2003-06-01 11:39:23 +00:00
< ? php
$Id $
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager ( http :// www . sourceforge . net / projects / lam )
Copyright ( C ) 2003 Tilo Lutz
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager displays table for creating or modifying accounts in LDAP
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// include all needed files
2004-01-10 11:47:48 +00:00
include_once ( '../lib/account.inc' ); // File with all account-funtions
2003-06-01 11:39:23 +00:00
include_once ( '../lib/config.inc' ); // File with configure-functions
include_once ( '../lib/profiles.inc' ); // functions to load and save profiles
include_once ( '../lib/status.inc' ); // Return error-message
include_once ( '../lib/pdf.inc' ); // Return a pdf-file
2004-01-10 11:47:48 +00:00
include_once ( '../lib/ldap.inc' ); // LDAP-functions
2003-06-01 11:39:23 +00:00
2004-01-10 11:47:48 +00:00
/* We have to include all modules
* before start session
* *** fixme I would prefer loading them dynamic but
* i don ' t know how to to this
$dir = opendir ( '../lib/modules' );
while ( $entry = readdir ( $dir ))
if ( is_file ( '../lib/modules/' . $entry )) include_once ( '../lib/modules/' . $entry );
// Start session
2003-06-01 11:39:23 +00:00
session_save_path ( '../sess' );
@ session_start ();
2003-10-22 17:51:44 +00:00
// Redirect to startpage if user is not loged in
if ( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ 'loggedIn' ])) {
metaRefresh ( " login.php " );
2004-01-10 11:47:48 +00:00
exit ;
2003-10-22 17:51:44 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Set correct language, codepages, ....
2003-08-10 19:46:21 +00:00
setlanguage ();
2003-06-01 11:39:23 +00:00
2004-01-10 11:47:48 +00:00
if ( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ 'cache' ])) {
$_SESSION [ 'cache' ] = new cache ();
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
/* Save current time in $time . We need $time to check out how
* long masscreate . php is running . To avoid max . execution time
* set in php . ini masscreate . php will create a redirect to
* itself .
2003-06-08 18:23:24 +00:00
$time = time ();
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
/* Startcondition massdetail . php was called from outside or
* from masscreate . php itself via meta refresh
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
if ( count ( $_POST ) == 0 ) {
2004-01-10 11:47:48 +00:00
// Register new account_container
$_SESSION [ 'account' ] = new accountContainer ( 'user' , 'account' );
// load profile
// Find out list of attribtues which must be set put not allready covered by profile
// Print first HTML-Page
echo $_SESSION [ 'header' ];
echo " <title> " . _ ( 'Create new Accounts' ) . " </title> \n " ;
echo " <link rel= \" stylesheet \" type= \" text/css \" href= \" ../style/layout.css \" > \n " ;
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
else {
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
/* Check loaded attributed in $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ] if file was loaded and
* filesize is bigger as 0.
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
if ( $_POST [ 'tolist' ] && ( $_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'size' ] > 0 )) $select = 'list' ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Go the corresponding page if button was pressed
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
else if ( $_POST [ 'list2' ]) $select = 'list2' ;
else if ( $_POST [ 'back' ]) $select = 'main' ;
else if ( $_POST [ 'cancel' ]) $select = 'cancel' ;
else if ( $_POST [ 'create' ]) $select = 'create' ;
else if ( $_POST [ 'pdf' ]) {
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Create PDF-File
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
createUserPDF ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ]);
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Stop script
die ;
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
2003-06-08 19:08:29 +00:00
2003-06-01 15:46:29 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
switch ( $select ) {
/* Select which part of page should be loaded
* cacnel = Go back to listusers . php
* list = Load csv - file . Refresh to list2
case 'cancel' :
// go back to user list page
2003-10-29 18:40:36 +00:00
metaRefresh ( " lists/listusers.php " );
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Stop script
die ;
break ;
case 'list' :
if ( loadfile ()) {
// Do Refresh to masscreate.php itself if csv-file was loaded successfully
$_SESSION [ 'group_suffix' ] = $_POST [ 'f_group_suffix' ];
$_SESSION [ 'group_selectprofile' ] = $_POST [ 'f_selectgroupprofile' ];
2003-10-29 18:40:36 +00:00
metaRefresh ( " masscreate.php?list2=true " );
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Stop script
2003-10-01 12:14:04 +00:00
die ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
else {
/* Loadfile has returned an error because masscreate . php can only
* handle max 400 new users .
