2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
< ? php
$Id $
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager ( http :// www . sourceforge . net / projects / lam )
Copyright ( C ) 2003 Tilo Lutz
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager displays table for creating or modifying accounts in LDAP
// include all needed files
include_once ( '../../lib/account.inc' ); // File with all account-funtions
include_once ( '../../lib/config.inc' ); // File with configure-functions
include_once ( '../../lib/profiles.inc' ); // functions to load and save profiles
include_once ( '../../lib/status.inc' ); // Return error-message
include_once ( '../../lib/pdf.inc' ); // Return a pdf-file
include_once ( '../../lib/ldap.inc' ); // LDAP-functions
// Start session
session_save_path ( '../../sess' );
@ session_start ();
// Redirect to startpage if user is not loged in
if ( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ 'loggedIn' ])) {
metaRefresh ( " ../login.php " );
die ;
// Set correct language, codepages, ....
setlanguage ();
/* groupedit . php is using dynamic session varialenames so
* we can run several copies of groupedit . php at the same
* time
* $varkey is the dynamic part of the variable name
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'varkey' ])) $varkey = session_id () . time ();
else $varkey = $_POST [ 'varkey' ];
// Register Session Vars
if ( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_new' ])) $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_new' ] = new account ();
if ( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_final_changegids' ])) $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_final_changegids' ] = '' ;
if ( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_shelllist' ])) $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_shelllist' ] = getshells ();
// Register Session-Variables with references so we don't net to change to complete code if names changes
$account_new =& $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_new' ];
$shelllist =& $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_shelllist' ];
if ( is_object ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_old' ])) $account_old =& $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_old' ];
$ldap_intern =& $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ];
$config_intern =& $_SESSION [ 'config' ];
$header_intern =& $_SESSION [ 'header' ];
$hostDN_intern =& $_SESSION [ 'hostDN' ];
$groupDN_intern =& $_SESSION [ 'groupDN' ];
// $_GET is only valid if useredit.php was called from userlist.php
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'DN' ]) && $_GET [ 'DN' ] != '' ) {
// useredit.php should edit an existing account
// reset variables
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_old' ])) {
unset ( $account_old );
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_old' ]);
$_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_old' ] = new account ();
$account_old =& $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_old' ];
// get "real" DN from variable
$DN = str_replace ( " \ ' " , '' , $_GET [ 'DN' ]);
2004-02-08 16:03:51 +00:00
if ( $_GET [ 'DN' ] == $DN ) $DN = str_replace ( " ' " , '' , $_GET [ 'DN' ]);
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// Load existing group
$account_new = loaduser ( $DN );
$account_old = $account_new ;
$account_new -> unix_password = '' ;
$account_new -> smb_password = '' ;
$account_new -> general_dn = substr ( $account_new -> general_dn , strpos ( $account_new -> general_dn , ',' ) + 1 );
// Display general-page
$select_local = 'general' ;
// Startcondition. useredit.php was called from outside to create a new user
else if ( count ( $_POST ) == 0 ) {
// Create new account object with settings from default profile
// Check if there are valid groups. Can not create user with no primary group
$groups = findgroups ();
if ( count ( $groups ) == 0 ) {
// Write HTML-Header
echo $header_intern ;
echo " <title> " ;
echo _ ( " Create new Account " );
echo " </title> \n " .
" <link rel= \" stylesheet \" type= \" text/css \" href= \" ../../style/layout.css \" > \n " .
" <meta http-equiv= \" pragma \" content= \" no-cache \" > \n " .
" <meta http-equiv= \" cache-control \" content= \" no-cache \" > \n " .
" </head><body> \n " ;
// Display errir-messages
StatusMessage ( " ERROR " , _ ( " Can not create any users. " ), _ ( " Please create a group first. " ));
echo " <a href=../lists/listusers.php> " . _ ( " Back to userlist " ) . " </a> \n " ;
echo " </body></html> " ;
die ;
$account_new = loadUserProfile ( 'default' );
$account_new -> type = 'user' ;
if ( $config_intern -> scriptServer ) {
// load quotas and check if quotas from profile are valid
$quotas = getquotas ( $account_new );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $account_new -> quota ); $i ++ ) $profile_quotas [] = $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ];
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $quotas -> quota ); $i ++ ) {
$real_quotas [] = $quotas -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ];
if ( is_array ( $profile_quotas )) {
if ( ! in_array ( $quotas -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ], $profile_quotas )) $account_new -> quota [] = $quotas -> quota [ $i ];
else $account_new -> quota [] = $quotas -> quota [ $i ];
$j = 0 ;
// delete not existing quotas
while ( isset ( $account_new -> quota [ $j ][ 0 ])) {
// remove invalid quotas
if ( ! in_array ( $account_new -> quota [ $j ][ 0 ], $real_quotas )) unset ( $account_new -> quota [ $j ]);
else $j ++ ;
// Beautify array, repair index
if ( is_array ( $account_new -> quota )) $account_new -> quota = array_values ( $account_new -> quota );
// Set used blocks
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $account_new -> quota ); $i ++ ) {
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 1 ] = 0 ;
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 5 ] = 0 ;
// Display general-page
$select_local = 'general' ;
switch ( $_POST [ 'select' ]) {
/* Select which part of page should be loaded and check values
* groups = page with all groups to which user is additional member
* workstations = page with all workstations the user is allowed to login
* general = startpage , general account paramters
* samba = page with all samba - related parameters e . g . smbpassword
* quota = page with all quota - related parameters e . g . hard file quota
* personal = page with all personal - related parametergs , e . g . phone number
* final = last page shown before account is created / modified
* finish = page shown after account has been created / modified
case 'groups' :
do { // X-Or, only one if() can be true
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'allgroups' ]) && isset ( $_POST [ 'add' ])) { // Add groups to list
// Add new group
$account_new -> general_groupadd = @ array_merge ( $account_new -> general_groupadd , $_POST [ 'allgroups' ]);
// remove doubles
$account_new -> general_groupadd = @ array_flip ( $account_new -> general_groupadd );
array_unique ( $account_new -> general_groupadd );
$account_new -> general_groupadd = @ array_flip ( $account_new -> general_groupadd );
// sort groups
sort ( $account_new -> general_groupadd );
break ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'selectedgroups' ]) && isset ( $_POST [ 'remove' ])) { // remove groups from list
$account_new -> general_groupadd = array_delete ( $_POST [ 'selectedgroups' ], $account_new -> general_groupadd );
break ;
} while ( 0 );
// display group page
$select_local = 'groups' ;
break ;
case 'workstations' :
do { // X-Or, only one if() can be true
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'hosts' ]) && isset ( $_POST [ 'add' ])) { // Add workstations to list
$temp = str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $account_new -> smb_smbuserworkstations );
$workstations = explode ( ',' , $temp );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $workstations ); $i ++ )
if ( $workstations [ $i ] == '' ) unset ( $workstations [ $i ]);
$workstations = array_values ( $workstations );
// Add new // Add workstations
$workstations = array_merge ( $workstations , $_POST [ 'hosts' ]);
// remove doubles
$workstations = array_flip ( $workstations );
array_unique ( $workstations );
$workstations = array_flip ( $workstations );
// sort workstations
sort ( $workstations );
// Recreate workstation string
$account_new -> smb_smbuserworkstations = $workstations [ 0 ];
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < count ( $workstations ); $i ++ ) {
$account_new -> smb_smbuserworkstations = $account_new -> smb_smbuserworkstations . " , " . $workstations [ $i ];
break ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'members' ]) && isset ( $_POST [ 'remove' ])) { // remove // Add workstations from list
// Put all workstations in array
$temp = str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $account_new -> smb_smbuserworkstations );
$workstations = explode ( ',' , $temp );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $workstations ); $i ++ )
if ( $workstations [ $i ] == '' ) unset ( $workstations [ $i ]);
$workstations = array_values ( $workstations );
// Remove unwanted workstations from array
$workstations = array_delete ( $_POST [ 'members' ], $workstations );
// Recreate workstation string
$account_new -> smb_smbuserworkstations = $workstations [ 0 ];
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < count ( $workstations ); $i ++ ) {
$account_new -> smb_smbuserworkstations = $account_new -> smb_smbuserworkstations . " , " . $workstations [ $i ];
break ;
} while ( 0 );
// display workstations page
$select_local = 'workstations' ;
break ;
case 'general' :
if ( ! $_POST [ 'load' ]) {
if (( $account_new -> general_username != $_POST [ 'f_general_username' ]) && ereg ( '[A-Z]$' , $_POST [ 'f_general_username' ]))
$errors [] = array ( 'WARN' , _ ( 'Username' ), _ ( 'You are using a capital letters. This can cause problems because not all programs are case-sensitive.' ));
// Write all general values into $account_new if no profile should be loaded
$account_new -> general_dn = $_POST [ 'f_general_suffix' ];
$account_new -> general_username = $_POST [ 'f_general_username' ];
$account_new -> general_surname = $_POST [ 'f_general_surname' ];
$account_new -> general_givenname = $_POST [ 'f_general_givenname' ];
$account_new -> general_uidNumber = $_POST [ 'f_general_uidNumber' ];
$account_new -> general_group = $_POST [ 'f_general_group' ];
$account_new -> general_homedir = $_POST [ 'f_general_homedir' ];
$account_new -> general_shell = $_POST [ 'f_general_shell' ];
$account_new -> general_gecos = $_POST [ 'f_general_gecos' ];
// Check if givenname is valid
if ( ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[-]|[ ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])+$' , $account_new -> general_givenname )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Given name' ), _ ( 'Given name contains invalid characters' ));
// Check if surname is valid
if ( ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[-]|[ ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])+$' , $account_new -> general_surname )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Surname' ), _ ( 'Surname contains invalid characters' ));
if ( ( $account_new -> general_gecos == '' ) || ( $account_new -> general_gecos == ' ' )) {
$account_new -> general_gecos = $account_new -> general_givenname . " " . $account_new -> general_surname ;
$errors [] = array ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'Gecos' ), _ ( 'Inserted sur- and given name in gecos-field.' ));
if ( $account_new -> general_group == '' ) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Primary group' ), _ ( 'No primary group defined!' ));
// Check if Username contains only valid characters
if ( ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[_])*$' , $account_new -> general_username ))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Username' ), _ ( 'Username contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !' ));
// Check if user already exists
// Remove primary group from additional groups if set.
