix.' ));
* Returns the HTML meta data for the main account page .
* @ return htmlElement HTML meta data
function display_html_attributes () {
$container = new htmlTable ();
if ( $this -> isStructural () || ( isset ( $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ]) && in_array ( 'pykotaAccount' , $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ]))) {
// uid
if ( $this -> manageUid ()) {
$this -> addSimpleInputTextField ( $container , 'uid' , _ ( 'User name' ), true );
else {
// require uid
$uid = $this -> getCurrentUserName ();
if ( empty ( $uid )) {
$page = '' ;
if ( $this -> getAccountContainer () -> getAccountModule ( 'posixAccount' ) != null ) {
$page = $this -> getAccountContainer () -> getAccountModule ( 'posixAccount' ) -> get_alias ();
elseif ( $this -> getAccountContainer () -> getAccountModule ( 'inetOrgPerson' ) != null ) {
$page = $this -> getAccountContainer () -> getAccountModule ( 'inetOrgPerson' ) -> get_alias ();
$msg = new htmlStatusMessage ( 'INFO' , sprintf ( _ ( " Please enter an user name on this page: %s " ), $page ));
$msg -> colspan = 5 ;
$container -> addElement ( $msg , true );
// pykotaUserName
$this -> addSimpleInputTextField ( $container , 'pykotaUserName' , _ ( 'Pykota user name' ));
// balance
$pykotaBalance = '' ;
if ( isset ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ])) {
$pykotaBalance = $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ];
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Balance' )));
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( $pykotaBalance ));
$container -> addElement ( new htmlHelpLink ( 'pykotaBalance' ), true );
// new payment and balance history
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Payment' )));
$newPaymentGroup = new htmlGroup ();
$newPaymentAmount = new htmlInputField ( 'pykotaBalanceAdd' , '' , '5em' );
$newPaymentAmount -> setTitle ( _ ( 'Amount' ));
$newPaymentGroup -> addElement ( $newPaymentAmount );
$newPaymentComment = new htmlInputField ( 'pykotaBalanceComment' , '' , '20em' );
$newPaymentComment -> setTitle ( _ ( 'Comment' ));
$newPaymentGroup -> addElement ( $newPaymentComment );
$newPaymentBtn = new htmlButton ( 'addPayment' , _ ( 'Add' ));
$newPaymentBtn -> setIconClass ( 'createButton' );
$newPaymentGroup -> addElement ( $newPaymentBtn );
$container -> addElement ( $newPaymentGroup );
$container -> addElement ( new htmlHelpLink ( 'pykotaPaymentsAdd' ), true );
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( '' ));
$historyGroup = new htmlGroup ();
$historyGroup -> addElement ( new htmlAccountPageButton ( get_class ( $this ), 'payments' , 'open' , _ ( 'Payment history' )));
if ( ! $this -> getAccountContainer () -> isNewAccount && ! empty ( $this -> moduleSettings [ 'pykotaUser_jobSuffix' ][ 0 ])) {
$historyGroup -> addElement ( new htmlSpacer ( '5px' , null ));
$historyGroup -> addElement ( new htmlAccountPageButton ( get_class ( $this ), 'jobs' , 'open' , _ ( 'Job history' )));
$container -> addElement ( $historyGroup );
$container -> addElement ( new htmlHelpLink ( 'pykotaPayments' ), true );
$container -> addElement ( new htmlSpacer ( null , '10px' ), true );
// limit by
$limitOption = 'quota' ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLimitBy' ][ 0 ])) {
$limitOption = $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLimitBy' ][ 0 ];
$limitSelect = new htmlTableExtendedSelect ( 'pykotaLimitBy' , $this -> limitOptions , array ( $limitOption ), _ ( 'Limit type' ), 'pykotaLimitBy' );
$limitSelect -> setHasDescriptiveElements ( true );
$limitSelect -> setSortElements ( false );
$container -> addElement ( $limitSelect , true );
// overcharge factor
$this -> addSimpleInputTextField ( $container , 'pykotaOverCharge' , _ ( 'Overcharge factor' ));
// cn
if ( $this -> isStructural ()) {
$this -> addSimpleInputTextField ( $container , 'cn' , _ ( 'Common name' ), true );
// mail
if ( $this -> manageMail ()) {
$this -> addSimpleInputTextField ( $container , 'mail' , _ ( 'Email address' ));
// description
if ( $this -> manageDescription ()) {
$this -> addMultiValueInputTextField ( $container , 'description' , _ ( 'Description' ), false , null , true );
// remove button
if ( ! $this -> isStructural ()) {
$container -> addElement ( new htmlSpacer ( null , '20px' ), true );
$remButton = new htmlButton ( 'remObjectClass' , _ ( 'Remove PyKota extension' ));
$remButton -> colspan = 5 ;
$container -> addElement ( $remButton );
else {
// add button
$container -> addElement ( new htmlButton ( 'addObjectClass' , _ ( 'Add PyKota extension' )));
return $container ;
* Processes user input of the primary module page .