* lam will show an error - page with a notice everything after line
* 400 in csv - file will be ignored
echo $_SESSION [ 'header' ];
2003-11-08 12:52:22 +00:00
echo '<title>' ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
echo _ ( 'Create new Accounts' );
echo '</title>' . " \n " .
'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/layout.css">' . " \n " .
'<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">' . " \n " .
'<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">' . " \n " .
'</head><body>' . " \n " .
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="masscreate.php" method="post">' . " \n " .
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
'<table class="masscreate" width="100%">' .
'<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Max 400 users allowed. Ignored additional users.' );
echo '</td></tr>' . " \n " ;
echo '<tr><td><a href="lists/listusers.php">' ;
echo _ ( 'Cancel' );
2003-10-29 18:40:36 +00:00
echo '</a></td><td><a href="masscreate.php?list2=true">' ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
echo _ ( 'Contiune' );
echo " </a></td></tr></table> \n " ;
// Stop script
die ;
break ;
2003-09-28 16:00:13 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Write HTML-Header
echo $_SESSION [ 'header' ];
2003-11-08 12:52:22 +00:00
echo '<title>' ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
echo _ ( 'Create new Accounts' );
echo '</title>' . " \n " .
2003-10-29 18:40:36 +00:00
'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/layout.css">' . " \n " .
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
'<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">' . " \n " .
'<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">' . " \n " ;
switch ( $select ) {
/* Select which part of page should be loaded
* create = Create new users
* list2 = Show page with all users who should be created .
* main = Show startpegae where settings and file can be selected
case 'create' :
/* Set Metarefresh to max_execution_time - 5 sec
* 5 sec . should be enough to create the current
* user
if ( $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ] < sizeof ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ])) {
$refresh = get_cfg_var ( 'max_execution_time' ) - 5 ;
2003-10-29 18:40:36 +00:00
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $refresh . '; URL=masscreate.php?create=true">' . " \n " ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Display start of body
echo '</head><body>' . " \n " .
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="masscreate.php" method="post">' . " \n " .
" <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Creating users. Please stand by ....' );
echo " </b></legend> \n <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n " ;
// Keys needed to encrypt passwords from session
$stay = true ;
// Stay in loop as long there are still users to create and no error did ocour
while (( $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ] < sizeof ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ])) && $stay ) {
if ( getgid ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_group ) ==- 1 ) {
// Create group if it doesn't exist yet
$group = LoadGroupProfile ( $_SESSION [ 'group_selectprofile' ]);
$group -> type = 'group' ;
// load quotas from profile and check if they are valid
if ( $config_intern -> scriptServer ) {
// load quotas and check if quotas from profile are valid
2003-11-08 18:51:48 +00:00
$quotas = getquotas ( array ( $group ));
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $group -> quota ); $i ++ ) $profile_quotas [] = $group -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ];
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $quotas [ 0 ] -> quota ); $i ++ ) {
$real_quotas [] = $quotas [ 0 ] -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ];
if ( is_array ( $profile_quotas )) {
if ( ! in_array ( $quotas [ 0 ] -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ], $profile_quotas )) $group -> quota [] = $quotas [ 0 ] -> quota [ $i ];
2003-09-28 16:00:13 +00:00
2003-11-08 18:51:48 +00:00
else $group -> quota [] = $quotas [ 0 ] -> quota [ $i ];
2003-09-28 16:00:13 +00:00
2003-11-08 18:51:48 +00:00
$j = 0 ;
// delete not existing quotas
while ( isset ( $group -> quota [ $j ][ 0 ])) {
// remove invalid quotas
if ( ! in_array ( $group -> quota [ $j ][ 0 ], $real_quotas )) unset ( $group -> quota [ $j ]);
else $j ++ ;
2003-09-28 16:00:13 +00:00
2003-11-08 18:51:48 +00:00
// Beautify array, repair index
$group -> quota = array_values ( $group -> quota );
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Get groupname from current user
$group -> general_username = $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_group ;
// gid Number
$temp = explode ( ':' , checkid ( $group ));
$group -> general_uidNumber = $temp [ 0 ];
// Set Gecos to groupname
$group -> general_gecos = $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_group ;
// Set DN
$group -> general_dn = $_SESSION [ 'group_suffix' ];
// Create group
$error = creategroup ( $group );
// Show success or failure-message about group creation
if ( $error == 1 ) {
echo '<tr><td>' ;
sprintf ( _ ( 'Created group %s.' ), $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_group );
echo '</td></tr>' . " \n " ;
else {
$stay = false ;
StatusMessage ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Could not create group!' ), sprintf ( _ ( 'Was unable to create %s.' ), $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_group ));
2003-07-09 16:20:34 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Check if Homedir is valid
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_homedir = str_replace ( '$group' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_group , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_homedir );
if ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_username != '' )
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_homedir = str_replace ( '$user' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_username , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_homedir );
// Set uid number
$temp = explode ( ':' , checkid ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]]));
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_uidNumber = $temp [ 0 ];