if ( isset ( $account_new -> general_groupadd ) && in_array ( $account_new -> general_group , $account_new -> general_groupadd )) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $account_new -> general_groupadd ); $i ++ )
if ( $account_new -> general_groupadd [ $i ] == $account_new -> general_group ) {
unset ( $account_new -> general_groupadd [ $i ]);
$account_new -> general_groupadd = array_values ( $account_new -> general_groupadd );
// Create automatic useraccount with number if original user already exists
// Reset name to original name if new name is in use
if ( ldapexists ( $account_new , $account_old ) && is_object ( $account_old ))
$account_new -> general_username = $account_old -> general_username ;
while ( $temp = ldapexists ( $account_new , $account_old )) {
// get last character of username
$lastchar = substr ( $account_new -> general_username , strlen ( $account_new -> general_username ) - 1 , 1 );
// Last character is no number
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9])+$' , $lastchar ))
/* Last character is no number . Therefore we only have to
* add " 2 " to it .
$account_new -> general_username = $account_new -> general_username . '2' ;
else {
/* Last character is a number -> we have to increase the number until we ' ve
* found a groupname with trailing number which is not in use .
* $i will show us were we have to split groupname so we get a part
* with the groupname and a part with the trailing number
$i = strlen ( $account_new -> general_username ) - 1 ;
$mark = false ;
// Set $i to the last character which is a number in $account_new->general_username
while ( ! $mark ) {
if ( ereg ( '^([0-9])+$' , substr ( $account_new -> general_username , $i , strlen ( $account_new -> general_username ) - $i ))) $i -- ;
else $mark = true ;
// increase last number with one
$firstchars = substr ( $account_new -> general_username , 0 , $i + 1 );
$lastchars = substr ( $account_new -> general_username , $i + 1 , strlen ( $account_new -> general_username ) - $i );
// Put username together
$account_new -> general_username = $firstchars . ( intval ( $lastchars ) + 1 );
// Show warning if lam has changed username
if ( $account_new -> general_username != $_POST [ 'f_general_username' ]) $errors [] = array ( 'WARN' , _ ( 'Username' ), _ ( 'Username in use. Selected next free username.' ));
// Check if Homedir is valid
$account_new -> general_homedir = str_replace ( '$group' , $account_new -> general_group , $account_new -> general_homedir );
if ( $account_new -> general_username != '' )
$account_new -> general_homedir = str_replace ( '$user' , $account_new -> general_username , $account_new -> general_homedir );
2004-01-17 14:04:04 +00:00
if ( $account_new -> general_homedir != $_POST [ 'f_general_homedir' ]) $errors [] = array ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'Home directory' ), _ ( 'Replaced $%s or $%s in homedir.' ), array ( 'user' , 'group' ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( '^[/]([a-z]|[A-Z])([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[_])*([/]([a-z]|[A-Z])([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[_])*)*$' , $account_new -> general_homedir ))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Home directory' ), _ ( 'Homedirectory contains invalid characters.' ));
// Check if UID is valid. If none value was entered, the next useable value will be inserted
$temp = explode ( ':' , checkid ( $account_new , $account_old ));
$account_new -> general_uidNumber = $temp [ 0 ];
// true if checkid has returned an error
if ( $temp [ 1 ] != '' ) $errors [] = explode ( ';' , $temp [ 1 ]);
// Check if Name-length is OK. minLength=3, maxLength=20
if ( ! ereg ( '.{3,20}' , $account_new -> general_username )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Name' ), _ ( 'Name must contain between 3 and 20 characters.' ));
// Check if Name starts with letter
if ( ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[A-Z]).*$' , $account_new -> general_username ))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Name' ), _ ( 'Name contains invalid characters. First character must be a letter.' ));
break ;
case 'unix' :
// Write all general values into $account_new
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'f_unix_password' ])) {
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
// Encrypt password
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( $_POST [ 'f_unix_password' ] != $_POST [ 'f_unix_password2' ]) {
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Password' ), _ ( 'Please enter the same password in both password-fields.' ));
unset ( $_POST [ 'f_unix_password2' ]);
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
else $account_new -> unix_password = base64_encode ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> encrypt ( $_POST [ 'f_unix_password' ]));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
else $account_new -> unix_password = '' ;
if ( $_POST [ 'f_unix_password_no' ]) $account_new -> unix_password_no = true ;
else $account_new -> unix_password_no = false ;
$account_new -> unix_pwdwarn = $_POST [ 'f_unix_pwdwarn' ];
$account_new -> unix_pwdallowlogin = $_POST [ 'f_unix_pwdallowlogin' ];
$account_new -> unix_pwdmaxage = $_POST [ 'f_unix_pwdmaxage' ];
$account_new -> unix_pwdminage = $_POST [ 'f_unix_pwdminage' ];
$account_new -> unix_host = $_POST [ 'f_unix_host' ];
$account_new -> unix_pwdexpire = mktime ( 10 , 0 , 0 , $_POST [ 'f_unix_pwdexpire_mon' ],
$_POST [ 'f_unix_pwdexpire_day' ], $_POST [ 'f_unix_pwdexpire_yea' ]);
if ( $_POST [ 'f_unix_deactivated' ]) $account_new -> unix_deactivated = $_POST [ 'f_unix_deactivated' ];
else $account_new -> unix_deactivated = false ;
if ( $_POST [ 'genpass' ]) {
// Generate a random password if generate-button was pressed
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$account_new -> unix_password = base64_encode ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> encrypt ( genpasswd ()));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
unset ( $_POST [ 'f_unix_password2' ]);
// Keep unix-page acitve
$select_local = 'unix' ;
// Check if values are OK and set automatic values. if not error-variable will be set
else { // account.inc
if ( $account_new -> unix_password != '' ) {
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$password = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt ( base64_decode ( $account_new -> unix_password ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[\|]|[\#]|[\*]|[\,]|[\.]|[\;]|[\:]|[\_]|[\-]|[\+]|[\!]|[\%]|[\&]|[\/]|[\?]|[\{]|[\[]|[\(]|[\)]|[\]]|[\}])*$' , $password ))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Password' ), _ ( 'Password contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and #*,.;:_-+!$%&/|?{[()]}= !' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9])*$' , $account_new -> unix_pwdminage )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Password minage' ), _ ( 'Password minage must be are natural number.' ));
if ( $account_new -> unix_pwdminage > $account_new -> unix_pwdmaxage ) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Password maxage' ), _ ( 'Password maxage must bigger as Password Minage.' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]*)$' , $account_new -> unix_pwdmaxage )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Password maxage' ), _ ( 'Password maxage must be are natural number.' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^(([-][1])|([0-9]*))$' , $account_new -> unix_pwdallowlogin ))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Password Expire' ), _ ( 'Password expire must be are natural number or -1.' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]*)$' , $account_new -> unix_pwdwarn )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Password warn' ), _ ( 'Password warn must be are natural number.' ));
if (( ! $account_new -> unix_host == '' ) && ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-])+(([,])+([ ])*([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-])+)*$' , $account_new -> unix_host ))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Unix workstations' ), _ ( 'Unix workstations is invalid.' ));
break ;
case 'samba' :
// Write all general values into $account_new
$account_new -> smb_pwdcanchange = mktime ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdcanchange_s' ], $_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdcanchange_m' ], $_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdcanchange_h' ],
$_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdcanchange_mon' ], $_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdcanchange_day' ], $_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdcanchange_yea' ]);
$account_new -> smb_pwdmustchange = mktime ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdmustchange_s' ], $_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdmustchange_m' ], $_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdmustchange_h' ],
$_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdmustchange_mon' ], $_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdmustchange_day' ], $_POST [ 'f_smb_pwdmustchange_yea' ]);
if ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_flagsN' ]) $account_new -> smb_flags [ 'N' ] = true ;
else $account_new -> smb_flags [ 'N' ] = false ;
if ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_useunixpwd' ]) $account_new -> smb_useunixpwd = true ;
else $account_new -> smb_useunixpwd = false ;
$account_new -> smb_homedrive = $_POST [ 'f_smb_homedrive' ];
2004-02-16 16:14:53 +00:00
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc () == 1 ) {
$_POST [ 'f_smb_smbhome' ] = stripslashes ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_smbhome' ]);
$_POST [ 'f_smb_profilePath' ] = stripslashes ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_profilePath' ]);
$_POST [ 'f_smb_scriptpath' ] = stripslashes ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_scriptpath' ]);
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$account_new -> smb_scriptPath = $_POST [ 'f_smb_scriptpath' ];
2004-02-16 16:14:53 +00:00
$account_new -> smb_smbhome = $_POST [ 'f_smb_smbhome' ];
$account_new -> smb_profilePath = $_POST [ 'f_smb_profilePath' ];
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$account_new -> smb_displayName = $_POST [ 'f_smb_displayName' ];
if ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_flagsD' ]) $account_new -> smb_flags [ 'D' ] = true ;
else $account_new -> smb_flags [ 'D' ] = false ;
if ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_flagsX' ]) $account_new -> smb_flags [ 'X' ] = true ;
else $account_new -> smb_flags [ 'X' ] = false ;
if ( $config_intern -> is_samba3 ()) {
// samba 3 uses object with SID and domainname
$samba3domains = $ldap_intern -> search_domains ( $config_intern -> get_domainSuffix ());
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $samba3domains ); $i ++ )
if ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_domain' ] == $samba3domains [ $i ] -> name ) {
$account_new -> smb_domain = $samba3domains [ $i ];
// Check if user is member of a well known windows group
switch ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_mapgroup' ]) {
case '*' . _ ( 'Domain Guests' ) : $account_new -> smb_mapgroup = $account_new -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . '514' ; break ;
case '*' . _ ( 'Domain Users' ) : $account_new -> smb_mapgroup = $account_new -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . '513' ; break ;
case '*' . _ ( 'Domain Admins' ) : $account_new -> smb_mapgroup = $account_new -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . '512' ; break ;
case $account_new -> general_group :
$account_new -> smb_mapgroup = $account_new -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " .