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes .
* @ return array list of info / error messages
function process_attributes () {
$errors = array ();
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'addObjectClass' ])) {
if ( ! isset ( $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ])) {
$this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ] = array ();
if ( ! in_array ( 'pykotaAccount' , $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ])) {
$this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'pykotaAccount' ;
if ( ! in_array ( 'pykotaAccountBalance' , $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ])) {
$this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'pykotaAccountBalance' ;
if ( ! isset ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 0 ])) {
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 0 ] = $this -> getCurrentUserName ();
return $errors ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'remObjectClass' ])) {
$this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ] = array_delete ( array ( 'pykotaAccount' , 'pykotaAccountBalance' ), $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ]);
$attrs = array ( 'pykotaLimitBy' , 'pykotaUserName' );
if ( $this -> manageDescription ()) {
$attrs [] = 'description' ;
if ( $this -> manageMail ()) {
$attrs [] = 'mail' ;
if ( $this -> manageUid ()) {
$attrs [] = 'uid' ;
foreach ( $attrs as $name ) {
if ( isset ( $this -> attributes [ $name ])) {
unset ( $this -> attributes [ $name ]);
return $errors ;
// skip processing if object class is not set
if ( ! isset ( $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ]) || ! in_array ( 'pykotaAccount' , $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ])) {
return $errors ;
// uid
if ( $this -> manageUid ()) {
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'uid' ]) && ( $_POST [ 'uid' ] != '' )) {
if ( ! get_preg ( $_POST [ 'uid' ], 'username' )) {
$errors [] = $this -> messages [ 'uid' ][ 0 ];
else {
$this -> attributes [ 'uid' ][ 0 ] = $_POST [ 'uid' ];
if (( ! isset ( $this -> orig [ 'uid' ][ 0 ]) || ( $this -> attributes [ 'uid' ][ 0 ] != $this -> orig [ 'uid' ][ 0 ]))
&& $this -> uidExists ( $_POST [ 'uid' ])) {
$errors [] = $this -> messages [ 'uid' ][ 2 ];
elseif ( isset ( $this -> attributes [ 'uid' ][ 0 ])) {
unset ( $this -> attributes [ 'uid' ][ 0 ]);
// PyKota user name
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'pykotaUserName' ])) {
if ( ! get_preg ( $_POST [ 'pykotaUserName' ], 'username' )) {
$errors [] = $this -> messages [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 0 ];
else {
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 0 ] = $_POST [ 'pykotaUserName' ];
if (( ! isset ( $this -> orig [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 0 ]) || ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 0 ] != $this -> orig [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 0 ]))
&& $this -> pykotaUserNameExists ( $_POST [ 'pykotaUserName' ])) {
$errors [] = $this -> messages [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 2 ];
else {
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 0 ] = $this -> getCurrentUserName ();
// limit by
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLimitBy' ][ 0 ] = $_POST [ 'pykotaLimitBy' ];
// cn
if ( $this -> isStructural ()) {
$this -> attributes [ 'cn' ][ 0 ] = $_POST [ 'cn' ];
if ( empty ( $this -> attributes [ 'cn' ][ 0 ])) {
$this -> attributes [ 'cn' ][ 0 ] = $_POST [ 'uid' ];
// mail
if ( $this -> manageMail ()) {
$this -> attributes [ 'mail' ][ 0 ] = $_POST [ 'mail' ];
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'mail' ]) && ! get_preg ( $_POST [ 'mail' ], 'email' )) {
$errors [] = $this -> messages [ 'mail' ][ 0 ];
// description
if ( $this -> manageDescription ()) {
$this -> processMultiValueInputTextField ( 'description' , $errors );
// overcharge factor
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'pykotaOverCharge' ])) {
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaOverCharge' ][ 0 ] = $_POST [ 'pykotaOverCharge' ];
else {
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaOverCharge' ][ 0 ] = '1.0' ;
// add payment
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'addPayment' ])) {
$amount = $_POST [ 'pykotaBalanceAdd' ];
if ( ! empty ( $amount ) && ( strpos ( $amount , ',' ) !== false )) {
$amount = str_replace ( ',' , '.' , $amount );
if ( ! empty ( $amount ) && ( strpos ( $amount , '.' ) === false )) {
$amount .= '.0' ;
$comment = $_POST [ 'pykotaBalanceComment' ];
if ( ! empty ( $comment )) {
$comment = base64_encode ( $comment );
if ( empty ( $amount ) || ( floatval ( $amount ) == 0.0 )) {
$errors [] = $this -> messages [ 'pykotaPayments' ][ 0 ];
else {
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaPayments' ][] = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s,00' , time ()) . ' # ' . $amount . ' # ' . $comment ;
// new balance
$newBalance = 0.0 ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ])) {
$newBalance = floatval ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ]);
$newBalance += $amount ;
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ] = strval ( $newBalance );
// total paid
$total = 0.0 ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ][ 0 ])) {
$total = floatval ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ][ 0 ]);
$total += $amount ;
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ][ 0 ] = strval ( $total );
return $errors ;
* Returns the HTML meta data for the payments page .