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_scriptPath = str_replace ( '$user' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_username , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_scriptPath );
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_scriptPath = str_replace ( '$group' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_group , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_scriptPath );
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_profilePath = str_replace ( '$user' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_username , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_profilePath );
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_profilePath = str_replace ( '$group' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_group , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_profilePath );
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_smbhome = str_replace ( '$user' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_username , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_smbhome );
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_smbhome = str_replace ( '$group' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_group , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_smbhome );
2004-01-10 11:08:10 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> unix_password = base64_encode ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> encrypt ( genpasswd ()));
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> smb_password = $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> unix_password ;
// Only create user if we have at least 5sec time to create the user
if ( ( time () - $time ) < ( get_cfg_var ( 'max_execution_time' ) - 10 )) {
2003-11-06 10:58:21 +00:00
$error = createuser ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]], false );
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Show error or success message
if ( $error == 1 ) {
$_SESSION [ 'pointer' ] ++ ;
echo '<tr><td>' ;
sprintf ( _ ( 'Created user %s.' ), $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]] -> general_username );
echo '</td></tr>' . " \n " ;
else {
$stay = false ;
StatusMessage ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Could not create user!' ), sprintf ( _ ( 'Was unable to create %s.' ), $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_username ));
// End loop if we don't have enough time to create user
else $stay = false ;
if ( ! $stay ) {
// Display rest of meta-refreh page if there are still users to create
2003-10-29 18:40:36 +00:00
echo '<tr><td><a href="masscreate.php?create=true">' ;
2003-12-09 18:40:43 +00:00
echo _ ( 'Click here if you are not directed to the next page.' );
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
echo '</a></td></tr>' . " \n " ;
echo '<tr><td><input name="cancel" type="submit" value="' ; echo _ ( 'Cancel' );
echo '"></td></tr></table>' ;
echo " </fieldset> \n " ;
else {
2003-11-06 10:58:21 +00:00
// Write homedirs and quotas if needed
if ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> scriptServer ) {
setquotas ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ]);
// Get array with new usernames
foreach ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ] as $account ) $users [] = $account -> general_username ;
addhomedir ( $users );
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Show success-page
echo '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'All Users have been created' );
echo '</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo '<tr><td><input name="cancel" type="submit" value="' ; echo _ ( 'User list' ); echo '">' ;
echo '</td><td></td><td><input name="pdf" type="submit" value="' ; echo _ ( 'Create PDF file' ); echo '">' ;
echo '</td></tr></table>' . " \n </fieldset> \n " ;
// unset variables
2003-08-25 20:51:42 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]);
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ]);
2003-09-28 16:00:13 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'group_suffix' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'group_suffix' ]);
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'group_selectprofile' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'group_selectprofile' ]);
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
break ;
case 'list2' :
// Show table with all users
echo '</head><body>' . " \n " .
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="masscreate.php" method="post">' . " \n " .
'<table border=0 width="100%">' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $groups ); $i ++ )
if ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $i ] -> general_group != '' )
StatusMessage ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'Group' ) . ' ' . $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $i ] -> general_group . ' ' . _ ( 'not found!' ), _ ( 'It will be created.' ));
echo " </table> \n " ;
echo " <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Confirm List' );
echo " </b></legend> \n <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n " ;
echo '<tr><td>' . _ ( 'row' ) . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' . _ ( 'Surname' ) . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' . _ ( 'Given name' ) . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' . _ ( 'User name' ) . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' . _ ( 'Primary group' ) . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
_ ( 'Details' ) . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' . _ ( 'Infos' ) . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' . _ ( 'Warnings' ) . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' . _ ( 'Errors' ) . '</td>' . " \n " . '</tr>' . " \n " ;
$end = sizeof ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ]);
for ( $row = 0 ; $row < $end ; $row ++ ) { // loops for every row
echo '<tr><td>' . $row . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_surname . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_givenname . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_username . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_group . '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' .