( 2 * getgid ( $account_new -> general_group ) + $account_new -> smb_domain -> RIDbase + 1 );
break ;
else {
// samba 2.2 only uses a string as domainname
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_domain' ])) $account_new -> smb_domain = $_POST [ 'f_smb_domain' ];
else $account_new -> smb_domain = '' ;
// Check if user is member of a well known windows group
switch ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_mapgroup' ]) {
case '*' . _ ( 'Domain Guests' ) : $account_new -> smb_mapgroup = '514' ; break ;
case '*' . _ ( 'Domain Users' ) : $account_new -> smb_mapgroup = '513' ; break ;
case '*' . _ ( 'Domain Admins' ) : $account_new -> smb_mapgroup = '512' ; break ;
case $account_new -> general_group :
$account_new -> smb_mapgroup = ( 2 * getgid ( $account_new -> general_group ) + 1001 );
break ;
// Set Samba password
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_password' ]) && ! $account_new -> smb_useunixpwd ) {
// Encraypt password
if ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_password' ] != $_POST [ 'f_smb_password2' ]) {
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Password' ), _ ( 'Please enter the same password in both password-fields.' ));
unset ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_password2' ]);
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
else $account_new -> smb_password = base64_encode ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> encrypt ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_password' ]));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
else $account_new -> smb_password = '' ;
if ( (( $account_new -> smb_useunixpwd && ! $account_old ) || ( $account_new -> smb_useunixpwd && $account_new -> unix_password != '' )) && isset ( $account_new -> unix_password ) ) {
// Set Samba-Password to unix-password if option is set
2004-02-07 11:37:36 +00:00
$smb_password = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt ( base64_decode ( $account_new -> unix_password ));
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$account_new -> smb_password = base64_encode ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> encrypt ( $smb_password ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// Check values
$account_new -> smb_scriptPath = str_replace ( '$user' , $account_new -> general_username , $account_new -> smb_scriptPath );
$account_new -> smb_scriptPath = str_replace ( '$group' , $account_new -> general_group , $account_new -> smb_scriptPath );
2004-02-16 16:14:53 +00:00
if ( $account_new -> smb_scriptPath != $_POST [ 'f_smb_scriptpath' ]) $errors [] = array ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'Logon script' ), _ ( 'Inserted user- or groupname in scriptpath.' ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$account_new -> smb_profilePath = str_replace ( '$user' , $account_new -> general_username , $account_new -> smb_profilePath );
$account_new -> smb_profilePath = str_replace ( '$group' , $account_new -> general_group , $account_new -> smb_profilePath );
2004-02-16 16:14:53 +00:00
if ( $account_new -> smb_profilePath != $_POST [ 'f_smb_profilePath' ]) $errors [] = array ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'Profile path' ), _ ( 'Inserted user- or groupname in profilepath.' ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$account_new -> smb_smbhome = str_replace ( '$user' , $account_new -> general_username , $account_new -> smb_smbhome );
$account_new -> smb_smbhome = str_replace ( '$group' , $account_new -> general_group , $account_new -> smb_smbhome );
2004-02-16 16:14:53 +00:00
if ( $account_new -> smb_smbhome != $_POST [ 'f_smb_smbhome' ]) $errors [] = array ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'Home path' ), _ ( 'Inserted user- or groupname in HomePath.' ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( ( ! $account_new -> smb_smbhome == '' ) && ( ! ereg ( '^[\][\]([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[%])+([\]([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[%]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])+)+$' , $account_new -> smb_smbhome )))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Home path' ), _ ( 'Home path is invalid.' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[\|]|[\#]|[\*]|[\,]|[\.]|[\;]|[\:]|[\_]|[\-]|[\+]|[\!]|[\%]|[\&]|[\/]|[\?]|[\{]|[\[]|[\(]|[\)]|[\]]|[\}])*$' ,
$smb_password )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Password' ), _ ( 'Password contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and #*,.;:_-+!$%&/|?{[()]}= !' ));
2004-02-16 16:14:53 +00:00
if ( ( ! $account_new -> smb_scriptPath == '' ) && ( ! eregi ( '^([\\])*([a-z0-9\\._%<25> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> -])+(\\\([a-z0-9\\._%<25> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> -])+)*((\.bat)|(\.cmd))$' , $account_new -> smb_scriptPath )))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Logon script' ), _ ( 'Logon script is invalid!' ));
if ( ( ! $account_new -> smb_profilePath == '' ) && ( ! eregi ( '^[/][a-z]([a-z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[_]|[%])*([/][a-z]([a-z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[_]|[%])*)*$' , $account_new -> smb_profilePath ))
2004-04-23 15:34:22 +00:00
&& ( ! eregi ( '^[\][\]([a-z0-9_]|[.]|[-]|[%])+([\]([a-z0-9_]|[.]|[-]|[%])+)+$' , $account_new -> smb_profilePath )))
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Profile path' ), _ ( 'Profile path is invalid!' ));
if (( ! $account_new -> smb_domain == '' ) && ( ! is_object ( $account_new -> smb_domain )) && ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[-])+$' , $account_new -> smb_domain ))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Domain name' ), _ ( 'Domain name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and -.' ));
if ( $account_new -> smb_useunixpwd ) $account_new -> smb_useunixpwd = 1 ; else $account_new -> smb_useunixpwd = 0 ;
if (( $account_new -> smb_displayName == '' ) && isset ( $account_new -> general_gecos )) {
$account_new -> smb_displayName = $account_new -> general_gecos ;
$errors [] = array ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'Display name' ), _ ( 'Inserted gecos-field as display name.' ));
break ;
case 'quota' :
// Write all general values into $account_new
$i = 0 ;
// loop for every mointpoint with quotas
while ( $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ]) {
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 2 ] = $_POST [ 'f_quota_' . $i . '_2' ];
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 3 ] = $_POST [ 'f_quota_' . $i . '_3' ];
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 6 ] = $_POST [ 'f_quota_' . $i . '_6' ];
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 7 ] = $_POST [ 'f_quota_' . $i . '_7' ];
// Check if values are OK and set automatic values. if not error-variable will be set
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9])*$' , $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 2 ]))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Block soft quota' ), _ ( 'Block soft quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are allowed' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9])*$' , $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 3 ]))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Block hard quota' ), _ ( 'Block hard quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are allowed' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9])*$' , $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 6 ]))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Inode soft quota' ), _ ( 'Inode soft quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are allowed' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9])*$' , $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 7 ]))
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Inode hard quota' ), _ ( 'Inode hard quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are allowed' ));
$i ++ ;
break ;
case 'personal' :
// Write all general values into $account_new
$account_new -> personal_title = $_POST [ 'f_personal_title' ];
$account_new -> personal_mail = $_POST [ 'f_personal_mail' ];
$account_new -> personal_telephoneNumber = $_POST [ 'f_personal_telephoneNumber' ];
$account_new -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber = $_POST [ 'f_personal_mobileTelephoneNumber' ];
$account_new -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber = $_POST [ 'f_personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber' ];
$account_new -> personal_street = $_POST [ 'f_personal_street' ];
$account_new -> personal_postalCode = $_POST [ 'f_personal_postalCode' ];
$account_new -> personal_postalAddress = $_POST [ 'f_personal_postalAddress' ];
$account_new -> personal_employeeType = $_POST [ 'f_personal_employeeType' ];
// Check if values are OK and set automatic values. if not error-variable will be set
if ( ! ereg ( '^(\+)*([0-9]|[ ]|[.]|[(]|[)]|[/]|[-])*$' , $account_new -> personal_telephoneNumber )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Telephone number' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid telephone number!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^(\+)*([0-9]|[ ]|[.]|[(]|[)]|[/]|[-])*$' , $account_new -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Mobile number' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid mobile number!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^(\+)*([0-9]|[ ]|[.]|[(]|[)]|[/]|[-])*$' , $account_new -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Fax number' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid fax number!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^(([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[.]|[-]|[_])+[@]([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[-])+([.]([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[-])+)*)*$' , $account_new -> personal_mail )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'eMail address' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid eMail address!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[-]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])*$' , $account_new -> personal_street )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Street' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid street name!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])*$' , $account_new -> personal_postalAddress )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Postal address' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid postal address!' ));
2004-05-19 16:58:21 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[-]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])*$' , $account_new -> personal_title )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Job title' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid job title!' ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])*$' , $account_new -> personal_employeeType )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Employee type' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid employee type!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z])*$' , $account_new -> personal_postalCode )) $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Postal code' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid postal code!' ));
break ;
case 'final' :
// Write all general values into $account_new