* @ return htmlElement HTML meta data
function display_html_payments () {
$container = new htmlTable ();
// total paid
$total = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ][ 0 ])) {
$total = $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ][ 0 ];
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Total paid' )));
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( $total ));
$container -> addElement ( new htmlHelpLink ( 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ), true );
// payment/job history
if ( ! empty ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaPayments' ][ 0 ])) {
$container -> addElement ( new htmlSubTitle ( _ ( 'Payment history' )), true );
$spacer = new htmlSpacer ( '10px' , null );
$historyTable = new htmlTable ();
$historyTable -> colspan = 5 ;
$historyTable -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Date' )), false , true );
$historyTable -> addElement ( $spacer );
$historyTable -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Amount' )), false , true );
$historyTable -> addElement ( $spacer );
$historyTable -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Comment' )), true , true );
rsort ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaPayments' ]);
foreach ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaPayments' ] as $payment ) {
$parts = explode ( ' # ' , $payment );
$historyTable -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( $parts [ 0 ]));
$historyTable -> addElement ( $spacer );
$amount = new htmlOutputText ( $parts [ 1 ]);
$amount -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_RIGHT ;
$historyTable -> addElement ( $amount );
$historyTable -> addElement ( $spacer );
if ( ! empty ( $parts [ 2 ])) {
$historyTable -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( base64_decode ( $parts [ 2 ])));
$historyTable -> addNewLine ();
$container -> addElement ( $historyTable , true );
// back button
$container -> addElement ( new htmlSpacer ( null , '20px' ), true );
$backButton = new htmlAccountPageButton ( get_class ( $this ), 'attributes' , 'back' , _ ( 'Back' ));
$backButton -> colspan = 5 ;
$backButton -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_LEFT ;
$container -> addElement ( $backButton , true );
return $container ;
* Processes user input of the payments module page .
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes .
* @ return array list of info / error messages
function process_payments () {
return array ();
* Returns the HTML meta data for the jobs page .
* @ return htmlElement HTML meta data
function display_html_jobs () {
$container = new htmlTable ();
// jobs
$jobs = $this -> getJobs ( $this -> getCurrentUserName (), $this -> moduleSettings [ 'pykotaUser_jobSuffix' ][ 0 ]);
$spacer = new htmlSpacer ( '10px' , null );
// header
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Date' )), false , true );
$container -> addElement ( $spacer );
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Printer' )), false , true );
$container -> addElement ( $spacer );
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Price' )), false , true );
$container -> addElement ( $spacer );
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Size' )), false , true );
$container -> addElement ( $spacer );
$title = new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Title' ));
$title -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_LEFT ;
$container -> addElement ( $title , true , true );
// jobs
foreach ( $jobs as $job ) {
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( formatLDAPTimestamp ( $job [ 'createtimestamp' ][ 0 ])));
$container -> addElement ( $spacer );
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( $job [ 'pykotaprintername' ][ 0 ]));
$container -> addElement ( $spacer );
$price = new htmlOutputText ( $job [ 'pykotajobprice' ][ 0 ]);
$price -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_RIGHT ;
$container -> addElement ( $price );
$container -> addElement ( $spacer );
$size = new htmlOutputText ( $job [ 'pykotajobsize' ][ 0 ]);
$size -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_RIGHT ;
$container -> addElement ( $size );
$container -> addElement ( $spacer );
$container -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( $job [ 'pykotatitle' ][ 0 ]), true );
// back button
$container -> addElement ( new htmlSpacer ( null , '20px' ), true );
$backButton = new htmlAccountPageButton ( get_class ( $this ), 'attributes' , 'back' , _ ( 'Back' ));
$backButton -> colspan = 5 ;
$backButton -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_LEFT ;
$container -> addElement ( $backButton , true );
return $container ;
* Processes user input of the jobs module page .