'<a target=_blank href="massdetail.php?row=' . $row . '&type=detail">' . _ ( 'Show Details.' ) . '</a></td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
$found = false ;
// Show infos
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row ]); $i ++ )
if ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row ][ $i ][ 0 ] == 'INFO' ) $found = true ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
if ( $found ) echo '<a target="massdetail" href="massdetail.php?row=' . $row . '&type=info">' . _ ( 'Show Infos.' ) . '</a>' ;
2003-08-29 13:03:35 +00:00
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
$found = false ;
// Show warnings
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row ]); $i ++ )
if ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row ][ $i ][ 0 ] == 'WARN' ) $found = true ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
if ( $found ) echo '<a target="massdetail" href="massdetail.php?row=' . $row . '&type=warn">' . _ ( 'Show Warnings.' ) . '</a>' ;
2003-09-20 07:59:19 +00:00
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
$found = false ;
// Show errors
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row ]); $i ++ )
if ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row ][ $i ][ 0 ] == 'ERROR' ) $found = true ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
if ( $found ) echo '<a target="massdetail" href="massdetail.php?row=' . $row . '&type=error">' . _ ( 'Show Errors.' ) . '</a>' ;
echo '</td></tr>' . " \n " ;
$noerrors = true ;
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ]); $i ++ )
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < sizeof ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $i ]); $j ++ )
if ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $i ][ $j ][ 0 ] == 'ERROR' ) $noerrors = false ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
$nowarn = true ;
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ]); $i ++ )
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < sizeof ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $i ]); $j ++ )
if ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $i ][ $j ][ 0 ] == 'WARN' ) $nowarn = false ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
echo '<br>' ;
if ( ! $noerrors ) { echo '<tr><td>' . _ ( 'There are some errors.' ) . '</td></tr>' . " \n " ; }
if ( ! $nowarn ) { echo '<tr><td>' . _ ( 'There are some warnings.' ) . '</td></tr>' . " \n " ; }
echo '</table></fieldset>' ;
echo " <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
2003-10-26 14:54:19 +00:00
echo _ ( 'Please select page:' );
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
echo " </b></legend> \n <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n " .
'<tr><td><input name="back" type="submit" value="' ; echo _ ( 'Back' );
echo '"></td><td><input name="cancel" type="submit" value="' ; echo _ ( 'Cancel' );
echo '"></td><td><input name="list2" type="submit" value="' ; echo _ ( 'Refresh' ); echo '">' ;
if ( $noerrors ) { echo '</td><td><input name="create" type="submit" value="' ; echo _ ( 'Create' ); echo '">' ; }
echo '</td></tr>' . " \n " . " </table> \n </fieldset> " ;
break ;
case 'main' :
// Unset old variables
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ]);
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'pointer' ]);
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ]);
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'group_suffix' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'group_suffix' ]);
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'group_selectprofile' ])) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'group_selectprofile' ]);
// Set pointer to 0, first user
$_SESSION [ 'pointer' ] = 0 ;
echo '</head><body>' . " \n " .
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="masscreate.php" method="post">' . " \n " .
" <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Mass Creation' );
echo " </b></legend> \n <table border=0 width= \" 100% \" > \n <tr> \n <td> " ;
echo _ ( 'Please provide a csv-file with the following syntax. Values with * are required:' );
echo '</td></tr></table>' .
'<table class="masscreate" width="100%" border=1>' .
'<tr><td>' . " \n " ;
echo _ ( 'Surname' ) . '*,' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Given name' ) . '*,' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Username' ) . '*,' ;
echo " </td> \n <td> " ;
echo _ ( 'Primary group' ) . ',' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Title' ) . ',' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'eMail address' ) . ',' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Telephone number' ) . ',' ;
echo '</td></tr>' . " \n " . '<tr><td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Mobile number' ) . ',' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Fax number' ) . ',' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Street' ) . ',' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Postal code' ) . ',' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Postal address' ) . ',' ;
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td>' ;
echo _ ( 'Employee type' );
echo '</td><td><CR>' ;
echo '</td></tr></table>' ;
echo " <br> " ;
echo _ ( 'If Primary group is not given it\'ll used from profile.' );
echo " <br> " ;
echo _ ( 'If Primary group does not exist it will be created.' );
echo " </fieldset> \n " ;
echo " <fieldset class= \" useredit-bright \" ><legend class= \" useredit-bright \" ><b> " ;
echo _ ( 'Select settings' );
echo " </b></legend> \n <table class= \" masscreate \" width= \" 100% \" > " .