break ;
case 'finish' :
// Check if pdf-file should be created
if ( $_POST [ 'outputpdf' ]) {
// Load quotas if not yet done because they are needed for the pdf-file
if ( $config_intern -> scriptServer && ! isset ( $account_new -> quota [ 0 ])) { // load quotas
$temp = getquotas ( $account_old );
$account_new -> quota = $temp -> quota ;
unset ( $temp );
// Create / display PDf-file
createUserPDF ( array ( $account_new ));
die ;
break ;
do { // X-Or, only one if() can be true
if ( $_POST [ 'next_general' ]) {
// Go from general to next page if no error did ocour
if ( ! is_array ( $errors )) $select_local = 'general' ;
else $select_local = $_POST [ 'select' ];
break ;
if ( $_POST [ 'next_unix' ]) {
// Go from unix to next page if no error did ocour
if ( ! is_array ( $errors )) $select_local = 'unix' ;
else $select_local = $_POST [ 'select' ];
break ;
if ( $_POST [ 'next_samba' ]) {
// Go from samba to next page if no error did ocour
if ( ! is_array ( $errors )) $select_local = 'samba' ;
else $select_local = $_POST [ 'select' ];
break ;
if ( $_POST [ 'next_quota' ]) {
// Go from quota to next page if no error did ocour
if ( ! is_array ( $errors )) $select_local = 'quota' ;
else $select_local = $_POST [ 'select' ];
break ;
if ( $_POST [ 'next_personal' ]) {
// Go from personal to next page if no error did ocour
if ( ! is_array ( $errors )) $select_local = 'personal' ;
else $select_local = $_POST [ 'select' ];
break ;
if ( $_POST [ 'next_final' ]) {
// Go from final to next page if no error did ocour
if ( is_array ( $errors )) $stay = true ;
else $stay = false ;
if (( $account_old ) && ( $account_new -> general_uidNumber != $account_old -> general_uidNumber ))
$errors [] = array ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'UID-number has changed. You have to run the following command as root in order to change existing file-permissions:' ),
'find / -gid ' . $account_old -> general_uidNumber . ' -exec chown ' . $account_new -> general_uidNumber . ' {} \;' );
if (( $account_old ) && ( $account_new -> general_group != $account_old -> general_group ))
$errors [] = array ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'Primary group has changed. You have to run the following command as root in order to change existing file-permissions:' ),
'find / -uid ' . $account_new -> general_uidNumber . ' -gid ' . getgid ( $account_old -> general_group ) . ' -exec chown ' . $account_new -> general_uidNumber . ':' . getgid ( $account_new -> general_group ) . ' {} \;' );
if (( $account_old ) && ( $account_new -> general_homedir != $account_old -> general_homedir ))
$errors [] = array ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'Home Directory has changed. You have to run the following command as root in order to change the existing homedirectory:' ),
'mv ' . $account_old -> general_homedir . ' ' . $account_new -> general_homedir );
if ( $config_intern -> is_samba3 () && ! isset ( $account_new -> smb_domain )) {
// Samba page not viewed; can not create user because if missing options
$errors [] = array ( " ERROR " , _ ( " Samba Options not set! " ), _ ( " Please check settings on samba page. " ));
$stay = true ;
if ( ! $config_intern -> is_samba3 ()) {
$found = false ;
if ( strstr ( $account_new -> smb_scriptPath , '$group' )) $found = true ;
if ( strstr ( $account_new -> smb_scriptPath , '$user' )) $found = true ;
if ( strstr ( $account_new -> smb_profilePath , '$group' )) $found = true ;
if ( strstr ( $account_new -> smb_profilePath , '$user' )) $found = true ;
if ( strstr ( $account_new -> smb_smbhome , '$group' )) $found = true ;
if ( strstr ( $ account_new -> smb_smbhome , '$user' )) $found = true ;
if ( $found ) {
// Samba page not viewed; can not create group because if missing options
$stay = true ;
$errors [] = array ( " ERROR " , _ ( " Samba Options not set! " ), _ ( " Please check settings on samba page. " ));
if ( isset ( $account_old -> general_objectClass )) {
if ( ! in_array ( 'posixAccount' , $account_old -> general_objectClass ))
$errors [] = array ( 'WARN' , _ ( 'ObjectClass posixAccount not found.' ), _ ( 'Have to add objectClass posixAccount.' ));
if ( ! in_array ( 'shadowAccount' , $account_old -> general_objectClass ))
$errors [] = array ( 'WARN' , _ ( 'ObjectClass shadowAccount not found.' ), _ ( 'Have to add objectClass shadowAccount.' ));
if ( $config_intern -> is_samba3 ()) {
if ( ! in_array ( 'sambaSamAccount' , $account_old -> general_objectClass ))
2004-03-09 09:47:10 +00:00
$errors [] = array ( 'WARN' , _ ( 'ObjectClass sambaSamAccount not found.' ), _ ( 'Have to add objectClass sambaSamAccount. User with sambaAccount will be updated.' ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
else {
if ( ! in_array ( 'sambaAccount' , $account_old -> general_objectClass ))
$errors [] = array ( 'WARN' , _ ( 'ObjectClass sambaAccount not found.' ), _ ( 'Have to add objectClass sambaAccount. User with sambaSamAccount will be set back to sambaAccount.' ));
if ( ! $stay ) $select_local = 'final' ;
else $select_local = $_POST [ 'select' ];
break ;
if ( $_POST [ 'next_workstations' ]) {
// Go from workstations to next page if no error did ocour
if ( ! is_array ( $errors )) $select_local = 'workstations' ;
else $select_local = $_POST [ 'select' ];
break ;
if ( $_POST [ 'next_groups' ]) {
// Go from groups to next page if no error did ocour
if ( ! is_array ( $errors )) $select_local = 'groups' ;
else $select_local = $_POST [ 'select' ];
break ;
// Reset account to original settings if undo-button was pressed
if ( $_POST [ 'next_reset' ]) {
$account_new = $account_old ;
$account_new -> unix_password = '' ;
$account_new -> smb_password = '' ;
$account_new -> general_dn = substr ( $account_new -> general_dn , strpos ( $account_new -> general_dn , ',' ) + 1 );
$select_local = $_POST [ 'select' ];
break ;
if ( $_POST [ 'create' ] ) { // Create-Button was pressed
// Create or modify an account
if ( $account_old ) $result = modifyuser ( $account_new , $account_old );
else $result = createuser ( $account_new ); // account.inc
if ( $result == 4 || $result == 5 ) $select_local = 'final' ;
else $select_local = 'finish' ;
break ;
// Load Profile and reset all attributes to settings in profile
if ( $_POST [ 'createagain' ]) {
$select_local = 'general' ;
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_new' ]);
unset ( $account_new );
$_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_new' ] = loadUserProfile ( 'default' );
$account_new =& $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_new' ];
$account_new -> type = 'user' ;
break ;
// Load Profile and reset all attributes to settings in profile
if ( $_POST [ 'load' ]) {
$account_new -> general_dn = $_POST [ 'f_general_suffix' ];
$account_new -> general_username = $_POST [ 'f_general_username' ];
$account_new -> general_surname = $_POST [ 'f_general_surname' ];
$account_new -> general_givenname = $_POST [ 'f_general_givenname' ];
$account_new -> general_uidNumber = $_POST [ 'f_general_uidNumber' ];
$account_new -> general_group = $_POST [ 'f_general_group' ];
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'f_general_groupadd' ])) $account_new -> general_groupadd = $_POST [ 'f_general_groupadd' ];
else $account_new -> general_groupadd = array ( '' );
$account_new -> general_homedir = $_POST [ 'f_general_homedir' ];
$account_new -> general_shell = $_POST [ 'f_general_shell' ];
$account_new -> general_gecos = $_POST [ 'f_general_gecos' ];
if ( $_POST [ 'f_general_selectprofile' ] != '' ) $values = loadUserProfile ( $_POST [ 'f_general_selectprofile' ]);
if ( is_object ( $values )) {
while ( list ( $key , $val ) = each ( $values )) // Set only defined values
if ( isset ( $val )) $account_new -> $key = $val ;
// insert autoreplace values
$account_new -> general_homedir = str_replace ( '$group' , $account_new -> general_group , $account_new -> general_homedir );
if ( $account_new -> general_username != '' )
$account_new -> general_homedir = str_replace ( '$user' , $account_new -> general_username , $account_new -> general_homedir );
$account_new -> smb_scriptPath = str_replace ( '$group' , $account_new -> general_group , $account_new -> smb_scriptPath );
if ( $account_new -> general_username != '' )
$account_new -> smb_scriptPath = str_replace ( '$user' , $account_new -> general_username , $account_new -> smb_scriptPath );
$account_new -> smb_profilePath = str_replace ( '$group' , $account_new -> general_group , $account_new -> smb_profilePath );
if ( $account_new -> general_username != '' )
$account_new -> smb_profilePath = str_replace ( '$user' , $account_new -> general_username , $account_new -> smb_profilePath );
$account_new -> smb_smbhome = str_replace ( '$group' , $account_new -> general_group , $account_new -> smb_smbhome );
if ( $account_new -> general_username != '' )
$account_new -> smb_smbhome = str_replace ( '$user' , $account_new -> general_username , $account_new -> smb_smbhome );
if ( $config_intern -> scriptServer ) {
// load quotas and check if quotas from profile are valid
if ( isset ( $account_old )) $quotas = getquotas ( $account_old );
else $quotas = getquotas ( $account_new );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $account_new -> quota ); $i ++ ) $profile_quotas [] = $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ];
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $quotas -> quota ); $i ++ ) {
$real_quotas [] = $quotas -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ];
if ( is_array ( $profile_quotas )) {
if ( ! in_array ( $quotas -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ], $profile_quotas )) $account_new -> quota [] = $quotas -> quota [ $i ];
else $account_new -> quota [] = $quotas -> quota [ $i ];
$j = 0 ;
// delete not existing quotas
while ( isset ( $account_new -> quota [ $j ][ 0 ])) {
// remove invalid quotas
if ( ! in_array ( $account_new -> quota [ $j ][ 0 ], $real_quotas )) unset ( $account_new -> quota [ $j ]);
else $j ++ ;
// Beautify array, repair index
if ( is_array ( $account_new -> quota )) $account_new -> quota = array_values ( $account_new -> quota );
// Set used blocks
if ( isset ( $account_old )) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $account_new -> quota ); $i ++ )
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < count ( $quotas -> quota ); $j ++ )
if ( $quotas -> quota [ $j ][ 0 ] == $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ]) {
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 1 ] = $quotas -> quota [ $i ][ 1 ];
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 4 ] = $quotas -> quota [ $i ][ 4 ];
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 5 ] = $quotas -> quota [ $i ][ 5 ];
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 8 ] = $quotas -> quota [ $i ][ 8 ];
else for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $account_new -> quota ); $i ++ ) {
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 1 ] = 0 ;
$account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 5 ] = 0 ;
// select general page after group has been loaded
$select_local = 'general' ;
break ;
// Save Profile
if ( $_POST [ 'save' ]) {
// save profile
if ( $_POST [ 'f_finish_safeProfile' ] == '' )
$errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Save profile' ), _ ( 'No profilename given.' ));
else {
if ( saveUserProfile ( $account_new , $_POST [ 'f_finish_safeProfile' ]))
$errors [] = array ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'Save profile' ), _ ( 'New profile created.' ));