* It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes .
* @ return array list of info / error messages
function process_jobs () {
return array ();
* Returns a list of modifications which have to be made to the LDAP account .
* @ return array list of modifications
* < br > This function returns an array with 3 entries :
* < br > array ( DN1 ( 'add' => array ( $attr ), 'remove' => array ( $attr ), 'modify' => array ( $attr )), DN2 .... )
* < br > DN is the DN to change . It may be possible to change several DNs ( e . g . create a new user and add him to some groups via attribute memberUid )
* < br > " add " are attributes which have to be added to LDAP entry
* < br > " remove " are attributes which have to be removed from LDAP entry
* < br > " modify " are attributes which have to been modified in LDAP entry
* < br > " info " are values with informational value ( e . g . to be used later by pre / postModify actions )
function save_attributes () {
if ( ! in_array ( 'pykotaAccount' , $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ]) && ! in_array ( 'pykotaAccount' , $this -> orig [ 'objectClass' ])) {
// skip saving if the extension was not added/modified
return array ();
return parent :: save_attributes ();
* This function is used to check if all settings for this module have been made .
* Calling this method requires the existence of an enclosing { @ link accountContainer } .< br >
* < br >
* This function tells LAM if it can create / modify the LDAP account . If your module needs any
* additional input then set this to false . The user will be notified that your module needs
* more input .< br >
* This method ' s return value defaults to true .
* @ return boolean true , if settings are complete
public function module_complete () {
if ( in_array ( 'pykotaAccount' , $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ])) {
// require uid
$uid = $this -> getCurrentUserName ();
return ! empty ( $uid );
return true ;
* Loads the values of an account profile into internal variables .
* @ param array $profile hash array with profile values ( identifier => value )
function load_profile ( $profile ) {
// profile mappings in meta data
parent :: load_profile ( $profile );
// add extension
if ( isset ( $profile [ 'pykotaUser_addExt' ][ 0 ]) && ( $profile [ 'pykotaUser_addExt' ][ 0 ] == " true " )) {
if ( ! in_array ( 'pykotaAccount' , $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ])) {
$this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'pykotaAccount' ;
if ( ! in_array ( 'pykotaAccountBalance' , $this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ])) {
$this -> attributes [ 'objectClass' ][] = 'pykotaAccountBalance' ;
if ( ! empty ( $profile [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalance' ]) && empty ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ])) {
$amount = $profile [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ];
if ( strpos ( $amount , '.' ) === false ) {
$amount .= '.0' ;
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ] = $amount ;
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ][ 0 ] = $amount ;
$this -> attributes [ 'pykotaPayments' ][] = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s,00' , time ()) . ' # ' . $amount . ' # ' ;
* In this function the LDAP account is built up .