'<tr><td>' . " \n " ;
echo _ ( 'Select user profile:' );
echo '</td><td><select name="f_selectprofile">' . " \n " ;
// Show list with all user profiles
foreach ( getUserProfiles () as $profile ) echo '<option>' . $profile ;
echo '</select>' ;
echo " </td> \n <td><a href= \" help.php?HelpNumber=421 \" target= \" lamhelp \" > " ;
echo _ ( 'Help' ) . " </a></td> \n </tr> \n <tr><td> " ;
echo _ ( 'User suffix' ); echo '</td><td><select name="f_general_suffix">' ;
// Show list with all user suffixes
foreach ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> search_units ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_UserSuffix ()) as $suffix )
echo '<option>' . $suffix . '</option>' ;
echo '</select></td>' . " \n " . '<td><a href="help.php?HelpNumber=461" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr><tr><td>' . " \n " ;
echo _ ( " Expand suffix with primary groupname " );
echo '</td>' . " \n " . '<td><input name="f_ou_expand" type="checkbox">' ;
echo " </td> \n <td><a href= \" help.php?HelpNumber=422 \" target= \" lamhelp \" > " ;
echo _ ( 'Help' ) . " </a></td> \n </tr> \n <tr><td> " ;
echo _ ( 'Group suffix' ); echo '</td><td><select name="f_group_suffix">' ;
// Show list with all group suffixes
foreach ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> search_units ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_GroupSuffix ()) as $suffix )
echo '<option>' . $suffix . '</option>' ;
echo '</select></td>' . " \n " . '<td><a href="help.php?HelpNumber=423" target="lamhelp">' . _ ( 'Help' ) . '</a>' .
'</td></tr><tr><td>' . " \n " ;
echo _ ( 'Select group profile' );
echo '</td><td><select name="f_selectgroupprofile">' . " \n " ;
// Show list with group profiles
foreach ( getGroupProfiles () as $profile ) echo '<option>' . $profile ;
echo '</select>' ;
echo " </td> \n <td><a href= \" help.php?HelpNumber=458 \" target= \" lamhelp \" > " ;
echo _ ( 'Help' ) . " </a></td> \n </tr> \n <tr><td> " ;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000">' ;
echo _ ( 'Select file:' );
echo '</td><td><input name="userfile" type="file"></td></tr>' . " \n " .
'<tr><td></td><td><input name="tolist" type="submit" value="' ; echo _ ( 'Next' ); echo '">' . " \n " .
'</td><td></td></tr>' . " \n " . " </table> \n </fieldset> \n " ;
break ;
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
echo '</form></body></html>' ;
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
/* Whis function will load a csv - file and
* load all attributes into $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] which
* is an array of account objects
* The csv file is using the following syntax :
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
function loadfile () {
if ( $_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'size' ] > 0 ) {
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Array with all OUs from users
2003-10-22 17:51:44 +00:00
$OUs = $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> search_units ( $_SESSION [ 'config' ] -> get_UserSuffix ());
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// fixme **** load all existing OUs in Array
// open csv-file
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
$handle = fopen ( $_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'tmp_name' ], 'r' );
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Load profile which should be used for all users
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
$profile = loadUserProfile ( $_POST [ 'f_selectprofile' ]) ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Set type to user
2003-09-28 16:00:13 +00:00
$profile -> type = 'user' ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
if ( $config_intern -> scriptServer ) {
// load quotas and check if quotas from profile are valid
2003-11-08 18:51:48 +00:00
$quotas = getquotas ( array ( $profile ));
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $profile -> quota ); $i ++ ) $profile_quotas [] = $profile -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ];
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $quotas [ 0 ] -> quota ); $i ++ ) {
$real_quotas [] = $quotas [ 0 ] -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ];
if ( is_array ( $profile_quotas )) {
if ( ! in_array ( $quotas [ 0 ] -> quota [ $i ][ 0 ], $profile_quotas )) $profile -> quota [] = $quotas [ 0 ] -> quota [ $i ];
2003-09-28 13:30:31 +00:00
2003-11-08 18:51:48 +00:00
else $profile -> quota [] = $quotas [ 0 ] -> quota [ $i ];
2003-09-28 13:30:31 +00:00
2003-11-08 18:51:48 +00:00
$j = 0 ;
// delete not existing quotas
while ( isset ( $profile -> quota [ $j ][ 0 ])) {
// remove invalid quotas
if ( ! in_array ( $profile -> quota [ $j ][ 0 ], $real_quotas )) unset ( $profile -> quota [ $j ]);
else $j ++ ;
2003-09-28 13:30:31 +00:00
2003-11-08 18:51:48 +00:00
// Beautify array, repair index
$profile -> quota = array_values ( $profile -> quota );
2003-09-28 13:30:31 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Get keys to en/decrypt passwords
for ( $row = 0 ; $line_array = fgetcsv ( $handle , 2048 ); $row ++ ) {
// loops for every row
// Set corrent user to profile
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] = $profile ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Load values from file into array