else $errors [] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Save profile' ), _ ( 'Wrong profilename given.' ));
// select last page displayed before user is created
$select_local = 'final' ;
break ;
// Go back to listgroups.php
if ( $_POST [ 'backmain' ]) {
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_new' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_new' ]);
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_old' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_account_old' ]);
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_final_changegids' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_final_changegids' ]);
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_shelllist' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'account_' . $varkey . '_shelllist' ]);
metaRefresh ( " ../lists/listusers.php " );
die ;
break ;
} while ( 0 );
// Write HTML-Header
echo $header_intern ;
echo " <title> " ;
echo _ ( " Create new Account " );
echo " </title> \n " .
" <link rel= \" stylesheet \" type= \" text/css \" href= \" ../../style/layout.css \" > \n " .
// "<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">\n".
// "<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\">\n".
" </head><body> \n " .
" <form action= \" useredit.php \" method= \" post \" > \n " .
" <input name= \" varkey \" type= \" hidden \" value= \" " . $varkey . " \" > \n " ;
// Display errir-messages
2004-01-17 14:04:04 +00:00
if ( is_array ( $errors )) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $errors ); $i ++ ) StatusMessage ( $errors [ $i ][ 0 ], $errors [ $i ][ 1 ], $errors [ $i ][ 2 ], $errors [ $i ][ 3 ]);
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// print_r($account_new);
switch ( $select_local ) {
/* Select which part of page should be loaded and check values
* groups = page with all groups to which user is additional member
* workstations = page with all workstations the user is allowed to login
* general = startpage , general account paramters
* samba = page with all samba - related parameters e . g . smbpassword
* quota = page with all quota - related parameters e . g . hard file quota
* personal = page with all personal - related parametergs , e . g . phone number
* final = last page shown before account is created / modified
* finish = page shown after account has been created / modified
case 'workstations' :
// Validate cache-array
ldapreload ( 'host' );
// Get copy of cache-array
$temp2 = $hostDN_intern ;
// unset timestamp stored in $temp2[0]
unset ( $temp2 [ 0 ]);
// Remove $ from workstations
2004-03-13 13:44:55 +00:00
foreach ( $temp2 as $temp ) $hosts [] = str_replace ( " $ " , '' , $temp [ 'uid' ]);
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
// sort workstations
sort ( $hosts , SORT_STRING );
// get workstation array
$temp = str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $account_new -> smb_smbuserworkstations );
$workstations = explode ( ',' , $temp );
// Remove workstations to which the user is allowed to login from array
$hosts = array_delete ( $workstations , $hosts );
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="workstations">' ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 15% \" > " ;
echo " <table><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-dark \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Please select page:' );
echo " </b></legend> \n " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_general \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'General' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_unix \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Unix' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_samba \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Samba' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_quota \" type= \" submit \" " ; if ( ! isset ( $config_intern -> scriptPath )) echo " disabled " ;
echo " value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Quota' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_personal \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Personal' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_final \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Final' );
echo " \" > " ;
if ( isset ( $account_old )) {
echo " <br><br> " ;
echo _ ( " Reset all changes. " );
echo " <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_reset \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Undo' );
echo " \" > \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td></tr></table></td> \n <td> " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr> \n <td> " ;
echo " <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( " Select workstations " );
echo " </b></legend> \n <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr> \n <td valign= \" top \" > " ;
echo " <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" > " ;
echo _ ( " Allowed workstations " );
echo " </legend> \n " ;
// display all workstations the user is allowed to login
if ( count ( $workstations ) != 0 ) {
echo " <select name= \" members[] \" class= \" useredit-bright \" size=15 multiple> \n " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $workstations ); $i ++ )
if ( $workstations [ $i ] != '' ) echo " <option> " . $workstations [ $i ] . " </option> \n " ;
echo " </select> \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td> \n " ;
echo " <td align= \" center \" width= \" 10% \" ><input type= \" submit \" name= \" add \" value= \" <= \" > " ;
echo " " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" name= \" remove \" value= \" => \" ><br><br> " ;
echo " <a href= \" " . " ../help.php?HelpNumber=436 \" target= \" lamhelp \" > " . _ ( 'Help' ) . " </a></td> \n " ;
echo " <td valign= \" top \" ><fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" > " ;
echo _ ( 'Available workstations' );
echo " </legend> \n " ;
// Display all workstations without these the user is allowed to login
if ( count ( $hosts ) != 0 ) {
echo " <select name= \" hosts[] \" size=15 multiple class= \" useredit-bright \" > \n " ;
foreach ( $hosts as $temp ) echo " <option> $temp </option> \n " ;
echo " </select> \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td> \n </tr> \n </table> \n " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_samba \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Back' ); echo " \" > \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td></tr></table> \n </td></tr> \n </table> \n " ;
break ;
case 'groups' :
// Validate cache-array
ldapreload ( 'group' );
// Get copy of cache-array
$temp2 = $groupDN_intern ;
// unset timestamp stored in $temp2[0]
unset ( $temp2 [ 0 ]);
// load list with all groups
foreach ( $temp2 as $temp ) $groups [] = $temp [ 'cn' ];
// sort groups
sort ( $groups , SORT_STRING );
// remove groups the user is member of from grouplist
$groups = array_delete ( $account_new -> general_groupadd , $groups );
// Remove primary group from grouplist
$groups = array_flip ( $groups );
if ( isset ( $groups [ $account_new -> general_group ])) unset ( $groups [ $account_new -> general_group ]);
$groups = array_flip ( $groups );
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="groups">' ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 15% \" > " ;
echo " <table><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-dark \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Please select page:' );
echo " </b></legend> \n " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_general \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'General' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_unix \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Unix' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_samba \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Samba' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_quota \" type= \" submit \" " ; if ( ! isset ( $config_intern -> scriptPath )) echo " disabled " ;
echo " value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Quota' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_personal \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Personal' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_final \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Final' );
echo " \" > " ;
if ( isset ( $account_old )) {
echo " <br><br> " ;
echo _ ( " Reset all changes. " );
echo " <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_reset \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Undo' );
echo " \" > \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td></tr></table></td> \n <td> " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr> \n <td> " ;
echo " <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( " Additional groups " );
echo " </b></legend> \n <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr> \n <td valign= \" top \" > " ;
echo " <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" > " ;
echo _ ( " Selected groups " );
echo " </legend> \n " ;
// Show all groups the user is additional member of
if ( count ( $account_new -> general_groupadd ) != 0 ) {
echo " <select name= \" selectedgroups[] \" class= \" useredit-bright \" size=15 multiple> \n " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $account_new -> general_groupadd ); $i ++ )
if ( $account_new -> general_groupadd [ $i ] != '' ) echo " <option> " . $account_new -> general_groupadd [ $i ] . " </option> \n " ;
echo " </select> \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td> \n " ;
echo " <td align= \" center \" width= \" 10% \" ><input type= \" submit \" name= \" add \" value= \" <= \" > " ;
echo " " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" name= \" remove \" value= \" => \" ><br><br> " ;
echo " <a href= \" " . " ../help.php?HelpNumber=402 \" target= \" lamhelp \" > " . _ ( 'Help' ) . " </a></td> \n " ;
echo " <td valign= \" top \" ><fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" > " ;
echo _ ( 'Available groups' );
echo " </legend> \n " ;
// show all groups expect these the user is member of
if ( count ( $groups ) != 0 ) {
echo " <select name= \" allgroups[] \" size=15 multiple class= \" useredit-bright \" > \n " ;
foreach ( $groups as $temp ) {
$temp = str_replace ( " $ " , '' , $temp );
echo " <option> $temp </option> \n " ;
echo " </select> \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td> \n </tr> \n </table> \n " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_general \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Back' ); echo " \" > \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td></tr></table> \n </td></tr> \n </table> \n " ;
break ;
case 'general' :
// General Account Settings
// load list of all groups
$groups = findgroups ();
// load list of profiles
$profilelist = getUserProfiles ();
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="general">' ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 15% \" > " ;
echo " <table><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-dark \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Please select page:' );
echo " </b></legend> \n " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_general \" type= \" submit \" disabled value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'General' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_unix \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Unix' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_samba \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Samba' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_quota \" type= \" submit \" " ; if ( ! isset ( $config_intern -> scriptPath )) echo " disabled " ;