* @ param array $rawAccounts list of hash arrays ( name => value ) from user input
* @ param array $ids list of IDs for column position ( e . g . " posixAccount_uid " => 5 )
* @ param array $partialAccounts list of hash arrays ( name => value ) which are later added to LDAP
* @ param array $selectedModules list of selected account modules
* @ return array list of error messages if any
function build_uploadAccounts ( $rawAccounts , $ids , & $partialAccounts , $selectedModules ) {
$messages = array ();
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $rawAccounts ); $i ++ ) {
// add object classes
if ( ! in_array ( 'pykotaAccount' , $partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'objectClass' ])) {
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'objectClass' ][] = 'pykotaAccount' ;
if ( ! in_array ( 'pykotaAccountBalance' , $partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'objectClass' ])) {
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'objectClass' ][] = 'pykotaAccountBalance' ;
if ( $this -> isStructural () && ! in_array ( 'pykotaObject' , $partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'objectClass' ])) {
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'objectClass' ][] = 'pykotaObject' ;
// cn
if ( $this -> isStructural ()) {
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'cn' ] = $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_cn' ]];
// uid
if ( $this -> manageUid () && ! empty ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_uid' ]])) {
if ( ! get_preg ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_uid' ]], 'username' )) {
$errMsg = $this -> messages [ 'uid' ][ 1 ];
array_push ( $errMsg , array ( $i ));
$messages [] = $errMsg ;
elseif ( $this -> uidExists ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_uid' ]])) {
$errMsg = $this -> messages [ 'uid' ][ 3 ];
array_push ( $errMsg , array ( $i ));
$messages [] = $errMsg ;
else {
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'uid' ] = $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_uid' ]];
// mail
if ( $this -> manageUid () && ! empty ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_mail' ]])) {
2014-04-18 09:03:31 +00:00
$this -> mapSimpleUploadField ( $rawAccounts , $ids , $partialAccounts , $i , 'pykotaUser_mail' , 'mail' ,
'email' , $this -> messages [ 'mail' ][ 1 ], $messages );
2013-10-15 16:12:39 +00:00
// description
2014-04-18 09:03:31 +00:00
$this -> mapSimpleUploadField ( $rawAccounts , $ids , $partialAccounts , $i , 'pykotaUser_description' , 'description' );
2013-10-15 16:12:39 +00:00
// PyKota user name
if ( ! empty ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaUserName' ]])) {
if ( ! get_preg ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaUserName' ]], 'username' )) {
$errMsg = $this -> messages [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 1 ];
array_push ( $errMsg , array ( $i ));
$messages [] = $errMsg ;
elseif ( $this -> pykotaUserNameExists ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaUserName' ]])) {
$errMsg = $this -> messages [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 3 ];
array_push ( $errMsg , array ( $i ));
$messages [] = $errMsg ;
else {
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'pykotaUserName' ] = $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaUserName' ]];
// limit by
if ( ! empty ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy' ]])) {
if ( isset ( $this -> limitOptions [ $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy' ]]])) {
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'pykotaLimitBy' ] = $this -> limitOptions [ $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaLimitBy' ]]];
else {
$errMsg = $this -> messages [ 'pykotaLimitBy' ][ 0 ];
array_push ( $errMsg , array ( $i ));
$messages [] = $errMsg ;
else {
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'pykotaLimitBy' ] = 'quota' ;
// overcharge factor
if ( ! empty ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge' ]])) {
$pykotaOverCharge = $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaOverCharge' ]];
if ( strpos ( $pykotaOverCharge , '.' ) === false ) {
$pykotaOverCharge .= '.0' ;
if ( ! get_preg ( $pykotaOverCharge , 'float' )) {
$errMsg = $this -> messages [ 'pykotaOverCharge' ][ 1 ];
array_push ( $errMsg , array ( $i ));
$messages [] = $errMsg ;
else {
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'pykotaOverCharge' ] = $pykotaOverCharge ;
else {
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'pykotaOverCharge' ] = '1.0' ;
// balance
if ( ! empty ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalance' ]])) {
$balance = $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalance' ]];
if ( strpos ( $balance , '.' ) === false ) {
$balance .= '.0' ;
if ( ! get_preg ( $balance , 'float' )) {
$errMsg = $this -> messages [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 1 ];
array_push ( $errMsg , array ( $i ));
$messages [] = $errMsg ;
else {
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'pykotaBalance' ] = $balance ;
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ] = $balance ;
$comment = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalanceComment' ]])) {
$comment = base64_encode ( $rawAccounts [ $i ][ $ids [ 'pykotaUser_pykotaBalanceComment' ]]);
$partialAccounts [ $i ][ 'pykotaPayments' ][ 0 ] = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s,00' , time ()) . ' # ' . $balance . ' # ' . $comment ;
return $messages ;
* Returns a list of PDF entries
function get_pdfEntries () {
$return = array ();
$this -> addSimplePDFField ( $return , 'cn' , _ ( 'Common name' ));
$this -> addSimplePDFField ( $return , 'uid' , _ ( 'User name' ));
$this -> addSimplePDFField ( $return , 'mail' , _ ( 'Email address' ));
$this -> addSimplePDFField ( $return , 'pykotaUserName' , _ ( 'PyKota user name' ));
$this -> addSimplePDFField ( $return , 'description' , _ ( 'Description' ));
$limitByOptions = array_flip ( $this -> limitOptions );
$limitByValue = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLimitBy' ][ 0 ]) && isset ( $limitByOptions [ $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLimitBy' ][ 0 ]])) {
$limitByValue = $limitByOptions [ $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaLimitBy' ][ 0 ]];
$return [ get_class ( $this ) . '_pykotaLimitBy' ] = array ( '<block><key>' . _ ( 'Limit type' ) . '</key><value>' . $limitByValue . '</value></block>' );
$this -> addSimplePDFField ( $return , 'pykotaOverCharge' , _ ( 'Overcharge factor' ));
$this -> addSimplePDFField ( $return , 'pykotaBalance' , _ ( 'Balance' ));
$this -> addSimplePDFField ( $return , 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' , _ ( 'Total paid' ));
// payment history
if ( ! empty ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaPayments' ][ 0 ])) {
$history [] = '<block><tr>' .