2003-09-28 13:30:31 +00:00
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 0 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_surname = $line_array [ 0 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 1 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_givenname = $line_array [ 1 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 2 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_username = $line_array [ 2 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 3 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_group = $line_array [ 3 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 4 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> personal_title = $line_array [ 4 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 5 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> personal_mail = $line_array [ 5 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 6 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> personal_telephoneNumber = $line_array [ 6 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 7 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber = $line_array [ 7 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 8 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber = $line_array [ 8 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 9 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> personal_street = $line_array [ 9 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 10 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> personal_postalCode = $line_array [ 10 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 11 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> personal_postalAddress = $line_array [ 11 ];
if ( isset ( $line_array [ 12 ])) $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> personal_employeeType = $line_array [ 12 ];
if ( $_POST [ 'f_ou_expand' ]) {
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Expand DN of user with ou=$group
2003-09-28 13:30:31 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_dn = " ou= " . $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_group . ',' . $_POST [ 'f_general_suffix' ];
// Create OUs if needed
2003-10-22 17:51:44 +00:00
if ( ! in_array ( " ou= " . $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_group . " , " . $_POST [ 'f_general_suffix' ], $OUs )) {
2003-09-28 13:30:31 +00:00
$attr [ 'objectClass' ] = 'organizationalUnit' ;
$attr [ 'ou' ] = $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_group ;
2003-10-22 17:51:44 +00:00
$success = ldap_add ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> server (), $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_dn , $attr );
if ( $success ) $OUs [] = " ou= " . $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_group . " , " . $_POST [ 'f_general_suffix' ];
2003-09-28 13:30:31 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Set DN without uid=$username
2003-09-28 13:30:31 +00:00
else $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> general_dn = $_POST [ 'f_general_suffix' ];
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Create Random Password
2004-01-10 11:08:10 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> unix_password = base64_encode ( $_SESSION [ 'ldap' ] -> encrypt ( genpasswd ()));
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> smb_password = $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row ] -> unix_password ;
2003-09-28 16:00:13 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Validate cache-array
ldapreload ( 'user' );
// Get List with all existing usernames
foreach ( $_SESSION [ 'userDN' ] as $user_array ) $users [] = $user_array [ 'cn' ];
for ( $row2 = 0 ; $row2 < sizeof ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ]); $row2 ++ ) {
/* loops for every user
* Check for double entries in $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ]
* Stop Execution after line 400 because max executiontime would be to close
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
if ( $row2 < 401 ) {
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Set all usernames to unique usernames
while ( in_array ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username , $users )) {
2003-09-19 10:03:00 +00:00
// get last character of username
2003-09-20 07:59:19 +00:00
$lastchar = substr ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username , strlen ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username ) - 1 , 1 );
2003-09-19 10:03:00 +00:00
// Last character is no number
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9])+$' , $lastchar ))
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
/* Last character is no number . Therefore we only have to
* add " 2 " to it .
2003-09-20 07:59:19 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username = $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username . '2' ;
2003-09-19 10:03:00 +00:00
else {
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
/* Last character is a number -> we have to increase the number until we ' ve
* found a groupname with trailing number which is not in use .