echo " value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Quota' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_personal \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Personal' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_final \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Final' );
echo " \" > " ;
if ( isset ( $account_old )) {
echo " <br><br> " ;
echo _ ( " Reset all changes. " );
echo " <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_reset \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Undo' );
echo " \" > \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td></tr></table></td> \n <td> " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr> \n <td> " ;
echo " <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( " General properties " );
echo " </b></legend> \n <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr> \n <td> " ;
echo _ ( 'Username' ) . '*' ;
echo " </td> \n <td> " .
'<input name="f_general_username" type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" value="' . $account_new -> general_username . '">' .
'</td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=400" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'UID number' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_general_uidNumber" type="text" size="6" maxlength="6" value="' . $account_new -> general_uidNumber . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=401" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'First name' ) . '*' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_general_givenname" type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" value="' . $account_new -> general_givenname . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=425" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '</tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Last name' ) . '*' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_general_surname" type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" value="' . $account_new -> general_surname . '">' .
'</td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=424" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Primary group' ) . '*' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><select name="f_general_group">' ;
// loop trough existing groups
foreach ( $groups as $group ) {
if ( $account_new -> general_group == $group ) echo '<option selected>' . $group . '</option>' ;
else echo '<option>' . $group . '</option>' ;
echo '</select></td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=406" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Additional groups' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="next_groups" type="submit" value="' . _ ( 'Edit groups' ) . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=402" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Home directory' ) . '*' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_general_homedir" type="text" size="30" value="' . $account_new -> general_homedir . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=403" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Gecos' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_general_gecos" type="text" size="30" value="' . $account_new -> general_gecos . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=404" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Login shell' ) . '*' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><select name="f_general_shell" >' ;
// loop through shells
foreach ( $shelllist as $shell )
if ( $account_new -> general_shell == trim ( $shell )) echo '<option selected>' . $shell . '</option>' ;
else echo '<option>' . $shell . '</option>' ;
echo '</select></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=405" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Suffix' ); echo '</td><td><select name="f_general_suffix">' ;
// loop through all user suffixes
foreach ( $ldap_intern -> search_units ( $config_intern -> get_UserSuffix ()) as $suffix ) {
if ( $account_new -> general_dn ) {
if ( $account_new -> general_dn == $suffix )
echo '<option selected>' . $suffix . '</option>' ;
else echo '<option>' . $suffix . '</option>' ;
else echo '<option>' . $suffix . '</option>' ;
echo '</select></td><td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=461" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) .
" </a></td> \n </tr> \n </table> " ;
echo _ ( 'Values with * are required' );
echo " </fieldset> \n </td></tr><tr><td> " ;
// Show fieldset with list of all user profiles
if ( count ( $profilelist ) != 0 ) {
echo " <fieldset class= \" useredit-dark \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( " Load profile " );
echo " </b></legend> \n <table border=0> \n <tr> \n <td> " ;
echo " <select name= \" f_general_selectprofile \" > " ;
foreach ( $profilelist as $profile ) echo " <option> $profile </option> \n " ;
echo " </select> \n " .
" <input name= \" load \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Load Profile' );
echo " \" ></td><td><a href= \" " . " ../help.php?HelpNumber=421 \" target= \" lamhelp \" > " ;
echo _ ( 'Help' ) . " </a></td> \n </tr> \n </table> \n </fieldset> \n " ;
echo " </td></tr> \n </table> \n </td></tr></table> \n " ;
break ;
case 'unix' :
// Unix Password Settings
// decrypt password
if ( $account_new -> unix_password != '' ) {
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$password = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt ( base64_decode ( $account_new -> unix_password ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
else $password = '' ;
// Use dd-mm-yyyy format of date because it's easier to read for humans
$date = getdate ( $account_new -> unix_pwdexpire );
echo " <input name= \" select \" type= \" hidden \" value= \" unix \" > \n " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 15% \" > " ;
echo " <table border=0><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-dark \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Please select page:' );
echo " </b></legend> \n " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_general \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'General' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_unix \" type= \" submit \" disabled value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Unix' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_samba \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Samba' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_quota \" type= \" submit \" " ; if ( ! isset ( $config_intern -> scriptPath )) echo " disabled " ;
echo " value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Quota' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_personal \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Personal' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_final \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Final' );
echo " \" > " ;
if ( isset ( $account_old )) {
echo " <br><br> " ;
echo _ ( " Reset all changes. " );
echo " <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_reset \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Undo' );
echo " \" > \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td></tr></table></td> \n <td valign= \" top \" > " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" ><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " . _ ( 'Unix properties' ) . " </b></legend> \n " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" ><tr><td> " ;
echo _ ( 'Password' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_unix_password" type="password" size="20" maxlength="20" value="' . $password . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="genpass" type="submit" value="' ;
echo _ ( 'Generate password' ); echo '"></td></tr><tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Repeat password' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_unix_password2" type="password" size="20" maxlength="20" value="' ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'f_unix_password2' ])) echo $_POST [ 'f_unix_password2' ];
else echo $password ;
echo '"></td>' . " \n " . '<td></td></tr><tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Use no password' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_unix_password_no" type="checkbox"' ;
if ( $account_new -> unix_password_no ) echo ' checked ' ;
echo '></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=426" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Password warn' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_unix_pwdwarn" type="text" size="4" maxlength="4" value="' . $account_new -> unix_pwdwarn . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=414" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Password expire' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_unix_pwdallowlogin" type="text" size="4" maxlength="4" value="' . $account_new -> unix_pwdallowlogin . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=415" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Maximum password age' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_unix_pwdmaxage" type="text" size="5" maxlength="5" value="' . $account_new -> unix_pwdmaxage . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=416" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Minimum password age' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_unix_pwdminage" type="text" size="4" maxlength="4" value="' . $account_new -> unix_pwdminage . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=417" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Expire date' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><select name="f_unix_pwdexpire_day">' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 31 ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $date [ 'mday' ] == $i ) echo " <option selected> $i " . '</option>' ;
else echo " <option> $i " . '</option>' ;
echo '</select><select name="f_unix_pwdexpire_mon">' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 12 ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $date [ 'mon' ] == $i ) echo " <option selected> $i " . '</option>' ;
else echo " <option> $i " . '</option>' ;
echo '</select><select name="f_unix_pwdexpire_yea">' ;
for ( $i = 2030 ; $i >= 2003 ; $i -- ) {
if ( $date [ 'year' ] == $i ) echo " <option selected> $i " . '</option>' ;
else echo " <option> $i " . '</option>' ;
echo '</select></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=418" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Account deactivated' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_unix_deactivated" type="checkbox"' ;
if ( $account_new -> unix_deactivated ) echo ' checked ' ;
echo '></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=427" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " ;
// show only hosts if schema does allow hosts
if ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> supports_unix_hosts ) {
echo '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Unix workstations' );
2004-02-28 17:50:43 +00:00
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_unix_host" type="text" size="20" maxlength="200" value="' . $account_new -> unix_host . '">' .