'<td width="20%"><b>' . _ ( 'Date' ) . '</b></td>' .
'<td width="10%"><b>' . _ ( 'Amount' ) . '</b></td>' .
'<td width="70%"><b>' . _ ( 'Comment' ) . '</b></td></tr></block>' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaPayments' ]); $i ++ ) {
$parts = explode ( ' # ' , $this -> attributes [ 'pykotaPayments' ][ $i ]);
$comment = ' ' ;
if ( ! empty ( $parts [ 2 ])) {
$comment = base64_decode ( $parts [ 2 ]);
$history [] = '<block><tr>' .
'<td width="20%" align=\"L\">' . $parts [ 0 ] . '</td>' .
'<td width="10%" align=\"R\">' . $parts [ 1 ] . '</td>' .
'<td width="70%" align=\"L\">' . $comment . '</td></tr></block>' ;
$return [ get_class ( $this ) . '_pykotaPayments' ] = $history ;
return $return ;
* Returns the meta HTML code for each input field .
* format : array ( < field1 > => array ( < META HTML > ), ... )
* It is not possible to display help links .
* @ param array $fields list of active fields
* @ param array $attributes attributes of LDAP account
* @ param boolean $passwordChangeOnly indicates that the user is only allowed to change his password and no LDAP content is readable
* @ param array $readOnlyFields list of read - only fields
* @ return array list of meta HTML elements ( field name => htmlTableRow )
function getSelfServiceOptions ( $fields , $attributes , $passwordChangeOnly , $readOnlyFields ) {
if ( $passwordChangeOnly ) {
return array (); // no Kolab fields as long no LDAP content can be read
if ( ! in_array ( 'pykotaAccount' , $attributes [ 'objectClass' ])) {
return array ();
$return = array ();
if ( in_array ( 'pykotaBalance' , $fields )) {
$pykotaBalance = '' ;
if ( isset ( $attributes [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ])) $pykotaBalance = $attributes [ 'pykotaBalance' ][ 0 ];
$return [ 'pykotaBalance' ] = new htmlTableRow ( array (
2013-11-30 15:02:06 +00:00
new htmlOutputText ( $this -> getSelfServiceLabel ( 'pykotaBalance' , _ ( 'Balance' ))), new htmlOutputText ( $pykotaBalance )
2013-10-15 16:12:39 +00:00
if ( in_array ( 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' , $fields )) {
$pykotaLifeTimePaid = '' ;
if ( isset ( $attributes [ 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ][ 0 ])) $pykotaLifeTimePaid = $attributes [ 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ][ 0 ];
$return [ 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' ] = new htmlTableRow ( array (
2013-11-30 15:02:06 +00:00
new htmlOutputText ( $this -> getSelfServiceLabel ( 'pykotaLifeTimePaid' , _ ( 'Total paid' ))), new htmlOutputText ( $pykotaLifeTimePaid )
2013-10-15 16:12:39 +00:00
// payment history
if ( in_array ( 'pykotaPayments' , $fields )) {
$pykotaPayments = new htmlTable ();
$pykotaPayments -> colspan = 5 ;
if ( ! empty ( $attributes [ 'pykotaPayments' ][ 0 ])) {
$spacer = new htmlSpacer ( '10px' , null );
$pykotaPayments -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Date' )), false , true );
$pykotaPayments -> addElement ( $spacer );
$pykotaPayments -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Amount' )), false , true );
$pykotaPayments -> addElement ( $spacer );
$pykotaPayments -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Comment' )), true , true );
rsort ( $attributes [ 'pykotaPayments' ]);
foreach ( $attributes [ 'pykotaPayments' ] as $payment ) {
$parts = explode ( ' # ' , $payment );
$pykotaPayments -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( $parts [ 0 ]));
$pykotaPayments -> addElement ( $spacer );
$amount = new htmlOutputText ( $parts [ 1 ]);
$amount -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_RIGHT ;
$pykotaPayments -> addElement ( $amount );
$pykotaPayments -> addElement ( $spacer );
if ( ! empty ( $parts [ 2 ])) {
$pykotaPayments -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( base64_decode ( $parts [ 2 ])));
$pykotaPayments -> addNewLine ();
2013-11-30 15:02:06 +00:00
$pykotaPaymentsLabel = new htmlOutputText ( $this -> getSelfServiceLabel ( 'pykotaPayments' , _ ( 'Payment history' )));
2013-10-15 16:12:39 +00:00
$pykotaPaymentsLabel -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_TOP ;