* $i will show us were we have to split groupname so we get a part
* with the groupname and a part with the trailing number
2003-09-20 07:59:19 +00:00
$i = strlen ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username ) - 1 ;
2003-09-19 10:03:00 +00:00
$mark = false ;
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Set $i to the last character which is a number in $account_new->general_username
2003-09-19 10:03:00 +00:00
while ( ! $mark ) {
2003-09-20 07:59:19 +00:00
if ( ereg ( '^([0-9])+$' , substr ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username , $i , strlen ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username ) - $i ))) $i -- ;
2003-09-19 10:03:00 +00:00
else $mark = true ;
// increase last number with one
2003-09-20 07:59:19 +00:00
$firstchars = substr ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username , 0 , $i + 1 );
$lastchars = substr ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username , $i + 1 , strlen ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username ) - $i );
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Put username together
2003-09-20 07:59:19 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username = $firstchars . ( intval ( $lastchars ) + 1 );
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Add uername to array so it's not used again for another user in masscreate
$users [] = $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username ;
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
if ( $ _SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username != $username ) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'WARN' , _ ( 'Username' ), _ ( 'Username in use. Selected next free username.' ));
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Check if givenname is valid
2003-11-06 14:53:00 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[-]|[ ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])+$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_givenname )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Given name' ), _ ( 'Given name contains invalid characters' ));
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Check if surname is valid
2003-11-06 14:53:00 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[-]|[ ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])+$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_surname )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Surname' ), _ ( 'Surname contains invalid characters' ));
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
if ( ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_gecos == '' ) || ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_gecos == ' ' )) {
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_gecos = $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_givenname . " " . $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_surname ;
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'INFO' , _ ( 'Gecos' ), _ ( 'Inserted sur- and given name in gecos-field.' ));
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> smb_displayName = $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_gecos ;
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
if ( $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_group == '' ) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Primary group' ), _ ( 'No primary group defined!' ));
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Check if Username contains only valid characters
if ( ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[_])*$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username ))
2003-12-09 18:40:43 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Username' ), _ ( 'Username contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !' ));
2003-09-19 10:03:00 +00:00
// Check if Name-length is OK. minLength=3, maxLength=20
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( '.{3,20}' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Name' ), _ ( 'Name must contain between 3 and 20 characters.' ));
2003-09-19 10:03:00 +00:00
// Check if Name starts with letter
2003-09-20 07:59:19 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( '^([a-z]|[A-Z]).*$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> general_username ))
2003-12-09 18:40:43 +00:00
$_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Name' ), _ ( 'Name contains invalid characters. First character must be a letter.' ));
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Personal Settings
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( '^(\+)*([0-9]|[ ]|[.]|[(]|[)]|[/])*$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> personal_telephoneNumber )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Telephone number' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid telephone number!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^(\+)*([0-9]|[ ]|[.]|[(]|[)]|[/])*$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> personal_mobileTelephoneNumber )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Mobile number' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid mobile number!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^(\+)*([0-9]|[ ]|[.]|[(]|[)]|[/])*$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Fax number' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid fax number!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^(([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[.]|[-]|[_])+[@]([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[-])+([.]([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[-])+)*)*$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> personal_mail )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'eMail address' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid eMail address!' ));
2003-11-06 14:53:00 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])*$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> personal_street )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Street' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid street name!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])*$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> personal_postalAddress )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Postal address' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid postal address!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])*$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> personal_title )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Title' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid title!' ));
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ]|[<5B> ])*$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ][ $row2 ] -> personal_employeeType )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Employee type' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid employee type!' ));
2003-11-03 16:33:16 +00:00
if ( ! ereg ( '^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z])*$' , $_SESSION [ 'accounts' ] -> personal_postalCode )) $_SESSION [ 'mass_errors' ][ $row2 ][] = array ( 'ERROR' , _ ( 'Postal code' ), _ ( 'Please enter a valid postal code!' ));
2003-06-01 15:14:16 +00:00
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Close file if it was opened
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
if ( $_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'size' ] > 0 ) {
fclose ( $handle );
unlink ( $_FILES [ 'userfile' ][ 'tmp_name' ]);
2003-10-22 13:57:32 +00:00
// Return false if more than 400 users were found
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
if ( $row2 > 400 ) return false ;
else return true ;
2003-06-01 11:39:23 +00:00