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=466" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) .
" </a></td> \n </tr> \n " ;
echo " </table> \n " ;
echo _ ( 'Values with * are required' );
echo " </fieldset> \n </td></tr></table></td></tr> \n </table> \n " ;
break ;
case 'samba' :
// Samba Settings
// decrypt password
if ( $account_new -> smb_password != '' ) {
2004-01-10 10:21:47 +00:00
$password = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> decrypt ( base64_decode ( $account_new -> smb_password ));
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
else $password = " " ;
if ( $config_intern -> is_samba3 ()) $samba3domains = $ldap_intern -> search_domains ( $config_intern -> get_domainSuffix ());
// Use dd-mm-yyyy format of date because it's easier to read for humans
$canchangedate = getdate ( $account_new -> smb_pwdcanchange );
$mustchangedate = getdate ( $account_new -> smb_pwdmustchange );
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="samba">' ;
// Save all values smaller than "day" so we don't loose them
echo '<input name="f_smb_pwdcanchange_h" type="hidden" value="' . $canchangedate [ 'hours' ] . '">' .
'<input name="f_smb_pwdcanchange_m" type="hidden" value="' . $canchangedate [ 'minutes' ] . '">' .
'<input name="f_smb_pwdcanchange_s" type="hidden" value="' . $canchangedate [ 'seconds' ] . '">' .
'<input name="f_smb_pwdmustchange_h" type="hidden" value="' . $mustchangedate [ 'hours' ] . '">' .
'<input name="f_smb_pwdmustchange_m" type="hidden" value="' . $mustchangedate [ 'minutes' ] . '">' .
'<input name="f_smb_pwdmustchange_s" type="hidden" value="' . $mustchangedate [ 'seconds' ] . '">' ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 15% \" > " ;
echo " <table><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-dark \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Please select page:' );
echo " </b></legend> \n " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_general \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'General' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_unix \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Unix' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_samba \" type= \" submit \" disabled value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Samba' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_quota \" type= \" submit \" " ; if ( ! isset ( $config_intern -> scriptPath )) echo " disabled " ;
echo " value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Quota' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_personal \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Personal' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_final \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Final' );
echo " \" > " ;
if ( isset ( $account_old )) {
echo " <br><br> " ;
echo _ ( " Reset all changes. " );
echo " <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_reset \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Undo' );
echo " \" > \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td></tr></table></td> \n <td> " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr> \n <td> " ;
echo " <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( " Samba properties " );
echo " </b></legend> \n <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr> \n <td> " ;
echo _ ( " Display name " );
echo " </td> \n <td> " .
" <input name= \" f_smb_displayName \" type= \" text \" size= \" 30 \" maxlength= \" 50 \" value= \" " . $account_new -> smb_displayName . " \" > " .
" </td> \n <td><a href= \" " . " ../help.php?HelpNumber=420 \" target= \" lamhelp \" > " . _ ( 'Help' ) . " </a></td> \n </tr> \n <tr> \n <td> " ;
echo _ ( 'Samba password' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_smb_password" type="password" size="20" maxlength="20" value="' . $password . '">' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Repeat password' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_smb_password2" type="password" size="20" maxlength="20" value="' ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'f_smb_password2' ])) echo $_POST [ 'f_smb_password2' ];
else echo $password ;
echo '"></td>' . " \n " . '<td></td></tr><tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Use unix password' );
echo '</td><td><input name="f_smb_useunixpwd" type="checkbox"' ;
if ( $account_new -> smb_useunixpwd ) echo ' checked ' ;
echo '></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=428" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' ;
echo '</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Use no password' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_smb_flagsN" type="checkbox"' ;
if ( $account_new -> smb_flags [ 'N' ]) echo ' checked ' ;
echo '></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=426" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Password does not expire' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_smb_flagsX" type="checkbox"' ;
if ( $account_new -> smb_flags [ 'X' ]) echo ' checked ' ;
echo '></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=429" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'User can change password' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><select name="f_smb_pwdcanchange_day">' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 31 ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $canchangedate [ 'mday' ] == $i ) echo " <option selected> $i " . '</option>' ;
else echo " <option> $i " . '</option>' ;
echo '</select><select name="f_smb_pwdcanchange_mon">' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 12 ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $canchangedate [ 'mon' ] == $i ) echo " <option selected> $i " . '</option>' ;
else echo " <option> $i " . '</option>' ;
echo '</select><select name="f_smb_pwdcanchange_yea">' ;
for ( $i = 2003 ; $i <= 2030 ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $canchangedate [ 'year' ] == $i ) echo " <option selected> $i " . '</option>' ;
else echo " <option> $i " . '</option>' ;
echo '</select></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo '<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=430" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'User must change password' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><select name="f_smb_pwdmustchange_day">' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 31 ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $mustchangedate [ 'mday' ] == $i ) echo " <option selected> $i " . '</option>' ;
else echo " <option> $i " . '</option>' ;
echo '</select><select name="f_smb_pwdmustchange_mon">' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 12 ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $mustchangedate [ 'mon' ] == $i ) echo " <option selected> $i " . '</option>' ;
else echo " <option> $i " . '</option>' ;
echo '</select><select name="f_smb_pwdmustchange_yea">' ;
for ( $i = 2030 ; $i >= 2003 ; $i -- ) {
if ( $mustchangedate [ 'year' ] == $i ) echo " <option selected> $i " . '</option>' ;
else echo " <option> $i " . '</option>' ;
echo '</select></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo '<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=431" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Account is deactivated' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_smb_flagsD" type="checkbox"' ;
if ( $account_new -> smb_flags [ 'D' ]) echo ' checked ' ;
echo '></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=432" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Home drive' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><select name="f_smb_homedrive" >' ;
for ( $i = 90 ; $i > 67 ; $i -- )
if ( $account_new -> smb_homedrive == chr ( $i ) . ':' ) echo '<option selected> ' . chr ( $i ) . ':</option>' ; else echo '<option> ' . chr ( $i ) . ':</option>' ;
echo '</select></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=433" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Home path' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_smb_smbhome" type="text" size="20" maxlength="80" value="' . $account_new -> smb_smbhome . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=437" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Profile path' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_smb_profilePath" type="text" size="20" maxlength="80" value="' . $account_new -> smb_profilePath . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=435" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
2004-02-16 16:14:53 +00:00
echo _ ( 'Logon script' );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_smb_scriptpath" type="text" size="20" maxlength="80" value="' . $account_new -> smb_scriptPath . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=434" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Samba workstations' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="next_workstations" type="submit" value="' . _ ( 'Edit workstations' ) . '">' .
'</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=436" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Windows groupname' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><select name="f_smb_mapgroup" >' ;
// Display if group SID should be mapped to a well kown SID
if ( $config_intern -> is_samba3 ()) {
if ( $account_new -> smb_mapgroup == $account_new -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " .
( 2 * getgid ( $account_new -> general_group ) + $values -> smb_domain -> RIDbase + 1 )) {
echo '<option selected> ' ;
echo $account_new -> general_group ;
echo " </option> \n " ; }
else {
echo '<option> ' ;
echo $account_new -> general_group ;
echo " </option> \n " ;
if ( $account_new -> smb_mapgroup == $account_new -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . '514' ) {
echo '<option selected> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Guests' );
echo " </option> \n " ; }
else {
echo '<option> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Guests' );
echo " </option> \n " ;
if ( $account_new -> smb_mapgroup == $account_new -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . '513' ) {
echo '<option selected> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Users' );
echo " </option> \n " ; }
else {
echo '<option> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Users' );
echo " </option> \n " ;
if ( $account_new -> smb_mapgroup == $account_new -> smb_domain -> SID . " - " . '512' ) {
echo '<option selected> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Admins' );
echo " </option> \n " ; }
else {
echo '<option> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Admins' );
echo " </option> \n " ;
else {
if ( $account_new -> smb_mapgroup == ( 2 * getgid ( $account_new -> general_group ) + 1001 )) {
echo '<option selected> ' ;
echo $account_new -> general_group ;
echo " </option> \n " ; }
else {
echo '<option> ' ;
echo $account_new -> general_group ;
echo " </option> \n " ;
if ( $account_new -> smb_mapgroup == '514' ) {
echo '<option selected> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Guests' );
echo " </option> \n " ; }
else {
echo '<option> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Guests' );
echo " </option> \n " ;
if ( $account_new -> smb_mapgroup == '513' ) {
echo '<option selected> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Users' );
echo " </option> \n " ; }
else {
echo '<option> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Users' );
echo " </option> \n " ;
if ( $account_new -> smb_mapgroup == '512' ) {
echo '<option selected> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Admins' );
echo " </option> \n " ; }
else {
echo '<option> *' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain Admins' );
echo " </option> \n " ;
echo '</select></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=464" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Domain' );
// select which domain name should be displayed
if ( $config_intern -> is_samba3 ()) {
// samba 3 uses object to store SID and name of domain
echo '</td><td><select name="f_smb_domain">' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $samba3domains ); $i ++ ) {
if ( $account_new -> smb_domain -> name ) {
if ( $account_new -> smb_domain -> name == $samba3domains [ $i ] -> name )
echo '<option selected>' . $samba3domains [ $i ] -> name . '</option>' ;
else echo '<option>' . $samba3domains [ $i ] -> name . '</option>' ;
else echo '<option>' . $samba3domains [ $i ] -> name . '</option>' ;
echo '</select>' ;
else {
// Samba 2.2 just uses a string as domain name
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_smb_domain" type="text" size="20" maxlength="80" value="' . $account_new -> smb_domain . '">' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=438" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a></td></tr>' . " \n " ;
echo " </table> \n </fieldset> \n </td></tr></table></td></tr> \n </table> \n " ;
break ;
case 'quota' :
// Quota Settings
// Load quotas if not yet done
if (( $config_intern -> scriptServer ) && ! isset ( $account_new -> quota [ 0 ])) { // load quotas
$temp = getquotas ( $account_old );
$account_new -> quota = $temp -> quota ;
unset ( $temp );
echo " <input name= \" select \" type= \" hidden \" value= \" quota \" > \n " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 15% \" > " ;
echo " <table border=0><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-dark \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Please select page:' );
echo " </b></legend> \n " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_general \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'General' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_unix \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Unix' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_samba \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Samba' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_quota \" type= \" submit \" disabled value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Quota' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_personal \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Personal' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_final \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Final' );
echo " \" > " ;
if ( isset ( $account_old )) {
echo " <br><br> " ;
echo _ ( " Reset all changes. " );
echo " <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_reset \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Undo' );
echo " \" > \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td></tr></table></td> \n <td valign= \" top \" > " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" ><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " . _ ( 'Quota properties' ) . " </b></legend> \n " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" ><tr><td> " ;
echo _ ( 'Mountpoint' ); echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ; echo _ ( 'Used blocks' ); echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Soft block limit' ); echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ; echo _ ( 'Hard block limit' ); echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ; echo _ ( 'Grace block period' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ; echo _ ( 'Used inodes' ); echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ; echo _ ( 'Soft inode limit' ); echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Hard inode limit' ); echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ; echo _ ( 'Grace inode period' ); echo '</td></tr>' . " \n " ;
echo '<tr><td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=439" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a></td>' . " \n " . '<td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=440" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=441" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a></td>' . " \n " . '<td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=442" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=443" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a></td>' . " \n " . '<td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=444" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=445" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a></td>' . " \n " . '<td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=446" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=447" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a></td></tr>' . " \n " ;
$i = 0 ;
// loop for every mointpoint with enabled quotas
while ( $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ]) {
echo '<tr><td>' . $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ] . '</td><td>' . $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 1 ] . '</td>' ; // used blocks
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_' . $i . '_2" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="' . $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 2 ] . '"></td>' ; // blocks soft limit
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_' . $i . '_3" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="' . $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 3 ] . '"></td>' ; // blocks hard limit
echo '<td>' . $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 4 ] . '</td>' ; // block grace period
echo '<td>' . $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 5 ] . '</td>' ; // used inodes
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_' . $i . '_6" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="' . $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 6 ] . '"></td>' ; // inodes soft limit
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_' . $i . '_7" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="' . $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 7 ] . '"></td>' ; // inodes hard limit
echo '<td>' . $account_new -> quota [ $i ][ 8 ] . '</td></tr>' ; // inodes grace period
$i ++ ;
echo " </table> \n </fieldset> \n </td></tr></table></td></tr> \n </table> \n " ;
break ;
case 'personal' :
// Personal Settings
echo " <input name= \" select \" type= \" hidden \" value= \" personal \" > \n " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 15% \" > " ;
echo " <table border=0><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-dark \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Please select page:' );
echo " </b></legend> \n " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_general \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'General' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_unix \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Unix' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_samba \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Samba' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_quota \" type= \" submit \" " ; if ( ! isset ( $config_intern -> scriptPath )) echo " disabled " ;
echo " value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Quota' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_personal \" type= \" submit \" disabled value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Personal' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_final \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Final' );
echo " \" > " ;
if ( isset ( $account_old )) {
echo " <br><br> " ;
echo _ ( " Reset all changes. " );
echo " <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_reset \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Undo' );
echo " \" > \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td></tr></table></td> \n <td valign= \" top \" > " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" ><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " . _ ( 'Personal properties' ) . " </b></legend> \n " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" ><tr><td> " ;
2004-05-19 16:58:21 +00:00
echo _ ( 'Job title' );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_personal_title" type="text" size="10" maxlength="10" value="' . $account_new -> personal_title . '"> ' ;
echo $account_new -> general_givenname . ' ' . $account_new -> general_surname . '</td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=448" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Employee type' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_personal_employeeType" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="' . $account_new -> personal_employeeType . '">' .
'</td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=449" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Street' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_personal_street" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="' . $account_new -> personal_street . '">' .
'</td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=450" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Postal code' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_personal_postalCode" type="text" size="5" maxlength="5" value="' . $account_new -> personal_postalCode . '">' .
'</td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=451" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Postal address' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_personal_postalAddress" type="text" size="30" maxlength="80" value="' . $account_new -> personal_postalAddress . '">' .
'</td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=452" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Telephone number' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_personal_telephoneNumber" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="' . $account_new -> personal_telephoneNumber . '">' .
'</td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=453" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Mobile number' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_personal_mobileTelephoneNumber" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="' . $account_new -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber . '">' .
'</td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=454" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Fax number' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber" type="text" size="30" maxlength="30" value="' . $account_new -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber . '">' .
'</td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=455" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'eMail address' );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<input name="f_personal_mail" type="text" size="30" maxlength="80" value="' . $account_new -> personal_mail . '">' .
'</td><td>' .
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=456" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a></td></tr>' . " \n " ;
echo " </table> \n </fieldset> \n </td></tr></table></td></tr> \n </table> \n " ;
break ;
case 'final' :
// Final Settings
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="final">' ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr><td valign= \" top \" width= \" 15% \" > " ;
echo " <table><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-dark \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Please select page:' );
echo " </b></legend> \n " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_general \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'General' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_unix \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Unix' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_samba \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Samba' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_quota \" type= \" submit \" " ; if ( ! isset ( $config_intern -> scriptPath )) echo " disabled " ;
echo " value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Quota' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_personal \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Personal' ); echo " \" > \n <br> " ;
2004-02-18 11:21:17 +00:00
echo " <input name= \" next_final \" type= \" submit \" disabled value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Final' );
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
echo " \" > " ;
if ( isset ( $account_old )) {
echo " <br><br> " ;
echo _ ( " Reset all changes. " );
echo " <br> " ;
echo " <input name= \" next_reset \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ; echo _ ( 'Undo' );
echo " \" > \n " ;
echo " </fieldset></td></tr></table></td> \n <td valign= \" top \" > " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr> \n <td> " ;
echo " <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" ><tr><td><fieldset class= \" useredit-dark \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( " Save profile " );
2004-02-18 11:21:17 +00:00
echo " </b></legend> \n " ;
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
echo '<input name="f_finish_safeProfile" type="text" size="30" maxlength="50">' ;
2004-02-18 11:21:17 +00:00
echo " <input name= \" save \" type= \" submit \" $disabled value= \" " ;
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
echo _ ( 'Save profile' );
2004-02-18 11:21:17 +00:00
echo '"> <a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=457" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' );
echo " </a> \n </fieldset> \n </td></tr> \n <tr><td> \n " ;
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
echo " <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
if ( $account_old ) echo _ ( 'Modify' );
else echo _ ( 'Create' );
echo " </b></legend> \n " ;
2004-02-18 11:21:17 +00:00
echo " <input name= \" create \" type= \" submit \" value= \" " ;
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
if ( $account_old ) echo _ ( 'Modify Account' );
else echo _ ( 'Create Account' );
echo '">' . " \n " ;
2004-02-18 11:21:17 +00:00
echo " </fieldset> \n </td></tr></table></td></tr></table> \n </tr></table> " ;
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
break ;
case 'finish' :
// Final Settings
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="finish">' ;
echo " <fieldset class= \" groupedit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " . _ ( 'Note' ) . " </b></legend> \n " ;
2004-02-20 11:50:22 +00:00
if ( $account_old ) {
printf ( _ ( " User %s has been modified. " ), $account_new -> general_username );
else {
printf ( _ ( " User %s has been created. " ), $account_new -> general_username );
2004-02-18 11:21:17 +00:00
echo '<br><br>' ;
if ( ! $account_old ) {
echo '<input name="createagain" type="submit" value="' ; echo _ ( 'Create another user' ); echo '"> ' ;
echo '<input name="outputpdf" type="submit" value="' ; echo _ ( 'Create PDF file' ); echo '">' .
' <input name="backmain" type="submit" value="' ; echo _ ( 'Back to user list' ); echo '">' .
'</fieldset' . " \n " ;
2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
break ;
// Print end of HTML-Page
echo '</form></body></html>' ;