$return [ 'pykotaPayments' ] = new htmlTableRow ( array (
$pykotaPaymentsLabel , $pykotaPayments
// job history
if ( in_array ( 'pykotaJobHistory' , $fields ) && ! empty ( $this -> selfServiceSettings -> moduleSettings [ 'pykotaUser_jobSuffix' ][ 0 ]) && ! empty ( $attributes [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 0 ])) {
$jobs = $this -> getJobs ( $attributes [ 'pykotaUserName' ][ 0 ], $this -> selfServiceSettings -> moduleSettings [ 'pykotaUser_jobSuffix' ][ 0 ]);
$pykotaJobs = new htmlTable ();
$pykotaJobs -> colspan = 5 ;
$spacer = new htmlSpacer ( '10px' , null );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Date' )), false , true );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( $spacer );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Printer' )), false , true );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( $spacer );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Price' )), false , true );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( $spacer );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Size' )), false , true );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( $spacer );
$title = new htmlOutputText ( _ ( 'Title' ));
$title -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_LEFT ;
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( $title , true , true );
foreach ( $jobs as $job ) {
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( formatLDAPTimestamp ( $job [ 'createtimestamp' ][ 0 ])));
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( $spacer );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( $job [ 'pykotaprintername' ][ 0 ]));
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( $spacer );
$price = new htmlOutputText ( $job [ 'pykotajobprice' ][ 0 ]);
$price -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_RIGHT ;
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( $price );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( $spacer );
$size = new htmlOutputText ( $job [ 'pykotajobsize' ][ 0 ]);
$size -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_RIGHT ;
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( $size );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( $spacer );
$pykotaJobs -> addElement ( new htmlOutputText ( $job [ 'pykotatitle' ][ 0 ]), true );
2013-11-30 15:02:06 +00:00
$pykotaJobsLabel = new htmlOutputText ( $this -> getSelfServiceLabel ( 'pykotaJobHistory' , _ ( 'Job history' )));
2013-10-15 16:12:39 +00:00
$pykotaJobsLabel -> alignment = htmlElement :: ALIGN_TOP ;
$return [ 'pykotaJobHistory' ] = new htmlTableRow ( array (
$pykotaJobsLabel , $pykotaJobs
return $return ;
* Checks if the self service settings are valid .
* Calling this method does not require the existence of an enclosing { @ link accountContainer } .< br >
* < br >
* If the input data is invalid the return value is an array that contains arrays
* to build StatusMessages ( message type , message head , message text ) . If no errors
* occured the function returns an empty array .
* @ param array $options hash array ( option name => value ) that contains the input . The option values are all arrays containing one or more elements .
* @ param selfServiceProfile $profile self service profile
* @ return array error messages
public function checkSelfServiceSettings ( & $options , & $profile ) {
$errors = array ();
if ( get_class ( $this ) == 'pykotaUser' ) {
if ( ! empty ( $options [ 'pykotaUser_jobSuffix' ][ 0 ]) && ! get_preg ( $options [ 'pykotaUser_jobSuffix' ][ 0 ], 'dn' )) {
$errors [] = $this -> messages [ 'jobSuffix' ][ 0 ];
return $errors ;
* Returns if the uid attribute should be managed .
* @ return boolean manage uid attribute
private function manageUid () {
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ])) {
$conf = $_SESSION [ 'config' ];
if ( in_array ( 'inetOrgPerson' , $conf -> get_AccountModules ( $this -> get_scope ()))
|| in_array ( 'posixAccount' , $conf -> get_AccountModules ( $this -> get_scope ()))) {
return false ;
else {
return true ;
return false ;
* Returns if the mail attribute should be managed .
* @ return boolean manage mail attribute
private function manageMail () {
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ])) {
$conf = $_SESSION [ 'config' ];
if ( in_array ( 'inetOrgPerson' , $conf -> get_AccountModules ( $this -> get_scope ()))) {
return false ;
else {
return true ;
return false ;
* Returns if the description attribute should be managed .
* @ return boolean manage description attribute
private function manageDescription () {
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ])) {
$conf = $_SESSION [ 'config' ];
if ( in_array ( 'inetOrgPerson' , $conf -> get_AccountModules ( $this -> get_scope ()))) {
return false ;
else {
return true ;
return false ;
* Returns if the given uid already exists .
* @ param String $uid uid attribute value
* @ return boolean uid exists
private function uidExists ( $uid ) {
if ( $this -> uidCache == null ) {
$this -> loadUserNameCache ();
return in_array ( $uid , $this -> uidCache );
* Returns if the given pykotaUserName already exists .
* @ param String $pykotaUserName pykotaUserName attribute value
* @ return boolean pykotaUserName exists
private function pykotaUserNameExists ( $pykotaUserName ) {
if ( $this -> pykotaUserNameCache == null ) {
$this -> loadUserNameCache ();
return in_array ( $pykotaUserName , $this -> pykotaUserNameCache );
* Loads the list of user names into the cache .
private function loadUserNameCache () {
$results = searchLDAPByFilter ( '(|(uid=*)(pykotaUserName=*))' , array ( 'uid' , 'pykotaUserName' ), array ( $this -> get_scope ()));
$this -> uidCache = array ();
$this -> pykotaUserNameCache = array ();
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
if ( isset ( $result [ 'uid' ][ 0 ])) {
$this -> uidCache [] = $result [ 'uid' ][ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $result [ 'pykotausername' ][ 0 ])) {
$this -> pykotaUserNameCache [] = $result [ 'pykotausername' ][ 0 ];
* Returns the current user name ( uid ) of this account .
* @ return String user name
private function getCurrentUserName () {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> attributes [ 'uid' ][ 0 ])) {
return $this -> attributes [ 'uid' ][ 0 ];
if ( $this -> getAccountContainer () -> getAccountModule ( 'posixAccount' ) != null ) {
$posix = $this -> getAccountContainer () -> getAccountModule ( 'posixAccount' );
$attrs = $posix -> getAttributes ();
if ( ! empty ( $attrs [ 'uid' ][ 0 ])) {
return $attrs [ 'uid' ][ 0 ];
if ( $this -> getAccountContainer () -> getAccountModule ( 'inetOrgPerson' ) != null ) {
$personal = $this -> getAccountContainer () -> getAccountModule ( 'inetOrgPerson' );
$attrs = $personal -> getAttributes ();
if ( ! empty ( $attrs [ 'uid' ][ 0 ])) {
return $attrs [ 'uid' ][ 0 ];
return '' ;
* Returns a list of jobs for the given user reverse - sorted by date .
* The number of jobs is limited to 100.
* @ param String $user user name
* @ param String $suffix LDAP suffix for job objects
private function getJobs ( $user , $suffix ) {
$attrs = array ( 'createTimestamp' , 'pykotaTitle' , 'pykotaPrinterName' , 'pykotaJobPrice' , 'pykotaJobSize' );
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'ldapHandle' ]) && is_resource ( $_SESSION [ 'ldapHandle' ])) {
$handle = $_SESSION [ 'ldapHandle' ];
else {
$handle = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server ();
$sr = @ ldap_search ( $handle , $suffix , '(&(objectClass=pykotaJob)(pykotaUserName=' . $user . '))' , $attrs );
if ( ! $sr ) {
return array ();
$jobList = ldap_get_entries ( $handle , $sr );
if ( ! $jobList ) {
return array ();
cleanLDAPResult ( $jobList );
@ ldap_free_result ( $sr );
$jobs = array ();
foreach ( $jobList as $index => $job ) {
$jobs [ $job [ 'createtimestamp' ][ 0 ] . $index ] = $job ;
krsort ( $jobs );
if ( sizeof ( $jobs ) > 100 ) {
$jobs = array_slice ( $jobs , 0 , 100 );
return array_values ( $jobs );